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{F4699838} Nous AI finds, organises and helps people discover exceptional insights from world-class experts, on topics that matter. Nous uses artificial intelligence to help you learn from world-class human experts — on topics that matter to you. It finds and organises exceptional insights and knowledge, and saves you time by surfacing to you the parts that are most relevant to your interests — helping you discover timeless pieces and hidden gems along the way. Saving and organising content you find useful shouldn't be a pain. Nous uses natural language processing to help you organise content in your personal library — so you can free up more time for learning and doing. We believe that information is to our minds what food is to our bodies. At a time of excess and so much noise, Nous is on a mission to help you discover ideas and information that can improve your life — from practical insights to ‘superfood’ for your mind. [[ https://nousai.com/ | nous ai app ]]
{F4699838} Nous AI finds, organises and helps people discover exceptional insights from world-class experts, on topics that matter. Nous uses artificial intelligence to help you learn from world-class human experts — on topics that matter to you. It finds and organises exceptional insights and knowledge, and saves you time by surfacing to you the parts that are most relevant to your interests — helping you discover timeless pieces and hidden gems along the way. Saving and organising content you find useful shouldn't be a pain. Nous uses natural language processing to help you organise content in your personal library — so you can free up more time for learning and doing. We believe that information is to our minds what food is to our bodies. At a time of excess and so much noise, Nous is on a mission to help you discover ideas and information that can improve your life — from practical insights to ‘superfood’ for your mind. [[ https://nousai.com/ | nous ai app ]]