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- User Since
- Aug 13 2019, 6:45 PM (290 w, 2 d)
Aug 13 2019
Aug 13 2019
salimabdulhalim001 added a comment to T143305: Vehicles vanish on server crash.
i lost 4 cars mate too
salimabdulhalim001 added a comment to T143372: Cars despwan.
I had 4 Cars that i fixed up. first two cars i had thought someone stole them but after the third one and fourth one, i realised its a bug coz immediately after restart the car was gone. and i was in sight view of the car. I spent dayz fucking fixing up cars going from one town to the next looking for tires and that all goes to fucking waste , coz you cant get your shit straight, this game is already a walking simulator and what do you do next, fuck up the cars right, the headlights dont even work, jesus .