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csw4n (Chris)


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User Since
May 16 2020, 2:26 PM (252 w, 3 d)

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May 16 2020

csw4n added a comment to T150950: Game NOT SYNCING all actions made.

I am also having all of the very same issues that DeathComethe and NovastaWolf1 have described. Some loot items in the vicinity require you to pick up the item first before putting it in your inventory regardless of if you have space. This seems to especially effect items such as shirts, bags, or pants that carry a storage. You must put the shirt/bag/pants in your hands first and transfer the items you want from it there. I have not found any reliable fix for this issue some items just seem to glitch out and others do not. You also sometimes just seem unable to use items such as rags, bandages, food, water, etc. When you try to use them your character starts the animation and the wheel in the center of the screen appears momentarily but then they stop and the wheel goes away. This is especially frustrating when you're bleeding or are in desperate need of food and you can't use items. This bug seems to most often occur with items you loot from other players or generally with all items after such an event occurs, but I can't say for certain this is the only cause. It seems to happen randomly at times. The only way I've found to fix the problem is to exit the server and relog in, but even that doesn't seem to work 100% of the time. So if you're ever in a situation where you're bleeding to death and are unable to use rags, just exit the server and log back in and pray you are actually able to then :)

May 16 2020, 2:42 PM · DayZ Xbox