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- User Since
- Dec 12 2020, 2:32 PM (221 w, 6 d)
Dec 12 2020
Dec 12 2020
chaz3886 added a comment to T155632: Dayz not letting me load in a game on ps4.
Does it just go to a black screen when you sign on to the server? If so and you're still having this issue I had the same problem and solved it. Lemme know.
chaz3886 added a comment to T155664: Bloodbag glitched.
Had this exact same thing happen to me on a private vanilla server. I thought maybe I had to first use the alcohol tincture to disinfect the IV Kit? I know for an absolute fact it was the same blood type as mine because I was the only one on the server and had taken my own blood to act as an emergency transfusion for myself.
chaz3886 updated the task description for T155695: Touch a Camp Fire = Unpreventable Death? PS4 Official .
chaz3886 renamed T155695: Touch a Camp Fire = Unpreventable Death? PS4 Official from Touch a Camp Fire = Unpreventable Death? to Touch a Camp Fire = Unpreventable Death? PS4 Official .