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- User Since
- Sep 23 2018, 5:59 PM (339 w, 3 d)
Sep 23 2018
Sep 23 2018
Tsf420 added a comment to T132236: Character loss.
Same thing just happened to me and my friend yesterday at the same place and time. We don't kno what caused it other than problem with server or what but new update didnt fix it
Tsf420 added a comment to T132824: Dayz xbox one character fresh respawn with out dying or getting killed..
Me and my friend was geared up came all the way from solchiniy to cherno got to the evac site looted logged out for food and when we looked back in we both had fresh spawns. We want killed was in very safe place when we logged out this is the 3rd time this has happened to me and my fully geared player. Makes me not even want to play go through hrs of running and looting just to have the game just reset your character. PLEASE FIX THIS. my gamertag is tsf420