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- User Since
- Apr 29 2019, 12:49 PM (303 w, 4 d)
Apr 29 2019
Apr 29 2019
RoguePLCSA added a comment to T139020: Give me my fucking money back.
We all understand your frustration my friend, but re-consider your ticket above. Its a bit cruel to say the least. Yes things might not always go to plan be it will be sorted out eventually. Maybe you got head shot before even hearing the shot many things could have happened. Maybe there was a dumb spot were if you step there you get damage and die. this is also a factor to think about. This game takes patience and yes RISK vs REWARD. If you don't risk it you wont see the rewards right? But then we die and start form scratch. That is how it is. Maybe start a stash so if you die you got something to go back to at least.