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User Since
Aug 2 2013, 7:26 AM (605 w, 4 d)

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May 11 2016

MattW set Category to category:suggestions on T116115: Better Instrument/Robotic Arm Telemetry.
May 11 2016, 2:18 PM · Restricted Project
MattW set Category to category:suggestions on T116116: Gamepad Buttons Mappable.
May 11 2016, 2:18 PM · Restricted Project
MattW added a comment to T116115: Better Instrument/Robotic Arm Telemetry.

Not really thinking of a protractor, just a coordinate display. Right now, there's not even a way (that I know of) to locate yourself on the surface. Usually the Mars missions have had several coordinate systems, but the most important are:

  • Mars Body Fixed Reference: a global latitude/longitude/altitude system
  • Surface Fixed Coordinate Frame: NSEW directions relative to the landing site
  • Rover Coordinate Frame: XY locations relative to the main axis of the rover.

When I'm looking out of the camera of the small rover, for instance, it would be nice to have feedback that it's pointing at 180 degrees in the RCF, so I know why I have to drive the rover backwards. It would be nice to have SFCF references so that you could drive back to the lander and/or orient communications antennas toward it should that become necessary at some point. And the MBFR coords would be nice to locate your landing site on an external map or for location relative to orbiting satellites, should that become an option.

May 11 2016, 2:18 PM · Restricted Project
MattW set Category to category:suggestions on T116114: Real Life Communications.
May 11 2016, 2:18 PM · Restricted Project
MattW set Category to category:suggestions on T116113: Control lander descent and deployment.
May 11 2016, 2:18 PM · Restricted Project
MattW added a comment to T116079: Index out of range error when taking a picture with rover.

I got this same error when attempting to take photos of the Victoria crater rim with the small rover. I'm on a Win 7 PC.

May 11 2016, 2:17 PM · Restricted Project