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- User Since
- Oct 7 2013, 4:13 PM (592 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
It is this line of code:
[player] joinSilent (createGroup independent);
This line is executed for players spawning as civilians.
Seems to be related to Attorney's report since there is exactly the same line of code.
I am trying to create a simple mission to reproduce the bug but still no luck. I will use my original mission and try to strip it down.
We found the line of code that was causing the issue.
The problem was the assignment of civilians to an independent group just after spawning. This used to work before the update, but crashed the server after the update nearly every time a player spawned.
If any developer needs more information, contact me on the forum. I am using the same name there (Kn1ghtR1d3r).
Exactly, calm down guys.
This is Joe from Blackwing Gaming.
Unfortunately the latest update did not fix our problem.
BUT for some reason it is a bit more stable now. The server still crashes but only after around 10 minutes.
This is something strange I found in the server logs:
19:59:22 Unknown entity: '& document.loaded) ? func() : document.observe('script:loaded', func)'
19:59:22 Unknown entity: 'loc=' + url + '&f=' + url'
19:59:22 Unknown entity: 'nbsp'
19:59:22 Unknown entity: 'middot'
19:59:22 Unknown entity: 'nbsp'
19:59:22 Unknown entity: 'nbsp'
19:59:22 Unknown entity: 'nbsp'
19:59:22 Unknown entity: 'nbsp'
19:59:22 Unknown entity: 'nbsp'
I uploaded the log and minidump files from the latest crash after updating the server.
Thanks for your help guys. And everybody else please be patient. I'm sure the devs are doing everything they can.
Cheers, [BWG] Joe
We know it is something with our mission, because other missions are running fine. But we need to know what it is, that makes the server crash.
I am experiencing the same problem. Dedicated server is crashing as soon as mission launches. This is happening since I updated the servers to 1.14.116216. There was no change in the mission I am hosting.