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User Since
Nov 4 2014, 11:42 PM (539 w, 2 d)

Recent Activity

Nov 22 2016

Keechi added a comment to T121476: Fell through roof of container on current RAID map..

Hey ! You´re welcome!
I love Arma2+3 (about 1000 hours) and loved Project Argo until I met those 2 cheaters.
I play games to win. But I know when someone is better. And more important I know how to spot cheaters and I know what is impossible.
Something like(IN LINK MODE)hiding behind a huge rock at the 2 from the enemy and wait for the enemy to take it to disrupt him, because you can see if someone is taking the point in the GUI. And the 1 HC-Uber player from the enemies with (30 kills and 5 deaths) doesnt touch the 2. But takes a long walk around the rock and kills you from behind before he takes the point. - then you know you got a cheater. After that it took me 2 mins to find a site with cheats for argo.... After that I deinstalled the game. Take care of the cheaters or your game will be dead before it begins to live (Battle Eye is a joke)...

Nov 22 2016, 9:16 PM · Restricted Project

Nov 20 2016

Keechi edited Additional Information on T121476: Fell through roof of container on current RAID map..
Nov 20 2016, 9:47 PM · Restricted Project
Keechi created T121476: Fell through roof of container on current RAID map..
Nov 20 2016, 9:44 PM · Restricted Project