User Details
User Details
- User Since
- Feb 6 2020, 1:05 AM (266 w, 5 d)
Feb 17 2020
Feb 17 2020
Feb 12 2020
Feb 12 2020
Kaos_wind added a comment to T148972: Fed up of those bugs professionals should have done it .
This should go viral on social medias for people not to buy the game till it get sorted Period
Kaos_wind added a comment to T148971: Car disappearing when server restart.
Shocking that we do the testing for you instead of professionals when we paid for the game !!
Feb 9 2020
Feb 9 2020
Feb 7 2020
Feb 7 2020
Kaos_wind added a comment to T148829: Character not responsive while fighting Z.
As above
Kaos_wind added a comment to T148837: Camping tent inventory not accessible .
As above
Kaos_wind added a comment to T148838: Character freezes .
As above
Kaos_wind set Operating System Version to PS4 on T148838: Character freezes .
Kaos_wind edited Steps To Reproduce on T148837: Camping tent inventory not accessible .
Kaos_wind set Operating System Version to PS4 on T148829: Character not responsive while fighting Z.
Kaos_wind added a comment to T148828: Cannot pickup items from cars or barrels .
Please solve this
Kaos_wind added a comment to T148828: Cannot pickup items from cars or barrels .
This is a pain in the butt and it does also happen with bags but can be fixed by taking the bag in our hands and log out and log back in to solve the issue
Kaos_wind set Operating System Version to PS4 on T148828: Cannot pickup items from cars or barrels .
Kaos_wind updated the task description for T148827: Car lag while driving .
Kaos_wind added a comment to T148827: Car lag while driving .
Really need to fix this cars are unplayable because of this
Kaos_wind changed Reproducibility from reproducibility:none to reproducibility:always on T148827: Car lag while driving .
Kaos_wind set Operating System Version to PS4 on T148827: Car lag while driving .
Kaos_wind updated the task description for T148827: Car lag while driving .
Kaos_wind renamed T148826: Car roll over and killed me while parking from Car roll and killed me to Car roll over and killed me while parking.
Kaos_wind added a comment to T148826: Car roll over and killed me while parking.
Please fix this
Kaos_wind set Operating System Version to Ps4 on T148826: Car roll over and killed me while parking.