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- User Since
- Oct 12 2023, 4:07 AM (72 w, 3 d)
Oct 13 2023
Devs need to look at this soon due to this glitch allowing players to bypass bans on servers with this ID glitch it was patched last update but clearly it has came back in 1.22
Oct 12 2023
The current Info I have on this glitch is that it is Still working and My guess it would be something to do with the throwing animation as that has been one of the most constant things that has caused “Midget” and “meatball” but I have tried for many hours to get something out of it but the most I could get was a extended glitched arm. Character deformation glitches only stay when the player is holding a item if the player has no item in their hand it fixes so to patch this maybe find a soloution to items in the hand prolonging the characters glitched state. I was just informed aswell by a PlayStation player that shooting the “Meatballed” player will cause a game crash and if a player is loading into the server the server will crash as it tries to read the glitched character to provide information to the client trying to connect I can’t fully say this is accurate but I believe this is why it crashes the server as a few updates ago there was a server crash/client crash with a glitch animation state I’ll leave a video of it right here (This video is from EXPERIMENTAL 1.18 and is patched but I’m using it as a example as the glitch of the subject of this form is very similar I’ve been told) this animation if you did the steps to replicate it and preformed it at about the same time a player joins the server it would immediately crash the server you guys fixed this method from what I know of but whatever this “meatball” glitch is it is very similar this is all the information I have as of now