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DiabolicalOMG (Owen Garoutte)


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User Since
Oct 7 2018, 5:09 AM (337 w, 4 d)

Recent Activity

Oct 7 2018

DiabolicalOMG added a comment to T133013: Unable to reload magazine into a weapon (REPRODUCTION STEPS REQUIRED).

That simply isn't true, sometimes you cannot reload the weapon at all, regardless of context in the game. You simply cannot reload it, I've had this happen to me numerous times, and it happens when there is no clip in the gun at all. Let's say I'm taking a clip out of my inventory to load into my gun, why would that need space?

Oct 7 2018, 9:46 PM · DayZ Xbox
DiabolicalOMG added a comment to T133013: Unable to reload magazine into a weapon (REPRODUCTION STEPS REQUIRED).

I cannot find a place to submit a report but I'd like to say that generally if not always the magazine problems only occur after having switched servers. I'd be willing to wager you can reproduce it by "server hopping".

Oct 7 2018, 5:15 AM · DayZ Xbox
DiabolicalOMG added a watcher for DayZ Xbox: DiabolicalOMG.
Oct 7 2018, 5:11 AM