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- User Since
- Nov 27 2020, 2:30 AM (224 w, 4 d)
Nov 27 2020
Nov 27 2020
Cobber added a comment to T155391: Car lag xbox .
Car lag need to be fixed asap it makes the game unplayable. The trucks messed up all the cars and you can no longer drive anything
Cobber added a comment to T155391: Car lag xbox .
Fix the car lag on this game please. Ever since the truck was added. Driving is impossible. Please fix these issues. My car bounces all over and my game crashes. This should it happen with a new series x and high speed internet. Please fix the game. Please. This is one of the most important bugs to fix because it literally makes the game unplayable.
Cobber created T155391: Car lag xbox .
Cobber created T155390: Car lag xbox .