User Details
- User Since
- Aug 13 2019, 5:48 PM (287 w, 4 d)
Aug 15 2019
• lost character due to Logging out after been unable to access my inventory (sensor pad) it just wouldn’t work nor would the inventory wheel. (my controller is fine) so logged out thinking it would resolve it, and I was spawned as a fresh spawn lost everything.
•huge freeze/lag when driving cars, causing to crash almost every time.
•sometimes items will become invisible whilst in your inventory ( have to log out and back in to be able to see them again)
•can no longer hold square and automatically drop weapon, meaning having to go into inventory to drop weapon no good in the middle of a gun fight or even zombie fight.
•sometimes you can’t reload your magazines, it goes quarter of the way and stops, also have to log out and back in to sort out
Aug 13 2019
• lost character due to Logging out after been unable to access my inventory (sensor pad) it just wouldn’t work nor would the inventory wheel. (my controller is fine) so logged out thinking it would resolve it, and I was spawned as a fresh spawn lost everything.
•huge freeze/lag when driving cars, causing to crash almost every time.
•sometimes items will become invisible whilst in your inventory ( have to log out and back in to be able to see them again)
•can no longer hold square and automatically drop weapon, meaning having to go into inventory to drop weapon no good in the middle of a gun fight or even zombie fight.