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- User Since
- Sun, Mar 16, 7:40 AM (8 h, 31 m)
AtheistPsychosis added a comment to T190075: Weapon misfires when unloading.
The sound is also bugged when this happens, the shot is very quiet, but still agroes all the zombies.
AtheistPsychosis added a comment to T190075: Weapon misfires when unloading.
The first time it happened was with a bk break action rifle. The second time it happened was with an sk semi automatic rifle. My finger was nowhere near my right triggers. Curiously, the sk semi auto rifle fired twice. It almost seemed as if my double tap triangle input(which unloads a weapon) was somehow scrambled and read as the firing input.
AtheistPsychosis added a comment to T190075: Weapon misfires when unloading.
Ruins stealth for me.