--------------------------------------------- Log C:\Users\User\Documents\My Games\ArmaReforger\profile\console.log started at 2022-11-10 18:06:46 (2022-11-10 08:06:46 UTC) 18:06:46:368 ENGINE : FileSystem: Adding relative directory 'C:\Users\User\Documents\My Games\ArmaReforger\profile' to filesystem under name profile 18:06:46:369 ENGINE : Initializing engine. 18:06:46:466 ENGINE : FileSystem: Adding package './addons/data/' (pak count: 6) to filesystem under name ArmaReforger 18:06:46:524 ENGINE : FileSystem: Adding package './addons/core/' (pak count: 2) to filesystem under name core 18:06:46:524 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=0 name=ArmaReforger path=./addons/data/resourceDatabase.rdb) 18:06:46:575 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=1 name=core path=./addons/core/resourceDatabase.rdb) 18:06:46:580 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=2 name=profile path=C:\Users\User\Documents\My Games\ArmaReforger\profile/resourceDatabase.rdb) 18:06:46:627 GameProject engine user settings load @"$profile:.save/ReforgerEngineSettings.conf" 18:06:46:627 ENGINE : Engine user settings config loaded 18:06:47:641 RENDER : (OK) Adapter 'NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060' supports feature level 12_0 18:06:47:645 RENDER : Basic screen setup: 18:06:47:645 RENDER : Back buffer width x height: 3840x2160 18:06:47:645 RENDER : Back buffer format : TEXFMT_R8G8B8A8_SRGB (29) 18:06:47:645 RENDER : MSAA : none 18:06:47:728 RENDER : Detected 2 output devices: 18:06:47:728 RENDER : Generic PnP Monitor (\\.\DISPLAY2), 3840x2160 (offset 0x0) 18:06:47:728 RENDER : Generic PnP Monitor (\\.\DISPLAY1), 2880x1620 (offset 5760x720) 18:06:47:728 RENDER : GPU_NVIDIA (0x10DE) (NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060) with 1 GPU detected, VRAM 12137MB (fast 0MB), shared 32724MB, driver version 522.6, stereo not available 18:06:47:728 RENDER : Multithreaded resource creation is supported 18:06:47:728 RENDER : Multithreaded command buffers are supported 18:06:47:728 RENDER : Compute units are supported 18:06:47:728 RENDER : Structured buffers are supported 18:06:47:728 RENDER : Concurrent frames limit 2 18:06:47:728 RENDER : Shader precision support 16bit is not supported 18:06:48:420 RENDER : Main RT format setup. 18:06:48:420 RENDER : Main RT format for quality 0 : TEXFMT_R11G11B10F (26) 18:06:48:420 RENDER : Main RT format for quality 1 : TEXFMT_R16G16B16A16F (10) 18:06:48:485 ENGINE : Job system settings: coreCount=24, shortJobContextCount=8, shortJobThreadCount=7, longJobThreadCount=3 18:06:48:694 AUDIO : Device: Speakers (Realtek(R) Audio) 18:06:48:786 RENDER : Reload shaders 18:06:48:786 RENDER : Shader version 60 18:06:49:043 PROFILING : Reload shaders took: 257.705900 ms 18:06:49:044 ENGINE : Initializing inputs. 18:06:49:046 NETWORK : Initializing networking. 18:06:49:046 SCRIPT : Initializing scripts 18:06:49:047 SCRIPT : ScriptProjectManager init 18:06:49:047 PROFILING : ScriptProjectManager init took: 0.023500 ms 18:06:49:083 PROFILING : Initializing scripts took: 36.077800 ms 18:06:49:083 ENGINE : Enfusion engine successfully created. 18:06:49:190 GUI : Using default language (en_us) 18:06:49:190 GUI : Loading 'en_us' localization file. 18:06:49:190 INIT : Loading StringTable 18:06:49:198 PROFILING : Loading StringTable took: 7.505400 ms 18:06:49:198 SCRIPT : Compiling GameLib scripts 18:06:49:222 PROFILING : Compiling GameLib scripts took: 24.274000 ms 18:06:49:249 SCRIPT : Compiling Game scripts 18:06:50:222 PROFILING : Compiling Game scripts took: 973.077300 ms 18:06:50:412 INIT : Creating game instance(ArmaReforgerScripted), version built 2022-10-23 18:32:19 UTC. 18:06:50:561 GameProject user settings load from profile @"ReforgerGameSettings.conf" 18:06:50:561 ENGINE : Game user settings config loaded 18:06:50:561 WORLD : Entities load 'worlds/MainMenuWorld/MainMenuWorld.ent' 18:06:50:561 PROFILING : Entities load took: 0.163600 ms 18:06:50:561 WORLD : Game::LoadEntities 18:06:50:561 WORLD : Preload 18:06:50:561 PROFILING : Preload took: 0.010400 ms 18:06:50:561 WORLD : Wait for preloading data 18:06:50:561 PROFILING : Wait for preloading data took: 0.004600 ms 18:06:50:562 WORLD : CreateEntities 18:06:50:562 WORLD : CreateEntities 18:06:50:562 WORLD : NotifyBeforeEntitiesCreated 18:06:50:562 RESOURCES : Loaded mission headers from 22 addon(s)! 18:06:50:562 PROFILING : NotifyBeforeEntitiesCreated took: 0.386900 ms 18:06:50:565 WORLD : NotifyBeforeEntitiesInitialized 18:06:50:565 PROFILING : NotifyBeforeEntitiesInitialized took: 0.000900 ms 18:06:50:664 WORLD : InitEntities 'world' 18:06:50:664 ENTITY : Init entity @"ENTITY:3" ('SCR_AddonManager') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 18:06:50:664 SCRIPT : [SCR_AddonManager] SCR_AddonManager<0x000002AF3540C030> Internal_CheckAddons() 18:06:50:664 WORLD : NotifyEntitiesInitialized 18:06:50:664 PROFILING : NotifyEntitiesInitialized took: 0.016800 ms 18:06:50:664 PROFILING : CreateEntities took: 102.622200 ms 18:06:50:664 PROFILING : CreateEntities took: 102.632100 ms 18:06:50:664 WORLD : Wait for preloading data around camera 18:06:50:664 PROFILING : Wait for preloading data around camera took: 0.000300 ms 18:06:50:664 WORLD : EOnActivate 18:06:50:664 PROFILING : EOnActivate took: 0.001400 ms 18:06:50:664 PROFILING : Game::LoadEntities took: 103.078300 ms 18:06:50:665 DEFAULT : Entered main menu. 18:06:50:762 SCRIPT (E): [Chat] ScriptedChatEntity is not present in the world. Sending messages will not work. 18:06:50:763 DEFAULT (W): No GameMode present in the world, using fallback logic! 18:06:50:763 ENGINE : Game successfully created. 18:06:50:764 GameProject user settings load from profile @"ReforgerGameSettings.conf" 18:06:50:764 ENGINE : Game user settings config loaded 18:06:50:764 UpdateEntities 18:06:50:764 WORLD : Frame 18:06:50:764 SCRIPT : Loading main menu. Dev mode:false First load: true 18:06:55:907 SCRIPT : [SCR_AddonManager] SCR_AddonManager<0x000002AF3540C030> Internal_CheckAddons() 18:06:55:907 SCRIPT : GetGame().IsSafeMode(): 0 18:06:58:343 SCRIPT : [SCR_AddonManager] SCR_AddonManager<0x000002AF3540C030> Callback_CheckAddons_OnSuccess() 18:06:58:344 SCRIPT : [SCR_AddonManager] SCR_AddonManager<0x000002AF3540C030> FinalizeInitAfterAsyncChecks() 18:06:58:344 SCRIPT : [SCR_AddonManager] SCR_AddonManager<0x000002AF3540C030> Init Finished 18:06:58:344 SCRIPT : [SCR_AddonManager] SCR_AddonManager<0x000002AF3540C030> User Workshop access: 1 18:07:40:862 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't load ImageSet '' 18:07:40:862 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't load ImageSet '' 18:07:40:862 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't load ImageSet '' 18:07:40:863 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't load ImageSet '' 18:07:40:863 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't load ImageSet '' 18:07:42:927 BACKEND : Addon Download started 596EDD4B95459FD8 - AusG3 Modern Combat Unit 18:07:42:929 BACKEND : Addon Download started 5A64DE35CCD36695 - 7th Ranger Battalion Modpack 18:07:42:960 BACKEND : Addon Download started 597C0CF3A7AA8A99 - BetterSounds 18:07:42:961 BACKEND : Addon Download started 59668807FCE3FC91 - SLR-15 Replacement - M16A2 18:07:42:963 BACKEND : Addon Download started 598ADD258C38B701 - Wolf Weapon Pack 18:10:09:491 BACKEND (E): Http Error (TIMEOUT) 18:10:09:491 BACKEND (E): Http Error (TIMEOUT) 18:10:09:491 BACKEND (E): Http Error (TIMEOUT) 18:10:09:491 BACKEND (E): Http Error (TIMEOUT) 18:10:09:692 BACKEND (E): Http Error (TIMEOUT) 18:10:11:508 BACKEND (E): Http Error x-request-uid="68a541e7-ea75-4930-acd0-8deb380018e9", apiCode="ConcurrentDataModification", message="Concurrent data modification" 18:10:11:525 BACKEND (E): [RestApi] ID:[1013] Error Code:400 - Bad Request, apiCode="ConcurrentDataModification", message="Concurrent data modification" 18:10:11:525 BACKEND (E): Error Code:400 - Bad Request, apiCode="ConcurrentDataModification", message="Concurrent data modification" 18:10:11:525 BACKEND (E): Fragmentizer: download error 18:10:11:556 SCRIPT (E): SCR_WorkshopCallbackBase<0x000002AF45D48D98> OnError: EBERR_UNKNOWN 0 1 18:10:11:586 BACKEND : Addon Remove 5A64DE35CCD36695 - 7th Ranger Battalion Modpack 18:10:11:592 BACKEND (E): Http Error (TIMEOUT) 18:10:11:592 BACKEND (E): Http Error (TIMEOUT) 18:10:11:592 BACKEND (E): Http Error (TIMEOUT) 18:10:11:592 BACKEND (E): Http Error (TIMEOUT) 18:10:11:592 BACKEND (E): Http Error (TIMEOUT) 18:10:12:143 BACKEND (E): Http Error x-request-uid="a0b1a664-d23e-44f7-8359-55e17998dfeb", apiCode="ConcurrentDataModification", message="Concurrent data modification" 18:10:12:242 BACKEND (E): Http Error (TIMEOUT) 18:10:12:242 BACKEND (E): Http Error (TIMEOUT) 18:10:12:242 BACKEND (E): Http Error (TIMEOUT) 18:10:12:242 BACKEND (E): Http Error (TIMEOUT) 18:10:12:242 BACKEND (E): Http Error (TIMEOUT) 18:10:12:242 BACKEND (E): Http Error (TIMEOUT) 18:13:23:435 ENGINE : Game destroyed. 18:13:23:508 RESOURCES (E): ==== Resource leaks ==== 18:13:23:508 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Icons/icons_wrapperUI-48_atlas.edds 1 18:13:23:508 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Icons/icons_wrapperUI-64_atlas.edds 1 18:13:23:508 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/cursors_atlas.edds 2 18:13:23:508 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_objective_uiuc.edds 1 18:13:23:508 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_waypoint_uiuc.edds 1 18:13:23:508 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_rotate_uiuc.edds 1 18:13:23:508 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_transform_snap_disabled_uiuc.edds 1 18:13:23:508 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_transform_snap_uiuc.edds 1 18:13:23:508 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_move_camera_uiuc.edds 1 18:13:23:508 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_wait_uiuc.edds 1 18:13:23:508 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_transform_disabled_uiuc.edds 1 18:13:23:508 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_transform_uiuc.edds 1 18:13:23:508 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/LoadingDots/LoadingDots_atlas.edds 1 18:13:23:508 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Icons/icons_keyboard_48_atlas.edds 1 18:13:23:508 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_place_uiuc.edds 1 18:13:23:508 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_select_uiuc.edds 1 18:13:23:508 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_raw_uiuc.edds 1 18:13:23:508 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/WidgetLibrary/ScrollBarRectangles.edds 1 18:13:23:508 RESOURCES (E): UI/Imagesets/WeaponInfo/panel_style_magazines.edds 1 18:13:23:508 RESOURCES (E): UI/Imagesets/debugUI.edds 1 18:13:23:508 RESOURCES (E): UI/Imagesets/default.edds 1 18:13:23:508 RESOURCES (E): ui/fonts/robotomono_msdf_28.edds 1