--------------------------------------------- Log C:\Users\Micheal\AppData\Local\DayZ\script_2025-01-09_16-06-41.log started at 09.01. 16:06:43 SCRIPT : Registered 302 temporary action enum(s), UAN==302 SCRIPT (W): @"scripts/3_Game/entities\pawn.c,25": Missing script declaration for method 'PawnOwnerState.SetWaterTime' SCRIPT (W): @"scripts/3_Game/entities\pawn.c,25": Missing script declaration for method 'PawnOwnerState.SetPhysicsTimeStamp' SCRIPT (W): @"scripts/3_Game/entities\pawn.c,25": Missing script declaration for method 'PawnOwnerState.GetWaterTime' SCRIPT (W): @"scripts/3_Game/entities\pawn.c,25": Missing script declaration for method 'PawnOwnerState.GetPhysicsTimeStamp' SCRIPT : ... Backlit Effects Enabled SCRIPT : Creating Mission: dz\Worlds\ChernarusPlus\data\scenes\intro.ChernarusPlus\mission.c SCRIPT : AnimSoundObjectBuilderBank: Invalid sound set "SplitStickAxe_SoundSet". SCRIPT : AnimSoundObjectBuilderBank: Invalid sound set "SplitStickSaw_SoundSet". SCRIPT : AnimSoundObjectBuilderBank: Invalid sound set "SplitStickKnife_SoundSet". SCRIPT : AnimSoundObjectBuilderBank: Invalid sound set "SplitStickMachete_SoundSet". SCRIPT : ---- PlayerBase OnStoreLoad SUCCESS ---- SCRIPT : AnimSoundObjectBuilderBank: Invalid sound set "Impact_default_foliage_Soundset". SCRIPT : AnimSoundObjectBuilderBank: Invalid sound set "Impact_default_foliage_Soundset". SCRIPT (E): Weapon.OnStoreLoad AK101<4e6eb870> trying to set muzzle index 1 while it only has 1 muzzles! Class: 'AK101' Entity id:2974630 Function: 'Error' Stack trace: scripts/1_Core/proto\endebug.c:92 scripts/4_World/entities\firearms\weapon_base.c:500 SCRIPT (E): Weapon.OnStoreLoad Deagle<4e6e5060> trying to set muzzle index 1 while it only has 1 muzzles! Class: 'Deagle' Entity id:2974635 Function: 'Error' Stack trace: scripts/1_Core/proto\endebug.c:92 scripts/4_World/entities\firearms\weapon_base.c:500 SCRIPT : [wpnfsm] Warning! OnStoreLoad - cannot load curent weapon state, id=0 SCRIPT (E): Weapon.OnStoreLoad M14_Base<4e6e8a30> trying to set muzzle index 1 while it only has 1 muzzles! Class: 'M14_Base' Entity id:2974647 Function: 'Error' Stack trace: scripts/1_Core/proto\endebug.c:92 scripts/4_World/entities\firearms\weapon_base.c:500 SCRIPT : [wpnfsm] Warning! OnStoreLoad - cannot load curent weapon state, id=0 SCRIPT : ---- PlayerBase OnStoreLoad SUCCESS ---- SCRIPT (E): Weapon.OnStoreLoad AK101<4e6e95c0> trying to set muzzle index 1 while it only has 1 muzzles! Class: 'AK101' Entity id:2974663 Function: 'Error' Stack trace: scripts/1_Core/proto\endebug.c:92 scripts/4_World/entities\firearms\weapon_base.c:500 SCRIPT (E): Weapon.OnStoreLoad Deagle<4e6ec400> trying to set muzzle index 1 while it only has 1 muzzles! Class: 'Deagle' Entity id:2974668 Function: 'Error' Stack trace: scripts/1_Core/proto\endebug.c:92 scripts/4_World/entities\firearms\weapon_base.c:500 SCRIPT : [wpnfsm] Warning! OnStoreLoad - cannot load curent weapon state, id=0 SCRIPT (E): Weapon.OnStoreLoad M14_Base<4e6e5bf0> trying to set muzzle index 1 while it only has 1 muzzles! Class: 'M14_Base' Entity id:2974680 Function: 'Error' Stack trace: scripts/1_Core/proto\endebug.c:92 scripts/4_World/entities\firearms\weapon_base.c:500 SCRIPT : [wpnfsm] Warning! OnStoreLoad - cannot load curent weapon state, id=0 SCRIPT (E): [wpnfsm] ValidateAndRepair Attempting to repair: AK101:0 - MagazineRepair - RBF_CLO_BU0_MA0<4eadc170> - state: 0 != weapon: 1 Class: 'WeaponFSM' Function: 'Error' Stack trace: scripts/1_Core/proto\endebug.c:92 scripts/4_World/entities\firearms\weaponfsm.c:545 scripts/4_World/entities\firearms\weaponfsm.c:477 scripts/4_World/entities\firearms\weaponfsm.c:455 scripts/4_World/entities\firearms\weapon_base.c:1061 scripts/4_World/entities\manbase\playerbase.c:2317 scripts/3_Game/dayzgame.c:2895 SCRIPT : ~DayZGame()