--------------------------------------------- Log C:\Users\austi\OneDrive\Documents\My Games\ArmaReforger\logs\logs_2024-06-26_08-49-58\console.log started at 2024-06-26 08:49:58 (2024-06-26 12:49:58 UTC) 08:49:58.549 ENGINE : FileSystem: Adding relative directory 'C:\Users\austi\OneDrive\Documents\My Games\ArmaReforger\logs\logs_2024-06-26_08-49-58' to filesystem under name logs 08:49:58.550 ENGINE : FileSystem: Adding relative directory 'C:\Users\austi\OneDrive\Documents\My Games\ArmaReforger\profile' to filesystem under name profile 08:49:58.551 ENGINE : Initializing engine. 08:49:59.348 ENGINE : Addon dirs: 08:49:59.348 ENGINE : dir: './addons' 08:49:59.348 ENGINE : dir: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons' 08:49:59.348 ENGINE : Available addons: 08:49:59.348 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/104th_GWB_5ED169F049FA72D0/addon.gproj' guid: '5ED169F049FA72D0' (packed) 08:49:59.348 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/240ZVariants_60A48BE924C74D90/addon.gproj' guid: '60A48BE924C74D90' (packed) 08:49:59.348 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/A-10AThunderboltII_5E0210B8D9ACE179/addon.gproj' guid: '5E0210B8D9ACE179' (packed) 08:49:59.348 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/ACEAllinOne_60C4E0B49618CC62/addon.gproj' guid: '60C4E0B49618CC62' (packed) 08:49:59.348 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/ACEBackblast_60E573C9B04CC408/addon.gproj' guid: '60E573C9B04CC408' (packed) 08:49:59.348 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/ACECarrying_5DBD560C5148E1DA/addon.gproj' guid: '5DBD560C5148E1DA' (packed) 08:49:59.348 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/ACEChopping_5EB744C5F42E0800/addon.gproj' guid: '5EB744C5F42E0800' (packed) 08:49:59.348 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/ACECompass_60C53A9372ED3964/addon.gproj' guid: '60C53A9372ED3964' (packed) 08:49:59.348 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/ACECore_60C4CE4888FF4621/addon.gproj' guid: '60C4CE4888FF4621' (packed) 08:49:59.348 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/ACEFinger_606C369BAC3F6CC3/addon.gproj' guid: '606C369BAC3F6CC3' (packed) 08:49:59.348 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/ACEMedical_60C4C12DAE90727B/addon.gproj' guid: '60C4C12DAE90727B' (packed) 08:49:59.348 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/ACETrenches_60EAEA0389DB3CC2/addon.gproj' guid: '60EAEA0389DB3CC2' (packed) 08:49:59.348 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/africanrebels_605EAA5B7D039B75/addon.gproj' guid: '605EAA5B7D039B75' (packed) 08:49:59.348 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/AH-1Cobra_60902E4EEC2C00FF/addon.gproj' guid: '60902E4EEC2C00FF' (packed) 08:49:59.348 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/AH-64DApache_5CCCC1DFB9C93581/addon.gproj' guid: '5CCCC1DFB9C93581' (packed) 08:49:59.348 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/AModestBoat_5E440E8FBA164A4C/addon.gproj' guid: '5E440E8FBA164A4C' (packed) 08:49:59.348 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/ArmaTerrainCore_60B524F7A5AE96A8/addon.gproj' guid: '60B524F7A5AE96A8' (packed) 08:49:59.348 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/ArmaTowerReforged-SpyBoB_6109572980E4E3F7/addon.gproj' guid: '6109572980E4E3F7' (packed) 08:49:59.348 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/AS50_6132B80DC62D8507/addon.gproj' guid: '6132B80DC62D8507' (packed) 08:49:59.348 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/BaconLoadoutEditor_606B100247F5C709/addon.gproj' guid: '606B100247F5C709' (packed) 08:49:59.348 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/BaconsM249pkmrpkrails_5E4F1725CF7FD63A/addon.gproj' guid: '5E4F1725CF7FD63A' (packed) 08:49:59.348 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/BaconWeather_5EF5347644A2C501/addon.gproj' guid: '5EF5347644A2C501' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/BadlandsMap_60A93A4F4B42BB92/addon.gproj' guid: '60A93A4F4B42BB92' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/BadlandsOfficial_608CA96AB2239258/addon.gproj' guid: '608CA96AB2239258' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/BarrettM82_5AC2954C784671B3/addon.gproj' guid: '5AC2954C784671B3' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/BenelliM4_5D915A9DC6EB0856/addon.gproj' guid: '5D915A9DC6EB0856' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/BensClothingMod_612AF8CFAD832F80/addon.gproj' guid: '612AF8CFAD832F80' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/BetterExplosives2.0_597D2A65AB73E657/addon.gproj' guid: '597D2A65AB73E657' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/BetterInventory_5DAC39D2C3D4C8CD/addon.gproj' guid: '5DAC39D2C3D4C8CD' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/BetterMuzzleFlashes2.0_59674C21AA886D57/addon.gproj' guid: '59674C21AA886D57' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/BetterSounds3.0_597C0CF3A7AA8A99/addon.gproj' guid: '597C0CF3A7AA8A99' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/BetterTracers_59673B6FBB95459F/addon.gproj' guid: '59673B6FBB95459F' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/BGONE_5F1EE615E7AE3106/addon.gproj' guid: '5F1EE615E7AE3106' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/Blunderbuss_5DBAB91070DB7992/addon.gproj' guid: '5DBAB91070DB7992' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/BMP-1IFV_5E524E4FEECCA92B/addon.gproj' guid: '5E524E4FEECCA92B' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/BMP-2M_6094495EBB851B75/addon.gproj' guid: '6094495EBB851B75' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/BMP-3IFV_5B383D4CB27E0D54/addon.gproj' guid: '5B383D4CB27E0D54' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/BonActionAnimations_5C9758250C8C56F1/addon.gproj' guid: '5C9758250C8C56F1' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/BradleyUpgrade_609E0DE88187CC31/addon.gproj' guid: '609E0DE88187CC31' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/ChinesePLA_60A6507633AB1954/addon.gproj' guid: '60A6507633AB1954' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/CivilianCarPack_60875CD2B0B5EFBD/addon.gproj' guid: '60875CD2B0B5EFBD' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/ClothingPack_5D92285AD80E1A56/addon.gproj' guid: '5D92285AD80E1A56' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/COALITIONLighting_611F3D4E2C5E04D8/addon.gproj' guid: '611F3D4E2C5E04D8' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/COALITIONSquadInterface_5B0D1E4380971EBD/addon.gproj' guid: '5B0D1E4380971EBD' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/CollectableIntelAMPPhones_5F207DD6271E2799/addon.gproj' guid: '5F207DD6271E2799' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/CompositionsforGMbyHeine_61110CC4F1FF9C8A/addon.gproj' guid: '61110CC4F1FF9C8A' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/core/core.gproj' guid: '5614BBCCBB55ED1C' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/Curn_605ED9AF4A4D9129/addon.gproj' guid: '605ED9AF4A4D9129' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/CursedReforger_5EB7536BA1AEDEDE/addon.gproj' guid: '5EB7536BA1AEDEDE' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/CZScorpionEVO3SMG_5AD6FDAC65418DEA/addon.gproj' guid: '5AD6FDAC65418DEA' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/DarkgruAH-1ZViper_609345F067523D08/addon.gproj' guid: '609345F067523D08' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/DarkGruConflict_60424680AF224DB0/addon.gproj' guid: '60424680AF224DB0' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/DarkgruEconomyFix_61304E893CB52793/addon.gproj' guid: '61304E893CB52793' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/DarkGruHarbinZ-20_61362A39AA17C647/addon.gproj' guid: '61362A39AA17C647' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/DarkgruNATOOverhaul_60AD58012EA4A317/addon.gproj' guid: '60AD58012EA4A317' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/DarkGruOperatorsPack_5E20E8B2F00F9864/addon.gproj' guid: '5E20E8B2F00F9864' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/DarkgruOperators_606F57376632E15B/addon.gproj' guid: '606F57376632E15B' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/DarkgruPLAFaction_606112213B843B46/addon.gproj' guid: '606112213B843B46' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/DarkgruRUOverhaulPack_60A327A008C3662B/addon.gproj' guid: '60A327A008C3662B' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/DarkGruSoarhelicopters_5F244258B6AD0AB4/addon.gproj' guid: '5F244258B6AD0AB4' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/DarkGruVehicleAssets_5F361C64A8A7706B/addon.gproj' guid: '5F361C64A8A7706B' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/DarkGruWeaponSkinsW.I.P_5EE83C87B7FEAE57/addon.gproj' guid: '5EE83C87B7FEAE57' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/DarkRaiderVehiclePack_5B2E2C68B6C88874/addon.gproj' guid: '5B2E2C68B6C88874' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/data/ArmaReforger.gproj' guid: '58D0FB3206B6F859' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/DGPLARHSHelmetCompatability_60613D5B2834AB9C/addon.gproj' guid: '60613D5B2834AB9C' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/DisableGameMasterBudgets_5F2944B7474F043F/addon.gproj' guid: '5F2944B7474F043F' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/DisableGMDynamicSimulation_60B2AD8092C4C94A/addon.gproj' guid: '60B2AD8092C4C94A' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/DiscordPlayerList_5D3CCC039449D1C8/addon.gproj' guid: '5D3CCC039449D1C8' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/DivingMod_610B4484DBB3FB88/addon.gproj' guid: '610B4484DBB3FB88' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/dog_Gear_597491A7AFEE471B/addon.gproj' guid: '597491A7AFEE471B' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/DVB1AH1SCobra_6070ABA98B0B74DA/addon.gproj' guid: '6070ABA98B0B74DA' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/Earplugs_612F512CD4CB21D5/addon.gproj' guid: '612F512CD4CB21D5' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/EnfusionDatabaseFramework_5D6EA74A94173EDF/EnfusionDatabaseFramework.gproj' guid: '5D6EA74A94173EDF' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/EnfusionPersistenceFramework_5D6EBC81EB1842EF/EnfusionPersistenceFramework.gproj' guid: '5D6EBC81EB1842EF' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/EnhancedWeaponImmersion2.5_5A7B79D8A910A4D1/addon.gproj' guid: '5A7B79D8A910A4D1' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/EotechVudu_608CF9E9CAC792B8/addon.gproj' guid: '608CF9E9CAC792B8' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/EquipmentPack_5DFF3C73D54D33FD/addon.gproj' guid: '5DFF3C73D54D33FD' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/EveronLife_59636E668EA37AD7/EveronLife.gproj' guid: '59636E668EA37AD7' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/ExpandedMilitaryGear_5D9E2CE6BC9396EF/addon.gproj' guid: '5D9E2CE6BC9396EF' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/FA18SuperHornet_6126FCB7FD72CF3F/addon.gproj' guid: '6126FCB7FD72CF3F' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/ForceGarbageCollect_60DF519BEC7A5649/addon.gproj' guid: '60DF519BEC7A5649' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/GameMasterFX_5994AD5A9F33BE57/addon.gproj' guid: '5994AD5A9F33BE57' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/GameMasterSafeZones_5CE334EA7649C7CC/addon.gproj' guid: '5CE334EA7649C7CC' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/GarbageCollectorPatch_5F0913BAAC69ABF5/addon.gproj' guid: '5F0913BAAC69ABF5' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/GMPersistentLoadouts_5C73156675E11A0F/addon.gproj' guid: '5C73156675E11A0F' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/GripsAMPBipods_60F4D8CA32492563/addon.gproj' guid: '60F4D8CA32492563' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/HDRFix_611772813EE29E17/addon.gproj' guid: '611772813EE29E17' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/HK416-24variants_5F1911B5C78C249B/addon.gproj' guid: '5F1911B5C78C249B' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/HMASAdelaide_5A78300A9F2D7A65/addon.gproj' guid: '5A78300A9F2D7A65' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/HMMWVVARIANTSPACK_5D9ECAD071E9ECBC/addon.gproj' guid: '5D9ECAD071E9ECBC' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/JointLightTacticalVehicle_5C721177A220B42F/addon.gproj' guid: '5C721177A220B42F' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/JTF2_607CE45D27490DBF/addon.gproj' guid: '607CE45D27490DBF' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/KA-52Alligator_60445135BF66D43F/addon.gproj' guid: '60445135BF66D43F' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/ka52FIXUPGRADE_612E27CE2B70736C/addon.gproj' guid: '612E27CE2B70736C' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/KeepGunWhenUncon_6088A3044B7ECBFD/addon.gproj' guid: '6088A3044B7ECBFD' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/KOMRAD-12Shotgun_5CA8F34E77DD532C/addon.gproj' guid: '5CA8F34E77DD532C' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/KOTHKingOfTheHillReforged_5E055A77849516EF/addon.gproj' guid: '5E055A77849516EF' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/KOTHReforged-MoreWeapons_5EF6AB90851FD4F2/addon.gproj' guid: '5EF6AB90851FD4F2' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/KS-1_L403A1_607306DEC76D8E35/addon.gproj' guid: '607306DEC76D8E35' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/KSS3ClassSubmarine_5F116BA2A34719F7/addon.gproj' guid: '5F116BA2A34719F7' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/KunarProvince-Afghanistan_5C9691EA7FD7A79F/addon.gproj' guid: '5C9691EA7FD7A79F' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/M110DMR_5CA125536EE7430A/addon.gproj' guid: '5CA125536EE7430A' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/M17Pistol_5CA6BA2F63DE1174/addon.gproj' guid: '5CA6BA2F63DE1174' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/M1AbramsUpgrade_609F54C98832DD6A/addon.gproj' guid: '609F54C98832DD6A' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/M1Abrams_5D1880C4AD410C14/addon.gproj' guid: '5D1880C4AD410C14' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/M2010EnhancedSniperRifle_5D8D003BC5D829EC/addon.gproj' guid: '5D8D003BC5D829EC' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/M240B_5EF547D45D9DF003/addon.gproj' guid: '5EF547D45D9DF003' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/M240MediumMachineGun_5F02D048E7AD81E9/M240MediumMachineGun.gproj' guid: '5F02D048E7AD81E9' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/M249ScopeRails_5AF6E0F075D79473/addon.gproj' guid: '5AF6E0F075D79473' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/M2BradleyFightingVehicle_5E193315C8E82019/addon.gproj' guid: '5E193315C8E82019' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/M4A1BlockIIandURG-I_5AB890B71D748750/addon.gproj' guid: '5AB890B71D748750' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/MAKOAK105Zentico_5DF14A2FD0C42CC0/addon.gproj' guid: '5DF14A2FD0C42CC0' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/MAKOMK16-MOD0GL_5DED0AF2CE2F7CA3/addon.gproj' guid: '5DED0AF2CE2F7CA3' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/MAKOVirtus.300Blackout_5DEB113BCCC30EBC/addon.gproj' guid: '5DEB113BCCC30EBC' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/MapMarkerMenuFix_609E8CAD8A403EA6/addon.gproj' guid: '609E8CAD8A403EA6' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/MEPcivil_5EED4468698C0257/addon.gproj' guid: '5EED4468698C0257' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/MidnightIslands_60AC004B4E086B62/addon.gproj' guid: '60AC004B4E086B62' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 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'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/BCGMapMarkersModification_60E2962C95FD3570/addon.gproj' guid: '60E2962C95FD3570' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/BensalteKutsche_613D3AB783AEF7EB/addon.gproj' guid: '613D3AB783AEF7EB' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/BLEEDINGFROMWHEREDAMNIT_5F2D346C916B6FCC/addon.gproj' guid: '5F2D346C916B6FCC' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/BradleyFix_612F4C04CFF9B1C4/addon.gproj' guid: '612F4C04CFF9B1C4' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/BritishArmedForcesVehicles_5C961A93A16EB866/addon.gproj' guid: '5C961A93A16EB866' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/BTBiggerBackpacks_611120E1C0A7F9D2/addon.gproj' guid: '611120E1C0A7F9D2' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/BTR-ZU23_611AE38AC5A3FF03/addon.gproj' guid: '611AE38AC5A3FF03' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/C-RAM_611F7416D7A843BD/addon.gproj' guid: '611F7416D7A843BD' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/CascadianWilds_616F1CB821E76C2F/addon.gproj' guid: '616F1CB821E76C2F' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/CivilianFaction_60DD26FB579255DE/addon.gproj' guid: '60DD26FB579255DE' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/CougarMRAP_5D5A20A8AE33C21E/addon.gproj' guid: '5D5A20A8AE33C21E' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/D3sChemlights_608694907CE8FBCB/addon.gproj' guid: '608694907CE8FBCB' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/DarkGruEdits_61682C2E11376DC1/addon.gproj' guid: '61682C2E11376DC1' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/DGSpawnProtection_618C269537E7655F/addon.gproj' guid: '618C269537E7655F' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/DisableFriendlyFire_5C8AD2767D87626B/addon.gproj' guid: '5C8AD2767D87626B' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/DisableGamemasterVoting_614657451EC6C978/addon.gproj' guid: '614657451EC6C978' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/Early2000sUSMilitary_60B134EF0216CF4D/addon.gproj' guid: '60B134EF0216CF4D' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/FalconIVANPRC163_6164D6708E1203B0/addon.gproj' guid: '6164D6708E1203B0' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/FallujahMapByHeine_5F04F5A0383C44B1/addon.gproj' guid: '5F04F5A0383C44B1' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/G4Clothing_615CD4420BB8875F/addon.gproj' guid: '615CD4420BB8875F' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/GameMasterEnhanced_5964E0B3BB7410CE/addon.gproj' guid: '5964E0B3BB7410CE' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/GatomaPickupTruck_5D0D623BB27CC015/addon.gproj' guid: '5D0D623BB27CC015' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/Gogland_5CD4956FB405C585/addon.gproj' guid: '5CD4956FB405C585' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/GulfcoastBuildings_5E1735DB431EE29B/addon.gproj' guid: '5E1735DB431EE29B' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/HumveeVariants4Conflict_605E3A755084A345/addon.gproj' guid: '605E3A755084A345' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/IEDEmporium2.0_5DD55EE55380FA5C/addon.gproj' guid: '5DD55EE55380FA5C' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/insurgentfaction_60645C9863C41915/addon.gproj' guid: '60645C9863C41915' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/InsurgentsclothingSAF_616911425623E02F/addon.gproj' guid: '616911425623E02F' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/iRON79Compositions_60A68ED7293C691A/addon.gproj' guid: '60A68ED7293C691A' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/JamsheedsRussianWeapons_612B280D49449EB9/addon.gproj' guid: '612B280D49449EB9' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/JSOC_Equipment_606559F2AE8A6BAA/addon.gproj' guid: '606559F2AE8A6BAA' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/KeepAbandonedVehicles_60E2D7E5A20FABEB/addon.gproj' guid: '60E2D7E5A20FABEB' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/KunarProvincePVEConflict_60ECE506DB3DF9D7/addon.gproj' guid: '60ECE506DB3DF9D7' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/M113APC_5E5C154FEE1094BB/addon.gproj' guid: '5E5C154FEE1094BB' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/mapmakeronlyassets_5EDC6DEEFCFDE088/addon.gproj' guid: '5EDC6DEEFCFDE088' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/MCR-Pack5.56x45_5D7531C2D05BC700/addon.gproj' guid: '5D7531C2D05BC700' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/Mk19VehicleMountedonM1025_60AABE9BEC5FD178/addon.gproj' guid: '60AABE9BEC5FD178' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/MOCNews_60AE8CCC4B5192D4/addon.gproj' guid: '60AE8CCC4B5192D4' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/Mortars_604E9E8B40A762D1/addon.gproj' guid: '604E9E8B40A762D1' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/MP5_MP5SD_5D457933C3941DBB/addon.gproj' guid: '5D457933C3941DBB' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/NEW_MOC_ASSETS_61022DAF8D7A09A7/addon.gproj' guid: '61022DAF8D7A09A7' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/NoSupplySystem_5EE472B0F295A124/addon.gproj' guid: '5EE472B0F295A124' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/PhoenixStudiosCommon_617EB0013539C88E/addon.gproj' guid: '617EB0013539C88E' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/PPSh-41_60E6F54E174C53C5/addon.gproj' guid: '60E6F54E174C53C5' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/RadioRockByHeine_60AF3CF79243766A/addon.gproj' guid: '60AF3CF79243766A' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/RealisticBellUH-1HIroquois_611F5A1124E0168B/addon.gproj' guid: '611F5A1124E0168B' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/RemoveTeamKillBan_5F0D18918DA8CFFC/addon.gproj' guid: '5F0D18918DA8CFFC' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/RHIBArmed_6164D69FACDDF372/addon.gproj' guid: '6164D69FACDDF372' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/RHIB_5994614FB5AD35C2/addon.gproj' guid: '5994614FB5AD35C2' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/RHSEdits_61690A195DAA9D27/addon.gproj' guid: '61690A195DAA9D27' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/RPD_61344BDC155A5A28/addon.gproj' guid: '61344BDC155A5A28' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/Seitenbuch-Germany_5F031E702D6FAAB1/addon.gproj' guid: '5F031E702D6FAAB1' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/ShootHouse-MODULAR_616313E2836844FF/addon.gproj' guid: '616313E2836844FF' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/ShootHousesBETA_5E329785BB8B38F2/addon.gproj' guid: '5E329785BB8B38F2' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/SOGSTABORIG_607E297391F5DFC5/addon.gproj' guid: '607E297391F5DFC5' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/StrykerUpgrade_609F71EE86D27E64/addon.gproj' guid: '609F71EE86D27E64' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/TakistaniArmy_611A2A77548D2F97/addon.gproj' guid: '611A2A77548D2F97' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/TaskForceAres_606D0CA67F3F3E68/addon.gproj' guid: '606D0CA67F3F3E68' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/TFBBPatches_5E5F0E052033B5EC/addon.gproj' guid: '5E5F0E052033B5EC' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/TFOExpandedRPGs_5E48587BCF216830/addon.gproj' guid: '5E48587BCF216830' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/TIAFalloutWeapons_61594A2AAEC91677/addon.gproj' guid: '61594A2AAEC91677' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/TODsUH1HHueys_607D293B86831307/addon.gproj' guid: '607D293B86831307' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/VietCongDrip_604558437F7DE084/addon.gproj' guid: '604558437F7DE084' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/Vietnam-EraTropicalRucksack_60433985873068EF/addon.gproj' guid: '60433985873068EF' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/VipersFlightSuit_61575408B8E60FC3/addon.gproj' guid: '61575408B8E60FC3' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/WIPBell412CH-146_6076D67329DF1501/addon.gproj' guid: '6076D67329DF1501' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/WW2Everon_60F5558BCD230C07/addon.gproj' guid: '60F5558BCD230C07' (packed) 08:49:59.349 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/WZVehicles_617AC5E57EF1D9E3/addon.gproj' guid: '617AC5E57EF1D9E3' (packed) 08:49:59.501 ENGINE : FileSystem: Adding package './addons/data/' (pak count: 10) to filesystem under name ArmaReforger 08:49:59.508 ENGINE : FileSystem: Adding package './addons/core/' (pak count: 2) to filesystem under name core 08:49:59.508 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=0 name=ArmaReforger path=./addons/data/resourceDatabase.rdb) 08:49:59.581 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=1 name=core path=./addons/core/resourceDatabase.rdb) 08:49:59.582 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=2 name=profile path=C:\Users\austi\OneDrive\Documents\My Games\ArmaReforger\profile/resourceDatabase.rdb) 08:49:59.582 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=3 name=logs path=C:\Users\austi\OneDrive\Documents\My Games\ArmaReforger\logs\logs_2024-06-26_08-49-58/resourceDatabase.rdb) 08:49:59.647 ENGINE : GameProject load 08:49:59.647 ENGINE : Loaded addons: 08:49:59.647 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/core/core.gproj' guid: '5614BBCCBB55ED1C' 08:49:59.647 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/data/ArmaReforger.gproj' guid: '58D0FB3206B6F859' 08:49:59.649 ENGINE : GameProject load 08:49:59.649 INIT : GameProject load project data @"./addons/data/ArmaReforger.gproj" 08:49:59.649 RESOURCES (E): Wrong GUID/name for resource @"{C014582791ECBF24}Language/localization.st" in property "StringTableSource" 08:49:59.649 ENGINE : Loading custom engine user config '$profile:.save/app1874880_user76561198210022189/settings/ReforgerEngineSettings.conf' 08:49:59.654 INIT : GameProject engine user settings load @"$profile:.save/app1874880_user76561198210022189/settings/ReforgerEngineSettings.conf" 08:49:59.654 ENGINE : Engine user settings config loaded 08:49:59.654 ENGINE : Locale info: system en-US (English), user en-US (English) 08:50:00.359 RENDER : (OK) Adapter 'AMD Radeon RX 6600' supports feature level 12_0 08:50:00.361 RENDER : Basic screen setup: 08:50:00.361 RENDER : Back buffer width x height: 1920x1080 08:50:00.361 RENDER : Back buffer format : TEXFMT_R8G8B8A8_SRGB (29) 08:50:00.361 RENDER : MSAA : none 08:50:00.634 RENDER : AMD AGS library initialized, version 6.1.0 x DLL 6.1.0 08:50:00.634 RENDER : Extendeded AMD info for AMD Radeon RX 6600 (primary device) 08:50:00.634 RENDER : * architecture RDNA2, 28 CUs, 14 WGPs (for RDNA), 32 ROPs 08:50:00.634 RENDER : * core clocks 2044 MHz, memory 1750 MHz 08:50:00.634 RENDER : * TFlops 7.3, memory bandwidth (218.8 GB/s) 08:50:00.634 RENDER : Extendeded AMD info for AMD Radeon(TM) Graphics (secondary device) 08:50:00.634 RENDER : * architecture unknown, 0 CUs, 0 WGPs (for RDNA), 0 ROPs 08:50:00.634 RENDER : * core clocks 0 MHz, memory 0 MHz 08:50:00.634 RENDER : * TFlops 0.0, memory bandwidth (0.0 GB/s) 08:50:00.634 RENDER : AMD AGS correctly initialized 08:50:00.635 RENDER : Driver for AMD Radeon RX 6600 is from 13.3.2024 (3 months, 16 days old) 08:50:00.635 RENDER : GPU_ATI (0x1002) (AMD Radeon RX 6600) with 1 GPU detected, VRAM 8147MB (fast 0MB), shared 15946MB, driver version DXGI 31.0.24027.1012, stereo not available 08:50:00.635 RENDER : Detected output devices: 08:50:00.635 RENDER : * 1 device/s connected to AMD Radeon RX 6600: 08:50:00.635 RENDER : Generic PnP Monitor (\\.\DISPLAY1), 1920x1080 (offset 0x0), 59Hz 08:50:00.635 RENDER : Concurrent frames limit 2 08:50:01.207 RENDER : DX12 device successfully created by AMD AGS library 08:50:01.207 RENDER : * user markers supported 08:50:01.207 RENDER : Graphics device features 08:50:01.207 RENDER : Needed: 08:50:01.207 RENDER : * Highest supported shader model: 6.6 (6.0 needed) 08:50:01.207 RENDER : Optional: 08:50:01.207 RENDER : * Allow tearing (VSYNC) : 1 08:50:01.207 RENDER : * 16 bits : 1 08:50:01.207 RENDER : * Resource heap tier : 3 08:50:01.207 RENDER : * Persistent heaps (DRED) : 1 08:50:01.207 RENDER : * DRED 1.2 is supported by compiler 08:50:01.230 RENDER : Main RT format setup. 08:50:01.230 RENDER : Main RT format for quality 0 : TEXFMT_R11G11B10F (26) 08:50:01.230 RENDER : Main RT format for quality 1 : TEXFMT_R16G16B16A16F (10) 08:50:01.291 ENGINE : Job system settings: coreCount=12, shortJobContextCount=12, shortJobThreadCount=11, longJobThreadCount=5 08:50:01.632 AUDIO : Speakers (G432 Gaming Headset) 08:50:01.647 RENDER : RENDER : Reload shaders 08:50:01.648 RENDER : Enfusion shader version 70 08:50:01.873 RENDER : Loaded 3191 newer shader binaries 08:50:01.873 PROFILING : Reload shaders took: 225.536900 ms 08:50:01.873 ENGINE : Initializing inputs. 08:50:01.877 NETWORK : Initializing networking. 08:50:01.877 SCRIPT : SCRIPT : Initializing scripts 08:50:01.878 SCRIPT : SCRIPT : ScriptProjectManager init 08:50:01.878 PROFILING : ScriptProjectManager init took: 0.025100 ms 08:50:01.887 PROFILING : Initializing scripts took: 9.329000 ms 08:50:01.887 ENGINE : Enfusion engine successfully created. 08:50:01.983 GUI : Using default language (en_us) 08:50:01.983 GUI : Loading 'en_us' localization file. 08:50:01.983 INIT : INIT : Loading StringTable 08:50:01.994 PROFILING : Loading StringTable took: 10.982800 ms 08:50:01.995 SCRIPT : SCRIPT : Compiling GameLib scripts 08:50:02.006 SCRIPT : Module: GameLib; loaded 282x files; 509x classes; used 478/2097 kB (22%) of static memory; defines: "PLATFORM_WINDOWS,ENF_ENABLE_VHC_OVERRIDE,ENF_ENABLE_RPLCOMPONENT_IN_GAMECODE"; CRC32: 46b6820e 08:50:02.007 PROFILING : Compiling GameLib scripts took: 13.471100 ms 08:50:02.007 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{1C71B463B3B66BAB}UI/layouts/Menus/MainMenu/IntroSplashScreen.layout" 08:50:02.007 GUI : Layout load @"{1C71B463B3B66BAB}UI/layouts/Menus/MainMenu/IntroSplashScreen.layout" 08:50:02.007 GUI (E): Unknown class 'SCR_WidgetExportRuleRoot' at offset 282(0x11a) 08:50:02.092 SCRIPT : SCRIPT : Compiling Game scripts 08:50:02.720 SCRIPT : Module: Game; loaded 4183x files; 8550x classes; used 18681/41943 kB (44%) of static memory; defines: "PLATFORM_WINDOWS,ENF_ENABLE_VHC_OVERRIDE,ENF_ENABLE_RPLCOMPONENT_IN_GAMECODE,ENABLE_BASE_DESTRUCTION,DEBUG,RESPAWN_TIMER_COMPONENT_DEBUG,DEBUG_NEARBY_CONTEXT_DISPLAY,DEBUG_CONFIGURABLE_DIALOGS,DISABLE_WEAPON_SWITCHING,SCRIPTED_AIM_MODIFIER_DEBUG"; CRC32: 557c3d06 08:50:02.993 PROFILING : Compiling Game scripts took: 900.145800 ms 08:50:02.994 INIT : Creating game instance(ArmaReforgerScripted), version built 2024-06-21 1:04:10 UTC. 08:50:03.067 ENGINE : Game successfully created. 08:50:03.126 PLATFORM : Save data from container 'settings' have been loaded 08:50:03.226 PLATFORM : Save data from container 'sessions' have been loaded 08:50:03.632 PLATFORM : GameProject user settings load from profile @"ReforgerGameSettings.conf" 08:50:03.632 ENGINE : Game user settings config loaded 08:50:03.639 WORLD : WORLD : Entities load 'worlds/MainMenuWorld/MainMenuWorld.ent' 08:50:03.639 PROFILING : Entities load took: 0.065500 ms 08:50:03.639 WORLD : WORLD : Game::LoadEntities 08:50:03.640 NETWORK : Enabled lag compensation, 29 frames with 100 FPS and 280 ms rewind limits. 08:50:03.640 WORLD : WORLD : Preload 08:50:03.642 PROFILING : Preload took: 1.609800 ms 08:50:03.642 WORLD : WORLD : Wait for preloading data 08:50:03.642 PROFILING : Wait for preloading data took: 0.000100 ms 08:50:03.642 WORLD : WORLD : CreateEntities 08:50:03.642 WORLD : WORLD : CreateEntities 08:50:03.642 WORLD : WORLD : NotifyBeforeEntitiesCreated 08:50:03.642 RESOURCES : Loaded mission headers from 303 addon(s)! 08:50:03.642 PROFILING : NotifyBeforeEntitiesCreated took: 0.616800 ms 08:50:03.643 WORLD : Game::LoadEntities 08:50:03.643 WORLD : CreateEntities 08:50:03.643 WORLD : CreateEntities 08:50:03.643 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:2" ('Music', GenericEntity) at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 08:50:03.643 AUDIO (W): SignalManagerComponent not present, functionality will be limited 08:50:03.643 WORLD : WORLD : NotifyBeforeEntitiesInitialized 08:50:03.643 PROFILING : NotifyBeforeEntitiesInitialized took: 0.007200 ms 08:50:05.164 WORLD : InitEntities 'world' 08:50:05.165 ENTITY : Init entity @"ENTITY:3" ('SCR_AddonManager') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 08:50:05.165 SCRIPT : [SCR_AddonManager] SCR_AddonManager<0x000002212A840030> @"ENTITY:3" ('SCR_AddonManager') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> Internal_CheckAddons() 08:50:05.165 WORLD : WORLD : NotifyEntitiesInitialized 08:50:05.165 PROFILING : NotifyEntitiesInitialized took: 0.057000 ms 08:50:05.165 PROFILING : CreateEntities took: 1522.758100 ms 08:50:05.165 PROFILING : CreateEntities took: 1522.766500 ms 08:50:05.165 WORLD : WORLD : EOnActivate 08:50:05.165 PROFILING : EOnActivate took: 0.001900 ms 08:50:05.165 PROFILING : Game::LoadEntities took: 1525.907100 ms 08:50:05.170 DEFAULT : Entered main menu. 08:50:05.272 DEFAULT (W): No GameMode present in the world, using fallback logic! 08:50:05.272 WORLD : Frame start 08:50:05.272 NETWORK : Projectiles will simulate using: EOnFrame 08:50:07.460 PLATFORM : Saving of data to container 'settings' started. 08:50:08.294 SCRIPT : [SCR_AddonManager] SCR_AddonManager<0x000002212A840030> @"ENTITY:3" ('SCR_AddonManager') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> Callback_CheckAddons_OnSuccess() 08:50:08.309 SCRIPT : [SCR_AddonManager] SCR_AddonManager<0x000002212A840030> @"ENTITY:3" ('SCR_AddonManager') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> FinalizeInitAfterAsyncChecks() 08:50:08.309 SCRIPT : [SCR_AddonManager] SCR_AddonManager<0x000002212A840030> @"ENTITY:3" ('SCR_AddonManager') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> Init Finished 08:50:08.310 SCRIPT : [SCR_AddonManager] SCR_AddonManager<0x000002212A840030> @"ENTITY:3" ('SCR_AddonManager') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> User Workshop access: 1 08:50:20.364 SCRIPT : [SCR_ConfigurableDialogUi] presetsResourceName: {471EFCF445C3E9C6}Configs/ServerBrowser/JoiningDialogs.conf, tag: JOIN, customDialogObj: NULL 08:50:21.332 ENGINE : Game destroyed. 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : Addon dirs: 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : dir: './addons' 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : dir: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons' 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : dir: '$profile:../addons/' 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : Available addons: 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/104th_GWB_5ED169F049FA72D0/addon.gproj' guid: '5ED169F049FA72D0' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/240ZVariants_60A48BE924C74D90/addon.gproj' guid: '60A48BE924C74D90' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/A-10AThunderboltII_5E0210B8D9ACE179/addon.gproj' guid: '5E0210B8D9ACE179' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/ACEAllinOne_60C4E0B49618CC62/addon.gproj' guid: '60C4E0B49618CC62' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/ACEBackblast_60E573C9B04CC408/addon.gproj' guid: '60E573C9B04CC408' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/ACECarrying_5DBD560C5148E1DA/addon.gproj' guid: '5DBD560C5148E1DA' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/ACEChopping_5EB744C5F42E0800/addon.gproj' guid: '5EB744C5F42E0800' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/ACECompass_60C53A9372ED3964/addon.gproj' guid: '60C53A9372ED3964' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/ACECore_60C4CE4888FF4621/addon.gproj' guid: '60C4CE4888FF4621' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/ACEFinger_606C369BAC3F6CC3/addon.gproj' guid: '606C369BAC3F6CC3' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/ACEMedical_60C4C12DAE90727B/addon.gproj' guid: '60C4C12DAE90727B' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/ACETrenches_60EAEA0389DB3CC2/addon.gproj' guid: '60EAEA0389DB3CC2' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/africanrebels_605EAA5B7D039B75/addon.gproj' guid: '605EAA5B7D039B75' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/AH-1Cobra_60902E4EEC2C00FF/addon.gproj' guid: '60902E4EEC2C00FF' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/AH-64DApache_5CCCC1DFB9C93581/addon.gproj' guid: '5CCCC1DFB9C93581' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/AModestBoat_5E440E8FBA164A4C/addon.gproj' guid: '5E440E8FBA164A4C' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/ArmaTerrainCore_60B524F7A5AE96A8/addon.gproj' guid: '60B524F7A5AE96A8' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/ArmaTowerReforged-SpyBoB_6109572980E4E3F7/addon.gproj' guid: '6109572980E4E3F7' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/AS50_6132B80DC62D8507/addon.gproj' guid: '6132B80DC62D8507' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/BaconLoadoutEditor_606B100247F5C709/addon.gproj' guid: '606B100247F5C709' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/BaconsM249pkmrpkrails_5E4F1725CF7FD63A/addon.gproj' guid: '5E4F1725CF7FD63A' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/BaconWeather_5EF5347644A2C501/addon.gproj' guid: '5EF5347644A2C501' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/BadlandsMap_60A93A4F4B42BB92/addon.gproj' guid: '60A93A4F4B42BB92' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/BadlandsOfficial_608CA96AB2239258/addon.gproj' guid: '608CA96AB2239258' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/BarrettM82_5AC2954C784671B3/addon.gproj' guid: '5AC2954C784671B3' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/BenelliM4_5D915A9DC6EB0856/addon.gproj' guid: '5D915A9DC6EB0856' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/BensClothingMod_612AF8CFAD832F80/addon.gproj' guid: '612AF8CFAD832F80' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/BetterExplosives2.0_597D2A65AB73E657/addon.gproj' guid: '597D2A65AB73E657' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/BetterInventory_5DAC39D2C3D4C8CD/addon.gproj' guid: '5DAC39D2C3D4C8CD' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/BetterMuzzleFlashes2.0_59674C21AA886D57/addon.gproj' guid: '59674C21AA886D57' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/BetterSounds3.0_597C0CF3A7AA8A99/addon.gproj' guid: '597C0CF3A7AA8A99' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/BetterTracers_59673B6FBB95459F/addon.gproj' guid: '59673B6FBB95459F' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/BGONE_5F1EE615E7AE3106/addon.gproj' guid: '5F1EE615E7AE3106' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/Blunderbuss_5DBAB91070DB7992/addon.gproj' guid: '5DBAB91070DB7992' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/BMP-1IFV_5E524E4FEECCA92B/addon.gproj' guid: '5E524E4FEECCA92B' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/BMP-2M_6094495EBB851B75/addon.gproj' guid: '6094495EBB851B75' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/BMP-3IFV_5B383D4CB27E0D54/addon.gproj' guid: '5B383D4CB27E0D54' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/BonActionAnimations_5C9758250C8C56F1/addon.gproj' guid: '5C9758250C8C56F1' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/BradleyUpgrade_609E0DE88187CC31/addon.gproj' guid: '609E0DE88187CC31' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/ChinesePLA_60A6507633AB1954/addon.gproj' guid: '60A6507633AB1954' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/CivilianCarPack_60875CD2B0B5EFBD/addon.gproj' guid: '60875CD2B0B5EFBD' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/ClothingPack_5D92285AD80E1A56/addon.gproj' guid: '5D92285AD80E1A56' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/COALITIONLighting_611F3D4E2C5E04D8/addon.gproj' guid: '611F3D4E2C5E04D8' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/COALITIONSquadInterface_5B0D1E4380971EBD/addon.gproj' guid: '5B0D1E4380971EBD' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/CollectableIntelAMPPhones_5F207DD6271E2799/addon.gproj' guid: '5F207DD6271E2799' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/CompositionsforGMbyHeine_61110CC4F1FF9C8A/addon.gproj' guid: '61110CC4F1FF9C8A' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/core/core.gproj' guid: '5614BBCCBB55ED1C' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/Curn_605ED9AF4A4D9129/addon.gproj' guid: '605ED9AF4A4D9129' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/CursedReforger_5EB7536BA1AEDEDE/addon.gproj' guid: '5EB7536BA1AEDEDE' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/CZScorpionEVO3SMG_5AD6FDAC65418DEA/addon.gproj' guid: '5AD6FDAC65418DEA' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/DarkgruAH-1ZViper_609345F067523D08/addon.gproj' guid: '609345F067523D08' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/DarkGruConflict_60424680AF224DB0/addon.gproj' guid: '60424680AF224DB0' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/DarkgruEconomyFix_61304E893CB52793/addon.gproj' guid: '61304E893CB52793' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/DarkGruHarbinZ-20_61362A39AA17C647/addon.gproj' guid: '61362A39AA17C647' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/DarkgruNATOOverhaul_60AD58012EA4A317/addon.gproj' guid: '60AD58012EA4A317' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/DarkGruOperatorsPack_5E20E8B2F00F9864/addon.gproj' guid: '5E20E8B2F00F9864' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/DarkgruOperators_606F57376632E15B/addon.gproj' guid: '606F57376632E15B' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/DarkgruPLAFaction_606112213B843B46/addon.gproj' guid: '606112213B843B46' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/DarkgruRUOverhaulPack_60A327A008C3662B/addon.gproj' guid: '60A327A008C3662B' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/DarkGruSoarhelicopters_5F244258B6AD0AB4/addon.gproj' guid: '5F244258B6AD0AB4' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/DarkGruVehicleAssets_5F361C64A8A7706B/addon.gproj' guid: '5F361C64A8A7706B' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/DarkGruWeaponSkinsW.I.P_5EE83C87B7FEAE57/addon.gproj' guid: '5EE83C87B7FEAE57' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/DarkRaiderVehiclePack_5B2E2C68B6C88874/addon.gproj' guid: '5B2E2C68B6C88874' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/data/ArmaReforger.gproj' guid: '58D0FB3206B6F859' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/DGPLARHSHelmetCompatability_60613D5B2834AB9C/addon.gproj' guid: '60613D5B2834AB9C' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/DisableGameMasterBudgets_5F2944B7474F043F/addon.gproj' guid: '5F2944B7474F043F' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/DisableGMDynamicSimulation_60B2AD8092C4C94A/addon.gproj' guid: '60B2AD8092C4C94A' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/DiscordPlayerList_5D3CCC039449D1C8/addon.gproj' guid: '5D3CCC039449D1C8' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/DivingMod_610B4484DBB3FB88/addon.gproj' guid: '610B4484DBB3FB88' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/dog_Gear_597491A7AFEE471B/addon.gproj' guid: '597491A7AFEE471B' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/DVB1AH1SCobra_6070ABA98B0B74DA/addon.gproj' guid: '6070ABA98B0B74DA' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/Earplugs_612F512CD4CB21D5/addon.gproj' guid: '612F512CD4CB21D5' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/EnfusionDatabaseFramework_5D6EA74A94173EDF/EnfusionDatabaseFramework.gproj' guid: '5D6EA74A94173EDF' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/EnfusionPersistenceFramework_5D6EBC81EB1842EF/EnfusionPersistenceFramework.gproj' guid: '5D6EBC81EB1842EF' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/EnhancedWeaponImmersion2.5_5A7B79D8A910A4D1/addon.gproj' guid: '5A7B79D8A910A4D1' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/EotechVudu_608CF9E9CAC792B8/addon.gproj' guid: '608CF9E9CAC792B8' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/EquipmentPack_5DFF3C73D54D33FD/addon.gproj' guid: '5DFF3C73D54D33FD' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/EveronLife_59636E668EA37AD7/EveronLife.gproj' guid: '59636E668EA37AD7' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/ExpandedMilitaryGear_5D9E2CE6BC9396EF/addon.gproj' guid: '5D9E2CE6BC9396EF' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/FA18SuperHornet_6126FCB7FD72CF3F/addon.gproj' guid: '6126FCB7FD72CF3F' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/ForceGarbageCollect_60DF519BEC7A5649/addon.gproj' guid: '60DF519BEC7A5649' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/GameMasterFX_5994AD5A9F33BE57/addon.gproj' guid: '5994AD5A9F33BE57' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/GameMasterSafeZones_5CE334EA7649C7CC/addon.gproj' guid: '5CE334EA7649C7CC' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/GarbageCollectorPatch_5F0913BAAC69ABF5/addon.gproj' guid: '5F0913BAAC69ABF5' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/GMPersistentLoadouts_5C73156675E11A0F/addon.gproj' guid: '5C73156675E11A0F' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/GripsAMPBipods_60F4D8CA32492563/addon.gproj' guid: '60F4D8CA32492563' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/HDRFix_611772813EE29E17/addon.gproj' guid: '611772813EE29E17' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/HK416-24variants_5F1911B5C78C249B/addon.gproj' guid: '5F1911B5C78C249B' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/HMASAdelaide_5A78300A9F2D7A65/addon.gproj' guid: '5A78300A9F2D7A65' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/HMMWVVARIANTSPACK_5D9ECAD071E9ECBC/addon.gproj' guid: '5D9ECAD071E9ECBC' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/JointLightTacticalVehicle_5C721177A220B42F/addon.gproj' guid: '5C721177A220B42F' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/JTF2_607CE45D27490DBF/addon.gproj' guid: '607CE45D27490DBF' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/KA-52Alligator_60445135BF66D43F/addon.gproj' guid: '60445135BF66D43F' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/ka52FIXUPGRADE_612E27CE2B70736C/addon.gproj' guid: '612E27CE2B70736C' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/KeepGunWhenUncon_6088A3044B7ECBFD/addon.gproj' guid: '6088A3044B7ECBFD' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/KOMRAD-12Shotgun_5CA8F34E77DD532C/addon.gproj' guid: '5CA8F34E77DD532C' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/KOTHKingOfTheHillReforged_5E055A77849516EF/addon.gproj' guid: '5E055A77849516EF' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/KOTHReforged-MoreWeapons_5EF6AB90851FD4F2/addon.gproj' guid: '5EF6AB90851FD4F2' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/KS-1_L403A1_607306DEC76D8E35/addon.gproj' guid: '607306DEC76D8E35' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/KSS3ClassSubmarine_5F116BA2A34719F7/addon.gproj' guid: '5F116BA2A34719F7' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/KunarProvince-Afghanistan_5C9691EA7FD7A79F/addon.gproj' guid: '5C9691EA7FD7A79F' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/M110DMR_5CA125536EE7430A/addon.gproj' guid: '5CA125536EE7430A' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/M17Pistol_5CA6BA2F63DE1174/addon.gproj' guid: '5CA6BA2F63DE1174' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/M1AbramsUpgrade_609F54C98832DD6A/addon.gproj' guid: '609F54C98832DD6A' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/M1Abrams_5D1880C4AD410C14/addon.gproj' guid: '5D1880C4AD410C14' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/M2010EnhancedSniperRifle_5D8D003BC5D829EC/addon.gproj' guid: '5D8D003BC5D829EC' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/M240B_5EF547D45D9DF003/addon.gproj' guid: '5EF547D45D9DF003' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/M240MediumMachineGun_5F02D048E7AD81E9/M240MediumMachineGun.gproj' guid: '5F02D048E7AD81E9' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/M249ScopeRails_5AF6E0F075D79473/addon.gproj' guid: '5AF6E0F075D79473' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/M2BradleyFightingVehicle_5E193315C8E82019/addon.gproj' guid: '5E193315C8E82019' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/M4A1BlockIIandURG-I_5AB890B71D748750/addon.gproj' guid: '5AB890B71D748750' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/MAKOAK105Zentico_5DF14A2FD0C42CC0/addon.gproj' guid: '5DF14A2FD0C42CC0' (packed) 08:50:21.430 ENGINE : gproj: 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'./addons/ZeliksLootSpawners_5C8540DA49BA6AFC/ZEL_LootSpawners.gproj' guid: '5C8540DA49BA6AFC' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/ZeliksZones_5C6156F84AA262A2/addon.gproj' guid: '5C6156F84AA262A2' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/ZU-23_5C9AD9EF76F6B5EA/addon.gproj' guid: '5C9AD9EF76F6B5EA' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/12Teammates_5EF50A556AFB690D/addon.gproj' guid: '5EF50A556AFB690D' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/1stRangerVehiclePack_5C822ED58257DD56/addon.gproj' guid: '5C822ED58257DD56' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/40mmRoundsVietnam_61243572331BF7C4/addon.gproj' guid: '61243572331BF7C4' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/A-10TrimHotfix_5F2B1D0066EC90AD/addon.gproj' guid: '5F2B1D0066EC90AD' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/ACL-StandardMode_61780A0624BB111C/addon.gproj' guid: '61780A0624BB111C' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/AC_MogSce_619974D6610B50B7/addon.gproj' guid: '619974D6610B50B7' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/AC_Mog_61997431766B17E2/addon.gproj' guid: '61997431766B17E2' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/AEK971_5F291AC0C6088F0C/addon.gproj' guid: '5F291AC0C6088F0C' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/Allrankslockable_614F73C7E71E1480/addon.gproj' guid: '614F73C7E71E1480' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/ArmaConflict_Assets_60651CB468536A65/addon.gproj' guid: '60651CB468536A65' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/ArmaConflict_Core_604F51E5562CCAB9/addon.gproj' guid: '604F51E5562CCAB9' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/BadParachute_6198EC294DEC63C0/addon.gproj' guid: '6198EC294DEC63C0' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/BCGMapMarkersModification_60E2962C95FD3570/addon.gproj' guid: '60E2962C95FD3570' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/BensalteKutsche_613D3AB783AEF7EB/addon.gproj' guid: '613D3AB783AEF7EB' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/BLEEDINGFROMWHEREDAMNIT_5F2D346C916B6FCC/addon.gproj' guid: '5F2D346C916B6FCC' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/BradleyFix_612F4C04CFF9B1C4/addon.gproj' guid: '612F4C04CFF9B1C4' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/BritishArmedForcesVehicles_5C961A93A16EB866/addon.gproj' guid: '5C961A93A16EB866' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/BTBiggerBackpacks_611120E1C0A7F9D2/addon.gproj' guid: '611120E1C0A7F9D2' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/BTR-ZU23_611AE38AC5A3FF03/addon.gproj' guid: '611AE38AC5A3FF03' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/C-RAM_611F7416D7A843BD/addon.gproj' guid: '611F7416D7A843BD' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/CascadianWilds_616F1CB821E76C2F/addon.gproj' guid: '616F1CB821E76C2F' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/CivilianFaction_60DD26FB579255DE/addon.gproj' guid: '60DD26FB579255DE' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/CougarMRAP_5D5A20A8AE33C21E/addon.gproj' guid: '5D5A20A8AE33C21E' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/D3sChemlights_608694907CE8FBCB/addon.gproj' guid: '608694907CE8FBCB' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/DarkGruEdits_61682C2E11376DC1/addon.gproj' guid: '61682C2E11376DC1' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/DGSpawnProtection_618C269537E7655F/addon.gproj' guid: '618C269537E7655F' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/DisableFriendlyFire_5C8AD2767D87626B/addon.gproj' guid: '5C8AD2767D87626B' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/DisableGamemasterVoting_614657451EC6C978/addon.gproj' guid: '614657451EC6C978' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/Early2000sUSMilitary_60B134EF0216CF4D/addon.gproj' guid: '60B134EF0216CF4D' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/FalconIVANPRC163_6164D6708E1203B0/addon.gproj' guid: '6164D6708E1203B0' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/FallujahMapByHeine_5F04F5A0383C44B1/addon.gproj' guid: '5F04F5A0383C44B1' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/G4Clothing_615CD4420BB8875F/addon.gproj' guid: '615CD4420BB8875F' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/GameMasterEnhanced_5964E0B3BB7410CE/addon.gproj' guid: '5964E0B3BB7410CE' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/GatomaPickupTruck_5D0D623BB27CC015/addon.gproj' guid: '5D0D623BB27CC015' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/Gogland_5CD4956FB405C585/addon.gproj' guid: '5CD4956FB405C585' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/GulfcoastBuildings_5E1735DB431EE29B/addon.gproj' guid: '5E1735DB431EE29B' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/HumveeVariants4Conflict_605E3A755084A345/addon.gproj' guid: '605E3A755084A345' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/IEDEmporium2.0_5DD55EE55380FA5C/addon.gproj' guid: '5DD55EE55380FA5C' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/insurgentfaction_60645C9863C41915/addon.gproj' guid: '60645C9863C41915' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/InsurgentsclothingSAF_616911425623E02F/addon.gproj' guid: '616911425623E02F' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/iRON79Compositions_60A68ED7293C691A/addon.gproj' guid: '60A68ED7293C691A' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/JamsheedsRussianWeapons_612B280D49449EB9/addon.gproj' guid: '612B280D49449EB9' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/JSOC_Equipment_606559F2AE8A6BAA/addon.gproj' guid: '606559F2AE8A6BAA' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/KeepAbandonedVehicles_60E2D7E5A20FABEB/addon.gproj' guid: '60E2D7E5A20FABEB' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/KunarProvincePVEConflict_60ECE506DB3DF9D7/addon.gproj' guid: '60ECE506DB3DF9D7' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/M113APC_5E5C154FEE1094BB/addon.gproj' guid: '5E5C154FEE1094BB' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/mapmakeronlyassets_5EDC6DEEFCFDE088/addon.gproj' guid: '5EDC6DEEFCFDE088' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/MCR-Pack5.56x45_5D7531C2D05BC700/addon.gproj' guid: '5D7531C2D05BC700' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/Mk19VehicleMountedonM1025_60AABE9BEC5FD178/addon.gproj' guid: '60AABE9BEC5FD178' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/MOCNews_60AE8CCC4B5192D4/addon.gproj' guid: '60AE8CCC4B5192D4' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/Mortars_604E9E8B40A762D1/addon.gproj' guid: '604E9E8B40A762D1' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/MP5_MP5SD_5D457933C3941DBB/addon.gproj' guid: '5D457933C3941DBB' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/NEW_MOC_ASSETS_61022DAF8D7A09A7/addon.gproj' guid: '61022DAF8D7A09A7' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/NoSupplySystem_5EE472B0F295A124/addon.gproj' guid: '5EE472B0F295A124' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/PhoenixStudiosCommon_617EB0013539C88E/addon.gproj' guid: '617EB0013539C88E' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/PPSh-41_60E6F54E174C53C5/addon.gproj' guid: '60E6F54E174C53C5' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/RadioRockByHeine_60AF3CF79243766A/addon.gproj' guid: '60AF3CF79243766A' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/RealisticBellUH-1HIroquois_611F5A1124E0168B/addon.gproj' guid: '611F5A1124E0168B' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/RemoveTeamKillBan_5F0D18918DA8CFFC/addon.gproj' guid: '5F0D18918DA8CFFC' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/RHIBArmed_6164D69FACDDF372/addon.gproj' guid: '6164D69FACDDF372' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/RHIB_5994614FB5AD35C2/addon.gproj' guid: '5994614FB5AD35C2' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/RHSEdits_61690A195DAA9D27/addon.gproj' guid: '61690A195DAA9D27' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/RPD_61344BDC155A5A28/addon.gproj' guid: '61344BDC155A5A28' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/Seitenbuch-Germany_5F031E702D6FAAB1/addon.gproj' guid: '5F031E702D6FAAB1' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/ShootHouse-MODULAR_616313E2836844FF/addon.gproj' guid: '616313E2836844FF' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/ShootHousesBETA_5E329785BB8B38F2/addon.gproj' guid: '5E329785BB8B38F2' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/SOGSTABORIG_607E297391F5DFC5/addon.gproj' guid: '607E297391F5DFC5' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/StrykerUpgrade_609F71EE86D27E64/addon.gproj' guid: '609F71EE86D27E64' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/TakistaniArmy_611A2A77548D2F97/addon.gproj' guid: '611A2A77548D2F97' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/TaskForceAres_606D0CA67F3F3E68/addon.gproj' guid: '606D0CA67F3F3E68' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/TFBBPatches_5E5F0E052033B5EC/addon.gproj' guid: '5E5F0E052033B5EC' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/TFOExpandedRPGs_5E48587BCF216830/addon.gproj' guid: '5E48587BCF216830' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/TIAFalloutWeapons_61594A2AAEC91677/addon.gproj' guid: '61594A2AAEC91677' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/TODsUH1HHueys_607D293B86831307/addon.gproj' guid: '607D293B86831307' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/VietCongDrip_604558437F7DE084/addon.gproj' guid: '604558437F7DE084' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/Vietnam-EraTropicalRucksack_60433985873068EF/addon.gproj' guid: '60433985873068EF' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/VipersFlightSuit_61575408B8E60FC3/addon.gproj' guid: '61575408B8E60FC3' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/WIPBell412CH-146_6076D67329DF1501/addon.gproj' guid: '6076D67329DF1501' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/WW2Everon_60F5558BCD230C07/addon.gproj' guid: '60F5558BCD230C07' (packed) 08:50:21.431 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/WZVehicles_617AC5E57EF1D9E3/addon.gproj' guid: '617AC5E57EF1D9E3' (packed) 08:50:21.466 ENGINE : FileSystem: Adding package './addons/data/' (pak count: 10) to filesystem under name ArmaReforger 08:50:21.468 ENGINE : FileSystem: Adding package './addons/core/' (pak count: 2) to filesystem under name core 08:50:21.468 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=0 name=ArmaReforger path=./addons/data/resourceDatabase.rdb) 08:50:21.527 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=1 name=core path=./addons/core/resourceDatabase.rdb) 08:50:21.529 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=2 name=profile path=C:\Users\austi\OneDrive\Documents\My Games\ArmaReforger\profile/resourceDatabase.rdb) 08:50:21.529 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=3 name=logs path=C:\Users\austi\OneDrive\Documents\My Games\ArmaReforger\logs\logs_2024-06-26_08-49-58/resourceDatabase.rdb) 08:50:21.587 ENGINE : GameProject load 08:50:21.587 ENGINE : Loaded addons: 08:50:21.587 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/core/core.gproj' guid: '5614BBCCBB55ED1C' 08:50:21.587 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/data/ArmaReforger.gproj' guid: '58D0FB3206B6F859' 08:50:21.587 ENGINE : GameProject load 08:50:21.587 INIT : GameProject load project data @"./addons/data/ArmaReforger.gproj" 08:50:21.587 RESOURCES (E): Wrong GUID/name for resource @"{C014582791ECBF24}Language/localization.st" in property "StringTableSource" 08:50:21.592 GUI : Using default language (en_us) 08:50:21.592 GUI : Loading 'en_us' localization file. 08:50:21.592 INIT : INIT : Loading StringTable 08:50:21.603 PROFILING : Loading StringTable took: 9.756100 ms 08:50:21.603 SCRIPT : SCRIPT : Compiling GameLib scripts 08:50:21.615 SCRIPT : Module: GameLib; loaded 282x files; 509x classes; used 472/2097 kB (22%) of static memory; defines: "PLATFORM_WINDOWS,ENF_ENABLE_VHC_OVERRIDE,ENF_ENABLE_RPLCOMPONENT_IN_GAMECODE"; CRC32: 46b6820e 08:50:21.616 PROFILING : Compiling GameLib scripts took: 13.511900 ms 08:50:21.616 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{4C8B29889444BDA3}UI/layouts/Menus/LoadingScreen/ScenarioLoadingScreen.layout" 08:50:21.616 GUI : Layout load @"{4C8B29889444BDA3}UI/layouts/Menus/LoadingScreen/ScenarioLoadingScreen.layout" 08:50:21.616 GUI (E): Unknown class 'SCR_WidgetExportRuleRoot' at offset 286(0x11e) 08:50:21.636 SCRIPT : SCRIPT : Compiling Game scripts 08:50:22.223 SCRIPT : Module: Game; loaded 4183x files; 8550x classes; used 18544/41943 kB (44%) of static memory; defines: "PLATFORM_WINDOWS,ENF_ENABLE_VHC_OVERRIDE,ENF_ENABLE_RPLCOMPONENT_IN_GAMECODE,ENABLE_BASE_DESTRUCTION,DEBUG,RESPAWN_TIMER_COMPONENT_DEBUG,DEBUG_NEARBY_CONTEXT_DISPLAY,DEBUG_CONFIGURABLE_DIALOGS,DISABLE_WEAPON_SWITCHING,SCRIPTED_AIM_MODIFIER_DEBUG"; CRC32: 557c3d06 08:50:22.477 PROFILING : Compiling Game scripts took: 842.557200 ms 08:50:22.479 INIT : Creating game instance(ArmaReforgerScripted), version built 2024-06-21 1:04:10 UTC. 08:50:22.499 ENGINE : Game successfully created. 08:50:22.599 PLATFORM : Save data from container 'settings' have been loaded 08:50:22.699 PLATFORM : Save data from container 'sessions' have been loaded 08:50:22.699 PLATFORM : GameProject user settings load from profile @"ReforgerGameSettings.conf" 08:50:22.699 ENGINE : Game user settings config loaded 08:50:22.799 NETWORK : Starting RPL client, connecting to address 08:50:22.799 RPL : Starting client 08:50:23.399 RPL : ClientImpl event: connected (identity=0x00000000) 08:50:23.507 DEFAULT : BattlEye Client: Loading BattlEye library from path 'D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma Reforger\battleye\BEClient_x64.dll'. 08:50:24.282 DEFAULT : BattlEye Client: 'Initialized (v1.250)' 08:50:24.282 DEFAULT : BattlEye Client: Initialized. 08:50:24.286 DEFAULT : BattlEye Client: 'Config entry: GameID armar' 08:50:24.286 DEFAULT : BattlEye Client: 'Config entry: MasterPort 2001' 08:50:24.286 WORLD : WORLD : Entities load '$ArmaReforger:worlds/MP/CTI_Campaign_Eden.ent' 08:50:24.815 WORLD : Entities load '$ArmaReforger:worlds/MP/CTI_Campaign_Eden.ent' 08:50:24.815 RESOURCES (E): Wrong GUID/name for resource @"{79CD7F0D5DB62D18}(null)" in property "Road Network File" 08:50:24.834 PROFILING : Entities load took: 547.904000 ms 08:50:24.834 WORLD : WORLD : Game::LoadEntities 08:50:24.845 NETWORK : Enabled lag compensation, 29 frames with 100 FPS and 280 ms rewind limits. 08:50:24.845 WORLD : WORLD : Preload 08:50:24.987 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{FA18A9EB06BBD8D8}Prefabs/Particles/Bullet_Case/Bullet_Case_9x19.et" 08:50:24.987 WORLD : Entity prefab load @"{FA18A9EB06BBD8D8}Prefabs/Particles/Bullet_Case/Bullet_Case_9x19.et" 08:50:24.987 RESOURCES (E): Wrong GUID/name for resource @"{FA4F4A579EFFE62E}Assets/Weapons/Ammo/Bullets/9x19/Case_9x19.xob" in property "Object" 08:50:25.045 PROFILING : Preload took: 200.370700 ms 08:50:25.045 WORLD : WORLD : Wait for preloading data 08:50:25.483 DEFAULT : BattlEye Client: 'Server computed GUID: 2a5851a89f22981206a13081a1d1ae9c' 08:50:25.803 PROFILING : Wait for preloading data took: 756.871800 ms 08:50:25.803 WORLD : WORLD : CreateEntities 08:50:25.803 WORLD : WORLD : CreateEntities 08:50:25.803 WORLD : WORLD : NotifyBeforeEntitiesCreated 08:50:25.803 RESOURCES : Loaded mission headers from 303 addon(s)! 08:50:25.803 PROFILING : NotifyBeforeEntitiesCreated took: 0.731200 ms 08:50:25.879 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:2" ('Eden', GenericTerrainEntity) at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 08:50:25.879 PROFILING : PROFILING : Terrain load 08:50:27.148 PROFILING : Terrain load took: 1270.413600 ms 08:50:27.159 WORLD : Game::LoadEntities 08:50:27.159 WORLD : CreateEntities 08:50:27.159 WORLD : CreateEntities 08:50:27.159 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:6" ('GodRays', GenericWorldPPEffect) at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 08:50:27.159 MATERIAL : Material load @"{90C363AB5243A434}Common/Postprocess/Sun_GodRays.emat" 08:50:27.159 MATERIAL : Material load @"{90C363AB5243A434}Common/Postprocess/Sun_GodRays.emat" 08:50:27.159 MATERIAL (E): Unknown keyword/data 'HorizonDisableY' at offset 46(0x2e) 08:50:28.879 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:617227" ('StaticModelEntity','Assets/Structures/Infrastructure/Towers/TransmitterTower_01/TransmitterTower_01_small.xob') at <1931.796021 81.777000 5138.725098> @"{6A004A8F0571D456}Prefabs/Structures/Infrastructure/Towers/TransmitterTower_01/TransmitterTower_01_small.et" 08:50:28.879 DEFAULT (W): World doesn't contain RadioManagerEntity to support any BaseRadioComponent. 08:50:31.267 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:2305843009213693959" ('CampaignFactionManager1', SCR_CampaignFactionManager) at <20.291000 0.000000 5.837000> @"{F1AC26310BAE3788}Prefabs/MP/Campaign/CampaignFactionManager.et" 08:50:31.267 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{DDDD9B51F1234DF3}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/UH1H/UH1H_armed.et" 08:50:31.267 WORLD : Entity prefab load @"{DDDD9B51F1234DF3}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/UH1H/UH1H_armed.et" 08:50:31.267 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{70BAEEFC2D3FEE64}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/UH1H/UH1H.et" 08:50:31.267 WORLD : Entity prefab load @"{70BAEEFC2D3FEE64}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/UH1H/UH1H.et" 08:50:31.267 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{D03C0F6044DB5208}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/UH1H/UH1H_base.et" 08:50:31.267 WORLD : Entity prefab load @"{D03C0F6044DB5208}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/UH1H/UH1H_base.et" 08:50:31.267 WORLD (E): Unknown keyword/data 'm_bShowEffectInWB' at offset 16561(0x40b1) 08:50:31.269 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{9CB496688A3BCC3E}Prefabs/MP/Campaign/Assets/CampaignMobileAssemblyWest.et" 08:50:31.269 WORLD : Entity prefab load @"{9CB496688A3BCC3E}Prefabs/MP/Campaign/Assets/CampaignMobileAssemblyWest.et" 08:50:31.269 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{38186F12F27A61C6}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_command_MERDC.et" 08:50:31.269 WORLD : Entity prefab load @"{38186F12F27A61C6}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_command_MERDC.et" 08:50:31.269 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{36BDCC88B17B3BFA}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_command.et" 08:50:31.269 WORLD : Entity prefab load @"{36BDCC88B17B3BFA}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_command.et" 08:50:31.269 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{9A0D72816DFFDB7F}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1.et" 08:50:31.269 WORLD : Entity prefab load @"{9A0D72816DFFDB7F}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1.et" 08:50:31.269 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{E03D5609EEA6E03D}Prefabs/Vehicles/Core/Wheeled_Truck_Base.et" 08:50:31.269 WORLD : Entity prefab load @"{E03D5609EEA6E03D}Prefabs/Vehicles/Core/Wheeled_Truck_Base.et" 08:50:31.269 WORLD (E): Unknown keyword/data 'CurvePredictionDistance' at offset 339(0x153) 08:50:31.270 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{DD774A8FD0989A78}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M1025_armed_M2HB_MERDC.et" 08:50:31.270 WORLD : Entity prefab load @"{DD774A8FD0989A78}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M1025_armed_M2HB_MERDC.et" 08:50:31.270 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{3EA6F47D95867114}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M1025_armed_M2HB.et" 08:50:31.270 WORLD : Entity prefab load @"{3EA6F47D95867114}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M1025_armed_M2HB.et" 08:50:31.270 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{B120CDDBEF8DB007}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M1025_armed_base.et" 08:50:31.270 WORLD : Entity prefab load @"{B120CDDBEF8DB007}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M1025_armed_base.et" 08:50:31.270 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{4A71F755A4513227}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M1025.et" 08:50:31.270 WORLD : Entity prefab load @"{4A71F755A4513227}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M1025.et" 08:50:31.270 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5674FAEB9AB7BDD0}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M998.et" 08:50:31.270 WORLD : Entity prefab load @"{5674FAEB9AB7BDD0}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M998.et" 08:50:31.270 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{1F9BB80C3EC3C891}Prefabs/Vehicles/Core/Wheeled_Car_Base.et" 08:50:31.270 WORLD : Entity prefab load @"{1F9BB80C3EC3C891}Prefabs/Vehicles/Core/Wheeled_Car_Base.et" 08:50:31.270 WORLD (E): Unknown keyword/data 'CurvePredictionDistance' at offset 347(0x15b) 08:50:31.316 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{B47110AA1A806556}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/BTR70/BTR70_FIA.et" 08:50:31.316 WORLD : Entity prefab load @"{B47110AA1A806556}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/BTR70/BTR70_FIA.et" 08:50:31.317 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{1C5FE7B7FF49BB8D}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/BTR70/BTR70_Base.et" 08:50:31.317 WORLD : Entity prefab load @"{1C5FE7B7FF49BB8D}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/BTR70/BTR70_Base.et" 08:50:31.317 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{543A50BF3A42AD47}Prefabs/Vehicles/Core/Wheeled_APC_Base.et" 08:50:31.317 WORLD : Entity prefab load @"{543A50BF3A42AD47}Prefabs/Vehicles/Core/Wheeled_APC_Base.et" 08:50:31.317 WORLD (E): Unknown keyword/data 'CurvePredictionDistance' at offset 373(0x175) 08:50:31.337 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 08:50:31.337 WORLD : Entity prefab load @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 08:50:31.337 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{20C37D5090E4E0E6}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed_base.et" 08:50:31.337 WORLD : Entity prefab load @"{20C37D5090E4E0E6}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed_base.et" 08:50:31.337 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{AFF6067A5CE8A853}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_base.et" 08:50:31.337 WORLD : Entity prefab load @"{AFF6067A5CE8A853}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_base.et" 08:50:31.337 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{AFF6067A5CE8A852}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8_base.et" 08:50:31.337 WORLD : Entity prefab load @"{AFF6067A5CE8A852}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8_base.et" 08:50:31.337 WORLD (E): Unknown keyword/data 'm_bShowEffectInWB' at offset 19148(0x4acc) 08:50:31.414 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:2305843009213698736" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Props/Military/Antennas/Antenna_R161_01/Antenna_R161_01.xob') at <9354.231445 204.427994 1162.372070> 08:50:31.414 DEFAULT (W): BaseRadioComponent does not have any transceiver. (Entity: @"ENTITY:2305843009213698736" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Props/Military/Antennas/Antenna_R161_01/Antenna_R161_01.xob') at <9354.231445 204.427994 1162.372070>). Only printing this message once. There're possibly more nodes with this requirement. 08:50:31.717 WORLD : WORLD : NotifyBeforeEntitiesInitialized 08:50:31.717 PROFILING : NotifyBeforeEntitiesInitialized took: 0.019100 ms 08:50:32.139 WORLD : InitEntities 'world' 08:50:32.139 ENTITY : Init entity @"ENTITY:2305843009213694047" ('GenericEntity') at <1061.874023 2.750000 6010.627930> @"{047B9C8AAB50CE0F}PrefabsEditable/Auto/Compositions/Slotted/SlotFlatSmall/E_MachineGunNest_S_USSR_01.et" 08:50:32.139 ENTITY : SpawnEntityPrefab @"{87DDB867EAD6C494}PrefabsEditable/Auto/Compositions/Misc/SubCompositions/E_Sandbag_MG_USSR_01_PKM.et" 08:50:32.139 WORLD : InitEntities 'world' 08:50:32.139 ENTITY : Init entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427388368" ('GenericEntity') at <1061.880371 2.750000 6008.627930> @"{87DDB867EAD6C494}PrefabsEditable/Auto/Compositions/Misc/SubCompositions/E_Sandbag_MG_USSR_01_PKM.et" 08:50:32.139 SCRIPT (W): Unable to spawn linked entity @"Prefabs/Weapons/Tripods/Tripod_6T5_PKM.et"! 08:50:32.267 WORLD : WORLD : NotifyEntitiesInitialized 08:50:32.267 TERRAIN : TERRAIN : Initializing road networks... 08:50:32.270 PROFILING : Initializing road networks... took: 2.057600 ms 08:50:32.307 INIT : INIT : SoundWorldInit 08:50:32.335 PROFILING : SoundWorldInit took: 28.615200 ms 08:50:32.335 PROFILING : NotifyEntitiesInitialized took: 67.903100 ms 08:50:32.335 PROFILING : CreateEntities took: 6533.161000 ms 08:50:32.335 PROFILING : CreateEntities took: 6533.211300 ms 08:50:32.337 WORLD : WORLD : Wait for preloading data around camera 08:50:33.596 PROFILING : Wait for preloading data around camera took: 1258.339100 ms 08:50:33.596 WORLD : WORLD : EOnActivate 08:50:33.621 PROFILING : EOnActivate took: 25.280600 ms 08:50:33.621 PROFILING : Game::LoadEntities took: 8787.099700 ms 08:50:34.189 DEFAULT : Entered online game state. 08:50:34.294 SCRIPT (E): 'SCR_BaseSupportStationComponent' 'EOnInit': 'SCR_DestructibleBuildingEntity<0x00000221CDB76760> @"ENTITY:272896" ('SCR_DestructibleBuildingEntity','Assets/Structures/Comme' Support Station is set to use supplies but it has no SCR_ResourceComponent 08:50:34.294 SCRIPT (E): 'SCR_BaseSupportStationComponent' 'EOnInit': 'SCR_DestructibleBuildingEntity<0x00000221D9E097F0> @"ENTITY:463500" ('SCR_DestructibleBuildingEntity','Assets/Structures/Comme' Support Station is set to use supplies but it has no SCR_ResourceComponent 08:50:34.294 SCRIPT (E): 'SCR_BaseSupportStationComponent' 'EOnInit': 'SCR_DestructibleBuildingEntity<0x00000221D9E09920> @"ENTITY:463506" ('SCR_DestructibleBuildingEntity','Assets/Structures/Comme' Support Station is set to use supplies but it has no SCR_ResourceComponent 08:50:34.294 SCRIPT (E): 'SCR_BaseSupportStationComponent' 'EOnInit': 'SCR_DestructibleBuildingEntity<0x00000221F355F930> @"ENTITY:858977" ('SCR_DestructibleBuildingEntity','Assets/Structures/Comme' Support Station is set to use supplies but it has no SCR_ResourceComponent 08:50:34.294 SCRIPT (E): 'SCR_BaseSupportStationComponent' 'EOnInit': 'SCR_DestructibleBuildingEntity<0x00000221F355FA60> @"ENTITY:858982" ('SCR_DestructibleBuildingEntity','Assets/Structures/Comme' Support Station is set to use supplies but it has no SCR_ResourceComponent 08:50:34.294 SCRIPT (E): 'SCR_BaseSupportStationComponent' 'EOnInit': 'SCR_DestructibleBuildingEntity<0x00000221F355FB90> @"ENTITY:858987" ('SCR_DestructibleBuildingEntity','Assets/Structures/Comme' Support Station is set to use supplies but it has no SCR_ResourceComponent 08:50:34.294 SCRIPT (E): 'SCR_BaseSupportStationComponent' 'EOnInit': 'SCR_DestructibleBuildingEntity<0x00000221F355FCC0> @"ENTITY:858992" ('SCR_DestructibleBuildingEntity','Assets/Structures/Comme' Support Station is set to use supplies but it has no SCR_ResourceComponent 08:50:34.294 SCRIPT (E): 'SCR_BaseSupportStationComponent' 'EOnInit': 'SCR_DestructibleBuildingEntity<0x00000221F355FDF0> @"ENTITY:858997" ('SCR_DestructibleBuildingEntity','Assets/Structures/Comme' Support Station is set to use supplies but it has no SCR_ResourceComponent 08:50:34.294 SCRIPT (E): 'SCR_BaseSupportStationComponent' 'EOnInit': 'SCR_DestructibleBuildingEntity<0x00000221F35F8030> @"ENTITY:859002" ('SCR_DestructibleBuildingEntity','Assets/Structures/Comme' Support Station is set to use supplies but it has no SCR_ResourceComponent 08:50:34.294 SCRIPT (E): 'SCR_BaseSupportStationComponent' 'EOnInit': 'SCR_DestructibleBuildingEntity<0x00000221F35F8160> @"ENTITY:859007" ('SCR_DestructibleBuildingEntity','Assets/Structures/Comme' Support Station is set to use supplies but it has no SCR_ResourceComponent 08:50:34.295 SCRIPT (E): 'SCR_BaseSupportStationComponent' 'EOnInit': 'SCR_DestructibleBuildingEntity<0x00000221F35F8290> @"ENTITY:859012" ('SCR_DestructibleBuildingEntity','Assets/Structures/Comme' Support Station is set to use supplies but it has no SCR_ResourceComponent 08:50:34.295 SCRIPT (E): 'SCR_BaseSupportStationComponent' 'EOnInit': 'SCR_DestructibleBuildingEntity<0x00000221F35F83C0> @"ENTITY:859017" ('SCR_DestructibleBuildingEntity','Assets/Structures/Comme' Support Station is set to use supplies but it has no SCR_ResourceComponent 08:50:34.295 SCRIPT (E): 'SCR_BaseSupportStationComponent' 'EOnInit': 'SCR_DestructibleBuildingEntity<0x00000221F35F84F0> @"ENTITY:859022" ('SCR_DestructibleBuildingEntity','Assets/Structures/Comme' Support Station is set to use supplies but it has no SCR_ResourceComponent 08:50:34.295 SCRIPT (E): 'SCR_BaseSupportStationComponent' 'EOnInit': 'SCR_DestructibleBuildingEntity<0x00000221F35F8620> @"ENTITY:859027" ('SCR_DestructibleBuildingEntity','Assets/Structures/Comme' Support Station is set to use supplies but it has no SCR_ResourceComponent 08:50:34.295 SCRIPT (E): 'SCR_BaseSupportStationComponent' 'EOnInit': 'SCR_DestructibleBuildingEntity<0x00000221F35F8750> @"ENTITY:859032" ('SCR_DestructibleBuildingEntity','Assets/Structures/Comme' Support Station is set to use supplies but it has no SCR_ResourceComponent 08:50:34.295 SCRIPT (E): 'SCR_BaseSupportStationComponent' 'EOnInit': 'SCR_DestructibleBuildingEntity<0x00000221F35F8880> @"ENTITY:859037" ('SCR_DestructibleBuildingEntity','Assets/Structures/Comme' Support Station is set to use supplies but it has no SCR_ResourceComponent 08:50:34.295 SCRIPT (E): 'SCR_BaseSupportStationComponent' 'EOnInit': 'SCR_DestructibleBuildingEntity<0x00000221F592AD50> @"ENTITY:908889" ('SCR_DestructibleBuildingEntity','Assets/Structures/Comme' Support Station is set to use supplies but it has no SCR_ResourceComponent 08:50:34.295 SCRIPT (E): 'SCR_BaseSupportStationComponent' 'EOnInit': 'SCR_DestructibleBuildingEntity<0x00000221F592AE80> @"ENTITY:908895" ('SCR_DestructibleBuildingEntity','Assets/Structures/Comme' Support Station is set to use supplies but it has no SCR_ResourceComponent 08:50:34.295 SCRIPT (E): 'SCR_BaseSupportStationComponent' 'EOnInit': 'SCR_DestructibleBuildingEntity<0x00000221F592AFB0> @"ENTITY:908901" ('SCR_DestructibleBuildingEntity','Assets/Structures/Comme' Support Station is set to use supplies but it has no SCR_ResourceComponent 08:50:37.269 RENDER : RENDER : ObjectsHeightMap::Build 08:50:37.269 RENDER : RENDER : MeshOccupancyGridManager::GenerateAllForWorld 08:50:37.349 PROFILING : MeshOccupancyGridManager::GenerateAllForWorld took: 80.355300 ms 08:50:37.354 PROFILING : ObjectsHeightMap::Build took: 85.832800 ms 08:50:38.685 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:50:38.685 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 08:50:38.685 DEFAULT : Player connection node not found for identityID=14. Creating a new one 08:50:41.408 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:50:41.409 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 08:50:41.409 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=14, Name= 08:50:41.409 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=1, Name=LintyGolf228982 08:50:41.409 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=2, Name=Token 08:50:41.409 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=3, Name=OnlyPablo1094 08:50:41.409 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=4, Name=ImPeZaa FX 08:50:41.409 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=5, Name=HavocP8 08:50:41.409 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=6, Name=GhostedRiley 08:50:41.409 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=7, Name=Driftspace1010 08:50:41.409 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=8, Name=denissoliveira 08:50:41.409 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=9, Name=Sawn 08:50:41.409 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=10, Name=SNAKE G59 08:50:41.409 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=11, Name=Nomad4512 08:50:41.409 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=12, Name=Beastblox 08:50:41.409 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=13, Name=Marty 08:50:41.409 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=14, Name=Helghast966 08:50:41.409 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=1, Name=LintyGolf228982 08:50:41.409 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=2, Name=Token 08:50:41.409 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=3, Name=OnlyPablo1094 08:50:41.409 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=4, Name=ImPeZaa FX 08:50:41.409 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=5, Name=HavocP8 08:50:41.409 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=6, Name=GhostedRiley 08:50:41.409 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=7, Name=Driftspace1010 08:50:41.409 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=8, Name=denissoliveira 08:50:41.409 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=9, Name=Sawn 08:50:41.409 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=10, Name=SNAKE G59 08:50:41.409 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=11, Name=Nomad4512 08:50:41.409 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=12, Name=Beastblox 08:50:41.409 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=13, Name=Marty 08:50:41.409 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=14, Name=Helghast966 08:50:41.459 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:50:41.459 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 08:50:41.459 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 08:50:41.459 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427392629" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 08:50:41.459 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 08:50:42.034 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:50:42.034 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 08:50:42.034 DEFAULT : Dynamic Network Simulation: ON 08:50:42.034 DEFAULT : NDS Resolution: 500.000000 08:50:42.034 DEFAULT : Connection diagnostics: OFF 08:50:42.034 DEFAULT : Cheats enabled: ON 08:50:42.503 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:50:42.503 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 08:50:42.503 SCRIPT : SCR_BaseGameMode::OnGameStateChanged = GAME 08:50:42.678 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:50:42.678 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 08:50:42.678 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{D39FCAB93FC4FB02}Prefabs/Characters/Core/DefaultPlayerControllerMP_Campaign.et" 08:50:42.678 WORLD : InitEntities 'world' 08:50:42.678 ENTITY : Init entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427394421" ('SCR_PlayerController') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> @"{D39FCAB93FC4FB02}Prefabs/Characters/Core/DefaultPlayerControllerMP_Campaign.et" 08:50:42.678 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Chat Has no Content! 08:50:42.678 SCRIPT (W): Slot_VON Has no Content! 08:50:42.678 SCRIPT (W): Slot_AvailableActions Has no Content! 08:50:42.678 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Vehicle Has no Content! 08:50:42.678 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 08:50:42.678 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Notifications Has no Content! 08:50:42.678 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Hints Has no Content! 08:50:42.678 SCRIPT (W): Slot_WeaponInfo Has no Content! 08:50:42.757 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:50:42.757 WORLD : PostFrame 08:50:42.757 SCRIPT (E): Virtual Machine Exception Reason: NULL pointer to instance Class: 'SCR_HUDManagerLayoutHandler' Function: 'StartMainLayout' Stack trace: scripts/Game/UI/HUD/Handlers/HudManager/SCR_HUDManagerLayoutHandler.c:325 Function StartMainLayout scripts/Game/UI/HUD/Handlers/HudManager/SCR_HUDManagerLayoutHandler.c:341 Function OnUpdate scripts/Game/UI/HUD/SCR_HUDManagerComponent.c:150 Function OnUpdate 08:50:42.831 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:50:42.831 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 08:50:42.831 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=15, Name=AloeSnapz 08:50:42.836 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=15, Name=AloeSnapz, IdentityId=707397f8-4420-4603-9048-1340745f7a36 08:50:42.880 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:50:42.880 WORLD : Frame 08:50:42.880 GUI : Creating menu 'WelcomeScreenMenu' 08:50:42.880 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Chat Has no Content! 08:50:42.880 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 08:50:42.881 SCRIPT (E): HUDManager: Identifier: WelcomeScreenMenu is already used! Check if your Identifier is Unique! 08:50:44.000 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:50:44.000 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 08:50:44.000 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 08:50:44.000 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427394425" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 08:50:44.000 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 08:50:45.723 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:50:45.723 WORLD : Frame 08:50:45.723 GUI : Creating menu 'RoleSelectionDialog' 08:50:45.723 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Chat Has no Content! 08:50:45.723 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 08:50:45.723 SCRIPT (E): HUDManager: Identifier: RoleSelectionMenu is already used! Check if your Identifier is Unique! 08:50:50.622 SCRIPT : [SCR_ConfigurableDialogUi] presetsResourceName: {FC62FADA1444750B}Configs/DeployMenu/DeployMenuDialogPreset.conf, tag: PERSISTENT_FACTION, customDialogObj: SCR_PersistentFactionDialog<0x0000022198D21020> 08:50:55.129 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:50:55.129 WORLD : Frame 08:50:55.129 GUI : Creating menu 'RespawnSuperMenu' 08:50:55.129 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Chat Has no Content! 08:50:55.129 SCRIPT (W): Slot_AvailableActions Has no Content! 08:50:55.129 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 08:50:55.129 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Hints Has no Content! 08:50:55.130 SCRIPT (E): HUDManager: Identifier: RespawnMenu is already used! Check if your Identifier is Unique! 08:50:55.131 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:50:55.131 WORLD : Frame 08:50:55.131 SCRIPT : SCR_MapEntity: Attempt to call PanSmooth before map init is completed 08:50:55.168 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:50:55.168 WORLD : Frame 08:50:55.168 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't load ImageSet '' 08:50:55.168 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't load ImageSet '' 08:50:55.168 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't load ImageSet '' 08:50:55.168 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't load ImageSet '' 08:50:55.172 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 08:50:55.172 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 08:50:55.172 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 08:50:55.172 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 08:50:55.172 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 08:50:55.172 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 08:50:55.172 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 08:50:55.172 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 08:51:13.457 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:51:13.457 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 08:51:13.457 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{4FD1A5A6670E015A}Prefabs/Weapons/MachineGuns/PKM/MG_PKMT.et" 08:51:13.457 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427394433" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/MachineGuns/PKMT/PKMT_body.xob') at <2902.518066 77.900002 6498.136230> @"{4FD1A5A6670E015A}Prefabs/Weapons/MachineGuns/PKM/MG_PKMT.et" 08:51:13.457 ANIMATION (E): @"ENTITY:4611686018427394433" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/MachineGuns/PKMT/PKMT_body.xob') at <2902.518066 77.900002 6498.136230> @"{4FD1A5A6670E015A}Prefabs/Weapons/MachineGuns/PKM/MG_PKMT.et": anim controller initialization data is invalid (graph , node MasterControl, instance ) 08:51:13.461 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{85FA621B61AA5BD9}Prefabs/Weapons/HeavyWeapons/HMG_KPVT.et" 08:51:13.461 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427394435" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/HeavyWeapons/KPVT/KPVT_body.xob') at <2902.872070 77.919998 6498.355957> @"{85FA621B61AA5BD9}Prefabs/Weapons/HeavyWeapons/HMG_KPVT.et" 08:51:13.461 ANIMATION (E): @"ENTITY:4611686018427394435" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/HeavyWeapons/KPVT/KPVT_body.xob') at <2902.872070 77.919998 6498.355957> @"{85FA621B61AA5BD9}Prefabs/Weapons/HeavyWeapons/HMG_KPVT.et": anim controller initialization data is invalid (graph , node MasterControl, instance ) 08:51:13.565 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:51:13.565 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 08:51:13.565 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{4AE31B174C7064F7}PrefabsEditable/Auto/Props/Military/Compositions/USSR/E_Antenna_01_USSR.et" 08:51:13.565 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427394562" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Props/Military/Antennas/Antenna_R161_01/Antenna_R161_01.xob') at <2911.340088 86.459999 6411.748047> @"{4AE31B174C7064F7}PrefabsEditable/Auto/Props/Military/Compositions/USSR/E_Antenna_01_USSR.et" 08:51:13.565 DEFAULT (W): BaseTransceiver::SetFrequency is not supported on proxies. 08:51:13.566 DEFAULT (W): BaseTransceiver::SetFrequency is not supported on proxies. 08:51:13.594 SCRIPT (W): There is not enough of SCR_CatalogSpawnerUserAction attached to actionManager. Some assets won't appear. 08:51:13.605 SCRIPT (E): 'SCR_BaseSupportStationComponent' 'EOnInit': 'GenericEntity<0x0000022199AC5430> @"ENTITY:4611686018427394495" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Props/Military/Fuel/FuelPump_USSR_01/' Support Station is set to use supplies but it has no SCR_ResourceComponent 08:51:13.605 SCRIPT (E): 'SCR_BaseSupportStationComponent' 'EOnInit': 'GenericEntity<0x0000022199AF6330> @"ENTITY:4611686018427394630" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Props/Military/Fuel/FuelPump_USSR_01/' Support Station is set to use supplies but it has no SCR_ResourceComponent 08:51:13.619 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:51:13.619 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 08:51:13.619 SCRIPT (W): There is not enough of SCR_CatalogSpawnerUserAction attached to actionManager. Some assets won't appear. 08:51:13.720 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:51:13.720 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 08:51:13.720 SCRIPT (W): There is not enough of SCR_CatalogSpawnerUserAction attached to actionManager. Some assets won't appear. 08:51:13.742 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:51:13.742 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 08:51:13.742 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{4AE31B174C7064F7}PrefabsEditable/Auto/Props/Military/Compositions/USSR/E_Antenna_01_USSR.et" 08:51:13.742 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427395587" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Props/Military/Antennas/Antenna_R161_01/Antenna_R161_01.xob') at <3219.258057 14.240000 7073.620117> @"{4AE31B174C7064F7}PrefabsEditable/Auto/Props/Military/Compositions/USSR/E_Antenna_01_USSR.et" 08:51:13.742 DEFAULT (W): BaseTransceiver::SetFrequency is not supported on proxies. 08:51:13.743 DEFAULT (W): BaseTransceiver::SetFrequency is not supported on proxies. 08:51:13.801 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:51:13.801 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 08:51:13.801 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{97064F8597F2D7BF}Prefabs/Weapons/Explosives/DemoBlock_TSh400g/DemoBlock_TSh400g.et" 08:51:13.801 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427395712" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Explosives/DemoBlock_TSh400g/DemoBlock_TSh400g.xob') at <2898.721924 76.040001 6497.733887> @"{97064F8597F2D7BF}Prefabs/Weapons/Explosives/DemoBlock_TSh400g/DemoBlock_TSh400g.et" 08:51:13.801 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{E6D3AC3088E43C3E}Assets/Weapons/Explosives/workspace/TSh400g.asi" 08:51:13.801 ANIMATION : IAnimSetInstance load @"{E6D3AC3088E43C3E}Assets/Weapons/Explosives/workspace/TSh400g.asi" 08:51:13.801 RESOURCES (E): Wrong GUID/name for resource @"{C4244C677F019957}Assets/Weapons/Explosives/DemoBlock_TSh400g/anims/p_M112_IK.anm" in property "IkPose" 08:51:13.802 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{C4244C677F019957}Assets/Weapons/Explosives/DemoBlock_TSh400g/anims/p_M112_IK.anm" 08:51:13.802 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 08:51:13.885 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:51:13.885 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 08:51:13.885 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{58B3FB7F102A8B1B}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo.et" 08:51:13.885 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427395806" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_cargo.xob') at <3198.350098 7.840000 7129.764160> @"{58B3FB7F102A8B1B}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo.et" 08:51:13.885 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 08:51:13.885 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 08:51:13.885 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 08:51:13.885 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 08:51:13.885 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 08:51:13.885 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 08:51:13.907 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:51:13.907 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 08:51:13.907 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{58B3FB7F102A8B1B}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo.et" 08:51:13.907 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427395880" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_cargo.xob') at <3207.914062 10.500000 7113.448242> @"{58B3FB7F102A8B1B}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo.et" 08:51:13.907 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 08:51:13.907 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 08:51:13.907 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 08:51:13.907 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 08:51:13.907 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 08:51:13.907 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 08:51:15.130 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:51:15.130 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 08:51:15.130 NETWORK : BaseCompartmentManagerComponent::Load, Occupant not found, 2147682448 08:51:19.745 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:51:19.745 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 08:51:19.745 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{5F533EBE61514610}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo_canvas.et" 08:51:19.745 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427396592" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_cargo.xob') at <3903.739990 75.720001 6885.729980> @"{5F533EBE61514610}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo_canvas.et" 08:51:19.745 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 08:51:19.745 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 08:51:19.745 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 08:51:19.746 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 08:51:19.746 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 08:51:19.746 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 08:51:21.724 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:51:21.724 WORLD : Frame 08:51:21.724 NETWORK : PerformActions 08:51:21.724 DEFAULT (W): Weapon reloading - Magazine not available. 08:51:26.666 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:51:26.666 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 08:51:26.666 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{BB35A8E1403CDE4B}Prefabs/Weapons/HeavyWeapons/HMG_M2HB.et" 08:51:26.666 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427397439" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/HeavyWeapons/M2HB/M2_body.xob') at <3890.825928 14.740000 8510.404297> @"{BB35A8E1403CDE4B}Prefabs/Weapons/HeavyWeapons/HMG_M2HB.et" 08:51:26.666 ANIMATION (E): @"ENTITY:4611686018427397439" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/HeavyWeapons/M2HB/M2_body.xob') at <3890.825928 14.740000 8510.404297> @"{BB35A8E1403CDE4B}Prefabs/Weapons/HeavyWeapons/HMG_M2HB.et": anim controller initialization data is invalid (graph , node MasterControl, instance ) 08:51:27.494 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:51:27.494 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 08:51:27.494 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{262E8E2506FF681D}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/FIA/Ural4320_FIA_fuel_tank.et" 08:51:27.494 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427397862" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_fuel_tank.xob') at <2116.431885 109.839996 5419.759766> @"{262E8E2506FF681D}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/FIA/Ural4320_FIA_fuel_tank.et" 08:51:27.494 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 08:51:27.494 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 08:51:27.494 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 08:51:27.494 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 08:51:27.494 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 08:51:27.494 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 08:51:27.526 SCRIPT (E): 'SCR_SupportStationAreaMeshComponent' (GenericEntity<0x0000022226308730> @"ENTITY:4611686018427397875" ('GenericEntity') at <2117.613525 109.919975 5417.790039>) linked support station (FUEL) has an offset but the local position of the area mesh is: '<-0.002319, -0.009918, -2.298218>' were as the support station offset is '<0.000000, 0.000000, -2.300000>' this must be the same else the zone shows an incorrect area! 08:51:27.548 SCRIPT (E): 'SCR_SetLinkedStorageToParent DelayedInit()' of: 'GenericEntity<0x00000222266A0B30> @"ENTITY:4611686018427397947" ('GenericEntity') at <2116.431885 109.839996 5419.759766> @"{F' is trying to set itself as linked storage but it has no parent! 08:51:27.594 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:51:27.594 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 08:51:27.594 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 08:51:27.594 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427397948" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 08:51:27.594 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 08:51:28.097 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:51:28.097 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 08:51:28.097 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{342AA153837E89E5}Prefabs/Weapons/Warheads/Fires/Fire_Generic_Large.et" 08:51:28.097 WORLD : Entity prefab load @"{342AA153837E89E5}Prefabs/Weapons/Warheads/Fires/Fire_Generic_Large.et" 08:51:28.097 RESOURCES (E): Wrong GUID/name for resource @"{A7E7FFC4EDDA3F54}Particles/Vehicle/Mi8/Vehicle_fire_engine_Mi8_01.ptc" in property "ParticleEffect" 08:51:28.153 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:51:28.153 WORLD : Frame 08:51:28.153 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:51:28.153 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:51:29.163 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:51:29.163 WORLD : Frame 08:51:29.163 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:51:29.163 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:51:29.422 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:51:29.422 WORLD : PostFrame 08:51:29.422 GUI : Creating menu 'Inventory20Menu' 08:51:29.422 SCRIPT (W): Slot_VON Has no Content! 08:51:29.422 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 08:51:29.589 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:51:29.589 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:51:30.183 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:51:30.183 WORLD : Frame 08:51:30.183 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:51:30.183 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:51:31.142 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:51:31.142 WORLD : Frame 08:51:31.142 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:51:31.143 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:51:32.142 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:51:32.143 WORLD : Frame 08:51:32.143 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:51:32.143 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:51:33.184 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:51:33.184 WORLD : Frame 08:51:33.184 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:51:33.184 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:51:34.166 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:51:34.166 WORLD : Frame 08:51:34.166 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:51:34.166 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:51:34.887 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:51:34.887 WORLD : PostFrame 08:51:34.887 GUI : Creating menu 'Inventory20Menu' 08:51:34.887 SCRIPT (W): Slot_VON Has no Content! 08:51:34.887 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 08:51:34.943 SCRIPT (E): 'SCR_BaseSupportStationComponent' 'EOnInit': 'GenericEntity<0x00000222266A0C30> @"ENTITY:150" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Fuel/Jerrycan_01/Jerrycan_01.xob') at <0.000000' Support Station is set to use supplies but it has no SCR_ResourceComponent 08:51:35.031 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:51:35.031 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:51:35.190 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:51:35.190 WORLD : Frame 08:51:35.190 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:51:35.190 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:51:36.217 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:51:36.217 WORLD : Frame 08:51:36.217 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:51:36.217 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:51:37.222 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:51:37.222 WORLD : Frame 08:51:37.222 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:51:37.222 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:51:38.161 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:51:38.161 WORLD : Frame 08:51:38.161 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:51:38.181 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:51:38.181 WORLD : Frame 08:51:38.181 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:51:39.197 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:51:39.197 WORLD : Frame 08:51:39.197 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:51:39.197 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:51:40.216 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:51:40.216 WORLD : Frame 08:51:40.216 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:51:40.216 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:51:41.177 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:51:41.177 WORLD : Frame 08:51:41.177 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:51:41.177 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:51:42.307 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:51:42.307 WORLD : Frame 08:51:42.307 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:51:42.307 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:51:43.308 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:51:43.308 WORLD : Frame 08:51:43.308 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:51:43.308 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:51:44.302 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:51:44.302 WORLD : Frame 08:51:44.302 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:51:44.302 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:51:45.033 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:51:45.033 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 08:51:45.033 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:51:45.033 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:51:45.276 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:51:45.276 WORLD : Frame 08:51:45.276 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:51:45.276 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:51:46.286 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:51:46.286 WORLD : Frame 08:51:46.286 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:51:46.286 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:51:47.370 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:51:47.370 WORLD : Frame 08:51:47.370 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:51:47.390 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:51:47.390 WORLD : Frame 08:51:47.390 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:51:48.386 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:51:48.386 WORLD : Frame 08:51:48.386 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:51:48.387 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:51:49.403 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:51:49.403 WORLD : Frame 08:51:49.403 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:51:49.403 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:51:50.398 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:51:50.398 WORLD : Frame 08:51:50.398 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:51:50.398 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:51:50.510 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:51:50.510 WORLD : PostFrame 08:51:50.510 GUI : Creating menu 'Inventory20Menu' 08:51:50.510 SCRIPT (W): Slot_VON Has no Content! 08:51:50.510 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 08:51:50.642 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:51:50.642 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:51:51.161 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:51:51.161 WORLD : PostFrame 08:51:51.161 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:51:51.161 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 08:51:51.161 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427398399" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <2483.637939 112.199997 5608.430176> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427396337" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/S1203/S1203_base.xob') at <2484.845459 111.199997 5610.736328> @"{49C909AFD66E90A1}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/S1203/S1203_transport_randomized.et" 08:51:51.392 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:51:51.392 WORLD : Frame 08:51:51.392 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:51:51.392 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:51:52.408 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:51:52.408 WORLD : Frame 08:51:52.408 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:51:52.408 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:51:53.368 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:51:53.368 WORLD : Frame 08:51:53.368 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:51:53.368 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:51:54.393 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:51:54.393 WORLD : Frame 08:51:54.393 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:51:54.393 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:51:55.401 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:51:55.401 WORLD : Frame 08:51:55.401 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:51:55.401 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:51:56.389 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:51:56.389 WORLD : Frame 08:51:56.389 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:51:57.415 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:51:57.415 WORLD : Frame 08:51:57.415 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:51:58.410 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:51:58.410 WORLD : Frame 08:51:58.410 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:51:59.399 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:51:59.399 WORLD : Frame 08:51:59.399 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:52:00.422 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:00.422 WORLD : Frame 08:52:00.422 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:52:01.420 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:01.420 WORLD : Frame 08:52:01.420 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:52:02.418 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:02.418 WORLD : Frame 08:52:02.418 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:52:03.410 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:03.410 WORLD : Frame 08:52:03.410 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:52:03.911 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:03.911 WORLD : PostFrame 08:52:03.911 GUI : Creating menu 'Inventory20Menu' 08:52:03.911 SCRIPT (W): Slot_VON Has no Content! 08:52:03.911 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 08:52:04.049 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:52:04.049 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:52:04.410 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:04.410 WORLD : Frame 08:52:04.410 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:52:05.381 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:05.381 WORLD : Frame 08:52:05.381 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:52:06.409 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:06.409 WORLD : Frame 08:52:06.409 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:52:07.404 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:07.404 WORLD : Frame 08:52:07.404 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:52:08.551 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:08.551 WORLD : Frame 08:52:08.551 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:52:09.557 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:09.557 WORLD : Frame 08:52:09.557 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:52:10.578 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:10.578 WORLD : Frame 08:52:10.578 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:52:11.234 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:11.234 WORLD : Frame 08:52:11.234 NETWORK : PerformActions 08:52:11.234 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427396412" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <2585.303955 86.479996 6115.408203> @"{F063CEEB9295E9B6}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_USSR_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 08:52:11.585 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:11.585 WORLD : Frame 08:52:11.585 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:52:12.555 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:12.555 WORLD : Frame 08:52:12.555 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:52:13.559 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:13.559 WORLD : Frame 08:52:13.559 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:52:14.546 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:14.546 WORLD : Frame 08:52:14.546 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:52:15.551 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:15.551 WORLD : Frame 08:52:15.551 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:52:16.559 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:16.559 WORLD : Frame 08:52:16.559 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:52:16.861 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:16.861 WORLD : Frame 08:52:16.861 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:52:17.342 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:17.342 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 08:52:17.342 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:52:17.342 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:52:17.550 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:17.550 WORLD : Frame 08:52:17.550 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:52:17.798 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:17.798 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 08:52:17.798 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:52:17.798 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:52:18.299 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:18.299 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 08:52:18.299 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:52:18.299 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:52:18.562 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:18.562 WORLD : Frame 08:52:18.562 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:52:19.566 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:19.566 WORLD : Frame 08:52:19.566 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:52:20.556 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:20.556 WORLD : Frame 08:52:20.556 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:52:21.572 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:21.573 WORLD : Frame 08:52:21.573 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:52:21.619 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:21.619 WORLD : Frame 08:52:21.619 NETWORK : PerformActions 08:52:21.619 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427396412" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <2585.303955 86.479996 6115.408203> @"{F063CEEB9295E9B6}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_USSR_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 08:52:22.559 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:22.559 WORLD : Frame 08:52:22.559 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:52:23.586 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:23.586 WORLD : Frame 08:52:23.586 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:52:24.560 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:24.560 WORLD : Frame 08:52:24.560 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:52:24.781 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:24.781 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 08:52:24.781 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:52:24.781 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:52:25.387 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:25.388 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 08:52:25.388 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:52:25.388 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:52:25.563 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:25.563 WORLD : Frame 08:52:25.563 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:52:26.116 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:26.116 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 08:52:26.116 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:52:26.116 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:52:26.570 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:26.570 WORLD : Frame 08:52:26.570 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:52:27.577 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:27.577 WORLD : Frame 08:52:27.577 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:52:28.582 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:28.582 WORLD : Frame 08:52:28.582 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:52:29.638 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:29.638 WORLD : Frame 08:52:29.638 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:52:30.622 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:30.622 WORLD : Frame 08:52:30.622 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:52:31.613 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:31.613 WORLD : Frame 08:52:31.613 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:52:32.564 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:32.564 WORLD : Frame 08:52:32.564 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:52:33.594 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:33.594 WORLD : Frame 08:52:33.594 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:52:34.565 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:34.565 WORLD : Frame 08:52:34.565 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:52:35.381 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:35.381 WORLD : PostFrame 08:52:35.381 GUI : Creating menu 'Inventory20Menu' 08:52:35.381 SCRIPT (W): Slot_VON Has no Content! 08:52:35.381 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 08:52:35.529 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:52:35.529 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:52:35.586 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:35.586 WORLD : Frame 08:52:35.586 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:52:36.638 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:36.638 WORLD : Frame 08:52:36.638 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:52:37.631 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:37.631 WORLD : Frame 08:52:37.631 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:52:38.616 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:38.616 WORLD : Frame 08:52:38.616 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:52:39.623 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:39.623 WORLD : Frame 08:52:39.623 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:52:40.608 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:40.608 WORLD : Frame 08:52:40.608 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:52:41.614 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:41.614 WORLD : Frame 08:52:41.614 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:52:42.644 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:42.644 WORLD : Frame 08:52:42.644 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:52:43.604 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:43.604 WORLD : Frame 08:52:43.604 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:52:44.631 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:44.631 WORLD : Frame 08:52:44.631 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:52:45.622 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:45.622 WORLD : Frame 08:52:45.622 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:52:46.610 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:46.610 WORLD : Frame 08:52:46.610 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:52:47.613 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:47.613 WORLD : Frame 08:52:47.613 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:52:48.611 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:48.611 WORLD : Frame 08:52:48.611 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:52:49.606 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:49.606 WORLD : Frame 08:52:49.606 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:52:50.618 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:50.618 WORLD : Frame 08:52:50.618 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:52:51.612 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:51.612 WORLD : Frame 08:52:51.612 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:52:52.606 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:52.606 WORLD : Frame 08:52:52.606 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:52:53.490 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:53.490 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 08:52:53.490 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:52:53.490 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:52:53.627 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:53.627 WORLD : Frame 08:52:53.627 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:52:53.730 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:53.730 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 08:52:53.730 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:52:53.730 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:52:53.930 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:53.930 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 08:52:53.930 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:52:53.930 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:52:54.076 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:54.076 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 08:52:54.076 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:52:54.076 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:52:54.262 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:54.262 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 08:52:54.262 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:52:54.262 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:52:54.464 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:54.464 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 08:52:54.464 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:52:54.464 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:52:54.607 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:54.607 WORLD : Frame 08:52:54.607 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:52:54.632 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:54.632 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 08:52:54.632 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:52:54.632 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:52:54.812 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:54.812 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 08:52:54.812 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:52:54.812 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:52:54.961 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:54.961 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 08:52:54.961 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:52:54.961 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:52:55.142 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:55.142 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 08:52:55.142 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:52:55.142 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:52:55.270 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:55.270 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 08:52:55.270 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:52:55.270 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:52:55.453 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:55.453 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 08:52:55.453 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:52:55.453 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:52:55.598 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:55.598 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 08:52:55.598 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:52:55.598 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:52:55.638 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:55.638 WORLD : Frame 08:52:55.638 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:52:55.788 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:55.788 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 08:52:55.788 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:52:55.788 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:52:55.979 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:55.979 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 08:52:55.979 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:52:55.979 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:52:56.153 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:56.153 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 08:52:56.153 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:52:56.153 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:52:56.340 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:56.340 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 08:52:56.340 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:52:56.340 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:52:56.539 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:56.539 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 08:52:56.539 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:52:56.539 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:52:56.628 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:56.628 WORLD : Frame 08:52:56.628 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:52:56.781 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:56.781 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 08:52:56.781 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:52:56.781 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:52:57.624 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:57.624 WORLD : Frame 08:52:57.624 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:52:58.650 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:58.650 WORLD : Frame 08:52:58.650 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:52:59.625 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:52:59.625 WORLD : Frame 08:52:59.625 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:53:00.618 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:00.618 WORLD : Frame 08:53:00.618 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:53:01.630 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:01.630 WORLD : Frame 08:53:01.630 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:53:02.639 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:02.639 WORLD : Frame 08:53:02.639 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:53:02.714 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:02.714 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 08:53:02.714 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=15, Name= 08:53:03.632 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:03.632 WORLD : Frame 08:53:03.632 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:53:04.633 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:04.633 WORLD : Frame 08:53:04.633 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:53:05.653 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:05.653 WORLD : Frame 08:53:05.653 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:53:06.686 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:06.686 WORLD : Frame 08:53:06.686 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:53:07.650 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:07.650 WORLD : Frame 08:53:07.650 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:53:08.670 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:08.670 WORLD : Frame 08:53:08.670 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:53:09.654 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:09.654 WORLD : Frame 08:53:09.654 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:53:10.686 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:10.686 WORLD : Frame 08:53:10.686 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:53:11.709 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:11.709 WORLD : Frame 08:53:11.709 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:53:12.717 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:12.717 WORLD : Frame 08:53:12.717 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:53:13.693 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:13.693 WORLD : Frame 08:53:13.693 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:53:14.609 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:14.609 WORLD : PostFrame 08:53:14.609 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:14.609 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 08:53:14.609 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=16, Name=Cauldron 08:53:14.610 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=16, Name=Cauldron, IdentityId=9d174a1b-f0de-4271-a3e9-73a1dbaf223f 08:53:14.656 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:14.656 WORLD : Frame 08:53:14.656 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:53:15.606 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:15.606 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 08:53:15.606 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:53:15.606 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:53:15.694 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:15.694 WORLD : Frame 08:53:15.694 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:53:16.684 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:16.684 WORLD : Frame 08:53:16.684 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:53:17.676 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:17.676 WORLD : Frame 08:53:17.676 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:53:18.450 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:18.450 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 08:53:18.450 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:53:18.450 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:53:18.686 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:18.686 WORLD : Frame 08:53:18.686 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:53:18.892 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:18.892 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 08:53:18.892 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:53:18.892 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:53:19.136 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:19.136 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 08:53:19.136 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:53:19.136 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:53:19.335 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:19.335 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 08:53:19.335 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:53:19.335 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:53:19.500 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:19.500 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 08:53:19.500 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:53:19.500 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:53:19.711 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:19.711 WORLD : Frame 08:53:19.711 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:53:20.707 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:20.707 WORLD : Frame 08:53:20.707 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:53:21.676 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:21.676 WORLD : Frame 08:53:21.676 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:53:22.670 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:22.670 WORLD : Frame 08:53:22.670 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:53:22.850 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:22.850 WORLD : PostFrame 08:53:22.850 GUI : Creating menu 'Inventory20Menu' 08:53:22.850 SCRIPT (W): Slot_VON Has no Content! 08:53:22.850 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 08:53:22.983 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:53:22.983 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:53:23.682 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:23.682 WORLD : Frame 08:53:23.682 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:53:24.699 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:24.699 WORLD : Frame 08:53:24.699 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:53:25.684 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:25.684 WORLD : Frame 08:53:25.684 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:53:26.507 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:26.507 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 08:53:26.507 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:53:26.507 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:53:26.667 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:26.667 WORLD : Frame 08:53:26.667 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:53:27.735 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:27.735 WORLD : Frame 08:53:27.735 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:53:28.770 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:28.770 WORLD : Frame 08:53:28.770 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:53:29.129 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:29.129 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 08:53:29.129 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:53:29.129 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:53:29.755 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:29.755 WORLD : Frame 08:53:29.755 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:53:29.896 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:29.896 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 08:53:29.896 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:53:29.896 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:53:30.578 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:30.578 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 08:53:30.578 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:53:30.578 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:53:30.772 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:30.772 WORLD : Frame 08:53:30.772 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:53:31.773 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:31.773 WORLD : Frame 08:53:31.773 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:53:32.608 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:32.608 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 08:53:32.608 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:53:32.608 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 08:53:32.744 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:32.744 WORLD : Frame 08:53:32.744 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:53:33.762 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:33.762 WORLD : Frame 08:53:33.762 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:53:34.764 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:34.764 WORLD : Frame 08:53:34.764 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:53:35.760 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:35.760 WORLD : Frame 08:53:35.760 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:53:36.819 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:36.819 WORLD : Frame 08:53:36.819 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:53:37.770 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:37.770 WORLD : Frame 08:53:37.770 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:53:38.767 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:38.767 WORLD : Frame 08:53:38.767 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:53:39.804 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:39.804 WORLD : Frame 08:53:39.804 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:53:40.804 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:40.804 WORLD : Frame 08:53:40.804 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:53:41.809 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:41.809 WORLD : Frame 08:53:41.809 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:53:42.851 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:42.851 WORLD : Frame 08:53:42.851 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:53:43.851 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:43.851 WORLD : Frame 08:53:43.851 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:53:44.853 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:44.853 WORLD : Frame 08:53:44.853 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:53:45.880 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:45.880 WORLD : Frame 08:53:45.880 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:53:46.818 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:46.818 WORLD : Frame 08:53:46.818 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:53:47.799 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:47.799 WORLD : Frame 08:53:47.799 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:53:48.836 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:48.836 WORLD : Frame 08:53:48.836 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:53:49.837 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:49.838 WORLD : Frame 08:53:49.838 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:53:50.837 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:50.837 WORLD : Frame 08:53:50.837 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:53:51.840 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:51.840 WORLD : Frame 08:53:51.840 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:53:52.840 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:52.840 WORLD : Frame 08:53:52.840 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:53:53.876 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:53.876 WORLD : Frame 08:53:53.876 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:53:53.950 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:53.950 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 08:53:53.950 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 08:53:53.950 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427402088" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 08:53:53.950 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 08:53:54.012 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:54.012 WORLD : Frame 08:53:54.012 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{C6B534F64C60C583}PrefabsEditable/Auto/Compositions/Slotted/SlotFlatLarge/E_Helipad_L_US_01.et" 08:53:54.012 WORLD : Entity prefab load @"{C6B534F64C60C583}PrefabsEditable/Auto/Compositions/Slotted/SlotFlatLarge/E_Helipad_L_US_01.et" 08:53:54.012 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{A13F6A7F82DF031B}Prefabs/Compositions/Slotted/SlotFlatLarge/Helipad_L_US_01.et" 08:53:54.012 WORLD : Entity prefab load @"{A13F6A7F82DF031B}Prefabs/Compositions/Slotted/SlotFlatLarge/Helipad_L_US_01.et" 08:53:54.012 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{472BE7BF1240C1CE}Prefabs/Compositions/Misc/SubCompositions/Utility/Helipad_Lights_US_01.et" 08:53:54.012 WORLD : Entity prefab load @"{472BE7BF1240C1CE}Prefabs/Compositions/Misc/SubCompositions/Utility/Helipad_Lights_US_01.et" 08:53:54.012 WORLD (E): Unknown keyword/data 'm_bShowDebugShape' at offset 2491(0x9bb) 08:53:54.205 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:54.205 WORLD : Frame 08:53:54.205 SCRIPT (W): Duplicate instance of UI component 702805112 found on widget 'MapFrame'! The component is marked as unique, only one instance is allowed. 08:53:54.220 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Chat Has no Content! 08:53:54.220 SCRIPT (W): Slot_AvailableActions Has no Content! 08:53:54.220 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 08:53:54.885 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:54.885 WORLD : Frame 08:53:54.885 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:53:55.864 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:55.864 WORLD : Frame 08:53:55.864 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:53:56.863 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:56.863 WORLD : Frame 08:53:56.863 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:53:57.865 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:57.865 WORLD : Frame 08:53:57.865 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:53:58.866 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:58.866 WORLD : Frame 08:53:58.866 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:53:59.867 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:53:59.867 WORLD : Frame 08:53:59.867 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:54:00.854 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:54:00.854 WORLD : Frame 08:54:00.854 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:54:01.868 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:54:01.868 WORLD : Frame 08:54:01.868 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:54:02.885 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:54:02.885 WORLD : Frame 08:54:02.885 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:54:03.705 GUI : Creating menu 'PauseMenu' 08:54:03.705 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 08:54:03.869 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:54:03.869 WORLD : Frame 08:54:03.869 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:54:04.871 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:54:04.871 WORLD : Frame 08:54:04.871 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:54:05.872 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:54:05.872 WORLD : Frame 08:54:05.872 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:54:06.886 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:54:06.886 WORLD : Frame 08:54:06.886 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:54:07.883 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:54:07.883 WORLD : Frame 08:54:07.883 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:54:08.906 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:54:08.906 WORLD : Frame 08:54:08.906 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:54:09.915 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:54:09.915 WORLD : Frame 08:54:09.915 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:54:10.934 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:54:10.934 WORLD : Frame 08:54:10.934 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:54:11.953 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:54:11.953 WORLD : Frame 08:54:11.953 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:54:12.980 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:54:12.980 WORLD : Frame 08:54:12.980 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:54:13.937 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:54:13.937 WORLD : Frame 08:54:13.937 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:54:14.919 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:54:14.919 WORLD : Frame 08:54:14.919 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:54:15.911 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:54:15.911 WORLD : Frame 08:54:15.911 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:54:25.907 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:54:25.907 WORLD : PostFrame 08:54:25.907 SCRIPT (W): More than one SCR_WeaponSwitchingBaseUI used in scripts/Game/UI/HUD/WeaponSwitching/SCR_WeaponSwitchingBaseUI.c L65 08:54:39.045 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:54:39.045 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 08:54:39.045 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427403743" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <2869.434082 86.080002 6424.078125> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427395856" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_base.xob') at <2870.430176 83.754601 6426.133301> @"{16C1F16C9B053801}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural4320_transport.et" 08:54:53.860 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:54:53.860 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 08:54:53.860 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=7, Name= 08:54:55.631 GUI : Creating menu 'PauseMenu' 08:54:55.631 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 08:54:56.395 GUI : Creating menu 'PlayerListMenu' 08:54:56.395 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{E3EB6A74D1CA3BBD}UI/layouts/Menus/PlayerList/PlayerListMenu.layout" 08:54:56.395 GUI : Layout load @"{E3EB6A74D1CA3BBD}UI/layouts/Menus/PlayerList/PlayerListMenu.layout" 08:54:56.395 RESOURCES (E): Wrong GUID/name for resource @"{B2818E76F6CB499A}Configs/WLib/Tooltips/PlayerListTooltips.conf" in property "m_sPresetsConfig" 08:54:56.406 SCRIPT : GetResourceName 'scripts/Game/UI/HUD/SCR_PlayerListMenu.c,1762' 08:54:56.406 RESOURCES (E): Wrong GUID/name for resource @"{5AD2CE85825EDA11}UI/layouts/Menus/PlayerList/FactionPlayerCounter.layout" in property "" 08:54:56.406 SCRIPT : GetResourceName 'scripts/Game/UI/HUD/SCR_PlayerListMenu.c,1762' 08:54:56.406 RESOURCES (E): Wrong GUID/name for resource @"{5AD2CE85825EDA11}UI/layouts/Menus/PlayerList/FactionPlayerCounter.layout" in property "" 08:54:58.126 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:54:58.126 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 08:54:58.126 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=17, Name=TWkiller192 08:54:58.126 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=17, Name=TWkiller192, IdentityId=df941060-42c8-4b49-b8a9-d54b4b99a0fe 08:55:12.916 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:55:12.916 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 08:55:12.916 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427404734" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <2850.751953 88.320000 6334.291992> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427395856" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_base.xob') at <2846.261230 86.580002 6332.487793> @"{16C1F16C9B053801}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural4320_transport.et" 08:55:21.753 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:55:21.753 WORLD : Frame 08:55:21.753 NETWORK : PerformActions 08:55:21.753 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427391194" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <3721.093994 77.900002 6780.348145> @"{F063CEEB9295E9B6}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_USSR_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 08:55:47.181 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:55:47.181 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 08:55:47.181 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 08:55:47.181 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427405664" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 08:55:47.181 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 08:55:47.432 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:55:47.432 WORLD : Frame 08:55:47.432 SCRIPT (W): Duplicate instance of UI component 702805112 found on widget 'MapFrame'! The component is marked as unique, only one instance is allowed. 08:55:47.457 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Chat Has no Content! 08:55:47.457 SCRIPT (W): Slot_AvailableActions Has no Content! 08:55:47.457 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 08:56:17.896 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:56:17.896 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 08:56:17.896 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=16, Name= 08:56:22.934 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:56:22.934 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 08:56:22.934 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=18, Name=aleks2701 08:56:22.935 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=18, Name=aleks2701, IdentityId=39d25751-5795-4e83-a359-c54ded1e3087 08:56:23.304 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:56:23.304 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 08:56:23.304 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427406553" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <2465.595947 103.660004 5443.125977> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427397558" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_base.xob') at <2465.635986 102.800003 5443.958008> @"{F7E9AA0C813EABDA}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_FIA.et" 08:56:26.205 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:56:26.205 WORLD : Frame 08:56:26.205 NETWORK : PerformActions 08:56:26.205 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427406318" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <3884.602051 70.379997 6906.669922> @"{4F7E0952D726FB43}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_USSR_Player_Variant_1.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 08:56:31.884 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:56:31.884 WORLD : Frame 08:56:31.884 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:56:31.884 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:56:32.902 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:56:32.902 WORLD : Frame 08:56:32.902 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:56:32.902 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:56:33.966 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:56:33.966 WORLD : Frame 08:56:33.966 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:56:33.966 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:56:34.380 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:56:34.381 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 08:56:34.381 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=17, Name= 08:56:34.874 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:56:34.874 WORLD : Frame 08:56:34.874 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:56:34.874 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:56:35.549 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:56:35.549 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 08:56:35.549 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=18, Name= 08:56:35.914 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:56:35.914 WORLD : Frame 08:56:35.914 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:56:35.915 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:56:36.883 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:56:36.883 WORLD : Frame 08:56:36.883 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:56:36.883 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:56:37.873 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:56:37.873 WORLD : Frame 08:56:37.873 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:56:37.873 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:56:38.904 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:56:38.904 WORLD : Frame 08:56:38.904 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:56:38.904 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:56:39.042 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:56:39.042 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 08:56:39.042 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=19, Name=MrDubbMan 08:56:39.043 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=19, Name=MrDubbMan, IdentityId=78c3184a-3204-4e63-bd66-21170501742c 08:56:39.940 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:56:39.940 WORLD : Frame 08:56:39.940 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:56:39.940 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:56:40.974 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:56:40.974 WORLD : Frame 08:56:40.974 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:56:40.974 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:56:41.088 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:56:41.088 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 08:56:41.088 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=20, Name=Azreal 08:56:41.088 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=20, Name=Azreal, IdentityId=6cb489fd-9f7c-4737-9ccc-30bac85f224b 08:56:41.996 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:56:41.996 WORLD : Frame 08:56:41.996 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:56:41.996 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:56:43.089 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:56:43.089 WORLD : Frame 08:56:43.089 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:56:43.089 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:56:43.990 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:56:43.990 WORLD : Frame 08:56:43.990 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:56:43.990 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:56:45.037 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:56:45.037 WORLD : Frame 08:56:45.037 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:56:45.037 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:56:46.031 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:56:46.031 WORLD : Frame 08:56:46.031 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:56:46.031 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:56:47.068 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:56:47.068 WORLD : Frame 08:56:47.068 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:56:47.068 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:56:48.010 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:56:48.010 WORLD : Frame 08:56:48.010 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:56:48.011 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:56:49.011 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:56:49.011 WORLD : Frame 08:56:49.011 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:56:49.012 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:56:50.040 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:56:50.040 WORLD : Frame 08:56:50.040 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:56:50.041 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:56:50.998 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:56:50.998 WORLD : Frame 08:56:50.998 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:56:50.998 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:56:52.006 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:56:52.006 WORLD : Frame 08:56:52.006 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:56:52.006 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:56:52.981 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:56:52.981 WORLD : Frame 08:56:52.981 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:56:53.000 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:56:53.000 WORLD : Frame 08:56:53.000 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:56:53.714 SCRIPT (E): 'SCR_BaseSupportStationComponent' 'EOnInit': 'GenericEntity<0x00000222E2ACAD30> @"ENTITY:4611686018427408289" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Fuel/Jerrycan_01/Jerrycan_01.xo' Support Station is set to use supplies but it has no SCR_ResourceComponent 08:56:54.013 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:56:54.013 WORLD : Frame 08:56:54.013 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:56:54.013 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:56:55.023 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:56:55.023 WORLD : Frame 08:56:55.023 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:56:55.023 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:56:55.886 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:56:55.886 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 08:56:55.886 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 08:56:55.886 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427408389" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 08:56:55.886 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 08:56:56.049 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:56:56.049 WORLD : Frame 08:56:56.049 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:56:56.049 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:56:56.346 GUI : Creating menu 'MapMenu' 08:56:56.346 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Chat Has no Content! 08:56:56.346 SCRIPT (W): Slot_VON Has no Content! 08:56:56.346 SCRIPT (W): Slot_AvailableActions Has no Content! 08:56:56.346 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 08:56:56.346 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Notifications Has no Content! 08:56:56.346 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Hints Has no Content! 08:56:56.399 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:56:56.399 WORLD : Frame 08:56:56.399 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 08:56:56.399 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 08:56:56.399 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 08:56:56.399 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 08:56:56.399 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 08:56:56.399 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 08:56:56.399 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 08:56:56.448 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:56:56.448 WORLD : PostFrame 08:56:56.448 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadMaskFromSet can't load ImageSet 'UI/Textures/Icons/icons_mouse/icons_mouse.imageset' 08:56:57.017 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:56:57.017 WORLD : Frame 08:56:57.017 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:56:57.018 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:56:58.021 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:56:58.021 WORLD : Frame 08:56:58.021 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:56:58.040 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:56:58.040 WORLD : Frame 08:56:58.040 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:56:59.044 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:56:59.044 WORLD : Frame 08:56:59.044 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:56:59.044 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:00.047 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:00.047 WORLD : Frame 08:57:00.047 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:00.047 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:01.011 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:01.011 WORLD : Frame 08:57:01.011 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:01.012 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:02.017 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:02.017 WORLD : Frame 08:57:02.017 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:02.017 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:03.044 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:03.044 WORLD : Frame 08:57:03.044 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:03.044 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:04.045 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:04.045 WORLD : Frame 08:57:04.045 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:04.045 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:05.088 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:05.088 WORLD : Frame 08:57:05.088 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:05.088 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:06.119 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:06.119 WORLD : Frame 08:57:06.119 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:06.119 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:06.931 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:06.931 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 08:57:06.931 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{AE98BF4439787E34}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_FIA_arsenal_box.et" 08:57:06.931 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427408605" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_cargo.xob') at <1544.119995 56.860001 5950.279785> @"{AE98BF4439787E34}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_FIA_arsenal_box.et" 08:57:06.931 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 08:57:06.931 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 08:57:06.931 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 08:57:06.931 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 08:57:06.931 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 08:57:06.931 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 08:57:07.114 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:07.114 WORLD : Frame 08:57:07.114 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:07.114 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:07.363 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:07.363 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 08:57:07.363 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=18, Name= 08:57:07.594 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:07.594 WORLD : Frame 08:57:07.594 NETWORK : PerformActions 08:57:07.594 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427408314" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <3884.602051 70.379997 6906.669922> @"{4F7E0952D726FB43}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_USSR_Player_Variant_1.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 08:57:08.090 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:08.090 WORLD : Frame 08:57:08.090 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:08.090 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:08.236 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:08.236 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 08:57:08.236 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{28ADC26474652E5D}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo_canvas_CIV_JZD.et" 08:57:08.236 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427408666" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_cargo.xob') at <1385.693970 45.080002 5869.846191> @"{28ADC26474652E5D}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo_canvas_CIV_JZD.et" 08:57:08.236 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 08:57:08.236 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 08:57:08.236 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 08:57:08.236 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 08:57:08.236 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 08:57:08.236 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 08:57:09.076 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:09.076 WORLD : Frame 08:57:09.076 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:09.076 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:10.086 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:10.086 WORLD : Frame 08:57:10.086 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:10.086 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:11.154 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:11.154 WORLD : Frame 08:57:11.154 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:11.154 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:11.308 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:11.308 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 08:57:11.308 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=19, Name= 08:57:12.148 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:12.148 WORLD : Frame 08:57:12.148 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:12.148 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:12.603 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:12.603 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 08:57:12.603 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{DE51D0FA64AD8AA3}Particles/Weapon/Casing_127x108_NSV.ptc" 08:57:12.603 RESOURCES : Particle effect load @"Particles/Weapon/Casing_127x108_NSV.ptc" 08:57:12.603 RESOURCES (E): Wrong GUID/name for resource @"{2152F80CE0123FCB}Prefabs/Particles/Bullet_Case/Bullet_Case_127x108_NSV.et" in property "Prefab" 08:57:13.186 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:13.186 WORLD : Frame 08:57:13.186 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:13.186 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:13.395 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:13.395 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 08:57:13.395 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=20, Name= 08:57:13.776 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:13.776 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 08:57:13.776 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=21, Name=Zeb 08:57:13.777 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=21, Name=Zeb, IdentityId=28452b80-469c-47cc-b10f-caacc173da0e 08:57:14.223 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:14.223 WORLD : Frame 08:57:14.223 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:14.223 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:14.956 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:14.956 WORLD : Frame 08:57:14.956 NETWORK : PerformActions 08:57:14.956 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427408802" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <3196.614014 7.059999 7136.007812> @"{4F7E0952D726FB43}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_USSR_Player_Variant_1.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_UpdateFlags(WR,) which wasn't queued 08:57:15.232 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:15.232 WORLD : Frame 08:57:15.232 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:15.232 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:16.219 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:16.219 WORLD : Frame 08:57:16.219 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:16.219 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:16.373 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:16.373 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 08:57:16.373 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=22, Name=FOX12 08:57:16.374 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=22, Name=FOX12, IdentityId=075678cb-c184-4139-b682-9ab3eb027842 08:57:16.647 SCRIPT (W): [SCR_RadialMenuController] - has no menu selected to control! 08:57:17.049 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:17.049 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 08:57:17.049 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=23, Name=ChiYeti 08:57:17.049 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=23, Name=ChiYeti, IdentityId=2a1e2c92-bc15-487f-aad4-2f3cb6950f85 08:57:17.228 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:17.228 WORLD : Frame 08:57:17.228 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:17.228 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:18.238 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:18.238 WORLD : Frame 08:57:18.238 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:18.239 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:19.230 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:19.230 WORLD : Frame 08:57:19.230 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:19.230 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:19.744 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:19.744 WORLD : Frame 08:57:19.744 NETWORK : PerformActions 08:57:19.744 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427408802" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <3196.614014 7.059999 7136.007812> @"{4F7E0952D726FB43}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_USSR_Player_Variant_1.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 08:57:20.277 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:20.277 WORLD : Frame 08:57:20.277 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:20.278 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:21.060 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:21.060 WORLD : Frame 08:57:21.060 NETWORK : PerformActions 08:57:21.060 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427408717" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <3884.602051 70.379997 6906.669922> @"{4F7E0952D726FB43}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_USSR_Player_Variant_1.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 08:57:21.268 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:21.268 WORLD : Frame 08:57:21.268 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:21.269 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:22.301 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:22.301 WORLD : Frame 08:57:22.301 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:22.301 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:23.264 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:23.264 WORLD : Frame 08:57:23.264 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:23.264 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:24.273 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:24.273 WORLD : Frame 08:57:24.273 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:24.273 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:25.270 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:25.270 WORLD : Frame 08:57:25.270 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:25.270 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:26.272 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:26.272 WORLD : Frame 08:57:26.272 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:26.272 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:27.272 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:27.272 WORLD : Frame 08:57:27.272 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:27.272 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:28.271 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:28.271 WORLD : Frame 08:57:28.271 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:28.271 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:29.384 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:29.384 WORLD : Frame 08:57:29.384 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:29.384 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:30.411 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:30.411 WORLD : Frame 08:57:30.411 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:30.412 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:31.214 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:31.214 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 08:57:31.214 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 08:57:31.214 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427409312" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 08:57:31.214 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 08:57:31.312 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:31.312 WORLD : Frame 08:57:31.312 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:31.312 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:32.349 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:32.349 WORLD : Frame 08:57:32.349 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:32.349 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:33.436 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:33.436 WORLD : Frame 08:57:33.436 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:33.436 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:34.411 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:34.411 WORLD : Frame 08:57:34.411 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:34.411 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:35.387 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:35.387 WORLD : Frame 08:57:35.387 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:35.387 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:36.359 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:36.359 WORLD : Frame 08:57:36.359 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:36.359 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:37.380 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:37.380 WORLD : Frame 08:57:37.380 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:37.380 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:38.381 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:38.381 WORLD : Frame 08:57:38.381 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:38.381 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:39.403 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:39.403 WORLD : Frame 08:57:39.403 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:39.403 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:40.426 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:40.426 WORLD : Frame 08:57:40.426 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:40.426 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:41.429 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:41.429 WORLD : Frame 08:57:41.429 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:41.429 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:42.387 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:42.387 WORLD : Frame 08:57:42.387 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:42.387 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:43.407 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:43.407 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 08:57:43.407 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=21, Name= 08:57:43.464 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:43.464 WORLD : Frame 08:57:43.464 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:43.464 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:44.424 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:44.424 WORLD : Frame 08:57:44.424 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:44.425 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:45.403 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:45.403 WORLD : Frame 08:57:45.403 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:45.403 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:46.387 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:46.387 WORLD : Frame 08:57:46.387 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:46.387 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:47.395 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:47.395 WORLD : Frame 08:57:47.395 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:47.395 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:48.435 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:48.435 WORLD : Frame 08:57:48.435 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:48.435 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:49.246 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:49.246 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 08:57:49.246 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=24, Name=FthConcept 08:57:49.246 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=24, Name=FthConcept, IdentityId=66a9ad56-c82a-4603-a8a6-1c10894c9551 08:57:49.395 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:49.395 WORLD : Frame 08:57:49.395 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:49.395 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:50.409 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:50.409 WORLD : Frame 08:57:50.409 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:50.410 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:51.391 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:51.391 WORLD : Frame 08:57:51.391 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:51.391 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:52.987 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:52.987 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 08:57:52.987 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 08:57:52.987 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427409488" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 08:57:52.987 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 08:57:57.409 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:57.409 WORLD : Frame 08:57:57.409 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:58.400 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:58.401 WORLD : Frame 08:57:58.401 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:57:59.425 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:57:59.425 WORLD : Frame 08:57:59.425 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:58:00.425 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:58:00.425 WORLD : Frame 08:58:00.425 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:58:01.403 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:58:01.403 WORLD : Frame 08:58:01.403 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:58:02.444 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:58:02.444 WORLD : Frame 08:58:02.444 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:58:03.396 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:58:03.396 WORLD : Frame 08:58:03.396 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:58:04.415 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:58:04.415 WORLD : Frame 08:58:04.415 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:58:05.404 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:58:05.404 WORLD : Frame 08:58:05.404 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:58:06.392 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:58:06.392 WORLD : Frame 08:58:06.392 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:58:07.417 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:58:07.417 WORLD : Frame 08:58:07.417 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:58:08.423 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:58:08.423 WORLD : Frame 08:58:08.423 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:58:09.440 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:58:09.440 WORLD : Frame 08:58:09.440 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:58:10.440 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:58:10.440 WORLD : Frame 08:58:10.440 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:58:11.523 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:58:11.523 WORLD : Frame 08:58:11.523 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:58:12.586 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:58:12.586 WORLD : Frame 08:58:12.586 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:58:13.647 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:58:13.647 WORLD : Frame 08:58:13.647 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:58:14.662 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:58:14.662 WORLD : Frame 08:58:14.662 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:58:15.716 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:58:15.716 WORLD : Frame 08:58:15.716 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:58:16.691 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:58:16.691 WORLD : Frame 08:58:16.691 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:58:17.673 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:58:17.673 WORLD : Frame 08:58:17.673 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:58:18.683 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:58:18.683 WORLD : Frame 08:58:18.683 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:58:19.660 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:58:19.660 WORLD : Frame 08:58:19.660 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:58:20.696 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:58:20.696 WORLD : Frame 08:58:20.696 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:58:21.335 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:58:21.335 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 08:58:21.335 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=22, Name= 08:58:21.685 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:58:21.685 WORLD : Frame 08:58:21.685 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:58:21.803 GUI : Creating menu 'MapMenu' 08:58:21.803 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Chat Has no Content! 08:58:21.803 SCRIPT (W): Slot_VON Has no Content! 08:58:21.803 SCRIPT (W): Slot_AvailableActions Has no Content! 08:58:21.803 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 08:58:21.803 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Notifications Has no Content! 08:58:21.803 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Hints Has no Content! 08:58:21.859 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:58:21.859 WORLD : Frame 08:58:21.859 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 08:58:21.859 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 08:58:21.859 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 08:58:21.859 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 08:58:21.859 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 08:58:21.859 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 08:58:21.859 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 08:58:21.879 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't load ImageSet '' 08:58:21.879 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't load ImageSet '' 08:58:21.984 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:58:21.984 WORLD : PostFrame 08:58:21.984 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadMaskFromSet can't load ImageSet 'UI/Textures/Icons/icons_mouse/icons_mouse.imageset' 08:58:22.683 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:58:22.683 WORLD : Frame 08:58:22.683 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:58:23.629 SCRIPT (W): [SCR_RadialMenuController] - has no menu selected to control! 08:58:23.659 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:58:23.659 WORLD : Frame 08:58:23.659 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:58:24.666 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:58:24.666 WORLD : Frame 08:58:24.666 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:58:25.694 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:58:25.694 WORLD : Frame 08:58:25.694 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:58:26.702 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:58:26.702 WORLD : Frame 08:58:26.702 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:58:27.008 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:58:27.008 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 08:58:27.008 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=25, Name=capnzissou 08:58:27.008 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=25, Name=capnzissou, IdentityId=e5953947-6947-4edf-a4cb-d6c1add1b73e 08:58:27.695 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:58:27.695 WORLD : Frame 08:58:27.695 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:58:28.735 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:58:28.735 WORLD : Frame 08:58:28.735 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:58:29.793 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:58:29.793 WORLD : Frame 08:58:29.793 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:58:30.807 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:58:30.807 WORLD : Frame 08:58:30.807 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:58:31.828 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:58:31.828 WORLD : Frame 08:58:31.828 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:58:32.929 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:58:32.929 WORLD : Frame 08:58:32.929 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:58:33.931 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:58:33.931 WORLD : Frame 08:58:33.931 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:58:34.978 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:58:34.978 WORLD : Frame 08:58:34.978 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:58:35.945 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:58:35.945 WORLD : Frame 08:58:35.945 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:58:36.976 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:58:36.976 WORLD : Frame 08:58:36.976 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:58:37.940 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:58:37.940 WORLD : Frame 08:58:37.940 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:58:43.210 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:58:43.210 WORLD : Frame 08:58:43.210 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:58:44.213 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:58:44.213 WORLD : Frame 08:58:44.213 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:58:45.207 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:58:45.207 WORLD : Frame 08:58:45.207 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:58:46.174 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:58:46.174 WORLD : Frame 08:58:46.174 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:58:47.145 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:58:47.145 WORLD : Frame 08:58:47.145 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:58:48.153 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:58:48.153 WORLD : Frame 08:58:48.153 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:58:48.580 GUI : Creating menu 'MapMenu' 08:58:48.580 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Chat Has no Content! 08:58:48.580 SCRIPT (W): Slot_VON Has no Content! 08:58:48.580 SCRIPT (W): Slot_AvailableActions Has no Content! 08:58:48.580 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 08:58:48.580 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Notifications Has no Content! 08:58:48.580 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Hints Has no Content! 08:58:48.629 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:58:48.629 WORLD : Frame 08:58:48.629 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 08:58:48.629 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 08:58:48.629 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 08:58:48.629 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 08:58:48.629 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 08:58:48.630 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 08:58:48.674 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:58:48.674 WORLD : PostFrame 08:58:48.674 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadMaskFromSet can't load ImageSet 'UI/Textures/Icons/icons_mouse/icons_mouse.imageset' 08:58:49.152 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:58:49.152 WORLD : Frame 08:58:49.152 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:58:50.170 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:58:50.170 WORLD : Frame 08:58:50.170 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:58:51.172 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:58:51.172 WORLD : Frame 08:58:51.172 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:58:52.173 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:58:52.174 WORLD : Frame 08:58:52.174 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:58:53.193 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:58:53.193 WORLD : Frame 08:58:53.193 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:58:54.183 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:58:54.183 WORLD : Frame 08:58:54.183 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:58:55.146 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:58:55.146 WORLD : Frame 08:58:55.146 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:58:55.186 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:58:55.186 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 08:58:55.186 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 08:58:55.186 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427409941" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 08:58:55.186 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 08:58:56.150 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:58:56.150 WORLD : Frame 08:58:56.150 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:58:57.147 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:58:57.147 WORLD : Frame 08:58:57.147 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:58:58.193 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:58:58.193 WORLD : Frame 08:58:58.193 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:58:59.182 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:58:59.182 WORLD : Frame 08:58:59.182 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:59:00.187 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:59:00.187 WORLD : Frame 08:59:00.187 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:59:01.147 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:59:01.147 WORLD : Frame 08:59:01.147 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:59:02.149 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:59:02.149 WORLD : Frame 08:59:02.149 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:59:03.194 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:59:03.194 WORLD : Frame 08:59:03.194 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:59:04.190 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:59:04.190 WORLD : Frame 08:59:04.190 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:59:05.227 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:59:05.227 WORLD : Frame 08:59:05.227 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:59:06.218 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:59:06.218 WORLD : Frame 08:59:06.218 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:59:06.984 SCRIPT (W): [SCR_RadialMenuController] - has no menu selected to control! 08:59:07.205 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:59:07.205 WORLD : Frame 08:59:07.205 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:59:08.111 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:59:08.111 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 08:59:08.111 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=24, Name= 08:59:08.231 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:59:08.231 WORLD : Frame 08:59:08.231 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:59:09.309 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:59:09.309 WORLD : Frame 08:59:09.309 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:59:10.301 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:59:10.301 WORLD : Frame 08:59:10.301 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:59:11.403 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:59:11.403 WORLD : Frame 08:59:11.403 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:59:12.398 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:59:12.398 WORLD : Frame 08:59:12.398 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:59:13.525 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:59:13.525 WORLD : Frame 08:59:13.525 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:59:14.554 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:59:14.554 WORLD : Frame 08:59:14.554 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:59:15.075 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:59:15.075 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 08:59:15.075 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=26, Name=EnjoyedCart7621 08:59:15.076 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=26, Name=EnjoyedCart7621, IdentityId=3f3df3b3-d147-4ee8-8267-a510ece337b2 08:59:15.598 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:59:15.598 WORLD : Frame 08:59:15.598 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:59:16.627 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:59:16.627 WORLD : Frame 08:59:16.627 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:59:17.626 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:59:17.626 WORLD : Frame 08:59:17.626 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:59:18.594 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:59:18.594 WORLD : Frame 08:59:18.594 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:59:19.593 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:59:19.593 WORLD : Frame 08:59:19.593 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:59:20.667 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:59:20.667 WORLD : Frame 08:59:20.667 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:59:21.600 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:59:21.600 WORLD : Frame 08:59:21.600 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:59:22.601 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:59:22.601 WORLD : Frame 08:59:22.601 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:59:23.637 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:59:23.637 WORLD : Frame 08:59:23.637 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:59:24.677 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:59:24.677 WORLD : Frame 08:59:24.677 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:59:25.663 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:59:25.663 WORLD : Frame 08:59:25.663 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:59:26.674 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:59:26.674 WORLD : Frame 08:59:26.674 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:59:27.643 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:59:27.643 WORLD : Frame 08:59:27.643 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:59:28.639 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:59:28.639 WORLD : Frame 08:59:28.639 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:59:29.636 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:59:29.636 WORLD : Frame 08:59:29.636 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:59:30.312 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:59:30.312 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 08:59:30.312 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=25, Name= 08:59:30.678 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:59:30.678 WORLD : Frame 08:59:30.678 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:59:31.678 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:59:31.678 WORLD : Frame 08:59:31.678 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:59:32.734 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:59:32.734 WORLD : Frame 08:59:32.734 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:59:33.785 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:59:33.785 WORLD : Frame 08:59:33.785 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:59:34.876 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:59:34.876 WORLD : Frame 08:59:34.876 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:59:35.863 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:59:35.863 WORLD : Frame 08:59:35.863 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:59:36.819 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:59:36.819 WORLD : Frame 08:59:36.819 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:59:37.093 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:59:37.093 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 08:59:37.093 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=27, Name=Sasthequach 08:59:37.094 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=27, Name=Sasthequach, IdentityId=0e01e695-403f-433b-b808-3fe37cecbb13 08:59:37.902 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:59:37.902 WORLD : Frame 08:59:37.902 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:59:38.879 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:59:38.879 WORLD : Frame 08:59:38.879 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:59:39.949 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:59:39.949 WORLD : Frame 08:59:39.949 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:59:41.150 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:59:41.150 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 08:59:41.150 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=26, Name= 08:59:41.207 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:59:41.207 WORLD : Frame 08:59:41.207 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:59:42.749 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:59:42.749 WORLD : Frame 08:59:42.749 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:59:42.989 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:59:42.989 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 08:59:42.989 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427410720" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <3972.568115 56.959999 7147.374023> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427409547" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_base.xob') at <3969.587891 55.559998 7146.080078> @"{16A674FE31B0921C}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_uncovered.et" 08:59:43.756 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:59:43.756 WORLD : Frame 08:59:43.756 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:59:44.034 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:59:44.034 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 08:59:44.034 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 08:59:44.034 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427410722" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 08:59:44.034 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 08:59:44.882 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:59:44.882 WORLD : Frame 08:59:44.882 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:59:46.853 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:59:46.853 WORLD : Frame 08:59:46.853 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:59:47.854 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:59:47.854 WORLD : Frame 08:59:47.854 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:59:47.897 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:59:47.897 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 08:59:47.897 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=28, Name=SirCapalot16635 08:59:47.897 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=28, Name=SirCapalot16635, IdentityId=6a9e7e80-a844-4c00-894c-c239efb1f347 08:59:48.927 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:59:48.927 WORLD : Frame 08:59:48.927 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:59:49.922 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:59:49.922 WORLD : Frame 08:59:49.922 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:59:50.896 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:59:50.896 WORLD : Frame 08:59:50.896 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 08:59:51.913 WORLD : UpdateEntities 08:59:51.913 WORLD : Frame 08:59:51.913 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:00:13.563 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:00:13.563 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:00:13.563 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=27, Name= 09:00:19.423 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:00:19.423 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:00:19.423 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=29, Name=rovinei1993 09:00:19.423 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=29, Name=rovinei1993, IdentityId=90a66f1d-e2b8-4f04-80f1-0933d62bde64 09:00:23.781 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:00:23.781 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:00:23.781 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427411649" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <4331.001953 105.900002 7204.691895> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427409547" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_base.xob') at <4330.189941 104.724121 7204.070801> @"{16A674FE31B0921C}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_uncovered.et" 09:00:37.657 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:00:37.657 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:00:37.657 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=23, Name= 09:00:43.239 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:00:43.239 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:00:43.239 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 09:00:43.239 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427411685" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 09:00:43.239 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 09:00:50.634 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:00:50.634 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:00:50.634 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=30, Name=PuppyWallet 09:00:50.635 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=30, Name=PuppyWallet, IdentityId=55ff694d-be36-4388-b278-58ebb0fcdb8c 09:00:57.424 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:00:57.424 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:00:57.424 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=28, Name= 09:00:57.664 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:00:57.664 WORLD : Frame 09:00:57.664 GUI : Creating menu 'RespawnSuperMenu' 09:00:57.664 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Chat Has no Content! 09:00:57.664 SCRIPT (W): Slot_AvailableActions Has no Content! 09:00:57.664 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 09:00:57.664 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Hints Has no Content! 09:00:57.664 SCRIPT (E): HUDManager: Identifier: RespawnMenu is already used! Check if your Identifier is Unique! 09:00:57.666 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:00:57.666 WORLD : Frame 09:00:57.666 SCRIPT : SCR_MapEntity: Attempt to call PanSmooth before map init is completed 09:00:57.725 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:00:57.725 WORLD : Frame 09:00:57.725 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:00:57.726 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:00:57.726 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:00:57.726 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:00:57.726 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:00:57.726 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:01:02.913 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:01:02.913 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:01:02.913 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=31, Name=Mr GoodWood3407 09:01:02.914 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=31, Name=Mr GoodWood3407, IdentityId=9241f727-f23b-4aaf-adaf-23297c7137c2 09:01:03.973 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:01:03.973 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:01:03.973 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427412156" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <3167.476074 9.520000 7112.569824> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427410408" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_base.xob') at <3167.209473 8.372159 7114.442383> @"{0B4DEA8078B78A9B}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_PKM.et" 09:01:08.253 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:01:08.253 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:01:08.253 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{AE98BF4439787E34}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_FIA_arsenal_box.et" 09:01:08.253 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427412705" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_cargo.xob') at <1544.154053 55.840000 5950.666016> @"{AE98BF4439787E34}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_FIA_arsenal_box.et" 09:01:08.253 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:01:08.253 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:01:08.253 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:01:08.253 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:01:08.253 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:01:08.253 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:01:08.473 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:01:08.473 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:01:08.473 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{28ADC26474652E5D}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo_canvas_CIV_JZD.et" 09:01:08.473 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427413064" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_cargo.xob') at <1385.803955 45.139999 5869.828125> @"{28ADC26474652E5D}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo_canvas_CIV_JZD.et" 09:01:08.473 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:01:08.473 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:01:08.473 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:01:08.473 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:01:08.473 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:01:08.473 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:01:10.090 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:01:10.090 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:01:10.090 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427413225" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <3154.447998 13.960000 7056.636230> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427410408" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_base.xob') at <3154.522461 12.129430 7058.114258> @"{0B4DEA8078B78A9B}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_PKM.et" 09:01:27.059 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:01:27.059 WORLD : Frame 09:01:27.059 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:01:27.059 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427413694" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <3194.818115 6.559999 7142.414062> @"{F063CEEB9295E9B6}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_USSR_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_UpdateFlags(WR,) which wasn't queued 09:01:33.769 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:01:33.769 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:01:33.769 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=20, Name= 09:01:38.230 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:01:38.230 WORLD : Frame 09:01:38.230 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:01:38.230 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427411707" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <3194.818115 6.559999 7142.414062> @"{918C557BF3506286}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_USSR_Base.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_UpdateFlags(WR,) which wasn't queued 09:01:38.744 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:01:38.744 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:01:38.744 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=32, Name=Home Grown Tomatoes 09:01:38.744 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=32, Name=Home Grown Tomatoes, IdentityId=521a657e-3c69-4c9d-8e50-542a114dab48 09:01:43.515 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:01:43.515 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:01:43.515 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 09:01:43.515 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427414297" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 09:01:43.515 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 09:01:43.763 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:01:43.763 WORLD : Frame 09:01:43.763 SCRIPT (W): Duplicate instance of UI component 702805112 found on widget 'MapFrame'! The component is marked as unique, only one instance is allowed. 09:01:43.787 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Chat Has no Content! 09:01:43.787 SCRIPT (W): Slot_AvailableActions Has no Content! 09:01:43.787 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 09:01:57.740 SCRIPT (E): 'SCR_BaseSupportStationComponent' 'EOnInit': 'GenericEntity<0x000002219A9A4130> @"ENTITY:4611686018427414756" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Fuel/Jerrycan_01/Jerrycan_01.xo' Support Station is set to use supplies but it has no SCR_ResourceComponent 09:02:06.854 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:02:06.854 WORLD : Frame 09:02:06.854 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:02:06.854 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427396062" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <3204.691895 6.799999 7145.693848> @"{4F7E0952D726FB43}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_USSR_Player_Variant_1.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 09:02:07.010 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:02:07.010 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:02:07.010 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427414863" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <2883.718018 78.300003 6608.540039> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427410408" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_base.xob') at <2882.335205 76.540489 6610.103027> @"{0B4DEA8078B78A9B}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_PKM.et" 09:02:07.433 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:02:07.433 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:02:07.433 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=29, Name= 09:02:14.203 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:02:14.203 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:02:14.203 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 09:02:14.203 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427414986" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 09:02:14.203 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 09:02:18.305 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:02:18.305 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:02:18.305 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=33, Name=Kwitt 09:02:18.305 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=33, Name=Kwitt, IdentityId=ec23fe00-06fb-45b9-ab09-2821287f90fc 09:02:22.899 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:02:22.899 WORLD : PostFrame 09:02:22.899 GUI : Creating menu 'Inventory20Menu' 09:02:22.899 SCRIPT (W): Slot_VON Has no Content! 09:02:22.899 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 09:02:23.059 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:02:23.059 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:02:24.413 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:02:24.413 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 09:02:24.413 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:02:24.413 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:02:28.416 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:02:28.416 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:02:28.416 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 09:02:28.416 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427415058" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 09:02:28.416 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 09:02:48.082 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:02:48.082 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:02:48.082 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=30, Name= 09:02:53.795 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:02:53.795 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:02:53.795 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=34, Name=CT55556535 09:02:53.796 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=34, Name=CT55556535, IdentityId=67f1ae5f-e281-4e49-b4a5-6ae2212b01fc 09:02:58.673 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:02:58.673 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:02:58.673 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{4AE31B174C7064F7}PrefabsEditable/Auto/Props/Military/Compositions/USSR/E_Antenna_01_USSR.et" 09:02:58.673 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427415118" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Props/Military/Antennas/Antenna_R161_01/Antenna_R161_01.xob') at <3728.662109 61.000000 6987.335938> @"{4AE31B174C7064F7}PrefabsEditable/Auto/Props/Military/Compositions/USSR/E_Antenna_01_USSR.et" 09:02:58.673 DEFAULT (W): BaseTransceiver::SetFrequency is not supported on proxies. 09:02:58.673 DEFAULT (W): BaseTransceiver::SetFrequency is not supported on proxies. 09:03:13.784 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:03:13.784 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:03:13.784 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{58B3FB7F102A8B1B}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo.et" 09:03:13.784 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427415205" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_cargo.xob') at <3211.781982 11.099999 7114.994141> @"{58B3FB7F102A8B1B}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo.et" 09:03:13.784 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:03:13.784 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:03:13.784 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:03:13.784 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:03:13.784 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:03:13.784 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:03:26.085 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:03:26.085 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:03:26.085 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427415329" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <3146.333984 20.219999 7019.622070> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427414381" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_base.xob') at <3148.087158 19.178911 7018.226074> @"{16A674FE31B0921C}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_uncovered.et" 09:03:39.760 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:03:39.760 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:03:39.760 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427415434" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <3787.979980 61.500000 7007.509766> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427396568" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_base.xob') at <3789.275879 59.820000 7006.832031> @"{D9B91FAB817A6033}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural4320_transport_covered.et" 09:03:48.902 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:03:48.902 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:03:48.902 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 09:03:48.902 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427415520" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 09:03:48.902 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 09:03:51.824 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:03:51.824 WORLD : Frame 09:03:51.824 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:03:51.824 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427396062" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <3204.691895 6.799999 7145.693848> @"{4F7E0952D726FB43}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_USSR_Player_Variant_1.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 09:03:55.611 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:03:55.611 WORLD : Frame 09:03:55.611 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:03:55.611 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427396062" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <3204.691895 6.799999 7145.693848> @"{4F7E0952D726FB43}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_USSR_Player_Variant_1.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 09:04:08.615 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:04:08.615 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:04:08.615 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427415905" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <3211.333984 11.700000 7118.018066> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427415181" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_base.xob') at <3211.924072 10.240000 7116.520020> @"{16C1F16C9B053801}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural4320_transport.et" 09:04:18.996 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:04:18.996 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:04:18.996 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=24, Name= 09:04:24.703 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:04:24.703 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:04:24.703 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=35, Name=Xiao ling8907 09:04:24.703 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=35, Name=Xiao ling8907, IdentityId=f17a526e-52f1-4021-9d04-77fa19e9c00c 09:04:38.370 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:04:38.370 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:04:38.370 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{94B79579DD7722B6}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo_CIV_Forest.et" 09:04:38.370 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427416503" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_cargo.xob') at <5770.264160 212.059998 7010.277832> @"{94B79579DD7722B6}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo_CIV_Forest.et" 09:04:38.370 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:04:38.370 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:04:38.370 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:04:38.370 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:04:38.370 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:04:38.370 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:04:41.476 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:04:41.476 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:04:41.476 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427417156" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <2899.907959 77.680000 6476.899902> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427410408" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_base.xob') at <2900.053955 76.699997 6476.645996> @"{0B4DEA8078B78A9B}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_PKM.et" 09:04:45.863 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:04:45.863 WORLD : Frame 09:04:45.863 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:04:45.863 DEFAULT (W): Weapon reloading - Magazine not available. 09:04:49.553 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:04:49.553 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:04:49.553 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=27, Name= 09:04:55.438 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:04:55.438 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:04:55.438 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=36, Name=UncommonSnail 09:04:55.438 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=36, Name=UncommonSnail, IdentityId=98fea1f8-41dd-427c-8813-b7cdbeba3fa0 09:04:58.319 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:04:58.319 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:04:58.319 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 09:04:58.319 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427417464" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 09:04:58.319 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 09:05:01.345 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:05:01.345 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:05:01.345 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=32, Name= 09:05:07.658 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:05:07.658 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:05:07.658 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=37, Name=Buzz Killington 09:05:07.659 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=37, Name=Buzz Killington, IdentityId=218f08c1-6d75-4e5f-b4a9-9044bfeb6ae6 09:05:07.812 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:05:07.812 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:05:07.812 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=31, Name= 09:05:14.721 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:05:14.721 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:05:14.721 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=38, Name=SapinFantomas 09:05:14.722 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=38, Name=SapinFantomas, IdentityId=f935feb1-5421-4896-9dc8-6e470a88b86d 09:05:19.665 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:05:19.665 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:05:19.665 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 09:05:19.665 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427417841" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 09:05:19.665 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 09:05:23.990 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:05:23.991 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:05:23.991 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427417867" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <2799.008057 60.000000 6736.687988> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427415181" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_base.xob') at <2797.750488 57.812263 6739.584961> @"{16C1F16C9B053801}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural4320_transport.et" 09:05:35.716 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:05:35.716 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:05:35.716 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427418295" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <4797.089844 164.820007 7104.155762> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427414381" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_base.xob') at <4798.195312 163.542404 7105.224121> @"{16A674FE31B0921C}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_uncovered.et" 09:05:38.547 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:05:38.547 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:05:38.547 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=21, Name= 09:05:46.253 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:05:46.253 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:05:46.253 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=23, Name=ChiYeti, IdentityId=2a1e2c92-bc15-487f-aad4-2f3cb6950f85 09:05:59.190 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:05:59.190 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:05:59.190 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 09:05:59.190 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427418574" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 09:05:59.190 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 09:06:29.561 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:06:29.561 WORLD : Frame 09:06:29.561 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:06:29.561 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427408802" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <3196.614014 7.059999 7136.007812> @"{4F7E0952D726FB43}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_USSR_Player_Variant_1.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 09:06:30.180 GUI : Creating menu 'Inventory20Menu' 09:06:30.180 SCRIPT (W): Slot_VON Has no Content! 09:06:30.180 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 09:06:30.383 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:06:30.383 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:06:31.256 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:06:31.256 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:06:31.256 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:06:31.256 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:06:31.263 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 09:06:31.263 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:06:31.263 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:06:36.673 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:06:36.673 WORLD : Frame 09:06:36.673 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:06:36.673 DEFAULT (W): Weapon reloading - Magazine not available. 09:06:39.291 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:06:39.291 WORLD : Frame 09:06:39.291 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:06:39.291 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427408802" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <3196.614014 7.059999 7136.007812> @"{4F7E0952D726FB43}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_USSR_Player_Variant_1.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 09:06:47.355 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:06:47.355 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:06:47.355 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427419247" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <3494.500000 34.139999 7059.496094> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427418984" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_base.xob') at <3490.910889 33.163979 7056.310059> @"{16A674FE31B0921C}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_uncovered.et" 09:06:52.633 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:06:52.633 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:06:52.633 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=33, Name= 09:06:59.328 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:06:59.328 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:06:59.329 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=34, Name= 09:06:59.678 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:06:59.678 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:06:59.678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=39, Name=[SGT] J. NikNaks 09:06:59.678 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=39, Name=[SGT] J. NikNaks, IdentityId=76ba937c-c51f-490d-ba1a-f0e45ca895f4 09:07:00.570 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:07:00.570 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:07:00.570 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 09:07:00.570 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427419541" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 09:07:00.570 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 09:07:05.183 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:07:05.183 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:07:05.183 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=40, Name=Bobcat2933 09:07:05.184 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=40, Name=Bobcat2933, IdentityId=a82b41a0-3559-45c2-9fc9-284a8b4c52af 09:07:14.462 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:07:14.462 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:07:14.462 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427419948" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <3251.271973 91.459999 6423.173828> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427419902" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_base.xob') at <3250.632080 90.059998 6423.120117> @"{0B4DEA8078B78A9B}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_PKM.et" 09:07:24.433 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:07:24.433 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:07:24.433 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427420147" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <3392.907959 94.459999 6574.583984> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427419902" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_base.xob') at <3387.435059 93.886826 6570.808594> @"{0B4DEA8078B78A9B}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_PKM.et" 09:07:28.105 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:07:28.105 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:07:28.105 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427420198" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <3471.112061 86.300003 6628.405762> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427419902" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_base.xob') at <3465.709717 85.857780 6624.986328> @"{0B4DEA8078B78A9B}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_PKM.et" 09:07:41.742 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:07:41.742 WORLD : PostFrame 09:07:41.742 GUI : Creating menu 'Inventory20Menu' 09:07:41.742 SCRIPT (W): Slot_VON Has no Content! 09:07:41.742 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 09:07:42.009 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:07:42.009 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:07:42.360 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:07:42.360 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:07:42.360 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=35, Name= 09:07:44.257 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:07:44.257 WORLD : PostFrame 09:07:44.257 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:07:44.257 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:07:44.257 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:07:44.257 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:07:46.131 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:07:46.131 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:07:46.131 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=6, Name= 09:07:47.225 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:07:47.225 WORLD : PostFrame 09:07:47.225 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:07:47.225 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:07:47.225 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:07:47.225 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:07:47.232 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 09:07:47.232 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:07:47.232 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:07:48.402 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:07:48.402 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:07:48.402 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=36, Name= 09:07:49.720 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:07:49.720 WORLD : PostFrame 09:07:49.720 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:07:49.720 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:07:49.720 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=41, Name=tsudjmv 09:07:49.721 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=41, Name=tsudjmv, IdentityId=155600ac-a478-4565-beba-4f4ab32cb108 09:07:52.839 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:07:52.839 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:07:52.839 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427421168" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <4840.138184 165.539993 7119.045898> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427396568" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_base.xob') at <4840.374023 163.860001 7117.708008> @"{D9B91FAB817A6033}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural4320_transport_covered.et" 09:07:53.346 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:07:53.346 WORLD : PostFrame 09:07:53.346 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:07:53.346 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:07:53.346 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:07:53.346 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:07:53.356 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 09:07:53.356 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:07:53.356 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:07:54.729 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:07:54.729 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 09:07:54.729 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:07:54.729 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:07:54.799 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:07:54.799 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:07:54.799 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=42, Name=xThatBoiRDx 09:07:54.800 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=42, Name=xThatBoiRDx, IdentityId=30e6c279-c3e9-4a39-bd9c-a3827f48a499 09:07:55.609 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:07:55.609 WORLD : PostFrame 09:07:55.609 GUI : Creating menu 'Inventory20Menu' 09:07:55.609 SCRIPT (W): Slot_VON Has no Content! 09:07:55.609 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 09:07:55.761 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:07:55.761 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:07:57.512 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:07:57.512 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:07:57.512 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:07:57.512 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:07:57.523 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 09:07:57.523 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:07:57.523 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:07:57.845 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:07:57.845 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:07:57.845 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:07:57.845 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:07:57.855 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 09:07:57.855 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:07:57.855 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:07:58.110 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:07:58.110 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:07:58.110 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:07:58.110 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:07:58.117 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427421203" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <4840.138184 165.539993 7119.047852> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427396568" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_base.xob') at <4840.374023 163.860001 7117.708008> @"{D9B91FAB817A6033}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural4320_transport_covered.et" 09:07:58.120 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 09:07:58.120 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:07:58.120 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:07:58.544 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:07:58.544 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:07:58.544 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:07:58.544 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:07:58.554 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 09:07:58.554 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:07:58.554 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:08:03.070 GUI : Creating menu 'Inventory20Menu' 09:08:03.070 SCRIPT (W): Slot_VON Has no Content! 09:08:03.070 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 09:08:03.186 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:08:03.186 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:08:03.309 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:08:03.309 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:08:03.309 NETWORK : BaseCompartmentManagerComponent::Load, Occupant not found, 2147693843 09:08:03.511 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:08:03.511 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:08:03.511 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=43, Name=Daddy 09:08:03.512 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=43, Name=Daddy, IdentityId=8f556fb0-833a-4c19-a7f2-8736e22c4613 09:08:03.842 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:08:03.842 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 09:08:03.842 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:08:03.842 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:08:04.078 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:08:04.078 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:08:04.078 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=37, Name= 09:08:04.117 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:08:04.117 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 09:08:04.117 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:08:04.117 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:08:10.010 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:08:10.010 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:08:10.010 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=27, Name=Sasthequach, IdentityId=0e01e695-403f-433b-b808-3fe37cecbb13 09:08:31.825 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:08:31.825 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:08:31.825 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 09:08:31.825 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427421736" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 09:08:31.825 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 09:08:32.841 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:08:32.841 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:08:32.841 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=9, Name= 09:08:39.549 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:08:39.549 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:08:39.549 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=44, Name=Chirz84 09:08:39.549 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=44, Name=Chirz84, IdentityId=214d069c-0440-4240-ab17-07943e386316 09:08:46.131 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:08:46.131 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:08:46.131 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=31, Name= 09:08:52.429 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:08:52.429 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:08:52.429 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=45, Name=Roberto 09:08:52.429 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=45, Name=Roberto, IdentityId=77025762-13ee-4980-869b-38f49228c0cf 09:08:55.129 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:08:55.129 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:08:55.129 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{58B3FB7F102A8B1B}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo.et" 09:08:55.129 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427421988" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_cargo.xob') at <3250.020020 135.419998 6154.416016> @"{58B3FB7F102A8B1B}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo.et" 09:08:55.129 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:08:55.129 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:08:55.129 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:08:55.129 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:08:55.129 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:08:55.129 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:08:55.130 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427422024" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <3249.236084 137.759995 6153.441895> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427421964" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_base.xob') at <3250.020020 135.419998 6154.416016> @"{16C1F16C9B053801}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural4320_transport.et" 09:08:55.130 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:08:55.130 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:08:55.130 NETWORK : BaseCompartmentManagerComponent::Load, Occupant not found, 2147689830 09:08:57.463 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:08:57.463 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:08:57.463 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 09:08:57.463 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427422045" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 09:08:57.463 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 09:09:07.571 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:09:07.571 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:09:07.571 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=38, Name= 09:09:10.637 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:09:10.637 WORLD : Frame 09:09:10.637 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:09:10.637 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427411707" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <3194.818115 6.559999 7142.414062> @"{918C557BF3506286}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_USSR_Base.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 09:09:13.350 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:09:13.350 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:09:13.350 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=46, Name=CyberGoblin8303 09:09:13.351 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=46, Name=CyberGoblin8303, IdentityId=39fa0eec-f387-49aa-86c0-5ea2a69572a5 09:09:22.902 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:09:22.902 WORLD : Frame 09:09:22.902 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:09:22.902 DEFAULT (W): Weapon reloading - Magazine not available. 09:09:31.750 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:09:31.750 WORLD : Frame 09:09:31.750 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:09:31.750 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427422046" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <3250.107910 6.779999 7189.315918> @"{F063CEEB9295E9B6}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_USSR_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 09:09:33.275 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:09:33.275 WORLD : PostFrame 09:09:33.275 GUI : Creating menu 'Inventory20Menu' 09:09:33.275 SCRIPT (W): Slot_VON Has no Content! 09:09:33.275 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 09:09:33.488 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:09:33.488 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:09:36.470 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:09:36.470 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:09:36.470 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=25, Name= 09:09:39.662 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:09:39.662 WORLD : PostFrame 09:09:39.662 GUI : Creating menu 'Inventory20Menu' 09:09:39.662 SCRIPT (W): Slot_VON Has no Content! 09:09:39.662 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 09:09:39.781 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:09:39.781 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:09:41.466 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:09:41.466 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:09:41.466 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:09:41.466 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:09:41.476 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 09:09:41.476 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:09:41.476 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:09:41.699 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:09:41.699 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:09:41.699 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:09:41.699 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:09:41.707 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 09:09:41.707 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:09:41.707 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:09:41.865 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:09:41.865 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:09:41.865 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:09:41.865 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:09:41.875 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 09:09:41.875 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:09:41.875 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:09:42.165 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:09:42.165 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:09:42.165 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:09:42.165 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:09:42.175 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 09:09:42.175 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:09:42.175 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:09:42.500 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:09:42.500 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:09:42.500 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:09:42.500 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:09:42.510 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 09:09:42.510 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:09:42.510 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:09:42.900 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:09:42.900 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:09:42.900 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:09:42.900 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:09:42.909 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 09:09:42.909 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:09:42.909 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:09:48.463 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:09:48.463 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:09:48.463 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=47, Name=tor 09:09:48.463 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=47, Name=tor, IdentityId=b6a35ae1-b385-4684-ab52-6731cfd75667 09:09:49.168 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:09:49.168 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:09:49.168 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=27, Name= 09:09:53.463 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:09:53.463 WORLD : Frame 09:09:53.463 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:09:53.463 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427421348" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <6749.642090 146.699997 7124.361816> @"{8D89B17BCFBFAE44}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_US_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 09:09:55.268 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:09:55.268 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:09:55.268 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=33, Name= 09:09:56.839 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:09:56.839 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:09:56.839 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=48, Name=DarthXoov 09:09:56.839 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=48, Name=DarthXoov, IdentityId=78e074ce-b791-452e-92ba-d4e0b9916d66 09:09:58.149 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:09:58.149 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:09:58.149 NETWORK : BaseCompartmentManagerComponent::Load, Occupant not found, 2147703422 09:09:58.149 NETWORK : BaseCompartmentManagerComponent::Load, Occupant not found, 2147696400 09:09:58.409 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:09:58.409 WORLD : Frame 09:09:58.409 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:09:58.431 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:09:58.431 WORLD : Frame 09:09:58.431 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:09:59.462 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:09:59.462 WORLD : Frame 09:09:59.462 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:09:59.462 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:00.503 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:00.503 WORLD : Frame 09:10:00.503 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:00.503 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:01.467 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:01.467 WORLD : Frame 09:10:01.467 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:01.468 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:01.855 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:01.855 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:10:01.855 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=49, Name=MaxumisPrime243 09:10:01.856 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=49, Name=MaxumisPrime243, IdentityId=a45bc0fe-a40d-478a-8a47-e88dfd62fa58 09:10:02.513 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:02.513 WORLD : Frame 09:10:02.513 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:02.513 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:03.609 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:03.609 WORLD : Frame 09:10:03.609 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:03.609 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:04.535 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:04.535 WORLD : Frame 09:10:04.535 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:04.535 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:05.591 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:05.591 WORLD : Frame 09:10:05.591 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:05.592 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:05.945 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:05.945 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:10:05.945 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427423469" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Compass/Compass_Adrianov/Compass_Adrianov.xob') at <3375.125977 37.180000 6981.815918> @"{7CEF68E2BC68CE71}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Compass/Compass_Adrianov.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427422963" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_base.xob') at <3370.345215 36.103981 6980.743164> @"{16A674FE31B0921C}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_uncovered.et" 09:10:06.720 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:06.720 WORLD : Frame 09:10:06.720 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:06.720 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:07.753 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:07.753 WORLD : Frame 09:10:07.753 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:07.753 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:08.118 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:08.118 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:10:08.118 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=39, Name= 09:10:08.783 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:08.783 WORLD : Frame 09:10:08.783 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:08.783 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:09.839 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:09.839 WORLD : Frame 09:10:09.839 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:09.840 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:10.185 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:10.185 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:10:10.185 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=40, Name= 09:10:10.836 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:10.836 WORLD : Frame 09:10:10.836 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:10.836 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:11.907 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:11.907 WORLD : Frame 09:10:11.907 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:11.907 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:12.017 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:12.017 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:10:12.017 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=41, Name= 09:10:13.041 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:13.041 WORLD : Frame 09:10:13.041 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:13.041 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:13.088 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:13.088 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:10:13.088 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427423625" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <3490.313965 34.160000 7054.514160> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427422963" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_base.xob') at <3485.448975 33.321629 7051.468262> @"{16A674FE31B0921C}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_uncovered.et" 09:10:14.043 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:14.043 WORLD : Frame 09:10:14.043 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:14.043 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:14.982 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:14.982 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:10:14.982 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=50, Name=MIGUEL2273 09:10:14.982 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=50, Name=MIGUEL2273, IdentityId=0419314f-7951-4052-9129-2973515250a6 09:10:15.175 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:15.175 WORLD : Frame 09:10:15.175 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:15.176 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:16.406 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:16.406 WORLD : Frame 09:10:16.406 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:16.406 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:17.312 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:17.312 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:10:17.312 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=51, Name=JzReL 09:10:17.312 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=51, Name=JzReL, IdentityId=98b37856-19d7-4b86-9ece-de39d401d0c5 09:10:18.011 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:18.011 WORLD : Frame 09:10:18.011 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:18.011 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:18.980 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:18.980 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:10:18.980 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=52, Name=Lord Katfish 09:10:18.980 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=52, Name=Lord Katfish, IdentityId=ce34fd06-84f2-49d2-989d-c2283dd4c6c3 09:10:19.332 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:19.332 WORLD : Frame 09:10:19.332 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:19.332 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:20.521 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:20.521 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:10:20.521 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427423843" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Compass/Compass_Adrianov/Compass_Adrianov.xob') at <3606.917969 43.540001 7099.733887> @"{7CEF68E2BC68CE71}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Compass/Compass_Adrianov.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427422963" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_base.xob') at <3602.719971 41.919998 7099.083984> @"{16A674FE31B0921C}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_uncovered.et" 09:10:20.899 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:20.899 WORLD : Frame 09:10:20.899 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:20.899 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:22.354 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:22.354 WORLD : Frame 09:10:22.354 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:22.354 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:23.312 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:23.312 WORLD : Frame 09:10:23.312 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:23.312 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:23.864 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:23.864 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:10:23.864 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=43, Name= 09:10:24.382 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:24.382 WORLD : Frame 09:10:24.382 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:24.382 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:25.067 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:25.067 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:10:25.067 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=42, Name= 09:10:25.388 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:25.388 WORLD : Frame 09:10:25.388 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:25.388 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:26.409 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:26.409 WORLD : Frame 09:10:26.409 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:26.409 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:27.516 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:27.516 WORLD : Frame 09:10:27.516 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:27.516 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:28.556 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:28.556 WORLD : Frame 09:10:28.556 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:28.556 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:29.572 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:29.572 WORLD : Frame 09:10:29.572 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:29.572 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:29.799 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:29.799 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:10:29.799 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=53, Name=JumpOutOnEm4071 09:10:29.801 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=53, Name=JumpOutOnEm4071, IdentityId=fa9a262d-2990-4de3-a63a-1e77dce72cce 09:10:30.093 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:30.093 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:10:30.093 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=44, Name= 09:10:30.620 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:30.620 WORLD : Frame 09:10:30.620 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:30.620 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:31.624 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:31.624 WORLD : Frame 09:10:31.624 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:31.624 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:31.792 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:31.792 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:10:31.792 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=54, Name=XxVilewordxX 09:10:31.792 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=54, Name=XxVilewordxX, IdentityId=2925672f-5b73-43ba-bf33-fd5e5a7bc1dd 09:10:32.818 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:32.818 WORLD : Frame 09:10:32.818 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:32.819 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:34.022 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:34.022 WORLD : Frame 09:10:34.022 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:34.022 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:35.276 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:35.276 WORLD : Frame 09:10:35.276 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:35.276 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:37.495 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:37.495 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:10:37.495 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=55, Name=hailstorm26 09:10:37.496 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=55, Name=hailstorm26, IdentityId=3f341a63-7b80-4dcb-95f2-47b09d48b07a 09:10:37.543 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:37.543 WORLD : Frame 09:10:37.543 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:37.543 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:39.981 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:39.981 WORLD : Frame 09:10:39.981 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:39.981 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:41.594 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:41.594 WORLD : Frame 09:10:41.594 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:41.594 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:41.883 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:41.883 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:10:41.883 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=45, Name= 09:10:42.762 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:42.762 WORLD : Frame 09:10:42.762 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:42.763 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:43.986 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:43.986 WORLD : Frame 09:10:43.986 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:43.986 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:45.569 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:45.569 WORLD : Frame 09:10:45.569 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:45.571 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:47.382 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:47.382 WORLD : Frame 09:10:47.382 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:47.382 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:49.138 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:49.138 WORLD : Frame 09:10:49.138 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:49.138 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:50.507 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:50.507 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:10:50.507 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=46, Name= 09:10:50.562 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:50.562 WORLD : Frame 09:10:50.562 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:50.562 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:50.601 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:50.601 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:10:50.601 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=56, Name=Syzic 09:10:50.602 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=56, Name=Syzic, IdentityId=66caec2b-79fd-478e-9912-5bd689def2ba 09:10:51.746 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:51.746 WORLD : Frame 09:10:51.746 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:51.746 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:51.812 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:51.812 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:10:51.812 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=47, Name= 09:10:53.535 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:53.535 WORLD : Frame 09:10:53.535 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:53.535 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:55.438 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:55.438 WORLD : Frame 09:10:55.438 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:55.438 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:56.917 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:56.917 WORLD : Frame 09:10:56.917 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:56.917 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:57.485 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:57.485 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:10:57.485 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=57, Name=Bottom Fragger 09:10:57.486 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=57, Name=Bottom Fragger, IdentityId=f0922e61-4b68-46ea-ac21-a67545fb74c2 09:10:58.179 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:58.179 WORLD : Frame 09:10:58.179 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:58.179 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:59.276 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:10:59.276 WORLD : Frame 09:10:59.276 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:10:59.276 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:00.452 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:11:00.452 WORLD : Frame 09:11:00.452 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:00.453 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:01.476 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:11:01.476 WORLD : Frame 09:11:01.476 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:01.477 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:01.777 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:11:01.777 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:11:01.777 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=58, Name=Average 09:11:01.777 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=58, Name=Average, IdentityId=322e20d9-5d82-4376-bee6-c27308fbbd0f 09:11:02.614 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:11:02.614 WORLD : Frame 09:11:02.614 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:02.614 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:03.756 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:11:03.757 WORLD : Frame 09:11:03.757 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:03.757 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:05.027 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:11:05.027 WORLD : Frame 09:11:05.027 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:05.028 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:06.318 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:11:06.318 WORLD : Frame 09:11:06.318 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:11:06.318 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427416678" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <6058.005859 211.539993 7198.846191> @"{07B92B5E1A781635}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_US_Player_Variant_1.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 09:11:06.413 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:11:06.413 WORLD : Frame 09:11:06.413 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:06.413 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:07.776 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:11:07.776 WORLD : Frame 09:11:07.776 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:07.776 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:08.957 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:11:08.957 WORLD : Frame 09:11:08.957 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:08.957 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:10.115 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:11:10.115 WORLD : Frame 09:11:10.115 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:10.116 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:11.342 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:11:11.342 WORLD : Frame 09:11:11.342 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:11.342 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:12.406 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:11:12.406 WORLD : Frame 09:11:12.406 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:12.406 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:13.551 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:11:13.551 WORLD : Frame 09:11:13.551 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:13.551 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:14.554 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:11:14.554 WORLD : Frame 09:11:14.554 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:14.554 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:15.720 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:11:15.720 WORLD : Frame 09:11:15.720 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:15.720 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:15.964 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:11:15.964 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:11:15.964 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427425571" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <4313.625977 101.860001 7204.751953> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427422963" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_base.xob') at <4311.164062 100.265976 7205.320801> @"{16A674FE31B0921C}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_uncovered.et" 09:11:16.755 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:11:16.755 WORLD : Frame 09:11:16.755 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:16.755 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:18.364 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:11:18.364 WORLD : Frame 09:11:18.364 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:18.365 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:19.899 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:11:19.899 WORLD : Frame 09:11:19.899 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:19.899 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:22.356 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:11:22.356 WORLD : Frame 09:11:22.356 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:22.356 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:23.494 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:11:23.494 WORLD : Frame 09:11:23.494 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:23.516 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:11:23.516 WORLD : Frame 09:11:23.516 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:24.723 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:11:24.723 WORLD : Frame 09:11:24.723 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:25.798 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:11:25.798 WORLD : Frame 09:11:25.798 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:26.803 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:11:26.803 WORLD : Frame 09:11:26.803 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:28.816 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:11:28.816 WORLD : Frame 09:11:28.816 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:29.886 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:11:29.886 WORLD : Frame 09:11:29.886 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:30.498 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:11:30.498 WORLD : Frame 09:11:30.498 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:11:30.498 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427419848" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <3250.020020 90.919998 6422.405762> @"{4F7E0952D726FB43}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_USSR_Player_Variant_1.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 09:11:30.952 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:11:30.952 WORLD : Frame 09:11:30.952 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:32.000 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:11:32.000 WORLD : Frame 09:11:32.000 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:33.134 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:11:33.134 WORLD : Frame 09:11:33.134 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:34.149 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:11:34.149 WORLD : Frame 09:11:34.149 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:35.221 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:11:35.221 WORLD : Frame 09:11:35.221 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:36.496 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:11:36.496 WORLD : Frame 09:11:36.496 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:38.836 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:11:38.836 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:11:38.836 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=34, Name= 09:11:38.887 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:11:38.887 WORLD : Frame 09:11:38.887 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:40.067 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:11:40.067 WORLD : Frame 09:11:40.067 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:42.167 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:11:42.167 WORLD : Frame 09:11:42.167 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:43.167 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:11:43.167 WORLD : Frame 09:11:43.167 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:44.274 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:11:44.274 WORLD : Frame 09:11:44.274 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:45.305 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:11:45.305 WORLD : Frame 09:11:45.305 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:46.614 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:11:46.614 WORLD : Frame 09:11:46.614 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:47.778 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:11:47.778 WORLD : Frame 09:11:47.778 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:49.219 GUI : Creating menu 'MapMenu' 09:11:49.219 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Chat Has no Content! 09:11:49.219 SCRIPT (W): Slot_VON Has no Content! 09:11:49.219 SCRIPT (W): Slot_AvailableActions Has no Content! 09:11:49.219 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 09:11:49.219 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Notifications Has no Content! 09:11:49.219 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Hints Has no Content! 09:11:49.260 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:11:49.260 WORLD : Frame 09:11:49.260 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:11:49.260 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:11:49.261 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:11:49.261 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:11:49.261 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:11:49.281 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't load ImageSet '' 09:11:49.281 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't load ImageSet '' 09:11:49.311 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:11:49.311 WORLD : Frame 09:11:49.311 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:49.509 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:11:49.509 WORLD : PostFrame 09:11:49.509 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadMaskFromSet can't load ImageSet 'UI/Textures/Icons/icons_mouse/icons_mouse.imageset' 09:11:52.371 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:11:52.371 WORLD : Frame 09:11:52.371 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:53.157 SCRIPT (W): [SCR_RadialMenuController] - has no menu selected to control! 09:11:53.159 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image '' from ImageSet 'UI/Textures/Icons/icons_wrapperUI.imageset' 09:11:53.160 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image '' from ImageSet 'UI/Textures/Icons/icons_wrapperUI.imageset' 09:11:53.215 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:11:53.215 WORLD : Frame 09:11:53.215 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:11:53.215 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427414653" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <2912.837891 76.339996 6491.750000> @"{F063CEEB9295E9B6}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_USSR_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 09:11:53.581 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:11:53.581 WORLD : Frame 09:11:53.581 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:54.063 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image '' from ImageSet 'UI/Textures/Icons/icons_wrapperUI.imageset' 09:11:54.679 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:11:54.679 WORLD : Frame 09:11:54.679 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:55.844 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:11:55.844 WORLD : Frame 09:11:55.844 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:56.875 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:11:56.875 WORLD : Frame 09:11:56.875 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:57.879 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:11:57.879 WORLD : Frame 09:11:57.879 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:58.943 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:11:58.943 WORLD : Frame 09:11:58.943 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:11:59.040 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:11:59.040 WORLD : Frame 09:11:59.040 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:11:59.040 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427424637" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <4851.729980 167.119995 7121.987793> @"{4F7E0952D726FB43}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_USSR_Player_Variant_1.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 09:12:00.006 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:12:00.006 WORLD : Frame 09:12:00.006 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:12:00.372 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:12:00.372 WORLD : Frame 09:12:00.372 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:12:00.372 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427416678" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <6058.005859 211.539993 7198.846191> @"{07B92B5E1A781635}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_US_Player_Variant_1.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 09:12:01.018 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:12:01.018 WORLD : Frame 09:12:01.018 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:12:01.332 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:12:01.332 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:12:01.332 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=59, Name=Hans 09:12:01.332 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=59, Name=Hans, IdentityId=ff2ce738-6ec8-4e1b-aaa6-447dfaad0cfc 09:12:01.990 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:12:01.990 WORLD : Frame 09:12:01.990 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:12:03.386 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:12:03.386 WORLD : Frame 09:12:03.386 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:12:04.795 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:12:04.795 WORLD : Frame 09:12:04.795 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:12:06.485 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:12:06.485 WORLD : Frame 09:12:06.485 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:12:08.394 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:12:08.394 WORLD : Frame 09:12:08.394 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:12:09.543 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:12:09.543 WORLD : Frame 09:12:09.543 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:12:10.557 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:12:10.557 WORLD : Frame 09:12:10.557 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:12:11.623 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:12:11.623 WORLD : Frame 09:12:11.623 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:12:12.782 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:12:12.782 WORLD : Frame 09:12:12.782 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:12:13.983 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:12:13.983 WORLD : Frame 09:12:13.983 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:12:15.079 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:12:15.079 WORLD : Frame 09:12:15.079 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:12:16.127 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:12:16.127 WORLD : Frame 09:12:16.127 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:12:17.132 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:12:17.132 WORLD : Frame 09:12:17.132 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:12:19.431 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:12:19.431 WORLD : Frame 09:12:19.431 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:12:22.445 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:12:22.445 WORLD : Frame 09:12:22.445 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:12:22.583 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:12:22.583 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:12:22.583 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=18, Name= 09:12:23.775 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:12:23.775 WORLD : Frame 09:12:23.775 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:12:24.877 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:12:24.877 WORLD : Frame 09:12:24.877 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:12:26.116 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:12:26.116 WORLD : Frame 09:12:26.116 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:12:26.464 SCRIPT (E): 'SCR_BaseSupportStationComponent' 'EOnInit': 'GenericEntity<0x000002219A0B5930> @"ENTITY:4611686018427427676" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Fuel/Jerrycan_01/Jerrycan_01.xo' Support Station is set to use supplies but it has no SCR_ResourceComponent 09:12:27.179 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:12:27.179 WORLD : Frame 09:12:27.179 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:12:28.196 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:12:28.196 WORLD : Frame 09:12:28.196 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:12:28.975 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:12:28.975 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:12:28.975 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=36, Name=UncommonSnail, IdentityId=98fea1f8-41dd-427c-8813-b7cdbeba3fa0 09:12:29.273 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:12:29.273 WORLD : Frame 09:12:29.273 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:12:30.414 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:12:30.414 WORLD : Frame 09:12:30.414 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:12:31.819 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:12:31.819 WORLD : Frame 09:12:31.819 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:12:33.188 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:12:33.188 WORLD : Frame 09:12:33.188 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:12:35.344 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:12:35.344 WORLD : Frame 09:12:35.344 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:12:37.324 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:12:37.324 WORLD : Frame 09:12:37.324 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:12:38.974 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:12:38.974 WORLD : Frame 09:12:38.974 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:12:40.267 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:12:40.267 WORLD : Frame 09:12:40.267 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:12:41.447 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:12:41.447 WORLD : Frame 09:12:41.447 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:12:43.212 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:12:43.212 WORLD : Frame 09:12:43.212 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:12:45.345 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:12:45.345 WORLD : Frame 09:12:45.345 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:12:48.368 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:12:48.368 WORLD : Frame 09:12:48.368 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:12:50.661 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:12:50.661 WORLD : Frame 09:12:50.661 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:12:50.956 GUI : Creating menu 'Inventory20Menu' 09:12:50.956 SCRIPT (W): Slot_VON Has no Content! 09:12:50.956 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 09:12:51.140 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:12:51.140 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:12:52.466 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:12:52.466 WORLD : Frame 09:12:52.466 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:12:53.676 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:12:53.676 WORLD : Frame 09:12:53.676 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:12:54.576 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:12:54.576 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:12:54.576 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 09:12:54.576 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427428193" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 09:12:54.576 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 09:12:55.030 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:12:55.030 WORLD : Frame 09:12:55.030 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:12:56.328 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:12:56.328 WORLD : Frame 09:12:56.328 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:12:57.594 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:12:57.594 WORLD : Frame 09:12:57.594 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:12:58.635 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:12:58.635 WORLD : Frame 09:12:58.635 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:12:59.816 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:12:59.816 WORLD : Frame 09:12:59.816 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:13:01.014 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:13:01.014 WORLD : Frame 09:13:01.014 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:13:02.181 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:13:02.181 WORLD : Frame 09:13:02.181 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:13:03.114 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:13:03.114 WORLD : Frame 09:13:03.114 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:13:03.114 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427423007" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <3250.209961 26.520000 6999.594238> @"{F063CEEB9295E9B6}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_USSR_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 09:13:03.345 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:13:03.345 WORLD : Frame 09:13:03.345 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:13:04.429 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:13:04.429 WORLD : Frame 09:13:04.429 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:13:05.680 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:13:05.680 WORLD : Frame 09:13:05.680 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:13:06.357 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:13:06.357 WORLD : PostFrame 09:13:06.357 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:13:06.357 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:13:06.357 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 09:13:06.357 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427428460" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 09:13:06.357 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 09:13:06.968 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:13:06.968 WORLD : Frame 09:13:06.968 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:13:08.076 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:13:08.076 WORLD : Frame 09:13:08.076 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:13:09.263 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:13:09.263 WORLD : Frame 09:13:09.263 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:13:10.786 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:13:10.786 WORLD : Frame 09:13:10.786 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:13:12.182 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:13:12.182 WORLD : Frame 09:13:12.182 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:13:13.538 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:13:13.538 WORLD : Frame 09:13:13.538 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:13:15.356 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:13:15.356 WORLD : Frame 09:13:15.356 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:13:17.298 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:13:17.298 WORLD : Frame 09:13:17.298 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:13:18.230 GUI : Creating menu 'PauseMenu' 09:13:18.230 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 09:13:19.116 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:13:19.116 WORLD : Frame 09:13:19.116 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:13:21.322 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:13:21.322 WORLD : Frame 09:13:21.322 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:13:23.092 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:13:23.092 WORLD : Frame 09:13:23.092 GUI : Creating menu 'RespawnSuperMenu' 09:13:23.092 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Chat Has no Content! 09:13:23.092 SCRIPT (W): Slot_AvailableActions Has no Content! 09:13:23.093 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 09:13:23.093 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Hints Has no Content! 09:13:23.093 SCRIPT (E): HUDManager: Identifier: RespawnMenu is already used! Check if your Identifier is Unique! 09:13:23.094 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:13:23.094 WORLD : Frame 09:13:23.094 SCRIPT : SCR_MapEntity: Attempt to call PanSmooth before map init is completed 09:13:23.096 SCRIPT (E): HUDManager: Identifier: RespawnMenu is already used! Check if your Identifier is Unique! 09:13:23.157 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:13:23.157 WORLD : Frame 09:13:23.157 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:13:23.157 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize_Relay' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:13:23.157 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:13:23.157 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:13:23.157 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:13:23.158 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:13:23.483 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:13:23.483 WORLD : Frame 09:13:23.483 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:13:24.817 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:13:24.817 WORLD : Frame 09:13:24.818 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:13:25.040 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:13:25.040 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:13:25.040 NETWORK : BaseCompartmentManagerComponent::Load, Occupant not found, 2147682448 09:13:26.300 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:13:26.300 WORLD : Frame 09:13:26.300 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:13:27.329 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:13:27.329 WORLD : Frame 09:13:27.329 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:13:28.602 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:13:28.602 WORLD : Frame 09:13:28.602 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:13:39.387 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:13:39.387 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:13:39.387 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=31, Name= 09:13:46.460 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:13:46.460 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:13:46.460 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=60, Name=odelvaux 09:13:46.461 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=60, Name=odelvaux, IdentityId=49e82b9c-9ddb-439b-9fd8-042f7e297748 09:13:47.793 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:13:47.793 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:13:47.793 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=35, Name= 09:13:54.946 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:13:54.946 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:13:54.946 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{DF5CCB7C0FF049F4}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_unarmed_transport.et" 09:13:54.946 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427429748" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <3912.565918 15.240000 8439.267578> @"{DF5CCB7C0FF049F4}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_unarmed_transport.et" 09:13:54.946 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{CF2B4D8B3573D951}Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/workspace/Mi8.agr" 09:13:54.948 ANIMATION : AnimGraph load @"{CF2B4D8B3573D951}Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/workspace/Mi8.agr" 09:13:54.948 ANIMATION (W): Animation graph {CF2B4D8B3573D951}Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/workspace/Mi8.agr contains errors: 09:13:54.948 ANIMATION (W): Var Set 29199: Link to child node is unset 09:13:54.953 SPAWN (W): EmissiveLightSurfaceSlot couldn't find ParametricMaterialInstanceComponent at attached entity. Please check configuration of Light Manager at @"ENTITY:4611686018427429748" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <3912.565918 15.240000 8439.267578> @"{DF5CCB7C0FF049F4}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_unarmed_transport.et" 09:13:54.953 SPAWN (W): EmissiveLightSurfaceSlot couldn't find ParametricMaterialInstanceComponent at attached entity. Please check configuration of Light Manager at @"ENTITY:4611686018427429748" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <3912.565918 15.240000 8439.267578> @"{DF5CCB7C0FF049F4}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_unarmed_transport.et" 09:13:54.953 SPAWN (W): EmissiveLightSurfaceSlot couldn't find ParametricMaterialInstanceComponent at attached entity. Please check configuration of Light Manager at @"ENTITY:4611686018427429748" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <3912.565918 15.240000 8439.267578> @"{DF5CCB7C0FF049F4}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_unarmed_transport.et" 09:13:54.954 WORLD : InitEntities 'world' 09:13:54.954 ENTITY : Init entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427429748" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <3912.565918 15.240000 8439.267578> @"{DF5CCB7C0FF049F4}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_unarmed_transport.et" 09:13:54.954 SCRIPT (W): AUDIO: SCR_HitZoneStateSignal: No HitZone found 09:13:56.585 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:13:56.585 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:13:56.585 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=61, Name=Ideas Escape Me 09:13:56.585 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=61, Name=Ideas Escape Me, IdentityId=a53c73d2-b7e8-41d5-ae7a-afbd4e31e83a 09:13:56.955 SCRIPT (E): 'SCR_BaseSupportStationComponent' 'EOnInit': 'GenericEntity<0x0000022281CFB530> @"ENTITY:4611686018427429841" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Fuel/Jerrycan_01/Jerrycan_01.xo' Support Station is set to use supplies but it has no SCR_ResourceComponent 09:14:17.214 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:14:17.214 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:14:17.214 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=38, Name= 09:14:24.885 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:14:24.885 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:14:24.885 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=62, Name=Krazy5313 09:14:24.886 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=62, Name=Krazy5313, IdentityId=4a91d76f-23dd-454e-8926-8d8f4ca4d562 09:14:26.223 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:14:26.223 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:14:26.223 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=39, Name= 09:14:34.192 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:14:34.192 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:14:34.192 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=63, Name=JoaoBr Av1 09:14:34.193 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=63, Name=JoaoBr Av1, IdentityId=9c28167f-565c-46a4-bb9b-d0b59dcf0b06 09:14:43.731 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:14:43.731 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:14:43.731 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=40, Name= 09:14:46.627 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:14:46.627 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:14:46.627 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=41, Name= 09:14:51.564 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:14:51.564 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:14:51.564 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=64, Name=Chrissyk20 09:14:51.564 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=64, Name=Chrissyk20, IdentityId=7cc52fca-d864-46f4-931a-6b87550027d1 09:14:53.285 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:14:53.285 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:14:53.285 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=65, Name=Mr Monky12 09:14:53.286 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=65, Name=Mr Monky12, IdentityId=0e1efe21-eed2-4b82-bfd7-bdaad06c1d1b 09:15:00.072 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:15:00.073 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:15:00.073 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=43, Name= 09:15:02.606 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:15:02.606 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:15:02.606 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=45, Name= 09:15:04.234 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:15:04.234 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:15:04.234 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 09:15:04.234 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427431141" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 09:15:04.234 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 09:15:05.599 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:15:05.599 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:15:05.599 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=66, Name=Ten90 09:15:05.599 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=66, Name=Ten90, IdentityId=730a71d8-92ae-48b6-9967-dbc533a8c7c7 09:15:05.740 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:15:05.740 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:15:05.740 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{28ADC26474652E5D}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo_canvas_CIV_JZD.et" 09:15:05.740 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427431283" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_cargo.xob') at <7012.886230 81.580002 8268.011719> @"{28ADC26474652E5D}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo_canvas_CIV_JZD.et" 09:15:05.740 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:15:05.740 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:15:05.740 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:15:05.740 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:15:05.740 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:15:05.740 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:15:05.747 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{1EC51D33C3E9E8A1}PrefabsEditable/Auto/Props/Military/Compositions/US/E_Antenna_01_US.et" 09:15:05.748 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427431343" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Props/Military/Antennas/Antenna_RC292_01/Antenna_RC292_01.xob') at <6871.144043 83.639999 8208.866211> @"{1EC51D33C3E9E8A1}PrefabsEditable/Auto/Props/Military/Compositions/US/E_Antenna_01_US.et" 09:15:05.748 DEFAULT (W): BaseTransceiver::SetFrequency is not supported on proxies. 09:15:05.748 DEFAULT (W): BaseTransceiver::SetFrequency is not supported on proxies. 09:15:05.759 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:15:05.759 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:15:05.759 NETWORK : BaseCompartmentManagerComponent::Load, Occupant not found, 2147714971 09:15:05.778 SCRIPT (E): 'SCR_BaseSupportStationComponent' 'EOnInit': 'GenericEntity<0x00000221C84CAB30> @"ENTITY:4611686018427431414" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Props/Military/Fuel/FuelPump_US_01/Fu' Support Station is set to use supplies but it has no SCR_ResourceComponent 09:15:07.615 GUI : Creating menu 'PauseMenu' 09:15:07.615 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 09:15:11.845 GUI (W): Given widget is already modal, not adding again 09:15:12.614 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:15:12.614 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:15:12.614 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=67, Name=allentc2 09:15:12.614 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=67, Name=allentc2, IdentityId=5c500291-7db2-4804-941c-0164aab70e84 09:15:14.297 GUI (W): Given widget is already modal, not adding again 09:15:17.386 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:15:17.386 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:15:17.386 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 09:15:17.386 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427432433" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 09:15:17.386 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 09:15:21.412 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:15:21.412 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:15:21.412 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E517E6CCC1DF5737}Prefabs/Weapons/HeavyWeapons/HMG_M2HB_pintle_M1025.et" 09:15:21.412 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427432654" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/HeavyWeapons/M2HB/M2.xob') at <7249.312012 26.520000 6860.534180> @"{E517E6CCC1DF5737}Prefabs/Weapons/HeavyWeapons/HMG_M2HB_pintle_M1025.et" 09:15:21.412 ANIMATION (E): @"ENTITY:4611686018427432654" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/HeavyWeapons/M2HB/M2.xob') at <7249.312012 26.520000 6860.534180> @"{E517E6CCC1DF5737}Prefabs/Weapons/HeavyWeapons/HMG_M2HB_pintle_M1025.et": anim controller initialization data is invalid (graph , node MasterControl, instance ) 09:15:27.700 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:15:27.700 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:15:27.700 NETWORK : BaseCompartmentManagerComponent::Load, Occupant not found, 2147691250 09:15:30.265 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:15:30.265 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:15:30.265 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 09:15:30.265 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427433021" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 09:15:30.265 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 09:15:31.381 SCRIPT : Profile - Using MachineName! 09:15:42.834 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:15:42.834 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:15:42.834 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=46, Name= 09:15:48.818 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:15:48.818 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:15:48.818 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=41, Name= 09:15:49.353 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:15:49.353 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:15:49.353 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=47, Name= 09:15:56.553 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:15:56.553 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:15:56.553 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=68, Name=TARTERSAUCE75 09:15:56.553 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=68, Name=TARTERSAUCE75, IdentityId=f2520ca6-c869-4045-a01f-c357385e5bf0 09:15:56.960 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:15:56.960 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:15:56.960 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=69, Name=DoBetter5155 09:15:56.960 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=69, Name=DoBetter5155, IdentityId=d401c516-e366-4265-9675-f6cef11da41b 09:16:07.176 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:16:07.176 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:16:07.176 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 09:16:07.176 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427433922" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 09:16:07.176 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 09:16:20.869 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:16:20.869 WORLD : Frame 09:16:20.869 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:16:24.690 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:16:24.690 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:16:24.690 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427434200" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <7229.664062 36.900002 6982.131836> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427432630" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M998_Base.xob') at <7230.629883 35.939999 6982.437988> @"{DD774A8FD0989A78}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M1025_armed_M2HB_MERDC.et" 09:16:27.384 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:16:27.384 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:16:27.384 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 09:16:27.384 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427434209" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 09:16:27.384 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 09:16:36.374 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:16:36.374 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:16:36.374 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 09:16:36.374 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427434388" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 09:16:36.374 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 09:16:39.264 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:16:39.264 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:16:39.264 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{1EC51D33C3E9E8A1}PrefabsEditable/Auto/Props/Military/Compositions/US/E_Antenna_01_US.et" 09:16:39.264 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427434457" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Props/Military/Antennas/Antenna_RC292_01/Antenna_RC292_01.xob') at <6003.036133 217.259995 7195.242188> @"{1EC51D33C3E9E8A1}PrefabsEditable/Auto/Props/Military/Compositions/US/E_Antenna_01_US.et" 09:16:39.264 DEFAULT (W): BaseTransceiver::SetFrequency is not supported on proxies. 09:16:39.264 DEFAULT (W): BaseTransceiver::SetFrequency is not supported on proxies. 09:16:56.320 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:16:56.320 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:16:56.320 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 09:16:56.320 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427435102" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 09:16:56.320 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 09:17:00.832 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:17:00.832 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:17:00.832 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{28ADC26474652E5D}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo_canvas_CIV_JZD.et" 09:17:00.832 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427435554" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_cargo.xob') at <6650.832031 109.580002 5867.129883> @"{28ADC26474652E5D}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo_canvas_CIV_JZD.et" 09:17:00.832 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:17:00.832 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:17:00.832 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:17:00.832 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:17:00.832 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:17:00.832 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:17:01.595 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:17:01.595 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:17:01.595 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=18, Name= 09:17:14.839 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:17:14.839 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:17:14.839 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=70, Name=Койот 09:17:14.839 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=70, Name=Койот, IdentityId=59b70e6a-af24-4a0f-9144-921ffab240d9 09:17:36.454 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:17:36.454 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:17:36.454 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=46, Name= 09:17:42.533 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:17:42.533 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:17:42.533 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=71, Name=Lasso 09:17:42.533 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=71, Name=Lasso, IdentityId=0afded46-a53d-49a3-ad4e-f3f6fbe99307 09:17:54.657 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:17:54.657 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:17:54.657 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{1EC51D33C3E9E8A1}PrefabsEditable/Auto/Props/Military/Compositions/US/E_Antenna_01_US.et" 09:17:54.657 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427437691" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Props/Military/Antennas/Antenna_RC292_01/Antenna_RC292_01.xob') at <7493.695801 6.500000 6709.895996> @"{1EC51D33C3E9E8A1}PrefabsEditable/Auto/Props/Military/Compositions/US/E_Antenna_01_US.et" 09:17:54.657 DEFAULT (W): BaseTransceiver::SetFrequency is not supported on proxies. 09:17:54.657 DEFAULT (W): BaseTransceiver::SetFrequency is not supported on proxies. 09:17:54.687 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:17:54.687 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:17:54.687 SCRIPT (W): There is not enough of SCR_CatalogSpawnerUserAction attached to actionManager. Some assets won't appear. 09:17:54.695 SCRIPT (W): There is not enough of SCR_CatalogSpawnerUserAction attached to actionManager. Some assets won't appear. 09:17:54.706 SCRIPT (E): 'SCR_BaseSupportStationComponent' 'EOnInit': 'GenericEntity<0x00000221999D7730> @"ENTITY:4611686018427437924" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Props/Military/Fuel/FuelPump_US_01/Fu' Support Station is set to use supplies but it has no SCR_ResourceComponent 09:17:54.882 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:17:54.882 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:17:54.882 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{1EC51D33C3E9E8A1}PrefabsEditable/Auto/Props/Military/Compositions/US/E_Antenna_01_US.et" 09:17:54.882 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427438050" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Props/Military/Antennas/Antenna_RC292_01/Antenna_RC292_01.xob') at <7271.228027 45.639999 7643.527832> @"{1EC51D33C3E9E8A1}PrefabsEditable/Auto/Props/Military/Compositions/US/E_Antenna_01_US.et" 09:17:54.882 DEFAULT (W): BaseTransceiver::SetFrequency is not supported on proxies. 09:17:54.882 DEFAULT (W): BaseTransceiver::SetFrequency is not supported on proxies. 09:17:54.886 SCRIPT (W): There is not enough of SCR_CatalogSpawnerUserAction attached to actionManager. Some assets won't appear. 09:17:54.899 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:17:54.899 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:17:54.899 NETWORK : BaseCompartmentManagerComponent::Load, Occupant not found, 2147712996 09:17:54.920 SCRIPT (E): 'SCR_BaseSupportStationComponent' 'EOnInit': 'GenericEntity<0x0000022276BF7130> @"ENTITY:4611686018427438223" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Props/Military/Fuel/FuelPump_US_01/Fu' Support Station is set to use supplies but it has no SCR_ResourceComponent 09:17:54.921 SCRIPT (E): 'SCR_SupportStationAreaMeshComponent' (GenericEntity<0x0000022199DFB730> @"ENTITY:4611686018427438330" ('GenericEntity') at <7465.528809 7.779991 6703.596680>) linked support station (HEAL) has an offset but the local position of the area mesh is: '<-0.001221, -0.007812, -0.499512>' were as the support station offset is '<0.000000, 0.000000, -0.500000>' this must be the same else the zone shows an incorrect area! 09:17:56.130 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:17:56.130 WORLD : Frame 09:17:56.130 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:17:57.134 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:17:57.134 WORLD : Frame 09:17:57.134 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:17:58.102 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:17:58.102 WORLD : Frame 09:17:58.102 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:17:59.243 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:17:59.243 WORLD : Frame 09:17:59.243 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:18:00.601 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:18:00.601 WORLD : Frame 09:18:00.601 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:18:01.906 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:18:01.906 WORLD : Frame 09:18:01.906 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:18:03.316 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:18:03.316 WORLD : Frame 09:18:03.316 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:18:04.839 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:18:04.839 WORLD : Frame 09:18:04.839 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:18:05.959 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:18:05.959 WORLD : Frame 09:18:05.959 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:18:06.977 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:18:06.977 WORLD : Frame 09:18:06.977 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:18:07.971 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:18:07.971 WORLD : Frame 09:18:07.971 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:18:09.043 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:18:09.043 WORLD : Frame 09:18:09.043 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:18:10.106 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:18:10.106 WORLD : Frame 09:18:10.106 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:18:11.197 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:18:11.197 WORLD : Frame 09:18:11.197 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:18:12.162 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:18:12.162 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:18:12.162 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427439544" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Compass/Compass_SY183/Compass_SY183.xob') at <6663.202148 149.699997 7110.116211> @"{61D4F80E49BF9B12}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Compass/Compass_SY183.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427432841" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_base.xob') at <6664.394531 148.600006 7110.835938> @"{F7E9AA0C813EABDA}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_FIA.et" 09:18:12.220 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:18:12.220 WORLD : Frame 09:18:12.220 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:18:13.212 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:18:13.212 WORLD : Frame 09:18:13.212 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:18:13.651 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:18:13.651 WORLD : Frame 09:18:13.651 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:18:13.651 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427432573" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <7249.810059 25.240000 6858.848145> @"{8D89B17BCFBFAE44}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_US_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 09:18:14.466 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:18:14.466 WORLD : Frame 09:18:14.466 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:18:15.585 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:18:15.585 WORLD : Frame 09:18:15.585 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:18:16.156 WORLD : Frame start 09:18:16.156 DEFAULT (E): Error when detaching entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427439279" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Explosives/DemoBlock_M112/DemoBlock_M112.xob') at <5710.390137 219.039993 7073.563965> @"{33CBDE73AB48172A}Prefabs/Weapons/Explosives/DemoBlock_M112/DemoBlock_M112.et". Current parent: '@"ENTITY:4611686018427431442" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M998_Base.xob') at <5710.390137 219.039993 7073.563965> @"{6B24D5AFD884D64C}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M998_MERDC.et"', expected parent: '@"ENTITY:4611686018427431476" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter','Assets/Characters/Basebody/Basebody_Male_01.xob') at <5712.308105 219.059998 7075.297852> @"{07B92B5E1A781635}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_US_Player_Variant_1.et"' 09:18:16.691 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:18:16.691 WORLD : Frame 09:18:16.691 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:18:17.944 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:18:17.944 WORLD : Frame 09:18:17.944 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:18:19.060 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:18:19.060 WORLD : Frame 09:18:19.060 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:18:20.113 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:18:20.113 WORLD : Frame 09:18:20.113 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:18:21.317 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:18:21.317 WORLD : Frame 09:18:21.317 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:18:22.660 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:18:22.660 WORLD : Frame 09:18:22.660 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:18:24.528 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:18:24.528 WORLD : Frame 09:18:24.528 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:18:25.462 WORLD : Frame start 09:18:25.462 DEFAULT (E): Error when detaching entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427439734" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Explosives/DemoBlock_M112/DemoBlock_M112.xob') at <5705.273926 219.259995 7083.857910> @"{33CBDE73AB48172A}Prefabs/Weapons/Explosives/DemoBlock_M112/DemoBlock_M112.et". Current parent: '@"ENTITY:4611686018427415562" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/S1203/S1203_base.xob') at <5705.273926 219.259995 7083.857910> @"{11A28C90DB40318D}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/S1203/S1203_transport_red.et"', expected parent: '@"ENTITY:4611686018427431476" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter','Assets/Characters/Basebody/Basebody_Male_01.xob') at <5706.233887 219.179993 7081.534180> @"{07B92B5E1A781635}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_US_Player_Variant_1.et"' 09:18:26.457 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:18:26.457 WORLD : Frame 09:18:26.457 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:18:27.768 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:18:27.768 WORLD : Frame 09:18:27.768 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:18:30.497 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:18:30.497 WORLD : Frame 09:18:30.497 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:18:30.497 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427418962" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <3250.152100 26.599998 6996.532227> @"{4F7E0952D726FB43}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_USSR_Player_Variant_1.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 09:18:45.578 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:18:45.578 WORLD : Frame 09:18:45.578 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:18:45.578 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427436691" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <7249.868164 100.400002 6024.633789> @"{8D89B17BCFBFAE44}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_US_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_UpdateFlags() which wasn't queued 09:18:55.832 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:18:55.832 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:18:55.832 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 09:18:55.832 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427441240" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 09:18:55.832 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 09:18:57.904 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:18:57.904 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:18:57.904 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{28ADC26474652E5D}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo_canvas_CIV_JZD.et" 09:18:57.904 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427441415" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_cargo.xob') at <7578.246094 82.300003 5482.290039> @"{28ADC26474652E5D}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo_canvas_CIV_JZD.et" 09:18:57.904 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:18:57.904 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:18:57.904 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:18:57.904 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:18:57.904 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:18:57.904 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:18:58.119 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:18:58.119 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:18:58.119 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E517E6CCC1DF5737}Prefabs/Weapons/HeavyWeapons/HMG_M2HB_pintle_M1025.et" 09:18:58.119 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427441812" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/HeavyWeapons/M2HB/M2.xob') at <7673.016113 66.900002 5578.270020> @"{E517E6CCC1DF5737}Prefabs/Weapons/HeavyWeapons/HMG_M2HB_pintle_M1025.et" 09:18:58.119 ANIMATION (E): @"ENTITY:4611686018427441812" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/HeavyWeapons/M2HB/M2.xob') at <7673.016113 66.900002 5578.270020> @"{E517E6CCC1DF5737}Prefabs/Weapons/HeavyWeapons/HMG_M2HB_pintle_M1025.et": anim controller initialization data is invalid (graph , node MasterControl, instance ) 09:19:07.482 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:19:07.482 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:19:07.482 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427442096" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <5980.202148 208.500000 7032.317871> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427416434" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M998_Base.xob') at <5980.500977 207.679993 7033.148926> @"{6B24D5AFD884D64C}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M998_MERDC.et" 09:19:15.540 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:19:15.540 WORLD : Frame 09:19:15.540 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:19:15.540 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427438510" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <7500.175781 6.139999 6730.644043> @"{8D89B17BCFBFAE44}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_US_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_UpdateFlags(WR,) which wasn't queued 09:19:23.385 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:19:23.385 WORLD : Frame 09:19:23.385 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:19:23.385 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427432573" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <7249.810059 25.240000 6858.848145> @"{8D89B17BCFBFAE44}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_US_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 09:19:24.178 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:19:24.178 WORLD : Frame 09:19:24.178 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:19:24.178 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427432602" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <7249.996094 25.299999 6860.815918> @"{BE7CA93E188A5B58}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_US_Base.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 09:19:26.029 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:19:26.029 WORLD : Frame 09:19:26.029 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:19:26.029 DEFAULT (W): Weapon reloading - Magazine not available. 09:19:27.003 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:19:27.003 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:19:27.003 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{28ADC26474652E5D}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo_canvas_CIV_JZD.et" 09:19:27.003 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427442907" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_cargo.xob') at <7578.246094 82.300003 5482.290039> @"{28ADC26474652E5D}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo_canvas_CIV_JZD.et" 09:19:27.003 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:19:27.003 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:19:27.003 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:19:27.003 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:19:27.003 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:19:27.003 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:19:27.011 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E517E6CCC1DF5737}Prefabs/Weapons/HeavyWeapons/HMG_M2HB_pintle_M1025.et" 09:19:27.011 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427443029" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/HeavyWeapons/M2HB/M2.xob') at <7673.016113 66.900002 5578.270020> @"{E517E6CCC1DF5737}Prefabs/Weapons/HeavyWeapons/HMG_M2HB_pintle_M1025.et" 09:19:27.011 ANIMATION (E): @"ENTITY:4611686018427443029" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/HeavyWeapons/M2HB/M2.xob') at <7673.016113 66.900002 5578.270020> @"{E517E6CCC1DF5737}Prefabs/Weapons/HeavyWeapons/HMG_M2HB_pintle_M1025.et": anim controller initialization data is invalid (graph , node MasterControl, instance ) 09:19:27.473 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:19:27.473 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:19:27.473 NETWORK : BaseCompartmentManagerComponent::Load, Occupant not found, 2147721003 09:19:35.270 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:19:35.270 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:19:35.270 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 09:19:35.270 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427443761" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 09:19:35.270 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 09:19:38.518 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:19:38.518 WORLD : Frame 09:19:38.518 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:19:38.518 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427443328" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <7571.779785 82.300003 5540.401855> @"{BE7CA93E188A5B58}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_US_Base.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 09:19:39.491 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:19:39.491 WORLD : Frame 09:19:39.491 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:19:39.491 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427436691" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <7249.868164 100.400002 6024.633789> @"{8D89B17BCFBFAE44}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_US_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_UpdateFlags(WR,) which wasn't queued 09:19:45.257 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:19:45.257 WORLD : Frame 09:19:45.257 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:19:45.257 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427443194" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <7583.671875 83.040001 5544.631836> @"{8D89B17BCFBFAE44}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_US_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 09:19:49.745 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:19:49.745 WORLD : Frame 09:19:49.745 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:19:49.745 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427443328" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <7571.779785 82.300003 5540.401855> @"{BE7CA93E188A5B58}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_US_Base.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 09:19:56.677 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:19:56.677 WORLD : Frame 09:19:56.677 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:19:56.677 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427443194" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <7583.671875 83.040001 5544.631836> @"{8D89B17BCFBFAE44}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_US_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 09:19:57.097 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:19:57.097 WORLD : Frame 09:19:57.097 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:19:57.097 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427443355" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <7603.204102 79.720001 5540.124023> @"{BE7CA93E188A5B58}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_US_Base.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 09:20:01.896 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:20:01.896 WORLD : Frame 09:20:01.896 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:20:01.896 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427440405" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <7491.122070 6.719999 6707.855957> @"{07B92B5E1A781635}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_US_Player_Variant_1.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_UpdateFlags(WR,) which wasn't queued 09:20:05.271 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:20:05.271 WORLD : Frame 09:20:05.271 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:20:05.272 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427443355" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <7603.204102 79.720001 5540.124023> @"{BE7CA93E188A5B58}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_US_Base.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 09:20:08.467 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:20:08.467 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:20:08.467 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427444973" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <4605.116211 153.600006 7044.607910> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427443417" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_base.xob') at <4602.164551 152.430405 7044.003418> @"{259EE7B78C51B624}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469.et" 09:20:09.292 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:20:09.292 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:20:09.292 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=24, Name= 09:20:14.905 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:20:14.905 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:20:14.905 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=72, Name=Moonspoon2527 09:20:14.905 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=72, Name=Moonspoon2527, IdentityId=c2e79455-0f35-4f77-b081-edfc4cba27ef 09:20:23.418 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:20:23.418 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:20:23.418 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{4AE31B174C7064F7}PrefabsEditable/Auto/Props/Military/Compositions/USSR/E_Antenna_01_USSR.et" 09:20:23.418 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427445595" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Props/Military/Antennas/Antenna_R161_01/Antenna_R161_01.xob') at <5038.602051 175.279999 6955.708008> @"{4AE31B174C7064F7}PrefabsEditable/Auto/Props/Military/Compositions/USSR/E_Antenna_01_USSR.et" 09:20:23.418 DEFAULT (W): BaseTransceiver::SetFrequency is not supported on proxies. 09:20:23.418 DEFAULT (W): BaseTransceiver::SetFrequency is not supported on proxies. 09:20:28.341 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:20:28.341 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:20:28.341 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427445726" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <7259.664062 47.639999 7681.886230> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427443383" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M998_Base.xob') at <7259.872070 46.779999 7681.082031> @"{6B24D5AFD884D64C}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M998_MERDC.et" 09:20:43.467 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:20:43.467 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:20:43.467 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 09:20:43.467 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427446511" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 09:20:43.467 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 09:20:43.806 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:20:43.806 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:20:43.806 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=37, Name= 09:20:49.267 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:20:49.267 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:20:49.267 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=73, Name=I MIKE BRAVO I 09:20:49.267 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=73, Name=I MIKE BRAVO I, IdentityId=90e98460-6538-4f87-a0c6-86d9517358f5 09:20:51.571 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:20:51.571 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:20:51.571 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{94DE32169691AC34}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M151A2/M151A2_transport_MERDC.et" 09:20:51.571 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427446683" ('Vehicle') at <7505.828125 6.879999 6745.788086> 09:20:51.571 RESOURCES (E): Can't remap 'Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M151A2/m151a2_base.xob' material from 'M151A2_Wheels' to 'Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M151A2/Data/M151A2_Wheels_MERDC.emat'. Source material do not exist 09:20:51.571 RESOURCES (E): Can't remap 'Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M151A2/m151a2_base.xob' material from 'M151A2_Wheel_Spare' to 'Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M151A2/Data/M151A2_Wheel_Spare_MERDC.emat'. Source material do not exist 09:21:14.849 WORLD : Frame start 09:21:14.849 DEFAULT (W): Target weapon is not set in weapon manager 09:21:17.808 WORLD : Frame start 09:21:17.808 DEFAULT (W): Target weapon is not set in weapon manager 09:21:25.565 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:21:25.565 WORLD : Frame 09:21:25.565 GUI : Creating menu 'RespawnSuperMenu' 09:21:25.565 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Chat Has no Content! 09:21:25.565 SCRIPT (W): Slot_AvailableActions Has no Content! 09:21:25.565 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 09:21:25.565 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Hints Has no Content! 09:21:25.566 SCRIPT (E): HUDManager: Identifier: RespawnMenu is already used! Check if your Identifier is Unique! 09:21:25.567 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:21:25.567 WORLD : Frame 09:21:25.567 SCRIPT : SCR_MapEntity: Attempt to call PanSmooth before map init is completed 09:21:25.672 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:21:25.672 WORLD : Frame 09:21:25.672 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:21:25.672 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:21:25.672 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:21:25.672 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:21:25.672 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:21:25.672 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:21:25.672 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:21:25.672 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:21:25.672 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:21:25.672 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:21:25.673 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:21:25.673 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:21:25.673 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:21:25.673 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:21:25.673 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:21:25.673 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:21:25.673 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:21:25.693 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't load ImageSet '' 09:21:25.693 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't load ImageSet '' 09:21:27.098 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:21:27.098 WORLD : PostFrame 09:21:27.098 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:21:27.098 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:21:27.098 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427448204" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <7403.012207 11.040000 6716.304199> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427446683" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M151A2/m151a2_base.xob') at <7402.724121 9.700000 6716.521973> @"{94DE32169691AC34}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M151A2/M151A2_transport_MERDC.et" 09:21:32.169 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:21:32.169 WORLD : PostFrame 09:21:32.169 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:21:32.169 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:21:32.169 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 09:21:32.169 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427448405" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 09:21:32.169 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 09:21:47.731 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:21:47.731 WORLD : Frame 09:21:47.731 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:21:47.732 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427449061" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <6018.386230 216.699997 7177.204102> @"{07B92B5E1A781635}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_US_Player_Variant_1.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_UpdateFlags(WR,) which wasn't queued 09:21:53.320 SCRIPT (W): Caught request spawn on locked player! 09:21:54.202 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:21:54.202 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:21:54.202 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=15, Name= 09:21:55.333 SCRIPT (W): Caught request spawn on locked player! 09:21:57.216 SCRIPT (W): Caught request spawn on locked player! 09:22:00.743 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:22:00.743 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:22:00.743 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=36, Name=UncommonSnail, IdentityId=98fea1f8-41dd-427c-8813-b7cdbeba3fa0 09:22:01.169 SCRIPT (W): Caught request spawn on locked player! 09:22:02.641 GUI : Creating menu 'PauseMenu' 09:22:02.641 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 09:22:05.150 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:22:05.150 WORLD : Frame 09:22:05.150 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:05.150 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:05.583 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:22:05.583 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:22:05.583 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427449615" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <6543.100098 154.559998 7110.978027> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427418129" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_base.xob') at <6543.535156 153.520004 7111.527832> @"{D4855501D5B12AF2}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_uncovered_CIV_teal.et" 09:22:06.359 GUI (W): Given widget is already modal, not adding again 09:22:06.465 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:22:06.465 WORLD : Frame 09:22:06.465 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:06.465 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:07.642 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:22:07.642 WORLD : Frame 09:22:07.642 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:07.642 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:07.927 GUI (W): Given widget is already modal, not adding again 09:22:08.674 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:22:08.674 WORLD : Frame 09:22:08.674 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:08.674 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:09.702 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:22:09.702 WORLD : Frame 09:22:09.702 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:09.702 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:10.766 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:22:10.766 WORLD : Frame 09:22:10.766 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:10.767 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:11.800 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:22:11.800 WORLD : Frame 09:22:11.800 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:11.800 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:12.868 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:22:12.868 WORLD : Frame 09:22:12.868 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:12.868 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:13.908 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:22:13.908 WORLD : Frame 09:22:13.908 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:13.908 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:14.882 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:22:14.882 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:22:14.882 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427449668" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <6542.733887 154.580002 7111.872070> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427418129" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_base.xob') at <6542.917969 153.559998 7111.624023> @"{D4855501D5B12AF2}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_uncovered_CIV_teal.et" 09:22:14.932 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:22:14.932 WORLD : Frame 09:22:14.932 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:14.932 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:15.325 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:22:15.325 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:22:15.325 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427449671" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <6543.766113 154.639999 7111.755859> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427418129" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_base.xob') at <6542.917969 153.559998 7111.624023> @"{D4855501D5B12AF2}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_uncovered_CIV_teal.et" 09:22:15.978 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:22:15.978 WORLD : Frame 09:22:15.978 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:15.978 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:17.006 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:22:17.006 WORLD : Frame 09:22:17.006 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:17.006 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:18.108 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:22:18.108 WORLD : Frame 09:22:18.108 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:18.108 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:19.106 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:22:19.106 WORLD : Frame 09:22:19.106 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:19.106 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:20.211 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:22:20.211 WORLD : Frame 09:22:20.211 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:20.212 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:21.247 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:22:21.247 WORLD : Frame 09:22:21.247 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:21.247 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:22.214 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:22:22.214 WORLD : Frame 09:22:22.214 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:22.214 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:23.685 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:22:23.685 WORLD : Frame 09:22:23.685 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:23.685 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:25.249 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:22:25.249 WORLD : Frame 09:22:25.249 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:25.249 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:25.249 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:25.548 SCRIPT : Profile - Using MachineName! 09:22:26.993 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:22:26.993 WORLD : Frame 09:22:26.993 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:26.993 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:26.993 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:27.129 SCRIPT (E): HUDManager: Identifier: RespawnMenu is already used! Check if your Identifier is Unique! 09:22:28.599 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:22:28.599 WORLD : Frame 09:22:28.599 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:28.599 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:28.599 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:29.585 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:22:29.585 WORLD : Frame 09:22:29.585 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:29.585 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:29.585 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:30.707 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:22:30.707 WORLD : Frame 09:22:30.707 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:30.707 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:30.707 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:31.751 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:22:31.751 WORLD : Frame 09:22:31.751 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:31.751 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:31.751 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:32.840 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:22:32.840 WORLD : Frame 09:22:32.840 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:32.840 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:32.840 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:33.908 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:22:33.908 WORLD : Frame 09:22:33.908 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:33.908 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:33.908 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:34.928 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:22:34.928 WORLD : Frame 09:22:34.928 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:34.928 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:34.928 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:35.993 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:22:35.993 WORLD : Frame 09:22:35.993 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:35.993 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:35.993 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:37.071 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:22:37.071 WORLD : Frame 09:22:37.071 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:37.071 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:37.071 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:38.193 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:22:38.193 WORLD : Frame 09:22:38.193 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:38.193 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:38.193 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:39.233 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:22:39.233 WORLD : Frame 09:22:39.233 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:39.233 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:39.233 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:40.194 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:22:40.194 WORLD : Frame 09:22:40.194 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:40.194 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:40.194 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:41.298 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:22:41.298 WORLD : Frame 09:22:41.298 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:41.299 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:41.299 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:42.437 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:22:42.437 WORLD : Frame 09:22:42.437 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:42.437 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:42.437 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:43.771 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:22:43.771 WORLD : Frame 09:22:43.771 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:43.771 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:43.771 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:45.040 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:22:45.040 WORLD : Frame 09:22:45.040 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:45.040 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:45.040 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:46.212 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:22:46.212 WORLD : Frame 09:22:46.212 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:46.212 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:46.212 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:47.233 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:22:47.233 WORLD : Frame 09:22:47.233 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:47.234 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:47.234 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:48.239 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:22:48.239 WORLD : Frame 09:22:48.239 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:48.239 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:48.239 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:49.302 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:22:49.302 WORLD : Frame 09:22:49.302 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:49.302 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:49.302 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:22:49.955 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:22:49.955 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:22:49.955 AUDIO (E): Build error: Invalid custom index @"Sounds/RadioProtocol/RadioProtocol_Campaign_HQ_3_RU.acp|Base_V2,15 09:22:50.303 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:22:50.303 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:22:50.303 SCRIPT (W): There is not enough of SCR_CatalogSpawnerUserAction attached to actionManager. Some assets won't appear. 09:22:50.329 SCRIPT (E): 'SCR_BaseSupportStationComponent' 'EOnInit': 'GenericEntity<0x0000022312B1EE30> @"ENTITY:4611686018427450422" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Props/Military/Fuel/FuelPump_USSR_01/' Support Station is set to use supplies but it has no SCR_ResourceComponent 09:22:50.452 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:22:50.452 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:22:50.452 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{4AE31B174C7064F7}PrefabsEditable/Auto/Props/Military/Compositions/USSR/E_Antenna_01_USSR.et" 09:22:50.452 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427450681" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Props/Military/Antennas/Antenna_R161_01/Antenna_R161_01.xob') at <3219.258057 14.240000 7073.620117> @"{4AE31B174C7064F7}PrefabsEditable/Auto/Props/Military/Compositions/USSR/E_Antenna_01_USSR.et" 09:22:50.452 DEFAULT (W): BaseTransceiver::SetFrequency is not supported on proxies. 09:22:50.452 DEFAULT (W): BaseTransceiver::SetFrequency is not supported on proxies. 09:22:50.455 SCRIPT (W): There is not enough of SCR_CatalogSpawnerUserAction attached to actionManager. Some assets won't appear. 09:22:50.471 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:22:50.471 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:22:50.471 NETWORK : BaseCompartmentManagerComponent::Load, Occupant not found, 2147731563 09:22:50.657 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:22:50.657 WORLD : Frame 09:22:50.657 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:22:50.657 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427449859" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <5126.083984 175.740005 6977.083984> @"{F063CEEB9295E9B6}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_USSR_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_UpdateFlags(WR,) which wasn't queued 09:22:51.256 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:22:51.256 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:22:51.256 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{4AE31B174C7064F7}PrefabsEditable/Auto/Props/Military/Compositions/USSR/E_Antenna_01_USSR.et" 09:22:51.256 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427451272" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Props/Military/Antennas/Antenna_R161_01/Antenna_R161_01.xob') at <2911.340088 86.459999 6411.748047> @"{4AE31B174C7064F7}PrefabsEditable/Auto/Props/Military/Compositions/USSR/E_Antenna_01_USSR.et" 09:22:51.257 DEFAULT (W): BaseTransceiver::SetFrequency is not supported on proxies. 09:22:51.257 DEFAULT (W): BaseTransceiver::SetFrequency is not supported on proxies. 09:22:51.259 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{4AE31B174C7064F7}PrefabsEditable/Auto/Props/Military/Compositions/USSR/E_Antenna_01_USSR.et" 09:22:51.259 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427451318" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Props/Military/Antennas/Antenna_R161_01/Antenna_R161_01.xob') at <3728.662109 61.000000 6987.335938> @"{4AE31B174C7064F7}PrefabsEditable/Auto/Props/Military/Compositions/USSR/E_Antenna_01_USSR.et" 09:22:51.259 DEFAULT (W): BaseTransceiver::SetFrequency is not supported on proxies. 09:22:51.259 DEFAULT (W): BaseTransceiver::SetFrequency is not supported on proxies. 09:22:51.340 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:22:51.340 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:22:51.340 SCRIPT (W): There is not enough of SCR_CatalogSpawnerUserAction attached to actionManager. Some assets won't appear. 09:22:51.361 SCRIPT (E): 'SCR_BaseSupportStationComponent' 'EOnInit': 'GenericEntity<0x000002231642C630> @"ENTITY:4611686018427451684" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Props/Military/Fuel/FuelPump_USSR_01/' Support Station is set to use supplies but it has no SCR_ResourceComponent 09:22:51.485 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:22:51.485 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:22:51.485 NETWORK : BaseCompartmentManagerComponent::Load, Occupant not found, 2147715575 09:22:52.287 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:22:52.287 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:22:52.287 AUDIO (E): Failed to initialize VonStream. 09:22:52.287 AUDIO (E): Failed to initialize VonStream. 09:22:52.287 AUDIO (E): Failed to initialize VonStream. 09:22:52.287 AUDIO (E): Failed to initialize VonStream. 09:22:52.287 AUDIO (E): Failed to initialize VonStream. 09:22:57.671 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:22:57.671 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:22:57.671 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{BB35A8E1403CDE4B}Prefabs/Weapons/HeavyWeapons/HMG_M2HB.et" 09:22:57.672 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427453427" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/HeavyWeapons/M2HB/M2_body.xob') at <3890.701904 14.759999 8510.356445> @"{BB35A8E1403CDE4B}Prefabs/Weapons/HeavyWeapons/HMG_M2HB.et" 09:22:57.672 ANIMATION (E): @"ENTITY:4611686018427453427" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/HeavyWeapons/M2HB/M2_body.xob') at <3890.701904 14.759999 8510.356445> @"{BB35A8E1403CDE4B}Prefabs/Weapons/HeavyWeapons/HMG_M2HB.et": anim controller initialization data is invalid (graph , node MasterControl, instance ) 09:22:57.680 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:22:57.680 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:22:57.680 NETWORK : BaseCompartmentManagerComponent::Load, Occupant not found, 2147499153 09:22:57.695 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:22:57.695 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:22:57.695 NETWORK : BaseCompartmentManagerComponent::Load, Occupant not found, 2147592061 09:22:57.696 NETWORK : BaseCompartmentManagerComponent::Load, Occupant not found, 2147498655 09:22:58.265 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:22:58.265 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:22:58.265 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{262E8E2506FF681D}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/FIA/Ural4320_FIA_fuel_tank.et" 09:22:58.265 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427453564" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_fuel_tank.xob') at <2116.431885 109.839996 5419.759766> @"{262E8E2506FF681D}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/FIA/Ural4320_FIA_fuel_tank.et" 09:22:58.265 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:22:58.265 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:22:58.265 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:22:58.265 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:22:58.265 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:22:58.265 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:22:58.271 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{58B3FB7F102A8B1B}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo.et" 09:22:58.271 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427453620" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_cargo.xob') at <2464.090088 101.320000 5433.293945> @"{58B3FB7F102A8B1B}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo.et" 09:22:58.271 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:22:58.271 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:22:58.271 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:22:58.271 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:22:58.271 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:22:58.271 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:22:58.272 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:22:58.272 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:22:58.272 NETWORK : BaseCompartmentManagerComponent::Load, Occupant not found, 2147723108 09:22:58.288 SCRIPT (E): 'SCR_SupportStationAreaMeshComponent' (GenericEntity<0x00000222E2C05930> @"ENTITY:4611686018427453577" ('GenericEntity') at <2117.613525 109.919975 5417.790039>) linked support station (FUEL) has an offset but the local position of the area mesh is: '<-0.002319, -0.009918, -2.298218>' were as the support station offset is '<0.000000, 0.000000, -2.300000>' this must be the same else the zone shows an incorrect area! 09:22:58.288 SCRIPT (E): 'SCR_SetLinkedStorageToParent DelayedInit()' of: 'GenericEntity<0x00000222E2BF8D30> @"ENTITY:4611686018427453595" ('GenericEntity') at <2116.431885 109.839996 5419.759766> @"{F' is trying to set itself as linked storage but it has no parent! 09:22:59.176 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:22:59.176 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:22:59.176 NETWORK : BaseCompartmentManagerComponent::Load, Occupant not found, 2147647811 09:23:00.072 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:23:00.072 WORLD : Frame 09:23:00.072 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:23:01.138 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:23:01.138 WORLD : Frame 09:23:01.138 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:23:02.247 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:23:02.247 WORLD : Frame 09:23:02.247 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:23:03.519 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:23:03.519 WORLD : Frame 09:23:03.519 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:23:04.948 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:23:04.948 WORLD : Frame 09:23:04.948 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:23:06.408 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:23:06.408 WORLD : Frame 09:23:06.408 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:23:08.619 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:23:08.619 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:23:08.619 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 09:23:08.619 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427453811" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 09:23:08.619 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 09:23:15.501 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:23:15.501 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:23:15.501 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{58B3FB7F102A8B1B}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo.et" 09:23:15.501 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427453881" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_cargo.xob') at <3210.199951 9.340000 7127.786133> @"{58B3FB7F102A8B1B}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo.et" 09:23:15.501 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:23:15.501 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:23:15.501 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:23:15.501 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:23:15.501 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:23:15.501 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:23:16.709 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:23:16.709 WORLD : Frame 09:23:16.709 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:23:16.709 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427451179" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <3212.771973 6.539999 7156.658203> @"{4F7E0952D726FB43}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_USSR_Player_Variant_1.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_UpdateFlags(WR,) which wasn't queued 09:23:21.565 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:23:21.565 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:23:21.565 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427453929" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <2732.738037 81.599998 6364.698242> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427451787" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_base.xob') at <2733.093994 80.619995 6364.180176> @"{F7E9AA0C813EABDA}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_FIA.et" 09:23:23.168 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:23:23.168 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:23:23.168 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427453930" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Watches/Watch_Vostok/Watch_Vostok.xob') at <2404.545898 59.540001 6285.647949> @"{6FD6C96121905202}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Watches/Watch_Vostok.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427450896" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_base.xob') at <2404.773193 57.824711 6288.767090> @"{B2CC137FE424B129}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_covered_CIV_VAK.et" 09:23:41.538 WORLD : Frame start 09:23:41.538 DEFAULT (E): Error when detaching entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427451125" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Explosives/DemoBlock_TSh400g/DemoBlock_TSh400g.xob') at <3209.419922 8.559999 7128.585938> @"{97064F8597F2D7BF}Prefabs/Weapons/Explosives/DemoBlock_TSh400g/DemoBlock_TSh400g.et". Current parent: '@"ENTITY:4611686018427453857" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_base.xob') at <3209.419922 8.559999 7128.585938> @"{16C1F16C9B053801}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural4320_transport.et"', expected parent: '@"ENTITY:4611686018427451109" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter','Assets/Characters/Basebody/Basebody_Male_01.xob') at <3210.350098 8.660000 7127.937988> @"{4F7E0952D726FB43}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_USSR_Player_Variant_1.et"' 09:23:48.434 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:23:48.434 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:23:48.434 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 09:23:48.434 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427454142" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 09:23:48.434 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 09:23:48.691 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:23:48.691 WORLD : Frame 09:23:48.691 SCRIPT (W): Duplicate instance of UI component 702805112 found on widget 'MapFrame'! The component is marked as unique, only one instance is allowed. 09:23:48.721 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Chat Has no Content! 09:23:48.721 SCRIPT (W): Slot_AvailableActions Has no Content! 09:23:48.721 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 09:23:58.357 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:23:58.357 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:23:58.357 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{11163822C9E62B3E}Prefabs/MP/Campaign/Assets/CampaignMobileAssemblyCargoEast.et" 09:23:58.357 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427454221" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_com.xob') at <3213.724121 10.460000 7119.332031> @"{11163822C9E62B3E}Prefabs/MP/Campaign/Assets/CampaignMobileAssemblyCargoEast.et" 09:23:58.357 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:23:58.357 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:23:58.357 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:23:58.357 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:23:59.388 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:23:59.388 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:23:59.388 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{AE98BF4439787E34}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_FIA_arsenal_box.et" 09:23:59.388 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427454270" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_cargo.xob') at <1544.119995 56.760002 5950.279785> @"{AE98BF4439787E34}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_FIA_arsenal_box.et" 09:23:59.388 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:23:59.388 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:23:59.388 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:23:59.388 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:23:59.388 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:23:59.388 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:24:05.369 SCRIPT (E): 'SCR_BaseSupportStationComponent' 'EOnInit': 'GenericEntity<0x0000022226535530> @"ENTITY:4611686018427454351" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Fuel/Jerrycan_01/Jerrycan_01.xo' Support Station is set to use supplies but it has no SCR_ResourceComponent 09:24:09.462 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:24:09.462 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:24:09.462 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 09:24:09.462 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427454528" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 09:24:09.462 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 09:24:12.203 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:24:12.203 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:24:12.203 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{4AE31B174C7064F7}PrefabsEditable/Auto/Props/Military/Compositions/USSR/E_Antenna_01_USSR.et" 09:24:12.203 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427454549" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Props/Military/Antennas/Antenna_R161_01/Antenna_R161_01.xob') at <2423.726074 106.019997 5438.036133> @"{4AE31B174C7064F7}PrefabsEditable/Auto/Props/Military/Compositions/USSR/E_Antenna_01_USSR.et" 09:24:12.203 DEFAULT (W): BaseTransceiver::SetFrequency is not supported on proxies. 09:24:12.203 DEFAULT (W): BaseTransceiver::SetFrequency is not supported on proxies. 09:24:35.079 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:24:35.079 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:24:35.079 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427454645" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Compass/Compass_Adrianov/Compass_Adrianov.xob') at <2731.540039 81.559998 6358.693848> @"{7CEF68E2BC68CE71}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Compass/Compass_Adrianov.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427451787" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_base.xob') at <2731.595947 80.459999 6358.018066> @"{F7E9AA0C813EABDA}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_FIA.et" 09:24:37.597 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:24:37.597 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:24:37.597 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 09:24:37.597 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427454656" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 09:24:37.597 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 09:24:39.732 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:24:39.732 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:24:39.732 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=4, Name= 09:24:47.837 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:24:47.837 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:24:47.837 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=74, Name=Mikhailov x 09:24:47.838 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=74, Name=Mikhailov x, IdentityId=4aaba3c5-a4e2-461d-b292-1391bb588ff1 09:25:02.872 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:25:02.872 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:25:02.872 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{28ADC26474652E5D}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo_canvas_CIV_JZD.et" 09:25:02.872 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427454795" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_cargo.xob') at <1385.709961 45.040001 5869.826172> @"{28ADC26474652E5D}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo_canvas_CIV_JZD.et" 09:25:02.872 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:25:02.872 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:25:02.872 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:25:02.872 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:25:02.872 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:25:02.872 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:25:04.843 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:25:04.843 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 09:25:04.843 DEFAULT (E): Trying to consume replay messages, but the BaseAnimPhysComponent cannot be replay simulate at this moment. This results in the replay message being ignored! 09:25:05.047 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:25:05.047 WORLD : Frame 09:25:05.047 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:25:05.047 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427450868" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <3206.197998 6.500000 7153.350098> @"{918C557BF3506286}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_USSR_Base.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_UpdateFlags(WR,) which wasn't queued 09:25:06.735 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:25:06.735 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:25:06.735 AUDIO (E): Build error: Invalid custom index @"Sounds/RadioProtocol/RadioProtocol_Campaign_HQ_2_RU.acp|Base_V2,15 09:25:07.607 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:25:07.607 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:25:07.607 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 09:25:07.607 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427455030" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 09:25:07.607 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 09:25:14.943 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:25:14.943 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:25:14.943 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=7, Name= 09:25:15.541 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:25:15.541 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:25:15.541 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=15, Name= 09:25:22.052 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:25:22.052 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:25:22.052 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=58, Name=Average, IdentityId=322e20d9-5d82-4376-bee6-c27308fbbd0f 09:25:29.164 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:25:29.164 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:25:29.164 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=27, Name= 09:25:29.420 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:25:29.420 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:25:29.420 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=75, Name=脆脆鲨 09:25:29.420 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=75, Name=脆脆鲨, IdentityId=fb7a322c-af41-462f-9f1a-b0259e9076af 09:25:36.239 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:25:36.239 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:25:36.239 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=76, Name=Goldcoolness1 09:25:36.239 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=76, Name=Goldcoolness1, IdentityId=ab4cbc01-4ca2-4a5a-a9f2-0de671352a92 09:25:38.696 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:25:38.696 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:25:38.696 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 09:25:38.696 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427455447" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 09:25:38.696 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 09:25:47.597 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:25:47.597 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:25:47.597 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{5F533EBE61514610}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo_canvas.et" 09:25:47.597 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427455492" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_cargo.xob') at <3208.687988 11.139999 7113.689941> @"{5F533EBE61514610}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo_canvas.et" 09:25:47.597 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:25:47.597 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:25:47.597 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:25:47.597 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:25:47.597 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:25:47.597 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:25:50.410 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:25:50.410 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:25:50.410 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 09:25:50.410 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427455530" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 09:25:50.410 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 09:25:50.901 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:25:50.901 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:25:50.901 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{5F533EBE61514610}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo_canvas.et" 09:25:50.901 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427455953" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_cargo.xob') at <5066.483887 177.380005 7001.850098> @"{5F533EBE61514610}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo_canvas.et" 09:25:50.901 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:25:50.901 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:25:50.901 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:25:50.901 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:25:50.901 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:25:50.901 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:25:50.925 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{4AE31B174C7064F7}PrefabsEditable/Auto/Props/Military/Compositions/USSR/E_Antenna_01_USSR.et" 09:25:50.925 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427456329" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Props/Military/Antennas/Antenna_R161_01/Antenna_R161_01.xob') at <5038.602051 175.279999 6955.708008> @"{4AE31B174C7064F7}PrefabsEditable/Auto/Props/Military/Compositions/USSR/E_Antenna_01_USSR.et" 09:25:50.925 DEFAULT (W): BaseTransceiver::SetFrequency is not supported on proxies. 09:25:50.926 DEFAULT (W): BaseTransceiver::SetFrequency is not supported on proxies. 09:25:51.836 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:25:51.836 WORLD : Frame 09:25:51.836 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:25:51.836 DEFAULT (W): Weapon reloading - Magazine not available. 09:25:52.493 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:25:52.493 WORLD : Frame 09:25:52.493 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:25:52.494 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:25:53.429 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:25:53.430 WORLD : Frame 09:25:53.430 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:25:54.238 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:25:54.238 WORLD : Frame 09:25:54.238 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:25:54.238 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:25:55.607 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:25:55.607 WORLD : Frame 09:25:55.607 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:25:56.340 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:25:56.340 WORLD : Frame 09:25:56.340 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:25:56.340 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:25:57.454 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:25:57.454 WORLD : Frame 09:25:57.454 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:25:57.517 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:25:57.517 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:25:57.517 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427456731" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <3171.520020 7.740000 7141.240234> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427455152" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_base.xob') at <3172.097900 6.039999 7144.180176> @"{16A674FE31B0921C}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_uncovered.et" 09:25:57.815 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:25:57.815 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:25:57.815 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=41, Name= 09:25:57.974 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:25:57.974 WORLD : Frame 09:25:57.974 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:25:57.974 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:25:58.774 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:25:58.774 WORLD : Frame 09:25:58.774 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:25:59.171 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:25:59.171 WORLD : Frame 09:25:59.171 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:25:59.173 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:25:59.812 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:25:59.812 WORLD : Frame 09:25:59.812 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:00.215 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:00.215 WORLD : Frame 09:26:00.215 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:00.215 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:00.946 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:00.946 WORLD : Frame 09:26:00.946 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:01.386 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:01.386 WORLD : Frame 09:26:01.386 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:01.386 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:02.051 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:02.051 WORLD : Frame 09:26:02.051 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:02.475 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:02.475 WORLD : Frame 09:26:02.475 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:02.475 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:03.203 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:03.203 WORLD : Frame 09:26:03.203 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:03.766 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:03.766 WORLD : Frame 09:26:03.766 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:03.767 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:04.503 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:04.503 WORLD : Frame 09:26:04.503 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:04.581 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:04.581 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:26:04.581 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=77, Name=Gattsu2077 09:26:04.582 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=77, Name=Gattsu2077, IdentityId=12de9b60-4aba-42cf-8dd1-ee7b1f1bb90d 09:26:05.016 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:05.016 WORLD : Frame 09:26:05.016 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:05.016 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:05.711 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:05.711 WORLD : Frame 09:26:05.711 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:06.219 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:06.219 WORLD : Frame 09:26:06.219 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:06.219 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:07.114 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:07.114 WORLD : Frame 09:26:07.114 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:07.619 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:07.619 WORLD : Frame 09:26:07.619 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:07.619 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:08.354 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:08.354 WORLD : Frame 09:26:08.354 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:08.887 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:08.887 WORLD : Frame 09:26:08.887 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:08.887 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:09.578 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:09.578 WORLD : Frame 09:26:09.578 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:09.921 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:09.921 WORLD : Frame 09:26:09.921 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:09.921 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:10.676 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:10.676 WORLD : Frame 09:26:10.676 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:11.013 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:11.013 WORLD : Frame 09:26:11.013 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:11.013 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:11.719 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:11.719 WORLD : Frame 09:26:11.719 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:12.015 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:12.015 WORLD : Frame 09:26:12.015 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:12.015 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:12.789 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:12.789 WORLD : Frame 09:26:12.789 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:13.054 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:13.054 WORLD : Frame 09:26:13.055 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:13.055 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:13.828 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:13.828 WORLD : Frame 09:26:13.828 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:14.093 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:14.093 WORLD : Frame 09:26:14.093 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:14.093 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:14.265 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:14.265 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:26:14.265 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{DF5CCB7C0FF049F4}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_unarmed_transport.et" 09:26:14.265 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427457080" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <3912.582031 15.280000 8439.265625> @"{DF5CCB7C0FF049F4}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_unarmed_transport.et" 09:26:14.265 SPAWN (W): EmissiveLightSurfaceSlot couldn't find ParametricMaterialInstanceComponent at attached entity. Please check configuration of Light Manager at @"ENTITY:4611686018427457080" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <3912.582031 15.280000 8439.265625> @"{DF5CCB7C0FF049F4}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_unarmed_transport.et" 09:26:14.265 SPAWN (W): EmissiveLightSurfaceSlot couldn't find ParametricMaterialInstanceComponent at attached entity. Please check configuration of Light Manager at @"ENTITY:4611686018427457080" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <3912.582031 15.280000 8439.265625> @"{DF5CCB7C0FF049F4}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_unarmed_transport.et" 09:26:14.265 SPAWN (W): EmissiveLightSurfaceSlot couldn't find ParametricMaterialInstanceComponent at attached entity. Please check configuration of Light Manager at @"ENTITY:4611686018427457080" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <3912.582031 15.280000 8439.265625> @"{DF5CCB7C0FF049F4}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_unarmed_transport.et" 09:26:14.265 WORLD : InitEntities 'world' 09:26:14.265 ENTITY : Init entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427457080" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <3912.582031 15.280000 8439.265625> @"{DF5CCB7C0FF049F4}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_unarmed_transport.et" 09:26:14.265 SCRIPT (W): AUDIO: SCR_HitZoneStateSignal: No HitZone found 09:26:14.831 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:14.831 WORLD : Frame 09:26:14.831 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:15.159 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:15.159 WORLD : Frame 09:26:15.159 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:15.160 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:15.923 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:15.923 WORLD : Frame 09:26:15.923 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:16.152 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:16.152 WORLD : Frame 09:26:16.152 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:16.153 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:16.917 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:16.917 WORLD : Frame 09:26:16.917 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:17.163 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:17.163 WORLD : Frame 09:26:17.163 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:17.163 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:17.996 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:17.996 WORLD : Frame 09:26:17.996 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:18.221 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:18.221 WORLD : Frame 09:26:18.221 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:18.221 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:18.998 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:18.998 WORLD : Frame 09:26:18.998 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:19.204 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:19.204 WORLD : Frame 09:26:19.204 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:19.204 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:19.876 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:19.876 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:26:19.876 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427457247" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <3490.708008 180.740005 5786.151855> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427452981" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_base.xob') at <3488.564453 179.800003 5787.240234> @"{F7E9AA0C813EABDA}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_FIA.et" 09:26:19.995 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:19.995 WORLD : Frame 09:26:19.995 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:20.253 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:20.253 WORLD : Frame 09:26:20.253 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:20.253 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:21.002 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:21.002 WORLD : Frame 09:26:21.002 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:21.306 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:21.306 WORLD : Frame 09:26:21.306 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:21.306 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:22.030 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:22.031 WORLD : Frame 09:26:22.031 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:22.400 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:22.400 WORLD : Frame 09:26:22.400 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:22.400 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:23.097 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:23.097 WORLD : Frame 09:26:23.097 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:23.402 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:23.402 WORLD : Frame 09:26:23.402 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:23.402 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:24.127 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:24.127 WORLD : Frame 09:26:24.127 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:24.470 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:24.470 WORLD : Frame 09:26:24.470 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:24.470 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:25.526 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:25.526 WORLD : Frame 09:26:25.526 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:25.959 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:25.959 WORLD : Frame 09:26:25.959 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:25.959 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:26.669 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:26.669 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:26:26.669 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427457328" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Compass/Compass_Adrianov/Compass_Adrianov.xob') at <2994.513916 28.759998 6963.107910> @"{7CEF68E2BC68CE71}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Compass/Compass_Adrianov.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427455152" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_base.xob') at <2998.427979 26.980000 6965.500000> @"{16A674FE31B0921C}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_uncovered.et" 09:26:26.866 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:26.866 WORLD : Frame 09:26:26.866 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:27.331 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:27.331 WORLD : Frame 09:26:27.331 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:27.331 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:32.782 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:32.782 WORLD : Frame 09:26:32.782 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:33.560 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:33.560 WORLD : Frame 09:26:33.560 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:33.560 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:34.763 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:34.763 WORLD : Frame 09:26:34.763 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:34.892 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:34.892 WORLD : Frame 09:26:34.892 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:26:34.892 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427457718" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <5723.432129 221.259995 7129.784180> @"{F063CEEB9295E9B6}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_USSR_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 09:26:35.205 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:35.205 WORLD : Frame 09:26:35.205 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:35.205 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:36.265 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:36.265 WORLD : Frame 09:26:36.265 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:36.640 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:36.640 WORLD : Frame 09:26:36.640 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:36.641 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:37.406 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:37.406 WORLD : Frame 09:26:37.406 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:37.740 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:37.740 WORLD : Frame 09:26:37.740 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:37.740 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:38.496 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:38.496 WORLD : Frame 09:26:38.496 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:38.797 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:38.797 WORLD : Frame 09:26:38.797 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:38.797 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:39.533 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:39.533 WORLD : Frame 09:26:39.533 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:39.874 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:39.874 WORLD : Frame 09:26:39.874 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:39.875 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:40.563 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:40.563 WORLD : Frame 09:26:40.563 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:40.925 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:40.925 WORLD : Frame 09:26:40.925 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:40.925 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:41.624 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:41.624 WORLD : Frame 09:26:41.624 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:41.938 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:41.938 WORLD : Frame 09:26:41.938 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:41.938 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:42.658 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:42.658 WORLD : Frame 09:26:42.658 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:43.018 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:43.018 WORLD : Frame 09:26:43.018 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:43.018 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:43.963 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:43.963 WORLD : Frame 09:26:43.963 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:44.567 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:44.567 WORLD : Frame 09:26:44.567 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:44.567 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:45.937 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:45.937 WORLD : Frame 09:26:45.937 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:46.705 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:46.705 WORLD : Frame 09:26:46.705 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:46.705 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:47.660 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:47.660 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:26:47.660 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427458163" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <3726.800049 148.639999 5937.954102> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427452981" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_base.xob') at <3725.278076 147.320007 5937.220215> @"{F7E9AA0C813EABDA}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_FIA.et" 09:26:48.114 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:48.114 WORLD : Frame 09:26:48.114 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:48.937 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:48.937 WORLD : Frame 09:26:48.937 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:48.937 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:50.011 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:50.011 WORLD : Frame 09:26:50.011 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:50.404 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:50.404 WORLD : Frame 09:26:50.405 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:50.405 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:51.209 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:51.209 WORLD : Frame 09:26:51.209 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:51.545 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:51.545 WORLD : Frame 09:26:51.545 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:51.545 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:52.207 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:52.207 WORLD : Frame 09:26:52.207 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:52.607 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:52.607 WORLD : Frame 09:26:52.607 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:52.607 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:53.220 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:53.220 WORLD : Frame 09:26:53.220 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:53.676 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:53.676 WORLD : Frame 09:26:53.676 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:53.676 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:54.483 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:54.483 WORLD : Frame 09:26:54.483 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:54.911 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:54.911 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:26:54.911 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427458278" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <3735.478027 146.179993 5956.644043> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427452981" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_base.xob') at <3734.243896 145.199997 5954.833984> @"{F7E9AA0C813EABDA}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_FIA.et" 09:26:55.280 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:55.280 WORLD : Frame 09:26:55.280 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:55.281 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:55.939 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:55.939 WORLD : Frame 09:26:55.939 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:56.587 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:56.587 WORLD : Frame 09:26:56.587 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:56.587 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:57.313 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:57.313 WORLD : Frame 09:26:57.313 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:57.916 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:57.916 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:26:57.916 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427458301" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Compass/Compass_Adrianov/Compass_Adrianov.xob') at <2778.352051 52.939999 6773.538086> @"{7CEF68E2BC68CE71}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Compass/Compass_Adrianov.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427455152" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_base.xob') at <2777.280029 51.139999 6776.764160> @"{16A674FE31B0921C}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_uncovered.et" 09:26:57.969 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:57.969 WORLD : Frame 09:26:57.969 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:57.969 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:58.712 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:58.712 WORLD : Frame 09:26:58.712 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:59.272 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:59.272 WORLD : Frame 09:26:59.272 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:59.272 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:26:59.813 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:26:59.813 WORLD : Frame 09:26:59.813 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:00.319 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:00.319 WORLD : Frame 09:27:00.319 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:00.319 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:00.780 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:00.780 WORLD : Frame 09:27:00.780 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:01.340 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:01.340 WORLD : Frame 09:27:01.340 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:01.340 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:01.908 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:01.908 WORLD : Frame 09:27:01.908 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:02.233 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:02.233 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:27:02.233 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427458434" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <3769.726074 143.440002 5967.815918> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427452981" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_base.xob') at <3767.966309 142.806824 5971.391602> @"{F7E9AA0C813EABDA}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_FIA.et" 09:27:02.423 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:02.423 WORLD : Frame 09:27:02.423 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:02.423 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:02.921 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:02.921 WORLD : Frame 09:27:02.921 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:03.494 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:03.494 WORLD : Frame 09:27:03.494 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:03.494 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:03.994 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:03.994 WORLD : Frame 09:27:03.994 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:04.615 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:04.615 WORLD : Frame 09:27:04.615 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:04.615 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:05.014 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:05.014 WORLD : Frame 09:27:05.014 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:05.685 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:05.685 WORLD : Frame 09:27:05.685 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:05.685 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:06.114 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:06.114 WORLD : Frame 09:27:06.114 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:06.743 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:06.743 WORLD : Frame 09:27:06.743 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:06.744 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:07.190 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:07.190 WORLD : Frame 09:27:07.190 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:07.786 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:07.786 WORLD : Frame 09:27:07.786 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:07.786 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:08.549 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:08.549 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:27:08.549 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{1EC51D33C3E9E8A1}PrefabsEditable/Auto/Props/Military/Compositions/US/E_Antenna_01_US.et" 09:27:08.549 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427458651" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Props/Military/Antennas/Antenna_RC292_01/Antenna_RC292_01.xob') at <6003.036133 217.259995 7195.242188> @"{1EC51D33C3E9E8A1}PrefabsEditable/Auto/Props/Military/Compositions/US/E_Antenna_01_US.et" 09:27:08.549 DEFAULT (W): BaseTransceiver::SetFrequency is not supported on proxies. 09:27:08.549 DEFAULT (W): BaseTransceiver::SetFrequency is not supported on proxies. 09:27:08.766 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:08.766 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:27:08.766 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{94B79579DD7722B6}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo_CIV_Forest.et" 09:27:08.766 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427458903" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_cargo.xob') at <5770.045898 212.020004 7010.133789> @"{94B79579DD7722B6}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo_CIV_Forest.et" 09:27:08.766 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:27:08.766 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:27:08.766 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:27:08.766 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:27:08.766 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:27:08.766 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:27:08.989 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:08.989 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:27:08.989 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{94DE32169691AC34}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M151A2/M151A2_transport_MERDC.et" 09:27:08.989 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427459243" ('Vehicle') at <5797.266113 223.559998 7380.998047> 09:27:08.989 RESOURCES (E): Can't remap 'Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M151A2/m151a2_base.xob' material from 'M151A2_Wheels' to 'Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M151A2/Data/M151A2_Wheels_MERDC.emat'. Source material do not exist 09:27:08.989 RESOURCES (E): Can't remap 'Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M151A2/m151a2_base.xob' material from 'M151A2_Wheel_Spare' to 'Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M151A2/Data/M151A2_Wheel_Spare_MERDC.emat'. Source material do not exist 09:27:09.290 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:09.290 WORLD : Frame 09:27:09.290 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:09.291 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:09.788 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:09.788 WORLD : Frame 09:27:09.788 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:09.789 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:10.320 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:10.320 WORLD : Frame 09:27:10.320 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:10.321 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:11.498 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:11.498 WORLD : Frame 09:27:11.498 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:11.498 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:12.665 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:12.665 WORLD : Frame 09:27:12.665 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:12.665 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:13.790 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:13.790 WORLD : Frame 09:27:13.790 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:13.791 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:14.994 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:14.994 WORLD : Frame 09:27:14.994 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:14.994 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:16.127 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:16.127 WORLD : Frame 09:27:16.127 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:16.127 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:17.214 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:17.214 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:27:17.214 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{12D7EB72A88C923F}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/FIA/Ural4320_FIA_cargo_canvas.et" 09:27:17.214 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427459439" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_cargo.xob') at <4642.512207 111.699997 8235.284180> @"{12D7EB72A88C923F}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/FIA/Ural4320_FIA_cargo_canvas.et" 09:27:17.214 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:27:17.214 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:27:17.214 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:27:17.214 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:27:17.214 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:27:17.214 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:27:17.335 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:17.335 WORLD : Frame 09:27:17.335 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:17.335 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:18.134 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:18.134 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:27:18.134 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427459487" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <3934.525879 114.660004 5923.282227> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427452981" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_base.xob') at <3933.341064 113.892342 5923.795898> @"{F7E9AA0C813EABDA}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_FIA.et" 09:27:18.370 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:18.370 WORLD : Frame 09:27:18.370 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:18.370 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:19.366 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:19.366 WORLD : Frame 09:27:19.366 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:19.366 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:20.459 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:20.459 WORLD : Frame 09:27:20.459 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:20.459 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:21.127 WORLD : Frame start 09:27:21.127 DEFAULT (E): Error when detaching entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427457714" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Explosives/DemoBlock_M112/DemoBlock_M112.xob') at <5604.187988 211.559998 7087.171875> @"{33CBDE73AB48172A}Prefabs/Weapons/Explosives/DemoBlock_M112/DemoBlock_M112.et". Current parent: '@"ENTITY:4611686018427457444" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_base.xob') at <5604.187988 211.559998 7087.171875> @"{F7E9AA0C813EABDA}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_FIA.et"', expected parent: '@"ENTITY:4611686018427457849" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter','Assets/Characters/Basebody/Basebody_Male_01.xob') at <5606.178223 211.800003 7088.025879> @"{07B92B5E1A781635}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_US_Player_Variant_1.et"' 09:27:21.600 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:21.600 WORLD : Frame 09:27:21.600 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:21.600 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:22.826 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:22.826 WORLD : Frame 09:27:22.826 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:22.826 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:22.975 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:22.975 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:27:22.975 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427459743" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <3206.164062 8.980000 7143.961914> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427455468" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_base.xob') at <3207.023926 7.279999 7142.386230> @"{D9B91FAB817A6033}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural4320_transport_covered.et" 09:27:24.064 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:24.064 WORLD : Frame 09:27:24.064 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:24.064 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:25.641 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:25.641 WORLD : Frame 09:27:25.641 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:25.641 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:27.868 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:27.868 WORLD : Frame 09:27:27.868 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:27.869 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:30.173 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:30.173 WORLD : Frame 09:27:30.173 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:30.173 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:31.923 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:31.923 WORLD : Frame 09:27:31.923 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:32.616 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:32.616 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:27:32.616 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427460083" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <2937.832031 78.199997 6478.525879> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427455152" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_base.xob') at <2937.645996 77.199997 6479.138184> @"{16A674FE31B0921C}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_uncovered.et" 09:27:33.212 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:33.212 WORLD : Frame 09:27:33.212 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:34.408 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:34.408 WORLD : Frame 09:27:34.408 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:35.515 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:35.515 WORLD : Frame 09:27:35.515 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:36.584 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:36.584 WORLD : Frame 09:27:36.584 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:37.653 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:37.653 WORLD : Frame 09:27:37.653 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:38.172 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:38.172 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:27:38.172 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427460228" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <2937.562012 78.160004 6479.359863> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427455152" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_base.xob') at <2937.798096 77.199997 6479.220215> @"{16A674FE31B0921C}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_uncovered.et" 09:27:38.655 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:38.655 WORLD : Frame 09:27:38.655 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:39.678 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:39.678 WORLD : Frame 09:27:39.678 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:40.704 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:40.704 WORLD : Frame 09:27:40.704 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:41.959 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:41.959 WORLD : Frame 09:27:41.959 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:44.516 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:44.516 WORLD : Frame 09:27:44.516 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:44.967 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:44.967 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:27:44.967 NETWORK : BaseCompartmentManagerComponent::Load, Occupant not found, 2147736738 09:27:46.999 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:46.999 WORLD : Frame 09:27:46.999 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:49.273 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:49.273 WORLD : Frame 09:27:49.273 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:50.276 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:50.276 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:27:50.276 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 09:27:50.276 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427460583" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 09:27:50.276 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 09:27:50.310 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:50.310 WORLD : Frame 09:27:50.310 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:51.355 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:51.355 WORLD : Frame 09:27:51.355 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:52.402 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:52.402 WORLD : Frame 09:27:52.402 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:52.402 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:52.403 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:53.395 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:53.395 WORLD : Frame 09:27:53.395 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:53.395 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:53.395 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:54.481 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:54.481 WORLD : Frame 09:27:54.481 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:54.481 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:55.673 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:55.673 WORLD : Frame 09:27:55.673 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:55.673 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:56.944 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:56.944 WORLD : Frame 09:27:56.944 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:56.944 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:58.272 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:58.272 WORLD : Frame 09:27:58.272 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:58.272 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:59.497 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:27:59.497 WORLD : Frame 09:27:59.497 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:27:59.497 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:00.502 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:00.502 WORLD : Frame 09:28:00.502 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:00.502 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:01.537 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:01.537 WORLD : Frame 09:28:01.537 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:01.537 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:02.505 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:02.505 WORLD : Frame 09:28:02.505 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:02.505 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:02.925 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:02.925 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:28:02.925 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427460885" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Compass/Compass_Adrianov/Compass_Adrianov.xob') at <2821.374023 83.419998 6411.467773> @"{7CEF68E2BC68CE71}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Compass/Compass_Adrianov.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427455152" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_base.xob') at <2823.591309 82.363686 6412.059082> @"{16A674FE31B0921C}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_uncovered.et" 09:28:03.566 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:03.566 WORLD : Frame 09:28:03.566 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:03.566 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:04.175 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:04.175 WORLD : Frame 09:28:04.175 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:28:04.175 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427459205" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <5863.770020 235.380005 7267.861816> @"{07B92B5E1A781635}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_US_Player_Variant_1.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 09:28:04.637 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:04.637 WORLD : Frame 09:28:04.637 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:04.637 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:05.646 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:05.646 WORLD : Frame 09:28:05.646 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:05.646 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:06.408 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:06.408 WORLD : Frame 09:28:06.408 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:28:06.408 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427459205" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <5863.770020 235.380005 7267.861816> @"{07B92B5E1A781635}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_US_Player_Variant_1.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 09:28:06.616 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:06.616 WORLD : Frame 09:28:06.616 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:06.616 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:07.706 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:07.706 WORLD : Frame 09:28:07.706 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:07.707 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:08.848 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:08.848 WORLD : Frame 09:28:08.848 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:08.848 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:09.852 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:09.852 WORLD : Frame 09:28:09.852 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:09.852 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:10.672 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:10.672 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:28:10.672 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427461593" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <2824.439941 83.239998 6412.914062> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427455152" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_base.xob') at <2824.553955 82.339996 6412.662109> @"{16A674FE31B0921C}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_uncovered.et" 09:28:10.947 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:10.947 WORLD : Frame 09:28:10.947 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:10.947 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:11.505 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:11.505 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:28:11.505 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427461597" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <2824.362061 83.419998 6412.007812> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427455152" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_base.xob') at <2824.553955 82.339996 6412.662109> @"{16A674FE31B0921C}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_uncovered.et" 09:28:11.956 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:11.956 WORLD : Frame 09:28:11.956 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:11.956 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:12.978 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:12.978 WORLD : Frame 09:28:12.978 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:12.978 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:13.899 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:13.899 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:28:13.899 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427461615" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <3168.531982 9.900000 7116.777832> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427455468" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_base.xob') at <3168.031982 8.099999 7117.948242> @"{D9B91FAB817A6033}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural4320_transport_covered.et" 09:28:14.017 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:14.017 WORLD : Frame 09:28:14.017 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:14.017 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:15.097 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:15.097 WORLD : Frame 09:28:15.097 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:15.097 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:16.081 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:16.081 WORLD : Frame 09:28:16.081 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:16.081 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:17.115 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:17.115 WORLD : Frame 09:28:17.115 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:17.115 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:18.151 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:18.151 WORLD : Frame 09:28:18.151 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:18.151 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:19.160 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:19.160 WORLD : Frame 09:28:19.160 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:19.160 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:20.162 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:20.162 WORLD : Frame 09:28:20.162 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:20.162 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:21.252 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:21.252 WORLD : Frame 09:28:21.252 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:21.252 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:22.257 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:22.257 WORLD : Frame 09:28:22.257 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:22.257 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:23.269 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:23.269 WORLD : Frame 09:28:23.269 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:23.269 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:24.233 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:24.233 WORLD : Frame 09:28:24.233 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:24.233 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:25.276 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:25.276 WORLD : Frame 09:28:25.276 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:25.276 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:26.542 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:26.542 WORLD : Frame 09:28:26.542 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:26.543 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:27.634 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:27.634 WORLD : Frame 09:28:27.634 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:27.634 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:28.905 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:28.905 WORLD : Frame 09:28:28.905 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:28.905 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:30.043 WORLD : Frame start 09:28:30.043 DEFAULT (E): Error when detaching entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427457711" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Explosives/DemoBlock_M112/DemoBlock_M112.xob') at <5605.578125 211.220001 7066.545898> @"{33CBDE73AB48172A}Prefabs/Weapons/Explosives/DemoBlock_M112/DemoBlock_M112.et". Current parent: '@"ENTITY:4611686018427457511" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_base.xob') at <5605.578125 211.220001 7066.545898> @"{F7E9AA0C813EABDA}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_FIA.et"', expected parent: '@"ENTITY:4611686018427457849" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter','Assets/Characters/Basebody/Basebody_Male_01.xob') at <5607.782227 211.520004 7067.375977> @"{07B92B5E1A781635}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_US_Player_Variant_1.et"' 09:28:30.156 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:30.156 WORLD : Frame 09:28:30.156 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:30.156 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:31.536 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:31.536 WORLD : Frame 09:28:31.536 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:31.536 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:32.674 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:32.674 WORLD : Frame 09:28:32.674 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:32.674 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:33.939 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:33.939 WORLD : Frame 09:28:33.939 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:33.939 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:35.086 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:35.086 WORLD : Frame 09:28:35.086 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:35.086 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:36.275 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:36.275 WORLD : Frame 09:28:36.275 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:36.275 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:36.708 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:36.708 WORLD : Frame 09:28:36.708 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:37.343 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:37.343 WORLD : Frame 09:28:37.343 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:38.393 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:38.393 WORLD : Frame 09:28:38.393 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:39.389 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:39.389 WORLD : Frame 09:28:39.389 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:40.457 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:40.457 WORLD : Frame 09:28:40.457 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:41.421 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:41.421 WORLD : Frame 09:28:41.421 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:42.457 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:42.457 WORLD : Frame 09:28:42.457 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:43.521 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:43.521 WORLD : Frame 09:28:43.521 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:44.717 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:44.717 WORLD : Frame 09:28:44.717 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:45.962 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:45.962 WORLD : Frame 09:28:45.962 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:46.849 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:46.849 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:28:46.849 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427463158" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <5546.518066 187.800003 7305.018066> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427459243" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M151A2/m151a2_base.xob') at <5549.156250 186.836823 7307.520508> @"{94DE32169691AC34}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M151A2/M151A2_transport_MERDC.et" 09:28:47.330 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:47.330 WORLD : Frame 09:28:47.330 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:49.024 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:49.024 WORLD : Frame 09:28:49.024 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:50.337 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:50.337 WORLD : Frame 09:28:50.337 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:51.377 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:51.377 WORLD : Frame 09:28:51.377 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:52.396 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:52.396 WORLD : Frame 09:28:52.396 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:53.468 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:53.468 WORLD : Frame 09:28:53.468 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:54.466 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:54.466 WORLD : Frame 09:28:54.466 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:55.673 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:55.673 WORLD : Frame 09:28:55.673 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:56.104 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:56.104 WORLD : Frame 09:28:56.104 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:56.981 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:56.981 WORLD : Frame 09:28:56.981 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:57.343 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:57.343 WORLD : Frame 09:28:57.343 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:58.185 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:58.185 WORLD : Frame 09:28:58.185 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:58.547 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:58.547 WORLD : Frame 09:28:58.547 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:59.379 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:59.379 WORLD : Frame 09:28:59.379 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:28:59.746 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:28:59.746 WORLD : Frame 09:28:59.746 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:00.442 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:00.442 WORLD : Frame 09:29:00.442 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:00.752 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:00.752 WORLD : Frame 09:29:00.752 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:01.481 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:01.481 WORLD : Frame 09:29:01.481 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:01.760 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:01.760 WORLD : Frame 09:29:01.760 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:02.488 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:02.488 WORLD : Frame 09:29:02.488 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:02.798 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:02.798 WORLD : Frame 09:29:02.798 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:03.584 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:03.584 WORLD : Frame 09:29:03.584 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:03.864 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:03.864 WORLD : Frame 09:29:03.864 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:04.597 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:04.597 WORLD : Frame 09:29:04.597 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:04.893 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:04.893 WORLD : Frame 09:29:04.893 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:05.588 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:05.588 WORLD : Frame 09:29:05.588 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:05.952 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:05.952 WORLD : Frame 09:29:05.952 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:06.628 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:06.628 WORLD : Frame 09:29:06.628 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:06.992 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:06.992 WORLD : Frame 09:29:06.992 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:07.629 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:07.629 WORLD : Frame 09:29:07.629 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:08.027 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:08.027 WORLD : Frame 09:29:08.027 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:08.549 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:08.549 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:29:08.549 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=4, Name= 09:29:08.652 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:08.652 WORLD : Frame 09:29:08.652 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:09.119 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:09.119 WORLD : Frame 09:29:09.119 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:09.687 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:09.687 WORLD : Frame 09:29:09.687 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:10.115 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:10.115 WORLD : Frame 09:29:10.115 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:10.664 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:10.664 WORLD : Frame 09:29:10.664 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:11.196 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:11.196 WORLD : Frame 09:29:11.196 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:11.727 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:11.727 WORLD : Frame 09:29:11.727 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:12.191 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:12.191 WORLD : Frame 09:29:12.191 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:12.724 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:12.724 WORLD : Frame 09:29:12.724 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:13.225 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:13.225 WORLD : Frame 09:29:13.225 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:13.380 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:13.380 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:29:13.380 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=7, Name= 09:29:14.292 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:14.292 WORLD : Frame 09:29:14.292 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:14.927 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:14.927 WORLD : Frame 09:29:14.927 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:15.531 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:15.531 WORLD : Frame 09:29:15.531 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:16.067 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:16.067 WORLD : Frame 09:29:16.067 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:16.637 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:16.637 WORLD : Frame 09:29:16.637 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:17.176 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:17.176 WORLD : Frame 09:29:17.176 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:17.800 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:17.800 WORLD : Frame 09:29:17.800 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:18.474 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:18.474 WORLD : Frame 09:29:18.474 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:19.132 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:19.132 WORLD : Frame 09:29:19.133 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:19.776 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:19.776 WORLD : Frame 09:29:19.776 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:20.436 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:20.436 WORLD : Frame 09:29:20.436 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:21.112 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:21.112 WORLD : Frame 09:29:21.112 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:21.357 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:21.357 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:29:21.357 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 09:29:21.357 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427463594" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 09:29:21.357 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 09:29:21.770 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:21.770 WORLD : Frame 09:29:21.770 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:22.479 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:22.479 WORLD : Frame 09:29:22.479 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:23.074 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:23.074 WORLD : Frame 09:29:23.074 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:23.644 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:23.644 WORLD : Frame 09:29:23.644 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:24.317 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:24.317 WORLD : Frame 09:29:24.317 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:24.369 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:24.369 WORLD : Frame 09:29:24.369 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:29:24.369 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427460483" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <6248.638184 193.580002 7014.574219> @"{BE7CA93E188A5B58}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_US_Base.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 09:29:24.870 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:24.870 WORLD : Frame 09:29:24.870 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:25.713 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:25.713 WORLD : Frame 09:29:25.713 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:26.177 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:26.177 WORLD : Frame 09:29:26.177 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:26.367 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:26.367 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:29:26.367 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=78, Name=CHEEZ_IT28 09:29:26.367 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=78, Name=CHEEZ_IT28, IdentityId=6891cecf-a9a9-459f-b7e3-9a45522a0c02 09:29:27.047 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:27.047 WORLD : Frame 09:29:27.047 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:27.714 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:27.714 WORLD : Frame 09:29:27.714 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:28.777 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:28.777 WORLD : Frame 09:29:28.777 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:29.582 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:29.582 WORLD : Frame 09:29:29.582 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:30.880 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:30.880 WORLD : Frame 09:29:30.880 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:31.434 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:31.434 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:29:31.434 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=79, Name=LC_Jay 09:29:31.435 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=79, Name=LC_Jay, IdentityId=28377de1-2e5f-4a59-b5b6-308382b8865b 09:29:31.742 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:31.742 WORLD : Frame 09:29:31.742 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:32.955 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:32.955 WORLD : Frame 09:29:32.955 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:33.616 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:33.616 WORLD : Frame 09:29:33.616 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:34.557 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:34.557 WORLD : Frame 09:29:34.557 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:35.186 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:35.186 WORLD : Frame 09:29:35.186 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:35.882 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:35.882 WORLD : Frame 09:29:35.882 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:36.390 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:36.390 WORLD : Frame 09:29:36.390 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:37.248 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:37.248 WORLD : Frame 09:29:37.248 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:37.682 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:37.682 WORLD : Frame 09:29:37.682 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:38.327 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:38.327 WORLD : Frame 09:29:38.327 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:38.470 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:38.470 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:29:38.470 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=34, Name= 09:29:38.800 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:38.800 WORLD : Frame 09:29:38.800 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:39.360 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:39.360 WORLD : Frame 09:29:39.360 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:39.462 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:39.462 WORLD : Frame 09:29:39.462 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:39.881 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:39.881 WORLD : Frame 09:29:39.881 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:40.074 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:40.074 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:29:40.074 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=29, Name= 09:29:40.595 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:40.595 WORLD : Frame 09:29:40.595 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:41.117 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:41.117 WORLD : Frame 09:29:41.117 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:41.721 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:41.721 WORLD : Frame 09:29:41.721 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:42.169 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:42.169 WORLD : Frame 09:29:42.169 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:43.031 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:43.031 WORLD : Frame 09:29:43.031 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:43.459 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:43.459 WORLD : Frame 09:29:43.459 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:44.027 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:44.027 WORLD : Frame 09:29:44.027 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:44.593 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:44.593 WORLD : Frame 09:29:44.593 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:45.696 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:45.696 WORLD : Frame 09:29:45.696 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:46.558 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:46.558 WORLD : Frame 09:29:46.558 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:47.009 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:47.009 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:29:47.009 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=80, Name=SneakyToes30 09:29:47.009 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=80, Name=SneakyToes30, IdentityId=67a00b8e-7d2c-43d9-9a0b-c8b019ec7c75 09:29:48.099 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:48.099 WORLD : Frame 09:29:48.099 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:49.224 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:49.224 WORLD : Frame 09:29:49.224 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:49.777 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:49.777 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:29:49.777 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=39, Name= 09:29:50.603 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:50.603 WORLD : Frame 09:29:50.603 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:51.104 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:51.104 WORLD : Frame 09:29:51.104 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:51.741 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:51.741 WORLD : Frame 09:29:51.741 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:52.172 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:52.172 WORLD : Frame 09:29:52.172 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:52.484 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:52.484 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:29:52.484 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=81, Name=Cornpoppa 09:29:52.485 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=81, Name=Cornpoppa, IdentityId=86bd0dd0-1b79-4d61-8f39-dbe5c08e682a 09:29:52.897 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:52.897 WORLD : Frame 09:29:52.897 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:53.363 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:53.363 WORLD : Frame 09:29:53.363 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:54.208 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:54.208 WORLD : Frame 09:29:54.208 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:54.603 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:54.603 WORLD : Frame 09:29:54.603 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:55.309 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:55.309 WORLD : Frame 09:29:55.309 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:55.774 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:55.774 WORLD : Frame 09:29:55.774 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:56.518 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:56.518 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:29:56.518 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=82, Name=Shotgunuser9768 09:29:56.518 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=82, Name=Shotgunuser9768, IdentityId=11601798-7fa0-454d-afd5-375c380a2d86 09:29:56.911 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:56.911 WORLD : Frame 09:29:56.911 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:57.478 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:57.478 WORLD : Frame 09:29:57.478 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:58.546 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:58.546 WORLD : Frame 09:29:58.546 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:29:59.078 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:29:59.078 WORLD : Frame 09:29:59.078 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:00.107 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:00.107 WORLD : Frame 09:30:00.107 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:00.541 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:00.541 WORLD : Frame 09:30:00.541 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:01.410 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:01.410 WORLD : Frame 09:30:01.410 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:01.687 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:01.687 WORLD : Frame 09:30:01.687 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:02.476 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:02.476 WORLD : Frame 09:30:02.476 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:02.745 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:02.745 WORLD : Frame 09:30:02.745 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:03.479 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:03.479 WORLD : Frame 09:30:03.479 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:03.754 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:03.754 WORLD : Frame 09:30:03.754 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:04.509 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:04.509 WORLD : Frame 09:30:04.509 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:04.818 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:04.818 WORLD : Frame 09:30:04.818 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:05.522 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:05.522 WORLD : Frame 09:30:05.522 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:05.848 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:05.848 WORLD : Frame 09:30:05.848 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:06.586 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:06.586 WORLD : Frame 09:30:06.586 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:06.879 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:06.879 WORLD : Frame 09:30:06.879 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:07.580 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:07.580 WORLD : Frame 09:30:07.580 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:07.891 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:07.891 WORLD : Frame 09:30:07.891 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:08.617 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:08.617 WORLD : Frame 09:30:08.617 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:08.925 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:08.925 WORLD : Frame 09:30:08.925 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:09.615 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:09.615 WORLD : Frame 09:30:09.615 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:09.925 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:09.925 WORLD : Frame 09:30:09.925 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:10.374 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:10.374 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:30:10.374 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=38, Name= 09:30:10.683 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:10.683 WORLD : Frame 09:30:10.683 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:10.957 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:10.957 WORLD : Frame 09:30:10.957 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:11.731 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:11.731 WORLD : Frame 09:30:11.731 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:11.921 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:11.921 WORLD : Frame 09:30:11.921 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:12.695 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:12.695 WORLD : Frame 09:30:12.695 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:12.922 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:12.922 WORLD : Frame 09:30:12.922 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:13.764 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:13.764 WORLD : Frame 09:30:13.764 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:13.954 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:13.954 WORLD : Frame 09:30:13.954 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:14.793 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:14.793 WORLD : Frame 09:30:14.793 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:14.998 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:14.998 WORLD : Frame 09:30:14.998 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:15.857 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:15.857 WORLD : Frame 09:30:15.857 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:15.943 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:15.943 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:30:15.943 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=62, Name=Krazy5313, IdentityId=4a91d76f-23dd-454e-8926-8d8f4ca4d562 09:30:15.991 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:15.991 WORLD : Frame 09:30:15.991 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:16.962 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:16.962 WORLD : Frame 09:30:16.962 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:17.063 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:17.063 WORLD : Frame 09:30:17.063 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:18.196 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:18.196 WORLD : Frame 09:30:18.196 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:18.333 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:18.333 WORLD : Frame 09:30:18.333 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:19.562 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:19.562 WORLD : Frame 09:30:19.562 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:19.665 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:19.665 WORLD : Frame 09:30:19.665 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:20.729 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:20.729 WORLD : Frame 09:30:20.729 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:20.866 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:20.866 WORLD : Frame 09:30:20.866 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:21.863 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:21.863 WORLD : Frame 09:30:21.863 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:21.930 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:21.930 WORLD : Frame 09:30:21.930 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:22.863 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:22.863 WORLD : Frame 09:30:22.863 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:22.935 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:22.935 WORLD : Frame 09:30:22.935 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:23.895 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:23.895 WORLD : Frame 09:30:23.895 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:23.963 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:23.963 WORLD : Frame 09:30:23.963 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:24.906 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:24.906 WORLD : Frame 09:30:24.906 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:24.991 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:24.991 WORLD : Frame 09:30:24.991 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:25.900 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:25.900 WORLD : Frame 09:30:25.900 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:25.917 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:25.917 WORLD : Frame 09:30:25.917 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:30:25.917 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427460483" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <6248.638184 193.580002 7014.574219> @"{BE7CA93E188A5B58}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_US_Base.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 09:30:26.002 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:26.002 WORLD : Frame 09:30:26.002 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:27.032 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:27.032 WORLD : Frame 09:30:27.032 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:27.134 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:27.134 WORLD : Frame 09:30:27.134 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:28.334 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:28.334 WORLD : Frame 09:30:28.334 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:28.490 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:28.490 WORLD : Frame 09:30:28.490 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:29.762 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:29.762 WORLD : Frame 09:30:29.762 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:29.900 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:29.900 WORLD : Frame 09:30:29.900 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:31.223 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:31.223 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:30:31.223 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427464327" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <3856.728027 46.139999 7131.297852> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427455468" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_base.xob') at <3855.865967 44.340000 7130.087891> @"{D9B91FAB817A6033}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural4320_transport_covered.et" 09:30:31.272 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:31.272 WORLD : Frame 09:30:31.272 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:31.533 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:31.533 WORLD : Frame 09:30:31.533 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:32.871 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:32.871 WORLD : Frame 09:30:32.871 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:33.007 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:33.007 WORLD : Frame 09:30:33.007 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:34.617 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:34.617 WORLD : Frame 09:30:34.617 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:34.705 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:34.705 WORLD : Frame 09:30:34.705 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:35.911 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:35.911 WORLD : Frame 09:30:35.911 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:36.089 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:36.089 WORLD : Frame 09:30:36.089 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:37.280 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:37.280 WORLD : Frame 09:30:37.280 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:37.403 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:37.404 WORLD : Frame 09:30:37.404 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:37.793 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:37.793 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:30:37.793 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 09:30:37.793 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427464418" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 09:30:37.793 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 09:30:38.322 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:38.322 WORLD : Frame 09:30:38.322 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:39.349 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:39.349 WORLD : Frame 09:30:39.349 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:40.388 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:40.388 WORLD : Frame 09:30:40.388 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:41.391 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:41.391 WORLD : Frame 09:30:41.391 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:42.495 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:42.495 WORLD : Frame 09:30:42.495 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:43.594 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:43.594 WORLD : Frame 09:30:43.594 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:44.758 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:44.758 WORLD : Frame 09:30:44.758 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:46.059 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:46.059 WORLD : Frame 09:30:46.059 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:30:46.059 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427463823" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <5035.582031 175.000000 6953.604004> @"{F063CEEB9295E9B6}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_USSR_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_UpdateFlags(WR,) which wasn't queued 09:30:47.654 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:47.654 WORLD : Frame 09:30:47.654 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:48.789 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:48.789 WORLD : Frame 09:30:48.789 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:49.930 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:49.930 WORLD : Frame 09:30:49.930 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:51.088 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:51.088 WORLD : Frame 09:30:51.088 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:52.156 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:52.156 WORLD : Frame 09:30:52.156 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:53.156 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:53.156 WORLD : Frame 09:30:53.156 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:54.224 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:54.224 WORLD : Frame 09:30:54.224 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:55.232 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:55.232 WORLD : Frame 09:30:55.232 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:56.438 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:56.438 WORLD : Frame 09:30:56.438 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:57.634 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:57.634 WORLD : Frame 09:30:57.634 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:59.463 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:59.463 WORLD : Frame 09:30:59.463 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:30:59.780 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:30:59.780 WORLD : Frame 09:30:59.780 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:30:59.780 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427457849" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <5616.479980 213.160004 7086.589844> @"{07B92B5E1A781635}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_US_Player_Variant_1.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 09:31:00.291 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:31:00.291 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:31:00.291 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=15, Name= 09:31:01.142 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:31:01.142 WORLD : Frame 09:31:01.142 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:31:02.205 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:31:02.205 WORLD : Frame 09:31:02.205 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:31:03.604 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:31:03.604 WORLD : Frame 09:31:03.604 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:31:04.601 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:31:04.601 WORLD : Frame 09:31:04.601 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:31:05.601 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:31:05.601 WORLD : Frame 09:31:05.601 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:31:06.888 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:31:06.888 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:31:06.888 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=83, Name=Shadowsouls3980 09:31:06.888 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=83, Name=Shadowsouls3980, IdentityId=081689e6-997b-48d6-b62f-69384280b23e 09:31:06.936 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:31:06.936 WORLD : Frame 09:31:06.936 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:31:08.237 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:31:08.237 WORLD : Frame 09:31:08.237 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:31:09.026 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:31:09.026 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:31:09.026 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{58B3FB7F102A8B1B}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo.et" 09:31:09.026 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427464765" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_cargo.xob') at <3213.850098 8.860000 7135.826172> @"{58B3FB7F102A8B1B}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo.et" 09:31:09.026 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:31:09.026 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:31:09.026 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:31:09.026 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:31:09.026 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:31:09.026 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:31:09.738 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:31:09.738 WORLD : Frame 09:31:09.738 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:31:11.040 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:31:11.040 WORLD : Frame 09:31:11.040 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:31:11.526 GUI : Creating menu 'MapMenu' 09:31:11.526 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Chat Has no Content! 09:31:11.526 SCRIPT (W): Slot_VON Has no Content! 09:31:11.526 SCRIPT (W): Slot_AvailableActions Has no Content! 09:31:11.526 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 09:31:11.526 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Notifications Has no Content! 09:31:11.526 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Hints Has no Content! 09:31:11.582 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:31:11.582 WORLD : Frame 09:31:11.582 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:31:11.582 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:31:11.582 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:31:11.582 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:31:11.582 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:31:11.582 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:31:11.582 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize_Relay' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:31:11.582 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:31:11.603 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't load ImageSet '' 09:31:11.739 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:31:11.739 WORLD : PostFrame 09:31:11.739 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadMaskFromSet can't load ImageSet 'UI/Textures/Icons/icons_mouse/icons_mouse.imageset' 09:31:12.266 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:31:12.266 WORLD : Frame 09:31:12.266 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:31:13.349 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:31:13.349 WORLD : Frame 09:31:13.349 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:31:14.372 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:31:14.372 WORLD : Frame 09:31:14.372 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:31:15.416 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:31:15.416 WORLD : Frame 09:31:15.416 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:31:15.618 SCRIPT (W): [SCR_RadialMenuController] - has no menu selected to control! 09:31:16.446 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:31:16.446 WORLD : Frame 09:31:16.446 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:31:17.479 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:31:17.479 WORLD : Frame 09:31:17.479 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:31:17.631 GUI : Creating menu 'Inventory20Menu' 09:31:17.631 SCRIPT (W): Slot_VON Has no Content! 09:31:17.631 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 09:31:17.720 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:31:17.720 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:31:18.499 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:31:18.499 WORLD : Frame 09:31:18.499 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:31:19.484 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:31:19.484 WORLD : Frame 09:31:19.484 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:31:20.303 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:31:20.303 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:31:20.303 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 09:31:20.303 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427464960" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 09:31:20.303 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 09:31:20.501 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:31:20.501 WORLD : Frame 09:31:20.501 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:31:21.705 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:31:21.705 WORLD : Frame 09:31:21.705 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:31:22.806 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:31:22.806 WORLD : Frame 09:31:22.806 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:31:23.843 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:31:23.843 WORLD : Frame 09:31:23.843 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:31:25.021 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:31:25.021 WORLD : Frame 09:31:25.021 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:31:26.604 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:31:26.604 WORLD : Frame 09:31:26.604 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:31:28.058 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:31:28.058 WORLD : Frame 09:31:28.058 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:31:30.791 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:31:30.791 WORLD : Frame 09:31:30.791 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:31:32.255 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:31:32.255 WORLD : Frame 09:31:32.255 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:31:33.930 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:31:33.930 WORLD : Frame 09:31:33.930 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:31:35.192 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:31:35.192 WORLD : Frame 09:31:35.192 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:31:36.469 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:31:36.469 WORLD : Frame 09:31:36.469 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:31:37.637 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:31:37.637 WORLD : Frame 09:31:37.637 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:31:38.735 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:31:38.735 WORLD : Frame 09:31:38.735 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:31:39.770 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:31:39.770 WORLD : Frame 09:31:39.770 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:31:40.804 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:31:40.804 WORLD : Frame 09:31:40.804 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:31:41.938 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:31:41.938 WORLD : Frame 09:31:41.938 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:31:44.767 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:31:44.767 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:31:44.767 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{28ADC26474652E5D}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo_canvas_CIV_JZD.et" 09:31:44.767 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427465284" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_cargo.xob') at <6650.828125 109.660004 5867.111816> @"{28ADC26474652E5D}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo_canvas_CIV_JZD.et" 09:31:44.767 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:31:44.767 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:31:44.767 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:31:44.767 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:31:44.767 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:31:44.767 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:31:51.788 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:31:51.788 WORLD : Frame 09:31:51.788 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:31:51.788 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427463823" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <5035.582031 175.000000 6953.604004> @"{F063CEEB9295E9B6}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_USSR_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 09:31:59.424 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:31:59.424 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:31:59.424 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=17, Name= 09:32:04.841 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:32:04.841 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:32:04.841 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=58, Name=Average, IdentityId=322e20d9-5d82-4376-bee6-c27308fbbd0f 09:32:09.693 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:32:09.693 WORLD : Frame 09:32:09.693 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:32:09.693 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427465423" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <5128.005859 175.500000 6984.098145> @"{918C557BF3506286}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_USSR_Base.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_UpdateFlags(WR,) which wasn't queued 09:32:17.847 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:32:17.848 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:32:17.848 NETWORK : BaseCompartmentManagerComponent::Load, Occupant not found, 2147727095 09:32:19.940 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:32:19.940 WORLD : Frame 09:32:19.940 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:32:19.940 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427458029" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <3196.614014 7.039999 7136.007812> @"{4F7E0952D726FB43}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_USSR_Player_Variant_1.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 09:32:20.250 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:32:20.250 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:32:20.250 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 09:32:20.250 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427465730" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 09:32:20.250 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 09:32:28.935 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:32:28.935 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:32:28.935 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E517E6CCC1DF5737}Prefabs/Weapons/HeavyWeapons/HMG_M2HB_pintle_M1025.et" 09:32:28.935 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427465942" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/HeavyWeapons/M2HB/M2.xob') at <7007.901855 92.639999 7280.204102> @"{E517E6CCC1DF5737}Prefabs/Weapons/HeavyWeapons/HMG_M2HB_pintle_M1025.et" 09:32:28.935 ANIMATION (E): @"ENTITY:4611686018427465942" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/HeavyWeapons/M2HB/M2.xob') at <7007.901855 92.639999 7280.204102> @"{E517E6CCC1DF5737}Prefabs/Weapons/HeavyWeapons/HMG_M2HB_pintle_M1025.et": anim controller initialization data is invalid (graph , node MasterControl, instance ) 09:32:29.702 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:32:29.702 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:32:29.702 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{28ADC26474652E5D}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo_canvas_CIV_JZD.et" 09:32:29.702 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427466064" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_cargo.xob') at <7012.886230 81.580002 8268.011719> @"{28ADC26474652E5D}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo_canvas_CIV_JZD.et" 09:32:29.702 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:32:29.702 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:32:29.702 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:32:29.702 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:32:29.702 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:32:29.702 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:32:29.704 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{1EC51D33C3E9E8A1}PrefabsEditable/Auto/Props/Military/Compositions/US/E_Antenna_01_US.et" 09:32:29.704 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427466124" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Props/Military/Antennas/Antenna_RC292_01/Antenna_RC292_01.xob') at <6871.144043 83.639999 8208.866211> @"{1EC51D33C3E9E8A1}PrefabsEditable/Auto/Props/Military/Compositions/US/E_Antenna_01_US.et" 09:32:29.704 DEFAULT (W): BaseTransceiver::SetFrequency is not supported on proxies. 09:32:29.704 DEFAULT (W): BaseTransceiver::SetFrequency is not supported on proxies. 09:32:29.721 SCRIPT (E): 'SCR_BaseSupportStationComponent' 'EOnInit': 'GenericEntity<0x0000022316380C30> @"ENTITY:4611686018427466195" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Props/Military/Fuel/FuelPump_US_01/Fu' Support Station is set to use supplies but it has no SCR_ResourceComponent 09:33:11.640 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:33:11.640 WORLD : Frame 09:33:11.640 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:33:11.640 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427459205" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <5863.770020 235.380005 7267.861816> @"{07B92B5E1A781635}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_US_Player_Variant_1.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 09:33:19.466 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:33:19.466 WORLD : Frame 09:33:19.466 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:33:19.466 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427465073" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <5619.240234 213.360001 7083.275879> @"{07B92B5E1A781635}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_US_Player_Variant_1.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_UpdateFlags(WR,) which wasn't queued 09:33:20.199 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:33:20.199 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:33:20.199 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427467207" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <5850.501953 213.600006 7033.352051> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427465650" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M998_Base.xob') at <5855.345215 212.473175 7032.098145> @"{751AFEEA19DDFB04}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M998_covered_long_MERDC.et" 09:33:26.697 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:33:26.697 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:33:26.697 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=17, Name= 09:33:33.493 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:33:33.493 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:33:33.493 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=84, Name=zezima5 09:33:33.493 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=84, Name=zezima5, IdentityId=93d5ca6a-5f65-4d6b-a768-7d4808faa56f 09:33:37.832 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:33:37.832 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:33:37.832 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 09:33:37.832 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427467477" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 09:33:37.832 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 09:33:47.861 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:33:47.861 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:33:47.861 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427467559" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Binoculars/Binoculars_M22/Binoculars_M22.xob') at <5987.983887 219.380005 7173.523926> @"{0CF54B9A85D8E0D4}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Binoculars/Binoculars_M22/Binoculars_M22.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427458538" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_base.xob') at <5988.516113 218.139999 7173.060059> @"{E28501E93F8EFDC0}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_FIA_uncovered.et" 09:33:53.434 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:33:53.434 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:33:53.434 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=23, Name= 09:33:57.537 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:33:57.537 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:33:57.537 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{1EC51D33C3E9E8A1}PrefabsEditable/Auto/Props/Military/Compositions/US/E_Antenna_01_US.et" 09:33:57.537 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427467686" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Props/Military/Antennas/Antenna_RC292_01/Antenna_RC292_01.xob') at <7271.228027 45.639999 7643.527832> @"{1EC51D33C3E9E8A1}PrefabsEditable/Auto/Props/Military/Compositions/US/E_Antenna_01_US.et" 09:33:57.537 DEFAULT (W): BaseTransceiver::SetFrequency is not supported on proxies. 09:33:57.537 DEFAULT (W): BaseTransceiver::SetFrequency is not supported on proxies. 09:33:57.549 SCRIPT (W): There is not enough of SCR_CatalogSpawnerUserAction attached to actionManager. Some assets won't appear. 09:33:57.575 SCRIPT (E): 'SCR_BaseSupportStationComponent' 'EOnInit': 'GenericEntity<0x0000022281CF8030> @"ENTITY:4611686018427467923" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Props/Military/Fuel/FuelPump_US_01/Fu' Support Station is set to use supplies but it has no SCR_ResourceComponent 09:33:57.575 SCRIPT (E): 'SCR_SetLinkedStorageToParent DelayedInit()' of: 'GenericEntity<0x000002231644CB30> @"ENTITY:4611686018427467954" ('GenericEntity') at <7465.985840 7.779999 6703.797852> @"{65F' is trying to set itself as linked storage but it has no parent! 09:33:58.146 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:33:58.146 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:33:58.146 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{1EC51D33C3E9E8A1}PrefabsEditable/Auto/Props/Military/Compositions/US/E_Antenna_01_US.et" 09:33:58.146 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427468168" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Props/Military/Antennas/Antenna_RC292_01/Antenna_RC292_01.xob') at <7493.695801 6.500000 6709.895996> @"{1EC51D33C3E9E8A1}PrefabsEditable/Auto/Props/Military/Compositions/US/E_Antenna_01_US.et" 09:33:58.146 DEFAULT (W): BaseTransceiver::SetFrequency is not supported on proxies. 09:33:58.146 DEFAULT (W): BaseTransceiver::SetFrequency is not supported on proxies. 09:33:58.153 SCRIPT (W): There is not enough of SCR_CatalogSpawnerUserAction attached to actionManager. Some assets won't appear. 09:33:58.160 SCRIPT (W): There is not enough of SCR_CatalogSpawnerUserAction attached to actionManager. Some assets won't appear. 09:33:58.171 SCRIPT (E): 'SCR_BaseSupportStationComponent' 'EOnInit': 'GenericEntity<0x00000223164F7630> @"ENTITY:4611686018427468392" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Props/Military/Fuel/FuelPump_US_01/Fu' Support Station is set to use supplies but it has no SCR_ResourceComponent 09:33:58.409 SCRIPT (E): 'SCR_SupportStationAreaMeshComponent' (GenericEntity<0x00000221C88DD430> @"ENTITY:4611686018427468527" ('GenericEntity') at <7465.528809 7.779991 6703.596680>) linked support station (HEAL) has an offset but the local position of the area mesh is: '<-0.001221, -0.007812, -0.499512>' were as the support station offset is '<0.000000, 0.000000, -0.500000>' this must be the same else the zone shows an incorrect area! 09:34:02.224 GUI : Creating menu 'MapMenu' 09:34:02.224 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Chat Has no Content! 09:34:02.224 SCRIPT (W): Slot_VON Has no Content! 09:34:02.224 SCRIPT (W): Slot_AvailableActions Has no Content! 09:34:02.224 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 09:34:02.224 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Notifications Has no Content! 09:34:02.224 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Hints Has no Content! 09:34:02.273 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:34:02.273 WORLD : Frame 09:34:02.273 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:34:02.273 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:34:02.273 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:34:02.273 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:34:02.273 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:34:02.273 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:34:02.273 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize_Relay' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:34:02.273 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:34:02.400 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:34:02.400 WORLD : PostFrame 09:34:02.400 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadMaskFromSet can't load ImageSet 'UI/Textures/Icons/icons_mouse/icons_mouse.imageset' 09:34:02.740 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:34:02.740 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:34:02.740 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=85, Name=Lemonox 09:34:02.742 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=85, Name=Lemonox, IdentityId=7b3bcdab-897e-4855-a06f-3a61ab37d676 09:34:04.690 SCRIPT (W): [SCR_RadialMenuController] - has no menu selected to control! 09:34:19.068 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:34:19.068 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:34:19.068 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427468763" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <5987.257812 219.279999 7174.419922> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427458538" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_base.xob') at <5987.584961 218.194122 7175.286133> @"{E28501E93F8EFDC0}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_FIA_uncovered.et" 09:34:31.253 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:34:31.253 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:34:31.253 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=30, Name= 09:34:37.798 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:34:37.798 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:34:37.798 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=86, Name=R1 Ryan3887 09:34:37.798 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=86, Name=R1 Ryan3887, IdentityId=50c1ea6c-57e0-44d2-9b50-6249f8f3acf2 09:34:43.633 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:34:43.633 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:34:43.633 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427469008" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <4864.976074 116.379997 8035.680176> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427455468" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_base.xob') at <4864.950195 114.720001 8037.242188> @"{D9B91FAB817A6033}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural4320_transport_covered.et" 09:34:44.864 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:34:44.864 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:34:44.864 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427469011" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <5972.434082 209.220001 7032.255859> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427458538" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_base.xob') at <5972.068848 208.166855 7033.751953> @"{E28501E93F8EFDC0}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_FIA_uncovered.et" 09:35:01.044 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:35:01.044 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:35:01.044 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 09:35:01.044 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427469584" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 09:35:01.044 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 09:35:10.752 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:35:10.752 WORLD : Frame 09:35:10.752 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:35:10.752 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427468983" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <6015.158203 216.679993 7183.434082> @"{8D89B17BCFBFAE44}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_US_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_UpdateFlags(WR,) which wasn't queued 09:35:14.774 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:35:14.774 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:35:14.774 SCRIPT (W): There is not enough of SCR_CatalogSpawnerUserAction attached to actionManager. Some assets won't appear. 09:35:18.529 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:35:18.529 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:35:18.529 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427469856" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <5772.695801 218.479996 7062.722168> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427458538" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_base.xob') at <5777.388184 217.281021 7062.187012> @"{E28501E93F8EFDC0}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_FIA_uncovered.et" 09:35:29.757 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:35:29.757 WORLD : Frame 09:35:29.757 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:35:32.933 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:35:32.933 WORLD : Frame 09:35:32.933 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:35:32.933 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427468544" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <7500.370117 6.119999 6732.312012> @"{07B92B5E1A781635}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_US_Player_Variant_1.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_UpdateFlags(WR,) which wasn't queued 09:35:48.154 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:35:48.154 WORLD : Frame 09:35:48.154 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:35:48.154 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427470217" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <6000.695801 217.360001 7196.007812> @"{8D89B17BCFBFAE44}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_US_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_UpdateFlags(WR,) which wasn't queued 09:36:32.826 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:36:32.826 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:36:32.826 AUDIO (E): Build error: Invalid custom index @"Sounds/RadioProtocol/RadioProtocol_Campaign_HQ_3_RU.acp|Base_V2,15 09:36:33.835 GUI : Creating menu 'MapMenu' 09:36:33.835 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Chat Has no Content! 09:36:33.835 SCRIPT (W): Slot_VON Has no Content! 09:36:33.835 SCRIPT (W): Slot_AvailableActions Has no Content! 09:36:33.835 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 09:36:33.835 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Notifications Has no Content! 09:36:33.835 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Hints Has no Content! 09:36:33.879 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:36:33.879 WORLD : Frame 09:36:33.879 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:36:33.879 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:36:33.879 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:36:33.879 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:36:33.879 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:36:33.879 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:36:33.879 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize_Relay' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:36:33.879 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:36:33.880 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:36:33.880 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:36:33.880 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:36:33.980 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:36:33.980 WORLD : PostFrame 09:36:33.980 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadMaskFromSet can't load ImageSet 'UI/Textures/Icons/icons_mouse/icons_mouse.imageset' 09:36:38.244 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:36:38.244 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:36:38.244 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427470755" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <5960.014160 216.839996 7084.948242> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427458583" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_base.xob') at <5960.587891 215.699997 7084.678223> @"{D4855501D5B12AF2}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_uncovered_CIV_teal.et" 09:36:41.919 SCRIPT (W): [SCR_RadialMenuController] - has no menu selected to control! 09:36:48.692 GUI : Creating menu 'MapMenu' 09:36:48.692 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Chat Has no Content! 09:36:48.692 SCRIPT (W): Slot_VON Has no Content! 09:36:48.692 SCRIPT (W): Slot_AvailableActions Has no Content! 09:36:48.692 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 09:36:48.692 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Notifications Has no Content! 09:36:48.692 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Hints Has no Content! 09:36:48.710 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:36:48.710 WORLD : Frame 09:36:48.710 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:36:48.710 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:36:48.711 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:36:48.711 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:36:48.711 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:36:48.711 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:36:48.711 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize_Relay' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:36:48.711 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:36:48.711 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:36:48.711 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:36:48.711 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:36:48.754 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:36:48.754 WORLD : PostFrame 09:36:48.754 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadMaskFromSet can't load ImageSet 'UI/Textures/Icons/icons_mouse/icons_mouse.imageset' 09:36:50.653 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:36:50.653 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:36:50.653 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=0, Name= 09:36:53.128 SCRIPT (W): [SCR_RadialMenuController] - has no menu selected to control! 09:36:53.483 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:36:53.483 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:36:53.483 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=9, Name= 09:36:56.058 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:36:56.058 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:36:56.058 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=87, Name=NonToxicBXK 09:36:56.058 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=87, Name=NonToxicBXK, IdentityId=f98211ca-4157-4946-b48c-abe830ce5de3 09:36:59.027 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:36:59.027 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:36:59.027 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=88, Name=Rayter VRCN 09:36:59.027 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=88, Name=Rayter VRCN, IdentityId=42fa6962-13fd-4b7b-8b8c-143945c548ca 09:37:01.607 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:37:01.607 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:37:01.607 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=19, Name= 09:37:08.044 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:37:08.044 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:37:08.044 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=89, Name=Stat3Troop3r 09:37:08.044 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=89, Name=Stat3Troop3r, IdentityId=d3f33f02-e010-4d67-ac6d-a030bed3c1c3 09:37:40.910 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:37:40.910 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:37:40.910 SCRIPT (W): There is not enough of SCR_CatalogSpawnerUserAction attached to actionManager. Some assets won't appear. 09:37:46.361 SCRIPT (W): [SCR_RadialMenuController] - has no menu selected to control! 09:37:46.905 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:37:46.905 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:37:46.905 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 09:37:46.905 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427472606" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 09:37:46.905 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 09:37:52.317 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:37:52.317 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:37:52.318 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=21, Name= 09:38:02.431 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:38:02.431 WORLD : Frame 09:38:02.431 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:38:02.431 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427465073" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <5619.240234 213.360001 7083.275879> @"{07B92B5E1A781635}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_US_Player_Variant_1.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 09:38:03.617 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:38:03.617 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:38:03.617 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=90, Name=kaboos365 09:38:03.619 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=90, Name=kaboos365, IdentityId=5b6db0c6-a89e-4571-9766-d3f655de79e9 09:38:05.604 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:38:05.604 WORLD : Frame 09:38:05.604 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:38:05.604 DEFAULT (W): Weapon reloading - Magazine not available. 09:38:06.581 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:38:06.581 WORLD : Frame 09:38:06.581 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:38:06.581 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427470250" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <5619.240234 213.360001 7083.275879> @"{07B92B5E1A781635}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_US_Player_Variant_1.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 09:38:10.989 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:38:10.989 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:38:10.989 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=19, Name= 09:38:15.666 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:38:15.666 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:38:15.666 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{28ADC26474652E5D}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo_canvas_CIV_JZD.et" 09:38:15.666 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427473082" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_cargo.xob') at <7578.246094 82.300003 5482.290039> @"{28ADC26474652E5D}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo_canvas_CIV_JZD.et" 09:38:15.666 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:38:15.666 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:38:15.666 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:38:15.666 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:38:15.666 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:38:15.666 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:38:20.696 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:38:20.696 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:38:20.696 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=91, Name=1929 09:38:20.696 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=91, Name=1929, IdentityId=3d9455ba-2918-4472-a2c3-6509b6baa38e 09:38:30.132 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:38:30.132 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:38:30.132 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427473378" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <7311.470215 44.020000 7661.945801> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427472532" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_BASE.xob') at <7312.339844 42.020000 7661.604004> @"{37A9871AD4CC9610}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_engineer_MERDC.et" 09:38:31.837 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:38:31.837 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:38:31.837 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=18, Name= 09:38:34.007 GUI : Creating menu 'MapMenu' 09:38:34.007 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Chat Has no Content! 09:38:34.007 SCRIPT (W): Slot_VON Has no Content! 09:38:34.007 SCRIPT (W): Slot_AvailableActions Has no Content! 09:38:34.007 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 09:38:34.007 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Notifications Has no Content! 09:38:34.007 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Hints Has no Content! 09:38:34.049 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:38:34.049 WORLD : Frame 09:38:34.049 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:38:34.049 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:38:34.049 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:38:34.049 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:38:34.049 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:38:34.049 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:38:34.049 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize_Relay' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:38:34.049 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:38:34.049 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:38:34.049 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:38:34.049 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:38:34.260 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:38:34.260 WORLD : PostFrame 09:38:34.260 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadMaskFromSet can't load ImageSet 'UI/Textures/Icons/icons_mouse/icons_mouse.imageset' 09:38:35.249 SCRIPT (W): [SCR_RadialMenuController] - has no menu selected to control! 09:38:35.903 GUI : Creating menu 'PauseMenu' 09:38:35.903 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 09:38:36.836 SCRIPT : GetResourceName 'scripts/Game/UI/HUD/SCR_PlayerListMenu.c,1762' 09:38:36.836 RESOURCES (E): Wrong GUID/name for resource @"{5AD2CE85825EDA11}UI/layouts/Menus/PlayerList/FactionPlayerCounter.layout" in property "" 09:38:36.836 SCRIPT : GetResourceName 'scripts/Game/UI/HUD/SCR_PlayerListMenu.c,1762' 09:38:36.836 RESOURCES (E): Wrong GUID/name for resource @"{5AD2CE85825EDA11}UI/layouts/Menus/PlayerList/FactionPlayerCounter.layout" in property "" 09:38:37.271 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:38:37.271 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:38:37.271 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 09:38:37.271 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427473395" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 09:38:37.271 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 09:38:38.135 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:38:38.135 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:38:38.135 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=70, Name=Койот, IdentityId=59b70e6a-af24-4a0f-9144-921ffab240d9 09:38:39.436 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:38:39.436 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:38:39.436 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=34, Name= 09:38:47.344 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:38:47.344 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:38:47.344 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427473447" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <7283.259766 45.180000 7721.145996> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427472532" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_BASE.xob') at <7284.225586 43.139999 7720.262695> @"{37A9871AD4CC9610}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_engineer_MERDC.et" 09:38:48.677 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:38:48.677 WORLD : Frame 09:38:48.677 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:38:48.677 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427473321" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <6018.386230 216.679993 7177.204102> @"{07B92B5E1A781635}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_US_Player_Variant_1.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_UpdateFlags(WR,) which wasn't queued 09:38:51.587 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:38:51.587 WORLD : Frame 09:38:51.587 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:38:51.587 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427470250" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <5619.240234 213.360001 7083.275879> @"{07B92B5E1A781635}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_US_Player_Variant_1.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 09:38:52.550 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:38:52.550 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:38:52.550 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=92, Name=Royal_X5 09:38:52.551 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=92, Name=Royal_X5, IdentityId=d7aade53-98bd-4e65-be65-9a429b6eb44b 09:38:53.252 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:38:53.252 WORLD : Frame 09:38:53.252 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:38:53.252 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427473321" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <6018.386230 216.679993 7177.204102> @"{07B92B5E1A781635}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_US_Player_Variant_1.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 09:38:55.462 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:38:55.462 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:38:55.462 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{12D7EB72A88C923F}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/FIA/Ural4320_FIA_cargo_canvas.et" 09:38:55.462 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427473502" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_cargo.xob') at <4642.512207 111.739998 8235.291992> @"{12D7EB72A88C923F}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/FIA/Ural4320_FIA_cargo_canvas.et" 09:38:55.462 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:38:55.462 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:38:55.462 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:38:55.462 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:38:55.462 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:38:55.462 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:39:10.760 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:39:10.760 WORLD : Frame 09:39:10.760 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:39:10.760 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427468983" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <6015.158203 216.679993 7183.434082> @"{8D89B17BCFBFAE44}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_US_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 09:39:19.366 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:39:19.366 WORLD : Frame 09:39:19.366 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:39:19.366 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427468983" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <6015.158203 216.679993 7183.434082> @"{8D89B17BCFBFAE44}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_US_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 09:39:26.646 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:39:26.646 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:39:26.646 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=22, Name= 09:39:30.484 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:39:30.484 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:39:30.484 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=93, Name=BushMurple 09:39:30.484 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=93, Name=BushMurple, IdentityId=3920cc00-2b05-42e5-ae94-8c01022b9635 09:39:30.787 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:39:30.788 WORLD : Frame 09:39:30.788 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:39:35.443 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:39:35.443 WORLD : Frame 09:39:35.443 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:39:42.182 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:39:42.182 WORLD : Frame 09:39:42.182 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:39:42.182 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427468787" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <3212.145996 6.959999 7152.290039> @"{918C557BF3506286}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_USSR_Base.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 09:39:47.056 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:39:47.056 WORLD : Frame 09:39:47.056 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:39:47.056 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427457574" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <5693.189941 219.979996 7106.333984> @"{F063CEEB9295E9B6}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_USSR_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 09:39:48.460 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:39:48.460 WORLD : Frame 09:39:48.460 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:39:48.460 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427465040" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <5128.005859 175.500000 6984.098145> @"{F063CEEB9295E9B6}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_USSR_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 09:39:58.075 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:39:58.075 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:39:58.075 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{4AE31B174C7064F7}PrefabsEditable/Auto/Props/Military/Compositions/USSR/E_Antenna_01_USSR.et" 09:39:58.075 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427474802" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Props/Military/Antennas/Antenna_R161_01/Antenna_R161_01.xob') at <5061.866211 176.779999 6968.268066> @"{4AE31B174C7064F7}PrefabsEditable/Auto/Props/Military/Compositions/USSR/E_Antenna_01_USSR.et" 09:39:58.075 DEFAULT (W): BaseTransceiver::SetFrequency is not supported on proxies. 09:39:58.075 DEFAULT (W): BaseTransceiver::SetFrequency is not supported on proxies. 09:40:04.641 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:40:04.641 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:40:04.641 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=15, Name= 09:40:07.131 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:40:07.131 WORLD : Frame 09:40:07.131 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:40:07.131 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427457574" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <5693.189941 219.979996 7106.333984> @"{F063CEEB9295E9B6}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_USSR_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 09:40:10.218 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:40:10.218 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:40:10.218 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 09:40:10.218 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427475022" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 09:40:10.218 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 09:40:13.064 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:40:13.064 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:40:13.064 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=94, Name=chiva 09:40:13.064 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=94, Name=chiva, IdentityId=d599b108-0776-43dd-b8b1-6faa37e34e07 09:40:17.247 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:40:17.247 WORLD : Frame 09:40:17.247 GUI : Creating menu 'RespawnSuperMenu' 09:40:17.247 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Chat Has no Content! 09:40:17.247 SCRIPT (W): Slot_AvailableActions Has no Content! 09:40:17.247 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 09:40:17.247 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Hints Has no Content! 09:40:17.247 SCRIPT (E): HUDManager: Identifier: RespawnMenu is already used! Check if your Identifier is Unique! 09:40:17.249 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:40:17.249 WORLD : Frame 09:40:17.249 SCRIPT : SCR_MapEntity: Attempt to call PanSmooth before map init is completed 09:40:17.322 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:40:17.322 WORLD : Frame 09:40:17.322 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't load ImageSet '' 09:40:17.322 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:40:17.322 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:40:17.322 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:40:17.322 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:40:17.322 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:40:17.322 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:40:17.322 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize_Relay' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:40:17.322 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:40:17.322 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:40:17.322 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:40:17.323 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:40:32.353 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:40:32.353 WORLD : Frame 09:40:32.353 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:40:32.353 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427473321" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <6018.386230 216.679993 7177.204102> @"{07B92B5E1A781635}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_US_Player_Variant_1.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 09:40:34.045 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:40:34.045 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:40:34.045 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=26, Name= 09:40:43.930 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:40:43.930 WORLD : Frame 09:40:43.930 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:40:43.930 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427475099" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <7491.122070 6.719999 6707.855957> @"{BE7CA93E188A5B58}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_US_Base.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_UpdateFlags(WR,) which wasn't queued 09:40:44.632 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:40:44.632 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:40:44.632 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=39, Name= 09:40:45.401 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:40:45.401 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:40:45.401 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=59, Name=Hans, IdentityId=ff2ce738-6ec8-4e1b-aaa6-447dfaad0cfc 09:40:50.370 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:40:50.370 WORLD : Frame 09:40:50.370 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:40:50.370 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427473321" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <6018.386230 216.679993 7177.204102> @"{07B92B5E1A781635}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_US_Player_Variant_1.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 09:40:50.805 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:40:50.805 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:40:50.805 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=95, Name=Tunza 09:40:50.806 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=95, Name=Tunza, IdentityId=ab6c2515-a35e-4514-b1c5-371f07c2445d 09:40:51.788 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:40:51.788 WORLD : Frame 09:40:51.788 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:40:51.788 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427474981" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <6006.434082 217.160004 7196.312012> @"{07B92B5E1A781635}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_US_Player_Variant_1.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 09:41:03.333 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:41:03.333 WORLD : Frame 09:41:03.333 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:41:03.333 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427474981" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <6006.434082 217.160004 7196.312012> @"{07B92B5E1A781635}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_US_Player_Variant_1.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_UpdateFlags(WR,) which wasn't queued 09:41:08.915 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:41:08.915 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:41:08.915 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 09:41:08.915 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427475741" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 09:41:08.915 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 09:41:27.974 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:41:27.974 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:41:27.974 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{36C74DDCB2C9E2DB}Prefabs/Weapons/MachineGuns/PKM/MG_PKMT_Mi8_front.et" 09:41:27.974 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427475865" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/MachineGuns/PKMT/PKMT_body.xob') at <4251.854004 129.820007 7294.437988> @"{36C74DDCB2C9E2DB}Prefabs/Weapons/MachineGuns/PKM/MG_PKMT_Mi8_front.et" 09:41:27.974 ANIMATION (E): @"ENTITY:4611686018427475865" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/MachineGuns/PKMT/PKMT_body.xob') at <4251.854004 129.820007 7294.437988> @"{36C74DDCB2C9E2DB}Prefabs/Weapons/MachineGuns/PKM/MG_PKMT_Mi8_front.et": anim controller initialization data is invalid (graph , node MasterControl, instance ) 09:41:28.181 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:41:28.181 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:41:28.181 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 09:41:28.181 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427475952" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <4253.454102 129.139999 7294.038086> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 09:41:28.181 SPAWN (W): EmissiveLightSurfaceSlot couldn't find ParametricMaterialInstanceComponent at attached entity. Please check configuration of Light Manager at @"ENTITY:4611686018427475952" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <4253.454102 129.139999 7294.038086> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 09:41:28.181 SPAWN (W): EmissiveLightSurfaceSlot couldn't find ParametricMaterialInstanceComponent at attached entity. Please check configuration of Light Manager at @"ENTITY:4611686018427475952" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <4253.454102 129.139999 7294.038086> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 09:41:28.181 SPAWN (W): EmissiveLightSurfaceSlot couldn't find ParametricMaterialInstanceComponent at attached entity. Please check configuration of Light Manager at @"ENTITY:4611686018427475952" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <4253.454102 129.139999 7294.038086> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 09:41:28.182 WORLD : InitEntities 'world' 09:41:28.182 ENTITY : Init entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427475952" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <4253.454102 129.139999 7294.038086> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 09:41:28.182 SCRIPT (W): AUDIO: SCR_HitZoneStateSignal: No HitZone found 09:41:28.190 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427476010" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <4252.419922 131.240005 7294.728027> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427475952" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <4253.454102 129.139999 7294.038086> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 09:41:28.190 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427476011" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <4255.332031 131.100006 7293.038086> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427475952" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <4253.454102 129.139999 7294.038086> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 09:41:28.190 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427476012" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <4251.124023 131.240005 7293.903809> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427475952" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <4253.454102 129.139999 7294.038086> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 09:41:28.191 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:41:28.191 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:41:28.191 NETWORK : BaseCompartmentManagerComponent::Load, Occupant not found, 2147761968 09:41:28.191 NETWORK : BaseCompartmentManagerComponent::Load, Occupant not found, 2147746834 09:41:28.191 NETWORK : BaseCompartmentManagerComponent::Load, Occupant not found, 2147732623 09:41:28.284 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:41:28.284 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:41:28.284 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{517ED1D91D5D2B54}Prefabs/Weapons/MachineGuns/PKM/MG_PKMT_Mi8_rear.et" 09:41:28.284 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427476059" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/MachineGuns/PKMT/PKMT_body.xob') at <4250.936035 131.479996 7293.746094> @"{517ED1D91D5D2B54}Prefabs/Weapons/MachineGuns/PKM/MG_PKMT_Mi8_rear.et" 09:41:28.284 ANIMATION (E): @"ENTITY:4611686018427476059" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/MachineGuns/PKMT/PKMT_body.xob') at <4250.936035 131.479996 7293.746094> @"{517ED1D91D5D2B54}Prefabs/Weapons/MachineGuns/PKM/MG_PKMT_Mi8_rear.et": anim controller initialization data is invalid (graph , node MasterControl, instance ) 09:41:35.968 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:41:35.968 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:41:35.968 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427476161" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <4442.543945 157.839996 7254.565918> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427475952" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <4436.222168 154.699997 7256.198242> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 09:41:49.040 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:41:49.040 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:41:49.040 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427476413" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <4825.901855 187.740005 7229.246094> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427475952" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <4811.177734 186.584900 7225.250000> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 09:41:50.918 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:41:50.918 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:41:50.918 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427476546" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <4887.587891 189.039993 7241.394043> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427475952" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <4878.061523 187.213745 7238.102051> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 09:41:53.394 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:41:53.394 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:41:53.394 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427476601" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <4945.666016 191.699997 7257.525879> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427475952" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <4931.597168 188.819992 7252.771973> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 09:41:54.564 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:41:54.564 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:41:54.564 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427476616" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <4982.852051 189.899994 7271.299805> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427475952" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <4970.250977 188.683090 7266.219727> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 09:41:58.687 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:41:58.687 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:41:58.687 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427476688" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <5112.939941 181.479996 7346.848145> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427475952" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <5103.194824 180.589294 7339.259766> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 09:41:59.127 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:41:59.127 WORLD : Frame 09:41:59.127 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:41:59.127 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427470217" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <6000.695801 217.360001 7196.007812> @"{8D89B17BCFBFAE44}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_US_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 09:42:04.229 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:42:04.229 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:42:04.229 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427476957" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <5300.498047 172.339996 7483.753906> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427475952" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <5288.273926 171.155823 7474.780762> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 09:42:09.236 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:42:09.236 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:42:09.236 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427477012" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <5455.439941 162.279999 7615.755859> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427475952" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <5450.729004 160.658478 7610.552734> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 09:42:13.734 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:42:13.734 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:42:13.734 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427477116" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <5609.943848 144.639999 7787.067871> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427475952" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <5597.618652 144.521393 7771.704590> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 09:42:14.410 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:42:14.410 WORLD : Frame 09:42:14.410 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:42:14.410 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427470250" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <5619.240234 213.360001 7083.275879> @"{07B92B5E1A781635}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_US_Player_Variant_1.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_UpdateFlags(WR,) which wasn't queued 09:42:26.583 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:42:26.583 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:42:26.583 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 09:42:26.583 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427477510" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 09:42:26.583 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 09:42:33.248 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:42:33.248 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:42:33.248 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 09:42:33.248 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427477772" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 09:42:33.248 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 09:42:37.366 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:42:37.366 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:42:37.366 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427477861" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <6435.914062 113.639999 8466.498047> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427475952" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <6422.333984 112.599998 8456.335938> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 09:42:41.645 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:42:41.645 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:42:41.645 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427478045" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Watches/Watch_Vostok/Watch_Vostok.xob') at <6633.105957 109.120003 8579.916016> @"{6FD6C96121905202}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Watches/Watch_Vostok.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427475952" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <6619.951660 108.021797 8575.732422> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 09:42:42.044 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:42:42.044 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:42:42.044 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 09:42:42.044 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427478051" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 09:42:42.044 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 09:42:43.314 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:42:43.314 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:42:43.314 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427478078" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <6716.270020 109.800003 8607.660156> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427475952" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <6698.031250 107.996994 8604.211914> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 09:42:46.902 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:42:46.902 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:42:46.902 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{28ADC26474652E5D}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo_canvas_CIV_JZD.et" 09:42:46.902 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427478527" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_cargo.xob') at <7578.246094 82.300003 5482.290039> @"{28ADC26474652E5D}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo_canvas_CIV_JZD.et" 09:42:46.902 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:42:46.902 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:42:46.902 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:42:46.902 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:42:46.902 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:42:46.902 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:42:47.056 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:42:47.056 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:42:47.056 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{94DE32169691AC34}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M151A2/M151A2_transport_MERDC.et" 09:42:47.056 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427478704" ('Vehicle') at <7503.007812 6.400000 6736.543945> 09:42:47.056 RESOURCES (E): Can't remap 'Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M151A2/m151a2_base.xob' material from 'M151A2_Wheels' to 'Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M151A2/Data/M151A2_Wheels_MERDC.emat'. Source material do not exist 09:42:47.056 RESOURCES (E): Can't remap 'Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M151A2/m151a2_base.xob' material from 'M151A2_Wheel_Spare' to 'Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M151A2/Data/M151A2_Wheel_Spare_MERDC.emat'. Source material do not exist 09:42:52.118 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:42:52.118 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:42:52.118 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 09:42:52.118 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427479056" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 09:42:52.118 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 09:42:53.550 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:42:53.550 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:42:53.550 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427479105" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <7044.189941 79.099998 8589.124023> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427475952" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <7043.978027 80.580002 8588.809570> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 09:43:04.721 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:43:04.721 WORLD : Frame 09:43:04.721 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:43:04.721 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427474981" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <6006.434082 217.160004 7196.312012> @"{07B92B5E1A781635}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_US_Player_Variant_1.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 09:43:08.503 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:43:08.503 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:43:08.503 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427480172" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <7014.795898 96.940002 7805.487793> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427476562" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M151A2/m151a2_base.xob') at <7014.930176 95.900002 7806.244629> @"{86D830868F026D54}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M151A2/M151A2_MERDC.et" 09:43:08.504 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 09:43:08.504 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427480173" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 09:43:08.504 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 09:43:13.877 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:43:13.877 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:43:13.877 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427480534" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <7016.682129 95.779999 7802.500000> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427476562" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M151A2/m151a2_base.xob') at <7016.950195 94.919998 7803.273926> @"{86D830868F026D54}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M151A2/M151A2_MERDC.et" 09:43:14.636 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:43:14.636 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:43:14.636 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427480563" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <7017.366211 95.860001 7803.060059> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427476562" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M151A2/m151a2_base.xob') at <7016.950195 94.919998 7803.273926> @"{86D830868F026D54}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M151A2/M151A2_MERDC.et" 09:43:16.084 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:43:16.084 WORLD : Frame 09:43:16.084 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:43:16.084 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427476403" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <7321.861816 42.880001 7625.129883> @"{BE7CA93E188A5B58}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_US_Base.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_UpdateFlags(WR,) which wasn't queued 09:43:23.554 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:43:23.554 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:43:23.554 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427481188" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <7092.717773 76.099998 8541.694336> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427475952" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <7089.801758 74.024582 8542.758789> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 09:43:24.826 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:43:24.826 WORLD : Frame 09:43:24.826 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:43:24.826 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427480947" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <6018.386230 216.699997 7177.204102> @"{BE7CA93E188A5B58}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_US_Base.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_UpdateFlags(WR,) which wasn't queued 09:43:29.475 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:43:29.475 WORLD : Frame 09:43:29.475 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:43:29.475 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427480869" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <6006.434082 217.160004 7196.312012> @"{8D89B17BCFBFAE44}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_US_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_UpdateFlags(WR,) which wasn't queued 09:43:38.268 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:43:38.268 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:43:38.268 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{28ADC26474652E5D}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo_canvas_CIV_JZD.et" 09:43:38.268 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427482227" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_cargo.xob') at <6650.832031 109.580002 5867.127930> @"{28ADC26474652E5D}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo_canvas_CIV_JZD.et" 09:43:38.268 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:43:38.268 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:43:38.268 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:43:38.268 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:43:38.268 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:43:38.268 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:43:45.945 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:43:45.945 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 09:43:45.945 DEFAULT (E): Trying to consume replay messages, but the BaseAnimPhysComponent cannot be replay simulate at this moment. This results in the replay message being ignored! 09:43:51.721 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:43:51.721 WORLD : Frame 09:43:51.721 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:43:51.721 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427482476" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <5126.083984 175.740005 6977.083984> @"{918C557BF3506286}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_USSR_Base.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_UpdateFlags(WR,) which wasn't queued 09:43:58.629 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:43:58.629 WORLD : Frame 09:43:58.629 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:43:58.629 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427476334" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <7470.306152 7.559999 6713.806152> @"{8D89B17BCFBFAE44}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_US_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 09:44:01.192 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:44:01.192 WORLD : Frame 09:44:01.192 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:44:01.192 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427482750" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <5153.645996 170.919998 6930.996094> @"{F063CEEB9295E9B6}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_USSR_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_UpdateFlags(WR,) which wasn't queued 09:44:04.272 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:44:04.272 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:44:04.272 SCRIPT (W): There is not enough of SCR_CatalogSpawnerUserAction attached to actionManager. Some assets won't appear. 09:44:04.288 SCRIPT (E): 'SCR_BaseSupportStationComponent' 'EOnInit': 'GenericEntity<0x000002234243E030> @"ENTITY:4611686018427483380" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Props/Military/Fuel/FuelPump_US_01/Fu' Support Station is set to use supplies but it has no SCR_ResourceComponent 09:44:08.028 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:44:08.028 WORLD : Frame 09:44:08.028 GUI : Creating menu 'RespawnSuperMenu' 09:44:08.028 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Chat Has no Content! 09:44:08.028 SCRIPT (W): Slot_AvailableActions Has no Content! 09:44:08.028 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 09:44:08.028 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Hints Has no Content! 09:44:08.028 SCRIPT (E): HUDManager: Identifier: RespawnMenu is already used! Check if your Identifier is Unique! 09:44:08.029 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:44:08.029 WORLD : Frame 09:44:08.029 SCRIPT : SCR_MapEntity: Attempt to call PanSmooth before map init is completed 09:44:08.093 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:44:08.093 WORLD : Frame 09:44:08.093 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:44:08.094 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:44:08.094 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:44:08.094 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:44:08.094 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:44:08.094 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:44:08.094 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize_Relay' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:44:08.094 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:44:08.094 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:44:08.094 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:44:08.094 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:44:09.274 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:44:09.274 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:44:09.274 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{24ADE3A278D243EB}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_FIA_ammo_box.et" 09:44:09.274 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427483735" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_cargo.xob') at <5864.485840 100.500000 5913.054199> @"{24ADE3A278D243EB}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_FIA_ammo_box.et" 09:44:09.274 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:44:09.274 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:44:09.274 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:44:09.274 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:44:09.274 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:44:09.274 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:44:11.334 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:44:11.334 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:44:11.334 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427483896" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <6664.047852 169.880005 8348.830078> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427475952" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <6660.578613 169.508514 8345.432617> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 09:44:12.247 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:44:12.247 WORLD : PostFrame 09:44:12.247 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:44:12.247 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:44:12.247 INVENTORY (W): A move of an item has been proceeded, but the target storage is NULL. 09:44:12.263 SCRIPT (E): 'SCR_BaseSupportStationComponent' 'EOnInit': 'GenericEntity<0x0000022230073630> @"ENTITY:4611686018427483918" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Fuel/Jerrycan_01/Jerrycan_01.xo' Support Station is set to use supplies but it has no SCR_ResourceComponent 09:44:16.609 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:44:16.609 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:44:16.609 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 09:44:16.609 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427484121" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 09:44:16.609 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 09:44:19.752 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:44:19.752 WORLD : PostFrame 09:44:19.752 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadMaskFromSet can't load ImageSet 'UI/Textures/Icons/icons_mouse/icons_mouse.imageset' 09:44:19.856 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:44:19.856 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:44:19.856 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{70BAEEFC2D3FEE64}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/UH1H/UH1H.et" 09:44:19.856 WORLD : InitEntities 'world' 09:44:19.856 ENTITY : Init entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427484289" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/UH1H/UH1H_base.xob') at <7316.520020 42.260002 7676.312012> @"{70BAEEFC2D3FEE64}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/UH1H/UH1H.et" 09:44:19.856 SCRIPT (W): AUDIO: SCR_HitZoneStateSignal: No HitZone found 09:44:21.727 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:44:21.727 WORLD : Frame 09:44:21.727 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:44:21.727 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427475933" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <4252.217773 130.459991 7295.127930> @"{4F7E0952D726FB43}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_USSR_Player_Variant_1.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 09:44:26.002 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:44:26.002 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:44:26.002 INVENTORY (W): A move of an item has been proceeded, but the target storage is NULL. 09:44:27.073 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:44:27.073 WORLD : Frame 09:44:27.073 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:44:27.073 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427475889" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <4250.642090 130.080002 7293.782227> @"{918C557BF3506286}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_USSR_Base.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 09:44:30.398 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:44:30.398 WORLD : Frame 09:44:30.398 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:44:30.398 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427484389" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <6015.158203 216.679993 7183.434082> @"{8D89B17BCFBFAE44}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_US_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_UpdateFlags(WR,) which wasn't queued 09:44:35.378 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:44:35.378 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:44:35.378 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427485051" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <6952.640137 151.619995 8037.083984> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427475952" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <6952.777832 149.539993 8041.209961> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 09:44:38.479 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:44:38.479 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:44:38.479 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427485137" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <6092.405762 151.139999 6197.140137> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427472532" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_BASE.xob') at <6091.936035 149.459991 6198.534180> @"{37A9871AD4CC9610}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_engineer_MERDC.et" 09:44:43.525 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:44:43.525 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:44:43.525 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427485593" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <7316.096191 43.520000 7678.282227> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427484289" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/UH1H/UH1H_base.xob') at <7316.529785 42.180000 7676.325684> @"{70BAEEFC2D3FEE64}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/UH1H/UH1H.et" 09:44:46.054 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:44:46.054 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:44:46.054 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427485670" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <6081.100098 147.699997 6173.076172> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427472532" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_BASE.xob') at <6081.361328 146.187622 6176.577148> @"{37A9871AD4CC9610}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_engineer_MERDC.et" 09:44:48.508 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:44:48.508 WORLD : Frame 09:44:48.508 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:44:48.508 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427478907" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <6070.045898 179.479996 7484.642090> @"{918C557BF3506286}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_USSR_Base.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_UpdateFlags(WR,) which wasn't queued 09:44:48.529 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:44:48.529 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:44:48.529 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427485839" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <6366.786133 176.199997 7534.253906> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427476562" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M151A2/m151a2_base.xob') at <6367.415527 175.220001 7535.098145> @"{86D830868F026D54}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M151A2/M151A2_MERDC.et" 09:44:49.564 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:44:49.564 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:44:49.564 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 09:44:49.564 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427485962" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 09:44:49.564 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 09:45:01.897 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:45:01.897 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:45:01.897 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427486422" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <6354.598145 176.220001 7523.259766> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427476562" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M151A2/m151a2_base.xob') at <6354.190918 175.199997 7524.459961> @"{86D830868F026D54}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M151A2/M151A2_MERDC.et" 09:45:10.624 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:45:10.624 WORLD : Frame 09:45:10.624 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:45:10.624 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427475933" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <4252.217773 130.459991 7295.127930> @"{4F7E0952D726FB43}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_USSR_Player_Variant_1.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 09:45:12.188 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:45:12.188 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:45:12.188 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=27, Name= 09:45:12.832 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:45:12.832 WORLD : Frame 09:45:12.832 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:45:12.832 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427486805" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <6006.434082 217.160004 7196.312012> @"{07B92B5E1A781635}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_US_Player_Variant_1.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_UpdateFlags(WR,) which wasn't queued 09:45:18.788 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:45:18.788 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:45:18.788 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=96, Name=Tedday666 09:45:18.788 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=96, Name=Tedday666, IdentityId=ea5844f2-f4a7-46b3-afe9-db7d61a2ea45 09:45:27.191 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:45:27.191 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:45:27.191 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{A5647958579A4149}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural4320_repair.et" 09:45:27.191 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427487690" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_base.xob') at <4250.877930 85.619995 7211.348145> @"{A5647958579A4149}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural4320_repair.et" 09:45:27.191 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{2F088A1CDD3FB2F1}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_repair_box.et" 09:45:27.191 WORLD : Entity prefab load @"{2F088A1CDD3FB2F1}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_repair_box.et" 09:45:27.191 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{B7DE6834C8563C93}Prefabs/Vehicles/Core/Vehicle_RepairBox_Base.et" 09:45:27.191 WORLD : Entity prefab load @"{B7DE6834C8563C93}Prefabs/Vehicles/Core/Vehicle_RepairBox_Base.et" 09:45:27.191 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{28AA7AC34FC02DC8}Prefabs/Components/SupportStations/Repair/FieldRepairSupportStation_Vehicle.ct" 09:45:27.191 ENTITY : Prefab load @"{28AA7AC34FC02DC8}Prefabs/Components/SupportStations/Repair/FieldRepairSupportStation_Vehicle.ct" 09:45:27.191 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{7D67AF7165CBE2A3}Prefabs/Components/SupportStations/Repair/BaseFieldRepairSupportStation.ct" 09:45:27.191 ENTITY : Prefab load @"{7D67AF7165CBE2A3}Prefabs/Components/SupportStations/Repair/BaseFieldRepairSupportStation.ct" 09:45:27.191 ENTITY (E): Unknown keyword/data 'm_bCanMoveWithPhysics' at offset 151(0x97) 09:45:27.194 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{2F088A1CDD3FB2F1}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_repair_box.et" 09:45:27.194 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427487715" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural_4320_repair_box.xob') at <4250.877930 85.619995 7211.348145> @"{2F088A1CDD3FB2F1}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_repair_box.et" 09:45:27.194 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:45:27.194 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:45:27.194 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:45:27.194 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:45:27.207 SCRIPT (E): 'SCR_SupportStationAreaMeshComponent' (GenericEntity<0x0000022230AB6A30> @"ENTITY:4611686018427487724" ('GenericEntity') at <4248.461914 84.999931 7211.525879>) linked support station (REPAIR) has an offset but the local position of the area mesh is: '<-0.001617, -0.003113, -2.500488>' were as the support station offset is '<0.000000, 0.000000, -2.500000>' this must be the same else the zone shows an incorrect area! 09:45:30.551 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:45:30.551 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:45:30.551 AUDIO (E): Build error: Invalid custom index @"Sounds/RadioProtocol/RadioProtocol_Campaign_HQ_3_RU.acp|Base_V2,15 09:45:36.031 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:45:36.031 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:45:36.031 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427488249" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <6093.178223 208.380005 7061.290039> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427478704" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M151A2/m151a2_base.xob') at <6094.270020 206.979996 7061.083984> @"{94DE32169691AC34}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M151A2/M151A2_transport_MERDC.et" 09:45:41.372 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:45:41.372 WORLD : Frame 09:45:41.372 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:45:41.372 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427488302" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <6006.434082 217.160004 7196.312012> @"{07B92B5E1A781635}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_US_Player_Variant_1.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_UpdateFlags(WR,) which wasn't queued 09:45:50.602 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:45:50.602 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:45:50.602 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427488627" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <6907.363770 226.699997 7348.976074> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427484289" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/UH1H/UH1H_base.xob') at <6907.652344 223.551132 7365.095703> @"{70BAEEFC2D3FEE64}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/UH1H/UH1H.et" 09:45:56.135 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:45:56.135 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:45:56.135 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=26, Name= 09:45:58.860 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:45:58.860 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:45:58.860 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427488783" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <6888.355957 190.199997 7907.098145> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427475952" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <6888.667969 188.600006 7914.060059> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 09:45:59.004 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:45:59.004 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:45:59.004 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 09:45:59.004 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427488788" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 09:45:59.004 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 09:45:59.946 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:45:59.946 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:45:59.946 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427488799" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <6912.562012 263.500000 7078.916016> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427484289" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/UH1H/UH1H_base.xob') at <6911.583984 261.720001 7086.875977> @"{70BAEEFC2D3FEE64}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/UH1H/UH1H.et" 09:46:02.007 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:46:02.007 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:46:02.007 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=97, Name=Tommy Shelby 09:46:02.009 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=97, Name=Tommy Shelby, IdentityId=9960d478-8280-46ab-97fd-495a6f6463f2 09:46:03.700 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:46:03.700 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:46:03.700 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427488860" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <6940.454102 276.679993 6951.171875> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427484289" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/UH1H/UH1H_base.xob') at <6936.750000 274.640015 6964.540039> @"{70BAEEFC2D3FEE64}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/UH1H/UH1H.et" 09:46:07.858 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:46:07.858 WORLD : Frame 09:46:07.858 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:46:07.858 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427485752" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <6070.045898 179.479996 7484.642090> @"{F063CEEB9295E9B6}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_USSR_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_UpdateFlags(WR,) which wasn't queued 09:46:23.039 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:46:23.039 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:46:23.039 SCRIPT (W): There is not enough of SCR_CatalogSpawnerUserAction attached to actionManager. Some assets won't appear. 09:46:35.280 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:46:35.280 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 09:46:35.280 DEFAULT (E): Trying to consume replay messages, but the BaseAnimPhysComponent cannot be replay simulate at this moment. This results in the replay message being ignored! 09:46:36.249 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:46:36.249 WORLD : Frame 09:46:36.249 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:46:36.249 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427476260" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <7471.341797 8.120000 6692.155762> @"{BE7CA93E188A5B58}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_US_Base.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_UpdateFlags(WR,) which wasn't queued 09:46:44.209 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:46:44.209 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:46:44.209 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 09:46:44.209 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427490710" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 09:46:44.209 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 09:47:08.955 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:47:08.955 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:47:08.955 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{12D7EB72A88C923F}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/FIA/Ural4320_FIA_cargo_canvas.et" 09:47:08.955 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427492315" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_cargo.xob') at <5411.711914 78.500000 5691.271973> @"{12D7EB72A88C923F}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/FIA/Ural4320_FIA_cargo_canvas.et" 09:47:08.955 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:47:08.955 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:47:08.955 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:47:08.955 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:47:08.955 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:47:08.955 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:47:08.975 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:47:08.975 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:47:08.975 NETWORK : BaseCompartmentManagerComponent::Load, Occupant not found, 2147764431 09:47:10.169 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:47:10.169 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:47:10.169 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{28ADC26474652E5D}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo_canvas_CIV_JZD.et" 09:47:10.169 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427492805" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_cargo.xob') at <7578.246094 82.300003 5482.290039> @"{28ADC26474652E5D}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo_canvas_CIV_JZD.et" 09:47:10.170 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:47:10.170 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:47:10.170 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:47:10.170 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:47:10.170 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:47:10.170 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:47:12.463 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:47:12.463 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:47:12.463 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 09:47:12.463 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427492989" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 09:47:12.463 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 09:47:59.690 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:47:59.690 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:47:59.690 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=44, Name= 09:48:00.869 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:48:00.869 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:48:00.869 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{12D7EB72A88C923F}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/FIA/Ural4320_FIA_cargo_canvas.et" 09:48:00.869 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427495531" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_cargo.xob') at <5411.711914 78.500000 5691.271973> @"{12D7EB72A88C923F}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/FIA/Ural4320_FIA_cargo_canvas.et" 09:48:00.869 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:48:00.869 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:48:00.869 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:48:00.869 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:48:00.869 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:48:00.869 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:48:00.872 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:48:00.872 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:48:00.872 NETWORK : BaseCompartmentManagerComponent::Load, Occupant not found, 2147506569 09:48:00.875 NETWORK : BaseCompartmentManagerComponent::Load, Occupant not found, 2147764431 09:48:01.634 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:48:01.634 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:48:01.634 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{28ADC26474652E5D}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo_canvas_CIV_JZD.et" 09:48:01.634 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427496038" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_cargo.xob') at <7578.246094 82.300003 5482.290039> @"{28ADC26474652E5D}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo_canvas_CIV_JZD.et" 09:48:01.634 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:48:01.634 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:48:01.634 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:48:01.634 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:48:01.634 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:48:01.634 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:48:01.964 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:48:01.964 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:48:01.964 DEFAULT (W): BaseTransceiver::SetFrequency is not supported on proxies. 09:48:05.359 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:48:05.359 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:48:05.359 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=98, Name=zombie679442 09:48:05.360 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=98, Name=zombie679442, IdentityId=617f818f-9018-4370-af1a-11ed518f66ae 09:48:06.284 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:48:06.284 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:48:06.284 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427496658" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <5219.666016 65.459999 5339.184082> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427495582" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_BASE.xob') at <5221.782227 63.540001 5338.583984> @"{37A9871AD4CC9610}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_engineer_MERDC.et" 09:48:06.821 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:48:06.821 WORLD : Frame 09:48:06.821 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:48:06.821 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427465040" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <5128.005859 175.500000 6984.098145> @"{F063CEEB9295E9B6}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_USSR_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 09:48:17.434 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:48:17.434 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:48:17.434 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427497572" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <7063.213867 157.380005 7043.492188> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427475952" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <7062.984863 157.173401 7026.949707> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 09:48:18.327 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:48:18.327 WORLD : Frame 09:48:18.327 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:48:18.327 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427496710" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <5061.459961 176.559998 6971.868164> @"{F063CEEB9295E9B6}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_USSR_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_UpdateFlags(WR,) which wasn't queued 09:48:21.030 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:48:21.030 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:48:21.030 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427497797" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <7061.220215 148.959991 7200.874023> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427475952" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <7061.045410 147.056900 7193.551270> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 09:48:21.679 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:48:21.679 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:48:21.679 RPL (W): IReplication::WasteWarning: Item did not read all of the init data! itemId=0x80016A0E, layout='script::Game::SCR_CharacterDamageManagerComponent', initSize=24b, wasted=10b 09:48:34.975 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:48:34.975 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:48:34.975 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 09:48:34.975 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427498545" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 09:48:34.975 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 09:48:39.179 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:48:39.179 WORLD : Frame 09:48:39.179 GUI : Creating menu 'RespawnSuperMenu' 09:48:39.179 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Chat Has no Content! 09:48:39.179 SCRIPT (W): Slot_AvailableActions Has no Content! 09:48:39.179 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 09:48:39.179 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Hints Has no Content! 09:48:39.179 SCRIPT (E): HUDManager: Identifier: RespawnMenu is already used! Check if your Identifier is Unique! 09:48:39.180 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:48:39.180 WORLD : Frame 09:48:39.180 SCRIPT : SCR_MapEntity: Attempt to call PanSmooth before map init is completed 09:48:39.243 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:48:39.243 WORLD : Frame 09:48:39.243 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:48:39.244 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:48:39.244 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:48:39.244 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:48:39.244 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:48:39.244 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:48:39.244 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:48:39.244 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:48:39.244 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:48:39.244 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize_Relay' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:48:39.244 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:48:44.690 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:48:44.690 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:48:44.690 INVENTORY (W): A move of an item has been proceeded, but the target storage is NULL. 09:48:44.708 SCRIPT (E): 'SCR_BaseSupportStationComponent' 'EOnInit': 'GenericEntity<0x00000223806F0030> @"ENTITY:4611686018427499050" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Fuel/Jerrycan_01/Jerrycan_01.xo' Support Station is set to use supplies but it has no SCR_ResourceComponent 09:48:48.452 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:48:48.452 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:48:48.452 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 09:48:48.452 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427499184" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 09:48:48.452 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 09:48:52.392 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:48:52.392 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:48:52.392 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427499434" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <6911.521973 107.360001 8329.291992> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427475952" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <6916.444336 106.008766 8331.475586> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 09:48:53.290 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:48:53.290 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:48:53.290 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=0, Name= 09:48:53.998 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:48:53.998 WORLD : Frame 09:48:53.998 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:48:53.998 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427499185" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <6000.695801 217.360001 7196.007812> @"{07B92B5E1A781635}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_US_Player_Variant_1.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_UpdateFlags(WR,) which wasn't queued 09:49:02.168 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:49:02.168 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:49:02.168 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=99, Name=nichdakilla 09:49:02.169 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=99, Name=nichdakilla, IdentityId=c3aca5b5-8b0e-4a06-bcf4-1256a709f52e 09:49:16.879 SCRIPT (E): 'SCR_BaseSupportStationComponent' 'EOnInit': 'GenericEntity<0x0000022230DCC230> @"ENTITY:4611686018427500643" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Fuel/Jerrycan_01/Jerrycan_01.xo' Support Station is set to use supplies but it has no SCR_ResourceComponent 09:49:18.593 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:49:18.593 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:49:18.593 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=3, Name= 09:49:25.444 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:49:25.444 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:49:25.444 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=100, Name=MANO TANFAS 09:49:25.445 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=100, Name=MANO TANFAS, IdentityId=0fc38540-ff2f-4b3a-9b5a-ed173e3582d5 09:49:30.824 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:49:30.824 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:49:30.824 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427501032" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <7400.779785 63.860001 6532.680176> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427484289" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/UH1H/UH1H_base.xob') at <7405.409180 60.447659 6539.385254> @"{70BAEEFC2D3FEE64}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/UH1H/UH1H.et" 09:49:34.860 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:49:34.860 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:49:34.860 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427501113" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <7357.492188 91.000000 6473.974121> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427484289" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/UH1H/UH1H_base.xob') at <7362.448242 87.379997 6480.315918> @"{70BAEEFC2D3FEE64}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/UH1H/UH1H.et" 09:49:35.147 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:49:35.147 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:49:35.147 INVENTORY (W): A move of an item has been proceeded, but the target storage is NULL. 09:49:35.164 SCRIPT (E): 'SCR_BaseSupportStationComponent' 'EOnInit': 'GenericEntity<0x0000022230DD8830> @"ENTITY:4611686018427501124" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Fuel/Jerrycan_01/Jerrycan_01.xo' Support Station is set to use supplies but it has no SCR_ResourceComponent 09:49:35.284 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:49:35.284 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:49:35.284 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427501172" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <6846.423828 90.000000 8154.680176> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427475952" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <6848.597168 88.300003 8154.770996> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 09:49:40.652 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:49:40.652 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:49:40.652 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427501430" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <6845.125977 89.879997 8155.879883> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427475952" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <6848.686523 88.286865 8154.797363> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 09:49:43.387 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:49:43.387 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:49:43.387 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427501467" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <6850.125977 90.160004 8153.607910> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427475952" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <6848.737793 88.279999 8154.799805> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 09:49:50.018 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:49:50.018 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:49:50.018 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427501633" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <6848.487793 91.760002 8154.728027> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427475952" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <6848.782227 88.839996 8155.012207> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 09:49:51.998 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:49:51.998 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:49:51.998 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427501663" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <7255.724121 173.580002 6163.875977> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427484289" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/UH1H/UH1H_base.xob') at <7258.517578 171.234650 6176.806152> @"{70BAEEFC2D3FEE64}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/UH1H/UH1H.et" 09:49:52.124 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:49:52.124 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:49:52.124 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427501665" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <7256.049805 174.339996 6162.562012> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427484289" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/UH1H/UH1H_base.xob') at <7257.672852 171.683929 6173.216797> @"{70BAEEFC2D3FEE64}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/UH1H/UH1H.et" 09:49:55.471 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:49:55.471 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:49:55.471 INVENTORY (W): A move of an item has been proceeded, but the target storage is NULL. 09:50:07.204 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:50:07.204 WORLD : Frame 09:50:07.204 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:50:07.204 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427497978" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <7439.585938 12.160000 6686.571777> @"{8D89B17BCFBFAE44}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_US_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_UpdateFlags(WR,) which wasn't queued 09:50:07.512 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:50:07.512 WORLD : Frame 09:50:07.512 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:50:07.512 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427468787" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <3212.145996 6.959999 7152.290039> @"{918C557BF3506286}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_USSR_Base.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 09:50:07.973 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:50:07.973 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:50:07.973 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427501910" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <6844.682129 96.940002 8107.125977> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427475952" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <6846.711426 95.080002 8107.154785> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 09:50:08.909 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:50:08.909 WORLD : Frame 09:50:08.909 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:50:08.909 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427500211" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <7268.645996 45.540001 7641.490234> @"{BE7CA93E188A5B58}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_US_Base.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_UpdateFlags(WR,) which wasn't queued 09:50:11.302 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:50:11.302 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:50:11.302 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427501930" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <6848.609863 97.020004 8106.397949> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427475952" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <6846.850098 95.080002 8107.125977> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 09:50:14.919 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:50:14.919 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:50:14.919 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=46, Name= 09:50:15.213 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:50:15.213 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:50:15.213 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{69A9BC585134D555}Prefabs/Weapons/HeavyWeapons/HMG_M2HB_pintle_M151A2.et" 09:50:15.213 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427502024" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/HeavyWeapons/M2HB/M2.xob') at <7501.286133 8.840000 6737.045898> @"{69A9BC585134D555}Prefabs/Weapons/HeavyWeapons/HMG_M2HB_pintle_M151A2.et" 09:50:15.213 ANIMATION (E): @"ENTITY:4611686018427502024" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/HeavyWeapons/M2HB/M2.xob') at <7501.286133 8.840000 6737.045898> @"{69A9BC585134D555}Prefabs/Weapons/HeavyWeapons/HMG_M2HB_pintle_M151A2.et": anim controller initialization data is invalid (graph , node MasterControl, instance ) 09:50:19.889 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:50:19.889 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:50:19.889 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427502064" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <6844.687988 96.879997 8107.271973> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427475952" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <6847.301758 95.019997 8107.093750> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 09:50:22.089 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:50:22.089 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:50:22.089 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=101, Name=Yamaneko 09:50:22.090 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=101, Name=Yamaneko, IdentityId=759c4b27-5898-4928-ba14-22024df6bf34 09:50:23.036 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:50:23.036 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:50:23.036 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{2F088A1CDD3FB2F1}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_repair_box.et" 09:50:23.036 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427502177" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural_4320_repair_box.xob') at <4555.417969 156.240005 6897.102051> @"{2F088A1CDD3FB2F1}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_repair_box.et" 09:50:23.036 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:50:23.036 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:50:23.036 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:50:23.036 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:50:23.051 SCRIPT (E): 'SCR_SupportStationAreaMeshComponent' (GenericEntity<0x00000222305A5730> @"ENTITY:4611686018427502186" ('GenericEntity') at <4557.907715 156.239990 6896.870117>) linked support station (REPAIR) has an offset but the local position of the area mesh is: '<-0.002899, 0.004868, -2.500488>' were as the support station offset is '<0.000000, 0.000000, -2.500000>' this must be the same else the zone shows an incorrect area! 09:50:23.256 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:50:23.256 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:50:23.256 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{12D7EB72A88C923F}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/FIA/Ural4320_FIA_cargo_canvas.et" 09:50:23.256 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427502238" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_cargo.xob') at <4642.945801 111.500000 8236.080078> @"{12D7EB72A88C923F}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/FIA/Ural4320_FIA_cargo_canvas.et" 09:50:23.256 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:50:23.256 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:50:23.256 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:50:23.256 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:50:23.256 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:50:23.256 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:50:27.245 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:50:27.245 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:50:27.245 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427502380" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <6847.541992 96.820000 8106.636230> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427475952" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <6847.769043 94.959999 8107.060059> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 09:50:27.415 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:50:27.415 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:50:27.415 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427502387" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <6844.043945 96.739998 8108.001953> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427475952" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <6847.783203 94.959999 8107.058105> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 09:50:27.490 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:50:27.490 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:50:27.490 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427502389" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <4554.076172 158.000000 6896.465820> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427502152" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_base.xob') at <4555.417969 156.240005 6897.102051> @"{A5647958579A4149}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural4320_repair.et" 09:50:33.825 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:50:33.825 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:50:33.825 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427502460" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <6846.116211 96.779999 8107.043945> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427475952" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <6848.162109 94.919998 8107.021973> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 09:51:12.902 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:51:12.902 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:51:12.902 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 09:51:12.902 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427502834" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 09:51:12.902 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 09:51:19.898 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:51:19.898 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:51:19.898 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427503198" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <6848.479980 96.520004 8106.804199> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427475952" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <6850.507812 94.680000 8106.664062> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 09:51:21.801 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:51:21.801 WORLD : Frame 09:51:21.801 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:51:21.801 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427482750" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <5153.645996 170.919998 6930.996094> @"{F063CEEB9295E9B6}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_USSR_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 09:51:25.541 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:51:25.541 WORLD : Frame 09:51:25.541 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:51:25.541 DEFAULT (W): Weapon reloading - Magazine not available. 09:51:26.313 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:51:26.313 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:51:26.313 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{12D7EB72A88C923F}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/FIA/Ural4320_FIA_cargo_canvas.et" 09:51:26.313 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427503641" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_cargo.xob') at <5411.711914 78.500000 5691.271973> @"{12D7EB72A88C923F}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/FIA/Ural4320_FIA_cargo_canvas.et" 09:51:26.313 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:51:26.313 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:51:26.313 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:51:26.313 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:51:26.313 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:51:26.313 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:51:26.527 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:51:26.527 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:51:26.527 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427503993" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <6854.200195 96.119995 8107.016113> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427475952" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <6850.895508 94.640945 8106.589844> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 09:51:27.142 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:51:27.142 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:51:27.142 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{28ADC26474652E5D}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo_canvas_CIV_JZD.et" 09:51:27.142 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427504021" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_cargo.xob') at <7578.246094 82.300003 5482.290039> @"{28ADC26474652E5D}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo_canvas_CIV_JZD.et" 09:51:27.142 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:51:27.142 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:51:27.142 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:51:27.142 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:51:27.142 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:51:27.142 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:51:27.638 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:51:27.638 WORLD : Frame 09:51:27.638 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:51:27.638 DEFAULT (W): Weapon reloading - Magazine not available. 09:51:28.451 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:51:28.451 WORLD : Frame 09:51:28.451 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:51:28.451 DEFAULT (W): Weapon reloading - Magazine not available. 09:51:29.376 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:51:29.376 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:51:29.376 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427504279" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <6852.518066 96.520004 8105.487793> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427475952" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <6851.056641 94.639999 8106.581055> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 09:51:37.510 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:51:37.510 WORLD : PostFrame 09:51:37.510 GUI : Creating menu 'Inventory20Menu' 09:51:37.510 SCRIPT (W): Slot_VON Has no Content! 09:51:37.510 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 09:51:37.689 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:51:37.689 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:51:40.984 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:51:40.984 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:51:40.984 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:51:40.984 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:51:40.993 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 09:51:40.993 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:51:40.993 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:51:43.206 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:51:43.206 WORLD : PostFrame 09:51:43.206 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:51:43.206 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:51:43.206 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:51:43.206 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:51:43.217 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 09:51:43.217 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:51:43.217 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:51:43.421 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:51:43.421 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:51:43.421 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:51:43.421 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:51:43.431 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 09:51:43.431 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:51:43.431 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:51:46.002 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:51:46.002 WORLD : PostFrame 09:51:46.002 GUI : Creating menu 'Inventory20Menu' 09:51:46.002 SCRIPT (W): Slot_VON Has no Content! 09:51:46.002 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 09:51:46.105 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:51:46.105 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:51:49.139 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:51:49.139 WORLD : PostFrame 09:51:49.139 GUI : Creating menu 'Inventory20Menu' 09:51:49.139 SCRIPT (W): Slot_VON Has no Content! 09:51:49.140 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 09:51:49.237 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:51:49.237 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:51:52.267 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:51:52.267 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:51:52.267 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:51:52.267 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:51:52.276 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 09:51:52.276 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:51:52.276 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:51:52.581 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:51:52.581 WORLD : PostFrame 09:51:52.581 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:51:52.581 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:51:52.581 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:51:52.581 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:51:52.588 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 09:51:52.588 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:51:52.589 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:51:54.399 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:51:54.399 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:51:54.399 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:51:54.399 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:51:54.410 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 09:51:54.410 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:51:54.410 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:51:54.717 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:51:54.717 WORLD : PostFrame 09:51:54.717 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:51:54.717 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:51:54.717 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:51:54.717 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:51:54.724 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 09:51:54.724 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:51:54.724 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:51:55.080 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:51:55.080 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:51:55.080 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:51:55.080 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:51:55.090 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 09:51:55.090 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:51:55.090 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:51:55.614 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:51:55.614 WORLD : PostFrame 09:51:55.614 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:51:55.614 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:51:55.614 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:51:55.614 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:51:55.621 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 09:51:55.621 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:51:55.621 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:51:57.964 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:51:57.964 WORLD : PostFrame 09:51:57.964 GUI : Creating menu 'Inventory20Menu' 09:51:57.964 SCRIPT (W): Slot_VON Has no Content! 09:51:57.964 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 09:51:58.061 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:51:58.061 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:52:00.263 GUI : Creating menu 'Inventory20Menu' 09:52:00.263 SCRIPT (W): Slot_VON Has no Content! 09:52:00.263 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 09:52:00.367 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:52:00.367 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:52:01.270 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:52:01.270 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:52:01.270 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:52:01.270 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:52:04.205 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:52:04.205 WORLD : PostFrame 09:52:04.205 GUI : Creating menu 'Inventory20Menu' 09:52:04.205 SCRIPT (W): Slot_VON Has no Content! 09:52:04.205 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 09:52:04.309 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:52:04.309 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:52:04.641 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:52:04.641 WORLD : PostFrame 09:52:04.641 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:52:04.641 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:52:04.641 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=2, Name= 09:52:07.775 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:52:07.775 WORLD : PostFrame 09:52:07.775 GUI : Creating menu 'Inventory20Menu' 09:52:07.775 SCRIPT (W): Slot_VON Has no Content! 09:52:07.775 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 09:52:07.885 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:52:07.885 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:52:10.343 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:52:10.343 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:52:10.343 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=102, Name=DeathHawk105 09:52:10.343 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=102, Name=DeathHawk105, IdentityId=42827fd7-e32a-46ff-ac5e-1634c0477120 09:52:11.378 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:52:11.378 WORLD : PostFrame 09:52:11.378 GUI : Creating menu 'Inventory20Menu' 09:52:11.378 SCRIPT (W): Slot_VON Has no Content! 09:52:11.378 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 09:52:11.463 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:52:11.463 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:52:15.396 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:52:15.396 WORLD : Frame 09:52:15.396 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:52:15.396 DEFAULT (W): Weapon reloading - Magazine not available. 09:52:22.849 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:52:22.849 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:52:22.849 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427505313" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <7397.439941 51.279999 7936.058105> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427475952" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <7389.231934 51.120865 7945.007324> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 09:52:24.753 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:52:24.753 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:52:24.753 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427505402" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <7451.041992 39.519997 7859.339844> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427475952" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <7444.827148 39.501362 7871.953125> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 09:52:33.463 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:52:33.463 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:52:33.463 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427505775" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <4964.826172 175.580002 7001.684082> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427455468" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_base.xob') at <4969.378418 173.800552 6996.857910> @"{D9B91FAB817A6033}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural4320_transport_covered.et" 09:52:44.709 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:52:44.709 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:52:44.709 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=37, Name= 09:52:51.519 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:52:51.519 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:52:51.519 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=103, Name=sevski007 09:52:51.520 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=103, Name=sevski007, IdentityId=3d7c8a84-8b1e-493d-b7e6-3bf9d9e9bde0 09:52:58.931 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:52:58.931 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:52:58.931 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427507325" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <4763.861816 164.440002 7122.833984> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427455468" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_base.xob') at <4765.520020 162.979996 7117.631836> @"{D9B91FAB817A6033}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural4320_transport_covered.et" 09:53:00.521 GUI : Creating menu 'Inventory20Menu' 09:53:00.521 SCRIPT (W): Slot_VON Has no Content! 09:53:00.521 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 09:53:00.685 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:53:00.685 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 09:53:02.690 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:53:02.690 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:53:02.690 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=40, Name= 09:53:06.797 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:53:06.797 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:53:06.797 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427507482" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <4792.857910 165.539993 7259.233887> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427455468" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_base.xob') at <4792.308594 163.908264 7252.751465> @"{D9B91FAB817A6033}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural4320_transport_covered.et" 09:53:06.870 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:53:06.870 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:53:06.870 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{70BAEEFC2D3FEE64}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/UH1H/UH1H.et" 09:53:06.870 WORLD : InitEntities 'world' 09:53:06.870 ENTITY : Init entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427507543" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/UH1H/UH1H_base.xob') at <7526.341797 238.279999 5253.120117> @"{70BAEEFC2D3FEE64}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/UH1H/UH1H.et" 09:53:06.870 SCRIPT (W): AUDIO: SCR_HitZoneStateSignal: No HitZone found 09:53:09.737 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:53:09.737 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:53:09.737 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=26, Name=EnjoyedCart7621, IdentityId=3f3df3b3-d147-4ee8-8267-a510ece337b2 09:53:17.100 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:53:17.100 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:53:17.100 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427508201" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <4791.417969 160.740005 7412.436035> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427455468" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_base.xob') at <4791.178223 159.440002 7403.423828> @"{D9B91FAB817A6033}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural4320_transport_covered.et" 09:53:17.804 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:53:17.804 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:53:17.804 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 09:53:17.804 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427508250" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 09:53:17.804 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 09:53:21.007 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:53:21.007 WORLD : Frame 09:53:21.007 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:53:21.007 DEFAULT (W): Weapon reloading - Magazine not available. 09:53:23.797 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:53:23.797 WORLD : Frame 09:53:23.797 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:53:23.797 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427465040" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <5128.005859 175.500000 6984.098145> @"{F063CEEB9295E9B6}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_USSR_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 09:53:24.975 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:53:24.975 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:53:24.975 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427508724" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <4773.074219 147.020004 7548.490234> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427455468" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_base.xob') at <4775.574219 146.380005 7539.213867> @"{D9B91FAB817A6033}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural4320_transport_covered.et" 09:53:27.286 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:53:27.286 WORLD : Frame 09:53:27.286 GUI : Creating menu 'RespawnSuperMenu' 09:53:27.286 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Chat Has no Content! 09:53:27.286 SCRIPT (W): Slot_AvailableActions Has no Content! 09:53:27.286 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 09:53:27.286 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Hints Has no Content! 09:53:27.287 SCRIPT (E): HUDManager: Identifier: RespawnMenu is already used! Check if your Identifier is Unique! 09:53:27.288 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:53:27.288 WORLD : Frame 09:53:27.288 SCRIPT : SCR_MapEntity: Attempt to call PanSmooth before map init is completed 09:53:27.350 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:53:27.350 WORLD : Frame 09:53:27.350 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:53:27.350 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:53:27.350 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:53:27.350 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:53:27.350 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:53:27.351 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:53:27.351 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:53:27.351 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:53:27.351 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize_Relay' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:53:27.351 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:53:27.351 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:53:30.466 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:53:30.466 WORLD : PostFrame 09:53:30.466 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:53:30.466 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:53:30.466 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427509215" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <7092.253906 76.620003 7171.812012> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427502005" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M151A2/m151a2_base.xob') at <7092.979980 75.220001 7170.895996> @"{5168FEA3054D6D15}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M151A2/M151A2_M2HB_MERDC.et" 09:53:35.533 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:53:35.533 WORLD : PostFrame 09:53:35.533 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:53:35.533 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:53:35.533 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427509492" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <7464.959961 107.279999 6710.003906> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427507543" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/UH1H/UH1H_base.xob') at <7467.854004 105.639999 6686.844238> @"{70BAEEFC2D3FEE64}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/UH1H/UH1H.et" 09:53:44.440 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:53:44.440 WORLD : PostFrame 09:53:44.440 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:53:44.440 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:53:44.440 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427510070" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <7410.452148 121.220001 7142.089844> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427507543" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/UH1H/UH1H_base.xob') at <7412.430176 119.300003 7126.625977> @"{70BAEEFC2D3FEE64}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/UH1H/UH1H.et" 09:53:49.572 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:53:49.572 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:53:49.572 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 09:53:49.572 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427510246" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 09:53:49.572 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 09:53:49.697 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:53:49.697 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:53:49.697 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427510257" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <7381.374023 122.459999 7447.859863> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427507543" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/UH1H/UH1H_base.xob') at <7382.921387 123.125145 7433.201172> @"{70BAEEFC2D3FEE64}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/UH1H/UH1H.et" 09:54:15.203 GUI : Creating menu 'MapMenu' 09:54:15.203 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Chat Has no Content! 09:54:15.203 SCRIPT (W): Slot_VON Has no Content! 09:54:15.203 SCRIPT (W): Slot_AvailableActions Has no Content! 09:54:15.203 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 09:54:15.203 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Notifications Has no Content! 09:54:15.203 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Hints Has no Content! 09:54:15.256 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:54:15.256 WORLD : Frame 09:54:15.256 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:54:15.256 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:54:15.256 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:54:15.256 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:54:15.256 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:54:15.256 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:54:15.256 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:54:15.256 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:54:15.256 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize_Relay' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:54:15.256 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:54:15.256 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:54:15.473 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:54:15.473 WORLD : PostFrame 09:54:15.473 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadMaskFromSet can't load ImageSet 'UI/Textures/Icons/icons_mouse/icons_mouse.imageset' 09:54:16.683 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:54:16.683 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:54:16.683 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 09:54:16.683 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427511191" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 09:54:16.683 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 09:54:18.764 SCRIPT (W): [SCR_RadialMenuController] - has no menu selected to control! 09:54:23.095 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:54:23.095 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:54:23.095 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427511664" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <4866.304199 116.199997 8038.655762> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427455468" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_base.xob') at <4864.494141 114.739998 8037.242188> @"{D9B91FAB817A6033}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural4320_transport_covered.et" 09:54:23.194 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:54:23.194 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:54:23.194 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=19, Name= 09:54:26.128 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:54:26.128 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:54:26.129 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=34, Name= 09:54:28.965 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:54:28.965 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:54:28.965 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=104, Name=IAMGOD8679 09:54:28.966 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=104, Name=IAMGOD8679, IdentityId=3106c029-3761-4cc8-b404-87ac1a023f02 09:54:34.337 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:54:34.337 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:54:34.337 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=105, Name=torcuatozabalza 09:54:34.337 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=105, Name=torcuatozabalza, IdentityId=3cfe6ec2-16a8-4e7e-a8b8-ede87253fdd4 09:54:40.367 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:54:40.367 WORLD : Frame 09:54:40.367 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:54:40.367 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427512056" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <6006.434082 217.160004 7196.312012> @"{BE7CA93E188A5B58}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_US_Base.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_UpdateFlags(WR,) which wasn't queued 09:54:51.716 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:54:51.716 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:54:51.716 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{36C74DDCB2C9E2DB}Prefabs/Weapons/MachineGuns/PKM/MG_PKMT_Mi8_front.et" 09:54:51.716 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427512691" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/MachineGuns/PKMT/PKMT_body.xob') at <7748.560059 90.779999 7420.604004> @"{36C74DDCB2C9E2DB}Prefabs/Weapons/MachineGuns/PKM/MG_PKMT_Mi8_front.et" 09:54:51.716 ANIMATION (E): @"ENTITY:4611686018427512691" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/MachineGuns/PKMT/PKMT_body.xob') at <7748.560059 90.779999 7420.604004> @"{36C74DDCB2C9E2DB}Prefabs/Weapons/MachineGuns/PKM/MG_PKMT_Mi8_front.et": anim controller initialization data is invalid (graph , node MasterControl, instance ) 09:54:51.816 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:54:51.816 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:54:51.816 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 09:54:51.816 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427512694" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <7749.770020 90.320000 7420.990234> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 09:54:51.816 SPAWN (W): EmissiveLightSurfaceSlot couldn't find ParametricMaterialInstanceComponent at attached entity. Please check configuration of Light Manager at @"ENTITY:4611686018427512694" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <7749.770020 90.320000 7420.990234> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 09:54:51.816 SPAWN (W): EmissiveLightSurfaceSlot couldn't find ParametricMaterialInstanceComponent at attached entity. Please check configuration of Light Manager at @"ENTITY:4611686018427512694" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <7749.770020 90.320000 7420.990234> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 09:54:51.816 SPAWN (W): EmissiveLightSurfaceSlot couldn't find ParametricMaterialInstanceComponent at attached entity. Please check configuration of Light Manager at @"ENTITY:4611686018427512694" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <7749.770020 90.320000 7420.990234> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 09:54:51.817 WORLD : InitEntities 'world' 09:54:51.817 ENTITY : Init entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427512694" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <7749.770020 90.320000 7420.990234> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 09:54:51.817 SCRIPT (W): AUDIO: SCR_HitZoneStateSignal: No HitZone found 09:54:51.820 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:54:51.820 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:54:51.820 NETWORK : BaseCompartmentManagerComponent::Load, Occupant not found, 2147732623 09:54:51.909 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:54:51.909 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:54:51.909 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{517ED1D91D5D2B54}Prefabs/Weapons/MachineGuns/PKM/MG_PKMT_Mi8_rear.et" 09:54:51.909 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427512774" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/MachineGuns/PKMT/PKMT_body.xob') at <7749.700195 93.099998 7420.647949> @"{517ED1D91D5D2B54}Prefabs/Weapons/MachineGuns/PKM/MG_PKMT_Mi8_rear.et" 09:54:51.909 ANIMATION (E): @"ENTITY:4611686018427512774" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/MachineGuns/PKMT/PKMT_body.xob') at <7749.700195 93.099998 7420.647949> @"{517ED1D91D5D2B54}Prefabs/Weapons/MachineGuns/PKM/MG_PKMT_Mi8_rear.et": anim controller initialization data is invalid (graph , node MasterControl, instance ) 09:54:55.307 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:54:55.307 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:54:55.307 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427513230" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <4849.669922 117.699997 8028.804199> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427455468" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_base.xob') at <4849.038574 116.020004 8030.446777> @"{D9B91FAB817A6033}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural4320_transport_covered.et" 09:54:58.198 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:54:58.198 WORLD : Frame 09:54:58.198 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:54:58.198 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427482476" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <5126.083984 175.740005 6977.083984> @"{918C557BF3506286}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_USSR_Base.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 09:55:01.256 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:55:01.256 WORLD : Frame 09:55:01.256 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:55:01.256 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427505676" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <7274.083984 45.639999 7643.428223> @"{07B92B5E1A781635}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_US_Player_Variant_1.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_UpdateFlags(WR,) which wasn't queued 09:55:02.126 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:55:02.126 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 09:55:02.126 DEFAULT (E): Trying to consume replay messages, but the BaseAnimPhysComponent cannot be replay simulate at this moment. This results in the replay message being ignored! 09:55:20.097 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:55:20.097 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:55:20.097 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427514511" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <6823.173828 139.740005 7553.562012> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427512694" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <6836.423828 135.309433 7563.912598> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 09:55:50.697 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:55:50.697 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:55:50.697 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427515448" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <7289.087891 45.419998 7671.180176> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427470851" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M998_Base.xob') at <7288.268066 44.580002 7671.020020> @"{6B24D5AFD884D64C}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M998_MERDC.et" 09:55:55.202 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:55:55.202 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:55:55.202 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427516294" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <7472.892090 55.559998 7341.104004> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427507543" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/UH1H/UH1H_base.xob') at <7473.892090 53.959999 7349.166016> @"{70BAEEFC2D3FEE64}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/UH1H/UH1H.et" 09:56:01.908 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:56:01.908 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:56:01.908 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427516531" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <5649.237793 234.899994 7316.089844> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427512694" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <5659.678223 233.899994 7315.020020> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 09:56:03.509 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:56:03.509 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:56:03.509 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{12D7EB72A88C923F}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/FIA/Ural4320_FIA_cargo_canvas.et" 09:56:03.509 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427516945" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_cargo.xob') at <5411.711914 78.500000 5691.271973> @"{12D7EB72A88C923F}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/FIA/Ural4320_FIA_cargo_canvas.et" 09:56:03.509 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:56:03.509 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:56:03.509 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:56:03.509 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:56:03.509 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:56:03.509 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:56:04.229 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:56:04.229 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:56:04.229 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{28ADC26474652E5D}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo_canvas_CIV_JZD.et" 09:56:04.229 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427517375" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_cargo.xob') at <7578.246094 82.300003 5482.290039> @"{28ADC26474652E5D}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo_canvas_CIV_JZD.et" 09:56:04.229 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:56:04.229 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:56:04.229 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:56:04.229 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:56:04.229 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:56:04.229 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 09:56:05.236 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:56:05.236 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:56:05.236 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427517503" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <5677.620117 219.720001 7088.458008> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427502005" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M151A2/m151a2_base.xob') at <5677.667480 218.720001 7089.065918> @"{5168FEA3054D6D15}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M151A2/M151A2_M2HB_MERDC.et" 09:56:06.675 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:56:06.675 WORLD : Frame 09:56:06.675 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:56:10.494 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:56:10.494 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:56:10.494 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427517716" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <5672.963867 219.639999 7089.448242> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427502005" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M151A2/m151a2_base.xob') at <5673.983887 218.656067 7089.847168> @"{5168FEA3054D6D15}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M151A2/M151A2_M2HB_MERDC.et" 09:56:12.829 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:56:12.829 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:56:12.829 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427517760" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <7403.209961 98.839996 6723.217773> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427507543" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/UH1H/UH1H_base.xob') at <7404.087891 97.119995 6729.436035> @"{70BAEEFC2D3FEE64}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/UH1H/UH1H.et" 09:56:12.868 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:56:12.868 WORLD : Frame 09:56:12.868 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 09:56:17.548 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:56:17.548 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:56:17.548 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427517981" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <5027.958008 196.039993 7328.728027> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427512694" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <5039.047852 193.740005 7327.085938> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 09:56:29.702 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:56:29.702 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:56:29.702 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427518290" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <4446.257812 162.500000 7304.857910> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427512694" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <4466.318359 163.349731 7308.631348> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 09:56:42.514 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:56:42.514 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:56:42.514 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 09:56:42.514 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427518664" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 09:56:42.514 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 09:56:47.024 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:56:47.024 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:56:47.024 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{70BAEEFC2D3FEE64}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/UH1H/UH1H.et" 09:56:47.024 WORLD : InitEntities 'world' 09:56:47.024 ENTITY : Init entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427518836" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/UH1H/UH1H_base.xob') at <7747.056152 147.860001 5763.839844> @"{70BAEEFC2D3FEE64}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/UH1H/UH1H.et" 09:56:47.024 SCRIPT (W): AUDIO: SCR_HitZoneStateSignal: No HitZone found 09:56:48.171 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:56:48.171 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:56:48.171 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427518960" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <7725.768066 158.039993 5737.018066> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427518836" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/UH1H/UH1H_base.xob') at <7729.479980 156.080002 5742.038086> @"{70BAEEFC2D3FEE64}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/UH1H/UH1H.et" 09:56:50.235 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:56:50.235 WORLD : Frame 09:56:50.235 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:56:50.235 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427518659" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <5035.582031 175.000000 6953.604004> @"{918C557BF3506286}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_USSR_Base.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_UpdateFlags(WR,) which wasn't queued 09:56:51.846 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:56:51.846 WORLD : Frame 09:56:51.846 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:56:51.846 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427518218" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <7478.348145 7.879999 6692.149902> @"{8D89B17BCFBFAE44}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_US_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_UpdateFlags(WR,) which wasn't queued 09:56:53.345 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:56:53.345 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:56:53.345 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427519294" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Medicine/FieldDressing_01/FieldDressing_US_01/FieldDressing_US_01.xob') at <7639.941895 180.520004 5617.733887> @"{A81F501D3EF6F38E}Prefabs/Items/Medicine/FieldDressing_01/FieldDressing_US_01.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427518836" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/UH1H/UH1H_base.xob') at <7643.958008 176.860001 5626.936035> @"{70BAEEFC2D3FEE64}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/UH1H/UH1H.et" 09:56:54.647 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:56:54.647 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:56:54.647 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427519325" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <7621.344238 185.440002 5580.421875> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427518836" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/UH1H/UH1H_base.xob') at <7625.443848 182.478455 5591.440918> @"{70BAEEFC2D3FEE64}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/UH1H/UH1H.et" 09:57:17.607 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:57:17.607 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:57:17.607 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427519806" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <5649.790039 208.639999 7324.169922> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427502005" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M151A2/m151a2_base.xob') at <5648.682129 207.415146 7323.632324> @"{5168FEA3054D6D15}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M151A2/M151A2_M2HB_MERDC.et" 09:57:17.866 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:57:17.866 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:57:17.866 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427519807" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <7130.578125 60.559998 7079.104004> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427470851" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M998_Base.xob') at <7129.861816 59.720001 7079.541992> @"{6B24D5AFD884D64C}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M998_MERDC.et" 09:57:25.615 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:57:25.615 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:57:25.615 INVENTORY (W): A move of an item has been proceeded, but the target storage is NULL. 09:57:32.498 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:57:32.498 WORLD : Frame 09:57:32.498 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:57:32.498 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427496710" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <5061.459961 176.559998 6971.868164> @"{F063CEEB9295E9B6}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_USSR_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 09:57:33.348 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:57:33.348 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:57:33.348 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427520409" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <6353.773926 175.720001 7497.872070> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427465172" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/S105/S105_base.xob') at <6351.551270 175.026108 7500.593750> @"{54C3CC22DEBD57BE}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/S105/S105_beige.et" 09:57:37.986 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:57:37.986 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 09:57:37.986 DEFAULT (E): Trying to consume replay messages, but the BaseAnimPhysComponent cannot be replay simulate at this moment. This results in the replay message being ignored! 09:57:44.954 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:57:44.954 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:57:44.954 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 09:57:44.954 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427520796" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 09:57:44.954 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 09:57:53.002 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:57:53.002 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:57:53.002 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427521083" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Medicine/Tourniquet_01/Tourniquet_US_01/Tourniquet_US_01_rolledup.xob') at <7110.087891 63.220001 7084.649902> @"{D70216B1B2889129}Prefabs/Items/Medicine/Tourniquet_01/Tourniquet_US_01.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427470851" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M998_Base.xob') at <7110.941895 62.139999 7084.821777> @"{6B24D5AFD884D64C}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M998_MERDC.et" 09:57:53.473 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:57:53.473 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:57:53.473 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427521115" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Medicine/MorphineInjection_01/MorphineInjection_01_full_close.xob') at <7110.153809 62.959999 7084.425781> @"{0D9A5DCF89AE7AA9}Prefabs/Items/Medicine/MorphineInjection_01/MorphineInjection_01.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427470851" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M998_Base.xob') at <7110.941895 62.139999 7084.821777> @"{6B24D5AFD884D64C}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M998_MERDC.et" 09:57:54.177 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:57:54.177 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:57:54.177 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427521166" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Radios/Radio_ANPRC68/Radio_ANPRC68_01.xob') at <7110.213867 62.959999 7084.333984> @"{73950FBA2D7DB5C5}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Radios/Radio_ANPRC68.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427470851" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M998_Base.xob') at <7110.941895 62.139999 7084.821777> @"{6B24D5AFD884D64C}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M998_MERDC.et" 09:57:54.874 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:57:54.874 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:57:54.874 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427521196" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Compass/Compass_SY183/Compass_SY183.xob') at <7110.153809 62.939999 7084.421875> @"{61D4F80E49BF9B12}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Compass/Compass_SY183.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427470851" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M998_Base.xob') at <7110.941895 62.139999 7084.821777> @"{6B24D5AFD884D64C}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M998_MERDC.et" 09:58:03.109 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:58:03.109 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:58:03.109 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427521453" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <7110.120117 63.080002 7084.536133> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427470851" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M998_Base.xob') at <7110.941895 62.139999 7084.821777> @"{6B24D5AFD884D64C}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M998_MERDC.et" 09:58:06.238 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:58:06.238 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:58:06.238 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427521518" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <6297.448242 179.419998 7321.025879> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427465172" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/S105/S105_base.xob') at <6298.043945 178.940002 7322.751953> @"{54C3CC22DEBD57BE}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/S105/S105_beige.et" 09:58:07.184 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:58:07.184 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:58:07.184 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427521520" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Compass/Compass_SY183/Compass_SY183.xob') at <7110.186035 62.980000 7084.436035> @"{61D4F80E49BF9B12}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Compass/Compass_SY183.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427470851" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M998_Base.xob') at <7110.941895 62.139999 7084.821777> @"{6B24D5AFD884D64C}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M998_MERDC.et" 09:58:13.523 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:58:13.523 WORLD : Frame 09:58:13.523 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:58:13.523 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427521536" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <6000.695801 217.360001 7196.007812> @"{8D89B17BCFBFAE44}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_US_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_UpdateFlags(WR,) which wasn't queued 09:58:29.029 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:58:29.029 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:58:29.029 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427522446" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <6134.359863 204.899994 7227.430176> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427465172" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/S105/S105_base.xob') at <6135.736816 204.008713 7228.329102> @"{54C3CC22DEBD57BE}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/S105/S105_beige.et" 09:58:36.235 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:58:36.235 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:58:36.235 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427522717" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <7018.649902 90.540001 7276.479980> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427470851" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M998_Base.xob') at <7018.094238 89.620003 7277.339844> @"{6B24D5AFD884D64C}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M998_MERDC.et" 09:58:43.440 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:58:43.440 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:58:43.440 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 09:58:43.440 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427522848" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 09:58:43.440 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 09:58:47.722 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:58:47.722 WORLD : Frame 09:58:47.722 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:58:47.722 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427514044" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <6070.045898 179.479996 7484.642090> @"{918C557BF3506286}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_USSR_Base.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_UpdateFlags(WR,) which wasn't queued 09:58:54.209 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:58:54.209 WORLD : Frame 09:58:54.209 GUI : Creating menu 'RespawnSuperMenu' 09:58:54.209 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Chat Has no Content! 09:58:54.209 SCRIPT (W): Slot_AvailableActions Has no Content! 09:58:54.209 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 09:58:54.209 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Hints Has no Content! 09:58:54.210 SCRIPT (E): HUDManager: Identifier: RespawnMenu is already used! Check if your Identifier is Unique! 09:58:54.211 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:58:54.211 WORLD : Frame 09:58:54.211 SCRIPT : SCR_MapEntity: Attempt to call PanSmooth before map init is completed 09:58:54.277 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:58:54.277 WORLD : Frame 09:58:54.277 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:58:54.277 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:58:54.278 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:58:54.278 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:58:54.278 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:58:54.278 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:58:54.278 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:58:54.278 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:58:54.278 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:58:54.278 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:58:54.278 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:58:54.278 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:58:54.278 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:58:54.278 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 09:58:57.319 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:58:57.319 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:58:57.319 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=9, Name= 09:59:05.621 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:59:05.621 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:59:05.621 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=106, Name=Arctix420 09:59:05.621 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=106, Name=Arctix420, IdentityId=14451434-e80a-4e48-8789-19290f2fba87 09:59:22.001 SCRIPT (W): Caught request spawn on locked player! 09:59:23.176 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:59:23.176 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:59:23.176 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=26, Name= 09:59:23.206 SCRIPT (E): 'SCR_BaseSupportStationComponent' 'EOnInit': 'GenericEntity<0x000002227A682B30> @"ENTITY:4611686018427524886" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Props/Military/Fuel/FuelPump_USSR_01/' Support Station is set to use supplies but it has no SCR_ResourceComponent 09:59:23.598 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:59:23.598 WORLD : PostFrame 09:59:23.598 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:59:23.598 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:59:23.598 AUDIO (E): Build error: Invalid custom index @"Sounds/RadioProtocol/RadioProtocol_Campaign_HQ_2_RU.acp|Base_V2,15 09:59:25.275 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:59:25.275 WORLD : Frame 09:59:25.275 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:59:25.275 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427518659" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <5035.582031 175.000000 6953.604004> @"{918C557BF3506286}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_USSR_Base.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 09:59:28.781 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:59:28.781 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:59:28.781 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=107, Name=HumidBucket3779 09:59:28.782 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=107, Name=HumidBucket3779, IdentityId=6a0f6e90-afca-4090-98e0-5253cf8a2e76 09:59:30.244 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:59:30.244 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:59:30.244 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 09:59:30.244 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427526028" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 09:59:30.244 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 09:59:34.459 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:59:34.459 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:59:34.459 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{4AE31B174C7064F7}PrefabsEditable/Auto/Props/Military/Compositions/USSR/E_Antenna_01_USSR.et" 09:59:34.459 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427526070" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Props/Military/Antennas/Antenna_R161_01/Antenna_R161_01.xob') at <4483.063965 56.279999 6167.934082> @"{4AE31B174C7064F7}PrefabsEditable/Auto/Props/Military/Compositions/USSR/E_Antenna_01_USSR.et" 09:59:34.459 DEFAULT (W): BaseTransceiver::SetFrequency is not supported on proxies. 09:59:34.459 DEFAULT (W): BaseTransceiver::SetFrequency is not supported on proxies. 09:59:39.104 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:59:39.104 WORLD : Frame 09:59:39.104 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:59:39.104 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427518659" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <5035.582031 175.000000 6953.604004> @"{918C557BF3506286}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_USSR_Base.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 09:59:41.950 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:59:41.950 WORLD : Frame 09:59:41.950 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:59:41.950 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427518659" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <5035.582031 175.000000 6953.604004> @"{918C557BF3506286}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_USSR_Base.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 09:59:42.851 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:59:42.851 WORLD : Frame 09:59:42.851 NETWORK : PerformActions 09:59:42.851 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427526036" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <6000.695801 217.360001 7196.007812> @"{8D89B17BCFBFAE44}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_US_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_UpdateFlags(WR,) which wasn't queued 09:59:53.531 WORLD : UpdateEntities 09:59:53.531 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 09:59:53.531 SCRIPT (W): There is not enough of SCR_CatalogSpawnerUserAction attached to actionManager. Some assets won't appear. 10:00:02.042 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:00:02.042 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:00:02.042 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 10:00:02.042 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427526559" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 10:00:02.042 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 10:00:02.373 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:00:02.373 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:00:02.373 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=0, Name= 10:00:03.345 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:00:03.345 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:00:03.345 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427526568" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <6725.613770 148.639999 7119.368164> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427470851" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M998_Base.xob') at <6725.682129 147.580002 7120.213867> @"{6B24D5AFD884D64C}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M998_MERDC.et" 10:00:08.009 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:00:08.009 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:00:08.009 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=108, Name=Street L4mp 10:00:08.010 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=108, Name=Street L4mp, IdentityId=332968d3-9f8d-4d1a-92f7-9f3319beed0c 10:00:08.810 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:00:08.810 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:00:08.810 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427526758" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Medicine/Tourniquet_01/Tourniquet_US_01/Tourniquet_US_01_rolledup.xob') at <6725.766113 148.440002 7119.377930> @"{D70216B1B2889129}Prefabs/Items/Medicine/Tourniquet_01/Tourniquet_US_01.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427470851" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M998_Base.xob') at <6725.574219 147.580002 7120.191895> @"{6B24D5AFD884D64C}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M998_MERDC.et" 10:00:09.815 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:00:09.815 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:00:09.815 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427526771" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Medicine/MorphineInjection_01/MorphineInjection_01_full_close.xob') at <6725.764160 148.399994 7119.330078> @"{0D9A5DCF89AE7AA9}Prefabs/Items/Medicine/MorphineInjection_01/MorphineInjection_01.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427470851" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M998_Base.xob') at <6725.574219 147.580002 7120.191895> @"{6B24D5AFD884D64C}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M998_MERDC.et" 10:00:11.133 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:00:11.133 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:00:11.133 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427526844" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Compass/Compass_SY183/Compass_SY183.xob') at <6725.770020 148.419998 7119.324219> @"{61D4F80E49BF9B12}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Compass/Compass_SY183.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427470851" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M998_Base.xob') at <6725.574219 147.580002 7120.191895> @"{6B24D5AFD884D64C}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M998_MERDC.et" 10:00:11.569 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:00:11.569 WORLD : Frame 10:00:11.569 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:00:11.569 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427482476" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <5126.083984 175.740005 6977.083984> @"{918C557BF3506286}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_USSR_Base.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 10:00:13.921 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:00:13.921 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:00:13.921 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 10:00:13.921 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427527099" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 10:00:13.921 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 10:00:17.238 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:00:17.238 WORLD : Frame 10:00:17.238 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:00:17.238 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427527073" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <6000.695801 217.360001 7196.007812> @"{8D89B17BCFBFAE44}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_US_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_UpdateFlags(WR,) which wasn't queued 10:00:23.085 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:00:23.085 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:00:23.085 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427527423" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <5150.928223 172.860001 6946.525879> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427526848" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_base.xob') at <5151.501953 171.720001 6946.290039> @"{16A674FE31B0921C}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_uncovered.et" 10:00:25.910 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:00:25.910 WORLD : Frame 10:00:25.910 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:00:25.910 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427515388" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <6070.045898 179.479996 7484.642090> @"{918C557BF3506286}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_USSR_Base.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 10:00:30.852 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:00:30.852 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:00:30.852 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 10:00:30.852 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427527496" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 10:00:30.852 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 10:00:32.289 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:00:32.289 WORLD : Frame 10:00:32.289 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:00:32.289 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427482476" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <5126.083984 175.740005 6977.083984> @"{918C557BF3506286}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_USSR_Base.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 10:00:36.043 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:00:36.043 WORLD : Frame 10:00:36.043 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:00:36.043 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427527497" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <6015.158203 216.679993 7183.434082> @"{8D89B17BCFBFAE44}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_US_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_UpdateFlags(WR,) which wasn't queued 10:00:36.761 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:00:36.761 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:00:36.761 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427527545" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Compass/Compass_Adrianov/Compass_Adrianov.xob') at <5158.857910 172.559998 6955.490234> @"{7CEF68E2BC68CE71}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Compass/Compass_Adrianov.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427526848" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_base.xob') at <5158.591309 171.539993 6954.429199> @"{16A674FE31B0921C}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_uncovered.et" 10:00:46.271 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:00:46.271 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:00:46.271 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 10:00:46.271 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427527711" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 10:00:46.271 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 10:00:52.366 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:00:52.366 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:00:52.366 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427527982" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <6298.270020 184.600006 7162.233887> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427470851" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M998_Base.xob') at <6300.308105 183.390610 7162.151855> @"{6B24D5AFD884D64C}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M998_MERDC.et" 10:00:54.512 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:00:54.512 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:00:54.512 DEFAULT (E): Trying to consume replay messages, but the BaseAnimPhysComponent cannot be replay simulate at this moment. This results in the replay message being ignored! 10:01:01.804 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:01:01.804 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:01:01.804 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 10:01:01.804 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427528299" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 10:01:01.804 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 10:01:07.250 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:01:07.250 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:01:07.250 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427528392" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <6241.954102 195.199997 7181.735840> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427470851" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M998_Base.xob') at <6243.601074 194.084366 7182.237793> @"{6B24D5AFD884D64C}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M998_MERDC.et" 10:01:08.802 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:01:08.802 WORLD : Frame 10:01:08.802 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:01:08.802 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427465040" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <5128.005859 175.500000 6984.098145> @"{F063CEEB9295E9B6}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_USSR_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 10:01:09.824 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:01:09.824 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:01:09.824 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{28ADC26474652E5D}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo_canvas_CIV_JZD.et" 10:01:09.824 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427528546" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_cargo.xob') at <6650.830078 109.580002 5867.127930> @"{28ADC26474652E5D}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo_canvas_CIV_JZD.et" 10:01:09.824 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:01:09.824 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:01:09.824 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:01:09.824 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:01:09.824 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:01:09.824 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:01:15.495 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:01:15.495 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:01:15.495 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 10:01:15.495 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427528603" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 10:01:15.495 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 10:01:33.201 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:01:33.201 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:01:33.201 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427528969" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Compass/Compass_Adrianov/Compass_Adrianov.xob') at <5255.961914 172.179993 7108.779785> @"{7CEF68E2BC68CE71}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Compass/Compass_Adrianov.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427526848" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_base.xob') at <5252.400391 170.618988 7109.314941> @"{16A674FE31B0921C}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_uncovered.et" 10:01:40.675 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:01:40.675 WORLD : Frame 10:01:40.675 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:01:40.675 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427527497" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <6015.158203 216.679993 7183.434082> @"{8D89B17BCFBFAE44}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_US_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 10:01:42.949 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:01:42.949 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:01:42.949 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427529052" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <7465.770020 8.679999 6704.642090> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427468494" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M998_Base.xob') at <7465.985840 7.779999 6703.797852> @"{3B1EB924602C7A07}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M997_maxi_ambulance_MERDC.et" 10:01:59.776 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:01:59.776 WORLD : Frame 10:01:59.776 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:01:59.776 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427496710" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <5061.459961 176.559998 6971.868164> @"{F063CEEB9295E9B6}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_USSR_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 10:02:05.496 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:02:05.496 WORLD : Frame 10:02:05.496 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:02:05.496 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427527073" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <6000.695801 217.360001 7196.007812> @"{8D89B17BCFBFAE44}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_US_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 10:02:07.940 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:02:07.940 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:02:07.940 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{12D7EB72A88C923F}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/FIA/Ural4320_FIA_cargo_canvas.et" 10:02:07.940 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427529952" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_cargo.xob') at <5411.711914 78.500000 5691.271973> @"{12D7EB72A88C923F}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/FIA/Ural4320_FIA_cargo_canvas.et" 10:02:07.940 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:02:07.940 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:02:07.940 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:02:07.940 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:02:07.940 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:02:07.940 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:02:41.515 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:02:41.515 WORLD : Frame 10:02:41.515 GUI : Creating menu 'RespawnSuperMenu' 10:02:41.515 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Chat Has no Content! 10:02:41.515 SCRIPT (W): Slot_AvailableActions Has no Content! 10:02:41.515 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 10:02:41.515 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Hints Has no Content! 10:02:41.515 SCRIPT (E): HUDManager: Identifier: RespawnMenu is already used! Check if your Identifier is Unique! 10:02:41.517 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:02:41.517 WORLD : Frame 10:02:41.517 SCRIPT : SCR_MapEntity: Attempt to call PanSmooth before map init is completed 10:02:41.587 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:02:41.587 WORLD : Frame 10:02:41.587 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:02:41.587 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:02:41.587 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:02:41.587 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize_Relay' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:02:41.587 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:02:41.587 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:02:41.587 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:02:41.587 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:02:41.587 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:02:41.587 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:02:41.587 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:02:42.941 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:02:42.941 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:02:42.942 DEFAULT (E): Trying to consume replay messages, but the BaseAnimPhysComponent cannot be replay simulate at this moment. This results in the replay message being ignored! 10:02:50.290 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:02:50.290 WORLD : Frame 10:02:50.290 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:02:50.290 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427497978" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <7439.585938 12.160000 6686.571777> @"{8D89B17BCFBFAE44}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_US_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 10:02:51.532 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:02:51.532 WORLD : PostFrame 10:02:51.532 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:02:51.532 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:02:51.532 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427531186" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <4538.854004 157.880005 6873.746094> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427502152" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_base.xob') at <4538.104004 155.979996 6877.541992> @"{A5647958579A4149}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural4320_repair.et" 10:02:59.070 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:02:59.070 WORLD : Frame 10:02:59.070 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:02:59.070 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427456620" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <5131.948242 175.479996 6971.551758> @"{4F7E0952D726FB43}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_USSR_Player_Variant_1.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 10:03:00.555 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:03:00.555 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:03:00.555 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=4, Name= 10:03:06.518 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:03:06.518 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:03:06.518 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=109, Name=SparklingWater 10:03:06.518 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=109, Name=SparklingWater, IdentityId=f65a7fb8-16d6-48ca-8d65-7176a8a95dcd 10:03:08.727 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:03:08.727 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:03:08.727 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 10:03:08.727 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427531803" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 10:03:08.727 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 10:03:16.373 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:03:16.373 WORLD : Frame 10:03:16.373 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:03:16.373 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427527497" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <6015.158203 216.679993 7183.434082> @"{8D89B17BCFBFAE44}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_US_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 10:03:18.532 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:03:18.532 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:03:18.532 DEFAULT (E): Trying to consume replay messages, but the BaseAnimPhysComponent cannot be replay simulate at this moment. This results in the replay message being ignored! 10:03:34.631 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:03:34.631 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:03:34.631 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 10:03:34.631 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427532129" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 10:03:34.631 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 10:03:56.145 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:03:56.145 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:03:56.145 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 10:03:56.145 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427532295" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 10:03:56.145 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 10:03:58.819 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:03:58.819 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:03:58.819 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{36C74DDCB2C9E2DB}Prefabs/Weapons/MachineGuns/PKM/MG_PKMT_Mi8_front.et" 10:03:58.819 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427532319" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/MachineGuns/PKMT/PKMT_body.xob') at <4250.399902 164.179993 7066.708008> @"{36C74DDCB2C9E2DB}Prefabs/Weapons/MachineGuns/PKM/MG_PKMT_Mi8_front.et" 10:03:58.819 ANIMATION (E): @"ENTITY:4611686018427532319" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/MachineGuns/PKMT/PKMT_body.xob') at <4250.399902 164.179993 7066.708008> @"{36C74DDCB2C9E2DB}Prefabs/Weapons/MachineGuns/PKM/MG_PKMT_Mi8_front.et": anim controller initialization data is invalid (graph , node MasterControl, instance ) 10:03:58.953 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:03:58.953 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:03:58.953 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 10:03:58.953 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427532321" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <4250.259766 163.039993 7066.501953> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 10:03:58.953 SPAWN (W): EmissiveLightSurfaceSlot couldn't find ParametricMaterialInstanceComponent at attached entity. Please check configuration of Light Manager at @"ENTITY:4611686018427532321" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <4250.259766 163.039993 7066.501953> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 10:03:58.953 SPAWN (W): EmissiveLightSurfaceSlot couldn't find ParametricMaterialInstanceComponent at attached entity. Please check configuration of Light Manager at @"ENTITY:4611686018427532321" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <4250.259766 163.039993 7066.501953> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 10:03:58.953 SPAWN (W): EmissiveLightSurfaceSlot couldn't find ParametricMaterialInstanceComponent at attached entity. Please check configuration of Light Manager at @"ENTITY:4611686018427532321" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <4250.259766 163.039993 7066.501953> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 10:03:58.953 WORLD : InitEntities 'world' 10:03:58.953 ENTITY : Init entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427532321" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <4250.259766 163.039993 7066.501953> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 10:03:58.953 SCRIPT (W): AUDIO: SCR_HitZoneStateSignal: No HitZone found 10:03:58.960 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:03:58.960 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:03:58.960 NETWORK : BaseCompartmentManagerComponent::Load, Occupant not found, 2147731563 10:03:58.960 NETWORK : BaseCompartmentManagerComponent::Load, Occupant not found, 2147747390 10:03:59.052 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:03:59.052 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:03:59.052 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{517ED1D91D5D2B54}Prefabs/Weapons/MachineGuns/PKM/MG_PKMT_Mi8_rear.et" 10:03:59.052 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427532417" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/MachineGuns/PKMT/PKMT_body.xob') at <4250.507812 165.580002 7065.883789> @"{517ED1D91D5D2B54}Prefabs/Weapons/MachineGuns/PKM/MG_PKMT_Mi8_rear.et" 10:03:59.052 ANIMATION (E): @"ENTITY:4611686018427532417" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/MachineGuns/PKMT/PKMT_body.xob') at <4250.507812 165.580002 7065.883789> @"{517ED1D91D5D2B54}Prefabs/Weapons/MachineGuns/PKM/MG_PKMT_Mi8_rear.et": anim controller initialization data is invalid (graph , node MasterControl, instance ) 10:04:03.000 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:04:03.000 WORLD : Frame 10:04:03.000 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:04:03.000 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427465040" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <5128.005859 175.500000 6984.098145> @"{F063CEEB9295E9B6}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_USSR_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 10:04:13.533 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:04:13.533 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:04:13.533 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427532660" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <4664.423828 183.820007 7332.897949> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427532321" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <4650.463867 182.186478 7323.178711> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 10:04:14.249 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:04:14.249 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:04:14.249 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427532737" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <4684.250000 184.639999 7347.193848> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427532321" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <4671.655762 183.020004 7337.428223> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 10:04:23.095 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:04:23.095 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:04:23.095 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427532848" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Compass/Compass_Adrianov/Compass_Adrianov.xob') at <4603.808105 160.139999 6857.928223> @"{7CEF68E2BC68CE71}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Compass/Compass_Adrianov.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427502152" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_base.xob') at <4602.777832 158.259995 6854.187988> @"{A5647958579A4149}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural4320_repair.et" 10:04:29.506 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:04:29.506 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:04:29.506 NETWORK : BaseCompartmentManagerComponent::Load, Occupant not found, 2147768883 10:04:30.296 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:04:30.296 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:04:30.296 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 10:04:30.296 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427533044" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 10:04:30.296 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 10:04:31.265 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:04:31.265 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:04:31.265 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427533060" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <5044.291992 190.919998 7562.945801> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427532321" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <5029.733887 189.179993 7554.932129> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 10:04:40.356 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:04:40.356 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:04:40.356 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{12D7EB72A88C923F}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/FIA/Ural4320_FIA_cargo_canvas.et" 10:04:40.356 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427533315" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_cargo.xob') at <4642.512207 111.699997 8235.284180> @"{12D7EB72A88C923F}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/FIA/Ural4320_FIA_cargo_canvas.et" 10:04:40.356 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:04:40.356 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:04:40.356 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:04:40.356 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:04:40.356 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:04:40.356 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:04:43.243 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:04:43.243 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:04:43.243 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427533495" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <5229.833984 199.139999 7643.461914> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427532321" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <5214.286133 197.139999 7637.056152> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 10:04:45.279 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:04:45.279 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:04:45.279 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=12, Name= 10:04:50.277 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:04:50.277 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:04:50.277 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 10:04:50.277 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427533985" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 10:04:50.277 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 10:04:52.890 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:04:52.891 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:04:52.891 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=23, Name= 10:04:53.987 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:04:53.987 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:04:53.987 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=103, Name=sevski007, IdentityId=3d7c8a84-8b1e-493d-b7e6-3bf9d9e9bde0 10:04:56.718 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:04:56.718 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:04:56.718 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427534066" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <4367.476074 59.540001 8802.746094> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427532953" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_base.xob') at <4364.485840 58.040001 8803.288086> @"{16A674FE31B0921C}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_uncovered.et" 10:04:56.961 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:04:56.961 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:04:56.961 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=17, Name= 10:04:59.248 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:04:59.248 WORLD : Frame 10:04:59.248 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:04:59.248 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427530520" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <6070.467773 178.020004 7486.695801> @"{918C557BF3506286}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_USSR_Base.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 10:04:59.952 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:04:59.952 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:04:59.952 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=110, Name=sanctinquisitio 10:04:59.953 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=110, Name=sanctinquisitio, IdentityId=a3fa86e5-316a-4a85-be29-3c8ecf501fa3 10:05:03.887 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:05:03.887 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:05:03.887 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=111, Name=Blazesnake3518 10:05:03.887 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=111, Name=Blazesnake3518, IdentityId=b60c5cf7-4037-44b8-867f-6e4946ea0827 10:05:07.397 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:05:07.397 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:05:07.397 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427534307" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <4408.894043 62.419998 8786.858398> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427532953" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_base.xob') at <4405.808105 60.779999 8787.646484> @"{16A674FE31B0921C}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_uncovered.et" 10:05:08.702 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:05:08.702 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:05:08.702 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=37, Name= 10:05:09.341 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:05:09.341 WORLD : Frame 10:05:09.341 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:05:09.341 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427529508" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <6070.045898 179.479996 7484.642090> @"{4F7E0952D726FB43}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_USSR_Player_Variant_1.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 10:05:14.867 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:05:14.867 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:05:14.867 DEFAULT (E): Trying to consume replay messages, but the BaseAnimPhysComponent cannot be replay simulate at this moment. This results in the replay message being ignored! 10:05:15.071 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:05:15.071 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:05:15.071 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=112, Name=Get Baked420FTW 10:05:15.072 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=112, Name=Get Baked420FTW, IdentityId=e9500826-00aa-47b0-ad43-9efcc3a9369f 10:05:31.482 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:05:31.482 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:05:31.482 DEFAULT (E): Trying to consume replay messages, but the BaseAnimPhysComponent cannot be replay simulate at this moment. This results in the replay message being ignored! 10:05:40.889 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:05:40.889 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:05:40.889 DEFAULT (E): Trying to consume replay messages, but the BaseAnimPhysComponent cannot be replay simulate at this moment. This results in the replay message being ignored! 10:05:57.960 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:05:57.960 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:05:57.960 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=12, Name= 10:06:00.840 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:06:00.840 WORLD : Frame 10:06:00.840 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:06:00.840 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427465040" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <5128.005859 175.500000 6984.098145> @"{F063CEEB9295E9B6}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_USSR_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 10:06:06.913 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:06:06.913 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:06:06.913 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{70BAEEFC2D3FEE64}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/UH1H/UH1H.et" 10:06:06.913 WORLD : InitEntities 'world' 10:06:06.913 ENTITY : Init entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427537043" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/UH1H/UH1H_base.xob') at <6330.377930 492.420013 5750.186035> @"{70BAEEFC2D3FEE64}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/UH1H/UH1H.et" 10:06:06.913 SCRIPT (W): AUDIO: SCR_HitZoneStateSignal: No HitZone found 10:06:06.918 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:06:06.918 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:06:06.918 NETWORK : BaseCompartmentManagerComponent::Load, Occupant not found, 2147778703 10:06:06.918 NETWORK : BaseCompartmentManagerComponent::Load, Occupant not found, 2147813257 10:06:06.918 NETWORK : BaseCompartmentManagerComponent::Load, Occupant not found, 2147817306 10:06:06.918 NETWORK : BaseCompartmentManagerComponent::Load, Occupant not found, 2147700397 10:06:06.918 NETWORK : BaseCompartmentManagerComponent::Load, Occupant not found, 2147791877 10:06:06.918 NETWORK : BaseCompartmentManagerComponent::Load, Occupant not found, 2147802610 10:06:06.918 NETWORK : BaseCompartmentManagerComponent::Load, Occupant not found, 2147774098 10:06:07.942 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:06:07.942 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:06:07.942 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=113, Name=DIKESONLY96 10:06:07.943 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=113, Name=DIKESONLY96, IdentityId=a0aa9728-5608-45a7-85e7-50dc0a0c876e 10:06:07.943 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:06:07.943 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:06:07.943 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427537222" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <6322.704102 495.079987 5759.651855> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427537043" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/UH1H/UH1H_base.xob') at <6327.916016 492.839996 5753.271973> @"{70BAEEFC2D3FEE64}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/UH1H/UH1H.et" 10:06:10.313 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:06:10.313 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:06:10.313 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=16, Name= 10:06:15.142 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:06:15.142 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:06:15.142 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427537459" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <6257.198242 509.579987 5901.113770> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427537043" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/UH1H/UH1H_base.xob') at <6261.107910 506.420013 5889.098145> @"{70BAEEFC2D3FEE64}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/UH1H/UH1H.et" 10:06:16.817 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:06:16.817 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:06:16.817 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427537480" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <6252.149902 511.940002 5926.567871> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427537043" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/UH1H/UH1H_base.xob') at <6255.051758 509.380005 5912.478027> @"{70BAEEFC2D3FEE64}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/UH1H/UH1H.et" 10:06:17.945 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:06:17.945 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:06:17.945 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=114, Name=Bennyhenny14 10:06:17.947 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=114, Name=Bennyhenny14, IdentityId=65332940-d070-4d49-bd61-2a10aff61358 10:06:21.864 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:06:21.864 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:06:21.864 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{24ADE3A278D243EB}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_FIA_ammo_box.et" 10:06:21.864 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427537599" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_cargo.xob') at <5864.483887 100.500000 5913.054199> @"{24ADE3A278D243EB}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_FIA_ammo_box.et" 10:06:21.864 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:06:21.864 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:06:21.864 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:06:21.864 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:06:21.864 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:06:21.864 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:06:24.876 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:06:24.876 WORLD : Frame 10:06:24.876 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:06:24.876 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427531263" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <6070.186035 179.399994 7484.830078> @"{918C557BF3506286}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_USSR_Base.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 10:06:32.934 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:06:32.934 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:06:32.934 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427538162" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <6229.793945 551.239990 6290.651855> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427537043" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/UH1H/UH1H_base.xob') at <6229.806152 548.880005 6275.939941> @"{70BAEEFC2D3FEE64}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/UH1H/UH1H.et" 10:06:35.841 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:06:35.841 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:06:35.841 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E517E6CCC1DF5737}Prefabs/Weapons/HeavyWeapons/HMG_M2HB_pintle_M1025.et" 10:06:35.841 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427538277" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/HeavyWeapons/M2HB/M2.xob') at <6247.056152 87.300003 5750.483887> @"{E517E6CCC1DF5737}Prefabs/Weapons/HeavyWeapons/HMG_M2HB_pintle_M1025.et" 10:06:35.841 ANIMATION (E): @"ENTITY:4611686018427538277" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/HeavyWeapons/M2HB/M2.xob') at <6247.056152 87.300003 5750.483887> @"{E517E6CCC1DF5737}Prefabs/Weapons/HeavyWeapons/HMG_M2HB_pintle_M1025.et": anim controller initialization data is invalid (graph , node MasterControl, instance ) 10:06:35.842 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:06:35.842 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:06:35.842 NETWORK : BaseCompartmentManagerComponent::Load, Occupant not found, 2147717670 10:06:35.938 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:06:35.938 WORLD : Frame 10:06:35.938 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:06:35.938 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427537966" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <7274.083984 45.639999 7643.428223> @"{8D89B17BCFBFAE44}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_US_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 10:06:43.537 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:06:43.537 WORLD : Frame 10:06:43.537 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:06:43.537 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427537004" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <6000.695801 217.360001 7196.007812> @"{07B92B5E1A781635}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_US_Player_Variant_1.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 10:07:04.988 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:07:04.988 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:07:04.988 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=30, Name= 10:07:05.406 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:07:05.406 WORLD : Frame 10:07:05.406 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:07:05.406 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427537004" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <6000.695801 217.360001 7196.007812> @"{07B92B5E1A781635}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_US_Player_Variant_1.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 10:07:08.543 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:07:08.543 WORLD : Frame 10:07:08.543 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:07:08.543 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427539080" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <4442.797852 59.139999 6238.908203> @"{4F7E0952D726FB43}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_USSR_Player_Variant_1.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_UpdateFlags(WR,) which wasn't queued 10:07:13.104 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:07:13.104 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:07:13.104 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=115, Name=bigdogg199 10:07:13.104 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=115, Name=bigdogg199, IdentityId=0a3e9ad1-aa2e-4add-bf2e-832be0f9ba56 10:07:21.344 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:07:21.344 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:07:21.344 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=23, Name= 10:07:27.050 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:07:27.050 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:07:27.050 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=34, Name= 10:07:29.231 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:07:29.231 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:07:29.231 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{12D7EB72A88C923F}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/FIA/Ural4320_FIA_cargo_canvas.et" 10:07:29.231 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427541451" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_cargo.xob') at <5411.711914 78.500000 5691.271973> @"{12D7EB72A88C923F}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/FIA/Ural4320_FIA_cargo_canvas.et" 10:07:29.231 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:07:29.231 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:07:29.231 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:07:29.231 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:07:29.231 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:07:29.231 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:07:29.794 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:07:29.794 WORLD : Frame 10:07:29.794 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:07:29.794 DEFAULT (W): Weapon reloading - Magazine not available. 10:07:30.050 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:07:30.050 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:07:30.050 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=116, Name=Afterparty01 10:07:30.050 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=116, Name=Afterparty01, IdentityId=9abeafc5-b17e-4981-abe9-69d7cbe73195 10:07:30.282 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:07:30.282 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:07:30.282 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 10:07:30.282 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427541962" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 10:07:30.282 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 10:07:35.115 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:07:35.115 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:07:35.115 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=117, Name=SPAWNSOULESS 10:07:35.115 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=117, Name=SPAWNSOULESS, IdentityId=25308c92-56c6-4d4a-82f1-fbef3c61c656 10:07:52.297 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:07:52.297 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:07:52.297 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427544316" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Medicine/FieldDressing_01/FieldDressing_USSR_01/FieldDressing_USSR_01.xob') at <5612.321777 300.779999 7622.770020> @"{C3F1FA1E2EC2B345}Prefabs/Items/Medicine/FieldDressing_01/FieldDressing_USSR_01.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427532321" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <5612.021973 298.660004 7618.465820> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 10:08:10.936 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:08:10.936 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:08:10.936 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=45, Name= 10:08:15.520 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:08:15.520 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:08:15.520 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427545236" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <5772.810059 105.580002 5965.255859> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427538253" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M998_Base.xob') at <5774.521484 104.596550 5964.523438> @"{DD774A8FD0989A78}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M1025_armed_M2HB_MERDC.et" 10:08:15.762 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:08:15.762 WORLD : Frame 10:08:15.762 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:08:15.762 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427532606" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <6000.695801 217.360001 7196.007812> @"{8D89B17BCFBFAE44}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_US_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 10:08:18.211 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:08:18.211 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:08:18.211 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427545313" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <5768.607910 106.739998 5971.370117> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427538253" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M998_Base.xob') at <5769.049805 104.860001 5971.173828> @"{DD774A8FD0989A78}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M1025_armed_M2HB_MERDC.et" 10:08:19.254 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:08:19.255 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:08:19.255 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=118, Name=Seal 10:08:19.255 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=118, Name=Seal, IdentityId=1f5d949d-2b20-4b1d-91e5-986b3dc24ba0 10:08:21.664 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:08:21.664 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:08:21.664 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427545362" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <5933.706055 274.799988 7590.244141> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427532321" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <5930.925781 272.600006 7600.461914> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 10:08:24.766 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:08:24.766 WORLD : Frame 10:08:24.766 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:08:24.766 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427545332" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <6000.695801 217.360001 7196.007812> @"{8D89B17BCFBFAE44}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_US_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_UpdateFlags(WR,) which wasn't queued 10:08:28.324 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:08:28.324 WORLD : Frame 10:08:28.324 GUI : Creating menu 'RespawnSuperMenu' 10:08:28.324 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Chat Has no Content! 10:08:28.324 SCRIPT (W): Slot_AvailableActions Has no Content! 10:08:28.324 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 10:08:28.324 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Hints Has no Content! 10:08:28.324 SCRIPT (E): HUDManager: Identifier: RespawnMenu is already used! Check if your Identifier is Unique! 10:08:28.325 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:08:28.325 WORLD : Frame 10:08:28.325 SCRIPT : SCR_MapEntity: Attempt to call PanSmooth before map init is completed 10:08:28.383 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:08:28.383 WORLD : Frame 10:08:28.383 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:08:28.383 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:08:28.383 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:08:28.383 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:08:28.383 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:08:28.383 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:08:28.383 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:08:28.383 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:08:28.383 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:08:28.383 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:08:28.384 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:08:28.384 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:08:28.384 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:08:28.405 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't load ImageSet '' 10:08:34.865 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:08:34.865 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:08:34.865 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427545971" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <5750.231934 107.320000 5984.237793> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427538253" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M998_Base.xob') at <5749.653809 105.519997 5984.397949> @"{DD774A8FD0989A78}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M1025_armed_M2HB_MERDC.et" 10:08:39.235 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:08:39.235 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:08:39.235 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427546126" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Compass/Compass_SY183/Compass_SY183.xob') at <5750.231934 107.320000 5984.237793> @"{61D4F80E49BF9B12}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Compass/Compass_SY183.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427538253" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M998_Base.xob') at <5749.653809 105.519997 5984.397949> @"{DD774A8FD0989A78}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M1025_armed_M2HB_MERDC.et" 10:08:40.539 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:08:40.539 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:08:40.539 DEFAULT (E): Trying to consume replay messages, but the BaseAnimPhysComponent cannot be replay simulate at this moment. This results in the replay message being ignored! 10:08:42.638 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:08:42.638 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:08:42.638 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427546302" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <5902.830078 225.759995 7315.014160> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427537043" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/UH1H/UH1H_base.xob') at <5901.441895 226.800003 7314.596191> @"{70BAEEFC2D3FEE64}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/UH1H/UH1H.et" 10:08:44.036 SCRIPT (W): Caught request spawn on locked player! 10:08:44.172 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:08:44.172 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:08:44.172 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=7, Name= 10:08:46.972 SCRIPT (W): Caught request spawn on locked player! 10:08:49.360 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:08:49.360 WORLD : Frame 10:08:49.360 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:08:49.360 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427532606" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <6000.695801 217.360001 7196.007812> @"{8D89B17BCFBFAE44}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_US_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 10:08:51.778 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:08:51.778 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:08:51.778 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{2F088A1CDD3FB2F1}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_repair_box.et" 10:08:51.778 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427547085" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural_4320_repair_box.xob') at <4976.009766 38.580002 9058.181641> @"{2F088A1CDD3FB2F1}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_repair_box.et" 10:08:51.778 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:08:51.778 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:08:51.778 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:08:51.778 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:08:51.779 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:08:51.779 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:08:51.779 NETWORK : BaseCompartmentManagerComponent::Load, Occupant not found, 2147760252 10:08:51.808 SCRIPT (E): 'SCR_SupportStationAreaMeshComponent' (GenericEntity<0x00000222EC377C30> @"ENTITY:4611686018427547094" ('GenericEntity') at <4973.795898 38.580002 9059.343750>) linked support station (REPAIR) has an offset but the local position of the area mesh is: '<-0.002441, 0.014237, -2.500488>' were as the support station offset is '<0.000000, 0.000000, -2.500000>' this must be the same else the zone shows an incorrect area! 10:08:53.970 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:08:53.970 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:08:53.970 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=119, Name=Maple7G 10:08:53.970 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=119, Name=Maple7G, IdentityId=dab46106-b665-4fe8-9ceb-11c88cce9678 10:09:02.358 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:02.358 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:09:02.358 DEFAULT (E): Trying to consume replay messages, but the BaseAnimPhysComponent cannot be replay simulate at this moment. This results in the replay message being ignored! 10:09:06.877 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:06.877 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:09:06.877 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=20, Name= 10:09:09.880 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:09.880 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:09:09.880 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427547968" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Binoculars/Binoculars_M22/Binoculars_M22.xob') at <5749.370117 106.680000 5983.622070> @"{0CF54B9A85D8E0D4}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Binoculars/Binoculars_M22/Binoculars_M22.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427538253" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M998_Base.xob') at <5749.653809 105.519997 5984.397949> @"{DD774A8FD0989A78}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M1025_armed_M2HB_MERDC.et" 10:09:14.019 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:14.019 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:09:14.019 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=120, Name=Marked6067 10:09:14.019 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=120, Name=Marked6067, IdentityId=f6426232-4107-4568-8eea-f98f1ed7e9e7 10:09:14.917 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:14.917 WORLD : Frame 10:09:14.917 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:09:15.100 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:15.100 WORLD : Frame 10:09:15.100 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:09:17.408 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:17.408 WORLD : Frame 10:09:17.408 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:09:17.767 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:17.767 WORLD : Frame 10:09:17.767 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:09:22.207 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:22.207 WORLD : Frame 10:09:22.207 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:09:22.374 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:22.374 WORLD : Frame 10:09:22.374 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:09:23.711 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:23.711 WORLD : Frame 10:09:23.711 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:09:23.799 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:23.799 WORLD : Frame 10:09:23.799 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:09:23.799 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427537004" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <6000.695801 217.360001 7196.007812> @"{07B92B5E1A781635}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_US_Player_Variant_1.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 10:09:23.816 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:23.816 WORLD : Frame 10:09:23.816 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:09:24.764 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:24.764 WORLD : Frame 10:09:24.764 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:09:24.764 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427537004" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <6000.695801 217.360001 7196.007812> @"{07B92B5E1A781635}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_US_Player_Variant_1.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 10:09:24.820 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:24.820 WORLD : Frame 10:09:24.820 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:09:24.875 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:24.875 WORLD : Frame 10:09:24.875 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:09:26.007 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:26.007 WORLD : Frame 10:09:26.007 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:09:26.154 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:26.154 WORLD : Frame 10:09:26.154 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:09:27.417 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:27.417 WORLD : Frame 10:09:27.417 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:09:27.498 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:27.498 WORLD : Frame 10:09:27.498 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:09:28.548 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:28.548 WORLD : Frame 10:09:28.548 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:09:28.623 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:28.623 WORLD : Frame 10:09:28.623 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:09:29.620 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:29.620 WORLD : Frame 10:09:29.620 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:09:29.713 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:29.713 WORLD : Frame 10:09:29.713 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:09:30.758 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:30.758 WORLD : Frame 10:09:30.758 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:09:30.850 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:30.850 WORLD : Frame 10:09:30.850 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:09:31.850 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:31.850 WORLD : Frame 10:09:31.850 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:09:31.957 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:31.957 WORLD : Frame 10:09:31.957 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:09:33.083 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:33.083 WORLD : Frame 10:09:33.083 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:09:33.256 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:33.256 WORLD : Frame 10:09:33.256 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:09:34.619 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:34.619 WORLD : Frame 10:09:34.619 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:09:34.738 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:34.738 WORLD : Frame 10:09:34.738 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:09:36.161 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:36.161 WORLD : Frame 10:09:36.161 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:09:36.285 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:36.285 WORLD : Frame 10:09:36.285 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:09:37.529 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:37.529 WORLD : Frame 10:09:37.529 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:09:37.620 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:37.620 WORLD : Frame 10:09:37.620 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:09:38.584 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:38.584 WORLD : Frame 10:09:38.584 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:09:38.654 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:38.654 WORLD : Frame 10:09:38.654 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:09:39.615 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:39.615 WORLD : Frame 10:09:39.615 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:09:39.700 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:39.700 WORLD : Frame 10:09:39.700 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:09:40.715 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:40.715 WORLD : Frame 10:09:40.715 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:09:40.855 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:40.855 WORLD : Frame 10:09:40.855 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:09:42.210 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:42.210 WORLD : Frame 10:09:42.210 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:09:42.367 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:42.367 WORLD : Frame 10:09:42.367 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:09:43.757 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:43.757 WORLD : Frame 10:09:43.757 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:09:43.848 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:43.848 WORLD : Frame 10:09:43.848 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:09:45.350 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:45.350 WORLD : Frame 10:09:45.350 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:09:45.583 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:45.583 WORLD : Frame 10:09:45.583 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:09:47.055 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:47.056 WORLD : Frame 10:09:47.056 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:09:47.056 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:09:47.056 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427545172" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <5060.458008 176.880005 6966.317871> @"{F063CEEB9295E9B6}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_USSR_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 10:09:47.206 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:47.206 WORLD : Frame 10:09:47.206 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:09:47.577 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:47.577 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:09:47.577 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427549818" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <5915.983887 269.660004 7604.463867> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427532321" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <5914.456055 269.500000 7594.220215> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 10:09:48.040 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:48.040 WORLD : Frame 10:09:48.040 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:09:48.040 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427549511" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <7463.049805 3.559999 6649.164062> @"{BE7CA93E188A5B58}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_US_Base.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_UpdateFlags(WR,) which wasn't queued 10:09:48.482 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:48.482 WORLD : Frame 10:09:48.482 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:09:48.654 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:48.654 WORLD : Frame 10:09:48.654 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:09:50.247 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:50.247 WORLD : Frame 10:09:50.247 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:09:50.410 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:50.410 WORLD : Frame 10:09:50.410 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:09:51.887 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:51.887 WORLD : Frame 10:09:51.887 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:09:52.012 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:52.012 WORLD : Frame 10:09:52.012 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:09:53.649 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:53.649 WORLD : Frame 10:09:53.649 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:09:53.818 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:53.818 WORLD : Frame 10:09:53.818 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:09:54.941 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:54.941 WORLD : Frame 10:09:54.941 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:09:55.042 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:55.042 WORLD : Frame 10:09:55.042 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:09:56.213 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:56.213 WORLD : Frame 10:09:56.213 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:09:56.316 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:56.316 WORLD : Frame 10:09:56.316 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:09:57.272 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:57.272 WORLD : Frame 10:09:57.272 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:09:57.272 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427544622" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <7268.645996 45.540001 7641.490234> @"{BE7CA93E188A5B58}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_US_Base.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_UpdateFlags(WR,) which wasn't queued 10:09:57.552 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:57.552 WORLD : Frame 10:09:57.552 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:09:57.709 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:57.709 WORLD : Frame 10:09:57.709 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:09:59.493 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:59.493 WORLD : Frame 10:09:59.493 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:09:59.697 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:09:59.697 WORLD : Frame 10:09:59.697 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:00.934 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:00.934 WORLD : Frame 10:10:00.934 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:10:00.934 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427549766" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <7268.645996 45.540001 7641.490234> @"{07B92B5E1A781635}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_US_Player_Variant_1.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_UpdateFlags(WR,) which wasn't queued 10:10:01.721 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:01.721 WORLD : Frame 10:10:01.721 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:02.056 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:02.056 WORLD : Frame 10:10:02.056 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:02.368 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:02.368 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:10:02.368 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 10:10:02.368 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427549972" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 10:10:02.368 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 10:10:03.088 GUI : Creating menu 'MapMenu' 10:10:03.088 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Chat Has no Content! 10:10:03.088 SCRIPT (W): Slot_VON Has no Content! 10:10:03.088 SCRIPT (W): Slot_AvailableActions Has no Content! 10:10:03.088 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 10:10:03.088 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Notifications Has no Content! 10:10:03.088 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Hints Has no Content! 10:10:03.148 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:03.148 WORLD : Frame 10:10:03.148 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:10:03.148 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:10:03.148 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:10:03.148 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:10:03.148 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:10:03.148 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:10:03.148 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:10:03.148 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:10:03.148 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:10:03.149 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:10:03.149 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:10:03.149 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:10:03.149 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:10:03.171 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't load ImageSet '' 10:10:03.258 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:03.258 WORLD : PostFrame 10:10:03.258 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadMaskFromSet can't load ImageSet 'UI/Textures/Icons/icons_mouse/icons_mouse.imageset' 10:10:04.272 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:04.272 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:10:04.272 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=16, Name= 10:10:04.322 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:04.322 WORLD : Frame 10:10:04.322 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:04.489 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:04.489 WORLD : Frame 10:10:04.489 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:06.483 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:06.483 WORLD : Frame 10:10:06.483 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:06.778 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:06.778 WORLD : Frame 10:10:06.778 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:07.349 SCRIPT (W): [SCR_RadialMenuController] - has no menu selected to control! 10:10:09.872 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:09.872 WORLD : Frame 10:10:09.872 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:10.095 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:10.095 WORLD : Frame 10:10:10.095 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:11.444 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:11.444 WORLD : Frame 10:10:11.444 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:11.506 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:11.506 WORLD : Frame 10:10:11.506 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:11.634 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:11.634 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:10:11.634 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=121, Name=FeticusDeletus 10:10:11.635 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=121, Name=FeticusDeletus, IdentityId=37c617ff-dd8d-45d7-ad50-73d2197c0d0e 10:10:12.503 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:12.503 WORLD : Frame 10:10:12.503 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:12.702 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:12.702 WORLD : Frame 10:10:12.702 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:14.374 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:14.374 WORLD : Frame 10:10:14.374 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:14.593 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:14.593 WORLD : Frame 10:10:14.593 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:17.203 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:17.203 WORLD : Frame 10:10:17.203 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:17.499 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:17.499 WORLD : Frame 10:10:17.499 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:20.100 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:20.100 WORLD : Frame 10:10:20.100 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:20.438 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:20.438 WORLD : Frame 10:10:20.438 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:22.605 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:22.605 WORLD : Frame 10:10:22.605 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:23.874 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:23.874 WORLD : Frame 10:10:23.874 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:24.005 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:24.005 WORLD : Frame 10:10:24.005 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:24.816 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:24.816 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:10:24.816 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427550716" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <6115.704102 235.440002 7517.142090> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427532321" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <6116.793945 232.639999 7529.341797> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 10:10:25.015 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:25.015 WORLD : Frame 10:10:25.015 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:25.196 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:25.196 WORLD : Frame 10:10:25.196 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:26.103 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:26.103 WORLD : Frame 10:10:26.103 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:26.162 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:26.162 WORLD : Frame 10:10:26.162 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:27.173 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:27.173 WORLD : Frame 10:10:27.173 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:27.266 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:27.266 WORLD : Frame 10:10:27.266 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:28.200 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:28.200 WORLD : Frame 10:10:28.200 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:28.273 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:28.273 WORLD : Frame 10:10:28.273 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:29.240 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:29.240 WORLD : Frame 10:10:29.240 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:29.330 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:29.330 WORLD : Frame 10:10:29.330 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:30.261 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:30.261 WORLD : Frame 10:10:30.261 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:30.339 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:30.339 WORLD : Frame 10:10:30.339 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:31.318 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:31.318 WORLD : Frame 10:10:31.318 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:31.358 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:31.358 WORLD : Frame 10:10:31.358 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:31.705 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:31.705 WORLD : Frame 10:10:31.705 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:10:31.705 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427547275" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <4977.594238 40.239998 9057.969727> @"{918C557BF3506286}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_USSR_Base.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 10:10:32.386 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:32.386 WORLD : Frame 10:10:32.386 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:32.485 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:32.485 WORLD : Frame 10:10:32.485 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:33.614 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:33.614 WORLD : Frame 10:10:33.614 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:33.699 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:33.699 WORLD : Frame 10:10:33.699 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:34.765 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:34.765 WORLD : Frame 10:10:34.765 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:34.868 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:34.868 WORLD : Frame 10:10:34.868 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:35.955 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:35.955 WORLD : Frame 10:10:35.955 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:36.094 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:36.094 WORLD : Frame 10:10:36.094 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:37.261 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:37.261 WORLD : Frame 10:10:37.261 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:37.381 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:37.381 WORLD : Frame 10:10:37.381 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:38.359 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:38.359 WORLD : Frame 10:10:38.359 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:38.459 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:38.459 WORLD : Frame 10:10:38.459 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:39.432 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:39.432 WORLD : Frame 10:10:39.432 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:39.497 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:39.497 WORLD : Frame 10:10:39.497 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:40.434 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:40.434 WORLD : Frame 10:10:40.434 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:10:40.434 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427550065" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <6000.695801 217.360001 7196.007812> @"{07B92B5E1A781635}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_US_Player_Variant_1.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 10:10:40.455 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:40.455 WORLD : Frame 10:10:40.455 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:40.561 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:40.561 WORLD : Frame 10:10:40.561 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:41.471 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:41.471 WORLD : Frame 10:10:41.471 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:41.637 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:41.637 WORLD : Frame 10:10:41.637 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:42.468 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:42.468 WORLD : Frame 10:10:42.468 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:42.633 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:42.633 WORLD : Frame 10:10:42.633 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:43.576 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:43.576 WORLD : Frame 10:10:43.576 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:43.782 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:43.782 WORLD : Frame 10:10:43.782 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:44.558 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:44.558 WORLD : Frame 10:10:44.558 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:44.834 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:44.834 WORLD : Frame 10:10:44.834 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:45.608 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:45.608 WORLD : Frame 10:10:45.608 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:45.906 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:45.906 WORLD : Frame 10:10:45.906 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:46.342 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:46.342 WORLD : Frame 10:10:46.342 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:46.639 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:46.639 WORLD : Frame 10:10:46.639 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:47.830 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:47.830 WORLD : Frame 10:10:47.830 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:48.992 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:48.992 WORLD : Frame 10:10:48.992 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:50.446 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:50.446 WORLD : Frame 10:10:50.446 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:52.430 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:52.430 WORLD : Frame 10:10:52.430 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:10:52.430 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427549405" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <6106.032227 163.179993 7503.976074> @"{918C557BF3506286}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_USSR_Base.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_UpdateFlags(WR,) which wasn't queued 10:10:52.470 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:52.470 WORLD : Frame 10:10:52.470 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:54.502 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:54.502 WORLD : Frame 10:10:54.502 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:56.146 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:56.146 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:10:56.146 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=44, Name= 10:10:56.700 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:56.700 WORLD : Frame 10:10:56.700 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:57.871 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:57.871 WORLD : Frame 10:10:57.871 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:10:59.009 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:10:59.009 WORLD : Frame 10:10:59.009 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:11:00.308 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:11:00.308 WORLD : Frame 10:11:00.308 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:11:01.468 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:11:01.468 WORLD : Frame 10:11:01.468 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:11:02.708 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:11:02.708 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:11:02.708 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=122, Name=Smokestack4637 10:11:02.709 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=122, Name=Smokestack4637, IdentityId=ec513b54-6bd6-4b11-9cb6-f1c626d64302 10:11:02.764 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:11:02.764 WORLD : Frame 10:11:02.764 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:11:04.176 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:11:04.176 WORLD : Frame 10:11:04.176 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:11:04.563 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:11:04.563 WORLD : Frame 10:11:04.563 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:11:04.563 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427548906" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <6106.032227 163.179993 7503.976074> @"{F063CEEB9295E9B6}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_USSR_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 10:11:05.384 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:11:05.384 WORLD : Frame 10:11:05.384 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:11:05.878 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:11:05.878 WORLD : Frame 10:11:05.878 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:11:05.878 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427544373" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <6106.032227 163.179993 7503.976074> @"{918C557BF3506286}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_USSR_Base.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 10:11:07.715 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:11:07.715 WORLD : Frame 10:11:07.715 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:11:11.286 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:11:11.286 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:11:11.286 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{12D7EB72A88C923F}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/FIA/Ural4320_FIA_cargo_canvas.et" 10:11:11.286 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427552726" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_cargo.xob') at <5411.711914 78.500000 5691.271973> @"{12D7EB72A88C923F}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/FIA/Ural4320_FIA_cargo_canvas.et" 10:11:11.286 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:11:11.286 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:11:11.286 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:11:11.286 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:11:11.286 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:11:11.286 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:11:11.305 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{1EC51D33C3E9E8A1}PrefabsEditable/Auto/Props/Military/Compositions/US/E_Antenna_01_US.et" 10:11:11.305 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427553030" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Props/Military/Antennas/Antenna_RC292_01/Antenna_RC292_01.xob') at <5056.240234 54.379997 5437.525879> @"{1EC51D33C3E9E8A1}PrefabsEditable/Auto/Props/Military/Compositions/US/E_Antenna_01_US.et" 10:11:11.305 DEFAULT (W): BaseTransceiver::SetFrequency is not supported on proxies. 10:11:11.305 DEFAULT (W): BaseTransceiver::SetFrequency is not supported on proxies. 10:11:12.405 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:11:12.405 WORLD : Frame 10:11:12.405 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:11:13.399 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:11:13.399 WORLD : Frame 10:11:13.399 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:11:14.472 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:11:14.472 WORLD : Frame 10:11:14.472 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:11:15.623 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:11:15.623 WORLD : Frame 10:11:15.623 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:11:16.699 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:11:16.699 WORLD : Frame 10:11:16.699 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:11:18.055 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:11:18.055 WORLD : Frame 10:11:18.055 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:11:18.526 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:11:18.526 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:11:18.526 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 10:11:18.526 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427553574" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 10:11:18.526 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 10:11:19.418 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:11:19.418 WORLD : Frame 10:11:19.418 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:11:20.780 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:11:20.780 WORLD : Frame 10:11:20.780 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:11:22.563 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:11:22.563 WORLD : Frame 10:11:22.563 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:11:23.893 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:11:23.893 WORLD : Frame 10:11:23.893 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:11:25.054 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:11:25.054 WORLD : Frame 10:11:25.054 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:11:26.297 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:11:26.297 WORLD : Frame 10:11:26.297 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:11:27.650 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:11:27.650 WORLD : Frame 10:11:27.650 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:11:29.021 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:11:29.021 WORLD : Frame 10:11:29.021 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:11:30.493 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:11:30.493 WORLD : Frame 10:11:30.493 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:11:31.693 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:11:31.693 WORLD : Frame 10:11:31.693 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:11:33.022 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:11:33.022 WORLD : Frame 10:11:33.022 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:11:34.344 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:11:34.344 WORLD : Frame 10:11:34.344 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:11:35.533 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:11:35.534 WORLD : Frame 10:11:35.534 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:11:36.775 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:11:36.775 WORLD : Frame 10:11:36.775 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:11:38.012 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:11:38.012 WORLD : Frame 10:11:38.012 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:11:38.996 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:11:38.996 WORLD : Frame 10:11:38.996 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:11:39.155 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:11:39.155 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:11:39.155 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427554469" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <6082.937988 270.739990 6972.815918> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427532321" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <6084.825195 269.425720 6985.486816> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 10:11:39.212 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:11:39.212 WORLD : Frame 10:11:39.212 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:11:39.212 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427553851" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <6106.032227 163.179993 7503.976074> @"{918C557BF3506286}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_USSR_Base.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_UpdateFlags(WR,) which wasn't queued 10:11:40.002 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:11:40.002 WORLD : Frame 10:11:40.002 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:11:41.374 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:11:41.374 WORLD : Frame 10:11:41.374 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:11:42.557 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:11:42.557 WORLD : Frame 10:11:42.557 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:11:43.815 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:11:43.815 WORLD : Frame 10:11:43.815 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:11:44.844 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:11:44.844 WORLD : Frame 10:11:44.844 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:11:45.911 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:11:45.911 WORLD : Frame 10:11:45.911 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:11:46.879 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:11:46.879 WORLD : Frame 10:11:46.879 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:11:47.922 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:11:47.922 WORLD : Frame 10:11:47.922 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:11:48.884 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:11:48.884 WORLD : Frame 10:11:48.884 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:11:50.025 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:11:50.025 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:11:50.025 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 10:11:50.025 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427555436" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 10:11:50.025 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 10:11:50.085 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:11:50.085 WORLD : Frame 10:11:50.085 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:11:52.013 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:11:52.013 WORLD : Frame 10:11:52.013 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:11:53.631 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:11:53.631 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:11:53.631 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427555570" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Compass/Compass_SY183/Compass_SY183.xob') at <7332.786133 16.020000 6709.419922> @"{61D4F80E49BF9B12}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Compass/Compass_SY183.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427468494" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M998_Base.xob') at <7335.246094 14.240000 6707.494141> @"{3B1EB924602C7A07}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M997_maxi_ambulance_MERDC.et" 10:11:53.977 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:11:53.977 WORLD : PostFrame 10:11:53.977 GUI : Creating menu 'Inventory20Menu' 10:11:53.977 SCRIPT (W): Slot_VON Has no Content! 10:11:53.977 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 10:11:54.140 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:11:54.140 WORLD : Frame 10:11:54.140 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:11:54.171 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 10:11:54.171 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 10:11:55.712 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:11:55.712 WORLD : Frame 10:11:55.712 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:11:55.753 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:11:55.753 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:11:55.753 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 10:11:55.753 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 10:11:55.762 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:11:55.762 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 10:11:55.762 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 10:11:56.749 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:11:56.749 WORLD : Frame 10:11:56.749 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:11:57.852 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:11:57.852 WORLD : Frame 10:11:57.852 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:11:58.899 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:11:58.899 WORLD : Frame 10:11:58.899 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:12:00.008 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:12:00.008 WORLD : Frame 10:12:00.008 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:12:01.088 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:12:01.088 WORLD : Frame 10:12:01.088 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:12:02.197 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:12:02.197 WORLD : Frame 10:12:02.197 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:12:03.417 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:12:03.417 WORLD : Frame 10:12:03.417 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:12:04.436 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:12:04.436 WORLD : Frame 10:12:04.436 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:12:05.507 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:12:05.507 WORLD : Frame 10:12:05.507 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:12:06.637 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:12:06.637 WORLD : Frame 10:12:06.637 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:12:08.724 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:12:08.724 WORLD : Frame 10:12:08.724 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:12:09.320 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:12:09.320 WORLD : Frame 10:12:09.320 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:12:09.320 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427544622" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <7268.645996 45.540001 7641.490234> @"{BE7CA93E188A5B58}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_US_Base.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 10:12:10.273 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:12:10.273 WORLD : Frame 10:12:10.273 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:12:11.460 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:12:11.460 WORLD : Frame 10:12:11.460 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:12:11.762 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:12:11.762 WORLD : Frame 10:12:11.762 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:12:12.580 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:12:12.580 WORLD : Frame 10:12:12.580 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:12:12.580 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427544966" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <7321.861816 42.860001 7625.129883> @"{BE7CA93E188A5B58}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_US_Base.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 10:12:13.108 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:12:13.108 WORLD : Frame 10:12:13.108 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:12:14.347 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:12:14.347 WORLD : Frame 10:12:14.347 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:12:15.405 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:12:15.405 WORLD : Frame 10:12:15.405 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:12:16.431 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:12:16.431 WORLD : Frame 10:12:16.431 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:12:16.706 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:12:16.706 WORLD : Frame 10:12:16.706 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:12:17.778 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:12:17.778 WORLD : Frame 10:12:17.778 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:12:19.007 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:12:19.007 WORLD : Frame 10:12:19.007 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:12:20.318 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:12:20.318 WORLD : Frame 10:12:20.318 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:12:21.482 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:12:21.482 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:12:21.482 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 10:12:21.482 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427556656" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 10:12:21.482 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 10:12:21.546 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:12:21.546 WORLD : Frame 10:12:21.546 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:12:23.026 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:12:23.026 WORLD : Frame 10:12:23.026 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:12:24.061 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:12:24.061 WORLD : Frame 10:12:24.061 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:12:25.095 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:12:25.095 WORLD : Frame 10:12:25.095 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:12:26.144 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:12:26.144 WORLD : Frame 10:12:26.144 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:12:27.114 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:12:27.114 WORLD : Frame 10:12:27.114 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:12:28.396 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:12:28.396 WORLD : Frame 10:12:28.396 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:12:29.678 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:12:29.678 WORLD : Frame 10:12:29.678 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:12:30.853 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:12:30.853 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:12:30.853 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 10:12:30.853 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427557062" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 10:12:30.853 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 10:12:30.915 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:12:30.915 WORLD : Frame 10:12:30.915 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:12:31.989 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:12:31.989 WORLD : Frame 10:12:31.989 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:12:33.217 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:12:33.217 WORLD : Frame 10:12:33.217 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:12:34.484 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:12:34.484 WORLD : Frame 10:12:34.484 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:12:35.699 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:12:35.699 WORLD : Frame 10:12:35.699 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:12:35.699 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427545172" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <5060.458008 176.880005 6966.317871> @"{F063CEEB9295E9B6}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_USSR_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 10:12:36.256 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:12:36.256 WORLD : Frame 10:12:36.256 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:12:37.850 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:12:37.850 WORLD : Frame 10:12:37.850 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:12:38.326 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:12:38.326 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:12:38.326 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 10:12:38.326 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427557679" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 10:12:38.326 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 10:12:39.076 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:12:39.076 WORLD : Frame 10:12:39.076 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:12:40.053 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:12:40.053 WORLD : Frame 10:12:40.053 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:12:40.940 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:12:40.940 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:12:40.940 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{12D7EB72A88C923F}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/FIA/Ural4320_FIA_cargo_canvas.et" 10:12:40.940 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427558271" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_cargo.xob') at <4642.512207 111.699997 8235.286133> @"{12D7EB72A88C923F}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/FIA/Ural4320_FIA_cargo_canvas.et" 10:12:40.940 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:12:40.940 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:12:40.940 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:12:40.940 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:12:40.940 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:12:40.940 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:12:41.121 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:12:41.121 WORLD : Frame 10:12:41.121 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:12:42.250 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:12:42.250 WORLD : Frame 10:12:42.250 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:12:43.363 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:12:43.363 WORLD : Frame 10:12:43.363 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:12:44.456 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:12:44.456 WORLD : Frame 10:12:44.456 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:12:45.427 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:12:45.427 WORLD : Frame 10:12:45.427 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:12:46.470 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:12:46.470 WORLD : Frame 10:12:46.470 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:12:47.553 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:12:47.553 WORLD : Frame 10:12:47.553 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:12:48.566 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:12:48.566 WORLD : Frame 10:12:48.566 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:12:56.752 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:12:56.752 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:12:56.752 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427558631" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Compass/Compass_SY183/Compass_SY183.xob') at <7100.512207 68.479996 7122.604004> @"{61D4F80E49BF9B12}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Compass/Compass_SY183.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427532551" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M151A2/m151a2_base.xob') at <7102.288086 66.739998 7117.985840> @"{86D830868F026D54}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M151A2/M151A2_MERDC.et" 10:12:58.345 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:12:58.345 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:12:58.345 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427558658" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <6559.850098 153.740005 7109.658203> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427478704" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M151A2/m151a2_base.xob') at <6559.724121 152.639999 7109.085938> @"{94DE32169691AC34}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M151A2/M151A2_transport_MERDC.et" 10:13:04.251 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:13:04.251 WORLD : Frame 10:13:04.251 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:13:04.251 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427545172" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <5060.458008 176.880005 6966.317871> @"{F063CEEB9295E9B6}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_USSR_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 10:13:06.851 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:13:06.851 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:13:06.851 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{28ADC26474652E5D}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo_canvas_CIV_JZD.et" 10:13:06.851 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427559193" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_cargo.xob') at <7577.715820 82.239998 5482.846191> @"{28ADC26474652E5D}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo_canvas_CIV_JZD.et" 10:13:06.851 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:13:06.851 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:13:06.851 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:13:06.851 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:13:06.851 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:13:06.851 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:13:16.468 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:13:16.468 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:13:16.468 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427559412" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <5906.209961 266.880005 7320.098145> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427532321" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8/Mi8MT_base.xob') at <5903.185547 265.960815 7310.781738> @"{7BD282AF716ED639}Prefabs/Vehicles/Helicopters/Mi8MT/Mi8MT_armed.et" 10:13:19.986 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:13:19.986 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:13:19.986 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=42, Name= 10:13:26.347 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:13:26.347 WORLD : Frame 10:13:26.347 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:13:26.347 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427559543" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <6015.158203 216.679993 7183.434082> @"{8D89B17BCFBFAE44}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_US_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_UpdateFlags(WR,) which wasn't queued 10:13:36.304 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:13:36.304 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:13:36.304 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427560090" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Compass/Compass_SY183/Compass_SY183.xob') at <6986.412109 105.400002 7137.700195> @"{61D4F80E49BF9B12}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Compass/Compass_SY183.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427532551" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M151A2/m151a2_base.xob') at <6987.673828 103.739998 7137.728027> @"{86D830868F026D54}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M151A2/M151A2_MERDC.et" 10:13:37.276 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:13:37.276 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:13:37.276 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=123, Name=Bingo 10:13:37.277 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=123, Name=Bingo, IdentityId=ff7dc01f-5205-4692-ba22-816b3da46669 10:13:39.116 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:13:39.116 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:13:39.116 DEFAULT (E): Trying to consume replay messages, but the BaseAnimPhysComponent cannot be replay simulate at this moment. This results in the replay message being ignored! 10:13:42.345 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:13:42.345 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:13:42.345 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427560348" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <6950.490234 113.540001 7140.888184> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427532551" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M151A2/m151a2_base.xob') at <6952.717773 111.940002 7141.740234> @"{86D830868F026D54}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M151A2/M151A2_MERDC.et" 10:13:53.625 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:13:53.625 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:13:53.625 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 10:13:53.625 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427560627" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 10:13:53.625 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 10:14:21.385 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:14:21.385 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:14:21.385 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=45, Name= 10:14:22.205 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:14:22.205 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:14:22.205 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=7, Name= 10:14:23.710 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:14:23.710 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:14:23.710 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 10:14:23.710 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427561242" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 10:14:23.710 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 10:14:26.278 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:14:26.278 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:14:26.278 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=119, Name=Maple7G, IdentityId=dab46106-b665-4fe8-9ceb-11c88cce9678 10:14:29.124 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:14:29.124 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:14:29.124 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=124, Name=Bigdaddylam9572 10:14:29.125 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=124, Name=Bigdaddylam9572, IdentityId=576bd602-ad21-43b1-b987-cb6522790632 10:14:57.726 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:14:57.726 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:14:57.726 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 10:14:57.726 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427562979" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 10:14:57.726 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 10:15:08.443 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:15:08.443 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:15:08.443 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=8, Name= 10:15:09.427 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:15:09.427 WORLD : Frame 10:15:09.427 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:15:09.427 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427537966" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <7274.083984 45.639999 7643.428223> @"{8D89B17BCFBFAE44}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_US_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 10:15:11.823 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:15:11.823 WORLD : Frame 10:15:11.823 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:15:11.823 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427537966" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <7274.083984 45.639999 7643.428223> @"{8D89B17BCFBFAE44}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_US_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 10:15:14.137 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:15:14.137 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:15:14.137 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=125, Name=BIG_DADDY0124 10:15:14.137 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=125, Name=BIG_DADDY0124, IdentityId=a4e27514-ee39-4d8c-b978-db93208b8cae 10:15:20.806 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:15:20.806 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:15:20.806 DEFAULT (E): Trying to consume replay messages, but the BaseAnimPhysComponent cannot be replay simulate at this moment. This results in the replay message being ignored! 10:15:21.013 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:15:21.013 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:15:21.013 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=15, Name= 10:15:26.868 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:15:26.868 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:15:26.868 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 10:15:26.868 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427563764" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 10:15:26.868 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 10:15:27.535 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:15:27.535 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:15:27.535 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=104, Name=IAMGOD8679, IdentityId=3106c029-3761-4cc8-b404-87ac1a023f02 10:15:39.388 GUI : Creating menu 'Inventory20Menu' 10:15:39.388 SCRIPT (W): Slot_VON Has no Content! 10:15:39.388 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 10:15:39.577 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 10:15:39.577 GUI (E): OverlayWidget Frame0 has invalid slot GridWidgetSlot for slot manipulation function used, expected: LayoutSlot 10:15:42.228 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:15:42.228 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:15:42.228 NETWORK : BaseCompartmentManagerComponent::Load, Occupant not found, 2147821677 10:15:42.228 NETWORK : BaseCompartmentManagerComponent::Load, Occupant not found, 2147831932 10:15:52.705 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:15:52.705 WORLD : Frame 10:15:52.705 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:16:00.873 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:16:00.873 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:16:00.873 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=19, Name= 10:16:02.651 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:16:02.651 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:16:02.651 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=8, Name= 10:16:06.595 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:16:06.595 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:16:06.595 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=126, Name=Joe Idiom 10:16:06.595 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=126, Name=Joe Idiom, IdentityId=7563c84e-0c49-4cd8-a16c-d42b14b1161e 10:16:12.957 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:16:12.957 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:16:12.957 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=127, Name=Brittoninsky 10:16:12.958 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=127, Name=Brittoninsky, IdentityId=51dc7f0b-eff3-4d77-9ca3-ec3ebeb8658b 10:16:16.688 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:16:16.688 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:16:16.688 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=22, Name= 10:16:20.314 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:16:20.314 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:16:20.314 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=125, Name=BIG_DADDY0124, IdentityId=a4e27514-ee39-4d8c-b978-db93208b8cae 10:16:22.195 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:16:22.195 WORLD : Frame 10:16:22.195 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:16:22.195 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427537966" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <7274.083984 45.639999 7643.428223> @"{8D89B17BCFBFAE44}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_US_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 10:16:36.081 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:16:36.081 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:16:36.081 DEFAULT (E): Trying to consume replay messages, but the BaseAnimPhysComponent cannot be replay simulate at this moment. This results in the replay message being ignored! 10:16:39.507 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:16:39.507 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:16:39.507 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 10:16:39.507 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427566116" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 10:16:39.507 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 10:16:43.121 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:16:43.121 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:16:43.121 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=13, Name= 10:16:44.412 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:16:44.412 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:16:44.412 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{69A9BC585134D555}Prefabs/Weapons/HeavyWeapons/HMG_M2HB_pintle_M151A2.et" 10:16:44.412 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427566233" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/HeavyWeapons/M2HB/M2.xob') at <7250.461914 49.739998 7682.082031> @"{69A9BC585134D555}Prefabs/Weapons/HeavyWeapons/HMG_M2HB_pintle_M151A2.et" 10:16:44.412 ANIMATION (E): @"ENTITY:4611686018427566233" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/HeavyWeapons/M2HB/M2.xob') at <7250.461914 49.739998 7682.082031> @"{69A9BC585134D555}Prefabs/Weapons/HeavyWeapons/HMG_M2HB_pintle_M151A2.et": anim controller initialization data is invalid (graph , node MasterControl, instance ) 10:16:51.214 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:16:51.214 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:16:51.214 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=128, Name=Dwanye "the wok" Johnson 10:16:51.215 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=128, Name=Dwanye "the wok" Johnson, IdentityId=bd2b6d4a-e0df-4d74-a66d-4f6a193b28c9 10:16:53.970 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:16:53.970 WORLD : Frame 10:16:53.970 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:16:53.970 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427566364" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <6000.695801 217.360001 7196.007812> @"{8D89B17BCFBFAE44}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_US_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_UpdateFlags(WR,) which wasn't queued 10:16:56.398 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:16:56.398 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:16:56.398 NETWORK : BaseCompartmentManagerComponent::Load, Occupant not found, 2147822242 10:17:01.709 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:17:01.709 WORLD : Frame 10:17:01.709 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:17:01.709 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427550065" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <6000.695801 217.360001 7196.007812> @"{07B92B5E1A781635}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_US_Player_Variant_1.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 10:17:05.055 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:17:05.055 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:17:05.055 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 10:17:05.055 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427567007" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 10:17:05.055 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 10:17:06.551 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:17:06.551 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:17:06.551 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=5, Name= 10:17:12.763 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:17:12.763 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:17:12.763 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427567258" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <7287.354004 45.779999 7704.251953> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427566214" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M151A2/m151a2_base.xob') at <7287.500000 44.080002 7702.412109> @"{5168FEA3054D6D15}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M151A2/M151A2_M2HB_MERDC.et" 10:17:14.168 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:17:14.168 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:17:14.168 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=129, Name=DaRkBlizzrd 10:17:14.169 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=129, Name=DaRkBlizzrd, IdentityId=51166472-4f78-4f30-b9d2-e5db243badb3 10:17:14.189 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:17:14.189 WORLD : Frame 10:17:14.189 GUI : Creating menu 'RespawnSuperMenu' 10:17:14.189 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Chat Has no Content! 10:17:14.189 SCRIPT (W): Slot_AvailableActions Has no Content! 10:17:14.189 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 10:17:14.189 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Hints Has no Content! 10:17:14.189 SCRIPT (E): HUDManager: Identifier: RespawnMenu is already used! Check if your Identifier is Unique! 10:17:14.191 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:17:14.191 WORLD : Frame 10:17:14.191 SCRIPT : SCR_MapEntity: Attempt to call PanSmooth before map init is completed 10:17:14.266 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:17:14.266 WORLD : Frame 10:17:14.266 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't load ImageSet '' 10:17:14.266 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:17:14.266 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:17:14.266 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:17:14.266 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:17:14.266 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:17:14.266 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:17:14.266 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:17:14.266 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:17:14.267 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:17:14.267 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:17:14.267 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:17:14.267 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:17:14.267 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:17:14.267 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:17:15.765 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:17:15.765 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:17:15.765 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=20, Name= 10:17:22.773 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:17:22.773 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:17:22.773 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=89, Name=Stat3Troop3r, IdentityId=d3f33f02-e010-4d67-ac6d-a030bed3c1c3 10:17:29.284 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:17:29.284 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:17:29.284 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427567733" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <4446.846191 129.020004 7145.301758> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427566530" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_base.xob') at <4444.007812 127.599998 7146.578125> @"{259EE7B78C51B624}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469.et" 10:17:32.244 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:17:32.244 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:17:32.244 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427567903" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <7178.576172 68.040001 7771.250000> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427566214" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M151A2/m151a2_base.xob') at <7180.638184 65.739998 7770.653809> @"{5168FEA3054D6D15}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M151A2/M151A2_M2HB_MERDC.et" 10:17:32.412 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:17:32.412 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:17:32.412 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{2F088A1CDD3FB2F1}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_repair_box.et" 10:17:32.412 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427567944" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural_4320_repair_box.xob') at <4978.111816 38.639999 9057.072266> @"{2F088A1CDD3FB2F1}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_repair_box.et" 10:17:32.412 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:17:32.412 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:17:32.412 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:17:32.412 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:17:32.428 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{4AE31B174C7064F7}PrefabsEditable/Auto/Props/Military/Compositions/USSR/E_Antenna_01_USSR.et" 10:17:32.428 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427568201" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Props/Military/Antennas/Antenna_R161_01/Antenna_R161_01.xob') at <4999.870117 50.599998 8910.208008> @"{4AE31B174C7064F7}PrefabsEditable/Auto/Props/Military/Compositions/USSR/E_Antenna_01_USSR.et" 10:17:32.428 DEFAULT (W): BaseTransceiver::SetFrequency is not supported on proxies. 10:17:32.429 DEFAULT (W): BaseTransceiver::SetFrequency is not supported on proxies. 10:17:32.444 SCRIPT (E): 'SCR_SupportStationAreaMeshComponent' (GenericEntity<0x0000022312B24330> @"ENTITY:4611686018427567953" ('GenericEntity') at <4975.874023 38.519978 9058.179688>) linked support station (REPAIR) has an offset but the local position of the area mesh is: '<0.001221, -0.019501, -2.500977>' were as the support station offset is '<0.000000, 0.000000, -2.500000>' this must be the same else the zone shows an incorrect area! 10:17:42.354 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:17:42.354 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:17:42.354 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 10:17:42.354 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427568946" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 10:17:42.354 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 10:17:48.507 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:17:48.507 WORLD : Frame 10:17:48.507 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:17:48.507 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427566393" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <7309.631836 42.540001 7649.978027> @"{BE7CA93E188A5B58}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_US_Base.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_UpdateFlags(WR,) which wasn't queued 10:17:49.394 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:17:49.394 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:17:49.394 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427569066" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <4557.014160 150.339996 7048.571777> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427566530" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_base.xob') at <4554.543945 148.600006 7051.069824> @"{259EE7B78C51B624}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469.et" 10:17:52.649 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:17:52.649 WORLD : Frame 10:17:52.649 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:17:52.649 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427550065" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <6000.695801 217.360001 7196.007812> @"{07B92B5E1A781635}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_US_Player_Variant_1.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 10:17:57.115 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:17:57.115 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:17:57.115 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{28ADC26474652E5D}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo_canvas_CIV_JZD.et" 10:17:57.115 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427569293" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_cargo.xob') at <6650.830078 109.559998 5867.125977> @"{28ADC26474652E5D}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo_canvas_CIV_JZD.et" 10:17:57.115 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:17:57.115 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:17:57.115 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:17:57.115 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:17:57.115 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:17:57.115 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:17:59.501 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:17:59.501 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:17:59.501 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427569341" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <6898.545898 120.839996 7831.558105> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427566214" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M151A2/m151a2_base.xob') at <6900.189941 118.379997 7831.702148> @"{5168FEA3054D6D15}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M151A2/M151A2_M2HB_MERDC.et" 10:18:08.061 SCRIPT (E): 'SCR_BaseSupportStationComponent' 'EOnInit': 'GenericEntity<0x00000222E2AE3D30> @"ENTITY:4611686018427570136" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Fuel/Jerrycan_01/Jerrycan_01.xo' Support Station is set to use supplies but it has no SCR_ResourceComponent 10:18:11.580 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:18:11.580 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:18:11.580 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427570206" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <4628.801758 161.119995 6937.147949> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427566530" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_base.xob') at <4627.198242 159.759995 6938.206055> @"{259EE7B78C51B624}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469.et" 10:18:24.693 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:18:24.693 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:18:24.693 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=7, Name= 10:18:29.700 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:18:29.700 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:18:29.700 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427570534" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <6652.076172 153.880005 7833.979980> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427566214" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M151A2/m151a2_base.xob') at <6651.269531 152.175049 7835.591309> @"{5168FEA3054D6D15}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M151A2/M151A2_M2HB_MERDC.et" 10:18:30.390 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:18:30.390 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:18:30.390 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=130, Name=Scorpion0323 10:18:30.390 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=130, Name=Scorpion0323, IdentityId=6572600d-47cc-46c3-b022-ca5370957081 10:18:31.350 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:18:31.350 WORLD : Frame 10:18:31.350 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:18:32.041 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:18:32.041 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:18:32.041 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{12D7EB72A88C923F}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/FIA/Ural4320_FIA_cargo_canvas.et" 10:18:32.041 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427570567" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_cargo.xob') at <4642.512207 111.699997 8235.280273> @"{12D7EB72A88C923F}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/FIA/Ural4320_FIA_cargo_canvas.et" 10:18:32.041 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:18:32.041 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:18:32.041 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:18:32.041 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:18:32.041 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:18:32.041 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:18:37.797 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:18:37.797 WORLD : Frame 10:18:37.797 DEFAULT (E): BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator... 10:18:41.407 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:18:41.407 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:18:41.407 DEFAULT (W): BaseTransceiver::SetFrequency is not supported on proxies. 10:18:42.445 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:18:42.445 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:18:42.445 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=22, Name= 10:18:47.642 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:18:47.642 WORLD : Frame 10:18:47.642 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:18:47.642 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427565207" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <6106.032227 163.179993 7503.976074> @"{F063CEEB9295E9B6}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_USSR_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 10:18:49.087 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:18:49.087 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:18:49.087 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=124, Name=Bigdaddylam9572, IdentityId=576bd602-ad21-43b1-b987-cb6522790632 10:18:54.108 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:18:54.108 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:18:54.108 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427571017" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <4857.295898 166.940002 6904.908203> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427566530" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_base.xob') at <4856.136230 165.800003 6905.700195> @"{259EE7B78C51B624}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469.et" 10:18:58.306 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:18:58.306 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:18:58.306 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=28, Name= 10:19:01.995 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:01.995 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:19:01.995 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427571115" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <5627.264160 99.879997 6028.574219> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427564516" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_base.xob') at <5626.840332 98.839996 6029.005859> @"{0B4DEA8078B78A9B}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_PKM.et" 10:19:03.925 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:03.925 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:19:03.925 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=131, Name=CrumplySeal9607 10:19:03.926 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=131, Name=CrumplySeal9607, IdentityId=746bec46-1642-42f8-87f8-0a648c1bafe1 10:19:10.471 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:10.471 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:19:10.471 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{12D7EB72A88C923F}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/FIA/Ural4320_FIA_cargo_canvas.et" 10:19:10.471 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427571592" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_cargo.xob') at <5411.711914 78.500000 5691.271973> @"{12D7EB72A88C923F}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/FIA/Ural4320_FIA_cargo_canvas.et" 10:19:10.471 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:19:10.471 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:19:10.471 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:19:10.471 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:19:10.471 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:19:10.471 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:19:10.473 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{1EC51D33C3E9E8A1}PrefabsEditable/Auto/Props/Military/Compositions/US/E_Antenna_01_US.et" 10:19:10.473 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427571654" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Props/Military/Antennas/Antenna_RC292_01/Antenna_RC292_01.xob') at <5056.240234 54.379997 5437.525879> @"{1EC51D33C3E9E8A1}PrefabsEditable/Auto/Props/Military/Compositions/US/E_Antenna_01_US.et" 10:19:10.473 DEFAULT (W): BaseTransceiver::SetFrequency is not supported on proxies. 10:19:10.474 DEFAULT (W): BaseTransceiver::SetFrequency is not supported on proxies. 10:19:10.991 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:10.991 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:19:10.991 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=40, Name= 10:19:17.599 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:17.599 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:19:17.599 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=132, Name=NastyNate864239 10:19:17.599 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=132, Name=NastyNate864239, IdentityId=80446cc9-f6e2-4f7c-a935-ec40be939be3 10:19:19.352 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:19.352 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:19.352 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1707860.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.70, 7317.81], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:19:19.370 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:19.370 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:19.370 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1828748.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.80]. 10:19:19.619 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:19.619 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:19.619 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1635687.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:19:19.638 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:19.638 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:19.638 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1821890.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:19.750 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:19.750 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:19.750 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1773993.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:19:19.769 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:19.769 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:19.769 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1938747.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:19.824 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:19.824 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:19.824 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1778896.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:19.843 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:19.843 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:19.843 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1900853.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:19.988 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:19.988 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:19.988 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1740502.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:20.008 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:20.008 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:20.008 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1984327.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:20.156 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:20.156 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:20.156 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1592491.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:20.174 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:20.174 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:20.174 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1975088.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:20.284 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:20.284 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:20.284 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1699531.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:20.304 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:20.304 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:20.304 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2045263.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:20.524 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:20.524 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:20.524 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1536163.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:20.543 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:20.543 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:20.543 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2129652.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.016, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:20.824 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:20.824 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:20.824 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1408726.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.024, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:20.845 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:20.845 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:20.845 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2312181.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.015, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:20.921 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:20.921 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:20.921 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1533088.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:20.940 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:20.940 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:20.940 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2090980.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.016, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:21.054 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:21.054 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:21.054 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1701983.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:21.074 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:21.074 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:21.074 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2016872.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:21.187 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:21.187 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:21.187 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1765278.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:21.207 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:21.207 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:21.207 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1935133.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:21.492 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:21.492 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:21.492 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1647234.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:21.512 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:21.512 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:21.512 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1927552.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:21.963 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:21.963 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:21.963 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1442588.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.023, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:21.985 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:21.985 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:21.985 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1507286.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:22.665 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:22.665 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:22.665 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1348091.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.025, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:22.682 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:22.682 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:22.682 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1749541.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:24.264 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:24.264 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:24.264 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1526383.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:24.283 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:24.283 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:24.283 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1665369.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:24.600 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:24.600 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:24.600 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1678315.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:24.619 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:24.619 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:24.619 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1758748.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:25.527 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:25.527 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:25.527 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1579702.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:25.547 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:25.547 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:25.547 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1834029.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:25.791 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:25.791 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:25.791 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1610736.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:25.811 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:25.811 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:25.811 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1682176.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:26.096 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:26.096 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:26.096 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1515749.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:26.117 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:26.117 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:26.117 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1778260.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:26.257 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:26.257 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:26.257 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1629506.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:26.277 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:26.277 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:26.277 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1697775.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:26.396 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:26.396 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:26.396 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1587234.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:26.417 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:26.417 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:26.417 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1822056.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:26.796 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:26.796 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:26.796 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1563419.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:26.816 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:26.816 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:26.816 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1760477.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:26.935 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:26.935 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:26.935 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1587301.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:26.955 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:26.955 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:26.955 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1780196.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:27.035 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:27.035 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:27.035 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1582944.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:27.055 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:27.055 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:27.055 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1760990.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:27.135 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:27.135 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:27.135 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1555981.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:27.154 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:27.154 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:27.154 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1809154.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:27.194 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:27.194 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:27.194 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1684864.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:27.213 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:27.213 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:27.213 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1788973.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:27.433 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:27.433 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:27.433 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1583492.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:27.454 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:27.454 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:27.454 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1772089.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:27.633 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:27.633 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:27.633 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1607356.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:27.654 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:27.654 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:27.654 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1792496.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:27.733 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:27.733 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:27.733 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1576627.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:27.754 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:27.754 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:27.754 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1731555.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:27.833 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:27.833 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:27.834 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1515668.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:27.854 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:27.854 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:27.854 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1832293.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:27.935 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:27.935 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:27.935 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1682394.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:27.957 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:27.957 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:27.957 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1603055.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:28.262 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:28.262 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:28.262 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1524308.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:19:28.286 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:28.286 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:28.286 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1497075.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.023, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:28.526 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:28.526 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:28.527 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1486283.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.023, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:19:28.547 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:28.547 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:28.547 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1673976.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:28.696 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:28.696 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:28.696 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1525386.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:19:28.718 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:28.718 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:28.718 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1778102.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:28.797 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:28.797 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:28.797 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1534367.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:19:28.818 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:28.818 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:28.818 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1828552.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:28.898 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:28.898 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:28.898 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1605054.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:28.920 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:28.920 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:28.920 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1750700.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:29.055 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:29.055 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:29.055 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1741890.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:29.075 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:29.075 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:29.075 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1800619.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:29.230 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:29.230 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:29.230 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1559314.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:29.251 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:29.251 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:29.251 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1900234.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:29.528 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:29.528 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:29.528 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1729599.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:29.547 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:29.547 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:29.547 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1796529.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:29.626 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:29.626 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:29.626 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1736582.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:29.646 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:29.646 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:29.646 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1783694.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:29.665 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:29.665 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:29.665 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1650648.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:29.685 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:29.685 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:29.685 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1850743.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:29.994 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:29.994 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:29.994 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1574163.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:30.013 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:30.013 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:30.013 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1970811.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:30.164 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:30.164 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:30.164 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1662482.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:30.184 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:30.184 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:30.184 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1796805.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:30.354 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:30.355 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:30.355 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1743531.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:30.375 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:30.375 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:30.375 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1974834.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:30.432 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:30.432 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:30.432 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1694011.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:30.450 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:30.450 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:30.450 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1843226.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:30.564 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:30.564 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:30.564 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1792382.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:30.582 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:30.582 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:30.582 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1773787.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:30.759 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:30.759 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:30.759 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1827288.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:30.778 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:30.778 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:30.778 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1787480.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:30.890 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:30.890 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:30.890 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1905442.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:30.908 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:30.908 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:30.908 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1825997.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:31.096 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:31.096 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:31.096 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1768626.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:31.116 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:31.116 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:31.116 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1840320.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:31.303 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:31.303 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:31.303 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1792838.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:31.322 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:31.322 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:31.322 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1744052.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:31.359 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:31.359 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:31.359 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1753084.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:31.379 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:31.379 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:31.379 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1930840.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:31.436 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:31.436 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:31.436 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1747230.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:31.455 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:31.455 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:31.455 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1692427.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:31.491 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:31.491 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:31.491 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1845316.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:31.511 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:31.511 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:31.511 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1912471.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:31.624 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:31.624 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:31.624 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1855887.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:31.644 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:31.644 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:31.644 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1766881.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:31.755 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:31.755 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:31.755 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1918802.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:31.774 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:31.774 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:31.774 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1834845.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:32.195 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:32.195 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:32.195 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1690543.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:32.214 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:32.214 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:32.214 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1938990.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:32.289 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:32.289 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:32.289 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1882681.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:32.309 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:32.309 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:32.309 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1818151.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:32.729 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:32.729 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:32.729 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1648775.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:32.751 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:32.751 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:32.751 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1658573.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:33.052 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:33.052 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:33.052 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (3497548.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.010, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:33.073 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:33.073 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:33.073 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2863386.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.012, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:33.268 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:33.268 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:33.268 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1617864.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:19:33.287 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:33.287 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:33.287 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1886921.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:33.366 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:33.366 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:33.367 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1682353.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:19:33.387 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:33.387 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:33.387 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1727341.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:33.564 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:33.564 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:33.564 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1679915.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:19:33.585 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:33.585 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:33.585 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1755703.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:33.701 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:33.701 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:33.701 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1541304.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:19:33.721 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:33.721 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:33.721 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1869850.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:33.799 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:33.799 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:33.799 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1603420.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:19:33.821 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:33.821 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:33.821 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1806837.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:34.035 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:34.035 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:34.035 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1601266.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:34.056 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:34.056 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:34.056 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1806924.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:34.294 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:34.294 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:34.294 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1608914.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:34.314 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:34.314 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:34.314 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1834765.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:34.430 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:34.430 WORLD : Frame 10:19:34.430 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:19:34.430 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427545248" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <7321.861816 42.880001 7625.129883> @"{07B92B5E1A781635}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_US_Player_Variant_1.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_UpdateFlags(WR,) which wasn't queued 10:19:34.532 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:34.532 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:34.532 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1600252.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:34.553 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:34.553 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:34.553 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1824865.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:34.672 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:34.672 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:34.672 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1548693.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:34.692 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:34.692 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:34.692 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1811817.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:35.163 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:35.163 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:35.163 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1732139.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:35.184 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:35.184 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:35.184 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1768727.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:35.300 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:35.300 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:35.300 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1539026.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:35.320 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:35.320 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:35.320 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1978285.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:35.535 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:35.535 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:35.535 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1659410.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:35.555 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:35.555 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:35.556 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1820204.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:35.670 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:35.670 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:35.670 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1564415.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:35.692 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:35.692 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:35.692 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1977915.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:35.906 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:35.906 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:35.906 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1688410.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:35.927 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:35.927 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:35.927 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1752348.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:36.161 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:36.161 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:36.161 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1761503.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:36.180 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:36.180 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:36.180 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1781038.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:36.259 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:36.259 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:36.259 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1843297.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:36.279 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:36.279 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:36.279 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1719270.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:36.316 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:36.316 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:19:36.316 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=46, Name= 10:19:36.436 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:36.436 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:36.436 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1527754.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:36.456 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:36.456 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:36.456 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1873512.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:36.574 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:36.574 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:36.574 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1678615.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:36.595 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:36.595 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:36.595 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1757972.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:36.672 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:36.672 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:36.672 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1572569.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:36.692 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:36.692 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:36.692 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1848944.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:37.005 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:37.005 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:37.005 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1646914.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:37.026 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:37.026 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:37.026 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1838092.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:37.965 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:37.965 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:37.965 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1628260.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:37.987 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:37.987 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:37.987 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1821194.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:38.337 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:38.337 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:38.337 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1647042.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:38.358 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:38.358 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:38.358 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1761522.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:38.534 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:38.534 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:38.534 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1651284.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:38.555 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:38.555 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:38.555 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1818689.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:38.632 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:38.632 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:38.632 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1846575.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:38.652 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:38.652 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:38.652 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1756449.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:38.770 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:38.770 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:38.770 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1543032.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:19:38.791 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:38.791 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:38.791 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1997039.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:39.105 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:39.105 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:39.105 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1666969.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:19:39.127 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:39.127 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:39.127 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1802230.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:39.264 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:39.264 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:39.264 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1749451.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:19:39.285 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:39.285 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:39.285 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1705344.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:39.734 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:39.734 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:39.734 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1507971.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:39.755 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:39.755 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:39.755 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1924124.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:39.773 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:39.773 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:39.773 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1625797.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:39.795 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:39.795 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:39.795 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1852607.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:39.832 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:39.832 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:39.832 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1780364.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:39.853 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:39.853 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:39.853 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1859027.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:39.969 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:39.969 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:39.969 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1453321.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.023, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:39.990 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:39.990 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:39.990 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2134742.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.016, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:40.030 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:40.030 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:40.030 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1778961.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:40.052 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:40.052 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:40.052 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1635291.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:40.762 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:40.762 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:40.762 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1658329.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:40.783 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:40.783 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:40.783 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1791282.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:41.139 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:41.139 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:41.139 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1539131.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:41.158 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:41.158 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:41.158 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1490267.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.023, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:41.237 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:41.237 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:41.237 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1513756.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:41.257 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:41.257 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:41.257 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1924659.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:41.296 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:41.296 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:41.296 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1749342.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:41.318 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:41.318 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:41.318 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1777699.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:41.604 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:41.604 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:41.604 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1667642.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:41.622 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:41.622 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:41.622 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1824983.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:41.770 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:41.770 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:41.770 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1701546.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:41.788 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:41.788 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:41.788 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1926785.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:41.860 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:41.860 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:41.860 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1859271.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:41.877 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:41.877 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:41.877 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2084439.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.016, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:41.942 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:41.942 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:19:41.942 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=54, Name=XxVilewordxX, IdentityId=2925672f-5b73-43ba-bf33-fd5e5a7bc1dd 10:19:41.960 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:41.960 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:41.960 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1702685.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:41.976 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:41.976 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:41.976 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2386743.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.014, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:42.026 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:42.026 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:42.026 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1808091.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:42.043 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:42.043 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:42.043 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2223946.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.015, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:42.127 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:42.127 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:42.127 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1758876.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:42.144 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:42.144 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:42.144 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2184468.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.015, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:42.226 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:42.226 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:42.226 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1879472.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:42.243 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:42.243 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:42.243 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2117610.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.016, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:42.293 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:42.293 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:42.293 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1813292.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:42.311 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:42.311 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:42.311 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2203980.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.015, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:42.359 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:42.359 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:42.359 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1835421.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:42.376 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:42.376 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:42.376 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2224736.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.015, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:42.460 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:42.460 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:42.460 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1773304.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:42.477 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:42.477 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:42.477 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2207127.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.015, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:42.560 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:42.560 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:42.560 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1777280.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:42.577 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:42.577 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:42.577 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2201229.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.015, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:42.626 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:42.626 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:42.626 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1850703.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:42.644 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:42.644 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:42.644 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2182047.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.016, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:42.726 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:42.726 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:42.726 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1850157.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:42.744 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:42.744 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:42.744 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2130081.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.016, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:42.802 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:42.802 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:42.802 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1904253.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:42.812 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:42.812 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:42.812 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1393338.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.024, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:42.895 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:42.895 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:42.895 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1919052.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:42.913 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:42.913 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:42.913 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1993206.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:43.097 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:43.097 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:43.097 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1910410.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:43.115 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:43.115 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:43.115 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2140221.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.016, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:43.233 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:43.233 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:43.233 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1801366.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:43.253 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:43.253 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:43.253 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1963860.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:43.366 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:43.366 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:43.366 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1558761.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:43.386 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:43.386 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:43.386 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1895149.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:43.674 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:43.674 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:43.674 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1673752.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:43.692 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:43.692 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:43.692 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1778167.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:43.769 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:43.769 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:43.769 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1677309.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:43.789 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:43.789 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:43.789 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1861194.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:44.072 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:44.072 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:44.072 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1733071.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:19:44.092 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:44.092 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:44.092 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1832372.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:44.203 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:44.203 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:44.203 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1682001.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:19:44.224 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:44.224 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:44.224 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1919869.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:44.696 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:44.696 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:44.696 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1889976.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:19:44.715 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:44.715 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:44.715 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1922682.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:44.829 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:44.829 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:44.829 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1951925.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:44.846 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:44.846 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:44.846 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2041489.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:45.196 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:45.196 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:45.196 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2001443.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:45.212 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:45.212 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:45.212 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2033201.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:45.329 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:45.329 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:45.329 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2015383.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:45.347 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:45.347 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:45.347 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2102616.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.016, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:45.696 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:45.696 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:45.696 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1859169.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:45.714 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:45.714 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:45.714 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2207458.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.015, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:45.829 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:45.829 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:45.829 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1855623.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:45.846 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:45.846 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:45.846 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2181245.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.016, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:45.931 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:45.931 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:45.931 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1732565.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:45.946 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:45.946 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:45.946 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2117305.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.016, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:46.030 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:46.030 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:46.030 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1871027.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:46.047 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:46.047 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:46.047 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2098120.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.016, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:46.130 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:46.130 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:46.130 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1915187.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:46.147 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:46.147 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:46.147 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2041353.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:46.197 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:46.197 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:46.197 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1850056.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:46.214 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:46.214 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:46.214 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2177709.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.016, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:46.298 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:46.298 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:46.298 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1934315.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:46.314 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:46.314 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:46.314 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1939868.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:46.363 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:46.363 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:46.363 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1801529.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:46.381 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:46.381 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:46.381 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2284393.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.015, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:46.431 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:46.431 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:46.431 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1827909.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:46.448 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:46.448 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:46.448 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2108640.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.016, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:46.498 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:46.498 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:46.498 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1885029.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:46.515 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:46.515 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:46.515 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2044114.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:46.597 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:46.597 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:46.597 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1931919.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:46.615 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:46.615 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:46.615 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2069910.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.016, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:46.664 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:46.664 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:46.664 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1792600.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:46.681 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:46.681 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:46.681 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2313113.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.015, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:46.731 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:46.731 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:46.731 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1823361.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:46.748 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:46.748 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:46.748 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2125907.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.016, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:46.797 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:46.797 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:46.797 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1873056.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:46.814 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:46.814 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:46.814 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2102420.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.016, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:46.898 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:46.898 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:46.898 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1930928.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:46.915 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:46.915 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:46.915 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2105899.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.016, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:46.965 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:46.965 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:46.965 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1930498.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:46.982 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:46.982 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:46.982 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2008710.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:47.031 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:47.031 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:47.031 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1943164.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:47.048 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:47.048 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:47.048 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2067193.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.016, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:47.098 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:47.098 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:47.098 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1929211.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:47.116 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:47.116 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:47.116 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1970994.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:47.164 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:47.164 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:47.164 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1959642.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:47.182 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:47.182 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:47.182 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2018989.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:47.231 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:47.231 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:47.231 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1900340.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:47.248 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:47.248 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:47.248 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2136439.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.016, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:47.298 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:47.298 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:47.298 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1832828.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:47.316 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:47.316 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:47.316 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2152536.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.016, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:47.365 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:47.365 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:47.365 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1864946.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:47.382 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:47.382 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:47.382 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2111415.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.016, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:47.431 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:47.431 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:47.431 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1884777.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:47.449 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:47.449 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:47.449 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2140614.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.016, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:47.794 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:47.794 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:47.794 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1959461.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:47.812 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:47.812 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:47.812 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1871016.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:47.866 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:47.866 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:47.866 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1691759.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:47.885 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:47.885 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:47.885 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1954833.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:47.962 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:47.962 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:47.962 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1809763.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:47.983 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:47.983 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:47.983 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1845537.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:48.099 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:48.099 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:48.099 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1838212.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:48.118 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:48.118 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:48.118 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1770707.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:48.501 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:48.501 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:48.501 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1762319.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:48.522 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:48.522 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:48.522 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1812254.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:48.698 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:48.698 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:48.698 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1714550.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:48.719 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:48.719 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:48.719 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1802354.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:50.376 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:50.376 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:50.376 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1608547.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:50.397 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:50.397 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:50.397 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1853906.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:50.597 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:50.597 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:50.597 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1860395.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:50.617 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:50.617 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:50.617 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2048443.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:50.728 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:50.728 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:50.728 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2060224.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.016, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:50.748 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:50.748 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:50.749 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2002876.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:51.099 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:51.099 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:51.099 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1737714.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:51.119 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:51.119 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:51.119 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1843186.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:51.433 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:51.433 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:51.433 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1804872.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:51.452 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:51.452 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:51.452 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1801424.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:51.974 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:51.974 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:51.974 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1866251.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:51.992 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:51.992 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:51.992 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2114131.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.016, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:52.174 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:52.174 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:52.174 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1986049.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:52.190 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:52.190 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:52.190 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2090296.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.016, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:52.303 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:52.303 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:52.303 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2066852.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.016, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:52.322 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:52.322 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:52.322 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2094136.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.016, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:52.438 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:52.438 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:52.438 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1806499.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:52.455 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:52.455 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:52.455 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2056044.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.016, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:52.680 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:52.680 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:52.680 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1516360.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:52.699 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:52.699 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:52.699 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1967889.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:52.779 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:52.779 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:52.779 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1656917.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:52.799 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:52.799 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:52.799 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1652727.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:52.878 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:52.878 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:52.878 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1574984.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:52.898 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:52.898 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:52.898 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1736546.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:53.805 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:53.805 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:53.805 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1980276.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:53.824 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:53.824 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:53.824 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2060023.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.016, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:53.939 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:53.939 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:53.939 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1932107.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:53.957 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:53.957 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:53.957 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2044768.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:54.302 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:54.302 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:54.302 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2036380.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:54.322 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:54.322 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:54.322 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1715793.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:54.441 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:54.441 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:54.441 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1797102.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:54.462 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:54.462 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:54.462 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1689868.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:54.940 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:54.940 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:54.940 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1709573.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:54.959 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:54.959 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:54.959 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1799155.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:55.151 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:55.151 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:55.151 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1579149.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:55.169 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:55.169 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:55.169 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1791643.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:55.551 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:55.551 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:55.551 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1588702.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:19:55.570 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:55.570 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:55.570 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1798745.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:55.779 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:55.779 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:55.780 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1655856.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:19:55.799 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:55.799 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:55.799 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1752368.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:56.182 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:56.182 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:56.182 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1637522.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:19:56.201 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:56.201 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:56.201 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1773537.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:56.683 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:56.683 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:56.683 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1582945.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:56.703 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:56.703 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:56.703 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1702129.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:57.545 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:57.545 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:57.545 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1193346.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.028, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:57.563 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:57.563 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:57.563 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2296357.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.015, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:57.686 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:57.686 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:57.686 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1571248.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:57.708 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:57.708 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:57.708 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1686072.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:57.850 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:57.850 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:57.850 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1541886.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:57.871 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:57.871 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:57.871 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1685921.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:58.218 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:58.218 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:58.218 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1509504.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:58.238 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:58.238 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:58.238 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1737277.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:59.119 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:59.119 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:59.119 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1555681.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:59.139 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:59.139 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:59.139 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1619621.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:19:59.487 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:59.487 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:59.487 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1534220.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:19:59.506 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:19:59.506 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:19:59.506 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1575364.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:00.182 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:00.182 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:00.182 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1603199.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:00.201 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:00.201 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:00.201 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1677550.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:00.815 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:00.815 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:00.815 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1559644.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:00.835 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:00.835 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:00.835 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1738169.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:01.286 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:01.286 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:01.286 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1531735.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:01.306 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:01.306 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:01.306 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1785077.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:01.450 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:01.450 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:01.450 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1580852.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:01.469 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:01.469 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:01.470 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1733745.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:01.716 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:01.716 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:01.716 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1613699.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:01.736 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:01.736 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:01.736 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1689143.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:01.859 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:01.859 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:01.859 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1555609.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:01.879 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:01.879 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:01.879 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1668151.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:02.124 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:02.124 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:02.125 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1520849.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:02.145 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:02.145 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:02.145 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1685241.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:02.453 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:02.453 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:02.453 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1589723.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:02.474 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:02.474 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:02.474 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1629098.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:02.821 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:02.821 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:02.821 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1488118.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.023, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:02.842 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:02.842 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:02.842 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1818904.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:03.257 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:03.257 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:03.257 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1588307.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:03.278 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:03.278 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:03.278 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1643540.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:03.522 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:03.522 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:03.522 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1532165.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:03.543 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:03.543 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:03.543 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1691185.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:03.688 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:03.688 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:03.688 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1660624.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:20:03.709 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:03.709 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:03.709 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1640395.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:04.062 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:04.062 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:04.062 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1574523.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:20:04.084 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:04.084 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:04.084 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1628049.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:04.185 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:04.185 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:04.185 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1707236.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:20:04.207 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:04.207 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:04.207 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1693690.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:04.416 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:04.416 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:04.416 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1873907.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:04.438 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:04.438 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:04.438 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1767177.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:04.523 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:04.523 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:04.523 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1666157.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:04.544 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:04.544 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:04.544 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1661251.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:04.585 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:04.585 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:04.585 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1662663.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:04.607 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:04.607 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:04.607 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1648470.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:04.855 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:04.855 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:04.855 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1686862.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:04.877 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:04.877 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:04.877 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1637870.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:05.085 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:05.085 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:05.085 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1675814.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:05.147 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:05.147 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:05.147 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1627172.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:05.722 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:05.722 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:05.722 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1580919.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:05.743 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:05.743 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:05.743 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1622594.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:05.787 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:05.787 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:05.787 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1536344.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:05.808 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:05.808 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:05.808 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1605275.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:05.894 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:05.894 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:05.894 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1631107.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:05.916 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:05.916 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:05.916 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1608340.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:06.103 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:06.103 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:06.103 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1613438.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:06.112 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:06.112 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:06.112 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (909774.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.037, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:06.258 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:06.258 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:06.258 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1605313.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:06.281 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:06.281 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:06.281 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1573227.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:06.458 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:06.458 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:06.458 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1512485.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:06.481 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:06.481 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:06.481 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1503945.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.023, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:06.594 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:06.594 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:06.594 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1537593.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:06.616 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:06.616 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:06.616 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1492988.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.023, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:06.766 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:06.766 WORLD : Frame 10:20:06.766 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:20:06.766 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427572612" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <5128.005859 175.500000 6984.098145> @"{918C557BF3506286}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_USSR_Base.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_UpdateFlags(WR,) which wasn't queued 10:20:07.028 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:07.028 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:07.028 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1537495.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:07.050 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:07.050 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:07.050 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1613184.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:07.391 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:07.391 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:07.391 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1481580.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.023, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:07.412 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:07.412 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:07.412 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1735336.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:07.454 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:07.454 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:07.454 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1590418.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:07.477 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:07.477 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:07.477 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1633666.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:07.795 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:07.795 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:07.795 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1495395.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.023, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:07.818 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:07.818 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:07.818 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1635410.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:08.094 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:08.094 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:08.094 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1536295.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:08.116 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:08.116 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:08.116 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1599964.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:08.158 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:08.158 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:08.158 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1684956.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:08.180 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:08.180 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:08.180 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1552478.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:08.222 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:08.222 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:08.222 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1632909.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:08.245 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:08.245 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:08.245 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1604407.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:08.286 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:08.286 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:08.286 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1730466.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:08.308 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:08.308 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:08.308 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1586089.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:08.520 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:08.520 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:08.520 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1706608.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:08.543 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:08.543 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:08.543 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1661243.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:08.585 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:08.585 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:08.585 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1711491.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:08.606 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:08.606 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:08.606 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1568191.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:08.967 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:08.967 WORLD : Frame 10:20:08.967 GUI : Creating menu 'RespawnSuperMenu' 10:20:08.967 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Chat Has no Content! 10:20:08.967 SCRIPT (W): Slot_AvailableActions Has no Content! 10:20:08.967 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 10:20:08.967 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Hints Has no Content! 10:20:08.967 SCRIPT (E): HUDManager: Identifier: RespawnMenu is already used! Check if your Identifier is Unique! 10:20:08.969 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:08.969 WORLD : Frame 10:20:08.969 SCRIPT : SCR_MapEntity: Attempt to call PanSmooth before map init is completed 10:20:09.026 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:09.026 WORLD : Frame 10:20:09.026 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:20:09.026 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427544966" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <7321.861816 42.860001 7625.129883> @"{BE7CA93E188A5B58}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_US_Base.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 10:20:09.029 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:09.029 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1192993.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.028, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:20:09.044 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:09.044 WORLD : Frame 10:20:09.044 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:20:09.044 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:20:09.044 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:20:09.044 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:20:09.044 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:20:09.046 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:20:09.046 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:20:09.046 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:20:09.046 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize_Relay' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:20:09.046 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:20:09.046 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:20:09.046 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:20:09.073 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:09.073 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (601456.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.056, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:09.157 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:09.157 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:09.157 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2116432.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.016, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:20:09.173 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:09.173 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:09.173 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1835990.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:09.243 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:09.243 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:09.243 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1936462.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:20:09.270 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:09.270 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:09.270 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (5293795.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.006, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:09.302 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:09.302 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:09.302 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (4264618.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.008, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:20:09.336 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:09.336 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:09.336 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1748936.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:09.390 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:09.390 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:09.390 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1939013.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:20:09.403 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:09.403 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:09.403 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1766956.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:09.486 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:09.486 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:09.486 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2415214.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.014, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:09.503 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:09.503 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:09.503 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1917650.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:09.554 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:09.554 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:09.554 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2155538.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.016, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:09.569 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:09.569 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:09.569 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2044361.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:09.621 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:09.621 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:09.621 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2213738.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.015, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:09.636 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:09.636 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:09.636 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1979465.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:09.723 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:09.723 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:09.723 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1897252.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:09.737 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:09.737 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:09.737 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1827722.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:09.790 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:09.790 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:09.790 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2097393.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.016, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:09.805 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:09.805 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:09.805 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1708408.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:09.923 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:09.923 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:09.923 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2146858.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.016, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:09.940 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:09.940 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:09.940 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1979870.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:09.990 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:09.990 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:09.990 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2007281.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:10.005 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:10.005 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:10.005 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1894364.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:10.089 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:10.089 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:10.089 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2039816.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:10.105 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:10.105 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:10.105 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2175568.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.016, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:10.257 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:10.257 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:10.257 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2037606.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:10.271 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:10.271 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:10.271 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2114105.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.016, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:10.556 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:10.556 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:10.556 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2205919.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.015, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:10.572 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:10.572 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:10.572 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2101102.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.016, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:10.690 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:10.690 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:10.690 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2374522.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.014, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:10.705 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:10.705 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:10.705 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1890355.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:10.859 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:10.859 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:10.859 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2017377.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:10.872 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:10.872 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:10.872 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1695411.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:10.993 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:10.993 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:10.993 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1843828.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:11.007 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:11.007 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:11.007 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1766549.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:11.156 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:11.156 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:11.156 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2242047.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.015, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:11.173 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:11.173 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:11.173 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2046635.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:11.293 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:11.293 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:11.293 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2021448.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:11.308 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:11.308 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:11.308 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1913400.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:11.393 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:11.393 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:11.393 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1917541.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:11.407 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:11.407 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:11.407 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1893728.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:11.492 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:11.492 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:11.492 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2008555.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:11.508 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:11.508 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:11.508 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2058795.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.016, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:11.593 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:11.593 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:11.593 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1982583.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:11.608 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:11.608 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:11.608 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1930851.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:11.726 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:11.726 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:11.726 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1936351.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:11.741 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:11.741 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:11.741 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2040898.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:11.860 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:11.860 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:11.860 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2016187.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:11.874 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:11.874 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:11.874 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1787480.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:12.026 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:12.026 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:12.026 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2204425.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.015, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:12.041 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:12.041 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:12.041 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1864463.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:12.193 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:12.193 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:12.193 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1974616.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:12.208 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:12.208 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:12.208 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1851138.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:12.360 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:12.360 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:12.360 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2130630.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.016, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:12.376 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:12.376 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:12.376 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1786556.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:12.527 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:12.527 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:12.527 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2136237.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.016, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:12.542 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:12.542 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:12.542 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1864371.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:12.660 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:12.660 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:12.660 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1958407.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:12.675 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:12.675 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:12.675 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1877741.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:12.826 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:12.826 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:12.826 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1993511.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:12.841 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:12.841 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:12.841 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2014843.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:13.127 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:13.127 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:13.127 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1887330.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:13.141 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:13.141 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:13.141 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1961334.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:13.225 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:13.225 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:13.225 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2011061.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:13.241 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:13.241 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:13.241 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2091717.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.016, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:13.340 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:13.340 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:20:13.340 SCRIPT : ChimeraCharacter character = SCR_ChimeraCharacter<0x0000022199663DB0> @"ENTITY:4611686018427562008" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter','Assets/Characters/Basebody/Basebody_Male_01.xob') at <5930.810059 218.320007 7089.775879> @"{BE7CA93E188A5B58}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_US_Base.et" 10:20:13.359 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:13.359 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:13.359 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2110994.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.016, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:13.375 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:13.375 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:13.375 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2032566.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:13.492 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:13.492 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:13.492 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2184694.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.015, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:13.509 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:13.509 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:13.509 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1967604.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:13.759 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:13.759 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:13.759 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1926467.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:13.776 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:13.776 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:13.776 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2201558.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.015, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:13.861 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:13.861 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:13.861 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1809328.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:13.876 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:13.876 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:13.876 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1977615.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:14.293 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:14.293 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:14.293 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1979129.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:14.309 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:14.309 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:14.309 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2144709.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.016, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:14.476 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:14.476 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:14.476 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1953254.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:14.509 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:14.509 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:14.509 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1994745.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:14.595 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:14.595 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:14.595 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1956200.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:14.609 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:14.609 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:14.609 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1904724.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:14.728 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:14.728 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:14.728 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1971282.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:14.743 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:14.743 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:14.743 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1865131.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:14.862 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:14.862 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:14.862 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1978899.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:14.876 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:14.876 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:14.876 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1823833.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:15.093 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:15.093 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:15.093 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2004121.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:20:15.110 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:15.110 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:15.110 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2169991.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.016, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:15.228 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:15.228 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:15.228 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2123694.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.016, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:20:15.243 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:15.243 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:15.243 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1951217.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:15.330 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:15.330 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:15.330 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1941571.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:20:15.343 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:15.343 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:15.343 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1830322.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:15.428 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:15.428 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:15.428 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2101886.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.016, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:20:15.444 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:15.444 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:15.444 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2019520.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:15.561 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:15.561 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:15.561 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2001301.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:20:15.577 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:15.577 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:15.577 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2227459.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.015, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:15.662 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:15.662 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:15.662 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1983583.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:15.677 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:15.677 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:15.677 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1844924.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:15.996 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:15.996 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:15.996 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1964829.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:16.011 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:16.011 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:16.011 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1691379.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:16.094 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:16.094 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:16.094 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2154043.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.016, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:16.111 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:16.111 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:16.111 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1981261.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:16.196 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:16.196 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:16.196 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1978170.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:16.212 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:16.212 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:16.212 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1857222.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:16.296 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:16.296 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:16.296 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1987064.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:16.311 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:16.311 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:16.311 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2049832.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:16.510 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:16.510 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:20:16.510 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=0, Name= 10:20:16.530 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:16.530 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:16.530 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1867785.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:16.545 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:16.545 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:16.545 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1951452.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:16.664 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:16.664 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:16.664 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2182412.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.016, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:16.679 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:16.679 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:16.679 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1658045.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:16.864 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:16.864 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:16.864 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1875879.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:16.878 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:16.878 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:16.878 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1925568.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:17.030 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:17.030 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:17.030 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1965524.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:17.045 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:17.045 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:17.045 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1964692.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:17.162 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:17.162 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:17.162 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2348740.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.014, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:17.180 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:17.180 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:17.180 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2003800.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:17.496 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:17.496 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:17.496 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1971844.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:17.512 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:17.512 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:17.512 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2138463.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.016, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:17.629 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:17.629 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:17.629 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2306431.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.015, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:17.647 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:17.647 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:17.647 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1987005.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:17.829 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:17.829 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:17.829 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2103021.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.016, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:17.846 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:17.846 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:17.846 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2114514.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.016, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:17.897 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:17.897 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:17.897 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2194978.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.015, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:17.913 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:17.913 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:17.913 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1930697.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:17.998 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:17.998 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:17.998 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2001383.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:18.014 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:18.014 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:18.014 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1823027.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:18.064 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:18.064 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:18.064 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2336630.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.014, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:18.081 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:18.081 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:18.081 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1816512.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:18.265 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:18.265 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:18.265 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1980600.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:18.280 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:18.280 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:18.280 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1824560.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:18.364 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:18.364 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:18.364 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2180543.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.016, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:18.380 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:18.380 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:18.380 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1889964.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:18.431 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:18.431 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:18.431 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2020749.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:18.447 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:18.447 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:18.447 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1879305.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:18.532 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:18.532 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:18.532 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1968175.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:18.547 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:18.547 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:18.547 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1937958.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:18.914 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:18.914 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:18.914 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1978748.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:18.947 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:18.947 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:18.947 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1866632.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:19.014 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:19.014 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:19.014 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1889184.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:19.047 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:19.047 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:19.047 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2013118.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:19.114 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:19.114 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:19.114 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2015215.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:19.149 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:19.149 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:19.149 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1791785.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:19.356 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:19.356 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:20:19.356 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{4AE31B174C7064F7}PrefabsEditable/Auto/Props/Military/Compositions/USSR/E_Antenna_01_USSR.et" 10:20:19.356 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427573532" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Props/Military/Antennas/Antenna_R161_01/Antenna_R161_01.xob') at <4999.870117 50.599998 8910.208008> @"{4AE31B174C7064F7}PrefabsEditable/Auto/Props/Military/Compositions/USSR/E_Antenna_01_USSR.et" 10:20:19.356 DEFAULT (W): BaseTransceiver::SetFrequency is not supported on proxies. 10:20:19.356 DEFAULT (W): BaseTransceiver::SetFrequency is not supported on proxies. 10:20:19.733 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:19.733 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:19.733 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2215200.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.015, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:19.748 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:19.748 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:19.748 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1930410.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:20.092 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:20.092 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:20.092 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1858986.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:20.111 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:20.111 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:20.111 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1890809.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:20.294 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:20.294 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:20.294 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1676354.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:20.313 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:20.313 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:20.313 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1985700.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:20.467 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:20.467 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:20.467 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1520235.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:20:20.487 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:20.487 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:20.487 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1837564.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:20.892 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:20.892 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:20.892 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1973189.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:20:20.912 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:20.912 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:20.912 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1752250.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:21.465 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:21.465 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:21.465 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1704811.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:21.487 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:21.487 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:21.487 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1863447.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:21.522 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:21.522 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:21.522 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1988394.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:21.542 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:21.542 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:21.542 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1888973.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:21.597 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:21.597 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:21.597 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1659882.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:21.619 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:21.619 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:21.619 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1897018.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:21.655 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:21.655 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:21.655 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2080660.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.016, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:21.675 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:21.675 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:21.675 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1750165.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:21.845 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:21.845 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:21.845 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1711274.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:21.854 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:21.854 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:21.854 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (848153.81 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.040, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:22.078 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:22.078 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:20:22.078 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=40, Name= 10:20:22.137 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:22.137 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:22.137 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1693299.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:22.156 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:22.156 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:22.156 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1749098.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:22.369 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:22.369 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:22.369 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1718318.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:22.389 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:22.389 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:22.389 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1799680.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:23.127 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:23.127 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:23.127 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1811701.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:23.146 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:23.146 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:23.146 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1725729.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:23.218 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:23.218 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:20:23.218 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=133, Name=Evanklila 10:20:23.218 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=133, Name=Evanklila, IdentityId=31186ce6-793e-4da8-8556-2b62d1ebe66d 10:20:23.258 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:23.258 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:23.258 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1864750.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:23.278 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:23.278 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:23.278 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1876305.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:23.665 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:23.665 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:23.665 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1656463.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:23.685 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:23.685 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:23.685 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1796463.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:23.801 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:23.801 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:23.801 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1552036.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:23.821 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:23.821 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:23.821 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1960766.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:23.898 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:23.898 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:23.898 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1588880.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:23.918 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:23.918 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:23.918 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1834576.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:23.996 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:23.996 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:23.996 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1647828.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:24.016 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:24.016 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:24.016 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1856753.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:24.367 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:24.367 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:24.367 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1600524.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:24.386 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:24.386 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:24.386 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1696592.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:24.504 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:24.504 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:24.504 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1537146.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:24.523 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:24.523 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:24.523 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1863273.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:24.701 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:24.701 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:24.701 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1503010.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.023, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:24.720 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:24.720 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:24.720 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1806654.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:25.101 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:25.101 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:25.101 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1524548.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:25.120 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:25.120 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:25.120 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1844763.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:25.399 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:25.399 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:25.399 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1501836.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.023, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:25.419 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:25.419 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:25.419 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1945487.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:25.603 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:25.603 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:25.603 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1555310.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:25.625 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:25.625 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:25.625 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1847260.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:25.770 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:25.770 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:25.770 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1438488.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.024, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:25.790 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:25.790 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:25.790 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1803113.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:25.974 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:25.974 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:25.974 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1506830.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:25.994 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:25.994 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:25.994 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1751497.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:26.337 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:26.337 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:26.337 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1402313.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.024, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:26.358 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:26.358 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:26.358 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1978159.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:26.698 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:26.698 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:26.698 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1572986.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:26.717 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:26.717 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:26.717 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1914029.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:27.038 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:27.038 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:27.038 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1558159.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:27.055 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:27.055 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:27.055 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1843789.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:27.295 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:27.295 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:27.295 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1628973.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:27.311 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:27.311 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:27.311 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1888373.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:27.528 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:27.528 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:27.528 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1567886.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:27.546 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:27.546 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:27.546 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2257869.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.015, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:27.760 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:27.760 WORLD : Frame 10:20:27.760 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:20:27.760 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427568756" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <6106.032227 163.179993 7503.976074> @"{918C557BF3506286}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_USSR_Base.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 10:20:28.605 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:28.605 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:28.605 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1662148.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:28.624 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:28.624 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:28.625 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1872052.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:28.738 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:28.738 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:28.738 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1572489.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:28.757 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:28.757 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:28.757 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2028960.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:28.873 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:28.873 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:28.873 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1658687.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:28.893 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:28.893 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:28.893 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1733648.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:28.970 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:28.970 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:28.970 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1614693.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:28.989 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:28.989 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:28.989 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1865778.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:29.066 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:29.066 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:29.066 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1617416.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:29.085 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:29.085 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:29.085 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1889300.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:29.202 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:29.202 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:29.202 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1585784.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:29.221 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:29.221 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:29.221 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1869064.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:29.373 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:29.373 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:29.373 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1605571.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:29.392 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:29.392 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:29.392 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1909483.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:29.468 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:29.468 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:29.468 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1524843.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:29.487 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:29.487 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:29.487 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2006651.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:29.565 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:29.565 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:29.565 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1562654.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:29.584 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:29.584 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:29.584 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2020061.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:29.663 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:29.663 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:29.663 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1605008.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:29.682 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:29.682 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:29.682 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1849318.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:29.759 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:29.759 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:20:29.759 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=108, Name=Street L4mp, IdentityId=332968d3-9f8d-4d1a-92f7-9f3319beed0c 10:20:30.332 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:30.332 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:30.332 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1643931.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:30.352 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:30.352 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:30.352 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1700572.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:30.866 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:30.866 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:30.866 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1728010.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:30.886 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:30.886 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:30.886 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1761714.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:31.173 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:31.173 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:31.173 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1764349.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:31.193 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:31.193 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:31.193 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1824216.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:31.534 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:31.534 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:31.534 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1675906.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:31.554 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:31.554 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:31.554 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1866591.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:31.668 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:31.668 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:31.668 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1667231.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:31.687 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:31.687 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:31.687 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1831301.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:31.803 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:31.803 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:31.803 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1490569.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.023, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:31.823 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:31.823 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:31.823 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2019386.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:32.236 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:32.236 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:32.236 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1603131.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:32.257 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:32.257 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:32.257 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1755784.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:32.507 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:32.507 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:32.507 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1535180.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:32.528 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:32.528 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:32.528 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1703962.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:32.674 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:32.674 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:32.674 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1575453.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:32.695 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:32.695 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:32.695 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1650648.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:33.271 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:33.271 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:33.271 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1461818.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.023, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:33.291 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:33.291 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:33.291 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1750700.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:33.876 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:33.876 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:33.876 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1607951.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:33.896 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:33.896 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:33.896 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1778270.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:34.112 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:34.112 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:34.112 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1629624.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:34.132 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:34.132 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:34.132 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1762512.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:34.270 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:34.270 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:34.270 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1607020.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:20:34.290 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:34.290 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:34.290 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1852334.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:34.408 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:34.408 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:34.408 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1607753.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:20:34.428 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:34.428 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:34.428 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1753529.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:34.907 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:34.907 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:34.907 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1625422.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:20:34.926 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:34.926 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:34.926 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1779934.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:35.278 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:35.278 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:35.278 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1347753.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.025, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:20:35.297 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:35.297 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:35.297 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1913834.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:35.379 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:35.379 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:35.379 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1417960.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.024, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:35.399 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:35.399 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:35.399 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1836637.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:36.308 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:36.308 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:36.308 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1607974.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:36.328 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:36.328 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:36.328 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1741809.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:36.846 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:36.846 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:36.846 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1451097.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.023, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:36.867 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:36.867 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:36.867 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1773908.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:36.972 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:36.972 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:36.972 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1520139.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:36.994 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:36.994 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:36.994 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1729131.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:37.377 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:37.377 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:37.377 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1538515.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:37.399 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:37.399 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:37.399 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1776981.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:37.441 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:37.441 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:37.441 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1530592.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:37.462 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:37.462 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:37.462 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1691430.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:37.703 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:37.703 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:37.703 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1720047.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:37.724 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:37.724 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:37.724 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1761888.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:37.743 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:37.743 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:37.743 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1570760.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:37.764 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:37.764 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:37.764 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1744331.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:38.078 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:38.078 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:38.078 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1603435.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:38.098 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:38.098 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:38.098 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1789218.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:38.239 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:38.239 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:38.239 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2689371.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.013, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:38.260 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:38.260 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:38.260 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1679981.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:38.377 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:38.377 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:38.377 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1556754.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:38.397 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:38.398 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:38.398 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1803891.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:38.576 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:38.576 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:38.576 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1594005.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:38.597 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:38.597 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:38.597 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1810131.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:38.717 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:38.717 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:38.717 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1629647.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:38.737 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:38.737 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:38.737 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1679672.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:38.775 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:38.775 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:38.775 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1806634.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:38.797 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:38.797 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:38.797 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1733266.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:38.915 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:38.915 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:38.915 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1566377.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:38.935 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:38.935 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:38.935 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1816590.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:38.975 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:38.975 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:38.975 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1654415.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:38.995 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:38.995 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:38.995 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1742499.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:39.215 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:39.215 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:39.215 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1556024.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:39.236 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:39.236 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:39.236 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1748340.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:39.317 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:39.317 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:39.317 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1506689.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:39.337 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:39.337 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:39.337 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1746536.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:39.376 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:39.376 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:39.376 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1694970.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:39.396 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:39.396 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:39.396 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1682210.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:39.616 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:39.616 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:39.616 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1619357.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:39.636 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:39.636 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:39.636 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1701204.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:39.674 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:39.674 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:39.674 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1821527.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:39.694 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:39.694 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:39.694 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1725623.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:39.914 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:39.914 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:39.914 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1622828.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:39.935 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:39.935 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:39.936 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1746428.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:39.975 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:39.975 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:39.975 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1627923.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:39.994 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:39.994 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:39.994 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1840421.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:40.074 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:40.074 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:40.074 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1803171.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:40.095 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:40.095 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:40.095 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1772469.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:40.312 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:40.312 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:40.312 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1549409.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:20:40.331 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:40.331 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:40.331 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1763596.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:40.412 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:40.412 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:40.412 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1709970.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:20:40.433 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:40.433 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:40.433 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1629169.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:40.473 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:40.473 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:40.473 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1638743.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:20:40.495 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:40.495 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:40.495 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1743038.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:40.576 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:40.576 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:40.576 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1464823.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.023, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:20:40.597 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:40.597 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:40.597 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1887994.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:40.679 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:40.679 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:40.679 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1555060.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:20:40.702 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:40.702 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:40.702 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1725457.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:40.885 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:40.885 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:40.885 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1580299.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:40.907 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:40.907 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:40.907 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1652953.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:41.009 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:41.009 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:41.009 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1670803.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:20:41.028 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:41.028 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:41.029 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1639322.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:41.377 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:41.377 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:41.377 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1571241.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:41.399 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:41.399 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:41.399 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1723752.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:42.214 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:42.214 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:42.214 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1573358.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:42.235 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:42.235 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:42.235 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1707907.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:42.314 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:42.314 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:42.314 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1479029.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.023, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:42.334 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:42.334 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:42.334 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1927695.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:42.414 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:42.414 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:42.414 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1540118.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:42.435 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:42.435 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:42.435 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1746013.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:42.514 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:42.514 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:42.514 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1668200.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:42.536 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:42.536 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:42.536 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1733798.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:42.714 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:42.714 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:42.714 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1648758.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:42.735 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:42.735 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:42.735 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1784766.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:43.074 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:43.074 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:43.074 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1833503.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:43.094 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:43.094 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:43.094 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1674637.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:43.213 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:43.213 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:43.213 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1623971.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:43.235 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:43.235 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:43.235 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1749315.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:43.573 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:43.573 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:43.573 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1726556.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:43.594 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:43.594 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:43.594 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1721412.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:43.712 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:43.712 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:43.712 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1562207.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:43.733 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:43.733 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:43.733 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1853002.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:44.212 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:44.212 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:44.212 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1744960.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:44.233 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:44.233 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:44.233 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1746986.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:44.313 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:44.313 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:44.313 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1759361.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:44.334 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:44.334 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:44.334 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1735870.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:44.354 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:44.354 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:44.354 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1576612.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:44.374 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:44.374 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:44.374 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1800293.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:44.516 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:44.516 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:44.516 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1582160.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:44.536 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:44.536 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:44.536 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1694418.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:44.616 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:44.616 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:44.616 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1590343.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:44.638 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:44.638 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:44.638 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1717656.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:44.677 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:44.677 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:44.677 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1719130.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:44.698 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:44.698 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:44.698 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1725474.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:44.756 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:44.756 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:44.756 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1661218.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:44.778 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:44.778 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:44.778 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1737812.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:44.855 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:44.855 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:44.855 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1612047.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:44.875 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:44.875 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:44.875 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1826273.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:44.915 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:44.915 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:44.915 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1643005.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:44.935 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:44.935 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:44.935 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1777252.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:44.953 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:44.953 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:44.953 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1678948.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:44.974 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:44.974 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:44.974 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1845860.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:45.150 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:45.150 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:45.150 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1623870.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:45.170 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:45.170 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:45.170 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1752975.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:45.188 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:45.188 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:45.188 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1661642.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:45.207 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:45.207 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:45.207 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1895414.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:45.285 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:45.285 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:45.285 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1622026.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:45.305 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:45.305 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:45.305 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1865234.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:45.420 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:45.420 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:45.420 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1615394.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:45.440 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:45.440 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:45.440 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1924923.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:45.654 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:45.654 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:45.654 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1570236.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:45.676 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:45.676 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:45.676 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1832372.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:45.758 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:45.758 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:45.758 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1473237.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.023, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:45.779 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:45.779 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:45.779 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1749940.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:45.821 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:45.821 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:45.821 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1626836.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:20:45.843 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:45.843 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:45.843 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1684169.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:45.883 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:45.883 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:45.883 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1669065.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:20:45.922 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:45.922 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:45.922 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1741057.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:46.024 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:46.024 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:46.024 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1629506.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:20:46.044 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:46.044 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:46.044 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1722683.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:46.083 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:46.083 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:46.083 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1769940.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:20:46.103 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:46.103 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:46.103 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1756158.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:46.448 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:46.448 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:46.448 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1645521.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:46.467 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:46.467 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:46.467 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1902637.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:46.542 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:46.542 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:46.542 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1832789.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:46.563 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:46.563 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:46.563 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1883425.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:46.619 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:46.619 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:46.619 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1706771.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:46.637 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:46.637 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:46.637 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1813448.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:46.713 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:46.713 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:46.713 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1857028.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:46.733 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:46.733 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:46.733 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1886447.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:46.977 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:46.977 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:46.977 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1679223.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:46.996 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:46.996 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:46.996 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2048456.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:47.182 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:47.182 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:47.182 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1746518.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:47.206 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:47.206 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:47.206 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1908740.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:47.312 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:47.312 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:47.312 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1707476.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:47.332 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:47.332 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:47.332 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1909095.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:47.444 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:47.444 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:47.444 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1911596.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:47.464 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:47.464 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:47.464 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1867755.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:47.651 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:47.651 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:47.651 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1760697.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:47.671 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:47.671 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:47.671 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1830449.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:47.878 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:47.878 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:47.878 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1837583.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:47.897 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:47.897 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:47.897 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1850642.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:47.916 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:47.916 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:47.916 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1713639.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:47.935 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:47.935 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:47.935 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1787131.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:48.047 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:48.047 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:48.047 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1693553.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:48.067 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:48.067 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:48.067 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1924309.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:49.317 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:49.317 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:49.317 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1721114.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:49.337 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:49.337 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:49.337 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1774020.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:49.393 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:49.393 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:49.393 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1634194.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:49.413 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:49.413 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:49.413 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1834795.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:49.627 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:49.627 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:49.627 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1626351.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:49.649 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:49.649 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:49.649 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1747735.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:49.786 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:49.786 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:49.786 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1744852.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:49.805 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:49.805 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:49.805 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1800993.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:50.126 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:50.126 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:50.126 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1631768.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:50.147 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:50.147 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:50.147 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1638180.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:50.383 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:50.383 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:50.383 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1708373.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:50.404 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:50.404 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:50.404 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1718197.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:50.986 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:50.986 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:50.986 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (3780522.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.009, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:20:51.009 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:51.009 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:51.009 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2692987.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.013, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:51.292 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:51.292 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:51.292 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1561825.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:20:51.312 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:51.312 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:51.312 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1747654.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:51.390 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:51.390 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:51.390 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1584234.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:51.410 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:51.410 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:51.410 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1813866.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:51.665 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:51.665 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:20:51.665 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=28, Name= 10:20:51.759 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:51.759 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:51.759 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1608585.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:51.770 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:51.770 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:51.770 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (633085.69 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.053, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:52.161 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:52.161 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:52.161 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1683649.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:52.182 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:52.182 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:52.182 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1780186.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:52.219 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:52.219 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:52.219 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1817839.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:52.240 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:52.240 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:52.240 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1796291.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:52.394 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:52.394 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:52.394 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1664109.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:52.413 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:52.413 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:52.413 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1758584.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:52.451 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:52.451 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:52.451 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1858037.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:52.470 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:52.470 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:52.470 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1800274.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:52.584 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:52.584 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:52.584 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1679064.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:52.604 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:52.604 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:52.604 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1812428.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:52.793 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:52.793 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:52.793 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1697094.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:52.814 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:52.814 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:52.814 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1799231.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:53.415 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:53.415 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:53.415 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1619644.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:53.435 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:53.435 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:53.435 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1890006.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:53.494 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:53.494 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:53.494 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1641078.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:53.516 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:53.516 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:53.516 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1786499.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:53.693 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:53.693 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:53.693 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1660330.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:53.717 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:53.717 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:53.717 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1656187.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:53.921 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:53.921 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:53.921 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1491495.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.023, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:53.942 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:53.942 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:53.942 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1843216.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:54.028 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:54.028 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:54.028 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1446787.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.023, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:54.057 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:54.057 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:54.057 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1742266.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:54.120 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:54.120 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:54.120 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2385818.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.014, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:54.142 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:54.142 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:54.142 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (3069387.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.011, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:54.221 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:54.221 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:54.221 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1574705.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:54.242 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:54.242 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:54.242 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1966506.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:54.561 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:54.561 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:54.561 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1534422.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:54.582 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:54.582 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:54.582 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1810945.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:55.351 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:55.351 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:55.351 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1743047.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:55.371 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:55.371 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:55.371 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1731484.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:55.488 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:55.488 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:55.488 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1471066.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.023, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:55.508 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:55.508 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:55.508 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2200385.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.015, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:55.725 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:55.725 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:55.725 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1532359.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:55.744 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:55.744 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:55.744 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1773918.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:55.824 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:55.824 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:55.824 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1540728.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:55.843 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:55.843 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:55.843 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1864135.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:55.921 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:55.921 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:55.921 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1591218.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:55.940 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:55.942 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:55.942 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1967764.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:56.020 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:56.020 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:56.020 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1563686.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:56.039 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:56.039 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:56.039 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1908687.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:56.117 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:56.117 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:56.117 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1728214.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:56.140 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:56.140 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:56.140 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1859180.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:56.258 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:56.258 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:56.258 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1717770.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:20:56.279 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:56.279 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:56.279 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1624822.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:56.619 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:56.619 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:56.619 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1621724.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:20:56.640 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:56.640 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:56.640 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1799022.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:56.759 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:56.759 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:56.759 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1448267.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.023, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:20:56.779 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:56.779 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:56.779 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1935643.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:56.917 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:56.917 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:56.917 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1583196.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:20:56.952 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:56.952 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:56.952 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1878972.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:57.055 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:57.055 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:57.055 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1591675.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:57.075 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:57.075 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:57.075 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1962278.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:57.219 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:57.219 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:57.219 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1541675.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:57.238 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:57.238 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:57.238 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1767601.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:57.726 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:57.726 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:57.726 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1479333.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.023, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:57.747 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:57.747 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:57.747 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1869054.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:58.252 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:58.252 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:58.252 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1436022.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.024, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:58.272 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:58.272 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:58.272 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2065326.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.016, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:58.650 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:58.650 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:58.650 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1712781.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:58.672 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:58.672 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:58.672 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1875100.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:58.792 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:58.792 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:58.792 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1562192.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:58.812 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:58.812 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:58.812 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1762585.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:58.894 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:58.894 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:58.894 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1440630.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.023, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:58.914 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:58.914 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:58.914 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1879722.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:59.414 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:59.414 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:20:59.414 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=134, Name=Gbr 10:20:59.415 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=134, Name=Gbr, IdentityId=1b83d9a2-637f-41a3-a630-9f5635b04b53 10:20:59.656 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:59.656 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:59.656 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1750428.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:59.675 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:59.675 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:59.675 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1866406.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:59.794 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:59.794 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:59.794 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1599715.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:59.816 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:59.816 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:59.816 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1797330.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:20:59.895 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:59.895 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:59.895 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1474847.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.023, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:20:59.915 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:20:59.915 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:20:59.915 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1871461.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:00.329 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:00.329 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:00.329 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1520699.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:00.349 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:00.349 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:00.349 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1799088.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:00.663 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:00.663 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:00.663 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1493093.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.023, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:00.683 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:00.683 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:00.683 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1757881.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:00.786 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:00.786 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:00.786 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1699693.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:00.807 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:00.807 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:00.807 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1634636.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:01.294 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:01.294 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:01.294 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1349520.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.025, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:01.314 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:01.314 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:01.314 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1965741.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:01.354 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:01.354 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:01.354 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1617354.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:01.376 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:01.376 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:01.376 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1811400.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:01.456 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:01.456 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:01.456 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1706676.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:01.477 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:01.477 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:01.477 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1727843.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:01.658 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:01.658 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:01.658 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1694842.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:01.679 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:01.679 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:01.679 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1697315.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:01.698 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:01.698 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:01.698 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1675002.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:01.720 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:01.720 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:01.720 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1727878.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:01.759 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:01.759 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:01.759 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1723533.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:01.780 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:01.780 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:01.780 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1718659.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:01.819 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:01.819 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:01.819 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1708709.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:01.840 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:01.840 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:01.840 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1763348.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:01.959 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:01.959 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:01.959 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1617779.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:01.981 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:01.981 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:01.981 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1742177.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:04.732 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:04.732 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:04.732 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1524245.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:04.752 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:04.752 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:04.752 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1844612.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:04.833 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:04.833 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:04.833 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1589582.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:04.854 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:04.854 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:04.854 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1729246.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:04.894 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:04.894 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:04.894 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1700299.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:04.915 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:04.915 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:04.915 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1692165.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:04.996 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:04.996 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:04.996 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1637815.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:05.017 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:05.017 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:05.017 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1728152.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:05.200 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:05.200 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:05.200 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1582685.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:05.221 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:05.221 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:05.221 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1732193.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:05.302 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:05.302 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:05.302 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1599858.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:05.323 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:05.323 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:05.323 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1731041.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:06.207 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:06.207 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:21:06.207 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 10:21:06.207 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427575459" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 10:21:06.207 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 10:21:06.325 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:06.325 WORLD : Frame 10:21:06.325 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:21:06.325 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427564562" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <4250.625977 86.540001 7210.582031> @"{4F7E0952D726FB43}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_USSR_Player_Variant_1.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 10:21:07.297 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:07.297 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:07.297 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1481522.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.023, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:21:07.317 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:07.317 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:07.317 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1882587.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:07.397 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:07.397 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:07.397 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1649571.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:21:07.419 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:07.419 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:07.419 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1736066.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:07.457 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:07.457 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:07.457 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1751823.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:21:07.478 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:07.478 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:07.478 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1802566.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:07.595 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:07.595 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:07.595 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1691126.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:21:07.617 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:07.617 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:07.617 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1776683.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:07.655 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:07.655 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:07.655 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1829521.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:21:07.676 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:07.676 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:07.676 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1746545.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:07.734 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:07.734 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:07.734 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1560076.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:21:07.757 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:07.757 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:07.757 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1809803.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:09.327 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:09.327 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:09.327 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1657639.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:09.348 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:09.349 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:09.349 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1612969.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:09.494 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:09.494 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:09.494 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1560960.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:09.514 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:09.514 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:09.514 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1733913.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:10.861 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:10.861 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:10.861 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1575805.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:10.882 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:10.882 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:10.882 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1766559.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:10.964 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:10.964 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:10.964 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1791595.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:10.986 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:10.986 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:10.986 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1726231.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:11.628 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:11.628 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:11.628 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1586015.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:11.648 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:11.648 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:11.648 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1683615.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:12.096 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:12.096 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:12.096 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1560680.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:12.115 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:12.115 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:12.115 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1750790.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:12.299 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:12.299 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:12.299 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1513601.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:12.319 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:12.319 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:12.319 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1826637.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:12.808 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:12.808 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:12.808 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1502483.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.023, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:12.832 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:12.832 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:12.832 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1568518.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:13.166 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:13.166 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:13.166 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1504540.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.023, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:13.187 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:13.187 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:13.187 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1745951.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:13.538 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:13.538 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:13.538 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1531264.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:13.559 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:13.559 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:13.559 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1750329.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:13.967 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:13.967 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:13.967 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1513656.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:21:13.988 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:13.988 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:13.988 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1760011.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:14.903 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:14.903 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:14.903 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1544510.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:14.924 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:14.924 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:14.924 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1598378.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:15.071 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:15.071 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:15.071 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1489769.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.023, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:15.093 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:15.093 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:15.093 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1770041.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:15.438 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:15.438 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:15.438 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1468794.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.023, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:15.457 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:15.457 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:15.457 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1873886.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:15.637 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:15.637 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:15.637 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1473621.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.023, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:15.658 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:15.658 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:15.658 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1873274.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:15.839 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:15.839 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:15.839 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1542258.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:15.859 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:15.859 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:15.859 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1817264.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:16.102 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:16.102 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:16.102 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1495666.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.023, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:16.124 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:16.124 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:16.124 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1842253.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:16.264 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:16.264 WORLD : Frame 10:21:16.264 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:21:16.264 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427573231" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <5126.083984 175.740005 6977.083984> @"{918C557BF3506286}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_USSR_Base.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_UpdateFlags(WR,) which wasn't queued 10:21:16.429 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:16.429 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:16.429 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1564083.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:16.451 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:16.451 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:16.451 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1790979.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:16.532 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:16.532 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:16.532 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1606364.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:16.552 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:16.552 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:16.552 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1758182.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:16.636 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:16.636 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:16.636 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1525578.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:16.658 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:16.658 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:16.658 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1660664.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:16.766 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:16.766 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:16.766 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1460084.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.023, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:16.788 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:16.788 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:16.788 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1677458.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:17.237 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:17.237 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:17.237 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1483872.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.023, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:17.258 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:17.258 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:17.258 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1830192.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:17.337 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:17.337 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:17.337 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1558108.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:17.358 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:17.358 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:17.358 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1823833.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:17.399 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:17.399 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:17.399 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1622788.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:17.419 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:17.419 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:17.419 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1769208.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:17.601 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:17.601 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:17.601 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1629867.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:17.621 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:17.621 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:17.622 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1757342.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:17.704 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:17.704 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:17.704 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1555402.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:17.724 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:17.724 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:17.724 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1756914.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:17.908 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:17.908 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:17.908 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1611610.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:17.929 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:17.929 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:17.929 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1653615.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:18.399 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:18.399 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:18.399 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1720432.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:18.420 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:18.420 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:18.420 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1704330.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:18.807 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:18.808 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:18.808 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1613346.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:18.829 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:18.829 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:18.829 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1687518.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:19.240 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:19.240 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:19.240 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1540329.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:19.261 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:19.261 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:19.261 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1639568.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:19.371 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:19.371 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:19.371 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1609954.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:19.393 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:19.393 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:19.393 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1510420.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:19.501 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:19.501 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:19.501 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1602312.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:19.524 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:19.524 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:19.524 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1612024.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:19.607 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:19.607 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:19.607 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1550026.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:19.628 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:19.628 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:19.628 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1654666.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:19.875 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:19.875 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:19.875 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1506381.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:19.895 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:19.895 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:19.895 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1779157.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:19.997 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:19.997 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:19.997 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1736743.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:20.018 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:20.018 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:20.018 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1682193.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:20.099 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:20.099 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:20.099 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1636731.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:20.119 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:20.119 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:20.119 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1740771.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:20.366 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:20.366 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:20.366 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1594306.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:21:20.388 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:20.388 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:20.388 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1738884.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:20.533 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:20.533 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:20.533 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1580875.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:21:20.555 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:20.555 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:20.555 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1704494.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:20.702 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:20.702 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:20.702 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1498427.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.023, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:20.723 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:20.723 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:20.723 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1776375.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:20.869 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:20.869 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:20.869 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1673570.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:20.891 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:20.891 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:20.891 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1625656.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:21.204 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:21.204 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:21.204 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1620745.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:21.225 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:21.225 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:21.225 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1675251.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:21.245 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:21.245 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:21:21.245 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 10:21:21.245 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427575711" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 10:21:21.245 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 10:21:22.137 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:22.137 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:22.137 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1547376.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:22.155 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:22.155 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:22.155 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1925984.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:22.341 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:22.341 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:22.341 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1573827.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:22.358 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:22.358 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:22.358 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1925207.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:22.670 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:22.670 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:22.670 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1565812.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:22.689 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:22.689 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:22.689 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2158479.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.016, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:22.908 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:22.909 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:22.909 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1585888.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:22.927 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:22.927 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:22.927 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2138733.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.016, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:24.098 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:24.098 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:24.098 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1706323.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:24.116 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:24.116 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:24.117 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2160531.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.016, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:24.370 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:24.370 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:24.370 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1521512.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:24.388 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:24.388 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:24.388 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2155277.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.016, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:24.643 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:24.643 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:24.643 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1393195.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.024, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:24.664 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:24.664 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:24.664 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1975526.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:25.071 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:25.071 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:25.071 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1553853.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:25.092 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:25.092 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:25.092 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1867744.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:25.306 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:25.306 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:25.306 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1442871.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.023, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:25.326 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:25.326 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:25.326 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1835063.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:25.515 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:25.515 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:25.515 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1474578.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.023, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:25.538 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:25.538 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:25.538 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1630447.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:25.735 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:25.735 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:25.735 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1635007.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:25.755 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:25.755 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:25.755 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1749559.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:25.912 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:25.912 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:25.912 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1561997.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:25.932 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:25.932 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:25.932 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1859557.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:26.109 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:26.109 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:26.109 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1573731.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:26.130 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:26.130 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:26.130 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1790553.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:26.309 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:26.309 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:26.309 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1258271.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.027, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:26.328 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:26.328 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:26.328 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2340054.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.014, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:26.544 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:26.544 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:26.544 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1632743.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:26.564 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:26.564 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:26.564 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1904017.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:26.971 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:26.971 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:26.971 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1625929.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:26.989 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:26.989 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:26.989 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2020676.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:27.205 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:27.205 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:27.205 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1725078.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:27.237 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:27.237 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:27.237 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2022620.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:27.313 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:27.313 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:27.313 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1743603.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:27.329 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:27.329 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:27.329 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2019591.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:27.474 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:27.474 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:27.474 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1697383.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:27.491 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:27.491 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:27.491 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2001869.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:27.674 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:27.674 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:27.674 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1666271.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:27.692 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:27.692 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:27.692 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1999717.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:27.746 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:27.746 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:27.746 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1727852.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:27.764 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:27.764 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:27.764 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2016211.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:27.836 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:27.836 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:27.836 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1712850.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:27.855 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:27.855 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:27.855 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2025864.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:27.909 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:27.909 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:27.909 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1688856.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:27.927 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:27.927 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:27.927 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1996427.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:28.037 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:28.037 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:28.037 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1751841.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:28.055 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:28.055 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:28.055 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1898039.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:28.146 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:28.146 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:28.146 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1614708.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:28.164 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:28.164 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:28.164 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2115228.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.016, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:28.237 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:28.237 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:28.237 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1673164.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:28.255 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:28.255 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:28.255 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1966644.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:28.345 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:28.345 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:28.345 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1677135.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:28.364 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:28.364 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:28.364 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1992725.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:28.474 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:28.474 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:28.474 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1722875.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:21:28.493 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:28.493 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:28.493 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2013047.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:28.676 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:28.676 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:28.676 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1717805.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:21:28.694 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:28.694 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:28.694 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1858527.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:28.879 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:28.879 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:28.879 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1765104.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:21:28.899 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:28.899 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:28.899 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1818787.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:29.008 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:29.008 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:29.008 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1795701.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:21:29.027 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:29.027 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:29.027 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1847784.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:29.117 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:29.117 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:29.117 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1799576.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:21:29.138 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:29.138 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:29.138 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1848541.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:29.173 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:29.173 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:29.173 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2074948.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.016, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:29.193 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:29.193 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:29.193 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1914884.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:29.285 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:29.285 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:29.285 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1793076.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:29.303 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:29.303 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:29.303 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1830697.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:29.377 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:29.377 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:29.377 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1694775.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:29.395 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:29.395 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:29.395 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1898657.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:29.544 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:29.544 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:29.544 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1564221.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:29.562 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:29.562 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:29.562 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2022426.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:29.712 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:29.712 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:29.712 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1729794.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:29.730 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:29.730 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:29.730 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1841893.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:29.885 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:29.885 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:29.885 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1553069.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:29.907 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:29.907 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:29.907 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1651316.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:29.950 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:29.950 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:29.950 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1671504.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:29.973 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:29.973 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:29.973 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1543735.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:30.784 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:30.784 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:30.784 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1446539.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.023, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:30.804 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:30.804 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:30.804 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1870324.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:31.153 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:31.153 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:31.153 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1638013.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:31.174 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:31.174 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:31.174 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1626187.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:31.214 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:31.214 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:31.214 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1712079.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:31.237 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:31.237 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:31.237 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1656018.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:31.275 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:31.275 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:31.275 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1852191.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:31.295 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:31.295 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:31.295 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1664796.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:31.418 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:31.418 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:31.418 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1514088.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:31.439 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:31.439 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:31.439 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1731059.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:31.910 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:31.910 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:31.910 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1647996.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:31.931 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:31.931 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:31.931 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1733896.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:32.014 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:32.014 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:32.014 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1521533.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:32.034 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:32.034 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:32.034 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1739920.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:32.116 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:32.116 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:32.116 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1646313.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:32.138 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:32.138 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:32.138 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1653566.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:32.322 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:32.322 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:32.322 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1528775.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:32.344 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:32.344 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:32.344 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1713804.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:32.447 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:32.447 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:32.447 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1577883.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:32.467 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:32.467 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:32.467 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1590612.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:33.546 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:33.546 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:33.546 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1488315.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.023, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:33.566 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:33.566 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:33.566 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1951306.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:33.682 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:33.682 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:33.682 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1668579.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:33.701 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:33.701 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:33.701 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1862688.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:33.853 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:33.853 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:33.853 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1693317.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:33.873 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:33.873 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:33.873 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1848329.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:33.948 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:33.948 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:33.948 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1656423.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:33.967 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:33.967 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:33.967 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1877294.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:34.081 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:34.081 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:34.081 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1655524.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:34.099 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:34.099 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:34.099 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1870759.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:34.252 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:34.252 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:34.252 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1580395.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:34.272 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:34.272 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:34.272 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1839391.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:34.546 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:34.546 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:34.546 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1474206.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.023, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:21:34.567 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:34.567 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:34.568 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1714117.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:34.713 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:34.713 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:34.713 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1507260.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:21:34.734 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:34.734 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:34.734 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1802269.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:35.008 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:35.008 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:35.008 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (3527688.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.010, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:21:35.023 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:35.023 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:35.023 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (4291649.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.008, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:35.524 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:35.524 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:21:35.524 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=47, Name= 10:21:35.545 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:35.545 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:35.545 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1471879.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.023, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:35.566 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:35.566 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:35.566 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1903065.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:36.188 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:36.188 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:36.188 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1481638.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.023, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:36.209 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:36.209 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:36.209 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1787650.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:36.414 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:36.414 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:36.414 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1407175.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.024, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:36.434 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:36.434 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:36.434 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2061227.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.016, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:36.883 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:36.883 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:36.883 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (3223773.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.011, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:36.905 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:36.905 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:36.905 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2558673.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.013, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:37.879 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:37.879 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:37.879 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1526864.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:37.900 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:37.900 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:37.900 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1906290.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:38.021 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:38.021 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:38.021 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1425867.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.024, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:38.042 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:38.042 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:38.042 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1955623.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:38.621 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:38.621 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:38.621 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1508488.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:38.642 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:38.642 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:38.642 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1832987.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:38.721 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:38.721 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:38.721 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1468507.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.023, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:38.742 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:38.742 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:38.742 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1908299.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:38.821 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:38.821 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:38.821 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1566986.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:38.841 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:38.841 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:38.841 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1840490.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:39.418 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:39.418 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:39.418 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1526162.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:39.441 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:39.441 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:39.441 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1694240.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:39.526 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:39.526 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:39.526 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1447962.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.023, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:39.547 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:39.547 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:39.547 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1706031.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:40.019 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:40.019 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:40.019 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1411940.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.024, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:40.041 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:40.041 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:40.041 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1615162.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:40.427 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:40.427 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:40.427 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1486929.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.023, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:40.447 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:40.447 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:40.447 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1740162.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:40.592 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:40.592 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:40.592 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1497154.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.023, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:40.612 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:40.612 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:40.612 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1734083.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:40.858 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:40.858 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:40.858 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1488171.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.023, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:40.879 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:40.879 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:40.879 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1748267.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:41.002 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:41.002 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:41.002 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (3581012.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.009, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:41.043 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:41.043 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:41.043 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1665042.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:41.126 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:41.126 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:41.126 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1545419.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:41.146 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:41.146 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:41.146 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1707985.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:41.452 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:41.452 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:41.452 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1543292.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:41.473 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:41.473 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:41.473 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1824816.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:41.918 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:41.918 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:41.918 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1576847.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:21:41.940 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:41.940 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:41.940 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1808787.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:42.021 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:42.021 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:42.021 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1578546.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:21:42.061 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:42.061 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:42.061 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1748783.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:42.124 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:42.124 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:42.124 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1557156.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:21:42.144 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:42.144 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:42.144 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1707606.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:42.204 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:42.204 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:21:42.204 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=135, Name=Tjacks1023 10:21:42.204 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=135, Name=Tjacks1023, IdentityId=f4c31c6c-0c0d-40d0-b95d-92446f5df016 10:21:42.226 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:42.226 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:42.226 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1465641.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.023, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:21:42.246 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:42.246 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:42.246 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1826086.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:42.448 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:42.448 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:42.448 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1556082.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:21:42.468 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:42.468 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:42.468 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1822312.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:42.588 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:42.588 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:42.588 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1534652.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:42.609 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:42.609 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:42.609 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1804266.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:42.748 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:42.748 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:42.748 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1576642.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:42.769 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:42.769 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:42.769 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1853693.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:43.393 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:43.393 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:43.393 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1564004.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:43.415 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:43.415 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:43.415 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1588553.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:44.127 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:44.127 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:44.127 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1450574.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.023, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:44.147 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:44.147 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:44.147 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1775937.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:44.393 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:44.393 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:44.393 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1529721.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:44.412 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:44.412 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:44.412 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1792496.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:44.657 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:44.657 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:44.657 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1508569.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:44.676 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:44.676 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:44.676 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1762503.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:45.525 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:45.525 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:45.525 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1483241.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.023, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:45.545 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:45.545 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:45.545 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1795681.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:46.099 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:46.099 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:46.099 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1618088.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:46.118 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:46.118 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:46.118 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1752566.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:46.488 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:46.488 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:46.488 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1691709.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:46.508 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:46.508 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:46.508 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2010834.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:46.658 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:46.658 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:46.658 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1556482.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:46.677 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:46.677 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:46.677 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1925480.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:46.826 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:46.826 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:46.826 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1574361.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:46.845 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:46.845 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:46.845 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2033591.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:46.993 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:46.993 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:46.993 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (3244224.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.010, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:47.012 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:47.012 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:47.012 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2023514.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:47.163 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:47.163 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:47.163 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1616064.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:47.182 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:47.182 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:47.182 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1969962.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:47.330 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:47.330 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:47.330 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1699889.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:47.349 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:47.349 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:47.349 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1934348.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:47.497 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:47.497 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:47.497 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1735611.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:47.515 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:47.515 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:47.515 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1866735.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:47.886 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:47.886 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:47.886 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1649458.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:47.904 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:47.904 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:47.904 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2028729.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:48.053 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:48.053 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:48.053 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1642822.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:48.071 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:48.071 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:48.071 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2219892.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.015, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:48.330 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:48.330 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:48.330 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1667083.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:48.350 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:48.350 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:48.350 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2037925.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:48.424 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:48.424 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:48.424 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1595312.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:48.442 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:48.442 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:48.442 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1968530.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:48.629 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:48.629 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:48.629 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1639870.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:48.648 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:48.648 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:48.648 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1993816.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:48.723 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:48.723 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:48.723 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1624954.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:48.743 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:48.743 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:48.743 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1971454.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.017, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:48.831 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:48.831 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:48.831 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1413372.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.024, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:48.854 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:48.854 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:48.854 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1664747.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:49.304 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:49.304 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:49.304 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1448626.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.023, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:49.312 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:49.312 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:49.312 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (602775.69 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.056, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:49.355 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:49.355 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:49.355 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (2053002.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.016, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:49.377 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:49.377 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:49.377 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1825121.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:49.658 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:49.658 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:49.658 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1868848.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.018, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:49.678 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:49.678 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:49.678 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1715055.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:49.860 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:49.860 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:49.860 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1796311.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:49.880 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:49.880 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:49.880 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1678798.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:50.122 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:50.122 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:50.122 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1786122.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:50.143 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:50.143 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:50.143 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1706332.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:50.326 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:50.326 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:50.326 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1702215.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:21:50.347 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:50.347 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:50.347 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1720275.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:50.428 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:50.428 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:50.428 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1714482.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:21:50.451 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:50.451 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:50.451 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1701402.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:50.532 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:50.532 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:50.532 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1513128.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:21:50.552 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:50.552 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:50.552 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1680540.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:50.758 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:50.758 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:50.758 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1667955.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:50.779 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:50.779 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:50.779 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1689565.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:50.800 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:50.800 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:50.800 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1620722.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:21:50.822 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:50.822 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:50.822 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1677725.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:50.861 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:50.861 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:50.861 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1779962.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:50.883 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:50.883 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:50.883 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1695106.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:51.191 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:51.191 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:51.191 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1656358.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:51.212 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:51.212 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:51.212 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1616427.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:51.334 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:51.334 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:51.334 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1568743.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:51.357 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:51.357 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:51.357 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1644770.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:51.971 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:51.971 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:51.971 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1509403.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:51.992 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:51.992 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:51.992 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1668957.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:52.137 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:52.137 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:52.137 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1580616.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:52.160 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:52.160 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:52.160 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1624189.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:52.434 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:52.434 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:52.434 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1609281.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:52.455 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:52.455 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:52.455 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1790032.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:52.535 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:52.535 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:52.535 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1588232.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:52.556 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:52.556 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:52.556 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1735202.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:52.595 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:52.595 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:52.595 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1747094.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:52.615 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:52.615 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:52.615 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1733541.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:52.898 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:52.898 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:52.899 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1638021.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:52.920 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:52.920 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:52.920 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1690864.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:52.959 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:52.959 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:52.959 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1746860.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:52.981 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:52.981 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:52.981 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1750373.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:53.168 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:53.168 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:53.168 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1451763.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.023, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:53.190 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:53.190 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:53.190 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1756157.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:53.232 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:53.232 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:53.232 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1618351.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:53.254 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:53.254 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:53.254 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1668900.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:53.464 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:53.464 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:53.464 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1621001.38 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:53.485 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:53.485 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:53.485 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1664641.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:53.569 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:53.569 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:53.569 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1452610.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.023, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:53.590 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:53.590 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:53.590 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1775602.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:54.065 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:54.065 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:54.065 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1501004.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.023, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:54.087 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:54.087 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:54.087 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1512492.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:54.263 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:54.263 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:54.263 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1605564.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:54.287 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:54.287 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:54.287 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1623792.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:54.431 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:54.431 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:54.431 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1752902.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.019, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:54.453 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:54.453 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:54.453 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1635765.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:54.638 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:54.638 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:54.638 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1569565.75 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:54.660 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:54.660 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:54.660 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1669237.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:55.072 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:55.072 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:55.072 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1592738.50 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:55.094 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:55.094 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:55.094 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1596050.00 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.021, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:55.865 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:55.865 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:55.865 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1566168.12 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:21:55.885 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:55.885 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:55.885 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1700419.62 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.020, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:56.241 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:56.241 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:56.241 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1387553.88 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.024, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49]. 10:21:56.265 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:56.265 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:56.265 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1468712.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.023, prev. pos.: [6968.62, -6660.12, 13634.49], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:58.181 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:58.181 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:58.181 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (1525544.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.022, prev. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78], curr. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48]. 10:21:58.190 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:58.190 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:21:58.190 DEFAULT (E): ParticleEffectComponent: Suspicious parent velocity (955329.25 km/h) for particle effect 'Particles/Enviroment/Bleeding_01_Continuous.ptc'. Vel. src.: yes, delta time: 0.035, prev. pos.: [6968.61, -6660.12, 13634.48], curr. pos.: [5905.35, 224.71, 7317.78]. 10:21:58.204 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:21:58.204 WORLD : Frame 10:21:58.204 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:21:58.204 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427567164" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <7470.306152 7.559999 6713.806152> @"{07B92B5E1A781635}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_US_Player_Variant_1.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_UpdateFlags(WR,) which wasn't queued 10:22:17.038 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:22:17.038 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:22:17.038 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{12D7EB72A88C923F}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/FIA/Ural4320_FIA_cargo_canvas.et" 10:22:17.038 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427576555" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_cargo.xob') at <5411.711914 78.500000 5691.271973> @"{12D7EB72A88C923F}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/FIA/Ural4320_FIA_cargo_canvas.et" 10:22:17.038 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:22:17.038 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:22:17.038 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:22:17.038 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:22:17.038 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:22:17.038 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:22:17.045 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{1EC51D33C3E9E8A1}PrefabsEditable/Auto/Props/Military/Compositions/US/E_Antenna_01_US.et" 10:22:17.045 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427576693" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Props/Military/Antennas/Antenna_RC292_01/Antenna_RC292_01.xob') at <5056.240234 54.379997 5437.525879> @"{1EC51D33C3E9E8A1}PrefabsEditable/Auto/Props/Military/Compositions/US/E_Antenna_01_US.et" 10:22:17.045 DEFAULT (W): BaseTransceiver::SetFrequency is not supported on proxies. 10:22:17.045 DEFAULT (W): BaseTransceiver::SetFrequency is not supported on proxies. 10:22:19.669 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:22:19.669 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:22:19.669 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 10:22:19.669 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427576970" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 10:22:19.669 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 10:22:21.294 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:22:21.294 WORLD : Frame 10:22:21.294 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:22:21.294 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427575898" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <6106.032227 163.179993 7503.976074> @"{4F7E0952D726FB43}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_USSR_Player_Variant_1.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_UpdateFlags(WR,) which wasn't queued 10:22:23.257 WORLD : Frame start 10:22:23.257 DEFAULT (W): Target weapon is not set in weapon manager 10:22:26.273 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:22:26.273 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:22:26.273 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=9, Name= 10:22:33.868 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:22:33.868 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:22:33.868 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=136, Name=TylerHitsButtons 10:22:33.868 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=136, Name=TylerHitsButtons, IdentityId=caf45c5a-e747-453c-9941-8485a2df7e8c 10:22:45.131 WORLD : Frame start 10:22:45.131 DEFAULT (W): Target weapon is not set in weapon manager 10:22:50.286 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:22:50.286 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:22:50.286 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427578515" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Watches/Watch_SandY184A/Watch_SandY184A.xob') at <7316.202148 43.880001 7654.505859> @"{78ED4FEF62BBA728}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Watches/Watch_SandY184A.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427575972" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_BASE.xob') at <7317.113770 41.599998 7653.801758> @"{3F2AA823B6C65E1E}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_transport_MERDC.et" 10:22:52.561 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:22:52.561 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:22:52.561 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427578518" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Watches/Watch_SandY184A/Watch_SandY184A.xob') at <7316.091797 43.779999 7654.304199> @"{78ED4FEF62BBA728}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Watches/Watch_SandY184A.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427575972" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_BASE.xob') at <7317.113770 41.599998 7653.801758> @"{3F2AA823B6C65E1E}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_transport_MERDC.et" 10:22:54.862 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:22:54.862 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:22:54.862 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427578522" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <7316.186035 43.639999 7654.437988> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427575972" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_BASE.xob') at <7317.113770 41.599998 7653.801758> @"{3F2AA823B6C65E1E}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_transport_MERDC.et" 10:22:56.067 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:22:56.067 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:22:56.067 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=7, Name= 10:22:58.096 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:22:58.096 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:22:58.096 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427578542" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Explosives/BlastingMachine_M34/BlastingMachine_M34.xob') at <7317.399902 43.619999 7655.198242> @"{CE0AF733722B3978}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Detonators/BlastingMachine_M34/BlastingMachine_M34.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427575972" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_BASE.xob') at <7317.113770 41.599998 7653.801758> @"{3F2AA823B6C65E1E}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_transport_MERDC.et" 10:22:58.674 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:22:58.674 WORLD : Frame 10:22:58.674 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:22:58.674 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427573231" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <5126.083984 175.740005 6977.083984> @"{918C557BF3506286}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_USSR_Base.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 10:23:01.746 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:23:01.746 WORLD : Frame 10:23:01.746 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:23:01.746 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427572612" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <5128.005859 175.500000 6984.098145> @"{918C557BF3506286}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_USSR_Base.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 10:23:03.172 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:23:03.172 WORLD : Frame 10:23:03.172 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:23:03.172 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427573188" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <5061.459961 176.559998 6971.868164> @"{4F7E0952D726FB43}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_USSR_Player_Variant_1.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 10:23:04.434 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:23:04.434 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:23:04.434 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=137, Name=warriordrew2005 10:23:04.435 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=137, Name=warriordrew2005, IdentityId=9bb6c175-eb1e-4034-bb44-a2f269334951 10:23:14.094 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:23:14.094 WORLD : Frame 10:23:14.094 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:23:14.094 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427573188" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <5061.459961 176.559998 6971.868164> @"{4F7E0952D726FB43}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_USSR_Player_Variant_1.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 10:23:16.139 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:23:16.139 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:23:16.139 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427578628" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <7290.976074 46.660000 7649.315918> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427575972" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_BASE.xob') at <7291.023926 44.299999 7651.000000> @"{3F2AA823B6C65E1E}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_transport_MERDC.et" 10:23:16.715 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:23:16.715 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:23:16.715 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=12, Name= 10:23:23.358 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:23:23.358 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:23:23.358 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=138, Name=Prine geir 10:23:23.358 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=138, Name=Prine geir, IdentityId=892e2560-f251-4da7-a00d-5c50e36f09f8 10:23:27.817 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:23:27.817 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:23:27.817 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 10:23:27.817 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427578735" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 10:23:27.817 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 10:23:54.444 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:23:54.444 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:23:54.444 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 10:23:54.444 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427579183" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 10:23:54.444 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 10:24:01.953 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:24:01.953 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:24:01.954 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427579338" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Compass/Compass_SY183/Compass_SY183.xob') at <6226.613770 86.699997 5758.936035> @"{61D4F80E49BF9B12}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Compass/Compass_SY183.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427535030" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_base.xob') at <6221.494141 85.139999 5761.678223> @"{D4855501D5B12AF2}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_uncovered_CIV_teal.et" 10:24:13.786 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:24:13.786 WORLD : Frame 10:24:13.786 GUI : Creating menu 'RespawnSuperMenu' 10:24:13.787 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Chat Has no Content! 10:24:13.787 SCRIPT (W): Slot_AvailableActions Has no Content! 10:24:13.787 SCRIPT (W): Slot_GameVersion Has no Content! 10:24:13.787 SCRIPT (W): Slot_Hints Has no Content! 10:24:13.787 SCRIPT (E): HUDManager: Identifier: RespawnMenu is already used! Check if your Identifier is Unique! 10:24:13.788 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:24:13.788 WORLD : Frame 10:24:13.788 SCRIPT : SCR_MapEntity: Attempt to call PanSmooth before map init is completed 10:24:13.866 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:24:13.866 WORLD : Frame 10:24:13.866 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:24:13.866 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:24:13.866 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:24:13.866 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:24:13.866 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:24:13.866 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:24:13.866 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:24:13.866 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize_Relay' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:24:13.866 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:24:13.866 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:24:13.867 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:24:13.867 GUI (E): ImageWidget::LoadImageFromSet: can't find image 'M_Icon_Task_Seize' from ImageSet 'UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons.imageset' 10:24:19.585 WORLD : Frame start 10:24:19.585 DEFAULT (E): Error when detaching entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427579410" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Explosives/DemoBlock_M112/DemoBlock_M112.xob') at <7294.844238 41.400002 7567.270020> @"{33CBDE73AB48172A}Prefabs/Weapons/Explosives/DemoBlock_M112/DemoBlock_M112.et". Current parent: '@"ENTITY:4611686018427575972" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_BASE.xob') at <7294.844238 41.400002 7567.270020> @"{3F2AA823B6C65E1E}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_transport_MERDC.et"', expected parent: '@"ENTITY:4611686018427574559" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter','Assets/Characters/Basebody/Basebody_Male_01.xob') at <7295.145996 41.119999 7564.808105> @"{BE7CA93E188A5B58}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_US_Base.et"' 10:24:22.687 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:24:22.687 WORLD : PostFrame 10:24:22.687 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:24:22.687 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:24:22.687 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=45, Name= 10:24:26.717 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:24:26.717 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:24:26.717 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{4AE31B174C7064F7}PrefabsEditable/Auto/Props/Military/Compositions/USSR/E_Antenna_01_USSR.et" 10:24:26.717 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427580305" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Props/Military/Antennas/Antenna_R161_01/Antenna_R161_01.xob') at <4999.870117 50.599998 8910.208008> @"{4AE31B174C7064F7}PrefabsEditable/Auto/Props/Military/Compositions/USSR/E_Antenna_01_USSR.et" 10:24:26.717 DEFAULT (W): BaseTransceiver::SetFrequency is not supported on proxies. 10:24:26.718 DEFAULT (W): BaseTransceiver::SetFrequency is not supported on proxies. 10:24:28.600 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:24:28.600 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:24:28.600 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=119, Name=Maple7G, IdentityId=dab46106-b665-4fe8-9ceb-11c88cce9678 10:24:33.832 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:24:33.832 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:24:33.832 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427580723" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <7294.178223 43.599998 7565.832031> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427575972" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_BASE.xob') at <7294.844238 41.400002 7567.270020> @"{3F2AA823B6C65E1E}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_transport_MERDC.et" 10:24:42.542 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:24:42.542 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:24:42.542 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 10:24:42.542 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427581060" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 10:24:42.542 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 10:24:45.119 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:24:45.119 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:24:45.119 RPL (W): IReplication::WasteWarning: Item did not read all of the init data! itemId=0x8005DBE2, layout='script::Game::SCR_WheeledDamageManagerComponent', initSize=24b, wasted=10b 10:24:46.602 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:24:46.602 WORLD : Frame 10:24:46.602 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:24:46.602 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427572826" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <6006.434082 217.160004 7196.312012> @"{07B92B5E1A781635}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_US_Player_Variant_1.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 10:25:02.207 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:25:02.207 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:25:02.207 DEFAULT (E): Trying to consume replay messages, but the BaseAnimPhysComponent cannot be replay simulate at this moment. This results in the replay message being ignored! 10:25:04.101 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:25:04.101 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:25:04.101 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427581431" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Explosives/BlastingMachine_M34/BlastingMachine_M34.xob') at <7275.155762 37.199997 7527.458008> @"{CE0AF733722B3978}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Detonators/BlastingMachine_M34/BlastingMachine_M34.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427575972" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_BASE.xob') at <7277.315918 35.699997 7529.571777> @"{3F2AA823B6C65E1E}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_transport_MERDC.et" 10:25:08.008 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:25:08.008 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:25:08.008 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427581647" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Explosives/BlastingMachine_M34/BlastingMachine_M34.xob') at <7232.240234 31.820000 7496.541992> @"{CE0AF733722B3978}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Detonators/BlastingMachine_M34/BlastingMachine_M34.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427575972" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_BASE.xob') at <7237.471680 29.860025 7499.981445> @"{3F2AA823B6C65E1E}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_transport_MERDC.et" 10:25:30.361 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:25:30.361 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:25:30.361 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=40, Name= 10:25:37.172 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:25:37.173 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:25:37.173 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=139, Name=EatinCookies247 10:25:37.173 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=139, Name=EatinCookies247, IdentityId=b0b5b1f5-3765-4b38-9377-68bd964c7b33 10:25:37.574 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:25:37.574 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:25:37.574 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427582044" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Compass/Compass_SY183/Compass_SY183.xob') at <6689.917969 121.099998 5998.563965> @"{61D4F80E49BF9B12}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Compass/Compass_SY183.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427581016" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_base.xob') at <6687.543945 119.320000 5995.536133> @"{D4855501D5B12AF2}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/UAZ469/UAZ469_uncovered_CIV_teal.et" 10:25:40.805 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:25:40.805 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:25:40.805 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 10:25:40.805 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427582048" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 10:25:40.805 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 10:25:55.672 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:25:55.673 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:25:55.673 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=33, Name= 10:25:57.718 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:25:57.718 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:25:57.718 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=17, Name= 10:26:04.616 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:26:04.616 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:26:04.616 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=140, Name=Sandardpro22 10:26:04.616 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=140, Name=Sandardpro22, IdentityId=d5f4adc3-b464-4049-8327-c22922d6ada4 10:26:05.191 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:26:05.191 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:26:05.191 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=108, Name=Street L4mp, IdentityId=332968d3-9f8d-4d1a-92f7-9f3319beed0c 10:26:08.457 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:26:08.457 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:26:08.457 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=42, Name= 10:26:16.840 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:26:16.840 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:26:16.840 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=141, Name=FezzMeister 10:26:16.841 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=141, Name=FezzMeister, IdentityId=cbfdf0e3-8766-4745-81e0-f12d8c70b3c3 10:26:21.844 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:26:21.844 WORLD : Frame 10:26:21.844 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:26:21.844 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427582999" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <7308.695801 42.559998 7655.326172> @"{07B92B5E1A781635}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/PlayerVariant/Campaign_US_Player_Variant_1.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_UpdateFlags(WR,) which wasn't queued 10:26:23.821 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:26:23.821 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:26:23.821 SCRIPT (W): There is not enough of SCR_CatalogSpawnerUserAction attached to actionManager. Some assets won't appear. 10:26:23.829 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{E8DD27917B43F8BD}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeBuilding.et" 10:26:23.829 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427583524" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 10:26:23.829 SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_Faction' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type for faction 'CIV' 10:26:23.837 SCRIPT (E): 'SCR_BaseSupportStationComponent' 'EOnInit': 'GenericEntity<0x00000222EA629530> @"ENTITY:4611686018427583467" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Props/Military/Fuel/FuelPump_USSR_01/' Support Station is set to use supplies but it has no SCR_ResourceComponent 10:26:27.566 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:26:27.566 WORLD : Frame 10:26:27.566 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:26:27.566 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427582950" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <6006.434082 217.160004 7196.312012> @"{BE7CA93E188A5B58}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_US_Base.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_UpdateFlags(WR,) which wasn't queued 10:26:40.521 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:26:40.521 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:26:40.521 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427583718" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <7319.257812 43.680000 7647.290039> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427583613" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_BASE.xob') at <7319.903809 41.540001 7646.414062> @"{3F2AA823B6C65E1E}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_transport_MERDC.et" 10:26:43.288 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:26:43.288 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:26:43.288 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{1EC51D33C3E9E8A1}PrefabsEditable/Auto/Props/Military/Compositions/US/E_Antenna_01_US.et" 10:26:43.288 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427584174" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Props/Military/Antennas/Antenna_RC292_01/Antenna_RC292_01.xob') at <5056.240234 54.379997 5437.525879> @"{1EC51D33C3E9E8A1}PrefabsEditable/Auto/Props/Military/Compositions/US/E_Antenna_01_US.et" 10:26:43.288 DEFAULT (W): BaseTransceiver::SetFrequency is not supported on proxies. 10:26:43.288 DEFAULT (W): BaseTransceiver::SetFrequency is not supported on proxies. 10:26:43.297 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{12D7EB72A88C923F}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/FIA/Ural4320_FIA_cargo_canvas.et" 10:26:43.297 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427584285" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_cargo.xob') at <5411.653809 78.500000 5691.213867> @"{12D7EB72A88C923F}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/FIA/Ural4320_FIA_cargo_canvas.et" 10:26:43.297 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:26:43.297 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:26:43.297 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:26:43.297 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:26:43.297 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:26:43.297 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:26:47.994 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:26:47.994 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:26:47.994 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427584477" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <7320.463867 43.500000 7647.235840> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427583613" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_BASE.xob') at <7319.903809 41.540001 7646.414062> @"{3F2AA823B6C65E1E}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_transport_MERDC.et" 10:26:56.701 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:26:56.701 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:26:56.701 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427584642" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Medicine/Tourniquet_01/Tourniquet_US_01/Tourniquet_US_01_rolledup.xob') at <7319.268066 43.660000 7647.295898> @"{D70216B1B2889129}Prefabs/Items/Medicine/Tourniquet_01/Tourniquet_US_01.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427583613" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_BASE.xob') at <7319.903809 41.540001 7646.414062> @"{3F2AA823B6C65E1E}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_transport_MERDC.et" 10:27:08.126 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:27:08.126 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:27:08.126 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{2F088A1CDD3FB2F1}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_repair_box.et" 10:27:08.126 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427584821" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural_4320_repair_box.xob') at <5123.454102 174.360001 6947.370117> @"{2F088A1CDD3FB2F1}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_repair_box.et" 10:27:08.126 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:27:08.126 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:27:08.126 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:27:08.126 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:27:08.136 SCRIPT (E): 'SCR_SupportStationAreaMeshComponent' (GenericEntity<0x0000022316294430> @"ENTITY:4611686018427584830" ('GenericEntity') at <5123.454102 174.100067 6944.884277>) linked support station (REPAIR) has an offset but the local position of the area mesh is: '<0.001953, 0.012817, -2.499454>' were as the support station offset is '<0.000000, 0.000000, -2.500000>' this must be the same else the zone shows an incorrect area! 10:27:08.136 SCRIPT (E): 'SCR_SetLinkedStorageToParent DelayedInit()' of: 'GenericEntity<0x0000022380CF1C30> @"ENTITY:4611686018427584846" ('GenericEntity') at <5123.454102 174.360001 6947.370117> @"{F' is trying to set itself as linked storage but it has no parent! 10:27:08.204 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:27:08.204 WORLD : Frame 10:27:08.204 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:27:08.204 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427579259" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <6015.158203 216.679993 7183.434082> @"{8D89B17BCFBFAE44}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_US_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_FinishClimbCommand which wasn't queued 10:27:09.002 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:27:09.002 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:27:09.002 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=16, Name= 10:27:11.004 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:27:11.004 WORLD : Frame 10:27:11.004 NETWORK : PerformActions 10:27:11.004 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427584726" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <5059.096191 54.379997 5437.428223> @"{8D89B17BCFBFAE44}Prefabs/Characters/Campaign/Final/Campaign_US_Player.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_UpdateFlags(WR,) which wasn't queued 10:27:12.332 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:27:12.332 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:27:12.332 DEFAULT (E): Trying to consume replay messages, but the BaseAnimPhysComponent cannot be replay simulate at this moment. This results in the replay message being ignored! 10:27:15.736 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:27:15.736 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:27:15.736 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427584950" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <7320.527832 43.139999 7648.839844> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427583613" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_BASE.xob') at <7319.835938 41.500000 7647.645996> @"{3F2AA823B6C65E1E}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_transport_MERDC.et" 10:27:16.694 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:27:16.694 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:27:16.694 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=142, Name=Big papi 007432 10:27:16.695 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=142, Name=Big papi 007432, IdentityId=278ee4cd-1677-46b9-ad17-e191e76fc6f5 10:27:19.106 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:27:19.106 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:27:19.106 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=35, Name= 10:27:23.673 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:27:23.673 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:27:23.673 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427585131" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <7319.463867 43.559998 7657.374023> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427583613" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_BASE.xob') at <7319.549805 41.260002 7655.189941> @"{3F2AA823B6C65E1E}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_transport_MERDC.et" 10:27:27.970 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:27:27.970 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:27:27.970 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=121, Name=FeticusDeletus, IdentityId=37c617ff-dd8d-45d7-ad50-73d2197c0d0e 10:27:40.556 SCRIPT (E): 'SCR_BaseSupportStationComponent' 'EOnInit': 'GenericEntity<0x0000022380CF2C30> @"ENTITY:4611686018427585664" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Fuel/Jerrycan_01/Jerrycan_01.xo' Support Station is set to use supplies but it has no SCR_ResourceComponent 10:28:00.430 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:28:00.430 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:28:00.430 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=45, Name= 10:28:05.007 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:28:05.007 WORLD : AfterPostSimulate 10:28:05.007 DEFAULT (E): Trying to consume replay messages, but the BaseAnimPhysComponent cannot be replay simulate at this moment. This results in the replay message being ignored! 10:28:10.674 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:28:10.674 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:28:10.674 DEFAULT (E): Entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427586517" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/Maps/Map_Paper_01/Map_Paper_01_folded.xob') at <4909.414062 173.059998 7049.923828> @"{13772C903CB5E4F7}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Maps/PaperMap_01_folded.et", no matching NodeID found for PivotID 787651052 on the parent @"ENTITY:4611686018427584796" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_base.xob') at <4910.731934 171.440002 7050.436035> @"{A5647958579A4149}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural4320_repair.et" 10:28:14.670 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:28:14.670 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:28:14.670 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=143, Name=Cluckster 10:28:14.670 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=143, Name=Cluckster, IdentityId=ab6db318-5f56-4466-82cb-4080570c610e 10:28:20.947 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:28:20.947 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:28:20.947 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=29, Name= 10:28:24.210 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:28:24.210 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:28:24.210 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=17, Name= 10:28:30.481 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:28:30.481 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:28:30.481 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=144, Name=TFA_jospence 10:28:30.482 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=144, Name=TFA_jospence, IdentityId=81efef13-b1c4-41bb-b337-7f70c6f7ed06 10:28:30.850 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:28:30.850 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:28:30.850 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=145, Name=DopamineExpress 10:28:30.850 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=145, Name=DopamineExpress, IdentityId=e121ade4-3d7d-4516-8bf8-0aa88ff1fe24 10:28:31.090 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:28:31.090 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:28:31.090 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=6, Name= 10:28:40.831 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:28:40.831 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:28:40.831 SCRIPT (W): There is not enough of SCR_CatalogSpawnerUserAction attached to actionManager. Some assets won't appear. 10:28:40.834 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{1EC51D33C3E9E8A1}PrefabsEditable/Auto/Props/Military/Compositions/US/E_Antenna_01_US.et" 10:28:40.834 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427587929" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Props/Military/Antennas/Antenna_RC292_01/Antenna_RC292_01.xob') at <7487.275879 136.240005 4767.689941> @"{1EC51D33C3E9E8A1}PrefabsEditable/Auto/Props/Military/Compositions/US/E_Antenna_01_US.et" 10:28:40.834 DEFAULT (W): BaseTransceiver::SetFrequency is not supported on proxies. 10:28:40.834 DEFAULT (W): BaseTransceiver::SetFrequency is not supported on proxies. 10:28:40.839 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{94B79579DD7722B6}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo_CIV_Forest.et" 10:28:40.839 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427587967" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/Ural_4320_cargo.xob') at <7646.198242 125.860001 5022.666016> @"{94B79579DD7722B6}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/Ural4320/VehParts/Ural4320_cargo_CIV_Forest.et" 10:28:40.839 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:28:40.839 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:28:40.839 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:28:40.839 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:28:40.839 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:28:40.839 ENTITY (W): Converted from old-style index parent surface, please resave 10:28:40.852 SCRIPT (E): 'SCR_BaseSupportStationComponent' 'EOnInit': 'GenericEntity<0x0000022230072730> @"ENTITY:4611686018427587884" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Props/Military/Fuel/FuelPump_US_01/Fu' Support Station is set to use supplies but it has no SCR_ResourceComponent 10:28:51.634 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:28:51.634 RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 10:28:51.634 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=146, Name=dudaev_axa 10:28:51.634 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=146, Name=dudaev_axa, IdentityId=e7cf5e10-30ff-4d5a-a38c-6fbfe44ceecf 10:28:52.070 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:28:52.070 RPL : ClientImpl event: disconnected (identity=0x00000000), group=1, reason=9 10:28:52.087 NETWORK : Player disconnected: connectionID=0 10:28:52.088 NETWORK : Total number of players: 46 10:28:52.700 DEFAULT : BattlEye Client: Done. 10:28:52.700 RPL : Pip::Terminate 10:28:52.700 RPL : IReplication:: Terminating 10:28:52.712 RPL : Pip::Destroy 10:28:54.137 SCRIPT (E): 'SCR_ResupplySupportStationComponent' needs a entity catalog manager! 10:28:54.137 SCRIPT (E): 'SCR_ResupplySupportStationComponent' needs a entity catalog manager! 10:28:55.214 ENGINE : Game destroyed. 10:28:55.302 ENGINE : Addon dirs: 10:28:55.302 ENGINE : dir: './addons' 10:28:55.302 ENGINE : dir: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons' 10:28:55.302 ENGINE : dir: '$profile:../addons/' 10:28:55.302 ENGINE : Available addons: 10:28:55.302 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/104th_GWB_5ED169F049FA72D0/addon.gproj' guid: '5ED169F049FA72D0' (packed) 10:28:55.302 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/240ZVariants_60A48BE924C74D90/addon.gproj' guid: '60A48BE924C74D90' (packed) 10:28:55.302 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/A-10AThunderboltII_5E0210B8D9ACE179/addon.gproj' guid: '5E0210B8D9ACE179' (packed) 10:28:55.302 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/ACEAllinOne_60C4E0B49618CC62/addon.gproj' guid: '60C4E0B49618CC62' (packed) 10:28:55.302 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/ACEBackblast_60E573C9B04CC408/addon.gproj' guid: '60E573C9B04CC408' (packed) 10:28:55.302 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/ACECarrying_5DBD560C5148E1DA/addon.gproj' guid: '5DBD560C5148E1DA' (packed) 10:28:55.302 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/ACEChopping_5EB744C5F42E0800/addon.gproj' guid: '5EB744C5F42E0800' (packed) 10:28:55.302 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/ACECompass_60C53A9372ED3964/addon.gproj' guid: '60C53A9372ED3964' (packed) 10:28:55.302 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/ACECore_60C4CE4888FF4621/addon.gproj' guid: '60C4CE4888FF4621' (packed) 10:28:55.302 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/ACEFinger_606C369BAC3F6CC3/addon.gproj' guid: '606C369BAC3F6CC3' (packed) 10:28:55.302 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/ACEMedical_60C4C12DAE90727B/addon.gproj' guid: '60C4C12DAE90727B' (packed) 10:28:55.302 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/ACETrenches_60EAEA0389DB3CC2/addon.gproj' guid: '60EAEA0389DB3CC2' (packed) 10:28:55.302 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/africanrebels_605EAA5B7D039B75/addon.gproj' guid: '605EAA5B7D039B75' (packed) 10:28:55.302 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/AH-1Cobra_60902E4EEC2C00FF/addon.gproj' guid: '60902E4EEC2C00FF' (packed) 10:28:55.302 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/AH-64DApache_5CCCC1DFB9C93581/addon.gproj' guid: '5CCCC1DFB9C93581' (packed) 10:28:55.302 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/AModestBoat_5E440E8FBA164A4C/addon.gproj' guid: '5E440E8FBA164A4C' (packed) 10:28:55.302 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/ArmaTerrainCore_60B524F7A5AE96A8/addon.gproj' guid: '60B524F7A5AE96A8' (packed) 10:28:55.302 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/ArmaTowerReforged-SpyBoB_6109572980E4E3F7/addon.gproj' guid: '6109572980E4E3F7' (packed) 10:28:55.302 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/AS50_6132B80DC62D8507/addon.gproj' guid: '6132B80DC62D8507' (packed) 10:28:55.302 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/BaconLoadoutEditor_606B100247F5C709/addon.gproj' guid: '606B100247F5C709' (packed) 10:28:55.302 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/BaconsM249pkmrpkrails_5E4F1725CF7FD63A/addon.gproj' guid: '5E4F1725CF7FD63A' (packed) 10:28:55.302 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/BaconWeather_5EF5347644A2C501/addon.gproj' guid: '5EF5347644A2C501' (packed) 10:28:55.302 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/BadlandsMap_60A93A4F4B42BB92/addon.gproj' guid: '60A93A4F4B42BB92' (packed) 10:28:55.302 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/BadlandsOfficial_608CA96AB2239258/addon.gproj' guid: '608CA96AB2239258' (packed) 10:28:55.302 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/BarrettM82_5AC2954C784671B3/addon.gproj' guid: '5AC2954C784671B3' (packed) 10:28:55.302 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/BenelliM4_5D915A9DC6EB0856/addon.gproj' guid: '5D915A9DC6EB0856' (packed) 10:28:55.302 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/BensClothingMod_612AF8CFAD832F80/addon.gproj' guid: '612AF8CFAD832F80' (packed) 10:28:55.302 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/BetterExplosives2.0_597D2A65AB73E657/addon.gproj' guid: '597D2A65AB73E657' (packed) 10:28:55.302 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/BetterInventory_5DAC39D2C3D4C8CD/addon.gproj' guid: '5DAC39D2C3D4C8CD' (packed) 10:28:55.302 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/BetterMuzzleFlashes2.0_59674C21AA886D57/addon.gproj' guid: '59674C21AA886D57' (packed) 10:28:55.302 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/BetterSounds3.0_597C0CF3A7AA8A99/addon.gproj' guid: '597C0CF3A7AA8A99' (packed) 10:28:55.302 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/BetterTracers_59673B6FBB95459F/addon.gproj' guid: '59673B6FBB95459F' (packed) 10:28:55.302 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/BGONE_5F1EE615E7AE3106/addon.gproj' guid: '5F1EE615E7AE3106' (packed) 10:28:55.302 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/Blunderbuss_5DBAB91070DB7992/addon.gproj' guid: '5DBAB91070DB7992' (packed) 10:28:55.302 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/BMP-1IFV_5E524E4FEECCA92B/addon.gproj' guid: '5E524E4FEECCA92B' (packed) 10:28:55.302 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/BMP-2M_6094495EBB851B75/addon.gproj' guid: '6094495EBB851B75' (packed) 10:28:55.302 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/BMP-3IFV_5B383D4CB27E0D54/addon.gproj' guid: '5B383D4CB27E0D54' (packed) 10:28:55.302 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/BonActionAnimations_5C9758250C8C56F1/addon.gproj' guid: '5C9758250C8C56F1' (packed) 10:28:55.302 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/BradleyUpgrade_609E0DE88187CC31/addon.gproj' guid: '609E0DE88187CC31' (packed) 10:28:55.302 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/ChinesePLA_60A6507633AB1954/addon.gproj' guid: '60A6507633AB1954' (packed) 10:28:55.302 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/CivilianCarPack_60875CD2B0B5EFBD/addon.gproj' guid: '60875CD2B0B5EFBD' (packed) 10:28:55.302 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/ClothingPack_5D92285AD80E1A56/addon.gproj' guid: '5D92285AD80E1A56' (packed) 10:28:55.302 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/COALITIONLighting_611F3D4E2C5E04D8/addon.gproj' guid: '611F3D4E2C5E04D8' (packed) 10:28:55.302 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/COALITIONSquadInterface_5B0D1E4380971EBD/addon.gproj' guid: '5B0D1E4380971EBD' (packed) 10:28:55.302 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/CollectableIntelAMPPhones_5F207DD6271E2799/addon.gproj' guid: '5F207DD6271E2799' (packed) 10:28:55.302 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/CompositionsforGMbyHeine_61110CC4F1FF9C8A/addon.gproj' guid: '61110CC4F1FF9C8A' (packed) 10:28:55.302 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/core/core.gproj' guid: '5614BBCCBB55ED1C' (packed) 10:28:55.302 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/Curn_605ED9AF4A4D9129/addon.gproj' guid: '605ED9AF4A4D9129' (packed) 10:28:55.302 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/CursedReforger_5EB7536BA1AEDEDE/addon.gproj' guid: '5EB7536BA1AEDEDE' (packed) 10:28:55.302 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/CZScorpionEVO3SMG_5AD6FDAC65418DEA/addon.gproj' guid: '5AD6FDAC65418DEA' (packed) 10:28:55.302 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/DarkgruAH-1ZViper_609345F067523D08/addon.gproj' guid: '609345F067523D08' (packed) 10:28:55.302 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/DarkGruConflict_60424680AF224DB0/addon.gproj' guid: '60424680AF224DB0' (packed) 10:28:55.302 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/DarkgruEconomyFix_61304E893CB52793/addon.gproj' guid: '61304E893CB52793' (packed) 10:28:55.302 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/DarkGruHarbinZ-20_61362A39AA17C647/addon.gproj' guid: '61362A39AA17C647' (packed) 10:28:55.302 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/DarkgruNATOOverhaul_60AD58012EA4A317/addon.gproj' guid: '60AD58012EA4A317' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/DarkGruOperatorsPack_5E20E8B2F00F9864/addon.gproj' guid: '5E20E8B2F00F9864' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/DarkgruOperators_606F57376632E15B/addon.gproj' guid: '606F57376632E15B' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/DarkgruPLAFaction_606112213B843B46/addon.gproj' guid: '606112213B843B46' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/DarkgruRUOverhaulPack_60A327A008C3662B/addon.gproj' guid: '60A327A008C3662B' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/DarkGruSoarhelicopters_5F244258B6AD0AB4/addon.gproj' guid: '5F244258B6AD0AB4' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/DarkGruVehicleAssets_5F361C64A8A7706B/addon.gproj' guid: '5F361C64A8A7706B' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/DarkGruWeaponSkinsW.I.P_5EE83C87B7FEAE57/addon.gproj' guid: '5EE83C87B7FEAE57' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/DarkRaiderVehiclePack_5B2E2C68B6C88874/addon.gproj' guid: '5B2E2C68B6C88874' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/data/ArmaReforger.gproj' guid: '58D0FB3206B6F859' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/DGPLARHSHelmetCompatability_60613D5B2834AB9C/addon.gproj' guid: '60613D5B2834AB9C' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/DisableGameMasterBudgets_5F2944B7474F043F/addon.gproj' guid: '5F2944B7474F043F' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/DisableGMDynamicSimulation_60B2AD8092C4C94A/addon.gproj' guid: '60B2AD8092C4C94A' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/DiscordPlayerList_5D3CCC039449D1C8/addon.gproj' guid: '5D3CCC039449D1C8' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/DivingMod_610B4484DBB3FB88/addon.gproj' guid: '610B4484DBB3FB88' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/dog_Gear_597491A7AFEE471B/addon.gproj' guid: '597491A7AFEE471B' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/DVB1AH1SCobra_6070ABA98B0B74DA/addon.gproj' guid: '6070ABA98B0B74DA' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/Earplugs_612F512CD4CB21D5/addon.gproj' guid: '612F512CD4CB21D5' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/EnfusionDatabaseFramework_5D6EA74A94173EDF/EnfusionDatabaseFramework.gproj' guid: '5D6EA74A94173EDF' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/EnfusionPersistenceFramework_5D6EBC81EB1842EF/EnfusionPersistenceFramework.gproj' guid: '5D6EBC81EB1842EF' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/EnhancedWeaponImmersion2.5_5A7B79D8A910A4D1/addon.gproj' guid: '5A7B79D8A910A4D1' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/EotechVudu_608CF9E9CAC792B8/addon.gproj' guid: '608CF9E9CAC792B8' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/EquipmentPack_5DFF3C73D54D33FD/addon.gproj' guid: '5DFF3C73D54D33FD' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/EveronLife_59636E668EA37AD7/EveronLife.gproj' guid: '59636E668EA37AD7' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/ExpandedMilitaryGear_5D9E2CE6BC9396EF/addon.gproj' guid: '5D9E2CE6BC9396EF' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/FA18SuperHornet_6126FCB7FD72CF3F/addon.gproj' guid: '6126FCB7FD72CF3F' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/ForceGarbageCollect_60DF519BEC7A5649/addon.gproj' guid: '60DF519BEC7A5649' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/GameMasterFX_5994AD5A9F33BE57/addon.gproj' guid: '5994AD5A9F33BE57' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/GameMasterSafeZones_5CE334EA7649C7CC/addon.gproj' guid: '5CE334EA7649C7CC' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/GarbageCollectorPatch_5F0913BAAC69ABF5/addon.gproj' guid: '5F0913BAAC69ABF5' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/GMPersistentLoadouts_5C73156675E11A0F/addon.gproj' guid: '5C73156675E11A0F' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/GripsAMPBipods_60F4D8CA32492563/addon.gproj' guid: '60F4D8CA32492563' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/HDRFix_611772813EE29E17/addon.gproj' guid: '611772813EE29E17' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/HK416-24variants_5F1911B5C78C249B/addon.gproj' guid: '5F1911B5C78C249B' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/HMASAdelaide_5A78300A9F2D7A65/addon.gproj' guid: '5A78300A9F2D7A65' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/HMMWVVARIANTSPACK_5D9ECAD071E9ECBC/addon.gproj' guid: '5D9ECAD071E9ECBC' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/JointLightTacticalVehicle_5C721177A220B42F/addon.gproj' guid: '5C721177A220B42F' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/JTF2_607CE45D27490DBF/addon.gproj' guid: '607CE45D27490DBF' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/KA-52Alligator_60445135BF66D43F/addon.gproj' guid: '60445135BF66D43F' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/ka52FIXUPGRADE_612E27CE2B70736C/addon.gproj' guid: '612E27CE2B70736C' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/KeepGunWhenUncon_6088A3044B7ECBFD/addon.gproj' guid: '6088A3044B7ECBFD' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/KOMRAD-12Shotgun_5CA8F34E77DD532C/addon.gproj' guid: '5CA8F34E77DD532C' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/KOTHKingOfTheHillReforged_5E055A77849516EF/addon.gproj' guid: '5E055A77849516EF' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/KOTHReforged-MoreWeapons_5EF6AB90851FD4F2/addon.gproj' guid: '5EF6AB90851FD4F2' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/KS-1_L403A1_607306DEC76D8E35/addon.gproj' guid: '607306DEC76D8E35' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/KSS3ClassSubmarine_5F116BA2A34719F7/addon.gproj' guid: '5F116BA2A34719F7' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/KunarProvince-Afghanistan_5C9691EA7FD7A79F/addon.gproj' guid: '5C9691EA7FD7A79F' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/M110DMR_5CA125536EE7430A/addon.gproj' guid: '5CA125536EE7430A' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/M17Pistol_5CA6BA2F63DE1174/addon.gproj' guid: '5CA6BA2F63DE1174' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/M1AbramsUpgrade_609F54C98832DD6A/addon.gproj' guid: '609F54C98832DD6A' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/M1Abrams_5D1880C4AD410C14/addon.gproj' guid: '5D1880C4AD410C14' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/M2010EnhancedSniperRifle_5D8D003BC5D829EC/addon.gproj' guid: '5D8D003BC5D829EC' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/M240B_5EF547D45D9DF003/addon.gproj' guid: '5EF547D45D9DF003' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/M240MediumMachineGun_5F02D048E7AD81E9/M240MediumMachineGun.gproj' guid: '5F02D048E7AD81E9' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/M249ScopeRails_5AF6E0F075D79473/addon.gproj' guid: '5AF6E0F075D79473' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/M2BradleyFightingVehicle_5E193315C8E82019/addon.gproj' guid: '5E193315C8E82019' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/M4A1BlockIIandURG-I_5AB890B71D748750/addon.gproj' guid: '5AB890B71D748750' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/MAKOAK105Zentico_5DF14A2FD0C42CC0/addon.gproj' guid: '5DF14A2FD0C42CC0' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/MAKOMK16-MOD0GL_5DED0AF2CE2F7CA3/addon.gproj' guid: '5DED0AF2CE2F7CA3' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/MAKOVirtus.300Blackout_5DEB113BCCC30EBC/addon.gproj' guid: '5DEB113BCCC30EBC' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/MapMarkerMenuFix_609E8CAD8A403EA6/addon.gproj' guid: '609E8CAD8A403EA6' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: 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'./addons/Monster-KingAccessories_610D4311510A5D90/addon.gproj' guid: '610D4311510A5D90' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/MoreFlightSuits_60E81DD92511F8AB/addon.gproj' guid: '60E81DD92511F8AB' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/morepowerfulExplosives._5F183435044E86EC/addon.gproj' guid: '5F183435044E86EC' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/MOTDUR_BackPacks_Collection_60970AC29F5848DB/addon.gproj' guid: '60970AC29F5848DB' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/Motorboat_610C8532D3756F2D/addon.gproj' guid: '610C8532D3756F2D' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/MQ-9Reaper_60AD1760D71BE219/addon.gproj' guid: '60AD1760D71BE219' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/Mussalo_59CF333B3A309D6E/addon.gproj' guid: '59CF333B3A309D6E' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/NightVisionSystem_59A30ACC02650E71/addon.gproj' guid: '59A30ACC02650E71' (packed) 10:28:55.303 ENGINE : gproj: 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10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/BadParachute_6198EC294DEC63C0/addon.gproj' guid: '6198EC294DEC63C0' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/BCGMapMarkersModification_60E2962C95FD3570/addon.gproj' guid: '60E2962C95FD3570' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/BensalteKutsche_613D3AB783AEF7EB/addon.gproj' guid: '613D3AB783AEF7EB' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/BLEEDINGFROMWHEREDAMNIT_5F2D346C916B6FCC/addon.gproj' guid: '5F2D346C916B6FCC' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/BradleyFix_612F4C04CFF9B1C4/addon.gproj' guid: '612F4C04CFF9B1C4' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/BritishArmedForcesVehicles_5C961A93A16EB866/addon.gproj' guid: '5C961A93A16EB866' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/BTBiggerBackpacks_611120E1C0A7F9D2/addon.gproj' guid: '611120E1C0A7F9D2' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/BTR-ZU23_611AE38AC5A3FF03/addon.gproj' guid: '611AE38AC5A3FF03' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/C-RAM_611F7416D7A843BD/addon.gproj' guid: '611F7416D7A843BD' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/CascadianWilds_616F1CB821E76C2F/addon.gproj' guid: '616F1CB821E76C2F' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/CivilianFaction_60DD26FB579255DE/addon.gproj' guid: '60DD26FB579255DE' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/CougarMRAP_5D5A20A8AE33C21E/addon.gproj' guid: '5D5A20A8AE33C21E' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/D3sChemlights_608694907CE8FBCB/addon.gproj' guid: '608694907CE8FBCB' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/DarkGruEdits_61682C2E11376DC1/addon.gproj' guid: '61682C2E11376DC1' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/DGSpawnProtection_618C269537E7655F/addon.gproj' guid: '618C269537E7655F' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/DisableFriendlyFire_5C8AD2767D87626B/addon.gproj' guid: '5C8AD2767D87626B' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/DisableGamemasterVoting_614657451EC6C978/addon.gproj' guid: '614657451EC6C978' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/Early2000sUSMilitary_60B134EF0216CF4D/addon.gproj' guid: '60B134EF0216CF4D' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/FalconIVANPRC163_6164D6708E1203B0/addon.gproj' guid: '6164D6708E1203B0' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/FallujahMapByHeine_5F04F5A0383C44B1/addon.gproj' guid: '5F04F5A0383C44B1' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/G4Clothing_615CD4420BB8875F/addon.gproj' guid: '615CD4420BB8875F' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/GameMasterEnhanced_5964E0B3BB7410CE/addon.gproj' guid: '5964E0B3BB7410CE' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/GatomaPickupTruck_5D0D623BB27CC015/addon.gproj' guid: '5D0D623BB27CC015' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/Gogland_5CD4956FB405C585/addon.gproj' guid: '5CD4956FB405C585' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/GulfcoastBuildings_5E1735DB431EE29B/addon.gproj' guid: '5E1735DB431EE29B' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/HumveeVariants4Conflict_605E3A755084A345/addon.gproj' guid: '605E3A755084A345' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/IEDEmporium2.0_5DD55EE55380FA5C/addon.gproj' guid: '5DD55EE55380FA5C' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/insurgentfaction_60645C9863C41915/addon.gproj' guid: '60645C9863C41915' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/InsurgentsclothingSAF_616911425623E02F/addon.gproj' guid: '616911425623E02F' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/iRON79Compositions_60A68ED7293C691A/addon.gproj' guid: '60A68ED7293C691A' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/JamsheedsRussianWeapons_612B280D49449EB9/addon.gproj' guid: '612B280D49449EB9' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/JSOC_Equipment_606559F2AE8A6BAA/addon.gproj' guid: '606559F2AE8A6BAA' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/KeepAbandonedVehicles_60E2D7E5A20FABEB/addon.gproj' guid: '60E2D7E5A20FABEB' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/KunarProvincePVEConflict_60ECE506DB3DF9D7/addon.gproj' guid: '60ECE506DB3DF9D7' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/M113APC_5E5C154FEE1094BB/addon.gproj' guid: '5E5C154FEE1094BB' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/mapmakeronlyassets_5EDC6DEEFCFDE088/addon.gproj' guid: '5EDC6DEEFCFDE088' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/MCR-Pack5.56x45_5D7531C2D05BC700/addon.gproj' guid: '5D7531C2D05BC700' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/Mk19VehicleMountedonM1025_60AABE9BEC5FD178/addon.gproj' guid: '60AABE9BEC5FD178' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/MOCNews_60AE8CCC4B5192D4/addon.gproj' guid: '60AE8CCC4B5192D4' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/Mortars_604E9E8B40A762D1/addon.gproj' guid: '604E9E8B40A762D1' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/MP5_MP5SD_5D457933C3941DBB/addon.gproj' guid: '5D457933C3941DBB' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/NEW_MOC_ASSETS_61022DAF8D7A09A7/addon.gproj' guid: '61022DAF8D7A09A7' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/NoSupplySystem_5EE472B0F295A124/addon.gproj' guid: '5EE472B0F295A124' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/PhoenixStudiosCommon_617EB0013539C88E/addon.gproj' guid: '617EB0013539C88E' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/PPSh-41_60E6F54E174C53C5/addon.gproj' guid: '60E6F54E174C53C5' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/RadioRockByHeine_60AF3CF79243766A/addon.gproj' guid: '60AF3CF79243766A' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/RealisticBellUH-1HIroquois_611F5A1124E0168B/addon.gproj' guid: '611F5A1124E0168B' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/RemoveTeamKillBan_5F0D18918DA8CFFC/addon.gproj' guid: '5F0D18918DA8CFFC' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/RHIBArmed_6164D69FACDDF372/addon.gproj' guid: '6164D69FACDDF372' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/RHIB_5994614FB5AD35C2/addon.gproj' guid: '5994614FB5AD35C2' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/RHSEdits_61690A195DAA9D27/addon.gproj' guid: '61690A195DAA9D27' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/RPD_61344BDC155A5A28/addon.gproj' guid: '61344BDC155A5A28' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/Seitenbuch-Germany_5F031E702D6FAAB1/addon.gproj' guid: '5F031E702D6FAAB1' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/ShootHouse-MODULAR_616313E2836844FF/addon.gproj' guid: '616313E2836844FF' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/ShootHousesBETA_5E329785BB8B38F2/addon.gproj' guid: '5E329785BB8B38F2' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/SOGSTABORIG_607E297391F5DFC5/addon.gproj' guid: '607E297391F5DFC5' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/StrykerUpgrade_609F71EE86D27E64/addon.gproj' guid: '609F71EE86D27E64' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/TakistaniArmy_611A2A77548D2F97/addon.gproj' guid: '611A2A77548D2F97' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/TaskForceAres_606D0CA67F3F3E68/addon.gproj' guid: '606D0CA67F3F3E68' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/TFBBPatches_5E5F0E052033B5EC/addon.gproj' guid: '5E5F0E052033B5EC' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/TFOExpandedRPGs_5E48587BCF216830/addon.gproj' guid: '5E48587BCF216830' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/TIAFalloutWeapons_61594A2AAEC91677/addon.gproj' guid: '61594A2AAEC91677' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/TODsUH1HHueys_607D293B86831307/addon.gproj' guid: '607D293B86831307' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/VietCongDrip_604558437F7DE084/addon.gproj' guid: '604558437F7DE084' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/Vietnam-EraTropicalRucksack_60433985873068EF/addon.gproj' guid: '60433985873068EF' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/VipersFlightSuit_61575408B8E60FC3/addon.gproj' guid: '61575408B8E60FC3' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/WIPBell412CH-146_6076D67329DF1501/addon.gproj' guid: '6076D67329DF1501' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/WW2Everon_60F5558BCD230C07/addon.gproj' guid: '60F5558BCD230C07' (packed) 10:28:55.304 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/austi/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/WZVehicles_617AC5E57EF1D9E3/addon.gproj' guid: '617AC5E57EF1D9E3' (packed) 10:28:55.347 ENGINE : FileSystem: Adding package './addons/data/' (pak count: 10) to filesystem under name ArmaReforger 10:28:55.350 ENGINE : FileSystem: Adding package './addons/core/' (pak count: 2) to filesystem under name core 10:28:55.350 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=0 name=ArmaReforger path=./addons/data/resourceDatabase.rdb) 10:28:55.414 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=1 name=core path=./addons/core/resourceDatabase.rdb) 10:28:55.415 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=2 name=profile path=C:\Users\austi\OneDrive\Documents\My Games\ArmaReforger\profile/resourceDatabase.rdb) 10:28:55.415 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=3 name=logs path=C:\Users\austi\OneDrive\Documents\My Games\ArmaReforger\logs\logs_2024-06-26_08-49-58/resourceDatabase.rdb) 10:28:55.476 ENGINE : GameProject load 10:28:55.476 ENGINE : Loaded addons: 10:28:55.476 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/core/core.gproj' guid: '5614BBCCBB55ED1C' 10:28:55.476 ENGINE : gproj: './addons/data/ArmaReforger.gproj' guid: '58D0FB3206B6F859' 10:28:55.478 ENGINE : GameProject load 10:28:55.478 INIT : GameProject load project data @"./addons/data/ArmaReforger.gproj" 10:28:55.478 RESOURCES (E): Wrong GUID/name for resource @"{C014582791ECBF24}Language/localization.st" in property "StringTableSource" 10:28:55.485 GUI : Using default language (en_us) 10:28:55.485 GUI : Loading 'en_us' localization file. 10:28:55.485 INIT : INIT : Loading StringTable 10:28:55.496 PROFILING : Loading StringTable took: 11.114800 ms 10:28:55.496 SCRIPT : SCRIPT : Compiling GameLib scripts 10:28:55.510 SCRIPT : Module: GameLib; loaded 282x files; 509x classes; used 472/2097 kB (22%) of static memory; defines: "PLATFORM_WINDOWS,ENF_ENABLE_VHC_OVERRIDE,ENF_ENABLE_RPLCOMPONENT_IN_GAMECODE"; CRC32: 46b6820e 10:28:55.512 PROFILING : Compiling GameLib scripts took: 16.312700 ms 10:28:55.513 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{4C8B29889444BDA3}UI/layouts/Menus/LoadingScreen/ScenarioLoadingScreen.layout" 10:28:55.513 GUI : Layout load @"{4C8B29889444BDA3}UI/layouts/Menus/LoadingScreen/ScenarioLoadingScreen.layout" 10:28:55.513 GUI (E): Unknown class 'SCR_WidgetExportRuleRoot' at offset 286(0x11e) 10:28:55.535 SCRIPT : SCRIPT : Compiling Game scripts 10:28:56.167 SCRIPT : Module: Game; loaded 4183x files; 8550x classes; used 18543/41943 kB (44%) of static memory; defines: "PLATFORM_WINDOWS,ENF_ENABLE_VHC_OVERRIDE,ENF_ENABLE_RPLCOMPONENT_IN_GAMECODE,ENABLE_BASE_DESTRUCTION,DEBUG,RESPAWN_TIMER_COMPONENT_DEBUG,DEBUG_NEARBY_CONTEXT_DISPLAY,DEBUG_CONFIGURABLE_DIALOGS,DISABLE_WEAPON_SWITCHING,SCRIPTED_AIM_MODIFIER_DEBUG"; CRC32: 557c3d06 10:28:56.466 PROFILING : Compiling Game scripts took: 931.313600 ms 10:28:56.467 INIT : Creating game instance(ArmaReforgerScripted), version built 2024-06-21 1:04:10 UTC. 10:28:56.492 ENGINE : Game successfully created. 10:28:56.532 PLATFORM : Save data from container 'settings' have been loaded 10:28:56.633 PLATFORM : Save data from container 'sessions' have been loaded 10:28:56.633 PLATFORM : GameProject user settings load from profile @"ReforgerGameSettings.conf" 10:28:56.633 ENGINE : Game user settings config loaded 10:28:56.637 WORLD : WORLD : Entities load 'worlds/MainMenuWorld/MainMenuWorld.ent' 10:28:56.637 PROFILING : Entities load took: 0.440500 ms 10:28:56.637 WORLD : WORLD : Game::LoadEntities 10:28:56.640 NETWORK : Enabled lag compensation, 29 frames with 100 FPS and 280 ms rewind limits. 10:28:56.640 WORLD : WORLD : Preload 10:28:56.640 PROFILING : Preload took: 0.258000 ms 10:28:56.640 WORLD : WORLD : Wait for preloading data 10:28:56.640 PROFILING : Wait for preloading data took: 0.000100 ms 10:28:56.640 WORLD : WORLD : CreateEntities 10:28:56.640 WORLD : WORLD : CreateEntities 10:28:56.640 WORLD : WORLD : NotifyBeforeEntitiesCreated 10:28:56.641 RESOURCES : Loaded mission headers from 303 addon(s)! 10:28:56.641 PROFILING : NotifyBeforeEntitiesCreated took: 0.773800 ms 10:28:56.641 WORLD : Game::LoadEntities 10:28:56.641 WORLD : CreateEntities 10:28:56.641 WORLD : CreateEntities 10:28:56.641 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:2" ('Music', GenericEntity) at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 10:28:56.641 AUDIO (W): SignalManagerComponent not present, functionality will be limited 10:28:56.641 WORLD : WORLD : NotifyBeforeEntitiesInitialized 10:28:56.641 PROFILING : NotifyBeforeEntitiesInitialized took: 0.005900 ms 10:28:56.766 WORLD : InitEntities 'world' 10:28:56.766 ENTITY : Init entity @"ENTITY:3" ('SCR_AddonManager') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 10:28:56.766 SCRIPT : [SCR_AddonManager] SCR_AddonManager<0x00000221989F0030> @"ENTITY:3" ('SCR_AddonManager') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> Internal_CheckAddons() 10:28:56.766 WORLD : WORLD : NotifyEntitiesInitialized 10:28:56.766 PROFILING : NotifyEntitiesInitialized took: 0.038100 ms 10:28:56.766 PROFILING : CreateEntities took: 125.576300 ms 10:28:56.766 PROFILING : CreateEntities took: 125.586100 ms 10:28:56.766 WORLD : WORLD : EOnActivate 10:28:56.766 PROFILING : EOnActivate took: 0.002200 ms 10:28:56.766 PROFILING : Game::LoadEntities took: 128.635100 ms 10:28:56.768 DEFAULT : Entered main menu. 10:28:56.836 DEFAULT (W): No GameMode present in the world, using fallback logic! 10:28:56.838 WORLD : Frame start 10:28:56.838 NETWORK : Projectiles will simulate using: EOnFrame 10:28:56.904 WORLD : UpdateEntities 10:28:56.904 WORLD : Frame 10:28:56.904 PLATFORM : Saving of data to container 'settings' started. 10:28:56.919 DEFAULT (E): Kicked from game. group=1 reason=9 10:28:56.919 SCRIPT : Kick cause code: group=1 'REPLICATION', reason=9 'SHUTDOWN' 10:28:56.919 SCRIPT (E): [SCR_ConfigurableDialogUi] Preset was not found: SCR_ConfigurableDialogUiPresets<0x00000221992D4900>, REPLICATION_SHUTDOWN 10:28:56.921 SCRIPT : [SCR_ConfigurableDialogUi] presetsResourceName: {D3BFEE28E7D5B6A1}Configs/ServerBrowser/KickDialogs.conf, tag: REPLICATION, customDialogObj: NULL 10:29:03.258 SCRIPT : [SCR_AddonManager] SCR_AddonManager<0x00000221989F0030> @"ENTITY:3" ('SCR_AddonManager') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> Callback_CheckAddons_OnSuccess() 10:29:03.274 SCRIPT : [SCR_AddonManager] SCR_AddonManager<0x00000221989F0030> @"ENTITY:3" ('SCR_AddonManager') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> FinalizeInitAfterAsyncChecks() 10:29:03.274 SCRIPT : [SCR_AddonManager] SCR_AddonManager<0x00000221989F0030> @"ENTITY:3" ('SCR_AddonManager') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> Init Finished 10:29:03.274 SCRIPT : [SCR_AddonManager] SCR_AddonManager<0x00000221989F0030> @"ENTITY:3" ('SCR_AddonManager') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> User Workshop access: 1 10:29:12.319 PLATFORM : Saving of data to container 'settings' started. 10:29:13.502 SCRIPT : [SCR_ConfigurableDialogUi] presetsResourceName: {814FCA3CB7851F6B}Configs/Dialogs/CommonDialogs.conf, tag: exit_game, customDialogObj: SCR_ExitGameDialog<0x0000022186675B60> 10:29:15.625 ENGINE : Game destroyed. 10:29:15.656 RPL : Pip::Destroy 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): ==== Resource leaks ==== 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/MilitaryIcons/MilitaryIcons_atlas.edds 1 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Imagesets/SupportStations/Notifications_atlas.edds 1 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Imagesets/MilitarySymbol/ICO.edds 1 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Imagesets/Conflict/services-icons-bw_atlas.edds 1 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Imagesets/SupportStations/InventoryHints_atlas.edds 1 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Conflict/conflict-imageset.edds 1 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Imagesets/TutorialHud/TutorialHUD_atlas.edds 1 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Imagesets/Commanding/Commanding_Icons-100_atlas.edds 1 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/InventoryIcons/Medical/Medical-icons-100_atlas.edds 1 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/VehicleInfo/AnalogGaugeImageset_atlas.edds 1 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Imagesets/WeaponInfo/WeaponInfo-100_atlas.edds 1 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Imagesets/WeaponInfo/WeaponInfo_Glow-100_atlas.edds 1 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Imagesets/WeaponInfo/WeaponInfo_Ammo-100_atlas.edds 1 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Imagesets/WeaponInfo/WeaponInfo_Ammo_Glow-100_atlas.edds 1 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/MilitaryIcons/RankIconsBold/RankIconsBold_atlas.edds 1 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Imagesets/Tasks/Task_Icons-100_atlas.edds 1 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Imagesets/MilitarySymbol/ICO_Land_atlas.edds 1 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Imagesets/MilitarySymbol/ID_D_atlas.edds 1 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/GroupManagement/FlagIcons/GroupFlagsBlufor-100_atlasSRGB.edds 1 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Icons/icons_gamepad_64_atlas.edds 1 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/DeployMenu/LoadoutIcons/LoadoutIcons_atlas.edds 1 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/DeployMenu/Loadout-BG/Loadout_BG_USSR-100_atlasSRGB.edds 1 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/GroupManagement/FlagIcons/GroupFlagsOpfor-100_atlasSRGB.edds 1 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/DeployMenu/Objectives-Briefing/Objectives-briefing_atlas.edds 1 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Imagesets/Editor/editor_icons_map.edds 1 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Imagesets/Conflict/conflict-icons-bw_atlas.edds 1 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Map/topographicIcons/icons_topographic_map_atlasSRGB.edds 1 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Chat/chat_32_atlas.edds 1 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Chat/chat_badge_atlas.edds 1 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Icons/icons_mouse/icons_mouse-glow-100_atlas.edds 1 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Chat/chat_atlas.edds 1 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Icons/icons_wrapperUI-64-glow_atlas.edds 1 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Icons/icons_wrapperUI-32-glow_atlas.edds 1 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Nametags/nametagicons-100_atlas.edds 1 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Icons/nearbyInteractions/nearbyInteractions-glow-100_atlas.edds 1 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Icons/nearbyInteractions/nearbyInteractions-100_atlas.edds 1 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_transform_uiuc.edds 3 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_place_uiuc.edds 3 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_select_uiuc.edds 3 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_raw_uiuc.edds 3 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Imagesets/Panels/Shadow/panels_fadedBackground-16-100_atlas.edds 1 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Imagesets/Panels/Outline/panels_roundedOutline_atlas.edds 1 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Imagesets/Panels/panels_roundedCorners_atlas.edds 1 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Imagesets/WeaponInfo/panel_style_magazines.edds 1 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Imagesets/debugUI.edds 1 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/WidgetLibrary/ScrollBarRectangles.edds 1 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Imagesets/default.edds 1 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): ui/fonts/robotomono_msdf_28.edds 1 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Icons/icons_wrapperUI-48_atlas.edds 1 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Icons/icons_wrapperUI-32_atlas.edds 1 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/LoadingDots/LoadingDots_atlas.edds 1 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Icons/icons_mouse/icons_mouse-100_atlas.edds 1 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Icons/icons_gamepad/icons_gamepad-100_atlas.edds 1 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Icons/icons_wrapperUI-64_atlas.edds 1 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Icons/icons_wrapperUI-glow-100_atlas.edds 1 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Icons/icons_keyboard/icons_keyboard-100_atlas.edds 1 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Icons/icons_keyboard/icons_keyboard-glow-100_atlas.edds 1 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Fonts/RobotoCondensed/RobotoCondensed_Regular.edds 1 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Icons/icons_wrapperUI-100_atlas.edds 1 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_place_geometry_uiuc.edds 3 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_transform_geometry_uiuc.edds 3 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/cursors_atlas.edds 1 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_objective_uiuc.edds 3 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_waypoint_uiuc.edds 3 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_rotate_uiuc.edds 3 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_transform_snap_disabled_uiuc.edds 3 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_transform_snap_uiuc.edds 3 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_move_camera_uiuc.edds 3 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_wait_uiuc.edds 3 10:29:15.847 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_transform_disabled_uiuc.edds 3