PanelWidgetClass TextInputDialogRoot { clipchildren 0 position 0 0 size 1 1 halign center_ref valign center_ref hexactpos 0 vexactpos 0 hexactsize 0 vexactsize 0 priority 1001 { GridSpacerWidgetClass TextInputDialog { visible 1 clipchildren 1 color 0.1176 0.1176 0.1176 0.9804 position 0 0 size 0.35 0.3 halign center_ref valign center_ref hexactpos 0 vexactpos 0 hexactsize 0 vexactsize 0 priority 1 draggable 0 style Colorable Padding 10 Margin 10 "Size To Content V" 1 content_halign center content_valign center Columns 1 Rows 7 { TextWidgetClass txtLabel { disabled 0 position 0 0 size 0.95 0.22 halign center_ref hexactpos 0 vexactpos 0 hexactsize 0 vexactsize 0 style Bold text "#str_position_in_queue:" font "gui/fonts/sdf_MetronBook72" "exact text" 1 "exact text size" 32 "text halign" center "text valign" center } PanelWidgetClass SeparatorPanel { color 0.7569 0.0941 0.0941 0.7843 position 0 0 size 0.85 0.015 halign center_ref hexactpos 0 vexactpos 0 hexactsize 0 vexactsize 0 scaled 1 priority 5 style rover_sim_colorable } PanelWidgetClass MidFillerTop { ignorepointer 1 position 0 0 size 1 10 hexactpos 1 vexactpos 1 hexactsize 0 vexactsize 1 priority 6 } MultilineTextWidgetClass txtPosition { color 1 1 1 1 position 0 0 size 0.95 0.46 halign center_ref hexactpos 0 vexactpos 0 hexactsize 0 vexactsize 0 priority 10 text "-1" font "gui/fonts/sdf_MetronLight24" "exact text" 1 "exact text size" 20 "size to text h" 1 "size to text v" 1 "text halign" center wrap 1 "condense whitespace" 1 } MultilineTextWidgetClass txtNote { visible 0 color 1 1 1 1 position 0 0 size 0.95 0.46 halign center_ref hexactpos 1 vexactpos 1 hexactsize 0 vexactsize 0 priority 11 font "gui/fonts/sdf_MetronLight24" "exact text" 1 "exact text size" 22 "size to text h" 0 "size to text v" 1 "text halign" center wrap 1 "condense whitespace" 1 } PanelWidgetClass MidFIllerBottom { ignorepointer 1 size 1 10 halign center_ref hexactpos 1 vexactpos 1 hexactsize 0 vexactsize 1 priority 12 } PanelWidgetClass PanelWidget0 { ignorepointer 1 position 10 10 size 48 36 halign center_ref hexactpos 1 vexactpos 1 hexactsize 1 vexactsize 1 priority 15 { ButtonWidgetClass btnLeave { visible 1 color 1 0 0 1 size 0.25 0.85 halign center_ref valign bottom_ref hexactpos 0 vexactpos 0 hexactsize 0 vexactsize 0 userID 1 style EmptyHighlight text "#STR_TextInputDialogRoot_ButtonLeave0" text_proportion 0.55 font "gui/fonts/sdf_MetronBook24" "disabled text color" 0.3412 0.3412 0.3412 1 } } } } } PanelWidgetClass toolbar_bg { visible 0 inheritalpha 0 color 0 0 0 0.549 position 0 0 size 1 0.1 halign center_ref valign bottom_ref hexactpos 0 vexactpos 1 hexactsize 0 vexactsize 0 priority 1 style ToolbarWidget { WrapSpacerWidgetClass ConsoleToolbar { visible 1 clipchildren 0 position 0.05 0.1 size 800 48 halign right_ref hexactpos 0 vexactpos 0 hexactsize 1 vexactsize 1 priority 100 "no focus" 1 Padding 20 Margin 0 "Size To Content H" 1 "Size To Content V" 1 content_halign right content_valign center { 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imageTexture "{0DBE2630AF5047FD}gui/textures/loading_screens/loading_screen_3_co.edds" mode blend "src alpha" 1 "clamp mode" clamp "stretch mode" stretch_w_h { TextWidgetClass dbg_Layout_name { visible 0 position 150 500 size 300 50 hexactpos 1 vexactpos 1 hexactsize 1 vexactsize 1 text "dialog_queue_position.layout" font "gui/fonts/sdf_MetronLight24" "exact text" 1 } } } PanelWidgetClass notification_root { visible 1 clipchildren 1 ignorepointer 1 color 0 0 0 0.9294 position 0 0 size 900 15 halign center_ref hexactpos 0 vexactpos 0 hexactsize 1 vexactsize 1 scaled 1 userID 100 scriptclass "NoticeSpacer" style DayZDefaultPanel "no focus" 1 { RichTextWidgetClass notification_part_1_text { clipchildren 1 ignorepointer 1 position 0 0 size 673 100 halign center_ref hexactpos 0 vexactpos 0 hexactsize 1 vexactsize 1 scriptclass "" text "#dayz_game_exp_disclaimer_part1" font "gui/fonts/sdf_MetronLight24" "text offset" 18 0 "exact text" 1 "exact text size" 24 "size to text h" 1 "size to text 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hemolytic reaction." font "gui/fonts/Metron" "exact text" 0 text_proportion 0.3 "text halign" center "text valign" center } TextWidgetClass HintTestShortText { visible 0 ignorepointer 1 position 0 0.45 size 0.8 0.4 halign center_ref valign bottom_ref hexactpos 0 vexactpos 0 hexactsize 0 vexactsize 0 scaled 1 text "Go inland: The inland holds better loot than the coastal villages." font "gui/fonts/Metron" "exact text" 0 text_proportion 0.3 "text halign" center "text valign" center } FrameWidgetClass hint_frame0 { visible 1 clipchildren 0 ignorepointer 1 position 0 0.38 size 0.8 0.5 halign center_ref hexactpos 0 vexactpos 0 hexactsize 0 vexactsize 0 scaled 1 } } } ImageWidgetClass LinesImageLeft { clipchildren 0 ignorepointer 1 position -0.1586 0.18 size 0.28 2 halign center_ref valign bottom_ref hexactpos 0 vexactpos 0 hexactsize 0 vexactsize 1 } ImageWidgetClass LinesRightImage { clipchildren 0 ignorepointer 1 position 0.1585 0.18 size 0.28 2 halign center_ref valign bottom_ref hexactpos 0 vexactpos 0 hexactsize 0 vexactsize 1 } ImageWidgetClass hintIcon { visible 1 disabled 0 clipchildren 0 inheritalpha 0 ignorepointer 1 keepsafezone 0 position 0 0.17 size 48 48 halign center_ref valign bottom_ref hexactpos 0 vexactpos 0 hexactsize 1 vexactsize 1 scaled 1 image0 "set:dayz_gui image:loading_screen_bulb" imageTexture "{534691EE0479871C}gui/imagesets/dayz_gui.edds" mode blend "src alpha" 1 "flip u" 0 "flip v" 0 nocache 0 "Transition width" 0.074 } FrameWidgetClass hint_frame { ignorepointer 1 position -5 145 size 1050 40 halign center_ref valign bottom_ref hexactpos 1 vexactpos 1 hexactsize 1 vexactsize 1 } VideoWidgetClass Video { ignorepointer 1 position 0 0 size 1 1 hexactpos 1 vexactpos 1 hexactsize 0 vexactsize 0 mode blend "src alpha" 1 "clamp mode" clamp "stretch mode" stretch_w_h { TextWidgetClass dbg_Layout_name0 { visible 0 position 150 500 size 300 50 hexactpos 1 vexactpos 1 hexactsize 1 vexactsize 1 text "dialog_queue_position.layout" font 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