19:15:31 BattlEye Server: Initialized (v1.219, DayZ 1.25.158344) 19:15:31 SUCCESS: SteamGameServer_Init(0,8766,2302,2203,3,1.25.158344) 19:15:31 BattlEye Server: Config entry: RConPassword b6c4f1c032710a4a6a1084e3a99578d6 19:15:31 BattlEye Server: Config entry: RConPort 2910 19:15:31 BattlEye Server: Config entry: RestrictRCon 0 19:15:31 Roles assigned. 19:15:31 Reading mission ... 19:15:38 [CE][Hive] :: Initializing OFFLINE 19:15:38 [StorageDirs] :: Selected storage directory: C:\omega\servers\0\mpmissions\dayz.dz_map\storage_1\ 19:15:38 [CE][Hive] :: Loading core data ... 19:15:38 [CE][CoreData] :: 7 root classes, 13 defaults, 0 updaters... 19:15:38 !!! [CE][PlayerSpawnPoints] :: There are no valid groups. 19:15:38 !!! [CE][PlayerSpawnPoints] :: NO VALID SPAWNS, players will spawn at { 0,0,0 } !!! 19:15:44 [CE][TypeSetup] :: 0 classes setuped... 19:15:45 [CE][RegisterBind] :: 0 classes binded... 19:15:45 [CE][RegisterConfig] :: 15204 config classes registered, 0 sub-counters... 19:15:45 [CE][Hive] :: Loading map data ... 19:15:45 !!! [CE] :: Failed to parse categories from file. 19:15:45 !!! [CE] :: Failed to parse tags from file. 19:15:45 !!! [CE] :: Failed to parse usageflags from file. 19:15:45 !!! [CE] :: Failed to parse valueflags from file. 19:15:45 [CE][LoadPrototype] :: loaded 0 prototypes 19:15:45 0 containers, 0 points 19:15:45 0 dispatches, 0 proxies 19:15:45 [CE][LoadPrototype] :: loaded 0 prototypes 19:15:45 55 containers, 232 points 19:15:45 0 dispatches, 0 proxies 19:15:45 [CE][LoadPrototype] :: last group name: Rail9... 19:15:45 !!! File "DayZone\dz_map\ce\areaflags.map" does not exist... 19:15:45 [CE][LoadMap] "Group" :: loaded 0 groups, groups failed: 0, largest group range: 0.0 19:15:45 [CE][LoadMap] "Dirt" :: loaded 0 groups, groups failed: 0, largest group range: 0.0 19:15:45 [CE][LoadClusters] "Cluster" :: Loading files... 19:15:45 [CE][LoadClusters] :: file: "mapgroupcluster.xml", 8 types, 50000 instances 19:15:45 [CE][LoadClusters] :: file: "mapgroupcluster01", 9 types, 50000 instances 19:15:45 839 failed - check prototype defaults 'clusterMatrix' setups !!! 19:15:45 [CE][LoadClusters] :: file: "mapgroupcluster02", 9 types, 50000 instances 19:15:45 23945 failed - check prototype defaults 'clusterMatrix' setups !!! 19:15:45 [CE][LoadClusters] :: file: "mapgroupcluster03", 9 types, 48151 instances 19:15:45 29404 failed - check prototype defaults 'clusterMatrix' setups !!! 19:15:45 [CE][Storage] ver:21 stamp:3, valid:yes, name:"C:\omega\servers\0\mpmissions\dayz.dz_map\storage_1\data\types.bin" 19:15:45 [CE][Storage] ver:0 stamp:0, valid:NO, name:"C:\omega\servers\0\mpmissions\dayz.dz_map\storage_1\data\types.001" 19:15:45 [CE][Storage] ver:0 stamp:0, valid:NO, name:"C:\omega\servers\0\mpmissions\dayz.dz_map\storage_1\data\types.002" 19:15:45 [CE][Storage] Restoring file "C:\omega\servers\0\mpmissions\dayz.dz_map\storage_1\data\types.bin". 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: No Shutdown message present. 19:15:46 [CE][offlineDB] :: Loaded 0 dynamic events 0 total types. 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'AK101' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'AK101_Black' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'AK101_Green' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'AK74' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'AK74_Black' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'AK74_Green' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'AK74_Hndgrd' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'AK74_WoodBttstck' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'AKM' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'AKS74U' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'AKS74U_Black' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'AKS74U_Bttstck' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'AKS74U_Green' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'AK_FoldingBttstck' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'AK_FoldingBttstck_Black' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'AK_FoldingBttstck_Green' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'AK_PlasticBttstck' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'AK_PlasticBttstck_Black' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'AK_PlasticBttstck_Green' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'AK_PlasticHndgrd' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'AK_RailHndgrd' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'AK_RailHndgrd_Black' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'AK_RailHndgrd_Green' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'AK_Suppressor' will be ignored. (Type does not exist. (Typo?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'AK_WoodBttstck' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'AK_WoodBttstck_Black' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'AK_WoodBttstck_Camo' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'AK_WoodHndgrd' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'AK_WoodHndgrd_Black' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'AK_WoodHndgrd_Camo' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'Ammo_12gaPellets' will be ignored. (Type does not exist. (Typo?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'Ammo_12gaSlug' will be ignored. (Type does not exist. (Typo?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'Ammo_22' will be ignored. (Type does not exist. (Typo?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'Ammo_308Win' will be ignored. (Type does not exist. (Typo?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'Ammo_308WinTracer' will be ignored. (Type does not exist. (Typo?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'Ammo_380' will be ignored. (Type does not exist. (Typo?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'Ammo_45ACP' will be ignored. (Type does not exist. (Typo?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'Ammo_545x39' will be ignored. (Type does not exist. (Typo?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'Ammo_545x39Tracer' will be ignored. (Type does not exist. (Typo?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'Ammo_556x45' will be ignored. (Type does not exist. (Typo?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'Ammo_556x45Tracer' will be ignored. (Type does not exist. (Typo?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'Ammo_762x39' will be ignored. (Type does not exist. (Typo?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'Ammo_762x39Tracer' will be ignored. (Type does not exist. (Typo?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'Ammo_762x54' will be ignored. (Type does not exist. (Typo?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'Ammo_762x54Tracer' will be ignored. (Type does not exist. (Typo?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'Ammo_9x19' will be ignored. (Type does not exist. (Typo?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'Ammo_9x39' will be ignored. (Type does not exist. (Typo?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'Ammo_9x39AP' will be ignored. (Type does not exist. (Typo?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'BandanaMask_BlackPattern' will be ignored. (Type does not exist. (Typo?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'BandanaMask_CamoPattern' will be ignored. (Type does not exist. (Typo?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'BandanaMask_GreenPattern' will be ignored. (Type does not exist. (Typo?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'BandanaMask_PolkaPattern' will be ignored. (Type does not exist. (Typo?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'BandanaMask_RedPattern' will be ignored. (Type does not exist. (Typo?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'ChristmasTree' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'DallasMask' will be ignored. (Type does not exist. (Typo?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'DryBag_Black' will be ignored. (Type does not exist. (Typo?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'FAL' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'Fal_FoldingBttstck' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'Fal_OeBttstck' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'HatchbackTrunk_Green' will be ignored. (Type does not exist. (Typo?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'HoxtonMask' will be ignored. (Type does not exist. (Typo?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'M4A1' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'M4A1_Black' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'M4A1_Green' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'M4_CQBBttstck' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'M4_MPBttstck' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'M4_MPHndgrd' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'M4_OEBttstck' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'M4_PlasticHndgrd' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'M4_RISHndgrd' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'M4_RISHndgrd_Black' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'M4_RISHndgrd_Green' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'M4_Suppressor' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'MP5K' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'MP5_Compensator' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'MP5_PlasticHndgrd' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'MP5_RailHndgrd' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'MP5k_StockBttstck' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'Mag_AK101_30Rnd' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'Mag_AK74_30Rnd' will be ignored. (Type does not exist. (Typo?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'Mag_AKM_30Rnd' will be ignored. (Type does not exist. (Typo?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'Mag_AKM_Drum75Rnd' will be ignored. (Type does not exist. (Typo?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'Mag_AKM_Palm30Rnd' will be ignored. (Type does not exist. (Typo?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'Mag_CMAG_10Rnd' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'Mag_CMAG_20Rnd' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'Mag_CMAG_30Rnd' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'Mag_CMAG_40Rnd' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'Mag_FAL_20Rnd' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'Mag_MP5_30Rnd' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'Mag_MP5Viper_30Rnd' will be ignored. (Type does not exist. (Typo?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'Mag_MP5_15Rnd' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'MP5Vaiper' will be ignored. (Type does not exist. (Typo?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'Mag_STANAGCoupled_30Rnd' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'Mag_STANAG_30Rnd' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'Mag_SVD_10Rnd' will be ignored. (Type does not exist. (Typo?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'Mag_Saiga_5Rnd' will be ignored. (Type does not exist. (Typo?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'Mag_Saiga_8Rnd' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'Mag_Saiga_Drum20Rnd' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'Mag_VSS_10Rnd' will be ignored. (Type does not exist. (Typo?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'Mosin9130' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'Mosin9130_Black' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'Mosin9130_Camo' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'Mosin9130_Green' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'Mosin_Compensator' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'Mp133Shotgun' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'PUScopeOptic' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'SVD' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'Saiga' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'Saiga_Bttstck' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'SawedoffMosin9130' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'SawedoffMosin9130_Black' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'SawedoffMosin9130_Camo' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'SawedoffMosin9130_Green' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'Spear' will be ignored. (Not spawnable. (Scope is not public?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'TransitBus' will be ignored. (Type does not exist. (Typo?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'Ammo_357' will be ignored. (Type does not exist. (Typo?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'V3SDoors_CoDriver' will be ignored. (Type does not exist. (Typo?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'V3SDoors_Driver' will be ignored. (Type does not exist. (Typo?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'V3SHood' will be ignored. (Type does not exist. (Typo?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'V3SWheel' will be ignored. (Type does not exist. (Typo?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'V3SWheelDouble' will be ignored. (Type does not exist. (Typo?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'V3SWheelDouble_Ruined' will be ignored. (Type does not exist. (Typo?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'V3SWheel_Ruined' will be ignored. (Type does not exist. (Typo?)) 19:15:46 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: Type 'V3S_Cargo' will be ignored. (Type does not exist