--------------------------------------------- Log C:\OmegaManager4\servers\Terminus\profiles\script_2024-12-16_21-14-12.log started at 16.12. 21:14:12 SCRIPT : Registered 338 temporary action enum(s), UAN==338 SCRIPT (W): @"GoreZ/3_game/effects\effectparticle\bulletimpactbase\hit_meatbones.c,74": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'BloodSplatGround' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"GoreZ/3_game/effects\effectparticle\bulletimpactbase\hit_meatbones.c,109": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'BloodSplatWall' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"scripts/3_Game/entities\pawn.c,25": Missing script declaration for method 'PawnOwnerState.SetWaterTime' SCRIPT (W): @"scripts/3_Game/entities\pawn.c,25": Missing script declaration for method 'PawnOwnerState.SetPhysicsTimeStamp' SCRIPT (W): @"scripts/3_Game/entities\pawn.c,25": Missing script declaration for method 'PawnOwnerState.GetWaterTime' SCRIPT (W): @"scripts/3_Game/entities\pawn.c,25": Missing script declaration for method 'PawnOwnerState.GetPhysicsTimeStamp' SCRIPT (W): @"GameLabs/Scripts/3_Game/ЮфХъ*эЭШп.jpg,95": Unsafe down-casting, use 'Object.Cast' for safe down-casting SCRIPT : ... Backlit Effects Enabled SCRIPT : 21:14:14 [EXPANSION LOG]: DayZGame<567dd70> Start time (local time) 2024-12-16 21:14:09 SCRIPT : 21:14:14 [EXPANSION LOG]: DayZGame<567dd70> Start time (UTC) 2024-12-16 20:14:09 SCRIPT : 21:14:14 [EXPANSION LOG]: DayZGame<567dd70> Runtime since start (seconds) 5.966 SCRIPT (W): @"GameLabs/Scripts/4_World/4_Hooking/ы*ЩќёєЦлзТХ.fxy,99": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'GL_Load' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"GameLabs/Scripts/4_World/4_Hooking/ы*ЩќёєЦлзТХ.fxy,116": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'GL_Save' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"GameLabs/Scripts/4_World/4_Hooking/ы*ЩќёєЦлзТХ.fxy,133": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'GL_Delete' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"GoreZ/4_world/entities\infected\zombiebase.c,27": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'IsAlive' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"GoreZ/4_world/entities\manbase\playerbase.c,11": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'CheckDeath' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"MassGuns\Scripts\4_World/entities\firearms\automaticrifle\mass_slr106.c,9": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'Open' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"Food\scripts\4_World/mremains.c,485": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'Open' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"MassGuns\Scripts\4_World/entities\firearms\automaticrifle\mass_ak9.c,8": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'Open' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"Spur_TrolleyKart/scripts/4_world/entities\itembase\spur_wonkytrolley.c,3": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'CanReceiveAttachment' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"MassGuns\Scripts\4_World/entities\firearms\automaticrifle\mass_rpk74_base.c,59": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'Open' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"MassGuns\Scripts\4_World/entities\firearms\shotgun\spas12.c,10": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'Open' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"Food\scripts\4_World/mremains.c,435": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'Open' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"Food\scripts\4_World/mremains.c,385": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'Open' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"MilitaryGear_Scripts\Scripts\4_World/newrecipes.c,3": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'RegisterRecipies' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"MassMisc/scripts/4_World/items\containers\thiccweaponcase.c,71": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'IsHeavyBehaviour' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"MassTextures\scripts\4_World/items\survivorbag.c,3": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'CanReceiveAttachment' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"GoreZ/4_world/classes\bleedingsources\bleedingsource.c,56": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'GetBit' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"GoreZ/4_world/classes\bleedingsources\bleedingsource.c,157": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'DrawDebugShape' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"Food\scripts\4_World/mremains.c,333": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'Open' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"GameLabs/Scripts/4_World/4_Hooking/ЩюђУёіТб*цћ.fxy,333": No need to use 'Cast' for up-casting SCRIPT (W): @"MuchFramework/scripts/4_World/muchframework\virtualstorage\definitions.c,274": No need to use 'Cast' for up-casting SCRIPT (W): @"WRDG/Notes/Scripts/4_World/classes\writtennotedata.c,93": Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting SCRIPT (W): @"GameLabs/Scripts/5_Mission/Щшїњэ*озр.jpg,166": Missing ';' at the end of line SCRIPT : Initializing plugin: MuchFramework Proxies Config SCRIPT : [MuchFramework Proxies Config] '$profile:/MuchFramework/Proxies_Config.json' found, loading existing config! SCRIPT : Initializing plugin: MF Codelock Config SCRIPT : [MF Codelock Config] '$profile:/MuchFramework/MF_CodeLockConfig.json' found, loading existing config! SCRIPT : Initializing plugin: MuchFramework General Settings Config SCRIPT : [MuchFramework General Settings Config] '$profile:/MuchFramework/Settings.json' found, loading existing config! SCRIPT : Expansion version: 1.9.9 SCRIPT : 21:14:31.335 [EXPANSION DEBUG]: [ExpansionDebugSettings] Load existing setting file:$profile:ExpansionMod\Settings\DebugSettings.json SCRIPT : 21:14:31.335 [EXPANSION DEBUG]: [ExpansionDebugSettings] Limiting server script update rate to 200 per second SCRIPT : 21:14:31.335 [EXPANSION DEBUG]: [ExpansionLogSettings] Load existing setting file:$profile:ExpansionMod\Settings\LogsSettings.json SCRIPT : 21:14:31.343 [EXPANSION DEBUG]: [ExpansionNotificationSettings] Load existing setting file:$profile:ExpansionMod\Settings\NotificationSettings.json SCRIPT : 21:14:31.343 [EXPANSION DEBUG]: [ExpansionMonitoringSettings] Load existing setting file:$profile:ExpansionMod\Settings\MonitoringSettings.json SCRIPT : 21:14:31.343 [EXPANSION DEBUG]: [ExpansionDamageSystemSettings] Load existing setting file:$profile:ExpansionMod\Settings\DamageSystemSettings.json SCRIPT : 21:14:31.343 [EXPANSION DEBUG]: [ExpansionAirdropSettings] Load existing setting file:$profile:ExpansionMod\Settings\AirdropSettings.json SCRIPT : 21:14:31.539 [EXPANSION DEBUG]: [ExpansionMissionSettings] Load existing setting file:$profile:ExpansionMod\Settings\MissionSettings.json SCRIPT : 21:14:31.546 [EXPANSION DEBUG]: [ExpansionGeneralSettings] Load existing setting file:$profile:ExpansionMod\Settings\GeneralSettings.json SCRIPT : 21:14:31.546 [EXPANSION DEBUG]: [ExpansionPlayerListSettings] Load existing setting file:$profile:ExpansionMod\Settings\PlayerListSettings.json SCRIPT : 21:14:31.546 [EXPANSION DEBUG]: [ExpansionSocialMediaSettings] Load existing setting file:$profile:ExpansionMod\Settings\SocialMediaSettings.json SCRIPT : 21:14:31.546 [EXPANSION DEBUG]: [ExpansionSpawnSettings] Load existing setting file:$mission:expansion\settings\SpawnSettings.json SCRIPT : 21:14:31.546 [EXPANSION DEBUG]: [ExpansionBaseBuildingSettings] Load existing setting file:$mission:expansion\settings\BaseBuildingSettings.json SCRIPT : 21:14:31.546 [EXPANSION DEBUG]: [ExpansionRaidSettings] Load existing setting file:$profile:ExpansionMod\Settings\RaidSettings.json SCRIPT : 21:14:31.546 [EXPANSION DEBUG]: [ExpansionTerritorySettings] Load existing setting file:$profile:ExpansionMod\Settings\TerritorySettings.json SCRIPT : [DefineTest] EXPANSIONMOD is defined SCRIPT : [DefineTest] EXPANSIONMODANIMATIONS is defined SCRIPT : [DefineTest] EXPANSIONMODBASEBUILDING is defined SCRIPT : [DefineTest] EXPANSIONMODBOOK is defined SCRIPT : [DefineTest] EXPANSIONMODCORE is defined SCRIPT : [DefineTest] EXPANSIONMODKILLFEED is defined SCRIPT : [DefineTest] EXPANSIONMODMAPASSETS is defined SCRIPT : [DefineTest] EXPANSIONMODMISSIONS is defined SCRIPT : [DefineTest] EXPANSIONMODSPAWNSELECTION is defined SCRIPT : [DefineTest] EXPANSIONMODWEAPONS is defined SCRIPT : [DefineTest] CfgMods: SCRIPT : defaultAction SCRIPT : DayZ SCRIPT : CarCoverDefines SCRIPT : CL2ECL_Bridge_Preload SCRIPT : DZ_Expansion_Animations_Preload SCRIPT : DZ_Expansion_BaseBuilding_Preload SCRIPT : DZ_Expansion_Book_Preload SCRIPT : DZ_Expansion_Core_Preload SCRIPT : DZ_Expansion_KillFeed_Preload SCRIPT : DZ_Expansion_MapAssets_Preload SCRIPT : DZ_Expansion_Missions_Preload SCRIPT : DZ_Expansion_ModStorage_Preload SCRIPT : DZ_Expansion_Preload SCRIPT : DZ_Expansion_SpawnSelection_Preload SCRIPT : DZ_Expansion_Weapons_Preload SCRIPT : InventoryFixSolo SCRIPT : AdvancedWeaponScopes SCRIPT : DZ_BodyBags SCRIPT : DabsFramework SCRIPT : DZ_Expansion_DefineTest SCRIPT : DZ_Expansion_MapAssets SCRIPT : sakhal SCRIPT : EditorLoader SCRIPT : MassFoodScripts SCRIPT : MassModMedical SCRIPT : GameLabs SCRIPT : GCGN_Guns SCRIPT : GoreZ SCRIPT : GT1_DisableGardenPlots SCRIPT : Guns_CFG SCRIPT : JM_CommunityFramework SCRIPT : JM_CommunityOnlineTools SCRIPT : MassMiscScripts SCRIPT : MassNewClothes SCRIPT : MorphineFixesBrokenLegs SCRIPT : MuchFramework SCRIPT : InventoryFixSolo_OLD SCRIPT : MSP_Clothing_Data SCRIPT : MSP_Garden_Data SCRIPT : MSP_Retextures_Data SCRIPT : MuchStuffPack SCRIPT : MSP_Seasonal_Summer SCRIPT : MSP_Signs_Data SCRIPT : MSP_Sports_Data SCRIPT : MSP_Storage_fridges SCRIPT : MSP_Storage_Tents SCRIPT : MSP_Storage_boxes SCRIPT : MSP_Storage_chests SCRIPT : MSP_Storage_crates SCRIPT : MSP_Storage_lockers SCRIPT : MSP_Storage_otherstorage SCRIPT : MSP_Storage_racks SCRIPT : MSP_Storage_waterbarrels SCRIPT : MSP_Toys_Data SCRIPT : RealNames SCRIPT : SNAFU_Guns SCRIPT : SNAFU_Guns_01 SCRIPT : SNAFU_Guns_02CFG SCRIPT : SNAFU_Guns_03_CFG SCRIPT : SNAFU_Guns_05 SCRIPT : SNAFU_Guns_06 SCRIPT : SNAFU_Scopes SCRIPT : SNAFU_Scripts SCRIPT : SNAFU_WW2 SCRIPT : WindstrideClothing SCRIPT : Dogtags SCRIPT : FlipTransport SCRIPT : Notes SCRIPT : Vehicle3PP SCRIPT : BridgeSkalisty_Scripts SCRIPT : CarCover SCRIPT : CJ_LootChests SCRIPT : DZ_Expansion_ModStorage SCRIPT : DZ_Highlander SCRIPT : MassChessScripts SCRIPT : MassGuns_Mod SCRIPT : MassScripts SCRIPT : MSP_Buildings_Data SCRIPT : MSP_Deco SCRIPT : MSP_Halloween SCRIPT : MSP_Weapons_Data SCRIPT : Spur_TrolleyKart SCRIPT : DZ_Expansion_Core SCRIPT : DZ_Expansion_Missions SCRIPT : DZ_Expansion_NotificationScheduler SCRIPT : DZ_Expansion_PlayerList SCRIPT : DZ_Expansion SCRIPT : DZ_Expansion_SpawnSelection SCRIPT : DZ_Expansion_VanillaFixes SCRIPT : DZ_Expansion_Weapons SCRIPT : MassBuildingScripts SCRIPT : MilitaryGearMod SCRIPT : MSP_BaseBuilding SCRIPT : Spur_Trolley_E_Kart SCRIPT : DZ_Expansion_BaseBuilding SCRIPT : DZ_Expansion_Book SCRIPT : DZ_Expansion_VirtualContainerStorage SCRIPT : CL2ECL_Bridge SCRIPT : string shutdownHeader = '************* GAME LABS *************' SCRIPT : string shutdownTitle = 'INTERNAL ERROR' SCRIPT : string shutdownContent = 'GameLabs API encountered an error while attempting to initiate the connection. Please contact CFTools Cloud support for more details.' SCRIPT : string shutdownFooter = '*************************************' SCRIPT : [MMIO Misc] OnInit SCRIPT : [MMIO Misc] Loading Config SCRIPT : 21:14:32.476 [EXPANSION DEBUG]: ModStorage v5 SCRIPT : [MMIO Clothes] OnInit SCRIPT : [MMIO Clothes] Loading Config SCRIPT : Object Creation Failed RUSold_house25 SCRIPT : Object Creation Failed RUSshop_old SCRIPT : Object Creation Failed RUSold_vilage SCRIPT : Object Creation Failed RUSold_vilage SCRIPT : Object Creation Failed RUSshop_old SCRIPT : Object Creation Failed RUSold_house25 SCRIPT : 1094 objects created, 933 deleted (completed in 1094s) SCRIPT : [Terminus] Changing overcast from 0.276892 to 0.19 SCRIPT : [Terminus] Current overcast after it was changed: 0.19 SCRIPT : [Terminus] Current overcast: 0.19 SCRIPT : [Terminus] Desired forecast: 0.6 SCRIPT : [Terminus] Time to get to desired forecast: 13500 seconds SCRIPT : [Terminus] Rain chance: 5. It needs to be < 35 for rain SCRIPT : [Terminus] Rain Max Value chance: 20 SCRIPT : [Terminus] Rain Max Value : 0.9 SCRIPT : [Terminus] Rain Time: 3204.88 SCRIPT : [Terminus] Storm chance: 65. It needs to be < 25 for storm SCRIPT : [Terminus] Date: 16-12-2024 SCRIPT : [Terminus] Hour: 21:14 SCRIPT : ExpansionZonePolygon<9b8c5930> position=<6561.091309, 0.000000, 2540.707275> radius=439.351 SCRIPT : ExpansionZoneCircle position=<11849.599609, 0.000000, 12471.599609> radius=500 SCRIPT : Found 2 zones! SCRIPT : [inv] ReplaceItemWithNewLambdaBase Step B) remove OK, loc={ type=GROUND item=Leather_Cloak_up:15563 pos=(13421.5, 3.99456, 2807.71) dir=(0.705196, -0.051952, 0.051952, 0.705196) } SCRIPT : [inv] ReplaceItemWithNewLambdaBase Step B) remove OK, loc={ type=GROUND item=Leather_Cloak_down:18606 pos=(11156.2, 135.4, 7061.75) dir=(-0.350339, 0.614217, -0.614217, -0.350339) } SCRIPT : Local Time SCRIPT : [inv] ReplaceItemWithNewLambdaBase Step B) remove OK, loc={ type=GROUND item=Leather_Cloak_up:25384 pos=(8459.74, 204.911, 13902.3) dir=(0.541612, -0.454594, 0.454594, 0.541612) } SCRIPT : [inv] ReplaceItemWithNewLambdaBase Step B) remove OK, loc={ type=GROUND item=Leather_Cloak_down:25385 pos=(10361.9, 44.2728, 3486.57) dir=(0.59812, 0.377164, -0.377164, 0.59812) }