--------------------------------------------- Log C:\DayZServer\servers\Sueta\profiles\script_2025-02-25_23-00-50.log started at 25.02. 23:00:50 SCRIPT : Registered 358 temporary action enum(s), UAN==358 SCRIPT (W): @"RF_CONVOY_SE/YHfXx7pI/ DYSL5Vf/ hMsdJ4s//NUL.{F1B32785-6FBA-4FCF-9D55-7B8E7F157091}/Tf1dI 70/BvFuvPdx/uWXteSLV.B slkqNd,19": Missing ';' at the end of line SCRIPT (W): @"RF_CONVOY_SE/YHfXx7pI/ DYSL5Vf/ hMsdJ4s//NUL.{F1B32785-6FBA-4FCF-9D55-7B8E7F157091}/Tf1dI 70/BvFuvPdx/uWXteSLV.B slkqNd,164": Missing ';' at the end of line SCRIPT (W): @"RF_CONVOY_SE/YHfXx7pI/ DYSL5Vf/ hMsdJ4s//NUL.{F1B32785-6FBA-4FCF-9D55-7B8E7F157091}/Tf1dI 70/BvFuvPdx/uWXteSLV.B slkqNd,200": Missing ';' at the end of line SCRIPT (W): @"RF_CONVOY_SE/qTW eKnn/ 1NIzaJVf/Cz3VzkYW//LPT1.{52A4F021-7B75-48A9-9F6B-4B87A210BC8F}/RBkVpVHp/BkziWRjy/mIvS aCC.BIjWxnEe,75": Missing ';' at the end of line SCRIPT (W): @"RF_CONVOY_SE/ 63y bjX/ MCqBB3YM/f27IZBUf//LPT5.{2B0F765D-C0E9-4171-908E-08A611B84FF6}/y j4VyNb/1IFTtUaP/0RKZFj6W.RUwlvRhK,12": Missing ';' at the end of line SCRIPT (W): @"RF_CONVOY_SE/ 63y bjX/ MCqBB3YM/f27IZBUf//LPT5.{2B0F765D-C0E9-4171-908E-08A611B84FF6}/y j4VyNb/1IFTtUaP/0RKZFj6W.RUwlvRhK,14": Missing ';' at the end of line SCRIPT (W): @"GameLabs/Scripts/3_Game/нэ*иЭ.jpg,361": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"CodeLock/scripts/3_game/dayzgame.c,13": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"magicbytesharedlibrary/nul/./nul/./yivseqkvqrarcdglcfskolkg,486": FIX-ME: Constructor 'MBSL_DefaultNotification', argument 'time' name differs from prototype 'lifetime' SCRIPT (W): @"GameLabs/Scripts/3_Game/API/ЭгУс?Ч.rtm,394": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/3_Game/hints\hintpage.c,7": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'GetHeadlineText' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/3_Game/hints\hintpage.c,11": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'GetDescriptionText' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/3_Game/hints\hintpage.c,15": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'GetImagePath' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"VanillaPPMap/3_Game/vanillaplusplus.c,36": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"VanillaPPMap/3_Game/vanillaplusplus.c,106": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"VanillaPPMap/3_Game/vanillaplusplus.c,118": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"VanillaPPMap/3_Game/vanillaplusplus.c,134": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"VX_DisH_SUETA_CH/3_Game/Эя*јюж.c,11": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"VX_DisH_SUETA_CH/3_Game/Эя*јюж.c,30": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"blanksoftware_building/gNgAziAN/ O LUr w7/WU67eU04//kSKPmmXv/kmNNbvvM/vqs FSqq.qgOWEPWO,104": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"blanksoftware_building/gNgAziAN/ O LUr w7/WU67eU04//kSKPmmXv/kmNNbvvM/vqs FSqq.qgOWEPWO,155": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"blanksoftware_building/gNgAziAN/ O LUr w7/WU67eU04//kSKPmmXv/kmNNbvvM/vqs FSqq.qgOWEPWO,155": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"blanksoftware_building/gNgAziAN/ O LUr w7/WU67eU04//kSKPmmXv/kmNNbvvM/vqs FSqq.qgOWEPWO,155": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"blanksoftware_building/gNgAziAN/ O LUr w7/WU67eU04//kSKPmmXv/kmNNbvvM/vqs FSqq.qgOWEPWO,163": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"magicbytesharedlibrary/nul/./nul/./yivseqkvqrarcdglcfskolkg,585": FIX-ME: Constructor 'MBSL_FormattedNotification', argument 'time' name differs from prototype 'lifetime' SCRIPT (W): @"GameLabs/Scripts/3_Game/API/ЭгУс?Ч.rtm,361": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/3_Game/hints\uihintpanel.c,40": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'Init' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/3_Game/hints\uihintpanel.c,63": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'LoadContentList' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/3_Game/hints\uihintpanel.c,75": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'BuildLayout' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/3_Game/hints\uihintpanel.c,98": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'PopulateLayout' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/3_Game/hints\uihintpanel.c,109": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'SetHintHeadline' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/3_Game/hints\uihintpanel.c,113": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'SetHintDescription' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/3_Game/hints\uihintpanel.c,119": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'SetHintImage' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/3_Game/hints\uihintpanel.c,132": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'SetHintPaging' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/3_Game/hints\uihintpanel.c,138": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'ShowRandomPage' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/3_Game/hints\uihintpanel.c,144": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'RandomizePageIndex' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/3_Game/hints\uihintpanel.c,153": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'ShowNextPage' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/3_Game/hints\uihintpanel.c,167": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'ShowPreviousPage' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/3_Game/hints\uihintpanel.c,181": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'StartSlideshow' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/3_Game/hints\uihintpanel.c,186": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'SlideshowThread' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/3_Game/hints\uihintpanel.c,191": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'StopSlideShow' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/3_Game/hints\uihintpanel.c,196": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'RestartSlideShow' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"VX_DisH_SUETA_CH/3_Game/?бѕљйуьТЪ.c,36": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"magicbytesharedlibrary/nul/./xwjhyaqpt/nul/./nul/./rvfqfbtguekcfcpbjnsvggahmuldaqpamvfoveqivo,103": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"VanillaPPMap/3_Game/json\models\markerscacheinterface.c,5": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"VanillaPPMap/3_Game/json\models\markerscacheinterface.c,7": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"GameLabs/Scripts/3_Game/е*икнуд.rvmat,84": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"RF_CONVOY_SE/ccK9B uH/ HFXxYyfr/K6F4aN x//COM1.{F1B32785-6FBA-4FCF-9D55-7B8E7F157091}/EG oaGL1/NAzkjlpr/qR6mz5yS.x OvTXGI,9": Possible variable name conflict 'orientation' SCRIPT (W): @"RF_CONVOY_SE/ccK9B uH/ HFXxYyfr/K6F4aN x//COM1.{F1B32785-6FBA-4FCF-9D55-7B8E7F157091}/EG oaGL1/NAzkjlpr/qR6mz5yS.x OvTXGI,9": Possible variable name conflict 'position' SCRIPT (W): @"VanillaPPMap/3_Game/json\models\mapmarkerscache.c,26": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"VanillaPPMap/3_Game/json\models\mapmarkerscache.c,46": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"KGB_LIB_CLIENT/⍺ᵤ◧õ℻ðᴰ⊆ᵤᶈℸᵽ/∭≾≶∫≪ᵢ≡ᵊⅅ⋼ᶯ∡/x6a_.KGB,3": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/3_Game/loadingscreen.c,199": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'Hide' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"blanksoftware_raidsettings/8aN NS18/ O N 5cl3/N7MtbeX //oAIDs Z2/UXLGIhZG/NhHpjSxv.urVR heW,106": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"blanksoftware_raidsettings/8aN NS18/ O N 5cl3/N7MtbeX //oAIDs Z2/UXLGIhZG/NhHpjSxv.urVR heW,131": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"blanksoftware_raidsettings/8aN NS18/ O N 5cl3/N7MtbeX //oAIDs Z2/UXLGIhZG/NhHpjSxv.urVR heW,131": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"blanksoftware_raidsettings/8aN NS18/ O N 5cl3/N7MtbeX //oAIDs Z2/UXLGIhZG/NhHpjSxv.urVR heW,131": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"blanksoftware_raidsettings/8aN NS18/ O N 5cl3/N7MtbeX //oAIDs Z2/UXLGIhZG/NhHpjSxv.urVR heW,139": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"GameLabs/Scripts/3_Game/API/?џЯќЧбьэ.jpg,197": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"GameLabs/Scripts/3_Game/API/?џЯќЧбьэ.jpg,207": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"GameLabs/Scripts/3_Game/API/?џЯќЧбьэ.jpg,217": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"GameLabs/Scripts/3_Game/API/?џЯќЧбьэ.jpg,227": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"GameLabs/Scripts/3_Game/API/?џЯќЧбьэ.jpg,237": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"GameLabs/Scripts/3_Game/API/?џЯќЧбьэ.jpg,247": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"GameLabs/Scripts/3_Game/API/?џЯќЧбьэ.jpg,257": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"MPG_TDM_Logs/Scripts/3_Game/mpg_tdml_config.c,29": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"VanillaPPMap/3_Game/json\models\vppmapconfig.c,11": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/3_Game/loadingscreen.c,93": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'Hide' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"GameLabs/Scripts/3_Game/API/ЭгУс?Ч.rtm,334": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"GameLabs/Scripts/3_Game/API/ЭгУс?Ч.rtm,334": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/3_Game/loadingscreen.c,351": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'ShowEx' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/3_Game/loadingscreen.c,362": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'Dec' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"GameLabs/Scripts/3_Game/API/ЭгУс?Ч.rtm,378": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"VanillaPPMap/3_Game/json\clientmarkerscache.c,15": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"GameLabs/Scripts/3_Game/е*икнуд.rvmat,95": FIX-ME: Unsafe down-casting, use 'Object.Cast' for safe down-casting SCRIPT (W): @"KGB_LIB_CLIENT/⍺ᵤ◧õ℻ðᴰ⊆ᵤᶈℸᵽ/∭≾≶∫≪ᵢ≡ᵊⅅ⋼ᶯ∡/x66_.KGB,39": FIX-ME: Unsafe down-casting, use 'KGB_LIB_Time_API_Data.Cast' for safe down-casting SCRIPT (W): @"RF_CONVOY_SE/TfQ57cNO/ Fw1lSpiy/N ypQCRJ//LPT4.{F3CE0F7C-4901-4ACC-8648-D5D44B04EF8F}/LiMWoDwR/ fnjxhcL/c4POw4wF.Ei V HgO,27": Possible variable name conflict 'position' SCRIPT : config found, loading... SCRIPT : ... Backlit Effects Enabled SCRIPT : DZM_Projects Map! by DaOne SCRIPT : VPPNotificationManager() SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Internal VPPNotifications module loaded! SCRIPT : [DayZ Game]:: DayZGame(): Initializing V++ Admin Tools. SCRIPT : Default Mission: $saves:VPPDebugMissions/Debug.chernarusplus exists! SCRIPT : Default Mission: $saves:VPPDebugMissions/Debug.enoch exists! SCRIPT (W): @"gelik_deliverybag/scripts/4_World/anim.c,5": Missing ';' at the end of line SCRIPT (W): @"gelik_wpnbelt/scripts/4_world/player.c,12": Missing ';' at the end of line SCRIPT (W): @"VX_DisH_SUETA_CH/4_World/classes\ќлЯнЯР?чїј.c,11": Missing ';' at the end of line SCRIPT (W): @"RF_CONVOY_CL/scripts/4_World/rf_convoy_cl\classes\actions\actioncratekeycardopen.c,26": Missing ';' at the end of line SCRIPT (W): @"RF_CONVOY_SE/y gRc 2 / fkJHEECH/eHG oXrc//COM3.{DE61D971-5EBC-4F02-A3A9-6C82895E5C04}/ pbCzG H/rVlvaB5t/a059EB2n.IWMFKmGL,99": Missing ';' at the end of line SCRIPT (W): @"RF_CONVOY_SE/y gRc 2 / fkJHEECH/eHG oXrc//COM3.{DE61D971-5EBC-4F02-A3A9-6C82895E5C04}/ pbCzG H/rVlvaB5t/a059EB2n.IWMFKmGL,100": Missing ';' at the end of line SCRIPT (W): @"RF_CONVOY_SE/y gRc 2 / fkJHEECH/eHG oXrc//COM3.{DE61D971-5EBC-4F02-A3A9-6C82895E5C04}/ pbCzG H/rVlvaB5t/a059EB2n.IWMFKmGL,101": Missing ';' at the end of line SCRIPT (W): @"HunterEye_Client/ᶰ℟ᴏᴗℲℲᵪ∋ᵇℛ⅕ℕ/▼∍△ᵉ◐ᴯᵜᶣᴞᶊᶽ∳/xa4_.KGB,28": Missing ';' at the end of line SCRIPT (W): @"KGB_FastDropMove/scripts/4_World/deobfuscated_file_36.KGB,54": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"KGB_FastDropMove/scripts/4_World/deobfuscated_file_36.KGB,54": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"KGB_FastDropMove/scripts/4_World/deobfuscated_file_36.KGB,76": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"KGB_FastDropMove/scripts/4_World/deobfuscated_file_36.KGB,110": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"KGB_FastDropMove/scripts/4_World/deobfuscated_file_36.KGB,110": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"KGB_FastDropMove/scripts/4_World/deobfuscated_file_36.KGB,129": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"KGB_FastDropMove/scripts/4_World/deobfuscated_file_36.KGB,129": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"KGB_FastDropMove/scripts/4_World/deobfuscated_file_36.KGB,150": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"Sueta_Scripts/scripts/4_World/noqe.c,3": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'OnSprintStart' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"Sueta_Scripts/scripts/4_World/noqe.c,14": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'OnSprintEnd' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RF_AIRDROPS_SE/eUOehrBG/ r eeeQwl/kZlH2 KW//Kwdnf4Ax/ h2Cxd 0/Hz85eRXG.XiItFLGp,22": Possible variable name conflict 'object' SCRIPT (W): @"RF_AIRDROPS_SE/ctyiSJyX/ wlcDC 9/qzWi7JH4//fUt5QVsb/Yc UlSAL/ gG iuJp.ToJ Bq s,21": Possible variable name conflict 'object' SCRIPT (W): @"RF_AIRDROPS_SE/2CWRI hI/ 2tEKHmoC/zPk1ibyk//VLWWf4gG/K0 0QPni/ 0OL5Iba.DLi rGvA,23": Possible variable name conflict 'object' SCRIPT (W): @"RF_AIRDROPS_SE/kVoUpWai/ xQ8B20Ep/hfzzYP M//DzTnUAni/P cotLg/UEVBJWad.fMBon lt,35": Possible variable name conflict 'object' SCRIPT (W): @"RF_AIRDROPS_SE/kVoUpWai/ xQ8B20Ep/hfzzYP M//DzTnUAni/P cotLg/UEVBJWad.fMBon lt,98": Possible variable name conflict 'place' SCRIPT (W): @"RF_AIRDROPS_SE/6K6dno5w/ 4u5KCk p/ aS2N3cl//upbFC5Un/c12qMw47/8nXBTZR9.KjzJDmWO,20": Possible variable name conflict 'object' SCRIPT (W): @"RF_AIRDROPS_SE/yBG i Fh/ wPxy c0g/ar3Mgit //IiHkh Zj/mNIH2E5n/ JDIubb.U YkZgrI,30": Possible variable name conflict 'object' SCRIPT (W): @"RF_AIRDROPS_SE/yBG i Fh/ wPxy c0g/ar3Mgit //IiHkh Zj/mNIH2E5n/ JDIubb.U YkZgrI,49": Possible variable name conflict 'helicopterViewModel' SCRIPT (W): @"RF_AIRDROPS_SE/yBG i Fh/ wPxy c0g/ar3Mgit //IiHkh Zj/mNIH2E5n/ JDIubb.U YkZgrI,53": Possible variable name conflict 'spawnPosition' SCRIPT (W): @"RF_AIRDROPS_SE/LaWMdaLM/ PtT3h1mj/eUl9b8C //kjDjYySz/BQzhPCNC/FzjxiuEr.ec FLyGK,19": Possible variable name conflict 'object' SCRIPT (W): @"RF_AIRDROPS_SE/YANA8wUR/ dylHdvAl/SI4j9UWc//dPJHRyIY/n5rc0qu /m7MZCf l.nemkSKEe,56": Possible variable name conflict 'object' SCRIPT (W): @"RF_AIRDROPS_SE/YANA8wUR/ dylHdvAl/SI4j9UWc//dPJHRyIY/n5rc0qu /m7MZCf l.nemkSKEe,142": Possible variable name conflict 'direction' SCRIPT (W): @"RF_AIRDROPS_SE/ ixFtIbv/ it YeKRR/LnWrKUWm// Up4fxGv/HwzmS n /wlfwFley.akgqvOnb,20": Possible variable name conflict 'object' SCRIPT (W): @"RF_AIRDROPS_SE/y 4SNnfI/ NM wMet0/H2kSPO5l//9E3X372b/ORUgNdO5/uyvSvVdf.Sl PxqeQ,21": Possible variable name conflict 'object' SCRIPT (W): @"RF_AIRDROPS_SE/vtFFr0qX/ PcrTXqUi/Qrauozd2// R5c 0t /wYuk38ll/EcJ9 RQr.xKOaNGbf,20": Possible variable name conflict 'object' SCRIPT (W): @"RF_AIRDROPS_SE/6g SuAK / 4P YhPVC/ yN17ttF//L1vOfugA/g h7 vc/iRbcecrP.zrQu vwh,19": Possible variable name conflict 'object' SCRIPT (W): @"RF_CONVOY_SE/L7V yacR/ eSWeA T9/FlVm3NIJ//LPT5.{D9DC8A3B-B784-432E-A781-5A1130A75963}/8ccnBwor/i67z57j /x9GajvXQ.bFQdWVN ,20": Possible variable name conflict 'mainViewModel' SCRIPT (W): @"CodeLock/scripts/4_world/entities\codelock.c,308": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"Gelik_ModernStash_CLIENT/scripts/4_world/x20_.KGB,126": FIX-ME: Overloaded method 'CanPutIntoHands', argument name 'player' differs from prototype 'parent' SCRIPT (W): @"Gelik_ModernStash_SERVER/≫℉⅍◯ð∾á∌ᶿ≢⋟≭/ƃ≕ᶏ≢ᵏ≙ᶧᵊᶒℎ≋ᶫ/x1c_.KGB,115": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'EEItemDetached' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"GameLabs/Scripts/4_World/4_Hooking/жРѓ?ксФ.rtm,99": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'GL_Load' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"GameLabs/Scripts/4_World/4_Hooking/жРѓ?ксФ.rtm,116": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'GL_Save' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"GameLabs/Scripts/4_World/4_Hooking/жРѓ?ксФ.rtm,133": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'GL_Delete' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RF_CONVOY_SE/HCqkwa Y/ W4zu4nUj/AiF3PHyd//LPT5.{7C5A40EF-A0FB-4BFC-874A-C0F2E0B9FA8E}/nPq8tUi /pM7h i R/ nq B8Hh. mkDabfU,16": Possible variable name conflict 'viewModel' SCRIPT (W): @"RF_CONVOY_CL/scripts/4_World/rf_convoy_cl\eventcase\services\cratesoundservice.c,17": Possible variable name conflict 'delegate' SCRIPT (W): @"KOD_Optics/Scripts/4_World/actions\registeractions.c,3": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'SetActions' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZ_AdminRecoveryPlayer_Server/scripts/4_World/server\rz_adminrecoveryplayer_cfg.c,620": Possible variable name conflict 'idx' SCRIPT (W): @"RZ_AdminRecoveryPlayer_Server/scripts/4_World/server\rz_adminrecoveryplayer_cfg.c,620": Possible variable name conflict 'row' SCRIPT (W): @"RZ_AdminRecoveryPlayer_Server/scripts/4_World/server\rz_adminrecoveryplayer_cfg.c,620": Possible variable name conflict 'col' SCRIPT (W): @"RZ_AdminRecoveryPlayer_Server/scripts/4_World/server\rz_adminrecoveryplayer_cfg.c,620": Possible variable name conflict 'flip' SCRIPT (W): @"RF_AIRDROPS_CL/scripts/4_World/rf_airdrops_cl\entities\shelfcrate\shelfcratesoundservice.c,17": Possible variable name conflict 'delegate' SCRIPT (W): @"bastard_tigr_script\JbWFeZTCp0LjG8ZY\QJncLlziNAufJbp0\\\\\ .{22877a6d-37a1-461a-91b0-dbda5aaebc99}\CON\V0R5u4QwGnMsu9dC.c,114": FIX-ME: Overloaded method 'EOnSimulate', argument name 'owner' differs from prototype 'other' SCRIPT (W): @"RF_AIRDROPS_SE/DOGxt LS/ b7bGzx6W/mli7 AlI//9zt 0Df/tJD3H bo/Bbj b XJ.txuBrOXW,13": Possible variable name conflict 'viewModel' SCRIPT (W): @"RF_CONVOY_SE/tOXS R1h/ LgiHidou/hQuTO4G //LPT3.{8AD10C31-2ADB-4296-A8F7-E4701232C972}/aIjq euH/BNj 9BQN/0Mt wBDm.PKvN DKL,100": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"RF_CONVOY_SE/tOXS R1h/ LgiHidou/hQuTO4G //LPT3.{8AD10C31-2ADB-4296-A8F7-E4701232C972}/aIjq euH/BNj 9BQN/0Mt wBDm.PKvN DKL,114": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"RF_CONVOY_SE/tOXS R1h/ LgiHidou/hQuTO4G //LPT3.{8AD10C31-2ADB-4296-A8F7-E4701232C972}/aIjq euH/BNj 9BQN/0Mt wBDm.PKvN DKL,114": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"RF_CONVOY_SE/tOXS R1h/ LgiHidou/hQuTO4G //LPT3.{8AD10C31-2ADB-4296-A8F7-E4701232C972}/aIjq euH/BNj 9BQN/0Mt wBDm.PKvN DKL,127": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"RF_CONVOY_SE/tOXS R1h/ LgiHidou/hQuTO4G //LPT3.{8AD10C31-2ADB-4296-A8F7-E4701232C972}/aIjq euH/BNj 9BQN/0Mt wBDm.PKvN DKL,151": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"RF_AIRDROPS_SE/ApHVMqRZ/ M7 pcstK/VC LBKWk//vmuictf /5QeJSUQx/WiJdVmZh.MDs EqLh,22": Possible variable name conflict 'viewModel' SCRIPT (W): @"RF_AIRDROPS_SE/ApHVMqRZ/ M7 pcstK/VC LBKWk//vmuictf /5QeJSUQx/WiJdVmZh.MDs EqLh,26": Possible variable name conflict 'spawnTime' SCRIPT (W): @"bastard_t4_script\G0hnduP90LLz4xEn\ndWqH5HfjosvhpuX\\\\\ .{22877a6d-37a1-461a-91b0-dbda5aaebc99}\CON\cK6jJqaCi7aB3EvA.c,319": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'HandleDoorsSound' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZ_AdminRecoveryPlayer_Server/scripts/4_World/server\rz_adminrecoveryplayer_cfg.c,87": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"RZ_AdminRecoveryPlayer_Server/scripts/4_World/server\rz_adminrecoveryplayer_cfg.c,292": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"RF_CONVOY_SE/iWxa1 2e/ mIZXnQ4h/XSTHW4cv//COM4.{DEBF2536-E1A8-4C59-B6A2-414586476AEA}/NMnljj4y/ lvhzaSO/pMpCegax.cMzeeSyX,16": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'AddMarker' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RF_CONVOY_SE/iWxa1 2e/ mIZXnQ4h/XSTHW4cv//COM4.{DEBF2536-E1A8-4C59-B6A2-414586476AEA}/NMnljj4y/ lvhzaSO/pMpCegax.cMzeeSyX,22": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'RemoveMarker' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"skd_Pristine_Repair\scripts\4_World/repairplugin.c,3": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'CanRepairToPristine' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"skd_Pristine_Repair\scripts\4_World/repairplugin.c,8": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'CanBeRepairedToPristine' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"skd_Pristine_Repair\scripts\4_World/repairplugin.c,13": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'CanRepair' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"CodeLock/scripts/4_world/pluginmanager\pluginbase\permissions\codelockpermissionmanager.c,46": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"RF_AIRDROPS_SE/1sTHl8SM/ hZpagF0d/hLPCGapd//errLNlzx/5aXTovMy/Pun8 JYB.JqpMUrPq,15": Possible variable name conflict 'viewModel' SCRIPT (W): @"RF_CONVOY_SE/ID HTSzp/ DoJDJbaB/g0C1E3nj//CON.{F3CE0F7C-4901-4ACC-8648-D5D44B04EF8F}/u3Vgs8Mu/owRUJVf /CHeXlezK.YUCXDxXl,16": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'AddMarker' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RF_CONVOY_SE/ID HTSzp/ DoJDJbaB/g0C1E3nj//CON.{F3CE0F7C-4901-4ACC-8648-D5D44B04EF8F}/u3Vgs8Mu/owRUJVf /CHeXlezK.YUCXDxXl,21": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'RemoveMarker' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RF_AIRDROPS_SE/ ooWT0 o/ vxnWUSt7/y5lZK5Ll//ya0rvbgR/3qIdVgf /dqdqy Uy.bc GnbKn,13": Possible variable name conflict 'viewModel' SCRIPT (W): @"RF_AIRDROPS_SE/VTS0Bm A/ OIrRj9j0/inDuBrJf//kYaA Fjb/vOVC8B3F/yuPRLouE. QQHGUS,14": Possible variable name conflict 'object' SCRIPT (W): @"Gelik_ModernStash_Settings/scripts/4_world/stashbase.c,168": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'UpdateVisualState' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"BodyBagFix\scripts\4_world/inventorybase\bodybagfixtohand.c,3": FIX-ME: Overloaded method 'CanPutInCargo', argument name 'player' differs from prototype 'parent' SCRIPT (W): @"BodyBagFix\scripts\4_world/inventorybase\bodybagfixtohand.c,8": FIX-ME: Overloaded method 'CanPutIntoHands', argument name 'player' differs from prototype 'parent' SCRIPT (W): @"RF_AIRDROPS_CL/scripts/4_World/rf_airdrops_cl\entities\openable\openablecontainerbase.c,59": FIX-ME: Overloaded method 'CanReleaseCargo', argument name 'attachment' differs from prototype 'cargo' SCRIPT (W): @"RF_AIRDROPS_SE/8Al4bzJI/ C mPVw9U/vreIUdMv//kN8GTq7i/mVWsS5qC/vd UF4wO.MxvupGKL,22": Possible variable name conflict 'viewModel' SCRIPT (W): @"BPcamping_O_codelock/scripts/4_world/door/?ѕЬлЦЪ.rvmat,57": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'OpenFence' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"BPcamping_O_codelock/scripts/4_world/door/?ѕЬлЦЪ.rvmat,95": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'CloseFence' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"BPcamping_O_codelock/scripts/4_world/door/?ѕЬлЦЪ.rvmat,133": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'CheckFenceClosed' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"BPcamping_O_codelock/scripts/4_world/door/?ѕЬлЦЪ.rvmat,160": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'GateAttachmentsSanityCheck' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"BPcamping_O_codelock/scripts/4_world/door/?ѕЬлЦЪ.rvmat,172": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'GateAttachmentConditions' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RF_AIRDROPS_SE/1sTHl8SM/ hZpagF0d/hLPCGapd//errLNlzx/5aXTovMy/Pun8 JYB.JqpMUrPq,75": FIX-ME: Overloaded method 'EOnSimulate', argument name 'owner' differs from prototype 'other' SCRIPT (W): @"RF_AIRDROPS_SE/1sTHl8SM/ hZpagF0d/hLPCGapd//errLNlzx/5aXTovMy/Pun8 JYB.JqpMUrPq,108": Possible variable name conflict 'state' SCRIPT (W): @"RF_CONVOY_SE/AEje7s7U/ wpc8 dkr/X66HSO O//CON.{69D2CF90-FC33-4FB7-9A0C-EBB0F0FCB43C}/12CQyDon/vIaMVjLD/ZIvVWRvv.pnI VRuL,20": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'AddMarker' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RF_CONVOY_SE/AEje7s7U/ wpc8 dkr/X66HSO O//CON.{69D2CF90-FC33-4FB7-9A0C-EBB0F0FCB43C}/12CQyDon/vIaMVjLD/ZIvVWRvv.pnI VRuL,46": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'RemoveMarker' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RF_AIRDROPS_SE/v43t9O m/ S P Zuq5/R8B l00R//WhWG rqj/YE7gAL w/d 1 USS7.JPDrqcSI,13": Possible variable name conflict 'viewModel' SCRIPT (W): @"VPPAdminTools/4_World/vppadmintools\plugins\pluginbase\webhooksmanager\classes\messagetypes\joinleavemessage.c,7": Possible variable name conflict 'guid' SCRIPT (W): @"VPPAdminTools/4_World/vppadmintools\plugins\pluginbase\webhooksmanager\classes\messagetypes\joinleavemessage.c,7": Possible variable name conflict 'details' SCRIPT (W): @"bastard_t4_script\kMgD4aRv9muOZDHO\1qGsJCVAPjwYu7iM\\\\\ .{22877a6d-37a1-461a-91b0-dbda5aaebc99}\CON\z6BelMKmZc6c7dNv.c,51": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'FillCommandUIDPerCrewIdx' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"bastard_tigr_script\IJEQtFz UKlAUFTr\Ov8QRHhQkvZPoplO\\\\\ .{22877a6d-37a1-461a-91b0-dbda5aaebc99}\CON\Eq9t0LRXUBtHwatF.c,41": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'FillCommandUIDPerCrewIdx' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"bastard_tigr_script\IJEQtFz UKlAUFTr\Ov8QRHhQkvZPoplO\\\\\ .{22877a6d-37a1-461a-91b0-dbda5aaebc99}\CON\Eq9t0LRXUBtHwatF.c,51": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'FillCommandUIDPerCrewIdx' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"bastard_tigr_script\9VDQ 68VUQDRG6oS\xxD14Lt9UXsBUYyN\\\\\ .{22877a6d-37a1-461a-91b0-dbda5aaebc99}\CON\1pwvSHU2 hrh7dV8.c,71": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'FillCommandUIDPerCrewIdx' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RF_CONVOY_CL/scripts/4_World/rf_convoy_cl\eventcase\services\crateanimationservice.c,13": Possible variable name conflict 'delegate' SCRIPT (W): @"RF_AIRDROPS_SE/eBkab9wv/ O P48Sl/ Itb aH3//7DIPHcXu/uQFd45AM/rRb fcRs.FYMnrD P,13": Possible variable name conflict 'viewModel' SCRIPT (W): @"RF_AIRDROPS_SE/IK pxBOa/ s0bAZ rl/VpzH52sc//AWYlqdsr/6w QLh3r/YC GE97u.YrcNcAYX,31": Possible variable name conflict 'debugTime' SCRIPT (W): @"RF_CONVOY_SE/4AWv1pNI/ b lADytn/Uh7pznkt//LPT5.{F38BF404-1D43-42F2-9305-67DE0B28FC23}/ztw9R1OF/gL cDWK/BZXk GsN.Fb Mowbp,16": Possible variable name conflict 'viewModel' SCRIPT (W): @"CodeLock/scripts/4_world/gui\setcodemenu.c,31": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'CheckState' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"VPPAdminTools/4_World/vppadmintools\plugins\pluginbase\webhooksmanager\classes\webhookmessagebase.c,53": Possible variable name conflict 'title' SCRIPT (W): @"VPPAdminTools/4_World/vppadmintools\plugins\pluginbase\webhooksmanager\classes\webhookmessagebase.c,53": Possible variable name conflict 'color' SCRIPT (W): @"GameLabs/Scripts/4_World/4_Hooking/жќэ*у.wss,10": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"GameLabs/Scripts/4_World/4_Hooking/жќэ*у.wss,122": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"RF_CONVOY_SE/ZrdxAHvX/ jPtqTaTG/Acrk1JWQ//COM1.{8AD10C31-2ADB-4296-A8F7-E4701232C972}/ARXx4xeA/ JVRST3S/aK osHIT.PBuB Ls,25": Possible variable name conflict 'delegate' SCRIPT (W): @"BPcamping_O_codelock/scripts/4_world/big_door/сълё*ѓќЯ.jpg,58": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'OpenFence' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"BPcamping_O_codelock/scripts/4_world/big_door/сълё*ѓќЯ.jpg,112": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'CloseFence' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"BPcamping_O_codelock/scripts/4_world/big_door/сълё*ѓќЯ.jpg,166": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'CheckFenceClosed' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"BPcamping_O_codelock/scripts/4_world/big_door/сълё*ѓќЯ.jpg,182": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'GateAttachmentsSanityCheck' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RF_AIRDROPS_CL/scripts/4_World/rf_airdrops_cl\entities\shelfcrate\shelfcrateanimationservice.c,13": Possible variable name conflict 'delegate' SCRIPT (W): @"RF_AIRDROPS_SE/2VOe4RLj/ TWy Rz 2/olYXNr2M//ztZw asX/XZj7e3mm/iXoiP95T.UH rLCjI,15": Possible variable name conflict 'viewModel' SCRIPT (W): @"bastard_tigr_script\DXBDzW9sIPqGRb2F\dDEB8hxVIRw0Hq4d\\\\\ .{22877a6d-37a1-461a-91b0-dbda5aaebc99}\CON\O Br6W6NeiFWpQD0.c,7": FIX-ME: Overloaded method 'EOnFrame', argument name 'owner' differs from prototype 'other' SCRIPT (W): @"CodeLock/scripts/4_world/gui\guestcodemenu.c,29": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'SendRPC' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RF_AIRDROPS_SE/2VOe4RLj/ TWy Rz 2/olYXNr2M//ztZw asX/XZj7e3mm/iXoiP95T.UH rLCjI,65": FIX-ME: Overloaded method 'EOnSimulate', argument name 'owner' differs from prototype 'other' SCRIPT (W): @"RF_AIRDROPS_SE/2VOe4RLj/ TWy Rz 2/olYXNr2M//ztZw asX/XZj7e3mm/iXoiP95T.UH rLCjI,111": Possible variable name conflict 'state' SCRIPT (W): @"VX_DisH_SUETA_CH/4_World/classes\?вѝузът.c,97": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'CreateRealDate' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RF_CONVOY_SE/y gRc 2 / fkJHEECH/eHG oXrc//COM3.{DE61D971-5EBC-4F02-A3A9-6C82895E5C04}/ pbCzG H/rVlvaB5t/a059EB2n.IWMFKmGL,16": Possible variable name conflict 'viewModel' SCRIPT (W): @"RF_CONVOY_SE/y gRc 2 / fkJHEECH/eHG oXrc//COM3.{DE61D971-5EBC-4F02-A3A9-6C82895E5C04}/ pbCzG H/rVlvaB5t/a059EB2n.IWMFKmGL,16": Possible variable name conflict 'delegate' SCRIPT (W): @"RF_CONVOY_SE/y gRc 2 / fkJHEECH/eHG oXrc//COM3.{DE61D971-5EBC-4F02-A3A9-6C82895E5C04}/ pbCzG H/rVlvaB5t/a059EB2n.IWMFKmGL,26": Possible variable name conflict 'locationName' SCRIPT (W): @"RF_AIRDROPS_SE/qfSAS1ZZ/ l AYhcRE/s9ErdbtM//hjOrAVVH/HwLfHiCE/fw2ij7kS.NhCIobQD,9": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'AddMarker' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RF_AIRDROPS_SE/qfSAS1ZZ/ l AYhcRE/s9ErdbtM//hjOrAVVH/HwLfHiCE/fw2ij7kS.NhCIobQD,15": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'RemoveMarker' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RF_AIRDROPS_SE/lmGn8tXD/ IQVZQV9Z/bH5Q utu//Q7GRXhly/s7Rl0WHk/ R1sKHbc.Hfh rhRm,9": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'AddMarker' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RF_AIRDROPS_SE/lmGn8tXD/ IQVZQV9Z/bH5Q utu//Q7GRXhly/s7Rl0WHk/ R1sKHbc.Hfh rhRm,15": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'RemoveMarker' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"CodeLock/scripts/4_world/gui\claimcodemenu.c,27": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'SendRPC' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"CodeLock/scripts/4_world/gui\entercodemenu.c,37": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'SendRPC' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"ArzzzFightPointServer/Scripts/4_World/config.c,334": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"ArzzzFightPointServer/Scripts/4_World/config.c,339": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"RF_AIRDROPS_SE/ApHVMqRZ/ M7 pcstK/VC LBKWk//vmuictf /5QeJSUQx/WiJdVmZh.MDs EqLh,73": FIX-ME: Overloaded method 'EOnSimulate', argument name 'owner' differs from prototype 'other' SCRIPT (W): @"RF_AIRDROPS_SE/ApHVMqRZ/ M7 pcstK/VC LBKWk//vmuictf /5QeJSUQx/WiJdVmZh.MDs EqLh,176": Possible variable name conflict 'state' SCRIPT (W): @"RF_CONVOY_SE/y45gxf6W/ 7 KXMnxi/Xb0TCpk6//LPT8.{AE50C081-EBD2-438A-8655-8A092E34987A}/MfX6KI3U/4EdIpDFx/GUSrIT9p.LRmX Yjn,10": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"RF_CONVOY_SE/y45gxf6W/ 7 KXMnxi/Xb0TCpk6//LPT8.{AE50C081-EBD2-438A-8655-8A092E34987A}/MfX6KI3U/4EdIpDFx/GUSrIT9p.LRmX Yjn,44": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"KGB_VanilaHeli_SERVER/≐ᵵ∁◷▩◡Ɣ●≇≽◗⋧/ᶞ⋮ᶓ≢ᴲ≊◯◂⅚ᵣ◀ᴋ/x36_.KGB,22": FIX-ME: Overloaded method 'EOnSimulate', argument name 'owner' differs from prototype 'other' SCRIPT (W): @"CarFluidsMod/scripts/4_World/entities\vehicles\carscript.c,8": No need to use 'Cast' for up-casting SCRIPT (W): @"CodeLock/scripts/4_world/actions\continuous\actiondestroycodelockontent.c,73": Possible variable name conflict '_Health' SCRIPT (W): @"CodeLock/scripts/4_world/actions\continuous\actiondestroycodelockonfence.c,67": Possible variable name conflict '_Health' SCRIPT (W): @"GameLabs/Scripts/4_World/4_Hooking/ЫЮн*ѐ.wsi,333": No need to use 'Cast' for up-casting SCRIPT (W): @"gelik_sueta/scripts/4_World/patch.c,64": FIX-ME: Unsafe down-casting, use 'ItemBase.Cast' for safe down-casting SCRIPT (W): @"KGB_LIB_SERVER/◄ᶗ∿∪≬ᴄⅎᶐᶶ▗∜⅊/ᶎ◸⅂≈℆ᶷ⋻∙ᴴᶆΩ⋣/xb8_.KGB,45": FIX-ME: Unsafe down-casting, use 'KGB_LIB_SERVER_haIYuoGRvseb3czmKiihlAlS7OdHV6CoC.Cast' for safe down-casting SCRIPT (W): @"KGB_LIB_SERVER/◄ᶗ∿∪≬ᴄⅎᶐᶶ▗∜⅊/ᶎ◸⅂≈℆ᶷ⋻∙ᴴᶆΩ⋣/xa2_.KGB,80": FIX-ME: Unsafe down-casting, use 'KGB_LIB_CLIENT_tqbyyfzDakPk4HltKrAlkwlynaKBYNBYC.Cast' for safe down-casting SCRIPT (W): @"KGB_LIB_SERVER/◄ᶗ∿∪≬ᴄⅎᶐᶶ▗∜⅊/ᶎ◸⅂≈℆ᶷ⋻∙ᴴᶆΩ⋣/xa2_.KGB,372": FIX-ME: Unsafe down-casting, use 'KGB_LIB_SERVER_ZOuayo5LUScuHWSGf1I2b1oykwuPehUxC.Cast' for safe down-casting SCRIPT (W): @"KGB_LIB_SERVER/◄ᶗ∿∪≬ᴄⅎᶐᶶ▗∜⅊/ᶎ◸⅂≈℆ᶷ⋻∙ᴴᶆΩ⋣/xa0_.KGB,82": FIX-ME: Unsafe down-casting, use 'KGB_LIB_SERVER_Ol51dHQMMprTOyGCYid8rDFNyYcZ5aQmC.Cast' for safe down-casting SCRIPT (W): @"KGB_LIB_SERVER/◄ᶗ∿∪≬ᴄⅎᶐᶶ▗∜⅊/ᶎ◸⅂≈℆ᶷ⋻∙ᴴᶆΩ⋣/x80_.KGB,80": FIX-ME: Unsafe down-casting, use 'KGB_LIB_REST_API_AnswerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting SCRIPT (W): @"KGB_LIB_SERVER/◄ᶗ∿∪≬ᴄⅎᶐᶶ▗∜⅊/ᶎ◸⅂≈℆ᶷ⋻∙ᴴᶆΩ⋣/xa8_.KGB,84": FIX-ME: Unsafe down-casting, use 'DiscordAPI_FileAnswer.Cast' for safe down-casting SCRIPT (W): @"KillFeedClient/scripts/4_World/ui\killfeeditem.c,61": FIX-ME: Unsafe down-casting, use 'EntityAI.Cast' for safe down-casting SCRIPT (W): @"KillFeedServer/scripts/4_World/entites\playerbase.c,48": FIX-ME: Unsafe down-casting, use 'EntityAI.Cast' for safe down-casting SCRIPT (W): @"sk_tech\scripts\4_World/playerbase.c,97": FIX-ME: Unsafe down-casting, use 'Clothing.Cast' for safe down-casting SCRIPT (W): @"VPPAdminTools/4_World/vppadmintools\plugins\pluginbase\chatcommandmanager\classes\chatmodules\argumentcommands\spawning\spawnongroundmodule.c,32": FIX-ME: Undefined function 'ItemBase.SetupSpawnedItem' SCRIPT (W): @"VPPAdminTools/4_World/vppadmintools\plugins\pluginbase\itemmanager\itemmanager.c,225": FIX-ME: Undefined function 'ItemBase.SetupSpawnedItem' SCRIPT (W): @"VPPAdminTools/4_World/vppadmintools\plugins\pluginbase\admintools\admintools.c,60": No need to use 'Cast' for up-casting SCRIPT (W): @"VX_DisH_SUETA_CH/4_World/classes\яџРу?Х.c,6": No need to use 'Cast' for up-casting SCRIPT (W): @"HunterEye_Server/ᴬ≦ᶜ▝ᴩℛᶀ◱ℊᴅᶋᶸ/ℏᵱℷ∅ᴣ≃ℬ◑ᵁ≄−ᶴ/x62_.KGB,30": FIX-ME: Unsafe down-casting, use 'HunterEye_Client_iNYwBKSGV0xLPfDiuXKRvO3z1JuiKqQBC.Cast' for safe down-casting SCRIPT (W): @"HunterEye_Server/ᴬ≦ᶜ▝ᴩℛᶀ◱ℊᴅᶋᶸ/ℏᵱℷ∅ᴣ≃ℬ◑ᵁ≄−ᶴ/x70_.KGB,25": FIX-ME: Unsafe down-casting, use 'HunterEye_Server_TrCAGEE21QWe4Bsg7YIxwJQuzj8DCavkC.Cast' for safe down-casting SCRIPT (W): @"KGB_FastDropMove/scripts/4_World/deobfuscated_file_36.KGB,36": No need to use 'Cast' for up-casting SCRIPT (W): @"RF_AIRDROPS_SE/2CWRI hI/ 2tEKHmoC/zPk1ibyk//VLWWf4gG/K0 0QPni/ 0OL5Iba.DLi rGvA,35": Possible variable name conflict 'weapon' SCRIPT (W): @"RF_AIRDROPS_SE/IK pxBOa/ s0bAZ rl/VpzH52sc//AWYlqdsr/6w QLh3r/YC GE97u.YrcNcAYX,167": Possible variable name conflict 'helicopters' SCRIPT (W): @"RF_AIRDROPS_SE/IK pxBOa/ s0bAZ rl/VpzH52sc//AWYlqdsr/6w QLh3r/YC GE97u.YrcNcAYX,226": Possible variable name conflict 'helicopters' SCRIPT (W): @"RF_AIRDROPS_SE/2VOe4RLj/ TWy Rz 2/olYXNr2M//ztZw asX/XZj7e3mm/iXoiP95T.UH rLCjI,156": Possible variable name conflict 'containerObject' SCRIPT (W): @"RF_AIRDROPS_SE/1sTHl8SM/ hZpagF0d/hLPCGapd//errLNlzx/5aXTovMy/Pun8 JYB.JqpMUrPq,148": Possible variable name conflict 'containerObject' SCRIPT (W): @"RF_AIRDROPS_SE/ApHVMqRZ/ M7 pcstK/VC LBKWk//vmuictf /5QeJSUQx/WiJdVmZh.MDs EqLh,229": Possible variable name conflict 'boxStandObject' SCRIPT (W): @"RF_AIRDROPS_SE/ApHVMqRZ/ M7 pcstK/VC LBKWk//vmuictf /5QeJSUQx/WiJdVmZh.MDs EqLh,244": Possible variable name conflict 'gunStandObject' SCRIPT (W): @"RF_AIRDROPS_SE/ApHVMqRZ/ M7 pcstK/VC LBKWk//vmuictf /5QeJSUQx/WiJdVmZh.MDs EqLh,259": Possible variable name conflict 'mannequinObject' SCRIPT (W): @"RF_AIRDROPS_SE/ApHVMqRZ/ M7 pcstK/VC LBKWk//vmuictf /5QeJSUQx/WiJdVmZh.MDs EqLh,303": Possible variable name conflict 'shelfCrateObject' SCRIPT (W): @"KGB_VanilaHeli_CUSTOM/scripts/4_World/config\vhf_lootinfo.c,71": FIX-ME: Unsafe down-casting, use 'EntityAI.Cast' for safe down-casting SCRIPT (W): @"KGB_VanilaHeli_SERVER/≐ᵵ∁◷▩◡Ɣ●≇≽◗⋧/ᶞ⋮ᶓ≢ᴲ≊◯◂⅚ᵣ◀ᴋ/x30_.KGB,239": FIX-ME: Unsafe down-casting, use 'KGB_VHF_Box_Base.Cast' for safe down-casting SCRIPT (W): @"KGB_VanilaHeli_SERVER/≐ᵵ∁◷▩◡Ɣ●≇≽◗⋧/ᶞ⋮ᶓ≢ᴲ≊◯◂⅚ᵣ◀ᴋ/x30_.KGB,299": FIX-ME: Unsafe down-casting, use 'KGB_VHF_Himzone.Cast' for safe down-casting SCRIPT (W): @"KGB_VanilaHeli_SERVER/≐ᵵ∁◷▩◡Ɣ●≇≽◗⋧/ᶞ⋮ᶓ≢ᴲ≊◯◂⅚ᵣ◀ᴋ/x3c_.KGB,28": FIX-ME: Unsafe down-casting, use 'KGB_VHF_Box_Base.Cast' for safe down-casting SCRIPT : ::: [AlwaysAccessToInventory]: Init SCRIPT : [FightPointConfig] config found, loading... SCRIPT : Боевая зона старт перебор ивент №1 ВМС SCRIPT : Боевая зона старт перебор ивент №4 Военная База Башня SCRIPT : Боевая зона старт перебор ивент №3 Северо-западный аэродром SCRIPT : Боевая зона старт перебор ивент №0 Зеленогорск SCRIPT : Боевая зона старт перебор ивент №3 Северо-западный аэродром SCRIPT : Боевая зона старт финал ивент №3 Северо-западный аэродром SCRIPT : [ERROR] [5:14] Expected '=' for attribute, got: SCRIPT : Err() JM/CF/Scripts/3_Game/communityframework\xml\cf_xml_reader.c : 40 SCRIPT : ReadAttribute() JM/CF/Scripts/3_Game/communityframework\xml\cf_xml_document.c : 61 SCRIPT : ReadTag() JM/CF/Scripts/3_Game/communityframework\xml\cf_xml_document.c : 127 SCRIPT : Read() JM/CF/Scripts/3_Game/communityframework\xml\cf_xml_document.c : 234 SCRIPT : ReadDocument() JM/CF/Scripts/3_Game/communityframework\xml\cf_xml.c : 27 SCRIPT : _CF_Init() JM/CF/Scripts/3_Game/communityframework\mods\modstructure.c : 199 SCRIPT : LoadMods() JM/CF/Scripts/3_Game/communityframework\mods\modloader.c : 218 SCRIPT : CF_ModStorageObject() JM/CF/Scripts/4_World/communityframework\modstorage\cf_modstorageobject.c : 17 SCRIPT : BuildingBase() JM/CF/Scripts/4_World/communityframework\entities\buildingbase.c : 1 SCRIPT (W): @"GameLabs/Scripts/5_Mission/шўо?зЪЭ.rvmat,166": Missing ';' at the end of line SCRIPT (W): @"VPPAdminTools/5_Mission/vppadmintools\gui\submenus\menuobjectmanager\menuobjectmanager.c,203": Missing ';' at the end of line SCRIPT (W): @"VanillaPPMap/5_Mission/missiongameplay.c,21": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"VanillaPPMap/5_Mission/missiongameplay.c,21": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"VanillaPPMap/5_Mission/missiongameplay.c,21": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"VanillaPPMap/5_Mission/missiongameplay.c,29": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"VanillaPPMap/5_Mission/missiongameplay.c,29": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"VanillaPPMap/5_Mission/missiongameplay.c,29": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"VanillaPPMap/5_Mission/missiongameplay.c,37": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"VanillaPPMap/5_Mission/missiongameplay.c,37": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"VanillaPPMap/5_Mission/missiongameplay.c,37": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"VanillaPPMap/5_Mission/missiongameplay.c,45": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"VanillaPPMap/5_Mission/missiongameplay.c,45": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"VanillaPPMap/5_Mission/missiongameplay.c,45": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"VanillaPPMap/5_Mission/missionserver.c,12": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"VanillaPPMap/5_Mission/missionserver.c,12": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"VanillaPPMap/5_Mission/missionserver.c,12": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"VanillaPPMap/5_Mission/missionserver.c,17": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"VanillaPPMap/5_Mission/missionserver.c,17": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"VanillaPPMap/5_Mission/missionserver.c,17": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"VanillaPPMap/5_Mission/missionserver.c,22": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"VanillaPPMap/5_Mission/missionserver.c,22": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"VanillaPPMap/5_Mission/missionserver.c,22": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"VanillaPPMap/5_Mission/missionserver.c,37": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"VanillaPPMap/5_Mission/missionserver.c,37": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"VanillaPPMap/5_Mission/missionserver.c,37": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"CustomBuild/scripts/5_Mission/bunker_mb.c,392": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'SpawnObject' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"CustomBuild/scripts/5_Mission/bunker_mb.c,430": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'Write_Log' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"CustomBuild/scripts/5_Mission/krasnostav_mb.c,137": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'SpawnObject' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"CustomBuild/scripts/5_Mission/krasnostav_mb.c,175": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'Write_Log' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"CustomBuild/scripts/5_Mission/altar_mb.c,221": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'SpawnObject' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"CustomBuild/scripts/5_Mission/altar_mb.c,259": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'Write_Log' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/5_Mission/options\other\optionselectorbase.c,3": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'ColorHighlight' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/5_Mission/options\other\optionselectorbase.c,18": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'ColorNormal' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/5_Mission/options\other\optionselectorbase.c,42": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'ColorDisabled' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/5_Mission/options\other\optionselectorbase.c,66": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'ButtonSetColor' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/5_Mission/options\other\optionselectorbase.c,76": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'ColorHighlightConsole' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/5_Mission/options\other\optionselectorbase.c,96": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'ColorNormalConsole' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/5_Mission/options\other\optionselectorbase.c,109": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'ColorDisabledConsole' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/5_Mission/options\other\optionselectorbase.c,122": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'ButtonSetColorConsole' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/5_Mission/options\other\optionselectorbase.c,127": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'ButtonSetAlphaAnimConsole' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/5_Mission/options\other\optionselectorbase.c,140": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'ButtonSetTextColorConsole' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"SchanaModGlobalChat/Mission/mission\missiongameplay.c,16": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"SchanaModGlobalChat/Mission/mission\missiongameplay.c,16": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"SchanaModGlobalChat/Mission/mission\missiongameplay.c,16": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/5_Mission/options\other\optionselector.c,4": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'ColorOption' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/5_Mission/mainmenu\missionmainmenu.c,17": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'PlayMusic' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/5_Mission/options\other\charactercreationmenu.c,4": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'ColorHighlight' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/5_Mission/options\other\charactercreationmenu.c,104": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'ColorNormal' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"SchanaModGlobalChat/Mission/mission\missionserver.c,9": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"SchanaModGlobalChat/Mission/mission\missionserver.c,9": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"SchanaModGlobalChat/Mission/mission\missionserver.c,9": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/5_Mission/chat.c,3": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'Init' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/5_Mission/options\optionsmenucontrols.c,90": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'ColorWhite' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"VanillaPPMap/5_Mission/gui\markerslistadapter.c,245": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"VanillaPPMap/5_Mission/gui\markerslistadapter.c,249": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"blanksoftware_building/6AjMKP5t/ Cv fI62G/tRhaf82b//F mcjDus/jl3 XBP1/Ioap33x5.Q Zgp N,14": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"blanksoftware_building/6AjMKP5t/ Cv fI62G/tRhaf82b//F mcjDus/jl3 XBP1/Ioap33x5.Q Zgp N,14": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"blanksoftware_building/6AjMKP5t/ Cv fI62G/tRhaf82b//F mcjDus/jl3 XBP1/Ioap33x5.Q Zgp N,14": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"VanillaPPMap/5_Mission/gui\vppmapmenu.c,161": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/5_Mission/mainmenu\mainmenu.c,238": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'LoadMods' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/5_Mission/mainmenu\mainmenu.c,269": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'FilterDlcs' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/5_Mission/mainmenu\mainmenu.c,288": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'ShowDlcFrame' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/5_Mission/mainmenu\mainmenu.c,295": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'PopulateDlcFrame' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/5_Mission/mainmenu\mainmenu.c,514": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'IsFocusable' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/5_Mission/mainmenu\mainmenu.c,593": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'Play' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/5_Mission/mainmenu\mainmenu.c,610": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'CanSaveDefaultCharacter' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/5_Mission/mainmenu\mainmenu.c,619": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'OpenMenuServerBrowser' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/5_Mission/mainmenu\mainmenu.c,624": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'OpenMenuCustomizeCharacter' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/5_Mission/mainmenu\mainmenu.c,629": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'NextCharacter' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/5_Mission/mainmenu\mainmenu.c,642": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'PreviousCharacter' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/5_Mission/mainmenu\mainmenu.c,655": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'OnChangeCharacter' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/5_Mission/mainmenu\mainmenu.c,694": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'OpenStats' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/5_Mission/mainmenu\mainmenu.c,699": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'OpenMessages' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/5_Mission/mainmenu\mainmenu.c,704": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'OpenSettings' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/5_Mission/mainmenu\mainmenu.c,709": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'PlayVideo' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/5_Mission/mainmenu\mainmenu.c,714": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'OpenTutorials' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/5_Mission/mainmenu\mainmenu.c,719": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'OpenCredits' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/5_Mission/mainmenu\mainmenu.c,725": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'Exit' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/5_Mission/mainmenu\mainmenu.c,730": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'TryConnectLastSession' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/5_Mission/mainmenu\mainmenu.c,739": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'AutoConnect' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/5_Mission/mainmenu\mainmenu.c,744": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'ConnectLastSession' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/5_Mission/mainmenu\mainmenu.c,766": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'ConnectBestServer' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/5_Mission/mainmenu\mainmenu.c,790": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'ColorHighlight' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/5_Mission/mainmenu\mainmenu.c,804": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'ColorNormal' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/5_Mission/mainmenu\mainmenu.c,818": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'ButtonSetText' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/5_Mission/mainmenu\mainmenu.c,832": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'ButtonSetColor' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/5_Mission/mainmenu\mainmenu.c,845": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'ImagenSetColor' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/5_Mission/mainmenu\mainmenu.c,858": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'ButtonSetTextColor' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"magic/dayzsetmanager/nul/./nul/./hityemhdn/fjxwzg/rhxxezimewlhsnojfhflqfqihfdluidrtinda,75": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"magic/dayzsetmanager/nul/./nul/./hityemhdn/fjxwzg/rhxxezimewlhsnojfhflqfqihfdluidrtinda,92": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/5_Mission/respawndialogue.c,115": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'ColorHighlight' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/5_Mission/respawndialogue.c,132": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'ColorNormal' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/5_Mission/respawndialogue.c,140": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'ButtonSetColor' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/5_Mission/respawndialogue.c,147": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'ButtonSetTextColor' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/5_Mission/respawndialogue.c,154": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'RequestRespawn' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/5_Mission/options\optionsmenugame.c,20": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'Apply' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZ_Fix_VPPTeleportVehicle/5_Mission/vppesptracker.c,3": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'OnDragTrackerStop' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/5_Mission/options\optionsmenu.c,74": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'ColorHighlight' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/5_Mission/options\optionsmenu.c,178": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'ColorNormal' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/5_Mission/options\optionsmenu.c,230": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'ColorDisable' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/5_Mission/options\other\keybindingsmenu.c,134": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'ColorWhite' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"RZXC_UI/Scripts/5_Mission/options\other\keybindingsmenu.c,154": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'ColorDisabled' but not marked as 'override' SCRIPT (W): @"SurvivorAnims/Scripts/5_Mission/gui\gesturesmenu.c,13": FIX-ME: Method argument can't be strong reference SCRIPT (W): @"VPPAdminTools/5_Mission/vppadmintools\gui\submenus\menuitemmanager\menuitemmanager.c,201": FIX-ME: Undefined function 'DayZGame.GetMousePos' SCRIPT (W): @"VPPAdminTools/5_Mission/vppadmintools\gui\uihelpers\mouseevents\vppmouseeventbase.c,53": FIX-ME: Undefined function 'CGame.GetMouseState' SCRIPT (W): @"VPPAdminTools/5_Mission/vppadmintools\gui\vppadminhud.c,126": FIX-ME: Unsafe down-casting, use 'MenuObjectManager.Cast' for safe down-casting SCRIPT (W): @"VPPAdminTools/5_Mission/vppadmintools\gui\submenus\menuesptools\esptoolsmenu.c,580": FIX-ME: Unsafe down-casting, use 'EntityAI.Cast' for safe down-casting SCRIPT (W): @"VPPAdminTools/5_Mission/vppadmintools\gui\uihelpers\infoboxinstance.c,61": FIX-ME: Undefined function 'DayZGame.GetMousePos' SCRIPT (W): @"VPPAdminTools/5_Mission/vppadmintools\gui\uihelpers\mouseevents\vppholdleftclickevent.c,13": FIX-ME: Undefined function 'CGame.GetMouseState' SCRIPT (W): @"VPPAdminTools/5_Mission/vppadmintools\gui\uihelpers\tooltiphandler.c,38": FIX-ME: Undefined function 'DayZGame.GetMousePos' SCRIPT (W): @"VPPAdminTools/5_Mission/vppadmintools\gui\submenus\menuplayermanager\menuplayermanager.c,71": FIX-ME: Callbacks do not properly support overloaded methods 'OnUpdate' SCRIPT (W): @"VPPAdminTools/5_Mission/vppadmintools\gui\vppuimanager.c,183": FIX-ME: Undefined function 'CGame.GetMouseState' SCRIPT (W): @"VPPAdminTools/5_Mission/vppadmintools\missiondebug.c,38": FIX-ME: Unsafe down-casting, use 'PlayerBase.Cast' for safe down-casting SCRIPT (W): @"VPPAdminTools/5_Mission/vppadmintools\gui\submenus\menuobjectmanager\menuobjectmanager.c,862": FIX-ME: Undefined function 'DayZGame.GetMousePos' SCRIPT (W): @"VPPAdminTools/5_Mission/vppadmintools\gui\submenus\menuxmleditor\menuxmleditor.c,264": FIX-ME: Undefined function 'DayZGame.GetMousePos' SCRIPT (W): @"KGB_FastDropMove/scripts/5_Mission/deobfuscated_file_22.KGB,158": FIX-ME: Unsafe down-casting, use 'ItemBase.Cast' for safe down-casting SCRIPT (W): @"RF_AIRDROPS_SE/ELaX 45 / vC4Fg6Ph/rC7cVI u// 78AllTh/U0bwdpq5/XkWssgEp. dCnykM,102": FIX-ME: Undefined function 'CGame.GetMachineName' SCRIPT (W): @"RF_CONVOY_SE/zhv hRTl/ jTX6Nm8I/wIGGoy m//NUL.{D20BEEC4-5CA8-4905-AE3B-BF251EA09B53}/zkGIr Wq/ZBdft0CI/fcubJHOb.OwaA Tqw,101": FIX-ME: Undefined function 'CGame.GetMachineName' SCRIPT (W): @"HunterEye_Client/ᴶℎᶽ◻◂ƃ≉⊁™▻ᶄ⋰/ᴋᵤ∱≢⋖∃∦ᴩ≵◐∀⍹/x28_.KGB,541": FIX-ME: Unsafe down-casting, use 'Param1.Cast' for safe down-casting SCRIPT : Vanilla++ AdminTools Plugins Registering.. SCRIPT : [MPG_TDMLogs] Logger Init SCRIPT : [MPG_TDMLogs] Logger Create Log File SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:01 : Проверка актуальности файла настроек SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:01 : Все настройки обновлены и актуальны SCRIPT : [DiscordAPI][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:01 : Не удалось зарегистрировать Alias 'DiscordAPI_InGameChat' т.к.не указан Hook_ID или Hook_Token SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:01 : Проверка актуальности файла настроек SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:01 : Все настройки обновлены и актуальны SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:01 : Этот сервер использует KGB_LIB v.8.1 SCRIPT : [DiscordAPI][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:01 : Не удалось зарегистрировать Alias 'KGB_LIB_BlockTag' т.к.не указан Hook_ID или Hook_Token SCRIPT : [WebHooksManager] Loading Saved Webhooks configuration SCRIPT : Spawning Building [Land_Castle_Wall1_20-1013835612033] SCRIPT : Spawning Building [StaticObj_Misc_BoxWooden-60653037857] SCRIPT : Spawning Building [StaticObj_Misc_BoxWooden-60663037857] SCRIPT : Spawning Building [StaticObj_Misc_BoxWooden-60673037856] SCRIPT : Spawning Building [StaticObj_Wall_IndCncH_5-23165] SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:01 : Проверка актуальности файла настроек SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:01 : Все настройки обновлены и актуальны SCRIPT : [DupeCheckSystem][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:01 : Успешно загрузили настройки белого списка для дюп-предметов SCRIPT : [DupeCheckSystem][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:01 : Белый список включен и включает в себя предметы: SCRIPT : [DupeCheckSystem][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:01 : Ammo_308Win SCRIPT : [DupeCheckSystem][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:01 : Ammo_308WinTracer SCRIPT : [DupeCheckSystem][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:01 : Ammo_40mm_Explosive SCRIPT : [DupeCheckSystem][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:01 : Ammo_545x39 SCRIPT : [DupeCheckSystem][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:01 : Ammo_556x45 SCRIPT : [DupeCheckSystem][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:01 : Ammo_762x39 SCRIPT : [DupeCheckSystem][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:01 : Ammo_762x54 SCRIPT : [DupeCheckSystem][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:01 : Ammo_762x54Tracer SCRIPT : [DupeCheckSystem][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:01 : Ammo_9x39 SCRIPT : [DupeCheckSystem][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:01 : ClaymoreMine SCRIPT : [DupeCheckSystem][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:01 : Grenade_ChemGas SCRIPT : [DupeCheckSystem][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:01 : LandMineTrap SCRIPT : [DupeCheckSystem][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:01 : M67Grenade SCRIPT : [DupeCheckSystem][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:01 : Mag_AKM_Drum75Rnd SCRIPT : [DupeCheckSystem][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:01 : Mag_STANAG_60Rnd SCRIPT : [DupeCheckSystem][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:01 : Plastic_Explosive SCRIPT : [DupeCheckSystem][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:01 : RGD5Grenade SCRIPT : [DupeCheckSystem][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:01 : Sueta_GoldBar SCRIPT : [DupeCheckSystem][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:01 : WeaponCleaningKit SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:01 : Проверка актуальности файла настроек SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:01 : Все настройки обновлены и актуальны SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:01 : Проверка актуальности файла настроек SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:01 : Все настройки обновлены и актуальны SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:01 : Проверка актуальности файла настроек SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:01 : Все настройки обновлены и актуальны SCRIPT : [DiscordHookByVoralex] Started. SCRIPT : [23:01:02] [DayZSetManager] Preloaded set: def SCRIPT : [23:01:07] [DayZSetManager] Preloaded set: 1 SCRIPT : [23:01:07] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] Loading addon 'MagicByteSharedLibrary' (version 4.6.0). SCRIPT : [23:01:07] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] Loading addon 'DayZSetManager' (version 2.2.0). SCRIPT : [23:01:07] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] Loading addon 'DayZShop' (version 3.5.0). SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:07 : Обнаружено,что библиотека была перепакована.Подключите Steam-версию для корректного использования и автообновления. SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:07 : Обнаружено,что библиотека была перепакована.Подключите Steam-версию для корректного использования и автообновления. SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:07 : Обнаружено,что библиотека была перепакована.Подключите Steam-версию для корректного использования и автообновления. SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:07 : Обнаружено,что библиотека была перепакована.Подключите Steam-версию для корректного использования и автообновления. SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:07 : Обнаружено,что библиотека была перепакована.Подключите Steam-версию для корректного использования и автообновления. SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:07 : Обнаружено,что библиотека была перепакована.Подключите Steam-версию для корректного использования и автообновления. SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:07 : Обнаружено,что библиотека была перепакована.Подключите Steam-версию для корректного использования и автообновления. SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:07 : Обнаружено,что библиотека была перепакована.Подключите Steam-версию для корректного использования и автообновления. SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:07 : Обнаружено,что библиотека была перепакована.Подключите Steam-версию для корректного использования и автообновления. SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:07 : Обнаружено,что библиотека была перепакована.Подключите Steam-версию для корректного использования и автообновления. SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:07 : Обнаружено,что библиотека была перепакована.Подключите Steam-версию для корректного использования и автообновления. SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:07 : Обнаружено,что библиотека была перепакована.Подключите Steam-версию для корректного использования и автообновления. SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:07 : Обнаружено,что библиотека была перепакована.Подключите Steam-версию для корректного использования и автообновления. SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:07 : Обнаружено,что библиотека была перепакована.Подключите Steam-версию для корректного использования и автообновления. SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:07 : Обнаружено,что библиотека была перепакована.Подключите Steam-версию для корректного использования и автообновления. SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:07 : Обнаружено,что библиотека была перепакована.Подключите Steam-версию для корректного использования и автообновления. SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:07 : Обнаружено,что библиотека была перепакована.Подключите Steam-версию для корректного использования и автообновления. SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:07 : Обнаружено,что библиотека была перепакована.Подключите Steam-версию для корректного использования и автообновления. SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:07 : Обнаружено,что библиотека была перепакована.Подключите Steam-версию для корректного использования и автообновления. SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:07 : Обнаружено,что библиотека была перепакована.Подключите Steam-версию для корректного использования и автообновления. SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:07 : Обнаружено,что библиотека была перепакована.Подключите Steam-версию для корректного использования и автообновления. SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:07 : Обнаружено,что библиотека была перепакована.Подключите Steam-версию для корректного использования и автообновления. SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:07 : Обнаружено,что библиотека была перепакована.Подключите Steam-версию для корректного использования и автообновления. SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:07 : Обнаружено,что библиотека была перепакована.Подключите Steam-версию для корректного использования и автообновления. SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:07 : Обнаружено,что библиотека была перепакована.Подключите Steam-версию для корректного использования и автообновления. SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:07 : Обнаружено,что библиотека была перепакована.Подключите Steam-версию для корректного использования и автообновления. SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:07 : Обнаружено,что библиотека была перепакована.Подключите Steam-версию для корректного использования и автообновления. SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:07 : Обнаружено,что библиотека была перепакована.Подключите Steam-версию для корректного использования и автообновления. SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:07 : Обнаружено,что библиотека была перепакована.Подключите Steam-версию для корректного использования и автообновления. SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:07 : Обнаружено,что библиотека была перепакована.Подключите Steam-версию для корректного использования и автообновления. SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:07 : Используется основная API инструкция SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:07 : Выполнена смена API-Сервиса.Используется теперь 'https://api.kgb.best/'. SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:09 : ------------------------------------------------------------- SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:09 : Информация о текущем сервере: SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:09 : SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:09 : IP: '' SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:09 : Name: 'SUETA RU 3PP PVP MORE LOOT WIPE 01.02' SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:09 : SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:09 : WorldName: 'chernarusplus' SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:09 : Worldsize: '15360' SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:09 : ------------------------------------------------------------- SCRIPT : [MPG_TDMLogs] Init SCRIPT : [MPG_TDMLogs] config found, loading... SCRIPT : [MissionServer] OnInit - Server SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_CBrk_Pole' Position: '<10858.700195, 237.938004, 12351.500000>' Orientation: '<88.545288, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_CBrk_Pole' Position: '<12226.152344, 7.471514, 3486.932617>' Orientation: '<-95.795616, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_CBrk_Pole' Position: '<12306.832031, 50.228622, 8475.479492>' Orientation: '<-20.153381, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_CBrk_Pole' Position: '<12377.501953, 77.159782, 13826.274414>' Orientation: '<99.285080, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_CBrk_Pole' Position: '<12924.862305, 98.831253, 14598.591797>' Orientation: '<-22.880230, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_CBrk_Pole' Position: '<13231.973633, 99.524483, 13128.530273>' Orientation: '<35.695000, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_CBrk_Pole' Position: '<13236.057617, 36.606899, 14504.630859>' Orientation: '<170.593109, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_CBrk_Pole' Position: '<13488.819336, 6.470471, 13829.500000>' Orientation: '<-149.293427, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_CBrk_5' Position: '<2408.333008, 191.079758, 5230.143555>' Orientation: '<18.507507, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_CBrk_Pole' Position: '<148.769165, 427.286621, 10431.469727>' Orientation: '<-38.688042, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_CBrk_Pole' Position: '<204.439209, 104.808685, 2388.152344>' Orientation: '<27.899961, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_CBrk_Pole' Position: '<2994.187012, 313.756622, 7874.427734>' Orientation: '<30.006439, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_CBrk_Pole' Position: '<3192.488770, 304.033539, 8051.820801>' Orientation: '<-54.800987, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_CBrk_Pole' Position: '<3307.596680, 215.043503, 13499.579102>' Orientation: '<-19.828917, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_CBrk_Pole' Position: '<3550.909180, 280.792206, 14695.927734>' Orientation: '<-50.070210, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_CBrk_Pole' Position: '<4459.570801, 19.783127, 2924.739258>' Orientation: '<15.435153, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_CBrk_Pole' Position: '<5280.034668, 339.420959, 8559.443359>' Orientation: '<7.169941, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_CBrk_Pole' Position: '<5801.955078, 330.589630, 14320.048828>' Orientation: '<-121.820778, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_CBrk_Pole' Position: '<6061.976074, 59.429394, 3321.168213>' Orientation: '<175.668991, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_CBrk_Pole' Position: '<6503.188477, 13.950773, 3073.894043>' Orientation: '<-13.175766, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_CBrk_Pole' Position: '<7210.033691, 294.260437, 7655.413086>' Orientation: '<-165.390350, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_CBrk_Pole' Position: '<7436.277832, 191.308334, 13270.120117>' Orientation: '<-124.554260, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_CBrk_Pole' Position: '<7873.248535, 153.180069, 13024.743164>' Orientation: '<-112.072830, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_CBrk_Pole' Position: '<7596.726074, 140.888214, 12876.296875>' Orientation: '<-74.748444, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_CBrk_Pole' Position: '<8739.382813, 222.471985, 11626.125000>' Orientation: '<173.977264, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_CBrk_Pole' Position: '<9434.107422, 305.473663, 8757.192383>' Orientation: '<-175.267624, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_CBrk_Pole' Position: '<10175.223633, 26.230511, 2335.083984>' Orientation: '<168.097702, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_CBrk_Pole' Position: '<11090.310547, 208.058548, 12137.383789>' Orientation: '<118.449203, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Container_1C' Position: '<3353.169922, 214.520370, 12598.299805>' Orientation: '<92.956497, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Container_1C' Position: '<3359.491943, 214.570068, 12597.988281>' Orientation: '<92.956497, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_container_1b' Position: '<4566.140137, 319.944000, 8250.730469>' Orientation: '<166.832947, 2.299634, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_wall_pipefencewall_8' Position: '<4416.700195, 340.760010, 10820.000000>' Orientation: '<-28.389301, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_wall_pipefencewall_8' Position: '<4411.829590, 340.743103, 10828.790039>' Orientation: '<-28.389303, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_wall_pipefencewall_8' Position: '<4410.524902, 340.711487, 10823.345703>' Orientation: '<-118.382240, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_wall_pipefencewall_8' Position: '<4411.545898, 340.710571, 10821.467773>' Orientation: '<61.424194, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_wall_pipefencewall_8' Position: '<4417.959961, 340.694000, 10825.299805>' Orientation: '<60.424202, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_wall_pipefencewall_8' Position: '<4416.937012, 340.694763, 10827.150391>' Orientation: '<-118.382240, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Underground_Entrance' Position: '<1199.139526, 454.374664, 14545.259766>' Orientation: '<-63.658051, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Underground_Tunnel_Single' Position: '<1189.052368, 454.316620, 14550.229492>' Orientation: '<116.611885, 0.101942, -0.036035>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Underground_Corridor_Connector' Position: '<1177.872314, 454.329742, 14555.795898>' Orientation: '<26.262749, -0.036749, -0.101531>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Underground_Corridor_Main_Both' Position: '<1161.785034, 454.329193, 14563.679688>' Orientation: '<115.627922, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Underground_Storage_Ammo' Position: '<1154.202026, 454.352661, 14548.419922>' Orientation: '<-154.420685, 0.170536, -0.006036>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_Cnc_5' Position: '<1149.922485, 455.690735, 14557.354492>' Orientation: '<115.749886, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_Cnc_5' Position: '<1147.602783, 455.687805, 14558.618164>' Orientation: '<116.749985, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_Cnc_5' Position: '<1148.335693, 458.135284, 14558.029297>' Orientation: '<-63.249958, 88.159622, -179.999893>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_Cnc_5' Position: '<1148.152100, 454.078796, 14558.168945>' Orientation: '<116.749985, 89.179565, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Underground_Floor_Comms' Position: '<1133.771484, 454.688324, 14554.048828>' Orientation: '<-152.785934, 0.499971, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Underground_Storage_Ammo2' Position: '<1170.433105, 454.336853, 14578.052734>' Orientation: '<25.991905, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Underground_Corridor_Main_Both' Position: '<1141.328979, 454.333221, 14573.489258>' Orientation: '<115.627922, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_Cnc_5' Position: '<1138.045410, 455.688171, 14567.431641>' Orientation: '<-154.386917, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Underground_Storage_POX' Position: '<1152.350708, 454.344421, 14586.758789>' Orientation: '<25.222704, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Underground_Floor_Crew' Position: '<1107.915771, 454.411041, 14553.395508>' Orientation: '<-153.005920, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Underground_Corridor_Main_Both' Position: '<1120.827271, 454.338379, 14583.333984>' Orientation: '<115.627922, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Underground_Storage_Laboratory' Position: '<1129.479492, 454.334778, 14597.734375>' Orientation: '<26.129435, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Underground_Corridor_Main_Both' Position: '<1100.343628, 454.343323, 14593.164063>' Orientation: '<115.627922, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Underground_Storage_Hospital' Position: '<1113.450562, 454.351257, 14568.585938>' Orientation: '<-154.067810, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Underground_Storage_Workshop' Position: '<1108.930054, 454.355499, 14607.555664>' Orientation: '<25.842922, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Underground_Storage_Ammo' Position: '<1092.921509, 454.345886, 14578.169922>' Orientation: '<-154.595825, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Underground_Corridor_Connector' Position: '<1083.850952, 454.349915, 14601.309570>' Orientation: '<-153.754837, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_IndCnc_10' Position: '<1076.445679, 456.004517, 14604.630859>' Orientation: '<-63.568436, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Container_1Mo' Position: '<1100.151001, 455.493378, 14595.200195>' Orientation: '<-155.580902, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Container_1Moh' Position: '<1149.951294, 455.481659, 14569.382813>' Orientation: '<-153.546188, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_WoodenCrate_3x' Position: '<1133.338989, 454.998627, 14577.487305>' Orientation: '<120.937744, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_WoodenCrate_5x' Position: '<1169.606201, 455.254547, 14559.635742>' Orientation: '<117.257660, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_WoodenCrate_5x' Position: '<1119.332642, 455.265747, 14584.095703>' Orientation: '<-72.053993, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_wall_indcnc4_4' Position: '<1156.487305, 455.558685, 14573.660156>' Orientation: '<26.098322, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_wall_indcnc4_4' Position: '<1135.889404, 455.566803, 14583.573242>' Orientation: '<26.098322, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_wall_indcnc4_4' Position: '<1115.402710, 455.558746, 14593.362305>' Orientation: '<26.098322, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_wall_indcnc4_4' Position: '<1094.896484, 455.558716, 14603.134766>' Orientation: '<26.098322, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_wall_indcnc4_4' Position: '<1089.073853, 455.558685, 14591.271484>' Orientation: '<26.098322, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_wall_indcnc4_4' Position: '<1109.530151, 455.558685, 14581.500977>' Orientation: '<26.098322, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_wall_indcnc4_4' Position: '<1100.990845, 455.579651, 14564.075195>' Orientation: '<26.098322, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_wall_indcnc4_4' Position: '<1094.741577, 455.735107, 14552.901367>' Orientation: '<26.098322, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_wall_indcnc4_4' Position: '<1115.098267, 455.694916, 14542.524414>' Orientation: '<26.098322, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_wall_indcnc4_4' Position: '<1127.274292, 455.567963, 14564.616211>' Orientation: '<26.098322, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_wall_indcnc4_4' Position: '<1141.108765, 455.622803, 14543.073242>' Orientation: '<26.098320, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_wall_indcnc4_4' Position: '<1130.200317, 455.569397, 14571.509766>' Orientation: '<26.098320, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith1' Position: '<1208.256470, 455.815002, 14562.629883>' Orientation: '<2.862527, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith1' Position: '<1193.388916, 455.774841, 14527.258789>' Orientation: '<41.751518, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith1' Position: '<1177.491211, 455.182373, 14514.750977>' Orientation: '<-104.203743, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith1' Position: '<1159.344360, 454.485382, 14518.416992>' Orientation: '<-62.143661, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith1' Position: '<1140.492554, 454.380920, 14525.837891>' Orientation: '<-62.143661, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith1' Position: '<1122.966064, 451.920288, 14531.008789>' Orientation: '<-69.988174, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith1' Position: '<1101.933838, 451.260864, 14535.577148>' Orientation: '<119.998497, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith1' Position: '<1082.830444, 454.412628, 14547.951172>' Orientation: '<141.922546, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith1' Position: '<1071.226929, 454.311615, 14565.929688>' Orientation: '<-13.109535, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith1' Position: '<1064.010254, 454.166443, 14584.416992>' Orientation: '<163.099136, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith1' Position: '<1061.905396, 454.160461, 14606.524414>' Orientation: '<-164.829620, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith1' Position: '<1077.915649, 454.404419, 14626.083984>' Orientation: '<-114.311249, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith1' Position: '<1091.581055, 454.166138, 14628.451172>' Orientation: '<-98.769417, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith1' Position: '<1111.759766, 454.164185, 14628.485352>' Orientation: '<-79.819557, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith1' Position: '<1129.302490, 454.156403, 14624.104492>' Orientation: '<-67.083305, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith1' Position: '<1147.772339, 454.163025, 14615.823242>' Orientation: '<-61.088684, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith1' Position: '<1167.002686, 454.198364, 14609.143555>' Orientation: '<-56.843506, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith1' Position: '<1184.671875, 453.661987, 14599.081055>' Orientation: '<-43.159077, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith1' Position: '<1199.827393, 453.581543, 14586.193359>' Orientation: '<137.793274, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_wallh3' Position: '<1167.790405, 466.257568, 14517.294922>' Orientation: '<14.766025, -18.992235, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_wallh3' Position: '<1186.519165, 466.233612, 14521.558594>' Orientation: '<-18.161848, -18.978291, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_wallh3' Position: '<1195.276733, 466.520020, 14536.317383>' Orientation: '<-55.624546, -18.980061, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_wallh3' Position: '<1203.924561, 467.881287, 14559.328125>' Orientation: '<-64.694267, -18.965988, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_wallh3' Position: '<1203.885620, 464.667816, 14574.462891>' Orientation: '<-105.128853, -18.967649, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_wallh3' Position: '<1193.115601, 465.299042, 14588.441406>' Orientation: '<-141.056763, -18.972448, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_wallh3' Position: '<1178.799805, 465.541199, 14600.441406>' Orientation: '<-125.927109, -18.984232, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_wallh3' Position: '<1162.151123, 466.024567, 14608.593750>' Orientation: '<-157.315292, -18.968616, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_wallh3' Position: '<1145.746094, 465.995148, 14614.223633>' Orientation: '<-160.129822, -18.987366, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_wallh3' Position: '<1130.322754, 465.954407, 14621.088867>' Orientation: '<-148.001633, -18.986319, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_wallh3' Position: '<1114.249023, 465.975189, 14626.208984>' Orientation: '<-159.949738, -18.986752, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_wallh3' Position: '<1098.332886, 465.983917, 14625.516602>' Orientation: '<-179.407440, -18.988506, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_wallh3' Position: '<1080.579468, 465.977478, 14620.879883>' Orientation: '<168.731201, -18.971521, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_wallh3' Position: '<1066.084839, 465.982483, 14608.244141>' Orientation: '<118.414932, -18.985872, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_wallh3' Position: '<1064.355713, 465.981079, 14592.129883>' Orientation: '<96.971123, -18.980453, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_wallh3' Position: '<1070.051147, 465.975708, 14577.095703>' Orientation: '<83.220009, -18.985315, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_wallh3' Position: '<1061.164673, 454.084900, 14617.515625>' Orientation: '<135.482620, -18.986397, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_wallh3' Position: '<1079.191528, 466.135132, 14559.331055>' Orientation: '<64.847786, -18.983932, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_wallh3' Position: '<1092.677979, 466.234589, 14544.496094>' Orientation: '<46.437424, -18.984606, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_wallh3' Position: '<1105.653564, 462.830200, 14538.338867>' Orientation: '<28.776852, -18.967947, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_wallh3' Position: '<1121.913940, 463.191589, 14533.646484>' Orientation: '<14.766064, -18.991707, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_wallh3' Position: '<1145.789673, 464.790405, 14525.647461>' Orientation: '<35.380646, -18.949841, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith2' Position: '<1090.584717, 466.309967, 14553.888672>' Orientation: '<1.075840, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith2' Position: '<1097.098877, 466.323578, 14551.043945>' Orientation: '<1.075919, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith2' Position: '<1103.526978, 466.325409, 14546.672852>' Orientation: '<1.075919, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith2' Position: '<1109.881104, 466.295959, 14543.610352>' Orientation: '<1.075919, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith2' Position: '<1116.669189, 466.262421, 14541.161133>' Orientation: '<1.075919, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith2' Position: '<1075.023315, 466.126465, 14580.142578>' Orientation: '<36.026836, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith2' Position: '<1077.782471, 466.128296, 14572.875000>' Orientation: '<36.026875, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith2' Position: '<1081.237427, 466.098846, 14566.719727>' Orientation: '<36.026836, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith2' Position: '<1085.396362, 466.065308, 14560.829102>' Orientation: '<36.026836, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith2' Position: '<1071.311157, 466.112854, 14586.203125>' Orientation: '<36.026836, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith2' Position: '<1073.234863, 466.127533, 14606.562500>' Orientation: '<76.312584, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith2' Position: '<1070.641113, 466.128967, 14599.239258>' Orientation: '<76.312584, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith2' Position: '<1069.298218, 466.099915, 14592.305664>' Orientation: '<76.312584, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith2' Position: '<1068.659058, 466.066376, 14585.124023>' Orientation: '<76.312584, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith2' Position: '<1074.321899, 466.113922, 14613.588867>' Orientation: '<76.312584, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith2' Position: '<1106.439941, 469.341248, 14618.359375>' Orientation: '<144.549774, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith2' Position: '<1098.672363, 469.343079, 14618.046875>' Orientation: '<144.549774, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith2' Position: '<1091.743652, 469.313629, 14616.728516>' Orientation: '<144.549774, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith2' Position: '<1084.833374, 469.280090, 14614.655273>' Orientation: '<144.549774, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith2' Position: '<1113.369751, 469.327637, 14619.952148>' Orientation: '<144.549774, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith2' Position: '<1124.794922, 468.908905, 14614.448242>' Orientation: '<1.075840, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith2' Position: '<1131.222168, 468.910736, 14610.074219>' Orientation: '<1.075840, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith2' Position: '<1137.577148, 468.881287, 14607.008789>' Orientation: '<1.075840, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith2' Position: '<1144.361206, 468.847748, 14604.559570>' Orientation: '<1.075840, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith2' Position: '<1118.276855, 468.895294, 14617.291016>' Orientation: '<1.075919, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith2' Position: '<1170.232544, 468.715149, 14596.580078>' Orientation: '<169.859985, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith2' Position: '<1163.075806, 468.716980, 14599.620117>' Orientation: '<169.859985, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith2' Position: '<1156.248169, 468.687531, 14601.389648>' Orientation: '<169.859985, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith2' Position: '<1149.114136, 468.653992, 14602.471680>' Orientation: '<169.859985, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith2' Position: '<1177.175049, 468.701538, 14595.057617>' Orientation: '<169.859985, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith2' Position: '<1195.815430, 467.825500, 14574.751953>' Orientation: '<-155.050156, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith2' Position: '<1191.709106, 467.827332, 14581.350586>' Orientation: '<-155.050156, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith2' Position: '<1187.138428, 467.797882, 14586.721680>' Orientation: '<-155.050156, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith2' Position: '<1181.923340, 467.764343, 14591.708008>' Orientation: '<-155.050156, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith2' Position: '<1200.623535, 467.811890, 14569.514648>' Orientation: '<-155.050156, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith2' Position: '<1188.928223, 470.494019, 14538.934570>' Orientation: '<-93.154053, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith2' Position: '<1192.814575, 470.495850, 14545.666016>' Orientation: '<-93.153999, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith2' Position: '<1195.404297, 470.466400, 14552.230469>' Orientation: '<-93.154053, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith2' Position: '<1197.343750, 470.432861, 14559.180664>' Orientation: '<-93.154053, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith2' Position: '<1186.574341, 470.480408, 14532.226563>' Orientation: '<-93.154053, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith2' Position: '<1130.181885, 466.204193, 14537.861328>' Orientation: '<1.075919, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith2' Position: '<1136.610962, 466.206024, 14533.486328>' Orientation: '<1.075919, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith2' Position: '<1142.967041, 466.176575, 14530.423828>' Orientation: '<1.075919, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith2' Position: '<1149.750977, 466.143036, 14527.977539>' Orientation: '<1.075919, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith2' Position: '<1123.666748, 466.190582, 14540.704102>' Orientation: '<1.075840, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith2' Position: '<1160.999756, 470.034149, 14523.429688>' Orientation: '<-31.083868, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith2' Position: '<1168.771729, 470.032043, 14523.149414>' Orientation: '<-31.083899, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith2' Position: '<1175.779053, 470.006531, 14523.930664>' Orientation: '<-31.083868, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith2' Position: '<1182.828613, 469.972992, 14525.474609>' Orientation: '<-31.083872, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith2' Position: '<1153.975342, 470.020538, 14522.371094>' Orientation: '<-31.083868, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_wallh3' Position: '<1178.437500, 475.506409, 14535.136719>' Orientation: '<-13.261131, -40.477535, 0.999994>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_wallh3' Position: '<1157.975586, 474.665466, 14531.983398>' Orientation: '<17.101337, -40.464390, 0.999991>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_wallh3' Position: '<1134.900024, 472.595795, 14539.852539>' Orientation: '<36.174488, -40.462238, 0.999989>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_wallh3' Position: '<1114.326538, 471.612091, 14548.428711>' Orientation: '<20.323946, -40.445358, 0.999984>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_wallh3' Position: '<1096.011108, 471.490967, 14559.047852>' Orientation: '<49.526798, -40.457516, 0.999984>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_wallh3' Position: '<1079.784546, 470.945953, 14577.463867>' Orientation: '<69.147606, -40.339317, 0.999966>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_wallh3' Position: '<1077.491943, 470.803284, 14596.930664>' Orientation: '<108.398407, -40.457359, 0.999982>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_wallh3' Position: '<1090.414673, 472.169861, 14608.606445>' Orientation: '<160.936111, -40.470234, 0.999992>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_wallh3' Position: '<1115.307251, 473.403931, 14610.954102>' Orientation: '<-151.783508, -40.425018, 0.999972>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_wallh3' Position: '<1136.757568, 473.326324, 14601.997070>' Orientation: '<-151.783508, -40.424160, 0.999971>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_wallh3' Position: '<1156.669067, 473.466064, 14594.328125>' Orientation: '<-165.538895, -40.404739, 0.999960>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_wallh3' Position: '<1174.686035, 473.037659, 14586.705078>' Orientation: '<-151.783508, -40.424160, 0.999971>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_wallh3' Position: '<1190.360229, 473.333313, 14572.376953>' Orientation: '<-110.696823, -40.401009, 0.999965>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_wallh2' Position: '<1115.800903, 472.139282, 14599.644531>' Orientation: '<-64.229164, 0.000000, 90.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_wallh2' Position: '<1105.201050, 473.639282, 14579.539063>' Orientation: '<118.470947, 0.000000, 90.499985>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_wallh2' Position: '<1099.887573, 473.639282, 14567.139648>' Orientation: '<125.470871, 0.000000, 90.499985>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_wallh2' Position: '<1171.261475, 472.139282, 14578.121094>' Orientation: '<-64.229164, 0.000000, 90.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_wallh2' Position: '<1158.355469, 472.142822, 14560.178711>' Orientation: '<-64.229164, 0.000000, 90.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_wallh3' Position: '<1200.283203, 467.725922, 14546.129883>' Orientation: '<-61.577179, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Mine_Heap' Position: '<1169.537842, 477.109406, 14535.632813>' Orientation: '<1.075840, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_b_betulapendula_1f' Position: '<1106.346680, 460.460632, 14528.113281>' Orientation: '<1.075919, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_1fb' Position: '<1095.797607, 462.313293, 14534.209961>' Orientation: '<1.075919, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_2s' Position: '<1201.458008, 471.421539, 14530.592773>' Orientation: '<1.075840, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_3s' Position: '<1212.957520, 474.369263, 14562.231445>' Orientation: '<-98.545532, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_2fc' Position: '<1211.801758, 468.671967, 14552.682617>' Orientation: '<1.075840, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_1fb' Position: '<1068.422974, 465.776825, 14563.730469>' Orientation: '<1.075840, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wreck_Ural' Position: '<1217.592163, 455.543060, 14528.369141>' Orientation: '<158.473007, -0.099996, -1.800000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith1' Position: '<1212.932739, 453.375763, 14576.203125>' Orientation: '<-14.661663, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_apart2' Position: '<1166.764526, 470.255341, 14520.620117>' Orientation: '<-35.743492, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_apart2' Position: '<1183.739136, 455.189087, 14505.862305>' Orientation: '<-66.792702, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_apart2' Position: '<1169.377075, 455.966675, 14506.103516>' Orientation: '<1.075914, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_apart2' Position: '<1124.296509, 461.678009, 14528.460938>' Orientation: '<1.075914, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_wallh2' Position: '<1151.687378, 471.408142, 14542.160156>' Orientation: '<-64.229179, 0.000000, 90.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Roadblock_Bags_Long' Position: '<1213.682129, 454.417572, 14525.470703>' Orientation: '<-149.644745, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Roadblock_Bags_Long' Position: '<1212.087646, 454.419769, 14522.720703>' Orientation: '<-149.644745, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Roadblock_Bags_Long' Position: '<1210.481689, 454.414734, 14519.986328>' Orientation: '<-149.644745, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Roadblock_Bags_Long' Position: '<1207.948730, 454.384827, 14518.489258>' Orientation: '<87.493576, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Roadblock_Pillbox' Position: '<1203.947510, 455.133850, 14518.814453>' Orientation: '<120.627243, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Roadblock_CncBlocks_short' Position: '<1219.844360, 454.864746, 14532.942383>' Orientation: '<-140.475311, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Roadblock_CncBlocks_Long' Position: '<1219.132202, 454.889313, 14535.807617>' Orientation: '<30.401987, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Roadblock_Bags_Long' Position: '<1232.836914, 454.461639, 14546.454102>' Orientation: '<-152.501389, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Roadblock_Bags_Long' Position: '<1231.383301, 454.463837, 14543.631836>' Orientation: '<-152.501266, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Roadblock_Bags_Long' Position: '<1229.915649, 454.458801, 14540.813477>' Orientation: '<-152.501389, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Roadblock_Bags_Long' Position: '<1227.457764, 454.428894, 14539.197266>' Orientation: '<84.636971, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Roadblock_Pillbox' Position: '<1223.448853, 455.237427, 14539.324219>' Orientation: '<117.770393, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_roadblock_bags_endr' Position: '<1235.059814, 454.681091, 14552.997070>' Orientation: '<-62.365448, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Roadblock_CncBlocks_Long' Position: '<1226.691895, 454.762238, 14559.306641>' Orientation: '<118.247139, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Roadblock_Bags_Curve' Position: '<1233.617798, 455.132050, 14555.572266>' Orientation: '<130.463196, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_roadblock_pillbox' Position: '<1222.269897, 455.180786, 14563.140625>' Orientation: '<-27.250179, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Mil_Tower_Small' Position: '<1210.939941, 458.025757, 14526.651367>' Orientation: '<120.921707, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Mil_Tower_Small' Position: '<1222.127808, 457.933655, 14548.811523>' Orientation: '<120.921707, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Dead_pile1' Position: '<1213.180542, 454.491333, 14519.604492>' Orientation: '<1.075917, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Dead_pile1' Position: '<1218.296143, 454.541626, 14523.348633>' Orientation: '<1.075914, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Dead_pile4' Position: '<1217.099731, 454.522400, 14522.209961>' Orientation: '<1.075917, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_misc_barbedwire' Position: '<1214.292480, 455.048828, 14517.287109>' Orientation: '<160.768677, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_misc_barbedwire' Position: '<1225.416016, 453.676575, 14569.813477>' Orientation: '<41.643082, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_2fc' Position: '<1229.250854, 458.855438, 14582.167969>' Orientation: '<1.075914, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_3s' Position: '<1233.407959, 460.735474, 14597.449219>' Orientation: '<1.075840, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_apart2' Position: '<1089.678833, 454.320923, 14645.014648>' Orientation: '<1.075914, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_apart2' Position: '<1123.077637, 454.049316, 14634.506836>' Orientation: '<1.075914, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_apart2' Position: '<1167.964600, 454.547424, 14633.420898>' Orientation: '<1.075914, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_apart2' Position: '<1139.112427, 467.984528, 14615.940430>' Orientation: '<1.075914, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_apart2' Position: '<1125.579224, 473.464722, 14615.400391>' Orientation: '<1.075914, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_3s' Position: '<1146.074341, 463.835693, 14653.276367>' Orientation: '<1.075840, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_WoodenCrate_5x' Position: '<1210.634155, 455.136200, 14548.789063>' Orientation: '<-67.981720, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_Pipes' Position: '<1210.711304, 454.682312, 14545.879883>' Orientation: '<-42.355686, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_WoodenCrate' Position: '<1209.648682, 454.399017, 14547.456055>' Orientation: '<25.777548, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Garbage_Pile3' Position: '<1208.967285, 454.546356, 14546.078125>' Orientation: '<178.752563, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_bright_monolith2' Position: '<1080.287476, 470.157135, 14611.213867>' Orientation: '<1.075914, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_Pallets3' Position: '<1206.093262, 454.833618, 14532.914063>' Orientation: '<-94.641861, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Container_1Mo' Position: '<1140.125732, 455.456879, 14573.875000>' Orientation: '<-86.284706, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_IndCnc_4_D' Position: '<1276.597534, 455.050140, 14469.286133>' Orientation: '<-64.773102, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_IndCnc_4_D' Position: '<1279.119385, 455.032440, 14474.629883>' Orientation: '<-64.773102, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_IndCnc_4' Position: '<1281.576172, 454.961151, 14480.022461>' Orientation: '<-64.574364, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_IndCnc_4' Position: '<1284.215576, 454.988373, 14485.300781>' Orientation: '<-62.117622, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_IndCnc_4' Position: '<1286.944824, 455.052490, 14490.511719>' Orientation: '<-62.964718, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_IndCnc_4' Position: '<1289.616455, 455.009460, 14495.802734>' Orientation: '<-62.964718, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_IndCnc_Pole' Position: '<1290.989502, 455.003998, 14498.555664>' Orientation: '<117.116417, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_IndCnc_4' Position: '<1300.581665, 454.829407, 14519.103516>' Orientation: '<-63.386482, 0.000000, 1.900000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_IndCnc_4' Position: '<1297.962158, 454.932373, 14513.769531>' Orientation: '<-63.369297, 0.000000, 0.700000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_IndCnc_4' Position: '<1295.328003, 454.911926, 14508.428711>' Orientation: '<-63.369377, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_IndCnc_4' Position: '<1303.182129, 454.536591, 14524.369141>' Orientation: '<-64.021385, 0.000000, 3.199999>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_IndCnc_4' Position: '<1305.722168, 454.298309, 14529.668945>' Orientation: '<-64.021385, 0.000000, 2.099999>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_IndCnc_4_D' Position: '<1306.526733, 454.177490, 14535.239258>' Orientation: '<-99.998039, 0.000000, 0.999971>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_IndCnc_Pole' Position: '<1306.057129, 454.129028, 14538.300781>' Orientation: '<82.045135, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panels_Concrete' Position: '<1301.133911, 454.508362, 14498.375000>' Orientation: '<-64.188126, -1.476985, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panels_Concrete' Position: '<1290.042114, 454.244781, 14503.769531>' Orientation: '<-64.151718, -1.068402, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panels_Concrete' Position: '<1278.961670, 454.222992, 14509.156250>' Orientation: '<-64.151718, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panels_Concrete' Position: '<1267.921265, 454.202362, 14514.603516>' Orientation: '<-64.151718, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1' Position: '<1282.224854, 454.152832, 14514.499023>' Orientation: '<25.702076, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1' Position: '<1284.898804, 454.143402, 14520.047852>' Orientation: '<25.702076, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1' Position: '<1287.605957, 454.118713, 14525.578125>' Orientation: '<25.702076, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1' Position: '<1290.359375, 454.057312, 14531.139648>' Orientation: '<25.702076, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Mil_Barracks2' Position: '<1279.942993, 455.571472, 14521.585938>' Orientation: '<116.370834, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Mil_Barracks2' Position: '<1289.535889, 455.570404, 14516.799805>' Orientation: '<116.370834, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1' Position: '<1293.178223, 454.072266, 14529.798828>' Orientation: '<25.702076, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1' Position: '<1296.000366, 454.022400, 14528.326172>' Orientation: '<25.702076, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1' Position: '<1287.497070, 454.139160, 14532.492188>' Orientation: '<25.702076, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1' Position: '<1284.717896, 454.159668, 14533.856445>' Orientation: '<25.702076, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1' Position: '<1281.888306, 454.172485, 14535.163086>' Orientation: '<25.702076, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1' Position: '<1293.004761, 453.993469, 14536.675781>' Orientation: '<25.702076, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1' Position: '<1295.823608, 454.008423, 14535.334961>' Orientation: '<25.702076, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1' Position: '<1298.645752, 453.958557, 14533.862305>' Orientation: '<25.702076, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1' Position: '<1290.142456, 454.075317, 14538.028320>' Orientation: '<25.702076, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1' Position: '<1287.363281, 454.095825, 14539.392578>' Orientation: '<25.702076, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1' Position: '<1284.533691, 454.108643, 14540.699219>' Orientation: '<25.702076, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panels_Concrete' Position: '<1275.262085, 454.229950, 14503.955078>' Orientation: '<-64.151718, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panels_Concrete' Position: '<1264.221680, 454.209320, 14509.402344>' Orientation: '<-64.151711, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Mil_ControlTower' Position: '<1283.268799, 462.190826, 14498.134766>' Orientation: '<27.224970, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_IndCnc_4' Position: '<1303.424805, 454.105286, 14539.762695>' Orientation: '<27.443058, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_IndCnc_4' Position: '<1298.225098, 454.116760, 14542.495117>' Orientation: '<27.443058, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_IndCnc_4_D' Position: '<1292.916382, 454.216400, 14545.285156>' Orientation: '<25.982475, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_IndCnc_4_D' Position: '<1287.736328, 454.207458, 14547.843750>' Orientation: '<25.982471, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Ruin_Rubble' Position: '<1282.665527, 453.811310, 14552.332031>' Orientation: '<-58.034920, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Ruin_Wall' Position: '<1277.687256, 454.371124, 14552.682617>' Orientation: '<26.504539, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Tisy_Garages3' Position: '<1268.575073, 454.260040, 14493.809570>' Orientation: '<-154.437897, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Mil_Barracks5' Position: '<1242.618042, 460.081177, 14509.138672>' Orientation: '<25.677059, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panels_Concrete' Position: '<1256.790894, 454.195099, 14520.042969>' Orientation: '<-64.151711, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panels_Concrete' Position: '<1253.091309, 454.202057, 14514.841797>' Orientation: '<-64.151711, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panels_Concrete' Position: '<1245.662720, 454.200836, 14525.413086>' Orientation: '<-64.151711, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panels_Concrete' Position: '<1241.963135, 454.207794, 14520.211914>' Orientation: '<-64.151711, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panels_Concrete' Position: '<1234.575928, 454.204102, 14530.806641>' Orientation: '<-64.151711, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panels_Concrete' Position: '<1230.876343, 454.211060, 14525.605469>' Orientation: '<-64.151711, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_IndCnc_4' Position: '<1255.637817, 454.819061, 14564.199219>' Orientation: '<-151.967239, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_IndCnc_4' Position: '<1260.805054, 454.830536, 14561.408203>' Orientation: '<-151.967239, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_IndCnc_4_D' Position: '<1266.084595, 454.930176, 14558.553711>' Orientation: '<-153.427765, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_IndCnc_4_D' Position: '<1271.238281, 454.921234, 14555.948242>' Orientation: '<-153.427109, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1' Position: '<1272.866821, 454.211182, 14519.091797>' Orientation: '<25.702076, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1' Position: '<1275.540771, 454.201752, 14524.640625>' Orientation: '<25.702076, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1' Position: '<1278.247925, 454.177063, 14530.170898>' Orientation: '<25.702076, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_IndCnc_4' Position: '<1272.582764, 455.033722, 14468.130859>' Orientation: '<27.443058, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_IndCnc_4' Position: '<1267.383057, 455.045197, 14470.863281>' Orientation: '<27.443058, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_IndCnc_4_D' Position: '<1262.074341, 455.144836, 14473.653320>' Orientation: '<25.982471, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_IndCnc_4_D' Position: '<1256.894287, 455.135895, 14476.211914>' Orientation: '<25.982470, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Ruin_Rubble' Position: '<1251.823486, 454.739746, 14480.700195>' Orientation: '<-58.034920, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Ruin_Wall' Position: '<1246.845215, 455.299561, 14481.050781>' Orientation: '<26.504541, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_IndCnc_4' Position: '<1224.795776, 455.038361, 14492.567383>' Orientation: '<-151.967239, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_IndCnc_4' Position: '<1229.963013, 455.049835, 14489.776367>' Orientation: '<-151.967239, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_IndCnc_4_D' Position: '<1235.242554, 455.149475, 14486.921875>' Orientation: '<-153.427765, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_IndCnc_4_D' Position: '<1240.396240, 455.140533, 14484.316406>' Orientation: '<-153.427109, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_IndCnc_4' Position: '<1203.805298, 454.986542, 14503.522461>' Orientation: '<-151.967239, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_IndCnc_4' Position: '<1208.972534, 454.998016, 14500.731445>' Orientation: '<-151.967239, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_IndCnc_4_D' Position: '<1214.252075, 455.097656, 14497.876953>' Orientation: '<-153.427765, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_IndCnc_4_D' Position: '<1219.405762, 455.088715, 14495.271484>' Orientation: '<-153.427109, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_IndCnc_4_D' Position: '<1200.045410, 455.024902, 14507.564453>' Orientation: '<-113.845810, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_IndCnc_4_D' Position: '<1197.645996, 454.995026, 14512.933594>' Orientation: '<-113.845810, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Ruin_Rubble' Position: '<1194.992676, 454.816132, 14518.466797>' Orientation: '<-7.118075, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_IndCnc_Pole' Position: '<1196.405396, 455.082062, 14515.610352>' Orientation: '<160.918488, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_IndCnc_4' Position: '<1234.785156, 454.850037, 14575.239258>' Orientation: '<-151.967239, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_IndCnc_4' Position: '<1239.952393, 454.861511, 14572.448242>' Orientation: '<-151.967239, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_IndCnc_4_D' Position: '<1245.231934, 454.961151, 14569.593750>' Orientation: '<-153.427765, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_IndCnc_4_D' Position: '<1250.385620, 454.952209, 14566.988281>' Orientation: '<-153.427109, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_IndCnc_4' Position: '<1223.500977, 454.825623, 14574.661133>' Orientation: '<167.212769, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_IndCnc_4' Position: '<1229.234863, 454.837097, 14575.926758>' Orientation: '<167.212769, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Power_Station' Position: '<1257.667847, 456.625946, 14529.593750>' Orientation: '<114.430283, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_3s' Position: '<1283.962646, 463.278992, 14547.158203>' Orientation: '<-98.545532, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_3s' Position: '<1301.392212, 463.529877, 14526.998047>' Orientation: '<-98.545532, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_3s' Position: '<1273.987061, 464.050598, 14469.366211>' Orientation: '<-98.545532, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_3s' Position: '<1223.940186, 463.889313, 14497.991211>' Orientation: '<-98.545532, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_3s' Position: '<1235.697510, 463.886566, 14490.413086>' Orientation: '<-98.545532, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_3s' Position: '<1235.955688, 463.796722, 14549.263672>' Orientation: '<-98.545532, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_2fc' Position: '<1273.002441, 461.318542, 14552.710938>' Orientation: '<1.075840, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_2fc' Position: '<1247.793579, 460.194672, 14558.154297>' Orientation: '<1.075840, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_2fc' Position: '<1257.980713, 460.973755, 14544.329102>' Orientation: '<1.075840, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_1fb' Position: '<1211.758667, 456.537231, 14514.637695>' Orientation: '<1.075840, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_1fb' Position: '<1223.479736, 456.523163, 14523.852539>' Orientation: '<1.075840, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_1fb' Position: '<1273.883301, 456.514923, 14531.774414>' Orientation: '<1.075840, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_1fb' Position: '<1276.884521, 456.493164, 14541.118164>' Orientation: '<1.075840, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_1fb' Position: '<1267.695313, 456.511475, 14540.177734>' Orientation: '<1.075840, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_1fb' Position: '<1252.844482, 456.509766, 14550.123047>' Orientation: '<1.075840, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_1fb' Position: '<1246.816772, 456.524475, 14537.313477>' Orientation: '<1.075840, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_1fb' Position: '<1243.043945, 456.524933, 14544.684570>' Orientation: '<1.075840, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_1fb' Position: '<1247.679077, 456.523285, 14544.169922>' Orientation: '<1.075840, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panels_Concrete' Position: '<1223.377441, 454.194824, 14536.255859>' Orientation: '<-64.151711, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panels_Concrete' Position: '<1219.677856, 454.201782, 14531.054688>' Orientation: '<-64.151711, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panels_Concrete' Position: '<1212.203003, 454.194794, 14541.692383>' Orientation: '<-64.151711, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panels_Concrete' Position: '<1208.503418, 454.201752, 14536.491211>' Orientation: '<-64.151711, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Garbage_Pile3' Position: '<1211.761230, 454.470947, 14550.455078>' Orientation: '<178.752563, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Garbage_Pile3' Position: '<1203.563232, 454.529816, 14535.083008>' Orientation: '<178.752563, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_Pallets3' Position: '<1204.674805, 454.966248, 14536.583008>' Orientation: '<-151.976379, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_Pallets3' Position: '<1205.750732, 455.080688, 14538.087891>' Orientation: '<-94.641861, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_3s' Position: '<1054.379517, 463.377045, 14660.328125>' Orientation: '<0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_3s' Position: '<1023.712830, 463.343201, 14662.078125>' Orientation: '<0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_3s' Position: '<1040.437256, 463.608948, 14620.097656>' Orientation: '<0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_3s' Position: '<1008.897766, 463.584717, 14632.075195>' Orientation: '<0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_3s' Position: '<985.687378, 463.366028, 14665.835938>' Orientation: '<0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_3s' Position: '<1025.994995, 463.608948, 14606.055664>' Orientation: '<0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_3s' Position: '<1025.979492, 463.597870, 14631.796875>' Orientation: '<0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_3s' Position: '<946.594238, 463.852966, 14689.647461>' Orientation: '<0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_3s' Position: '<975.614380, 463.394684, 14625.780273>' Orientation: '<0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_3s' Position: '<961.631470, 463.480255, 14650.583984>' Orientation: '<0.000000, 0.000000, 0.305640>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_3s' Position: '<968.845764, 463.732391, 14665.905273>' Orientation: '<0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_3s' Position: '<954.030701, 463.973907, 14635.902344>' Orientation: '<0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_3s' Position: '<930.820313, 463.755219, 14669.663086>' Orientation: '<0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_3s' Position: '<891.727173, 464.242157, 14693.474609>' Orientation: '<0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_3s' Position: '<920.747314, 463.783875, 14629.607422>' Orientation: '<0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_3s' Position: '<906.764404, 463.869446, 14654.411133>' Orientation: '<0.000000, 0.000000, 0.305640>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_3s' Position: '<934.291626, 464.306885, 14722.808594>' Orientation: '<-12.588869, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_3s' Position: '<926.371704, 464.548401, 14690.297852>' Orientation: '<-12.588863, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_3s' Position: '<896.360474, 464.329712, 14718.189453>' Orientation: '<-12.588853, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_3s' Position: '<853.015869, 464.816650, 14732.907227>' Orientation: '<-12.588863, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_3s' Position: '<895.260742, 464.358368, 14676.903320>' Orientation: '<-12.588869, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_3s' Position: '<876.205444, 464.443939, 14698.060547>' Orientation: '<-12.588807, 0.000000, 0.305640>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_3f' Position: '<990.356995, 465.031464, 14629.634766>' Orientation: '<0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_3fb' Position: '<987.338745, 464.545197, 14615.858398>' Orientation: '<0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_2s' Position: '<1003.089722, 461.234192, 14611.176758>' Orientation: '<0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_2s' Position: '<1003.238831, 460.985321, 14661.890625>' Orientation: '<0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_2s' Position: '<995.725647, 461.065491, 14640.456055>' Orientation: '<0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_2s' Position: '<993.802734, 461.029999, 14703.418945>' Orientation: '<0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_2s' Position: '<959.733521, 461.178955, 14703.055664>' Orientation: '<0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_2s' Position: '<992.795166, 461.031738, 14675.486328>' Orientation: '<0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_2s' Position: '<953.072144, 461.167969, 14674.787109>' Orientation: '<0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_2s' Position: '<934.488159, 461.180603, 14642.608398>' Orientation: '<0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_2s' Position: '<913.100952, 461.920532, 14703.975586>' Orientation: '<0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_1f' Position: '<909.927063, 460.018890, 14676.753906>' Orientation: '<0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_3fb' Position: '<936.355957, 465.144592, 14707.430664>' Orientation: '<0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_3fc' Position: '<914.183716, 464.657867, 14726.829102>' Orientation: '<0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_3fc' Position: '<901.903381, 464.784088, 14706.599609>' Orientation: '<0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_3s' Position: '<972.699402, 463.273102, 14724.597656>' Orientation: '<0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_3s' Position: '<1014.117432, 459.983887, 14724.682617>' Orientation: '<0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_3s' Position: '<1061.102051, 461.278168, 14712.104492>' Orientation: '<0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_3s' Position: '<1027.904053, 463.391571, 14682.526367>' Orientation: '<0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_3s' Position: '<980.824402, 463.384094, 14687.815430>' Orientation: '<0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_3s' Position: '<936.903503, 463.508881, 14744.559570>' Orientation: '<0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_3s' Position: '<908.452637, 464.263672, 14738.459961>' Orientation: '<0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_3s' Position: '<911.927673, 462.175842, 14764.636719>' Orientation: '<0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_3s' Position: '<867.085999, 465.585999, 14758.608398>' Orientation: '<0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_3s' Position: '<880.141235, 464.416748, 14733.710938>' Orientation: '<0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_3s' Position: '<887.645447, 464.517883, 14757.951172>' Orientation: '<0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_3s' Position: '<850.753418, 464.404877, 14707.599609>' Orientation: '<0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_3s' Position: '<860.569153, 464.388947, 14680.197266>' Orientation: '<0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_3s' Position: '<879.248352, 464.388031, 14661.809570>' Orientation: '<0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_3s' Position: '<1073.905762, 462.554108, 14668.233398>' Orientation: '<0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_3s' Position: '<1366.198975, 465.320557, 14453.196289>' Orientation: '<0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_3s' Position: '<1357.013550, 467.348145, 14441.166016>' Orientation: '<0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_3s' Position: '<1349.973145, 465.814453, 14456.762695>' Orientation: '<0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_3s' Position: '<1336.542236, 466.041687, 14453.890625>' Orientation: '<0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_3fb' Position: '<1334.294434, 465.865204, 14470.416992>' Orientation: '<0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_2fc' Position: '<1375.834961, 462.913513, 14476.817383>' Orientation: '<0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_3f' Position: '<1364.198608, 467.087341, 14483.559570>' Orientation: '<0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_3fb' Position: '<1373.814087, 466.817810, 14490.153320>' Orientation: '<0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_3fc' Position: '<1354.791992, 465.438019, 14494.092773>' Orientation: '<0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_3fb' Position: '<1349.637207, 465.447937, 14506.997070>' Orientation: '<0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_t_betulapendula_2s' Position: '<1367.407715, 462.624237, 14505.664063>' Orientation: '<0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Roadblock_Bags_Long' Position: '<1390.650024, 467.876007, 14445.299805>' Orientation: '<24.396498, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Roadblock_Bags_Long' Position: '<1392.027100, 467.835938, 14448.152344>' Orientation: '<24.396498, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Roadblock_Bags_Long' Position: '<1393.357666, 467.835938, 14451.010742>' Orientation: '<24.396498, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Roadblock_Bags_Long' Position: '<1389.402222, 467.787659, 14441.770508>' Orientation: '<24.396498, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Roadblock_Bags_Long' Position: '<1389.886597, 467.496826, 14441.529297>' Orientation: '<24.396498, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Underground_Panel_Lever' Position: '<1204.390015, 455.851990, 14539.599609>' Orientation: '<-61.209496, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Underground_Panel_Lever' Position: '<1202.760010, 456.127991, 14540.700195>' Orientation: '<-153.994003, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_IndFnc_9' Position: '<11978.537109, 140.497482, 12513.911133>' Orientation: '<-158.328003, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_IndFnc_9' Position: '<11986.840820, 140.436295, 12510.663086>' Orientation: '<-158.328003, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<11991.049805, 140.871460, 12465.714844>' Orientation: '<21.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<11996.076172, 140.876633, 12470.313477>' Orientation: '<21.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<11993.879883, 140.876175, 12464.648438>' Orientation: '<21.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<11993.246094, 140.871918, 12471.379883>' Orientation: '<21.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_IndFnc_9' Position: '<11961.650391, 140.497849, 12469.396484>' Orientation: '<-158.328003, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_IndFnc_9' Position: '<11969.954102, 140.436661, 12466.148438>' Orientation: '<-158.328003, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_IndFnc_9' Position: '<11978.269531, 140.421890, 12462.864258>' Orientation: '<-158.328003, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Mil_ATC_Small' Position: '<11972.099609, 150.176636, 12480.200195>' Orientation: '<110.327995, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<11978.188477, 140.868484, 12483.644531>' Orientation: '<21.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Workshop5' Position: '<11980.700195, 141.311005, 12503.200195>' Orientation: '<111.540977, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<11980.384766, 140.868942, 12489.309570>' Orientation: '<21.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<11995.383789, 140.871704, 12477.108398>' Orientation: '<21.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<11983.230469, 140.869339, 12488.227539>' Orientation: '<21.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<11981.034180, 140.868881, 12482.562500>' Orientation: '<21.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<11986.060547, 140.874054, 12487.161133>' Orientation: '<21.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<11983.864258, 140.873596, 12481.496094>' Orientation: '<21.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<12000.410156, 140.876877, 12481.707031>' Orientation: '<21.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<11998.213867, 140.876419, 12476.041992>' Orientation: '<21.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<11988.957031, 140.870514, 12486.066406>' Orientation: '<21.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<11992.436523, 140.875168, 12478.252930>' Orientation: '<21.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<11991.802734, 140.870911, 12484.984375>' Orientation: '<21.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<11989.606445, 140.870453, 12479.319336>' Orientation: '<21.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<11986.760742, 140.870056, 12480.401367>' Orientation: '<21.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<11994.632813, 140.875626, 12483.917969>' Orientation: '<21.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Garage_Row_Big' Position: '<12004.180664, 143.408813, 12470.741211>' Orientation: '<111.878990, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<11997.580078, 140.872162, 12482.773438>' Orientation: '<21.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<11985.272461, 140.870209, 12467.925781>' Orientation: '<21.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<11982.426758, 140.869812, 12469.007813>' Orientation: '<21.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<11990.298828, 140.875381, 12472.524414>' Orientation: '<21.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<11984.623047, 140.870270, 12474.672852>' Orientation: '<21.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<11988.102539, 140.874924, 12466.859375>' Orientation: '<21.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<11987.468750, 140.870667, 12473.590820>' Orientation: '<21.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<11979.519531, 140.865143, 12470.131836>' Orientation: '<21.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<11981.738281, 140.864441, 12475.800781>' Orientation: '<21.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<11999.026367, 140.946030, 12495.247070>' Orientation: '<21.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<11996.830078, 140.945572, 12489.582031>' Orientation: '<21.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<11999.777344, 140.942108, 12488.437500>' Orientation: '<21.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<12001.973633, 140.942566, 12494.102539>' Orientation: '<21.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Tank_Medium_Stairs' Position: '<11989.232422, 141.145905, 12499.857422>' Orientation: '<-68.544884, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Mil_GuardHouse3' Position: '<12008.703125, 141.318848, 12490.685547>' Orientation: '<21.016596, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Wall_Gate_Ind3' Position: '<12001.543945, 141.098068, 12497.193359>' Orientation: '<-158.513977, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_IndFnc_3_Hole' Position: '<11991.977539, 140.522400, 12507.465820>' Orientation: '<-113.390076, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_IndFnc_Pole' Position: '<11994.403320, 140.490524, 12502.681641>' Orientation: '<-110.765045, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_IndFnc_9' Position: '<11986.584961, 140.499680, 12459.590820>' Orientation: '<-158.328003, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_IndFnc_9' Position: '<11994.888672, 140.438492, 12456.342773>' Orientation: '<-158.328003, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_IndFnc_9' Position: '<12003.204102, 140.423721, 12453.058594>' Orientation: '<-158.328003, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_IndFnc_9' Position: '<12009.383789, 140.448593, 12454.941406>' Orientation: '<113.156456, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_IndFnc_9' Position: '<12012.865234, 140.526382, 12463.168945>' Orientation: '<113.156540, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_IndFnc_9' Position: '<12016.323242, 140.465195, 12471.388672>' Orientation: '<113.156677, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_IndFnc_9' Position: '<12019.829102, 140.450424, 12479.605469>' Orientation: '<113.156677, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_IndFnc_3_Hole' Position: '<12020.794922, 140.524353, 12485.375977>' Orientation: '<47.673359, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_IndFnc_Pole' Position: '<12016.950195, 140.492477, 12489.118164>' Orientation: '<50.298241, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_BoardsPack1' Position: '<12013.816406, 140.997711, 12481.905273>' Orientation: '<112.267982, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_Pipes' Position: '<11975.399414, 140.686203, 12498.224609>' Orientation: '<25.477217, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Mil_BlastCover1' Position: '<11975.886719, 140.315536, 12548.622070>' Orientation: '<22.078518, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wreck_BMP1' Position: '<11973.472656, 141.140976, 12546.626953>' Orientation: '<0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Mil_Tent_Big1_1' Position: '<11886.081055, 139.977661, 12587.475586>' Orientation: '<-21.812731, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Mil_Tent_Big2_2' Position: '<11901.200195, 142.018005, 12581.500000>' Orientation: '<22.296894, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Mil_Tent_Big1_4' Position: '<11919.559570, 140.038177, 12569.931641>' Orientation: '<97.002838, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Mil_Fortified_Nest_Watchtower' Position: '<11893.344727, 142.151108, 12574.931641>' Orientation: '<-66.451546, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Mil_HBarrier_6m' Position: '<11885.130859, 140.741653, 12575.918945>' Orientation: '<21.078537, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Mil_HBarrier_6m' Position: '<11878.661133, 140.697433, 12588.494141>' Orientation: '<-46.021465, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Mil_HBarrier_6m' Position: '<11896.117188, 140.702927, 12590.607422>' Orientation: '<21.078537, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Mil_HBarrier_6m' Position: '<11890.735352, 140.706650, 12592.692383>' Orientation: '<21.078537, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Mil_HBarrier_4m' Position: '<11882.129883, 140.608307, 12594.255859>' Orientation: '<-21.060020, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_CncBarrier_4Block' Position: '<11873.029297, 140.950256, 12595.299805>' Orientation: '<22.235493, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_BagFence_Round' Position: '<11929.595703, 140.372375, 12574.565430>' Orientation: '<68.562370, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_BagFence_3m' Position: '<11926.133789, 140.494644, 12578.007813>' Orientation: '<52.538830, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_BagFence_3m' Position: '<11928.716797, 140.494232, 12570.083984>' Orientation: '<115.992386, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Mil_HBarrier_6m' Position: '<11920.984375, 140.703308, 12580.977539>' Orientation: '<21.078537, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Mil_HBarrier_6m' Position: '<11907.097656, 140.703506, 12586.406250>' Orientation: '<21.078537, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Mil_HBarrier_6m' Position: '<11917.760742, 140.702255, 12562.500000>' Orientation: '<21.078539, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Mil_HBarrier_6m' Position: '<11912.328125, 140.704346, 12564.533203>' Orientation: '<21.078539, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Mil_HBarrier_6m' Position: '<11899.696289, 140.705093, 12569.831055>' Orientation: '<21.078539, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Mil_BlastCover4' Position: '<11915.795898, 140.000854, 12520.683594>' Orientation: '<-67.003693, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Garage_Office' Position: '<11886.784180, 143.817093, 12504.752930>' Orientation: '<-67.641685, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Garage_Small' Position: '<11877.710938, 141.245880, 12520.168945>' Orientation: '<22.990595, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Mil_CamoNet_Roof_east' Position: '<11939.995117, 141.290314, 12507.406250>' Orientation: '<-73.907188, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Mil_Fortified_Nest_Watchtower' Position: '<11952.190430, 142.138031, 12532.615234>' Orientation: '<114.457253, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Construction_House2' Position: '<11865.394531, 143.323944, 12489.827148>' Orientation: '<-67.284172, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_TinCom_9' Position: '<11895.757813, 140.548386, 12514.919922>' Orientation: '<113.341637, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_TinCom_3' Position: '<11893.475586, 140.581696, 12509.517578>' Orientation: '<-65.949821, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Mil_GuardTower' Position: '<11887.500000, 141.035995, 12517.900391>' Orientation: '<-66.910889, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Mil_Tent_Big2_4' Position: '<11942.891602, 142.112457, 12521.866211>' Orientation: '<113.311966, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_TinCom_9' Position: '<11880.267578, 140.548141, 12497.542969>' Orientation: '<-177.279251, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_TinCom_9' Position: '<11874.271484, 140.544769, 12493.514648>' Orientation: '<111.882874, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Garbage_Pile2' Position: '<11856.715820, 140.129044, 12494.171875>' Orientation: '<0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_TinCom_9' Position: '<11865.280273, 140.521652, 12527.822266>' Orientation: '<113.341637, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_TinCom_3' Position: '<11862.998047, 140.554962, 12522.419922>' Orientation: '<-65.949821, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_TinCom_3' Position: '<11858.325195, 140.554169, 12511.583008>' Orientation: '<-65.949821, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_TinCom_9' Position: '<11860.607422, 140.520859, 12516.985352>' Orientation: '<113.341637, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Shed_W5' Position: '<11865.648438, 141.497147, 12520.123047>' Orientation: '<-156.697952, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Garbage_Pile4' Position: '<11868.522461, 140.000244, 12529.438477>' Orientation: '<-108.724648, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Container_1Mo' Position: '<11921.661133, 141.165909, 12523.095703>' Orientation: '<30.865934, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Mil_Tent_Big2_1' Position: '<11933.200195, 142.018616, 12495.400391>' Orientation: '<-67.185921, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Mil_CamoNet_Roof_east' Position: '<11927.254883, 141.103378, 12480.041992>' Orientation: '<125.455818, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Mil_Tent_Big1_1' Position: '<11954.756836, 140.018280, 12558.829102>' Orientation: '<24.320250, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Mil_HBarrier_Round' Position: '<11945.592773, 140.688019, 12555.105469>' Orientation: '<83.599411, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Mil_HBarrier_4m' Position: '<11956.954102, 140.554108, 12547.216797>' Orientation: '<24.279638, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Mil_HBarrier_4m' Position: '<11948.195313, 140.638702, 12551.362305>' Orientation: '<24.279638, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Mil_HBarrier_4m' Position: '<11948.393555, 140.646133, 12568.261719>' Orientation: '<165.137894, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Mil_HBarrier_6m' Position: '<11957.783203, 140.796310, 12565.636719>' Orientation: '<20.561108, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_Razorwire' Position: '<11944.336914, 140.644073, 12563.209961>' Orientation: '<108.284752, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_misc_woodencrate_3x' Position: '<11947.486328, 140.651733, 12565.843750>' Orientation: '<82.458496, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Mil_Tower_Small' Position: '<11949.750977, 143.784012, 12565.020508>' Orientation: '<29.157633, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_ammoboxes_big' Position: '<11961.026367, 140.868271, 12556.167969>' Orientation: '<-64.097725, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Mil_CamoNet_Side_east' Position: '<11961.356445, 140.912582, 12555.287109>' Orientation: '<118.715965, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_WoodenCrate_3x' Position: '<11923.066406, 140.649338, 12478.510742>' Orientation: '<0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_WoodenCrate_5x' Position: '<11924.749023, 140.936340, 12476.552734>' Orientation: '<109.888290, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Container_1Mo' Position: '<11881.324219, 141.202972, 12419.304688>' Orientation: '<23.751223, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Mil_HBarrier_6m' Position: '<12021.918945, 140.678024, 12521.833008>' Orientation: '<23.856636, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Mil_HBarrier_4m' Position: '<12034.722656, 140.614166, 12526.531250>' Orientation: '<109.007523, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Mil_HBarrier_Round' Position: '<12025.616211, 140.705811, 12535.363281>' Orientation: '<-149.877777, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Mil_Tent_Big1_2' Position: '<12023.903320, 140.000504, 12528.395508>' Orientation: '<110.800804, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Mil_Tent_Big1_3' Position: '<12006.135742, 140.000748, 12539.952148>' Orientation: '<25.232443, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Mil_Fortified_Nest_Watchtower' Position: '<12019.342773, 142.127182, 12539.976563>' Orientation: '<111.565704, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Roadblock_Bags_Curve' Position: '<11996.883789, 140.377075, 12547.539063>' Orientation: '<54.279598, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Roadblock_Bags_Long' Position: '<12000.875977, 139.381561, 12547.186523>' Orientation: '<115.789421, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_roadblock_cncblocks_long' Position: '<12000.771484, 140.648315, 12522.145508>' Orientation: '<18.171206, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Roadblock_Bags_Long' Position: '<11995.243164, 139.587036, 12543.711914>' Orientation: '<15.123999, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_Barbedwire' Position: '<11993.126953, 140.849106, 12535.286133>' Orientation: '<69.978668, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_Range_Roof' Position: '<12011.097656, 141.288696, 12527.967773>' Orientation: '<24.392012, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_WoodenCrate_5x' Position: '<12008.783203, 140.925140, 12529.212891>' Orientation: '<114.048973, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_WoodenCrate_3x' Position: '<12012.813477, 140.635757, 12527.410156>' Orientation: '<0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Rubble_DirtPile_Large' Position: '<11995.910156, 140.612488, 12536.411133>' Orientation: '<0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_Cnc_5' Position: '<8199.121094, 471.012543, 9067.896484>' Orientation: '<64.799950, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_IndCncH_5' Position: '<8201.488281, 472.983582, 9072.049805>' Orientation: '<-24.623688, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_Cnc_5' Position: '<8200.855469, 471.020020, 9074.007813>' Orientation: '<154.800034, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Container_1Mo' Position: '<8202.212891, 475.176239, 9101.618164>' Orientation: '<-25.199974, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<8197.383789, 474.866150, 9111.276367>' Orientation: '<66.599892, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<8180.941406, 474.932983, 9088.846680>' Orientation: '<154.799881, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<8174.281738, 474.870514, 9082.464844>' Orientation: '<154.799881, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<8172.070313, 474.862549, 9086.961914>' Orientation: '<154.058624, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<8179.027832, 474.842560, 9107.153320>' Orientation: '<-117.021286, -0.037095, 0.042946>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<8170.041504, 474.876038, 9091.173828>' Orientation: '<154.799896, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Mil_Tent_Big1_1' Position: '<8176.200684, 474.070374, 9086.618164>' Orientation: '<-115.199921, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<8176.297363, 474.899536, 9078.199219>' Orientation: '<154.799896, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<8177.834473, 474.886444, 9078.992188>' Orientation: '<62.999947, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<8183.069336, 474.914246, 9081.649414>' Orientation: '<62.999947, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<8188.316406, 474.909027, 9084.322266>' Orientation: '<62.999947, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<8191.882324, 474.857422, 9086.100586>' Orientation: '<62.999947, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<8191.253906, 474.890991, 9090.689453>' Orientation: '<-25.200058, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<8188.811523, 474.885590, 9096.028320>' Orientation: '<-25.200058, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<8183.443848, 474.850983, 9097.084961>' Orientation: '<-115.200058, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<8178.116211, 474.886169, 9094.738281>' Orientation: '<-113.400047, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<8172.745117, 474.869171, 9092.272461>' Orientation: '<-115.200058, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<8186.402344, 474.851563, 9101.208984>' Orientation: '<-25.200014, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<8183.861816, 474.845123, 9106.563477>' Orientation: '<-25.200014, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<8184.156250, 474.854950, 9109.427734>' Orientation: '<-116.999947, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Mil_Tent_Big1_5' Position: '<8182.593750, 474.040039, 9075.559570>' Orientation: '<154.799911, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<8184.841309, 474.867432, 9111.451172>' Orientation: '<153.000061, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<8191.330078, 474.845306, 9100.895508>' Orientation: '<64.799950, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<8196.636719, 474.862091, 9103.386719>' Orientation: '<64.799950, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<8200.415039, 474.848785, 9105.226563>' Orientation: '<-25.200058, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<8197.913086, 474.844177, 9110.546875>' Orientation: '<-25.200100, -0.100000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<8202.950195, 474.878906, 9099.838867>' Orientation: '<-25.200102, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Mil_Tent_Big1_1' Position: '<8195.434570, 474.006714, 9115.925781>' Orientation: '<-21.895683, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<8193.405273, 474.881592, 9082.776367>' Orientation: '<152.999802, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<8182.142578, 474.869080, 9086.166016>' Orientation: '<-25.200058, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<8182.357422, 474.901855, 9089.139648>' Orientation: '<-115.200058, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<8186.924316, 474.873566, 9091.850586>' Orientation: '<-125.547546, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_monolith4' Position: '<8184.535645, 471.517548, 9072.465820>' Orientation: '<-142.798050, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'vbldr_rock_monolith4' Position: '<8182.149902, 471.597626, 9072.259766>' Orientation: '<-79.070999, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Container_1Mo' Position: '<8169.511230, 475.181030, 9100.556641>' Orientation: '<0.000000, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Container_1Mo' Position: '<8175.280273, 475.171326, 9100.364258>' Orientation: '<-35.999981, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Container_1Mo' Position: '<8188.869141, 475.217377, 9113.431641>' Orientation: '<-21.599968, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Water_Station' Position: '<8199.091797, 475.535309, 9100.250000>' Orientation: '<-24.044531, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Mil_CamoNet_Roof_east' Position: '<8238.433594, 470.970184, 9035.511719>' Orientation: '<61.193199, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Mil_GuardTower' Position: '<8248.796875, 475.303925, 9021.168945>' Orientation: '<-87.684357, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Roadblock_Table' Position: '<8236.881836, 469.688751, 9038.518555>' Orientation: '<79.193481, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Mil_Barracks5' Position: '<8227.208984, 475.193970, 9021.284180>' Orientation: '<61.200027, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_WoodenCrate_5x' Position: '<8239.519531, 470.236908, 9032.626953>' Orientation: '<-89.999954, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_WoodenCrate' Position: '<8239.720703, 469.558472, 9030.554688>' Orientation: '<44.999969, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_WoodenCrate_3x' Position: '<8237.959961, 469.948578, 9035.089844>' Orientation: '<36.000008, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Roadblock_WoodenCrate' Position: '<8236.669922, 470.499298, 9041.771484>' Orientation: '<-28.799997, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_WoodenCrate_5x' Position: '<8217.464844, 470.230164, 9034.550781>' Orientation: '<151.284714, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_BoxWooden' Position: '<8236.955078, 469.760681, 9036.736328>' Orientation: '<-3.600000, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Furniture_carpet_2_DZ' Position: '<8235.496094, 469.375092, 9038.357422>' Orientation: '<-16.199987, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Guardhouse' Position: '<8228.019531, 470.422272, 9052.280273>' Orientation: '<60.947872, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Misc_Scaffolding' Position: '<8214.246094, 471.925995, 9021.842773>' Orientation: '<-28.974457, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_WoodenCrate_5x' Position: '<8215.503906, 476.245850, 9020.947266>' Orientation: '<-117.981003, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_TirePile' Position: '<8230.686523, 473.574463, 9049.024414>' Orientation: '<-18.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_TirePile' Position: '<8229.478516, 473.580292, 9048.263672>' Orientation: '<-80.999954, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_TirePile_Group' Position: '<8231.665039, 473.552460, 9046.702148>' Orientation: '<-80.999924, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_Pipes' Position: '<8245.197266, 469.760803, 9029.769531>' Orientation: '<61.199974, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Tank_Small_Gas' Position: '<8233.297852, 469.792908, 9011.586914>' Orientation: '<62.999973, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Mil_BlastCover3' Position: '<8180.210449, 471.765137, 9038.451172>' Orientation: '<-143.999802, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Mil_BlastCover3_Grass' Position: '<8182.590332, 469.937744, 9041.937500>' Orientation: '<-143.999893, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Mil_HBarrier_Round' Position: '<8254.056641, 469.806061, 9015.374023>' Orientation: '<-80.999901, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Mil_HBarrier_Round' Position: '<8252.321289, 469.405243, 9006.869141>' Orientation: '<-53.999889, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Mil_HBarrier_Round' Position: '<8248.713867, 469.479645, 9002.482422>' Orientation: '<-35.999886, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Mil_HBarrier_Round' Position: '<8241.404297, 469.605042, 8998.188477>' Orientation: '<-8.999880, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Mil_Artilery_Nest' Position: '<8232.635742, 468.702667, 8993.076172>' Orientation: '<-179.999786, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Roadblock_CncBlocks_short' Position: '<8218.401367, 470.291107, 9051.146484>' Orientation: '<62.997330, -0.515721, 4.028639>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Roadblock_CncBlocks_short' Position: '<8216.074219, 470.312836, 9049.971680>' Orientation: '<62.999866, -0.515037, 4.028615>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_Barbedwire' Position: '<8215.069336, 470.515900, 9051.228516>' Orientation: '<-27.000048, 4.015278, 0.514631>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Roadblock_Wood_Small' Position: '<8218.852539, 469.897552, 9052.691406>' Orientation: '<-98.999985, 77.099365, -178.229980>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_Gunrack' Position: '<8236.762695, 470.453979, 9038.960938>' Orientation: '<-8.999849, -0.678960, 0.107543>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_Barbedwire' Position: '<8241.249023, 469.816559, 8994.166992>' Orientation: '<-90.000000, -0.000000, -1.145716>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_Barbedwire' Position: '<8228.826172, 469.402893, 8986.467773>' Orientation: '<35.999844, 5.014904, 3.662786>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_Barbedwire' Position: '<8237.821289, 469.285675, 8986.966797>' Orientation: '<-33.565868, 6.584361, 0.314360>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_Barbedwire' Position: '<8250.934570, 469.764893, 9001.514648>' Orientation: '<-46.799969, 7.317667, 6.965413>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_Barbedwire' Position: '<8254.328125, 469.618591, 9005.751953>' Orientation: '<-62.999947, 4.573545, -9.081841>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_Barbedwire' Position: '<8256.157227, 469.933319, 9014.972656>' Orientation: '<-80.999954, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_Barbedwire' Position: '<8256.189453, 469.243469, 9020.808594>' Orientation: '<-89.999985, 8.453456, 8.618229>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Tisy_AirShaft' Position: '<8240.102539, 470.805298, 8999.726563>' Orientation: '<-9.000069, 1.131237, -0.179219>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Lamp_City2' Position: '<8225.519531, 473.537201, 9041.253906>' Orientation: '<-25.199989, 0.101750, 0.036632>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Garbage_Pile6' Position: '<8232.670898, 468.831299, 8993.597656>' Orientation: '<80.999924, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Garbage_Pile5' Position: '<8249.515625, 468.853485, 9006.664063>' Orientation: '<-36.000050, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Garbage_Pile4' Position: '<8251.627930, 469.032776, 9020.986328>' Orientation: '<35.999943, -12.088698, 1.899804>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Garbage_Pile1' Position: '<8251.584961, 469.458130, 9018.631836>' Orientation: '<44.999939, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Garbage_GroundSq_5m' Position: '<8242.461914, 469.179993, 9018.637695>' Orientation: '<-9.000000, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Garbage_Ground_6m' Position: '<8247.106445, 469.180023, 9013.932617>' Orientation: '<35.999996, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Garbage_GroundSq_5m' Position: '<8242.094727, 469.180084, 9011.129883>' Orientation: '<80.999954, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Garbage_GroundSq_5m' Position: '<8240.442383, 469.179962, 9005.058594>' Orientation: '<35.999996, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Garbage_GroundSq_5m' Position: '<8246.811523, 469.180115, 9008.334961>' Orientation: '<0.000000, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Garbage_GroundSq_5m' Position: '<8250.522461, 469.179993, 9013.383789>' Orientation: '<0.000000, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Garbage_GroundSq_5m' Position: '<8236.650391, 469.180023, 9001.912109>' Orientation: '<0.000000, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Garbage_Ground_6m' Position: '<8231.389648, 469.179993, 8998.228516>' Orientation: '<0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Garbage_GroundSq_3m' Position: '<8229.151367, 469.179993, 8996.236328>' Orientation: '<35.999996, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Garbage_GroundSq_5m' Position: '<8234.175781, 471.271729, 8998.103516>' Orientation: '<0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Garbage_GroundSq_5m' Position: '<8236.186523, 469.179993, 9008.549805>' Orientation: '<-35.999985, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Garbage_GroundSq_5m' Position: '<8220.095703, 469.198273, 9044.351563>' Orientation: '<62.999962, 0.069432, 0.136268>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Garbage_GroundSq_3m' Position: '<8217.977539, 469.314392, 9041.388672>' Orientation: '<17.999987, -0.938016, 3.384944>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Garbage_Ground_6m' Position: '<8213.421875, 469.296906, 9039.325195>' Orientation: '<35.999828, 2.955964, 2.151513>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Garbage_Container_Paper' Position: '<8213.327148, 470.167389, 9032.399414>' Orientation: '<-25.199989, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_Chair_Camp1' Position: '<8235.696289, 469.846222, 9038.673828>' Orientation: '<-98.999962, 0.107541, 0.679024>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_RoadBarrier_2' Position: '<8223.288086, 473.639374, 9054.041992>' Orientation: '<-30.599195, 2.059858, 1.086809>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_Table_Camp' Position: '<8234.867188, 469.696564, 9040.384766>' Orientation: '<0.000023, -0.687341, 0.763890>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Decon_CBRNCase_01_F' Position: '<8234.532227, 470.280426, 9040.259766>' Orientation: '<-62.999973, 0.368488, 0.959321>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Decon_PowerCable_01_Roll_F' Position: '<8234.976563, 470.167328, 9040.376953>' Orientation: '<-107.999687, 0.938715, 0.417727>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_SCBACylinder_01_F' Position: '<8235.541992, 470.157166, 9040.316406>' Orientation: '<53.999969, -0.404060, -0.556185>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Decal_damage_long3' Position: '<8222.168945, 469.668701, 9060.654297>' Orientation: '<-117.000053, 2.582766, -4.312023>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Decal_damage_long2' Position: '<8214.675781, 470.072357, 9057.461914>' Orientation: '<63.000137, -0.790828, 3.486125>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Decal_damage_long3' Position: '<8207.690430, 470.264801, 9053.839844>' Orientation: '<62.999901, -0.813570, 4.608057>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Decal_damage_long4' Position: '<8201.231445, 470.457855, 9050.823242>' Orientation: '<62.999973, -1.841506, 3.934914>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Decal_damage_long3' Position: '<8229.782227, 469.070374, 9063.994141>' Orientation: '<72.000076, -4.737990, 2.105652>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Decal_damage_long3' Position: '<8238.998047, 467.695496, 9068.443359>' Orientation: '<62.999973, -7.353209, 4.720687>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Decal_damage_long3' Position: '<8246.965820, 466.516266, 9072.533203>' Orientation: '<63.000000, -8.444711, 0.706708>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Decal_damage_long4' Position: '<8255.500000, 465.684387, 9076.475586>' Orientation: '<62.999928, -2.656833, 0.327233>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Sidewalk1_10m' Position: '<8234.657227, 469.222961, 9019.805664>' Orientation: '<-28.799994, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Sidewalk1_10m' Position: '<8230.019531, 469.222961, 9028.229492>' Orientation: '<-28.799994, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Sidewalk1_10m' Position: '<8227.476563, 469.222229, 9032.833008>' Orientation: '<-28.799994, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Sidewalk1_Corner' Position: '<8224.369141, 469.222229, 9038.498047>' Orientation: '<-28.800007, 0.134019, -0.073678>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Sidewalk1_10m' Position: '<8218.711914, 469.225128, 9035.390625>' Orientation: '<-118.747330, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Sidewalk1_Corner' Position: '<8213.818359, 469.222961, 9032.706055>' Orientation: '<-118.799950, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Sidewalk1_Corner' Position: '<8237.084961, 469.217407, 9015.397461>' Orientation: '<59.399975, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wreck_BMP2' Position: '<8228.973633, 469.977142, 8995.277344>' Orientation: '<-9.000000, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wreck_BMP1' Position: '<8209.080078, 471.306000, 9053.219727>' Orientation: '<63.000126, -0.814492, 4.608054>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wreck_Decal_Small1_NoLC' Position: '<8210.659180, 470.217407, 9055.401367>' Orientation: '<62.999962, -2.144229, 4.174106>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wreck_T72_Chassis' Position: '<8181.480469, 472.555084, 9041.134766>' Orientation: '<35.999687, -4.098077, 0.196891>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wreck_Ural' Position: '<8231.179688, 470.157806, 9065.044922>' Orientation: '<63.000099, -6.310838, 1.716840>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_WoodenCrate_5x' Position: '<8230.738281, 469.895142, 9062.676758>' Orientation: '<-26.999977, 2.813130, 4.371902>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_WoodenCrate_3x' Position: '<8230.928711, 469.530914, 9067.611328>' Orientation: '<62.999920, -5.514504, 5.904022>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_wreck_truck01_aban1_orange' Position: '<8220.507813, 469.114197, 9042.497070>' Orientation: '<62.999973, 0.069432, 0.136268>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_wreck_truck01_aban2_blue' Position: '<8217.869141, 469.403473, 9047.644531>' Orientation: '<71.999947, -1.135930, 3.898240>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Wreck_Uaz' Position: '<8245.564453, 470.006500, 9010.809570>' Orientation: '<53.999996, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wreck_HMMWV' Position: '<8164.246094, 474.923920, 9078.608398>' Orientation: '<45.000046, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_BagFence_Corner' Position: '<8214.241211, 478.633667, 9029.166992>' Orientation: '<60.838821, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_BagFence_Corner' Position: '<8222.996094, 478.681519, 9033.655273>' Orientation: '<149.872864, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Roadblock_WoodenCrate' Position: '<8220.867188, 478.670410, 9033.367188>' Orientation: '<152.999802, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Roadblock_WoodenCrate' Position: '<8220.028320, 478.670410, 9032.593750>' Orientation: '<-118.800125, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_BagFence_Corner' Position: '<8228.504883, 478.745575, 9023.818359>' Orientation: '<-118.800140, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_BagFence_Corner' Position: '<8219.817383, 478.745575, 9019.217773>' Orientation: '<-28.799868, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_BagFence_3m' Position: '<8226.563477, 478.745575, 9021.230469>' Orientation: '<-28.799932, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_BagFence_3m' Position: '<8223.952148, 478.745575, 9019.822266>' Orientation: '<-28.799932, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_BagFence_3m' Position: '<8222.032227, 478.745575, 9018.926758>' Orientation: '<-23.462549, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_WoodenCrate_5x' Position: '<8227.975586, 479.358185, 9026.326172>' Orientation: '<151.284714, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Stretcher_Green' Position: '<8225.728516, 478.654297, 9028.439453>' Orientation: '<-116.999916, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Stretcher_Green' Position: '<8225.061523, 478.652191, 9030.096680>' Orientation: '<-89.999901, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Furniture_tv_a' Position: '<8220.951172, 478.997681, 9033.027344>' Orientation: '<-32.399982, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Furniture_patient_monitor' Position: '<8226.252930, 478.407898, 9029.493164>' Orientation: '<153.000061, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Mil_HBarrier_Round' Position: '<8248.535156, 469.806152, 9031.946289>' Orientation: '<-107.999939, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Mil_HBarrier_Round' Position: '<8245.612305, 469.806152, 9036.968750>' Orientation: '<-122.399864, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Mil_HBarrier_Round' Position: '<8241.167969, 469.614471, 9043.540039>' Orientation: '<-115.199921, 2.219992, 1.316211>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Mil_HBarrier_Round' Position: '<8238.024414, 469.621216, 9048.435547>' Orientation: '<-115.199921, 1.442553, -0.341355>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Mil_HBarrier_Round' Position: '<8233.116211, 469.677490, 9055.092773>' Orientation: '<-124.199890, 6.321391, 0.175002>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Mil_HBarrier_Round' Position: '<8228.033203, 469.886536, 9057.648438>' Orientation: '<-169.200058, 1.520426, -2.274063>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_Barbedwire' Position: '<8250.379883, 469.861023, 9033.418945>' Orientation: '<-107.999962, 10.034375, -3.317919>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_Barbedwire' Position: '<8247.949219, 469.879974, 9038.923828>' Orientation: '<-116.999969, 0.970107, 1.904917>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_Barbedwire' Position: '<8242.976563, 469.623047, 9045.165039>' Orientation: '<-125.999931, 2.939325, -2.045212>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_Barbedwire' Position: '<8239.961914, 469.701721, 9049.213867>' Orientation: '<-116.999779, 1.123029, -0.486788>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_Barbedwire' Position: '<8234.697266, 469.588043, 9056.212891>' Orientation: '<-134.999741, 6.242660, -1.020053>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Mil_Fortified_Nest_Watchtower' Position: '<8197.224609, 476.144775, 9089.582031>' Orientation: '<154.307770, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Mil_HBarrier_Round' Position: '<8222.038086, 469.729218, 8994.791992>' Orientation: '<72.000061, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Mil_HBarrier_Round' Position: '<8220.461914, 469.778351, 9003.837891>' Orientation: '<107.999992, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_Barbedwire' Position: '<8218.269531, 469.933228, 9004.618164>' Orientation: '<-73.799950, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_Barbedwire' Position: '<8219.874023, 469.933197, 8993.576172>' Orientation: '<-118.799950, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Tank_Medium_Stairs' Position: '<8180.481445, 475.177948, 9121.833008>' Orientation: '<62.738384, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Container_2B' Position: '<8184.623047, 476.492767, 9093.945313>' Orientation: '<59.399975, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_Pallets2' Position: '<8187.532715, 474.505432, 9092.964844>' Orientation: '<146.365829, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_Pallets3' Position: '<8186.314941, 474.814270, 9092.122070>' Orientation: '<68.926010, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_TirePile' Position: '<8184.918945, 478.199341, 9086.933594>' Orientation: '<53.999985, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_TirePile' Position: '<8185.227539, 478.241760, 9085.354492>' Orientation: '<179.999878, 0.000000, 0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_Pallets3' Position: '<8186.418945, 474.406921, 9086.206055>' Orientation: '<122.925957, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'Land_Mil_Radar_Mobile1' Position: '<8200.378906, 473.466431, 9069.695313>' Orientation: '<-25.199989, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_IndCncH_5' Position: '<8203.442383, 473.018372, 9067.747070>' Orientation: '<-25.430325, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_Cnc_5' Position: '<8206.510742, 471.011627, 9071.287109>' Orientation: '<-115.199921, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Wall_Cnc_5' Position: '<8204.747070, 471.005310, 9065.275391>' Orientation: '<154.800034, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<8202.751953, 474.890594, 9096.751953>' Orientation: '<-115.200165, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<8175.182617, 474.869507, 9090.342773>' Orientation: '<-114.533722, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<8177.775391, 474.879364, 9092.219727>' Orientation: '<-114.533722, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<8178.914551, 474.923553, 9082.916016>' Orientation: '<-116.547539, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Mil_HBarrier_Round' Position: '<8192.882813, 471.749878, 9054.780273>' Orientation: '<17.999956, 2.527384, 4.268721>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Mil_HBarrier_6m' Position: '<8200.502930, 471.516266, 9057.208984>' Orientation: '<-25.199926, 5.027184, 1.992159>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Mil_HBarrier_6m' Position: '<8211.057617, 471.035919, 9062.206055>' Orientation: '<-23.695580, 5.492948, 3.020252>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Mil_HBarrier_Round' Position: '<8187.101074, 472.333557, 9058.921875>' Orientation: '<61.199921, 0.329125, 4.082917>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Mil_HBarrier_Round' Position: '<8184.553223, 472.921967, 9064.178711>' Orientation: '<80.999924, -0.577093, 7.018040>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Mil_HBarrier_6m' Position: '<8211.155273, 473.667816, 9091.401367>' Orientation: '<68.400032, -8.821518, 3.215895>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Mil_HBarrier_6m' Position: '<8209.064453, 473.995819, 9096.851563>' Orientation: '<68.385605, -8.904162, 3.218149>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Mil_HBarrier_6m' Position: '<8206.955078, 474.349701, 9102.185547>' Orientation: '<69.651161, -8.951498, 3.302785>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Mil_HBarrier_Round' Position: '<8197.508789, 474.666077, 9125.813477>' Orientation: '<-136.799850, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Mil_HBarrier_Round' Position: '<8192.272461, 474.838257, 9128.435547>' Orientation: '<-152.999802, -9.104970, -4.712496>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Mil_HBarrier_Round' Position: '<8183.734863, 474.819031, 9127.610352>' Orientation: '<160.199982, -9.858331, 2.238950>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_Barbedwire' Position: '<8211.987305, 471.146240, 9060.722656>' Orientation: '<-26.999756, 5.595117, 2.844757>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_Barbedwire' Position: '<8201.333008, 471.522125, 9055.698242>' Orientation: '<-26.999746, 5.324272, 1.115923>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_Barbedwire' Position: '<8192.922852, 471.797363, 9052.833008>' Orientation: '<9.000228, 3.164083, 3.818485>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_Barbedwire' Position: '<8212.693359, 473.532410, 9091.608398>' Orientation: '<72.000145, -8.933255, 2.624875>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_Barbedwire' Position: '<8210.642578, 473.854126, 9097.115234>' Orientation: '<67.274139, -8.841251, 3.391168>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_Barbedwire' Position: '<8208.360352, 474.224823, 9102.652344>' Orientation: '<67.239212, -9.580649, 3.304586>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_Barbedwire' Position: '<8198.658203, 474.793213, 9127.319336>' Orientation: '<31.267569, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_Barbedwire' Position: '<8193.150391, 475.278442, 9130.136719>' Orientation: '<13.267598, 9.928866, 2.380226>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_Barbedwire' Position: '<8182.511719, 475.153412, 9129.443359>' Orientation: '<-26.332409, 9.219536, -4.636414>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Mil_HBarrier_Round' Position: '<8203.106445, 474.666260, 9118.987305>' Orientation: '<-106.199799, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_Barbedwire' Position: '<8205.191406, 474.756866, 9119.528320>' Orientation: '<70.867516, -9.904557, 3.495605>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Panel_Concrete_1_Legacy' Position: '<8203.130859, 474.846436, 9106.781250>' Orientation: '<-113.361420, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Mil_HBarrier_6m' Position: '<8219.166016, 471.000610, 9069.281250>' Orientation: '<77.400009, -4.404464, 5.580602>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Mil_HBarrier_6m' Position: '<8217.672852, 471.928711, 9077.583984>' Orientation: '<86.400009, -6.878474, 6.114148>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Mil_HBarrier_6m' Position: '<8216.208984, 472.646423, 9083.272461>' Orientation: '<68.400002, -5.783651, 5.242808>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_Barbedwire' Position: '<8217.854492, 472.581726, 9083.770508>' Orientation: '<63.000137, -5.271722, 5.769920>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_Barbedwire' Position: '<8219.807617, 471.748901, 9077.308594>' Orientation: '<99.000130, -8.016869, 4.445300>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Misc_Barbedwire' Position: '<8221.160156, 470.937897, 9069.591797>' Orientation: '<81.000092, -5.545817, 5.413253>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Garbage_Pile7' Position: '<8185.869141, 472.930817, 9064.940430>' Orientation: '<71.999992, 1.376355, 7.455287>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Garbage_Pile7' Position: '<8199.503906, 471.627533, 9058.763672>' Orientation: '<152.999954, -5.094261, -1.832279>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Garbage_Pile7' Position: '<8185.458496, 474.567078, 9078.449219>' Orientation: '<68.399788, 0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : [CreateObject] Object has been created successfully! Info [Type: 'StaticObj_Garbage_Pile8' Position: '<8187.796875, 474.587891, 9096.020508>' Orientation: '<53.999969, -0.000000, -0.000000>'] SCRIPT : SCRIPT : '########::'########: SCRIPT : ##.... ##: ##.....:: SCRIPT : ##:::: ##: ##::::::: SCRIPT : ########:: ######::: SCRIPT : ##.. ##::: ##...:::: SCRIPT : ##::. ##:: ##::::::: SCRIPT : ##:::. ##: ##::::::: SCRIPT : ..:::::..::..:::::::: SCRIPT : '########:'########:::::'###::::'##::::'##:'########:'##:::::'##::'#######::'########::'##:::'##: SCRIPT : ##.....:: ##.... ##:::'## ##::: ###::'###: ##.....:: ##:'##: ##:'##.... ##: ##.... ##: ##::'##:: SCRIPT : ##::::::: ##:::: ##::'##:. ##:: ####'####: ##::::::: ##: ##: ##: ##:::: ##: ##:::: ##: ##:'##::: SCRIPT : ######::: ########::'##:::. ##: ## ### ##: ######::: ##: ##: ##: ##:::: ##: ########:: #####:::: SCRIPT : ##...:::: ##.. ##::: #########: ##. #: ##: ##...:::: ##: ##: ##: ##:::: ##: ##.. ##::: ##. ##::: SCRIPT : ##::::::: ##::. ##:: ##.... ##: ##:.:: ##: ##::::::: ##: ##: ##: ##:::: ##: ##::. ##:: ##:. ##:: SCRIPT : ##::::::: ##:::. ##: ##:::: ##: ##:::: ##: ########:. ###. ###::. #######:: ##:::. ##: ##::. ##: SCRIPT : ..::::::::..:::::..::..:::::..::..:::::..::........:::...::...::::.......:::..:::::..::..::::..:: SCRIPT : V V SCRIPT : ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SCRIPT : -> This is a free open source framework, created by Roman and Fedor <- SCRIPT : -> You are able to use it on your server <- SCRIPT : -> You are able to monetize your server, using this mod <- SCRIPT : -> You are NOT able to repack this mod to your's modpack <- SCRIPT : ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SCRIPT : SCRIPT : [RF_AIRDROPS][Error]: Spawn point is broken SCRIPT : ======================================================= === RF_AIRDROPS_SE (Online) === ======================================================= SCRIPT : ======================================================= === RF_CONVOY_SE (Online) === ======================================================= SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] OnInit SCRIPT : [ZenNotes] OnInit SCRIPT : [ZenNotesConfig] Init SCRIPT : [BLANKSOFTWARE] [2025-02-25 23:01:10] Mod: '[RaidSettings]' Successfully connected. SCRIPT : [BLANKSOFTWARE] [2025-02-25 23:01:10] Мод: '[RaidSettings]' Успешно подключен. SCRIPT : [BLANKSOFTWARE] [2025-02-25 23:01:11] Mod: '[BuildingSettings]' Successfully connected. SCRIPT : [BLANKSOFTWARE] [2025-02-25 23:01:11] Мод: '[BuildingSettings]' Успешно подключен. SCRIPT : [MissionServer] OnMissionStart - Server SCRIPT : string dirtyName = 'SUETARU|3PP|PVPMORELOOT|WIPE01.02' SCRIPT : [wpnfsm] Saiga:0 { jammed bullet nomag SCRIPT : [wpnfsm] W_Weapon_AKM_Green:0 { jammed bullet mag SCRIPT : [wpnfsm] Saiga:0 { jammed bullet nomag SCRIPT : [wpnfsm] sueta_ak74_camo2:0 { jammed bullet mag SCRIPT : [wpnfsm] W_Weapon_AKM_Green:0 { jammed bullet mag SCRIPT : [wpnfsm] AKM:0 { jammed bullet mag SCRIPT : [wpnfsm] Aug:0 { jammed bullet nomag SCRIPT : [GazTIGR] Found existing config. Loading config.json... SCRIPT : !!! OnError() SCRIPT : !!! OnError() SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:47 : Мод 'DupeCheckSystem' успешно подключен. SCRIPT : [DiscordAPI][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:47 : Зарегистрирован Alias 'indep_DupeCheckSystem': https://stadz.fun/dsroute.php?hook=https://discord.com/api/webhooks/1292805693983948843/wFIZVWUh_RCPLNQvx0ZIno-dza71EAsMx-msfx823pRKoupG803aRkpmM4vf7fIPZUBm SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:47 : Мод 'Gelik_CarRepair_SERVER' успешно подключен. SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:47 : Мод 'Gelik_ModernStash_SERVER' успешно подключен. SCRIPT : [Gelik_ModernStash_SERVER] Loaded SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:47 : Мод 'Gelik_RaidBlock_SERVER' успешно подключен. SCRIPT : [Gelik_RaidBlock] Loaded SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:47 : Мод 'HunterEye' успешно подключен. SCRIPT : [DiscordAPI][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:47 : Зарегистрирован Alias 'HunterEye_Message_Main': https://stadz.fun/dsroute.php?hook=https://discord.com/api/webhooks/1291968997956255754/No_4BbPIvseOv3Hd-zU7RLGuXjvkg7geXPxNbxdNvrxIiXRP_AHQxkmkm9G6y5ZVUvcI SCRIPT : [DiscordAPI][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:47 : Зарегистрирован Alias 'HunterEye_Message_Key': https://stadz.fun/dsroute.php?hook=https://discord.com/api/webhooks/1215770765715046462/vqUbqUqvSYvBfU9I7eqDNSSW3vEF79gTfeE3ZCB1a_8tUCp5Dz8RtTQY9iJcyZd2weBu SCRIPT : [DiscordAPI][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:47 : Зарегистрирован Alias 'HunterEye_Message_MULT': https://stadz.fun/dsroute.php?hook=https://discord.com/api/webhooks/1215774111696158772/Wh1EwJ7hyWjWh-BOR3bn2XiwvlA_TUaLkTvRBcibZ0S35dX1HNbw-c8SLvPnvbdU8U7R SCRIPT : [DiscordAPI][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:47 : Зарегистрирован Alias 'HunterEye_Message_CAM': https://stadz.fun/dsroute.php?hook=https://discord.com/api/webhooks/1250778992114667653/uEfkgqoFqFNGWYjbbN-0V1IIDNopxfnn2IHzb1KFkYCyBwEqTbxMFVRgHmdZJF4dPMeO SCRIPT : [DiscordAPI][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:47 : Зарегистрирован Alias 'HunterEye_Message_STASH': https://stadz.fun/dsroute.php?hook=https://discord.com/api/webhooks/1267340473845157919/ohXd-eXRqQM3dFHNLDB0rhT8Y4JhaIiQcii1IDDiuCc5Alg5sIiVMKiuSWGCtSxrv-dq SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:47 : Мод 'KGB_FastDropMove' успешно подключен. SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:47 : Мод 'KGB_LIB' успешно подключен. SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:47 : Мод 'KGB_VanilaHeli' успешно подключен. SCRIPT : [KGB_VanilaHeli][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:47 : define CUSTOM_PDA_MOD обнаружен SCRIPT : [KGB_VanilaHeli][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:47 : define dp_pda НЕ обнаружен SCRIPT : [KGB_VanilaHeli][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:47 : define BestPDA НЕ обнаружен SCRIPT : [KGB_VanilaHeli][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:47 : define EXPANSIONMODAI НЕ обнаружен SCRIPT : [KGB_VanilaHeli][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:47 : ** Если здесь есть ошибка, попробуйте в KGB_VanilaHeli_CUSTOM\config.cpp поправить порядок загрузки модов. SCRIPT : [KGB_VanilaHeli][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:47 : ----------------------------------- SCRIPT : [KGB_VanilaHeli][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:47 : Задержка старта всех событий после рестарта: 500 секунд SCRIPT : [KGB_VanilaHeli][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:47 : Таймер запуска событий будет работать каждые 5 минут SCRIPT : [KGB_VanilaHeli][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:47 : Одновременно на карте может быть вертолетов: 0.(Если 0 - не ограничено) SCRIPT : [KGB_VanilaHeli][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:47 : Между спавнами вертолетов должно пройти 40 минут SCRIPT : [KGB_VanilaHeli][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:47 : ----------------------------------- SCRIPT : [KGB_VanilaHeli][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:47 : События запустятся через 500 секунд. SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:47 : Мод 'OH_Furniture_PvP' успешно подключен. SCRIPT : [OH_Furniture_PvP][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:47 : Конфиг сохранен: $profile:\OH_FURNITURE\OH_LockConfig.json SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:47 : Используется глобальный черный список. SCRIPT : [23:01:48] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] Addon 'MagicByteSharedLibrary' (version 4.6.0) has been loaded. SCRIPT : [23:01:48] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] Addon 'DayZSetManager' (version 2.2.0) has been loaded. SCRIPT : [23:01:48] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] Addon 'DayZShop' (version 3.5.0) has been loaded. SCRIPT : [KGB_LIB][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:48 : Загружено 362 элементов в Черный список SCRIPT : [HunterEye][S] 25.02.2025 23:01:48 : Получен черный список игроков - 2028 участников. SCRIPT : m_LoginTimeMs: 11200 SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By R5h4M9CBu-4y0anFez_tzQUeR7cGAJBXwtMs-Cal7ys= SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By TfO3MVlXfpWnWgqhQUPqVkjfdbppsgKhy4r9FjHxHDs= SCRIPT : ---- PlayerBase OnStoreLoad SUCCESS ---- SCRIPT : [23:02:08] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] xtzthg [ 76561198013149755 ] has connected to the server. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "xtzthg" (steamId=76561198013149755) connected to server! SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By BLnCzdnUz2RtDNJDIHb1otRVNSqhXGeVarh_sqLDUYw= SCRIPT : ---- PlayerBase OnStoreLoad SUCCESS ---- SCRIPT : [23:02:08] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] Ebu_ZOV_Za_Bekon [ 76561199221292455 ] has connected to the server. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "Ebu_ZOV_Za_Bekon" (steamId=76561199221292455) connected to server! SCRIPT : ---- PlayerBase OnStoreLoad SUCCESS ---- SCRIPT : [23:02:09] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] zov.DSP [ 76561199137984668 ] has connected to the server. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "zov.DSP" (steamId=76561199137984668) connected to server! SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By F2KbmdCDw2HzV6yRMLWoUko-DlxWGPqZkmnP90OJ1fM= SCRIPT : ---- PlayerBase OnStoreLoad SUCCESS ---- SCRIPT : [23:02:25] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] _Z1oebyh@y@_Fey@_ [ 76561198918709783 ] has connected to the server. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "_Z1oebyh@y@_Fey@_" (steamId=76561198918709783) connected to server! SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By C3_BFVVGwbTKDv8Dzw9ROmrFWqywcZzROr_EzGarXrY= SCRIPT : ---- PlayerBase OnStoreLoad SUCCESS ---- SCRIPT : [23:02:27] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] Clowynidze [ 76561199052057722 ] has connected to the server. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "Clowynidze" (steamId=76561199052057722) connected to server! SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By xQeJvJw54fxUf059lW3FFZWtlVbRnvw4cgf6TSxf4-w= SCRIPT : ---- PlayerBase OnStoreLoad SUCCESS ---- SCRIPT : [23:02:33] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] Nuahulle [ 76561198108523658 ] has connected to the server. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "Nuahulle" (steamId=76561198108523658) connected to server! SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By d5JSqSsj4BEywhMfr0GTGt7KQZBSn2ApDa5TT4BkrNw= SCRIPT : ---- PlayerBase OnStoreLoad SUCCESS ---- SCRIPT : [23:02:42] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] RED KING [ 76561199002320416 ] has connected to the server. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "RED KING" (steamId=76561199002320416) connected to server! SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By _VQ0da9w5FawArCxVf9dX6LfplGVTYj9Rz1aM5b2a9M= SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By 7P9U7halyglGls2Vm07zJQprfh3iyz0bixVyq2jzv-M= SCRIPT : ---- PlayerBase OnStoreLoad SUCCESS ---- SCRIPT : [23:02:51] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] WEX3 [ 76561199282877725 ] has connected to the server. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "WEX3" (steamId=76561199282877725) connected to server! SCRIPT : ---- PlayerBase OnStoreLoad SUCCESS ---- SCRIPT : [23:02:51] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] Sashka [ 76561198066382635 ] has connected to the server. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "Sashka" (steamId=76561198066382635) connected to server! SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By l_xwrvjL7UEEN3i-srjxUuqTJXApdDRn-xzdSjx-5GQ= SCRIPT : ---- PlayerBase OnStoreLoad SUCCESS ---- SCRIPT : [23:03:01] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] ya_3 [ 76561198421445817 ] has connected to the server. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "ya_3" (steamId=76561198421445817) connected to server! SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By i7XPCh2CTYdyWxU8Mvx-SOf5IryEuv8P94odN8aUesg= SCRIPT : ---- PlayerBase OnStoreLoad SUCCESS ---- SCRIPT : [23:03:11] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] 4k.GestapoSS [ 76561198078851465 ] has connected to the server. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "4k.GestapoSS" (steamId=76561198078851465) connected to server! SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By r_kMAONQaZ-PFTNDm2ZZI41rmNBh2iNOpkCSQMX8cjo= SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By XIB7MK7UrOZYo10scsHprhA5KyVn6xZ7ZZvq2VGDlWI= SCRIPT : ---- PlayerBase OnStoreLoad SUCCESS ---- SCRIPT : [23:03:20] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] wassst3d [ 76561199098632946 ] has connected to the server. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "wassst3d" (steamId=76561199098632946) connected to server! SCRIPT : ---- PlayerBase OnStoreLoad SUCCESS ---- SCRIPT : [23:03:23] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] NC. SIROTA [ 76561199374245752 ] has connected to the server. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "NC. SIROTA" (steamId=76561199374245752) connected to server! SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By KSygnmrqAi114fql-lwSFkDFSG55fax9ebuibbDzt5Q= SCRIPT : ---- PlayerBase OnStoreLoad SUCCESS ---- SCRIPT : [23:03:30] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] MrDuhovskiy [ 76561198408950943 ] has connected to the server. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "MrDuhovskiy" (steamId=76561198408950943) connected to server! SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By JJD7DjnhtxXlNiy-M4QkF_dqrM2SdRQ-2-5HNGvjGmo= SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By Y9YC3FW0ZY6BUPi6q4wIW192GJeldB4-tPjafkUxDKk= SCRIPT : [23:03:42] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] Survivor [ 76561198802053369 ] has connected to the server without a body. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "Survivor" (steamId=76561198802053369) connected to server! SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By tzdTCsLc2d2m8eu4KRsThxQsRtAfECzR4T6rbm8gZWc= SCRIPT : ---- PlayerBase OnStoreLoad SUCCESS ---- SCRIPT : [23:03:48] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] Barbos [ 76561198335796492 ] has connected to the server. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "Barbos" (steamId=76561198335796492) connected to server! SCRIPT : ---- PlayerBase OnStoreLoad SUCCESS ---- SCRIPT : [23:03:53] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] q1 [ 76561199013511370 ] has connected to the server. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "q1" (steamId=76561199013511370) connected to server! SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By 4AgK14_Yd5GNPgeFtTbHjAaQGMcItgEIRLWFVFcJNGs= SCRIPT : ---- PlayerBase OnStoreLoad SUCCESS ---- SCRIPT : [23:04:05] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] .Hydrashlang [ 76561199811672015 ] has connected to the server. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player ".Hydrashlang" (steamId=76561199811672015) connected to server! SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By 9Y0O_wGpm4pnq63JZtkUO6u8w7Yx-JfWYFcuMVwsagU= SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By tmB7dsQ9cfUaBaoFZyFPGMXFZ2lb0SqWd4fWzHiZ4k8= SCRIPT : ---- PlayerBase OnStoreLoad SUCCESS ---- SCRIPT : [23:04:10] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] (-_-)FANAT*MURO BENZO [ 76561198438577741 ] has connected to the server. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "(-_-)FANAT*MURO BENZO" (steamId=76561198438577741) connected to server! SCRIPT : ---- PlayerBase OnStoreLoad SUCCESS ---- SCRIPT : [23:04:10] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] Chyngachkyk [ 76561198094443619 ] has connected to the server. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "Chyngachkyk" (steamId=76561198094443619) connected to server! SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By RWjqhAgs0Mq5Z_C2n4S558_ktRGQdRqYkszdr4xUeQg= SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By PI9cls35u-QsO3te88JMdgSatOCXQoADhFwfb4QpVQU= SCRIPT : ---- PlayerBase OnStoreLoad SUCCESS ---- SCRIPT : [23:04:28] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] Ky6uk [ 76561198037812119 ] has connected to the server. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "Ky6uk" (steamId=76561198037812119) connected to server! SCRIPT : ---- PlayerBase OnStoreLoad SUCCESS ---- SCRIPT : [23:04:30] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] zov.Varnelo [ 76561198193519258 ] has connected to the server. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "zov.Varnelo" (steamId=76561198193519258) connected to server! SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By _DgsuvfScmKgjHKAqGbPNjvhQOqdfRlwb6iEdQBjLPM= SCRIPT : ---- PlayerBase OnStoreLoad SUCCESS ---- SCRIPT : [23:04:34] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] poebemsya? [ 76561199546422363 ] has connected to the server. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "poebemsya?" (steamId=76561199546422363) connected to server! SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By KbF1swO2HBrQqseADI5oWVadVMmawM9Mt1MnvXrqh0w= SCRIPT : ---- PlayerBase OnStoreLoad SUCCESS ---- SCRIPT : [23:04:45] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] Spaiss228 [ 76561199802883470 ] has connected to the server. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "Spaiss228" (steamId=76561199802883470) connected to server! SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By Epv57xj_nEDTKidLUtQydaNTvEcLFujW6exL3SpB-oo= SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By t0jHXGF2gODRDMpXC7J1c-lRlTk00fJFFUqx6-bwzhk= SCRIPT : ---- PlayerBase OnStoreLoad SUCCESS ---- SCRIPT : [23:04:55] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] DazzzIK [ 76561198976990818 ] has connected to the server. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "DazzzIK" (steamId=76561198976990818) connected to server! SCRIPT : ---- PlayerBase OnStoreLoad SUCCESS ---- SCRIPT : [23:04:55] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] Survivor (2) [ 76561199507477169 ] has connected to the server. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "Survivor (2)" (steamId=76561199507477169) connected to server! SCRIPT : [Gelik_RaidBlock] Заблокирован: <6090.545410, 159.736694, 4891.359863> SCRIPT (E): NULL pointer to instance Class: 'Construction' Function: 'ExceptionCheck' Stack trace: scripts/4_World/classes\basebuilding\construction.c:163 scripts/4_World/classes\basebuilding\construction.c:150 scripts/4_World/entities\itembase\basebuildingbase.c:493 Gelik_RaidBlock_SERVER/ᴶ⋭≋▙▝Åᶣᶡ∠≚≇ᴋ/≷▰ᵧⅮᵁ◦◿⅊≎▖ᶌᴹ/x38_.KGB:44 SCRIPT : [Gelik_RaidBlock] Блокировка продлена: <6090.545410, 159.736694, 4891.359863> SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By OYxqn0I4kvCY60z3tCleE2PmQKBBaWAKkNRp2jAvOf4= SCRIPT : ---- PlayerBase OnStoreLoad SUCCESS ---- SCRIPT : [23:05:04] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] _XIM1k_ [ 76561198387682573 ] has connected to the server. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "_XIM1k_" (steamId=76561198387682573) connected to server! SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By MJT5w2SxFTplVnkogzvpozDHcjl6Cy226Av6oFwH37w= SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By MkrnpTHeuKIuLJDnzbm_KbcmC0oDUD1yZPov0jmcDrc= SCRIPT : ---- PlayerBase OnStoreLoad SUCCESS ---- SCRIPT : [23:05:15] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] TEAM KILL [ 76561198214911401 ] has connected to the server. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "TEAM KILL" (steamId=76561198214911401) connected to server! SCRIPT : [inv] ReplaceItemWithNewLambdaBase Step B) remove OK, loc={ type=HANDS item=DogFoodCan:143976 parent=SurvivorM_Lewis:20:INSTANCETYPE_SERVER } SCRIPT : ---- PlayerBase OnStoreLoad SUCCESS ---- SCRIPT : [23:05:16] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] _Reloger_ [ 76561199186368527 ] has connected to the server. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "_Reloger_" (steamId=76561199186368527) connected to server! SCRIPT : [Logout]: New player KbF1swO2HBrQqseADI5oWVadVMmawM9Mt1MnvXrqh0w= with logout time 30 SCRIPT : Player "Spaiss228" (steamid=76561199802883470) initiated disconnect process... SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By fWZKgU6wloIZWFW7AP90PgvWuI5DIwCW4Zs6GHdjDAg= SCRIPT : [23:05:22] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] [GV] Poseidon :slot_machine: [ 76561198116922308 ] has connected to the server without a body. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "[GV] Poseidon :slot_machine: " (steamId=76561198116922308) connected to server! SCRIPT : Player "Spaiss228" (steamid=76561199802883470) disconnected early from server (EXIT NOW). SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By 1LIoBe0pIOZaQJuufslBraGF8YLnmYG5BLWqum1345Y= SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By 4YNKQukSzMoHGX5qbwnRTE62nmSMVWbfPEkV-Xh7yJQ= SCRIPT : ---- PlayerBase OnStoreLoad SUCCESS ---- SCRIPT : [23:05:35] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] Survivor (3) [ 76561199198573017 ] has connected to the server. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "Survivor (3)" (steamId=76561199198573017) connected to server! SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By xyR_0s_5plDVgDe8ahzke4dxKkdM9N8c7UvR1mAfOuU= SCRIPT : ---- PlayerBase OnStoreLoad SUCCESS ---- SCRIPT : [23:05:44] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] [MRD]BOGdan [ 76561198118348969 ] has connected to the server. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "[MRD]BOGdan" (steamId=76561198118348969) connected to server! SCRIPT : ---- PlayerBase OnStoreLoad SUCCESS ---- SCRIPT : [23:05:47] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] :shrimp: [ 76561199045218426 ] has connected to the server. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player ":shrimp:" (steamId=76561199045218426) connected to server! SCRIPT : [Logout]: Player KbF1swO2HBrQqseADI5oWVadVMmawM9Mt1MnvXrqh0w= finished SCRIPT : [23:05:50] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] Spaiss228 [ 76561199802883470 ] has disconnected from the server. SCRIPT : PlayerDisconnected -> PlayerListManager.RemoveEntry ► KbF1swO2HBrQqseADI5oWVadVMmawM9Mt1MnvXrqh0w= SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By PLJePx4F0RGLr2nPVOtHzSjhZM37IMa2qMkBXcaFprc= SCRIPT : ---- PlayerBase OnStoreLoad SUCCESS ---- SCRIPT : [23:06:00] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] [GV] AGGRESSOR :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: [ 76561198073629602 ] has connected to the server. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "[GV] AGGRESSOR :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:" (steamId=76561198073629602) connected to server! SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By vltHuclkvGYAVR0tZslho9Hso_3bF_r5Puv_8mpjRJc= SCRIPT : ---- PlayerBase OnStoreLoad SUCCESS ---- SCRIPT : [23:06:04] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] Barsi [ 76561198819449034 ] has connected to the server. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "Barsi" (steamId=76561198819449034) connected to server! SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By o_idRQ2o7RSdVA5rKWRxZK-u1wrl3m-VKd9V64y6Z1U= SCRIPT : ---- PlayerBase OnStoreLoad SUCCESS ---- SCRIPT : [23:06:06] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] Oleg_Podpivko [ 76561198999216182 ] has connected to the server. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "Oleg_Podpivko" (steamId=76561198999216182) connected to server! SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By lYCubbjK9vUsiiLwGaL4Mty48WUhlqsv2fU4lZgphlM= SCRIPT : ---- PlayerBase OnStoreLoad SUCCESS ---- SCRIPT : [23:06:20] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] papirosa uragan [ 76561198147377436 ] has connected to the server. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "papirosa uragan" (steamId=76561198147377436) connected to server! SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By nn9gzNMijmXaUyktOGDMHbdKqrBgyms7LFEmy0fT8rg= SCRIPT : ---- PlayerBase OnStoreLoad SUCCESS ---- SCRIPT : [23:06:23] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] Nikulin [ 76561198867114219 ] has connected to the server. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "Nikulin" (steamId=76561198867114219) connected to server! SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By D4TiZnQDlmT-eMvNRke3oeCWkC62LF9vAS8FrfPjUGE= SCRIPT : ---- PlayerBase OnStoreLoad SUCCESS ---- SCRIPT : [23:06:26] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] PLyT [ 76561199029577768 ] has connected to the server. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "PLyT" (steamId=76561199029577768) connected to server! SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By 0qVW47Ov71_Hp7Svv0mLlz84POEvrfrRZr48Cb2fMr8= SCRIPT : ---- PlayerBase OnStoreLoad SUCCESS ---- SCRIPT : [23:06:41] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] Tyler Durden [ 76561198986954127 ] has connected to the server. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "Tyler Durden" (steamId=76561198986954127) connected to server! SCRIPT (E): NULL pointer to instance Class: 'WeaponFSM' Function: 'SaveCurrentFSMState' Stack trace: scripts/4_World/entities\firearms\weaponfsm.c:406 scripts/4_World/entities\firearms\weapon_base.c:566 SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By 1-MiGnDtkuk_3ahZN-qFTEcroRkGHDYVRE6ujxgGsSg= SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By c5IG2EFKzTLbvHP8qr_MZylZTlpVJDbrGes9r6crzQo= SCRIPT : ---- PlayerBase OnStoreLoad SUCCESS ---- SCRIPT : [23:06:43] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] []] [[] [ 76561198164561474 ] has connected to the server. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "[]] [[]" (steamId=76561198164561474) connected to server! SCRIPT : ---- PlayerBase OnStoreLoad SUCCESS ---- SCRIPT : [23:06:44] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] BY FLIN [ 76561199240810639 ] has connected to the server. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "BY FLIN" (steamId=76561199240810639) connected to server! SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By WjIgMRkVLKP5qizYZ3LuokUyDWU1dC5Z4rGrbG5mA8I= SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By WT5wn9ZmM6dGyWafwU5aqxzhTHAomkz_9JDNLtTDuIE= SCRIPT : ---- PlayerBase OnStoreLoad SUCCESS ---- SCRIPT : [23:07:02] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] 161084sa [ 76561199202412383 ] has connected to the server. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "161084sa" (steamId=76561199202412383) connected to server! SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By VfX1AlLSWvJ7-o8tM9ogiZBs9SalyCQgchqnW0zTL6o= SCRIPT : ---- PlayerBase OnStoreLoad SUCCESS ---- SCRIPT : [23:07:04] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] kyoto [ 76561199064254399 ] has connected to the server. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "kyoto" (steamId=76561199064254399) connected to server! SCRIPT : [23:07:14] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] PANDA [ 76561198825500221 ] has connected to the server without a body. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "PANDA" (steamId=76561198825500221) connected to server! SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By p7lT-x1x8S4PXMzOwYAcFE_YE27PLlSKLZBzXuS-bA8= SCRIPT : ---- PlayerBase OnStoreLoad SUCCESS ---- SCRIPT : [23:07:21] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] and [ 76561199090033527 ] has connected to the server. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "and" (steamId=76561199090033527) connected to server! SCRIPT : [inv] ReplaceItemWithNewLambdaBase Step B) remove OK, loc={ type=HANDS item=AmmoBox_545x39_20Rnd:80110 parent=SurvivorM_Denis:13:INSTANCETYPE_SERVER } SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By 0CS-s2hnmhThS6meul57SoT06g2O3biz1IFiYp3T1wA= SCRIPT : ---- PlayerBase OnStoreLoad SUCCESS ---- SCRIPT : [23:07:28] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] PINOPLAST [ 76561199152071556 ] has connected to the server. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "PINOPLAST" (steamId=76561199152071556) connected to server! SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By AYeLntK4kyiWPn-ilnoM6LJNVHA34LB5Gx_2u2faOR4= SCRIPT : ---- PlayerBase OnStoreLoad SUCCESS ---- SCRIPT : [23:07:31] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] GREZLE [ 76561198245757064 ] has connected to the server. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "GREZLE" (steamId=76561198245757064) connected to server! SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By DJcMfmK2CQaxwLyWtvsX3RfB9brucY9D2af9eOx7uHE= SCRIPT : ---- PlayerBase OnStoreLoad SUCCESS ---- SCRIPT : [23:07:39] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] BabADyK [ 76561198448959709 ] has connected to the server. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "BabADyK" (steamId=76561198448959709) connected to server! SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By Gar_d9b0PI8uHXPswjfVCqHurQBGSWmaAsiKE6HHafg= SCRIPT : [23:07:54] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] fabulousuncle [ 76561198436176310 ] has connected to the server without a body. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "fabulousuncle" (steamId=76561198436176310) connected to server! SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By CCEv-FMJ7Ddf-sj26g_0MoX-CYF2Q8D4Nb09wD9t3uE= SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By Hx0POlPXt9xbpHhnA-Er66BUz5VzoMNKp7VPLzQWhBY= SCRIPT : ---- PlayerBase OnStoreLoad SUCCESS ---- SCRIPT : [23:07:57] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] suetolog777 [ 76561198969839493 ] has connected to the server. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "suetolog777" (steamId=76561198969839493) connected to server! SCRIPT : ---- PlayerBase OnStoreLoad SUCCESS ---- SCRIPT : [23:07:58] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] Mr.FancyHat [ 76561198995625811 ] has connected to the server. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "Mr.FancyHat" (steamId=76561198995625811) connected to server! SCRIPT : [inv] ReplaceItemWithNewLambdaBase Step B) remove OK, loc={ type=HANDS item=AmmoBox_762x54Tracer_20Rnd:81676 parent=SurvivorM_Denis:13:INSTANCETYPE_SERVER } SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By SqAbHLlNcjNYzBKAcG1yqwOPGRjP7IPJpPVQ6nyzxl8= SCRIPT : ---- PlayerBase OnStoreLoad SUCCESS ---- SCRIPT : [23:08:18] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] Macarena [ 76561198262972402 ] has connected to the server. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "Macarena" (steamId=76561198262972402) connected to server! SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By VaimxaxHLjW151jSIZKR_EH8cGVd_x0RunSwnts0apQ= SCRIPT : ---- PlayerBase OnStoreLoad SUCCESS ---- SCRIPT : [23:08:25] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] Kepka [ 76561198419531291 ] has connected to the server. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "Kepka" (steamId=76561198419531291) connected to server! SCRIPT : [wpnfsm] Save occured in fsm transition! current state=WeaponAttachMagazine closes stable state=RBF_CLO_BU0_MA1 id=4 SCRIPT : [inv] ReplaceItemWithNewLambdaBase Step B) remove OK, loc={ type=HANDS item=Pajka:143452 parent=SurvivorF_Eva:22:INSTANCETYPE_SERVER } SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By wxi5whD-90Sy5hDgeOCl4W6erq0dZIRlKHwT-XPmU54= SCRIPT : [23:08:47] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] gad [ 76561198875474819 ] has connected to the server without a body. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "gad" (steamId=76561198875474819) connected to server! SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By ZVeprbIyTqQozsqJuTqwK38dm5tLqs7_It9LLB_ceG8= SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By D5DqlAEJi2RK4HqsKLCUsuT6wpTq0KxfHwz7XP6-3ew= SCRIPT : ---- PlayerBase OnStoreLoad SUCCESS ---- SCRIPT : [23:08:59] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] Survivor (4) [ 76561199149655361 ] has connected to the server. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "Survivor (4)" (steamId=76561199149655361) connected to server! SCRIPT : [23:09:00] [DayZSetManager] Failed to load config file of 76561198436176310. SCRIPT : [23:09:00] [DayZSetManager] Json Error: SCRIPT : Empty string SCRIPT : [23:09:02] [DayZShop] Failed to perform sets request for player 76561198436176310. Error code: 7. Will use cache if available. SCRIPT : [23:09:04] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] PDIDY [ 76561199043278857 ] has connected to the server without a body. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "PDIDY" (steamId=76561199043278857) connected to server! SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By kVdVk0b8WTInK-x8jOtZkcLQrKb5UWz350ufJ0XP9Xg= SCRIPT : ---- PlayerBase OnStoreLoad SUCCESS ---- SCRIPT : [23:09:11] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] Zonyya [ 76561198372688971 ] has connected to the server. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "Zonyya" (steamId=76561198372688971) connected to server! SCRIPT : [Logout]: New player F2KbmdCDw2HzV6yRMLWoUko-DlxWGPqZkmnP90OJ1fM= with logout time 30 SCRIPT : Player "_Z1oebyh@y@_Fey@_" (steamid=76561198918709783) initiated disconnect process... SCRIPT : Player "_Z1oebyh@y@_Fey@_" (steamid=76561198918709783) disconnected early from server (EXIT NOW). SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By ZyHi2XZopFSVSOf6EwJVCyayrPryb_PqO3FzxspRTVE= SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By a_2_eqet5kJHmwEfdFxlHXsw_prHKysODOhwGG6g-vg= SCRIPT : ---- PlayerBase OnStoreLoad SUCCESS ---- SCRIPT : [23:09:31] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] SMERTNIK [ 76561199573403018 ] has connected to the server. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "SMERTNIK" (steamId=76561199573403018) connected to server! SCRIPT : ---- PlayerBase OnStoreLoad SUCCESS ---- SCRIPT : [23:09:37] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] [AP] Freak [ 76561199230362826 ] has connected to the server. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "[AP] Freak" (steamId=76561199230362826) connected to server! SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By ZD2nN2I3gR_Y6xx0IpmYVqo7ZtcLPubkKApEh6YlbAA= SCRIPT : [Logout]: Player F2KbmdCDw2HzV6yRMLWoUko-DlxWGPqZkmnP90OJ1fM= finished SCRIPT : [23:09:45] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] _Z1oebyh@y@_Fey@_ [ 76561198918709783 ] has disconnected from the server. SCRIPT : PlayerDisconnected -> PlayerListManager.RemoveEntry ► F2KbmdCDw2HzV6yRMLWoUko-DlxWGPqZkmnP90OJ1fM= SCRIPT : ---- PlayerBase OnStoreLoad SUCCESS ---- SCRIPT : [23:09:48] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] Avokadooooo [ 76561199828823297 ] has connected to the server. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "Avokadooooo" (steamId=76561199828823297) connected to server! SCRIPT : [Logout]: New player l_xwrvjL7UEEN3i-srjxUuqTJXApdDRn-xzdSjx-5GQ= with logout time 30 SCRIPT : Player "ya_3" (steamid=76561198421445817) initiated disconnect process... SCRIPT : Player "ya_3" (steamid=76561198421445817) disconnected early from server (EXIT NOW). SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By -QF9AL4mPMy_KTAy22wtbl8JkasuqjvYyao7yaNv1E8= SCRIPT : ---- PlayerBase OnStoreLoad SUCCESS ---- SCRIPT : [23:10:07] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] Allahoolal [ 76561199543071632 ] has connected to the server. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "Allahoolal" (steamId=76561199543071632) connected to server! SCRIPT : [KGB_VanilaHeli][S] 25.02.2025 23:10:09 : Инициализируем новое событие: GUID eUbu5-c3Z-iNM9m9LhAOl2zfkwOh1auW.json,Pos 0x00000000d21668b8 {<2856.24,368.237,6839.26>},Loc ВБ Сосновое SCRIPT : [Logout]: New player i7XPCh2CTYdyWxU8Mvx-SOf5IryEuv8P94odN8aUesg= with logout time 30 SCRIPT : Player "4k.GestapoSS" (steamid=76561198078851465) initiated disconnect process... SCRIPT : Player "4k.GestapoSS" (steamid=76561198078851465) disconnected early from server (EXIT NOW). SCRIPT : [Logout]: Player l_xwrvjL7UEEN3i-srjxUuqTJXApdDRn-xzdSjx-5GQ= finished SCRIPT : [23:10:21] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] ya_3 [ 76561198421445817 ] has disconnected from the server. SCRIPT : PlayerDisconnected -> PlayerListManager.RemoveEntry ► l_xwrvjL7UEEN3i-srjxUuqTJXApdDRn-xzdSjx-5GQ= SCRIPT : [23:10:24] [DayZSetManager] Failed to load config file of 76561199064254399. SCRIPT : [23:10:24] [DayZSetManager] Json Error: SCRIPT : Empty string SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By A34_RLNw5G6zSviFDvL75tjdfkJzm3ms_9WV2VCqG6c= SCRIPT : ---- PlayerBase OnStoreLoad SUCCESS ---- SCRIPT : [23:10:33] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] Egash339 [ 76561199225636166 ] has connected to the server. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "Egash339" (steamId=76561199225636166) connected to server! SCRIPT : [23:10:38] [DayZSetManager] Failed to load config file of 76561198875474819. SCRIPT : [23:10:38] [DayZSetManager] Json Error: SCRIPT : Empty string SCRIPT : Body Bag being created at <9105.195313, 5.808024, 2006.081177> SCRIPT : [Logout]: Player i7XPCh2CTYdyWxU8Mvx-SOf5IryEuv8P94odN8aUesg= finished SCRIPT : [23:10:47] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] 4k.GestapoSS [ 76561198078851465 ] has disconnected from the server. SCRIPT : PlayerDisconnected -> PlayerListManager.RemoveEntry ► i7XPCh2CTYdyWxU8Mvx-SOf5IryEuv8P94odN8aUesg= SCRIPT : [inv] ReplaceItemWithNewLambdaBase Step B) remove OK, loc={ type=HANDS item=AmmoBox_762x39_20Rnd:144244 parent=SurvivorM_Mirek:26:INSTANCETYPE_SERVER } SCRIPT : [Logout]: New player r_kMAONQaZ-PFTNDm2ZZI41rmNBh2iNOpkCSQMX8cjo= with logout time 30 SCRIPT : Player "NC. SIROTA" (steamid=76561199374245752) initiated disconnect process... SCRIPT : Body Bag being created at <5067.508789, 9.352404, 2279.648193> SCRIPT : [Logout]: New player D4TiZnQDlmT-eMvNRke3oeCWkC62LF9vAS8FrfPjUGE= with instant logout SCRIPT : [Logout]: Player D4TiZnQDlmT-eMvNRke3oeCWkC62LF9vAS8FrfPjUGE= finished SCRIPT : [23:11:31] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] PLyT [ 76561199029577768 ] has disconnected from the server. SCRIPT : Player "PLyT" (steamid=76561199029577768) disconnected from server. SCRIPT : HandleOnPlayerDisconnected -> PlayerListManager.RemoveEntry ► D4TiZnQDlmT-eMvNRke3oeCWkC62LF9vAS8FrfPjUGE= SCRIPT : Player "PLyT" (steamid=76561199029577768) initiated disconnect process... SCRIPT : Body Bag being created at <2062.963135, 109.595451, 3515.045410> SCRIPT : [Logout]: Player r_kMAONQaZ-PFTNDm2ZZI41rmNBh2iNOpkCSQMX8cjo= finished SCRIPT : [23:11:42] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] NC. SIROTA [ 76561199374245752 ] has disconnected from the server. SCRIPT : Player "NC. SIROTA" (steamid=76561199374245752) disconnected from server. SCRIPT : HandleOnPlayerDisconnected -> PlayerListManager.RemoveEntry ► r_kMAONQaZ-PFTNDm2ZZI41rmNBh2iNOpkCSQMX8cjo= SCRIPT : [inv] ReplaceItemWithNewLambdaBase Step B) remove OK, loc={ type=HANDS item=LongWoodenStick:91099 parent=SurvivorF_Eva:28:INSTANCETYPE_SERVER } SCRIPT : Body Bag being created at <8332.229492, 5.889614, 2469.233887> SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By Kja9CwsPQYlgwcfhIyG5T0ES2QXQwjZdZs07yUHtUGo= SCRIPT : ---- PlayerBase OnStoreLoad SUCCESS ---- SCRIPT : [23:12:01] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] Survivor (5) [ 76561198206847247 ] has connected to the server. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "Survivor (5)" (steamId=76561198206847247) connected to server! SCRIPT : [Logout]: New player p7lT-x1x8S4PXMzOwYAcFE_YE27PLlSKLZBzXuS-bA8= with logout time 30 SCRIPT : Player "and" (steamid=76561199090033527) initiated disconnect process... SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By Z5cNFCFTsFIKypSQ0wAkT6_PT_oP1BuyA9fRKQrJVlA= SCRIPT : ---- PlayerBase OnStoreLoad SUCCESS ---- SCRIPT : [23:12:42] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] Survivor (6) [ 76561199819877214 ] has connected to the server. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "Survivor (6)" (steamId=76561199819877214) connected to server! SCRIPT : [Logout]: Player p7lT-x1x8S4PXMzOwYAcFE_YE27PLlSKLZBzXuS-bA8= finished SCRIPT : [23:12:54] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] and [ 76561199090033527 ] has disconnected from the server. SCRIPT : PlayerDisconnected -> PlayerListManager.RemoveEntry ► p7lT-x1x8S4PXMzOwYAcFE_YE27PLlSKLZBzXuS-bA8= SCRIPT : [inv] ReplaceItemWithNewLambdaBase Step B) remove OK, loc={ type=HANDS item=UnknownFoodCan:143977 parent=SurvivorM_Lewis:20:INSTANCETYPE_SERVER } SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By Y-NRZpKBU_ABBkiAK2YKkrKiIfhlcDA1BdP0UAbRck4= SCRIPT : ---- PlayerBase OnStoreLoad SUCCESS ---- SCRIPT : [23:13:22] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] 1 [ 76561199184809581 ] has connected to the server. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "1" (steamId=76561199184809581) connected to server! SCRIPT : [SchanaChat] Settings Requested By p7lT-x1x8S4PXMzOwYAcFE_YE27PLlSKLZBzXuS-bA8= SCRIPT : [inv] ReplaceItemWithNewLambdaBase Step B) remove OK, loc={ type=HANDS item=DogFoodCan:144519 parent=SurvivorM_Seth:34:INSTANCETYPE_SERVER } SCRIPT : ---- PlayerBase OnStoreLoad SUCCESS ---- SCRIPT : [23:13:30] [MagicByteSharedLibrary] and [ 76561199090033527 ] has connected to the server. SCRIPT : [VPPAT] Player "and" (steamId=76561199090033527) connected to server! SCRIPT : [KGB_VanilaHeli][S] 25.02.2025 23:13:34 : VHF_CustomPDA.OnEventStart() SCRIPT : [KGB_VanilaHeli][S] 25.02.2025 23:13:34 : VHF_CustomPDA.PDA_SendToGlobalChat() SCRIPT : [KGB_VanilaHeli][S] 25.02.2025 23:13:34 : VHF_CustomPDA.PDA_RegisterEventMark() SCRIPT : [Logout]: New player Hx0POlPXt9xbpHhnA-Er66BUz5VzoMNKp7VPLzQWhBY= with logout time 30 SCRIPT : Player "suetolog777" (steamid=76561198969839493) initiated disconnect process... SCRIPT : Player "suetolog777" (steamid=76561198969839493) disconnected early from server (EXIT NOW). SCRIPT : [Logout]: New player wxi5whD-90Sy5hDgeOCl4W6erq0dZIRlKHwT-XPmU54= with logout time 30 SCRIPT : Player "gad" (steamid=76561198875474819) initiated disconnect process... SCRIPT : [inv] ReplaceItemWithNewLambdaBase Step B) remove OK, loc={ type=HANDS item=AmmoBox_9x19_25rnd:45215 parent=SurvivorF_Naomi:30:INSTANCETYPE_SERVER } SCRIPT : [Logout]: New player 1LIoBe0pIOZaQJuufslBraGF8YLnmYG5BLWqum1345Y= with logout time 30 SCRIPT : Player ":shrimp:" (steamid=76561199045218426) initiated disconnect process...