--------------------------------------------- Log C:\Users\User\Documents\My Games\ArmaReforger\profile\console.log started at 2022-11-12 14:57:02 (2022-11-12 04:57:02 UTC) 14:57:02:939 ENGINE : FileSystem: Adding relative directory 'C:\Users\User\Documents\My Games\ArmaReforger\profile' to filesystem under name profile 14:57:02:939 ENGINE : Initializing engine. 14:57:03:062 ENGINE : FileSystem: Adding package './addons/data/' (pak count: 6) to filesystem under name ArmaReforger 14:57:03:121 ENGINE : FileSystem: Adding package './addons/core/' (pak count: 2) to filesystem under name core 14:57:03:121 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=0 name=ArmaReforger path=./addons/data/resourceDatabase.rdb) 14:57:03:168 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=1 name=core path=./addons/core/resourceDatabase.rdb) 14:57:03:172 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=2 name=profile path=C:\Users\User\Documents\My Games\ArmaReforger\profile/resourceDatabase.rdb) 14:57:03:217 GameProject engine user settings load @"$profile:.save/ReforgerEngineSettings.conf" 14:57:03:217 ENGINE : Engine user settings config loaded 14:57:04:227 RENDER : (OK) Adapter 'NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060' supports feature level 12_0 14:57:04:230 RENDER : Basic screen setup: 14:57:04:230 RENDER : Back buffer width x height: 3840x2160 14:57:04:230 RENDER : Back buffer format : TEXFMT_R8G8B8A8_SRGB (29) 14:57:04:230 RENDER : MSAA : none 14:57:04:310 RENDER : Detected 2 output devices: 14:57:04:310 RENDER : Generic PnP Monitor (\\.\DISPLAY2), 3840x2160 (offset 0x0) 14:57:04:310 RENDER : Generic PnP Monitor (\\.\DISPLAY1), 2880x1620 (offset 5760x720) 14:57:04:310 RENDER : GPU_NVIDIA (0x10DE) (NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060) with 1 GPU detected, VRAM 12137MB (fast 0MB), shared 32724MB, driver version 522.6, stereo not available 14:57:04:310 RENDER : Multithreaded resource creation is supported 14:57:04:310 RENDER : Multithreaded command buffers are supported 14:57:04:310 RENDER : Compute units are supported 14:57:04:310 RENDER : Structured buffers are supported 14:57:04:310 RENDER : Concurrent frames limit 2 14:57:04:310 RENDER : Shader precision support 16bit is not supported 14:57:04:999 RENDER : Main RT format setup. 14:57:05:000 RENDER : Main RT format for quality 0 : TEXFMT_R11G11B10F (26) 14:57:05:000 RENDER : Main RT format for quality 1 : TEXFMT_R16G16B16A16F (10) 14:57:05:045 ENGINE : Job system settings: coreCount=24, shortJobContextCount=8, shortJobThreadCount=7, longJobThreadCount=3 14:57:05:359 AUDIO : Device: Headset Earphone (CORSAIR VIRTUOSO SE Wireless Gaming Headset) 14:57:05:428 RENDER : Reload shaders 14:57:05:428 RENDER : Shader version 64 14:57:05:685 PROFILING : Reload shaders took: 257.011800 ms 14:57:05:685 ENGINE : Initializing inputs. 14:57:05:688 NETWORK : Initializing networking. 14:57:05:688 SCRIPT : Initializing scripts 14:57:05:688 SCRIPT : ScriptProjectManager init 14:57:05:688 PROFILING : ScriptProjectManager init took: 0.013400 ms 14:57:05:724 PROFILING : Initializing scripts took: 36.263300 ms 14:57:05:724 ENGINE : Enfusion engine successfully created. 14:57:05:873 GUI : Using default language (en_us) 14:57:05:873 GUI : Loading 'en_us' localization file. 14:57:05:873 INIT : Loading StringTable 14:57:05:881 PROFILING : Loading StringTable took: 7.127900 ms 14:57:05:881 SCRIPT : Compiling GameLib scripts 14:57:05:906 PROFILING : Compiling GameLib scripts took: 25.469600 ms 14:57:05:932 SCRIPT : Compiling Game scripts 14:57:06:935 PROFILING : Compiling Game scripts took: 1002.922500 ms 14:57:07:127 INIT : Creating game instance(ArmaReforgerScripted), version built 2022-11-01 19:31:36 UTC. 14:57:07:261 GameProject user settings load from profile @"ReforgerGameSettings.conf" 14:57:07:261 ENGINE : Game user settings config loaded 14:57:07:261 WORLD : Entities load 'worlds/MainMenuWorld/MainMenuWorld.ent' 14:57:07:262 PROFILING : Entities load took: 0.165800 ms 14:57:07:262 WORLD : Game::LoadEntities 14:57:07:262 WORLD : Preload 14:57:07:262 PROFILING : Preload took: 0.007600 ms 14:57:07:262 WORLD : Wait for preloading data 14:57:07:262 PROFILING : Wait for preloading data took: 0.002400 ms 14:57:07:262 WORLD : CreateEntities 14:57:07:262 WORLD : CreateEntities 14:57:07:262 WORLD : NotifyBeforeEntitiesCreated 14:57:07:263 RESOURCES : Loaded mission headers from 29 addon(s)! 14:57:07:263 PROFILING : NotifyBeforeEntitiesCreated took: 0.419400 ms 14:57:07:265 WORLD : NotifyBeforeEntitiesInitialized 14:57:07:265 PROFILING : NotifyBeforeEntitiesInitialized took: 0.000800 ms 14:57:07:395 WORLD : InitEntities 'world' 14:57:07:395 ENTITY : Init entity @"ENTITY:3" ('SCR_AddonManager') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 14:57:07:395 SCRIPT : [SCR_AddonManager] SCR_AddonManager<0x0000027B19BE8030> Internal_CheckAddons() 14:57:07:395 WORLD : NotifyEntitiesInitialized 14:57:07:395 PROFILING : NotifyEntitiesInitialized took: 0.013100 ms 14:57:07:395 PROFILING : CreateEntities took: 132.931900 ms 14:57:07:395 PROFILING : CreateEntities took: 132.942800 ms 14:57:07:395 WORLD : Wait for preloading data around camera 14:57:07:395 PROFILING : Wait for preloading data around camera took: 0.000400 ms 14:57:07:395 WORLD : EOnActivate 14:57:07:395 PROFILING : EOnActivate took: 0.001400 ms 14:57:07:395 PROFILING : Game::LoadEntities took: 133.475300 ms 14:57:07:396 DEFAULT : Entered main menu. 14:57:07:463 SCRIPT (E): [Chat] ScriptedChatEntity is not present in the world. Sending messages will not work. 14:57:07:463 DEFAULT (W): No GameMode present in the world, using fallback logic! 14:57:07:463 ENGINE : Game successfully created. 14:57:07:465 GameProject user settings load from profile @"ReforgerGameSettings.conf" 14:57:07:465 ENGINE : Game user settings config loaded 14:57:07:465 UpdateEntities 14:57:07:465 WORLD : Frame 14:57:07:465 SCRIPT : Loading main menu. Dev mode:false First load: true 14:57:11:708 SCRIPT : [SCR_AddonManager] SCR_AddonManager<0x0000027B19BE8030> Internal_CheckAddons() 14:57:11:708 SCRIPT : GetGame().IsSafeMode(): 0 14:57:12:596 SCRIPT : [SCR_AddonManager] SCR_AddonManager<0x0000027B19BE8030> Callback_CheckAddons_OnSuccess() 14:57:12:596 SCRIPT : [SCR_AddonManager] SCR_AddonManager<0x0000027B19BE8030> FinalizeInitAfterAsyncChecks() 14:57:12:596 SCRIPT : [SCR_AddonManager] SCR_AddonManager<0x0000027B19BE8030> Init Finished 14:57:12:596 SCRIPT : [SCR_AddonManager] SCR_AddonManager<0x0000027B19BE8030> User Workshop access: 1 14:57:29:327 ENGINE : Game destroyed. 14:57:29:362 ENGINE : FileSystem: Adding package 'C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/598ADD258C38B701/' (pak count: 1) to filesystem under name Wolf_Weapon_Pack 14:57:29:365 ENGINE : FileSystem: Adding package 'C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/59668807FCE3FC91/' (pak count: 1) to filesystem under name SLR15Replacement 14:57:29:369 ENGINE : FileSystem: Adding package 'C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/597C0CF3A7AA8A99/' (pak count: 1) to filesystem under name BetterSounds 14:57:29:372 ENGINE : FileSystem: Adding package 'C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/5965770215E93269/' (pak count: 1) to filesystem under name RVX_M4_MK18 14:57:29:376 ENGINE : FileSystem: Adding package 'C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/59D490B11B7775D4/' (pak count: 1) to filesystem under name RVXAttachments 14:57:29:378 ENGINE : FileSystem: Adding package 'C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/599B257917391BF7/' (pak count: 1) to filesystem under name SwitchableOptics 14:57:29:382 ENGINE : FileSystem: Adding package 'C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/597D72161FD1ED1D/' (pak count: 1) to filesystem under name AttachmentsCompatibility 14:57:29:432 ENGINE : FileSystem: Adding package 'C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/5A64DE35CCD36695/' (pak count: 1) to filesystem under name 7thRangerBattalionModpack 14:57:29:486 ENGINE : FileSystem: Adding package 'C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/596EDD4B95459FD8/' (pak count: 1) to filesystem under name SoldierModelwithAccessories 14:57:29:539 ENGINE : FileSystem: Adding package 'C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/59A2C4065513E591/' (pak count: 1) to filesystem under name ConflictOfNations 14:57:29:557 ENGINE : FileSystem: Adding package './addons/data/' (pak count: 6) to filesystem under name ArmaReforger 14:57:29:558 ENGINE : FileSystem: Adding package './addons/core/' (pak count: 2) to filesystem under name core 14:57:29:558 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=0 name=Wolf_Weapon_Pack path=C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/598ADD258C38B701/resourceDatabase.rdb) 14:57:29:562 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=1 name=SLR15Replacement path=C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/59668807FCE3FC91/resourceDatabase.rdb) 14:57:29:564 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=2 name=BetterSounds path=C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/597C0CF3A7AA8A99/resourceDatabase.rdb) 14:57:29:577 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=3 name=RVX_M4_MK18 path=C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/5965770215E93269/resourceDatabase.rdb) 14:57:29:579 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=4 name=RVXAttachments path=C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/59D490B11B7775D4/resourceDatabase.rdb) 14:57:29:583 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=5 name=SwitchableOptics path=C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/599B257917391BF7/resourceDatabase.rdb) 14:57:29:585 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=6 name=AttachmentsCompatibility path=C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/597D72161FD1ED1D/resourceDatabase.rdb) 14:57:29:587 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=7 name=7thRangerBattalionModpack path=C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/5A64DE35CCD36695/resourceDatabase.rdb) 14:57:29:590 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=8 name=SoldierModelwithAccessories path=C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/596EDD4B95459FD8/resourceDatabase.rdb) 14:57:29:593 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=9 name=ConflictOfNations path=C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/59A2C4065513E591/resourceDatabase.rdb) 14:57:29:596 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=10 name=ArmaReforger path=./addons/data/resourceDatabase.rdb) 14:57:29:636 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=11 name=core path=./addons/core/resourceDatabase.rdb) 14:57:29:637 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=12 name=profile path=C:\Users\User\Documents\My Games\ArmaReforger\profile/resourceDatabase.rdb) 14:57:29:686 GUI : Using default language (en_us) 14:57:29:686 GUI : Loading 'en_us' localization file. 14:57:29:686 INIT : Loading StringTable 14:57:29:693 PROFILING : Loading StringTable took: 7.226500 ms 14:57:29:702 GUI : Using default language (en_us) 14:57:29:702 GUI : Loading 'en_us' localization file. 14:57:29:702 INIT : Loading StringTable 14:57:29:705 PROFILING : Loading StringTable took: 3.678800 ms 14:57:29:705 SCRIPT : Compiling GameLib scripts 14:57:29:731 PROFILING : Compiling GameLib scripts took: 25.394700 ms 14:57:29:742 SCRIPT : Compiling Game scripts 14:57:29:898 SCRIPT (W): @"scripts/Game/Weapon/Sights/RVX_MagnifierScope.c,71": Possible variable name conflict 'entity' 14:57:29:902 SCRIPT (W): @"scripts/Game/Weapon/Sights/RVX_ReddotScope.c,91": Possible variable name conflict 'entity' 14:57:30:541 SCRIPT (W): @"scripts/Game/Weapon/Sights/RVX_2DPIPWithDynamicReticleComponen.c,105": Possible variable name conflict 'zoom' 14:57:30:697 PROFILING : Compiling Game scripts took: 955.206800 ms 14:57:30:740 INIT : Creating game instance(ArmaReforgerScripted), version built 2022-11-01 19:31:36 UTC. 14:57:30:881 GameProject user settings load from profile @"ReforgerGameSettings.conf" 14:57:30:881 ENGINE : Game user settings config loaded 14:57:30:881 NETWORK : Starting multiplayer client using client lobby. 14:57:31:379 NETWORK : Starting RPL client, connecting to address 14:57:31:380 RPL : Starting client 14:57:32:376 RPL : ClientImpl event: connected (identity=0x00000001) 14:57:32:376 DEFAULT : BattlEye Client: Loading BattlEye library from path 'D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma Reforger\battleye\BEClient_x64.dll'. 14:57:32:753 DEFAULT : BattlEye Client: 'Initialized (v1.248)' 14:57:32:753 DEFAULT : BattlEye Client: Initialized. 14:57:33:259 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 14:57:33:259 SCRIPT : OnMissionSet 14:57:33:259 WORLD : Entities load '$ConflictOfNations:worlds/ConflictOfNations.ent' 14:57:33:904 PROFILING : Entities load took: 645.312500 ms 14:57:33:904 WORLD : Game::LoadEntities 14:57:33:914 WORLD : Preload 14:57:33:956 PROFILING : Preload took: 41.971200 ms 14:57:33:956 WORLD : Wait for preloading data 14:57:34:076 RESOURCES (E): Wrong&patched resource GUID in @"Assets/Items/Equipment/Backpacks/Backpack_ALICE_Medium/Backpack_ALICE_Medium.xob" for property UBX_ALICE_Medium_frame resource name @"Common/Materials/Game/Metal1.gamemat" 14:57:34:076 GetResourceObject @"{9F67CF56CCCEDFE9}Common/Materials/Game/Metal1.gamemat" 14:57:34:076 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:34:076 RESOURCES (E): Wrong&patched resource GUID in @"Assets/Items/Equipment/Backpacks/Backpack_ALICE_Medium/Backpack_ALICE_Medium.xob" for property UCX_Medium_Combat_Field_Pack resource name @"Common/Materials/Game/fabric1.gamemat" 14:57:34:076 GetResourceObject @"{864F599DE797D216}Common/Materials/Game/fabric1.gamemat" 14:57:34:076 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:34:717 RESOURCES (E): Wrong&patched resource GUID in @"Assets/Weapons/Rifles/SLR15/SLR15_REFORGE.xob" for property UCX_SLR resource name @"material/metal.gamemat" 14:57:34:717 GetResourceObject @"{536BF67B2052B869}material/metal.gamemat" 14:57:34:717 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:35:364 PROFILING : Wait for preloading data took: 1407.146200 ms 14:57:35:364 WORLD : CreateEntities 14:57:35:364 WORLD : CreateEntities 14:57:35:364 WORLD : NotifyBeforeEntitiesCreated 14:57:35:364 RESOURCES : Loaded mission headers from 29 addon(s)! 14:57:35:364 PROFILING : NotifyBeforeEntitiesCreated took: 0.680400 ms 14:57:35:376 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:2" ('Eden', GenericTerrainEntity) at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> 14:57:35:376 PROFILING : Terrain load 14:57:36:632 PROFILING : Terrain load took: 1255.591700 ms 14:57:40:284 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:995731" ('GenericEntity') at <7034.411133 118.575241 6016.577637> 14:57:40:284 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{AB7FC5591A5521D9}Assets/Structures/BuildingsParts/Windows/Glass_PhoneBooth_E_01/Glass_Door_PhoneBooth_E_63x58.xob" 14:57:40:284 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:40:284 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:995732" ('GenericEntity') at <7034.411133 118.575241 6016.577637> 14:57:40:284 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{32617CC007B21049}Assets/Structures/BuildingsParts/Windows/Glass_PhoneBooth_E_01/Glass_Door_PhoneBooth_E_63x72.xob" 14:57:40:284 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:40:769 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:1145416" ('RoadEntity') at <4773.007813 27.417000 11115.359375> 14:57:40:769 TERRAIN (W): A road without a road material found (@"ENTITY:1145416"). 14:57:40:769 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:1145418" ('RoadEntity') at <4772.949219 27.417000 11115.565430> 14:57:40:769 TERRAIN (W): A road without a road material found (@"ENTITY:1145418"). 14:57:40:769 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:1145420" ('RoadEntity') at <4770.958008 25.190001 11958.533203> 14:57:40:769 TERRAIN (W): A road without a road material found (@"ENTITY:1145420"). 14:57:41:625 NETWORK : Enabled lag compensation, 29 frames with 100 FPS and 280 ms rewind limits. 14:57:41:690 WORLD : NotifyBeforeEntitiesInitialized 14:57:41:690 PROFILING : NotifyBeforeEntitiesInitialized took: 0.004700 ms 14:57:42:397 WORLD : NotifyEntitiesInitialized 14:57:42:397 TERRAIN : Initializing road networks... 14:57:42:399 PROFILING : Initializing road networks... took: 1.752300 ms 14:57:42:483 INIT : SoundWorldInit 14:57:42:510 PROFILING : SoundWorldInit took: 27.065900 ms 14:57:42:510 PROFILING : NotifyEntitiesInitialized took: 113.303500 ms 14:57:42:510 PROFILING : CreateEntities took: 7146.569900 ms 14:57:42:510 PROFILING : CreateEntities took: 7146.646100 ms 14:57:42:511 WORLD : Wait for preloading data around camera 14:57:42:941 RESOURCES (E): Failed to load 'Assets/Structures/BuildingsParts/Doors/Data/Door_Metal_stripes_01_MLOD_BCR.edds' 14:57:43:665 PROFILING : Wait for preloading data around camera took: 1153.516100 ms 14:57:43:665 WORLD : EOnActivate 14:57:43:666 PROFILING : EOnActivate took: 0.697900 ms 14:57:43:666 PROFILING : Game::LoadEntities took: 9761.279900 ms 14:57:44:848 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 14:57:44:848 DEFAULT : Player connection node not found for identityID=29. Creating a new one 14:57:44:862 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{8B4D49A9F324E7D5}Prefabs/Groups/PlayableGroup.et" 14:57:44:862 WORLD : InitEntities 'world' 14:57:44:862 ENTITY : Init entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427400672" ('SCR_AIGroup') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> @"{8B4D49A9F324E7D5}Prefabs/Groups/PlayableGroup.et" 14:57:44:862 SCRIPT (W): Formation of group SCR_AIGroup<0x0000027B7DE69090> not found in SCR_AIWorld! Team members will not be spawned. 14:57:44:948 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 14:57:44:948 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427401181" ('GenericEntity') at <7477.105957 133.339996 4800.631836> @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 14:57:44:948 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:57:44:948 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:44:949 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 14:57:44:949 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427401183" ('GenericEntity') at <7477.105957 133.339996 4800.631836> @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 14:57:44:949 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:57:44:949 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:44:951 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 14:57:44:951 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427401187" ('GenericEntity') at <7477.105957 133.339996 4800.631836> @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 14:57:44:951 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:57:44:951 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:44:958 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{5755BA03F10ED3B6}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M16A1/Rifle_M16A1_base.et" 14:57:44:958 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427401191" ('GenericEntity') at <7477.105957 133.339996 4800.631836> @"{5755BA03F10ED3B6}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M16A1/Rifle_M16A1_base.et" 14:57:44:958 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:57:44:958 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:45:028 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 14:57:45:028 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{8B4D49A9F324E7D5}Prefabs/Groups/PlayableGroup.et" 14:57:45:028 WORLD : InitEntities 'world' 14:57:45:028 ENTITY : Init entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427401772" ('SCR_AIGroup') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> @"{8B4D49A9F324E7D5}Prefabs/Groups/PlayableGroup.et" 14:57:45:028 SCRIPT (W): Formation of group SCR_AIGroup<0x0000027B7DE68D70> not found in SCR_AIWorld! Team members will not be spawned. 14:57:45:039 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{9AE3ACBF5076AAE9}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_MK18_Rifle.et" 14:57:45:039 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427401924" ('GenericEntity') at <4528.684082 21.080000 9772.101563> 14:57:45:039 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{82B1F4CDC78C7AF2}Assets/Weapons/Rifles/Rifles/RVX_M4/RVX_M4A1_Base.xob" 14:57:45:039 RESOURCES (E): Wrong&patched resource GUID in @"Assets/Weapons/Rifles/Rifles/RVX_M4/RVX_M4A1_Base.xob" for property UCX_M4A1_Body resource name @"material/metal.gamemat" 14:57:45:039 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{536BF67B2052B869}material/metal.gamemat" 14:57:45:039 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:45:109 DEFAULT : Entered online game state. 14:57:45:110 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 14:57:45:110 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{8B4D49A9F324E7D5}Prefabs/Groups/PlayableGroup.et" 14:57:45:110 WORLD : InitEntities 'world' 14:57:45:110 ENTITY : Init entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427401930" ('SCR_AIGroup') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> @"{8B4D49A9F324E7D5}Prefabs/Groups/PlayableGroup.et" 14:57:45:110 SCRIPT (W): Formation of group SCR_AIGroup<0x0000027B7DE6D870> not found in SCR_AIWorld! Team members will not be spawned. 14:57:45:110 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{8B4D49A9F324E7D5}Prefabs/Groups/PlayableGroup.et" 14:57:45:110 WORLD : InitEntities 'world' 14:57:45:110 ENTITY : Init entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427401931" ('SCR_AIGroup') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> @"{8B4D49A9F324E7D5}Prefabs/Groups/PlayableGroup.et" 14:57:45:110 SCRIPT (W): Formation of group SCR_AIGroup<0x0000027B7DE6ACB0> not found in SCR_AIWorld! Team members will not be spawned. 14:57:45:116 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{8B4D49A9F324E7D5}Prefabs/Groups/PlayableGroup.et" 14:57:45:116 WORLD : InitEntities 'world' 14:57:45:116 ENTITY : Init entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427402006" ('SCR_AIGroup') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> @"{8B4D49A9F324E7D5}Prefabs/Groups/PlayableGroup.et" 14:57:45:116 SCRIPT (W): Formation of group SCR_AIGroup<0x0000027B7DE6A670> not found in SCR_AIWorld! Team members will not be spawned. 14:57:45:116 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{8B4D49A9F324E7D5}Prefabs/Groups/PlayableGroup.et" 14:57:45:116 WORLD : InitEntities 'world' 14:57:45:116 ENTITY : Init entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427402009" ('SCR_AIGroup') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> @"{8B4D49A9F324E7D5}Prefabs/Groups/PlayableGroup.et" 14:57:45:116 SCRIPT (W): Formation of group SCR_AIGroup<0x0000027B7DE6E4F0> not found in SCR_AIWorld! Team members will not be spawned. 14:57:45:118 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{8B4D49A9F324E7D5}Prefabs/Groups/PlayableGroup.et" 14:57:45:118 WORLD : InitEntities 'world' 14:57:45:118 ENTITY : Init entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427402014" ('SCR_AIGroup') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> @"{8B4D49A9F324E7D5}Prefabs/Groups/PlayableGroup.et" 14:57:45:118 SCRIPT (W): Formation of group SCR_AIGroup<0x0000027B7DE6E810> not found in SCR_AIWorld! Team members will not be spawned. 14:57:45:130 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{8B4D49A9F324E7D5}Prefabs/Groups/PlayableGroup.et" 14:57:45:130 WORLD : InitEntities 'world' 14:57:45:130 ENTITY : Init entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427402437" ('SCR_AIGroup') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> @"{8B4D49A9F324E7D5}Prefabs/Groups/PlayableGroup.et" 14:57:45:130 SCRIPT (W): Formation of group SCR_AIGroup<0x0000027B7DE6DEB0> not found in SCR_AIWorld! Team members will not be spawned. 14:57:45:214 ENGINE : Game successfully created. 14:57:45:295 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 14:57:45:295 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{998F604DE19C7AF3}Prefabs/Characters/Uniforms/Jacket_US_G3_PilotMulticam.et" 14:57:45:295 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427403130" ('GameEntity') at <7474.250000 7.920000 6697.085938> 14:57:45:295 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{B36C67B3DBEC169A}Assets/Characters/Uniforms/5RBN-G3CombatShirt-Gray-Long-RangerTab.xob" 14:57:45:295 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:45:297 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{05D074B80271CF75}Prefabs/Characters/Uniforms/Jacket_US_G3_PilotMulticam_2.et" 14:57:45:297 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427403131" ('GameEntity') at <7474.250000 7.920000 6697.085938> 14:57:45:297 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{B36C67B3DBEC169A}Assets/Characters/Uniforms/5RBN-G3CombatShirt-Gray-Long-RangerTab.xob" 14:57:45:297 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:46:680 RENDER : ObjectsHeightMap::Build 14:57:46:680 RENDER : MeshOccupancyGridManager::GenerateAllForWorld 14:57:46:758 PROFILING : MeshOccupancyGridManager::GenerateAllForWorld took: 77.676700 ms 14:57:46:764 PROFILING : ObjectsHeightMap::Build took: 84.161000 ms 14:57:46:955 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 14:57:46:955 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{9CB496688A3BCC3E}Prefabs/MP/Campaign/Assets/CampaignMobileAssemblyWest.et" 14:57:46:955 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427403194" ('Vehicle') at <5040.673828 174.679993 7048.916016> 14:57:46:955 RESOURCES (E): Can't remap 'Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_BASE.xob' material from 'M923A1_Base1' to 'Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/Data/M923A1_Base_MERDC.emat'. Source material do not exist 14:57:46:973 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{4D6D8AF9A91F75FB}Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_suspension.pap" 14:57:46:973 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:47:077 DEFAULT : BattlEye Client: 'Server computed GUID: 99dfa2e14b10268650b5d504a676000c' 14:57:47:087 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 14:57:47:087 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{8B4D49A9F324E7D5}Prefabs/Groups/PlayableGroup.et" 14:57:47:087 WORLD : InitEntities 'world' 14:57:47:087 ENTITY : Init entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427403555" ('SCR_AIGroup') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> @"{8B4D49A9F324E7D5}Prefabs/Groups/PlayableGroup.et" 14:57:47:087 SCRIPT (W): Formation of group SCR_AIGroup<0x0000027B5EC2E8C0> not found in SCR_AIWorld! Team members will not be spawned. 14:57:47:094 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{8B4D49A9F324E7D5}Prefabs/Groups/PlayableGroup.et" 14:57:47:094 WORLD : InitEntities 'world' 14:57:47:094 ENTITY : Init entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427403581" ('SCR_AIGroup') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> @"{8B4D49A9F324E7D5}Prefabs/Groups/PlayableGroup.et" 14:57:47:094 SCRIPT (W): Formation of group SCR_AIGroup<0x0000027B5EC2F540> not found in SCR_AIWorld! Team members will not be spawned. 14:57:47:194 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 14:57:47:194 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et" 14:57:47:194 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427404072" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Rifles/Rifles/RVX_M4/RVX_M4A1_Base.xob') at <5114.326172 177.000000 6992.262207> @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et" 14:57:47:194 RESOURCES (E): BaseInteractionHandlerComponent (owner=@"ENTITY:4611686018427404072" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Rifles/Rifles/RVX_M4/RVX_M4A1_Base.xob') at <5114.326172 177.000000 6992.262207> @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et") is not attached to a PlayerController, this is disallowed! 14:57:47:195 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 14:57:47:195 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427404076" ('GenericEntity') at <5114.326172 177.000000 6992.262207> @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 14:57:47:195 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:57:47:195 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:47:195 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{5755BA03F10ED3B6}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M16A1/Rifle_M16A1_base.et" 14:57:47:195 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427404079" ('GenericEntity') at <5114.326172 177.000000 6992.262207> @"{5755BA03F10ED3B6}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M16A1/Rifle_M16A1_base.et" 14:57:47:195 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:57:47:195 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:47:196 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 14:57:47:196 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427404081" ('GenericEntity') at <5114.326172 177.000000 6992.262207> @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 14:57:47:196 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:57:47:196 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:47:196 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 14:57:47:196 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427404084" ('GenericEntity') at <5114.326172 177.000000 6992.262207> @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 14:57:47:196 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:57:47:196 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:47:273 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 14:57:47:273 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 14:57:47:273 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427404755" ('GenericEntity') at <10039.683594 3.059999 1585.644043> @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 14:57:47:273 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:57:47:273 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:47:273 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 14:57:47:273 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427404757" ('GenericEntity') at <10039.683594 3.059999 1585.644043> @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 14:57:47:273 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:57:47:273 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:47:273 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{5755BA03F10ED3B6}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M16A1/Rifle_M16A1_base.et" 14:57:47:273 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427404762" ('GenericEntity') at <10039.683594 3.059999 1585.644043> @"{5755BA03F10ED3B6}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M16A1/Rifle_M16A1_base.et" 14:57:47:273 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:57:47:273 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:47:274 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 14:57:47:274 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427404766" ('GenericEntity') at <10039.683594 3.059999 1585.644043> @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 14:57:47:274 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:57:47:274 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:47:287 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 14:57:47:287 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427405003" ('GenericEntity') at <7467.850098 165.860001 4224.120117> @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 14:57:47:287 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:57:47:287 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:47:287 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 14:57:47:287 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427405005" ('GenericEntity') at <7467.850098 165.860001 4224.120117> @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 14:57:47:287 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:57:47:287 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:47:287 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 14:57:47:287 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427405009" ('GenericEntity') at <7467.850098 165.860001 4224.120117> @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 14:57:47:287 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:57:47:287 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:47:288 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{5755BA03F10ED3B6}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M16A1/Rifle_M16A1_base.et" 14:57:47:288 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427405013" ('GenericEntity') at <7467.850098 165.860001 4224.120117> @"{5755BA03F10ED3B6}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M16A1/Rifle_M16A1_base.et" 14:57:47:288 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:57:47:288 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:47:328 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 14:57:47:328 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{5755BA03F10ED3B6}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M16A1/Rifle_M16A1_base.et" 14:57:47:328 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427405377" ('GenericEntity') at <7441.757813 10.000000 6782.759766> @"{5755BA03F10ED3B6}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M16A1/Rifle_M16A1_base.et" 14:57:47:328 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:57:47:328 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:47:329 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 14:57:47:329 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427405379" ('GenericEntity') at <7441.757813 10.000000 6782.759766> @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 14:57:47:329 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:57:47:329 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:47:330 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 14:57:47:330 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427405385" ('GenericEntity') at <7441.757813 10.000000 6782.759766> @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 14:57:47:330 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:57:47:330 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:47:330 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 14:57:47:330 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427405389" ('GenericEntity') at <7441.757813 10.000000 6782.759766> @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 14:57:47:330 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:57:47:330 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:47:757 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 14:57:47:757 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 14:57:47:757 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427406288" ('GenericEntity') at <8773.040039 197.160004 3899.686035> @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 14:57:47:757 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:57:47:757 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:47:758 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 14:57:47:758 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427406290" ('GenericEntity') at <8773.040039 197.160004 3899.686035> @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 14:57:47:758 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:57:47:758 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:47:758 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 14:57:47:758 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427406294" ('GenericEntity') at <8773.040039 197.160004 3899.686035> @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 14:57:47:758 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:57:47:758 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:47:758 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{5755BA03F10ED3B6}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M16A1/Rifle_M16A1_base.et" 14:57:47:758 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427406298" ('GenericEntity') at <8773.040039 197.160004 3899.686035> @"{5755BA03F10ED3B6}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M16A1/Rifle_M16A1_base.et" 14:57:47:758 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:57:47:759 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:47:778 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{8B4D49A9F324E7D5}Prefabs/Groups/PlayableGroup.et" 14:57:47:778 WORLD : InitEntities 'world' 14:57:47:778 ENTITY : Init entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427406659" ('SCR_AIGroup') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> @"{8B4D49A9F324E7D5}Prefabs/Groups/PlayableGroup.et" 14:57:47:778 SCRIPT (W): Formation of group SCR_AIGroup<0x0000027B52F2CB50> not found in SCR_AIWorld! Team members will not be spawned. 14:57:47:792 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 14:57:47:792 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{8B4D49A9F324E7D5}Prefabs/Groups/PlayableGroup.et" 14:57:47:792 WORLD : InitEntities 'world' 14:57:47:792 ENTITY : Init entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427406781" ('SCR_AIGroup') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> @"{8B4D49A9F324E7D5}Prefabs/Groups/PlayableGroup.et" 14:57:47:792 SCRIPT (W): Formation of group SCR_AIGroup<0x0000027B52F2BED0> not found in SCR_AIWorld! Team members will not be spawned. 14:57:47:799 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{8B4D49A9F324E7D5}Prefabs/Groups/PlayableGroup.et" 14:57:47:799 WORLD : InitEntities 'world' 14:57:47:799 ENTITY : Init entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427406902" ('SCR_AIGroup') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> @"{8B4D49A9F324E7D5}Prefabs/Groups/PlayableGroup.et" 14:57:47:799 SCRIPT (W): Formation of group SCR_AIGroup<0x0000027B61AF45E0> not found in SCR_AIWorld! Team members will not be spawned. 14:57:47:838 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 14:57:47:838 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{8B4D49A9F324E7D5}Prefabs/Groups/PlayableGroup.et" 14:57:47:838 WORLD : InitEntities 'world' 14:57:47:838 ENTITY : Init entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427407888" ('SCR_AIGroup') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> @"{8B4D49A9F324E7D5}Prefabs/Groups/PlayableGroup.et" 14:57:47:838 SCRIPT (W): Formation of group SCR_AIGroup<0x0000027B61AF3FA0> not found in SCR_AIWorld! Team members will not be spawned. 14:57:47:840 DEFAULT : Dynamic Network Simulation: ON 14:57:47:840 DEFAULT : NDS Resolution: 0.000000 14:57:47:840 DEFAULT : Connection diagnostics: OFF 14:57:47:840 DEFAULT : Cheats enabled: ON 14:57:47:870 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 14:57:47:870 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427408293" ('GenericEntity') at <6549.125977 81.699997 5114.917969> @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 14:57:47:870 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:57:47:870 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:47:870 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 14:57:47:870 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427408295" ('GenericEntity') at <6549.125977 81.699997 5114.917969> @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 14:57:47:870 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:57:47:870 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:47:871 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 14:57:47:871 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427408299" ('GenericEntity') at <6549.125977 81.699997 5114.917969> @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 14:57:47:871 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:57:47:871 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:47:871 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{5755BA03F10ED3B6}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M16A1/Rifle_M16A1_base.et" 14:57:47:871 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427408303" ('GenericEntity') at <6549.125977 81.699997 5114.917969> @"{5755BA03F10ED3B6}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M16A1/Rifle_M16A1_base.et" 14:57:47:871 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:57:47:871 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:47:914 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 14:57:47:914 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 14:57:47:914 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427409069" ('GenericEntity') at <4995.211914 46.520000 8952.263672> @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 14:57:47:914 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:57:47:914 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:47:915 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 14:57:47:915 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427409071" ('GenericEntity') at <4995.211914 46.520000 8952.263672> @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 14:57:47:915 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:57:47:915 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:47:915 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 14:57:47:915 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427409075" ('GenericEntity') at <4995.211914 46.520000 8952.263672> @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 14:57:47:915 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:57:47:915 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:47:916 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{5755BA03F10ED3B6}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M16A1/Rifle_M16A1_base.et" 14:57:47:916 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427409079" ('GenericEntity') at <4995.211914 46.520000 8952.263672> @"{5755BA03F10ED3B6}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M16A1/Rifle_M16A1_base.et" 14:57:47:916 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:57:47:916 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:48:546 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 14:57:48:546 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et" 14:57:48:546 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427412215" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Rifles/Rifles/RVX_M4/RVX_M4A1_Base.xob') at <5373.049805 22.779999 8380.181641> @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et" 14:57:48:546 RESOURCES (E): BaseInteractionHandlerComponent (owner=@"ENTITY:4611686018427412215" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Rifles/Rifles/RVX_M4/RVX_M4A1_Base.xob') at <5373.049805 22.779999 8380.181641> @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et") is not attached to a PlayerController, this is disallowed! 14:57:48:547 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 14:57:48:547 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427412219" ('GenericEntity') at <5373.049805 22.779999 8380.181641> @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 14:57:48:547 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:57:48:547 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:48:547 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{5755BA03F10ED3B6}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M16A1/Rifle_M16A1_base.et" 14:57:48:547 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427412222" ('GenericEntity') at <5373.049805 22.779999 8380.181641> @"{5755BA03F10ED3B6}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M16A1/Rifle_M16A1_base.et" 14:57:48:548 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:57:48:548 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:48:548 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 14:57:48:548 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427412224" ('GenericEntity') at <5373.049805 22.779999 8380.181641> @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 14:57:48:548 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:57:48:548 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:48:548 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 14:57:48:548 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427412227" ('GenericEntity') at <5373.049805 22.779999 8380.181641> @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 14:57:48:548 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:57:48:548 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:48:592 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 14:57:48:592 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 14:57:48:592 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427412904" ('GenericEntity') at <8888.545898 95.979996 2736.458008> @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 14:57:48:592 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:57:48:592 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:48:592 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 14:57:48:592 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427412906" ('GenericEntity') at <8888.545898 95.979996 2736.458008> @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 14:57:48:592 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:57:48:592 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:48:592 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 14:57:48:593 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427412910" ('GenericEntity') at <8888.545898 95.979996 2736.458008> @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 14:57:48:593 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:57:48:593 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:48:593 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{5755BA03F10ED3B6}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M16A1/Rifle_M16A1_base.et" 14:57:48:593 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427412914" ('GenericEntity') at <8888.545898 95.979996 2736.458008> @"{5755BA03F10ED3B6}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M16A1/Rifle_M16A1_base.et" 14:57:48:593 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:57:48:593 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:48:615 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 14:57:48:615 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{8B4D49A9F324E7D5}Prefabs/Groups/PlayableGroup.et" 14:57:48:615 WORLD : InitEntities 'world' 14:57:48:615 ENTITY : Init entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427413245" ('SCR_AIGroup') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> @"{8B4D49A9F324E7D5}Prefabs/Groups/PlayableGroup.et" 14:57:48:615 SCRIPT (W): Formation of group SCR_AIGroup<0x0000027C31F807C0> not found in SCR_AIWorld! Team members will not be spawned. 14:57:48:631 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 14:57:48:631 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427413692" ('GenericEntity') at <4990.943848 2.520000 3884.016113> @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 14:57:48:631 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:57:48:631 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:48:631 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 14:57:48:631 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427413694" ('GenericEntity') at <4990.943848 2.520000 3884.016113> @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 14:57:48:631 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:57:48:631 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:48:632 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 14:57:48:632 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427413698" ('GenericEntity') at <4990.943848 2.520000 3884.016113> @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 14:57:48:632 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:57:48:632 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:48:632 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{5755BA03F10ED3B6}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M16A1/Rifle_M16A1_base.et" 14:57:48:632 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427413702" ('GenericEntity') at <4990.943848 2.520000 3884.016113> @"{5755BA03F10ED3B6}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M16A1/Rifle_M16A1_base.et" 14:57:48:632 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:57:48:632 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:48:678 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 14:57:48:678 SCRIPT : SCR_BaseGameMode::OnGameStateChanged = GAME 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=29, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=1, Name=Nanovanini 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=2, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=3, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=4, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=5, Name=junk yard juggs 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=6, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=7, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=8, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=9, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=10, Name=Mercy Todaro 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=11, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=12, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=13, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=14, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=15, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=16, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=17, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=18, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=19, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=20, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=21, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=22, Name=matrix 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=23, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=24, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=25, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=26, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=27, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=28, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=29, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=30, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=31, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=32, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=33, Name=dmx bark 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=34, Name=HattoriHanzo420 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=35, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=36, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=37, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=38, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=39, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=40, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=41, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=42, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=43, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=44, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=45, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=46, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=47, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=48, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=49, Name=ForeignCoffee 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=50, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=51, Name=La Diablos 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=52, Name=VandalzGaming 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=53, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=54, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=55, Name=Bxunty Hvnt 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=56, Name=KindaWhite3023 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=57, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=58, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=59, Name=Killabud2012 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=60, Name=Kevin Baxter 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=61, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=62, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=63, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=64, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=65, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=66, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=67, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=68, Name=HeavyPandabear 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=69, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=70, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=71, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=72, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=73, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=74, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=75, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=76, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=77, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=78, Name=RaggeddyT705 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=79, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=80, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=81, Name=FrostyBud777 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=82, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=83, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=84, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=85, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=86, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=87, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=88, Name=Monke7002 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=89, Name=cheese4fees 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=90, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=91, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=92, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=93, Name=R4F43LM3LL0 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=94, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=95, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=96, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=97, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=98, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=99, Name=UndauntdPuma 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=100, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=101, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=102, Name=The Karnage X 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=103, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=104, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=105, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=106, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=107, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=108, Name=ORGA2M0 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=109, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=110, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=111, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=112, Name=Zirps15 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=113, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=114, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=115, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=116, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=117, Name=UNoScopedJFK 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=118, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=119, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=120, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=121, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=122, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=123, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=124, Name=DP3Boss 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=125, Name=WaxyR3AP3R69 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=126, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=127, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=128, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=129, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=130, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=131, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=132, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=133, Name=Colonic ramen 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=134, Name=Thiagolis 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=135, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=136, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=137, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=138, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=139, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=140, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=141, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=142, Name=THE MAYRIO 101 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=143, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=144, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=145, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=146, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=147, Name=RT6 Skeletal 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=148, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=149, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=150, Name=McLOVIN2978 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=151, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=152, Name= 14:57:48:678 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=153, Name= 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=154, Name= 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=155, Name= 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=156, Name=djangobendo 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=157, Name=parrsy123 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=158, Name= 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=159, Name= 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=160, Name=Trop sK 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=161, Name=DoubleK904 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=162, Name=Overswarm X 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=163, Name=MythicWolffe 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=164, Name= 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=165, Name= 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=166, Name=iRektSkrubs 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=167, Name= 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=168, Name= 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=169, Name= 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=170, Name= 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=171, Name=Brother Birds 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=172, Name=Senator Lucon 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=173, Name= 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=174, Name= 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=175, Name= 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=176, Name=TheTachanka341 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=177, Name= 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=178, Name= 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=179, Name=DiamondKillX 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=180, Name= 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=181, Name= 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=182, Name=trevorfreeman22 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=183, Name=Chuconuts5460 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=184, Name= 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=185, Name= 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=186, Name=Spooky Gain 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=187, Name=Chiken 903 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=188, Name= 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=189, Name=TECHBOMBTAZ 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=190, Name= 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=191, Name=BakedBadger6588 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=192, Name=DrSpicyWienr 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=193, Name=M1kusimp45 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=194, Name=puglife32 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=195, Name=BLUE9BANGER 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=196, Name=BRUNNER5400 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=197, Name=mr.legg92 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=198, Name=BlackDog1247 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=199, Name=TheGhostOfKyiv 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=200, Name=Chump1337 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=201, Name=Siko148501 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=1, Name=Nanovanini 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=5, Name=junk yard juggs 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=10, Name=Mercy Todaro 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=22, Name=matrix 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=33, Name=dmx bark 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=34, Name=HattoriHanzo420 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=49, Name=ForeignCoffee 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=51, Name=La Diablos 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=52, Name=VandalzGaming 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=55, Name=Bxunty Hvnt 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=56, Name=KindaWhite3023 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=59, Name=Killabud2012 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=60, Name=Kevin Baxter 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=68, Name=HeavyPandabear 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=78, Name=RaggeddyT705 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=81, Name=FrostyBud777 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=88, Name=Monke7002 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=89, Name=cheese4fees 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=93, Name=R4F43LM3LL0 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=99, Name=UndauntdPuma 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=102, Name=The Karnage X 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=108, Name=ORGA2M0 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=112, Name=Zirps15 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=117, Name=UNoScopedJFK 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=124, Name=DP3Boss 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=125, Name=WaxyR3AP3R69 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=133, Name=Colonic ramen 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=134, Name=Thiagolis 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=142, Name=THE MAYRIO 101 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=147, Name=RT6 Skeletal 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=150, Name=McLOVIN2978 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=156, Name=djangobendo 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=157, Name=parrsy123 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=160, Name=Trop sK 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=161, Name=DoubleK904 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=162, Name=Overswarm X 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=163, Name=MythicWolffe 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=166, Name=iRektSkrubs 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=171, Name=Brother Birds 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=172, Name=Senator Lucon 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=176, Name=TheTachanka341 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=179, Name=DiamondKillX 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=182, Name=trevorfreeman22 14:57:48:679 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=183, Name=Chuconuts5460 14:57:48:680 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=186, Name=Spooky Gain 14:57:48:680 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=187, Name=Chiken 903 14:57:48:680 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=189, Name=TECHBOMBTAZ 14:57:48:680 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=191, Name=BakedBadger6588 14:57:48:680 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=192, Name=DrSpicyWienr 14:57:48:680 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=193, Name=M1kusimp45 14:57:48:680 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=194, Name=puglife32 14:57:48:680 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=195, Name=BLUE9BANGER 14:57:48:680 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=196, Name=BRUNNER5400 14:57:48:680 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=197, Name=mr.legg92 14:57:48:680 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=198, Name=BlackDog1247 14:57:48:680 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=199, Name=TheGhostOfKyiv 14:57:48:680 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=200, Name=Chump1337 14:57:48:680 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=201, Name=Siko148501 14:57:48:688 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 14:57:48:688 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427414326" ('GenericEntity') at <5566.667969 90.300003 5935.007813> @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 14:57:48:688 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:57:48:688 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:48:688 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 14:57:48:688 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427414328" ('GenericEntity') at <5566.667969 90.300003 5935.007813> @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 14:57:48:688 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:57:48:688 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:48:689 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 14:57:48:689 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427414332" ('GenericEntity') at <5566.667969 90.300003 5935.007813> @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 14:57:48:689 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:57:48:689 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:48:689 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{5755BA03F10ED3B6}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M16A1/Rifle_M16A1_base.et" 14:57:48:689 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427414336" ('GenericEntity') at <5566.667969 90.300003 5935.007813> @"{5755BA03F10ED3B6}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M16A1/Rifle_M16A1_base.et" 14:57:48:689 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:57:48:689 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:48:739 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 14:57:48:739 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et" 14:57:48:739 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427415127" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Rifles/Rifles/RVX_M4/RVX_M4A1_Base.xob') at <4476.625977 19.119999 9759.112305> @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et" 14:57:48:739 RESOURCES (E): BaseInteractionHandlerComponent (owner=@"ENTITY:4611686018427415127" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Rifles/Rifles/RVX_M4/RVX_M4A1_Base.xob') at <4476.625977 19.119999 9759.112305> @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et") is not attached to a PlayerController, this is disallowed! 14:57:48:739 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 14:57:48:739 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427415131" ('GenericEntity') at <4476.625977 19.119999 9759.112305> @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 14:57:48:739 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:57:48:739 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:48:740 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{5755BA03F10ED3B6}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M16A1/Rifle_M16A1_base.et" 14:57:48:740 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427415134" ('GenericEntity') at <4476.625977 19.119999 9759.112305> @"{5755BA03F10ED3B6}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M16A1/Rifle_M16A1_base.et" 14:57:48:740 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:57:48:740 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:48:740 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 14:57:48:740 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427415136" ('GenericEntity') at <4476.625977 19.119999 9759.112305> @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 14:57:48:740 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:57:48:740 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:48:740 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 14:57:48:740 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427415139" ('GenericEntity') at <4476.625977 19.119999 9759.112305> @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 14:57:48:740 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:57:48:740 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:48:784 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 14:57:48:784 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 14:57:48:784 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427415848" ('GenericEntity') at <1055.144043 3.039999 6022.425781> @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 14:57:48:784 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:57:48:784 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:48:784 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 14:57:48:784 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427415850" ('GenericEntity') at <1055.144043 3.039999 6022.425781> @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 14:57:48:784 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:57:48:784 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:48:785 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 14:57:48:785 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427415854" ('GenericEntity') at <1055.144043 3.039999 6022.425781> @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 14:57:48:785 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:57:48:785 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:48:785 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{5755BA03F10ED3B6}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M16A1/Rifle_M16A1_base.et" 14:57:48:785 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427415858" ('GenericEntity') at <1055.144043 3.039999 6022.425781> @"{5755BA03F10ED3B6}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M16A1/Rifle_M16A1_base.et" 14:57:48:785 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:57:48:785 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:49:335 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 14:57:49:335 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 14:57:49:335 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427416727" ('GenericEntity') at <4461.861816 1.900000 11110.152344> @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 14:57:49:335 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:57:49:335 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:49:336 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 14:57:49:336 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427416731" ('GenericEntity') at <4461.861816 1.900000 11110.152344> @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 14:57:49:336 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:57:49:336 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:49:338 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 14:57:49:338 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427416744" ('GenericEntity') at <4461.861816 1.900000 11110.152344> @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 14:57:49:338 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:57:49:338 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:49:339 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{5755BA03F10ED3B6}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M16A1/Rifle_M16A1_base.et" 14:57:49:339 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427416749" ('GenericEntity') at <4461.861816 1.900000 11110.152344> @"{5755BA03F10ED3B6}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M16A1/Rifle_M16A1_base.et" 14:57:49:339 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:57:49:339 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:57:49:340 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et" 14:57:49:340 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427416751" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Rifles/Rifles/RVX_M4/RVX_M4A1_Base.xob') at <4461.861816 1.900000 11110.152344> @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et" 14:57:49:340 RESOURCES (E): BaseInteractionHandlerComponent (owner=@"ENTITY:4611686018427416751" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Rifles/Rifles/RVX_M4/RVX_M4A1_Base.xob') at <4461.861816 1.900000 11110.152344> @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et") is not attached to a PlayerController, this is disallowed! 14:57:49:843 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 14:57:49:843 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=202, Name=Doobly 14:57:49:843 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=202, Name=Doobly, IdentityId=515f9a2a-57b3-464a-83e4-b5a068c63d68 14:58:00:825 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 14:58:00:825 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=31, Name= 14:58:06:921 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 14:58:06:921 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=203, Name=cachucho92 14:58:06:922 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=203, Name=cachucho92, IdentityId=9b868bdf-8627-4759-a2c5-91882c08a337 14:59:04:278 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 14:59:04:278 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et" 14:59:04:278 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427417077" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Rifles/Rifles/RVX_M4/RVX_M4A1_Base.xob') at <4995.211914 46.520000 8952.263672> @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et" 14:59:04:278 RESOURCES (E): BaseInteractionHandlerComponent (owner=@"ENTITY:4611686018427417077" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Rifles/Rifles/RVX_M4/RVX_M4A1_Base.xob') at <4995.211914 46.520000 8952.263672> @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et") is not attached to a PlayerController, this is disallowed! 14:59:04:279 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 14:59:04:279 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427417081" ('GenericEntity') at <4995.211914 46.520000 8952.263672> @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 14:59:04:279 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:59:04:279 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:59:04:280 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{5755BA03F10ED3B6}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M16A1/Rifle_M16A1_base.et" 14:59:04:280 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427417084" ('GenericEntity') at <4995.211914 46.520000 8952.263672> @"{5755BA03F10ED3B6}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M16A1/Rifle_M16A1_base.et" 14:59:04:280 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:59:04:280 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:59:04:280 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 14:59:04:280 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427417086" ('GenericEntity') at <4995.211914 46.520000 8952.263672> @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 14:59:04:280 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:59:04:280 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:59:04:281 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 14:59:04:281 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427417089" ('GenericEntity') at <4995.211914 46.520000 8952.263672> @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 14:59:04:281 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 14:59:04:281 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 14:59:18:834 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 14:59:18:834 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=23, Name= 14:59:18:834 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=34, Name= 14:59:21:077 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 14:59:21:077 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=44, Name= 14:59:24:880 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 14:59:24:880 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=204, Name=xWFSUxNOVAx 14:59:24:880 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=204, Name=xWFSUxNOVAx, IdentityId=f9f0ac1c-38db-4853-8c3d-1be215b772f8 14:59:25:870 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 14:59:25:870 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=127, Name=Thtpunchboii, IdentityId=f028ad47-4ab9-40b7-807b-a486e2b36a84 14:59:27:723 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 14:59:27:723 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=205, Name=I Kozart I 14:59:27:723 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=205, Name=I Kozart I, IdentityId=5280b10e-f0b1-4b3c-a683-d45e3fa20197 14:59:35:518 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 14:59:35:518 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{8B4D49A9F324E7D5}Prefabs/Groups/PlayableGroup.et" 14:59:35:518 WORLD : InitEntities 'world' 14:59:35:518 ENTITY : Init entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427417106" ('SCR_AIGroup') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> @"{8B4D49A9F324E7D5}Prefabs/Groups/PlayableGroup.et" 14:59:35:518 SCRIPT (W): Formation of group SCR_AIGroup<0x0000027B3BAFD7A0> not found in SCR_AIWorld! Team members will not be spawned. 14:59:38:598 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 14:59:38:598 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{8B4D49A9F324E7D5}Prefabs/Groups/PlayableGroup.et" 14:59:38:598 WORLD : InitEntities 'world' 14:59:38:598 ENTITY : Init entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427417107" ('SCR_AIGroup') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> @"{8B4D49A9F324E7D5}Prefabs/Groups/PlayableGroup.et" 14:59:38:598 SCRIPT (W): Formation of group SCR_AIGroup<0x0000027B5A08BE20> not found in SCR_AIWorld! Team members will not be spawned. 14:59:38:959 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 14:59:38:959 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=6, Name= 14:59:39:177 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 14:59:39:177 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{418989FA279F1257}Configs/Map/MapSpawnMenu.conf" 14:59:39:177 DEFAULT : Config load @"{418989FA279F1257}Configs/Map/MapSpawnMenu.conf" 14:59:39:177 DEFAULT (E): Unknown keyword/data 'm_bIsCursorCenteredOnOpen' at offset 454(0x1c6) 14:59:39:266 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 14:59:40:637 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 14:59:40:637 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=45, Name= 14:59:41:009 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 14:59:41:010 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 14:59:41:030 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 14:59:41:474 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 14:59:41:514 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 14:59:42:742 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 14:59:44:579 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 14:59:44:987 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 14:59:44:987 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=206, Name=I ZAPATA I 14:59:44:987 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=206, Name=I ZAPATA I, IdentityId=e1c063b2-d52e-414b-b2c8-487d88659f89 14:59:46:205 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 14:59:46:205 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=11, Name=Tha KiD John, IdentityId=20cf5312-eb59-4f0b-b0ee-f086cb375068 14:59:57:965 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 14:59:58:463 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:06:451 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:06:927 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:11:251 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:11:315 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:00:11:315 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{8B4D49A9F324E7D5}Prefabs/Groups/PlayableGroup.et" 15:00:11:315 WORLD : InitEntities 'world' 15:00:11:315 ENTITY : Init entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427417118" ('SCR_AIGroup') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> @"{8B4D49A9F324E7D5}Prefabs/Groups/PlayableGroup.et" 15:00:11:315 SCRIPT (W): Formation of group SCR_AIGroup<0x0000027C3D4E9130> not found in SCR_AIWorld! Team members will not be spawned. 15:00:11:331 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:11:353 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:11:375 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:11:395 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:11:416 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:11:437 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:11:459 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:11:480 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:11:536 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:15:751 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:00:15:751 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=37, Name= 15:00:16:301 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:16:878 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:00:16:878 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=52, Name= 15:00:17:529 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:17:645 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:17:721 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:17:777 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:17:777 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:17:797 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:17:797 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:17:816 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:17:816 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:17:835 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:17:835 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:17:855 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:17:855 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:17:874 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:17:874 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:17:894 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:17:894 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:17:913 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:17:913 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:17:933 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:17:933 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:17:952 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:17:952 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:17:973 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:17:973 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:17:992 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:17:992 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:18:012 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:18:012 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:18:032 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:18:032 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:18:052 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:18:052 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:18:072 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:18:072 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:18:091 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:18:091 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:18:111 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:18:111 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:18:131 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:18:131 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:18:151 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:18:151 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:18:171 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:18:171 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:18:191 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:18:191 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:18:211 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:18:211 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:18:411 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:18:451 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:19:087 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:19:106 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:19:184 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:19:764 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:19:821 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:19:994 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:20:013 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:20:166 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:20:204 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:20:261 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:20:355 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:20:411 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:20:545 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:20:666 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:20:786 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:20:848 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:20:928 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:20:990 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:21:049 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:21:075 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:00:21:075 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=207, Name=Jota 15:00:21:075 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=207, Name=Jota, IdentityId=c6e09f26-7458-4307-bdb0-5033d8813529 15:00:21:231 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:21:312 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:21:332 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:21:374 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:21:577 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:23:596 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:00:23:596 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=208, Name=Dead dreams6449 15:00:23:596 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=208, Name=Dead dreams6449, IdentityId=21ff61e2-756b-4c96-ad31-c55e7009012a 15:00:25:006 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:25:045 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:25:084 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:25:085 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:25:105 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:25:361 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:25:362 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:25:381 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:25:439 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:25:460 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:25:480 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:25:500 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:25:519 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:25:539 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:25:559 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:25:578 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:25:598 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:25:618 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:25:637 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:25:657 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:25:697 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:25:777 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:26:020 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:26:021 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:26:098 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:26:117 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:26:137 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:26:157 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:26:178 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:30:479 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:30:480 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:30:542 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:30:542 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:30:542 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:30:562 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:30:562 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:30:562 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:30:582 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:30:582 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:30:582 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:30:602 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:30:602 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:30:602 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:30:622 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:30:622 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:30:623 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:30:642 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:30:642 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:30:643 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:30:663 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:30:663 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:30:664 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:30:683 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:30:683 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:30:684 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:30:703 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:30:703 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:30:704 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:30:725 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:30:783 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:31:030 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:31:050 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:40:680 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:40:798 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:40:828 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:40:856 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:40:885 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:40:914 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:40:942 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:40:986 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:41:016 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:41:050 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:41:080 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:41:110 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:41:139 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:41:167 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:41:195 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:41:223 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:41:252 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:41:280 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:41:309 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:41:338 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:41:368 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:41:397 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:41:425 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:41:453 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:41:482 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:41:511 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:41:539 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:41:568 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:41:596 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:41:625 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:41:654 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:41:683 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:41:837 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:42:322 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:42:438 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:44:288 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:44:407 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:44:437 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:44:465 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:44:492 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:44:521 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:44:549 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:44:577 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:44:605 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:44:633 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:44:660 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:44:689 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:44:717 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:44:745 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:44:773 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:44:801 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:44:829 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:44:858 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:44:886 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:44:915 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:44:944 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:44:972 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:45:000 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:45:028 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:45:057 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:45:085 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:45:113 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:45:140 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:45:168 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:45:197 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:45:225 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:45:253 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:45:282 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:45:311 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:45:339 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:45:367 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:45:395 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:45:423 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:45:451 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:45:479 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:45:506 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:45:534 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:45:562 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:45:589 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:45:617 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:45:645 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:45:673 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:45:700 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:45:728 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:45:756 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:45:783 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:45:811 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:45:840 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:45:868 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:45:896 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:45:923 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:45:951 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:45:979 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:46:007 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:46:035 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:46:063 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:46:091 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:46:120 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:46:147 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:46:165 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:00:46:165 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et" 15:00:46:165 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427417198" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Rifles/Rifles/RVX_M4/RVX_M4A1_Base.xob') at <4462.795898 2.160000 11111.490234> @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et" 15:00:46:165 RESOURCES (E): BaseInteractionHandlerComponent (owner=@"ENTITY:4611686018427417198" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Rifles/Rifles/RVX_M4/RVX_M4A1_Base.xob') at <4462.795898 2.160000 11111.490234> @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et") is not attached to a PlayerController, this is disallowed! 15:00:46:190 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:46:220 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:46:248 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:46:276 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:46:304 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:46:339 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:46:367 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:46:395 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:46:422 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:46:450 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:46:478 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:46:506 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:46:534 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:46:561 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:46:590 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:46:618 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:46:646 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:46:674 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:46:708 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:46:737 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:46:765 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:46:794 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:46:822 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:46:852 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:46:880 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:46:908 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:46:937 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:46:965 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:47:008 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:47:036 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:47:065 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:47:093 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:47:121 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:47:149 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:47:176 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:47:205 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:47:233 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:47:261 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:47:289 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:47:317 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:47:346 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:47:374 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:47:401 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:47:429 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:47:457 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:47:485 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:47:512 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:47:540 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:47:568 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:47:595 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:47:623 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:47:651 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:47:679 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:47:707 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:47:735 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:47:764 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:47:792 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:47:821 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:47:848 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:47:876 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:47:905 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:47:932 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:47:960 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:47:988 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:48:016 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:48:044 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:48:072 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:48:100 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:48:128 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:48:155 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:48:184 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:48:211 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:48:239 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:48:267 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:48:294 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:48:322 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:48:351 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:48:378 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:48:406 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:48:434 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:48:462 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:48:489 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:48:517 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:48:545 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:48:573 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:48:600 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:48:628 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:48:655 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:48:683 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:48:711 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:48:739 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:48:767 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:48:794 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:48:822 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:48:851 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:48:878 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:48:907 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:48:935 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:48:963 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:48:991 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:49:019 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:49:046 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:49:074 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:49:103 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:49:131 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:49:158 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:49:186 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:49:213 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:49:242 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:49:270 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:49:298 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:49:325 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:49:353 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:49:381 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:49:409 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:49:437 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:49:464 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:49:492 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:49:521 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:49:549 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:49:576 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:49:604 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:49:632 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:49:660 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:49:688 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:49:715 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:49:743 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:49:771 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:49:799 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:49:827 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:49:855 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:49:883 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:49:911 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:49:939 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:49:967 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:50:010 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:50:038 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:50:067 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:50:095 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:50:123 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:50:151 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:50:179 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:50:207 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:50:234 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:50:262 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:50:290 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:50:318 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:50:346 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:50:374 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:50:403 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:50:431 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:50:458 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:50:486 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:50:513 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:50:544 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:50:572 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:50:600 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:50:634 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:50:663 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:50:692 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:50:720 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:50:755 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:50:782 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:50:810 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:50:839 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:50:867 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:50:895 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:50:922 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:50:951 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:50:979 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:51:006 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:51:034 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:51:066 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:51:095 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:51:123 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:51:152 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:51:179 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:51:208 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:51:235 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:51:264 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:51:292 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:51:319 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:51:348 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:51:376 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:51:404 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:51:431 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:51:459 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:51:487 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:51:514 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:51:542 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:51:570 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:51:597 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:51:626 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:51:653 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:51:681 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:51:709 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:51:740 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:51:767 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:51:794 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:51:823 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:51:852 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:51:879 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:51:907 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:51:935 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:51:962 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:51:991 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:52:019 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:52:047 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:52:075 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:52:103 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:52:131 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:52:159 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:52:187 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:52:215 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:52:242 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:52:271 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:52:299 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:52:327 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:52:355 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:52:383 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:52:402 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:52:416 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:52:430 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:52:447 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:52:468 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:52:489 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:52:509 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:52:529 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:52:550 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:52:570 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:52:590 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:52:610 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:52:630 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:52:651 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:52:671 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:52:691 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:52:710 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:52:730 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:52:751 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:52:771 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:52:791 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:52:811 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:52:831 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:52:852 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:52:873 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:00:54:513 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:00:54:513 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 15:00:54:513 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427417209" ('GenericEntity') at <5114.326172 177.000000 6992.262207> @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 15:00:54:513 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:00:54:513 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:01:01:584 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:01:795 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:01:814 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:01:833 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:01:853 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:01:872 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:01:891 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:01:910 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:01:929 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:01:949 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:01:968 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:01:987 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:02:006 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:02:033 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:02:045 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:02:064 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:02:083 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:02:103 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:02:122 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:02:141 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:02:160 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:02:179 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:02:199 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:02:218 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:02:237 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:02:256 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:02:275 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:02:294 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:02:313 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:02:332 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:02:352 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:02:372 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:02:391 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:02:410 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:02:430 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:02:449 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:02:469 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:02:488 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:02:507 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:02:526 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:02:546 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:02:565 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:02:584 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:02:603 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:02:623 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:02:642 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:02:662 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:02:681 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:02:700 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:02:719 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:02:739 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:02:759 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:02:818 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:02:838 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:02:877 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:02:915 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:02:916 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:02:935 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:02:935 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:02:953 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:02:954 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:02:973 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:02:973 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:02:993 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:02:993 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:03:011 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:03:012 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:03:031 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:03:031 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:03:071 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:03:089 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:03:110 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:03:166 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:03:408 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:03:445 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:03:540 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:03:598 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:03:616 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:03:635 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:03:654 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:03:673 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:03:692 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:03:710 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:03:729 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:03:749 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:03:767 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:03:786 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:03:804 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:03:823 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:03:842 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:03:861 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:03:880 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:03:899 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:03:918 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:03:937 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:03:956 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:03:975 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:03:994 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:04:013 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:04:032 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:04:051 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:04:069 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:04:088 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:04:107 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:04:125 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:04:144 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:04:163 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:04:181 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:04:200 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:04:219 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:04:238 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:04:256 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:04:275 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:04:294 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:04:312 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:04:331 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:04:350 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:04:369 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:04:388 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:04:407 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:04:427 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:04:447 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:04:466 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:04:486 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:04:505 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:04:525 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:04:545 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:04:564 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:04:584 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:04:603 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:04:623 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:04:642 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:04:662 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:04:682 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:04:702 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:04:721 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:04:741 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:04:761 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:04:780 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:04:800 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:04:820 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:04:839 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:04:860 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:04:879 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:04:899 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:04:918 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:04:938 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:04:958 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:04:978 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:04:997 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:05:017 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:05:043 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:05:056 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:05:077 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:05:096 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:05:115 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:05:135 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:05:155 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:05:174 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:05:194 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:05:214 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:05:234 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:05:253 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:05:273 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:05:292 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:05:312 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:05:332 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:05:352 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:05:372 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:05:392 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:05:412 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:05:431 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:05:451 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:05:471 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:05:491 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:05:511 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:05:531 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:05:550 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:05:571 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:05:590 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:05:610 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:05:630 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:05:650 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:05:670 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:05:689 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:05:709 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:05:729 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:05:748 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:05:768 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:05:788 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:05:808 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:05:829 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:05:848 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:05:869 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:05:888 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:05:908 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:05:928 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:05:948 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:05:967 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:05:988 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:06:007 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:06:027 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:06:047 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:06:067 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:06:087 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:06:106 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:06:126 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:06:146 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:06:166 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:06:185 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:06:205 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:06:225 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:06:245 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:06:265 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:06:285 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:06:305 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:06:325 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:06:345 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:06:365 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:06:385 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:06:405 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:06:425 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:06:445 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:06:465 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:06:485 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:06:506 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:06:524 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:06:544 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:06:565 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:06:584 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:06:604 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:06:624 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:06:644 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:06:664 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:06:684 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:06:703 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:06:723 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:06:743 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:06:763 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:06:782 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:06:803 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:06:822 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:06:842 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:06:862 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:06:882 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:06:901 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:06:923 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:06:942 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:06:961 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:06:981 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:07:001 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:07:020 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:07:041 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:07:060 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:07:080 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:07:099 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:07:120 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:07:139 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:07:159 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:07:179 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:07:199 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:07:258 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:07:258 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:07:336 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:07:337 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:07:356 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:10:677 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:10:695 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:10:713 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:12:272 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:12:292 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:12:391 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:01:16:021 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:01:16:021 DEFAULT : PlayerController: Request respawn lock disengaged. Reason: response received 15:01:18:327 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:01:18:327 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et" 15:01:18:327 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427417333" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Rifles/Rifles/RVX_M4/RVX_M4A1_Base.xob') at <4026.912109 32.580002 7872.737793> @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et" 15:01:18:327 RESOURCES (E): BaseInteractionHandlerComponent (owner=@"ENTITY:4611686018427417333" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Rifles/Rifles/RVX_M4/RVX_M4A1_Base.xob') at <4026.912109 32.580002 7872.737793> @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et") is not attached to a PlayerController, this is disallowed! 15:01:18:971 RESOURCES (E): Failed to load 'Assets/Characters/Headgear/data/5RBN-CustomTextures_BCR.edds' 15:01:22:153 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:01:22:153 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 15:01:22:153 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427417429" ('GenericEntity') at <5124.474121 175.820007 7009.104004> @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 15:01:22:153 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:01:22:153 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:01:22:165 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et" 15:01:22:165 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427417483" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Rifles/Rifles/RVX_M4/RVX_M4A1_Base.xob') at <5099.014160 179.199997 7039.695801> @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et" 15:01:22:165 RESOURCES (E): BaseInteractionHandlerComponent (owner=@"ENTITY:4611686018427417483" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Rifles/Rifles/RVX_M4/RVX_M4A1_Base.xob') at <5099.014160 179.199997 7039.695801> @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et") is not attached to a PlayerController, this is disallowed! 15:01:22:173 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 15:01:22:173 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427417541" ('GenericEntity') at <5110.354004 176.220001 7026.943848> @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 15:01:22:173 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:01:22:173 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:01:22:173 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 15:01:22:173 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427417543" ('GenericEntity') at <5107.518066 180.660004 7036.525879> @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 15:01:22:173 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:01:22:173 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:01:22:298 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:01:22:298 NETWORK (E): EntitySlotInfo::OnRplLoad could not locate entity rplId=0x8007A5FB 15:01:22:730 RESOURCES (E): Failed to load 'Assets/Characters/Headgear/data/5RBN-CustomTextures_NMO.edds' 15:01:23:229 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:01:23:229 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et" 15:01:23:229 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427417743" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Rifles/Rifles/RVX_M4/RVX_M4A1_Base.xob') at <5102.948242 178.119995 7005.956055> @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et" 15:01:23:229 RESOURCES (E): BaseInteractionHandlerComponent (owner=@"ENTITY:4611686018427417743" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Rifles/Rifles/RVX_M4/RVX_M4A1_Base.xob') at <5102.948242 178.119995 7005.956055> @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et") is not attached to a PlayerController, this is disallowed! 15:01:23:565 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:01:23:565 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{F37113A988304565}Prefabs/MP/Campaign/Assets/CampaignSupplyTruckWest.et" 15:01:23:565 WORLD : Entity prefab load @"{F37113A988304565}Prefabs/MP/Campaign/Assets/CampaignSupplyTruckWest.et" 15:01:23:565 WORLD (E): Unknown keyword/data 'm_fCollisionDamageForceThreshold' at offset 212(0xd4) 15:01:23:565 WORLD (E): Unknown keyword/data 'm_fImpulseDamageCurveMultiplier' at offset 252(0xfc) 15:01:23:565 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{F37113A988304565}Prefabs/MP/Campaign/Assets/CampaignSupplyTruckWest.et" 15:01:23:565 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427418187" ('Vehicle') at <5050.403809 39.320000 9191.522461> 15:01:23:565 RESOURCES (E): Can't remap 'Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_BASE.xob' material from 'M923A1_Base1' to 'Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/Data/M923A1_Base_MERDC.emat'. Source material do not exist 15:01:23:566 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{4D6D8AF9A91F75FB}Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_suspension.pap" 15:01:23:566 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:01:23:622 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:01:23:622 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{F37113A988304565}Prefabs/MP/Campaign/Assets/CampaignSupplyTruckWest.et" 15:01:23:622 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427418266" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_BASE.xob') at <4784.715820 163.580002 7320.547852> @"{F37113A988304565}Prefabs/MP/Campaign/Assets/CampaignSupplyTruckWest.et" 15:01:23:622 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{4D6D8AF9A91F75FB}Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_suspension.pap" 15:01:23:622 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:01:23:725 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:01:23:725 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et" 15:01:23:725 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427418641" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Rifles/Rifles/RVX_M4/RVX_M4A1_Base.xob') at <5001.020020 46.380001 8966.041992> @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et" 15:01:23:725 RESOURCES (E): BaseInteractionHandlerComponent (owner=@"ENTITY:4611686018427418641" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Rifles/Rifles/RVX_M4/RVX_M4A1_Base.xob') at <5001.020020 46.380001 8966.041992> @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et") is not attached to a PlayerController, this is disallowed! 15:01:24:209 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:01:24:209 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{F37113A988304565}Prefabs/MP/Campaign/Assets/CampaignSupplyTruckWest.et" 15:01:24:209 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427419159" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_BASE.xob') at <5008.547852 44.880001 8969.973633> @"{F37113A988304565}Prefabs/MP/Campaign/Assets/CampaignSupplyTruckWest.et" 15:01:24:209 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{4D6D8AF9A91F75FB}Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_suspension.pap" 15:01:24:209 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:01:24:217 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{F37113A988304565}Prefabs/MP/Campaign/Assets/CampaignSupplyTruckWest.et" 15:01:24:217 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427419212" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_BASE.xob') at <5015.282227 45.160000 8966.650391> @"{F37113A988304565}Prefabs/MP/Campaign/Assets/CampaignSupplyTruckWest.et" 15:01:24:217 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{4D6D8AF9A91F75FB}Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_suspension.pap" 15:01:24:217 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:01:24:222 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{3F2AA823B6C65E1E}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_transport_MERDC.et" 15:01:24:222 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427419276" ('Vehicle') at <5106.569824 176.479996 7061.618164> 15:01:24:222 RESOURCES (E): Can't remap 'Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_BASE.xob' material from 'M923A1_Base1' to 'Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/Data/M923A1_Base_MERDC.emat'. Source material do not exist 15:01:24:223 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{4D6D8AF9A91F75FB}Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_suspension.pap" 15:01:24:223 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:01:25:075 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:01:25:075 NETWORK : PerformActions 15:01:25:075 DEFAULT (W): Weapon reloading - Magazine not available. 15:01:25:848 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:01:25:848 NETWORK : PerformActions 15:01:25:848 DEFAULT (W): Weapon reloading - Magazine not available. 15:01:38:532 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:01:38:532 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=51, Name= 15:01:43:167 RESOURCES (E): Failed to load 'ST_Glass_Optics_01_BCR.edds' 15:01:44:529 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:01:44:529 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=56, Name=KindaWhite3023, IdentityId=23078635-2da6-419b-94ed-3a147431849e 15:01:55:043 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:01:55:043 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 15:01:55:043 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427419727" ('GenericEntity') at <5248.875977 173.080002 7032.346191> @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 15:01:55:043 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:01:55:043 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:01:58:875 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:01:58:875 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=59, Name= 15:02:06:316 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:02:06:316 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=209, Name=ComeHonorFac3xx 15:02:06:316 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=209, Name=ComeHonorFac3xx, IdentityId=7a933e91-54cb-4e15-8853-086d2ca5477a 15:02:11:726 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:02:11:726 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 15:02:11:726 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427419854" ('GenericEntity') at <6549.125977 81.699997 5114.917969> @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 15:02:11:726 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:02:11:726 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:02:16:096 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:02:16:160 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:02:16:176 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:02:19:546 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:02:19:546 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{5755BA03F10ED3B6}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M16A1/Rifle_M16A1_base.et" 15:02:19:546 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427419965" ('GenericEntity') at <6549.125977 81.699997 5114.917969> @"{5755BA03F10ED3B6}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M16A1/Rifle_M16A1_base.et" 15:02:19:546 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:02:19:546 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:02:21:483 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:02:21:553 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:02:22:186 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:02:24:358 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:02:24:359 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=60, Name= 15:02:29:270 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:02:29:270 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=203, Name=cachucho92, IdentityId=9b868bdf-8627-4759-a2c5-91882c08a337 15:02:40:277 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:02:40:277 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 15:02:40:277 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427420198" ('GenericEntity') at <4462.333984 1.559999 11111.332031> @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 15:02:40:277 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:02:40:277 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:03:01:917 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:03:01:917 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=31, Name= 15:03:04:850 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:03:04:850 NETWORK : PerformActions 15:03:04:850 DEFAULT (W): Compartment not found - rplID:8007C80E, compartmentID:8007c80e00000006, target:??? 15:03:05:272 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:03:05:272 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 15:03:05:272 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427420359" ('GenericEntity') at <6553.397949 85.959999 5169.582031> @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 15:03:05:272 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:03:05:272 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:03:05:272 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 15:03:05:272 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427420361" ('GenericEntity') at <6553.594238 86.000000 5169.485840> @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 15:03:05:272 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:03:05:272 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:03:08:364 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:03:08:364 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=210, Name=Nordix 15:03:08:364 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=210, Name=Nordix, IdentityId=69a1eadc-833f-41af-89d9-319791f43cff 15:03:20:442 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:03:20:442 NETWORK : PerformActions 15:03:20:442 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427417748" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter') at <5113.111816 176.619995 6989.585938> @"{5CDFB50CEFA1044A}Prefabs/Characters/Factions/BLUFOR/US_Army/Refined_US_RTO.et" CharacterControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action CharacterAction_WeaponReload_Start(attachMag=0x8007B6BA,detachMag=0x8007C55F,ÿ) which wasn't queued 15:03:46:910 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:03:46:910 NETWORK : PerformActions 15:03:46:910 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427418294" ('Vehicle') at <5050.954102 39.680000 9199.082031> @"{DD774A8FD0989A78}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M1025_armed_M2HB_MERDC.et" VehicleControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action VehicleAction_UpdateFlags(00000010) which wasn't queued 15:04:12:027 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:04:12:027 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 15:04:12:027 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427420588" ('GenericEntity') at <10039.683594 3.059999 1585.644043> @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 15:04:12:027 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:04:12:027 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:04:37:091 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:04:37:091 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=38, Name= 15:04:44:836 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:04:44:836 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=211, Name=ZePequeno6037 15:04:44:836 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=211, Name=ZePequeno6037, IdentityId=59a6c7ea-a437-401e-94a1-bad337784449 15:04:58:313 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:04:58:313 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 15:04:58:313 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427420876" ('GenericEntity') at <5017.386230 142.460007 6750.560059> @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 15:04:58:313 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:04:58:313 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:05:02:161 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:05:02:161 NETWORK : PerformActions 15:05:02:161 DEFAULT (W): Compartment not found - rplID:800761EE, compartmentID:800761ee00000002, target:??? 15:05:02:436 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:05:02:436 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{BB00538859C87DAC}Prefabs/MP/Campaign/Assets/CampaignSupplyTruckEast.et" 15:05:02:436 WORLD : Entity prefab load @"{BB00538859C87DAC}Prefabs/MP/Campaign/Assets/CampaignSupplyTruckEast.et" 15:05:02:436 WORLD (E): Unknown keyword/data 'm_fCollisionDamageForceThreshold' at offset 228(0xe4) 15:05:02:436 WORLD (E): Unknown keyword/data 'm_fImpulseDamageCurveMultiplier' at offset 268(0x10c) 15:06:41:807 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:06:41:807 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=4, Name= 15:06:47:562 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:06:47:562 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=212, Name=SCR3WP3RSTAR713 15:06:47:562 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=212, Name=SCR3WP3RSTAR713, IdentityId=76a1cf70-ee46-4617-85d2-b8c93079a1c8 15:06:58:441 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:06:58:441 NETWORK : PerformActions 15:06:58:441 DEFAULT (W): Compartment not found - rplID:8007E5CD, compartmentID:8007e5cd00000002, target:??? 15:07:16:963 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:07:16:963 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{3F2AA823B6C65E1E}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_transport_MERDC.et" 15:07:16:963 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427421395" ('Vehicle') at <4565.014160 21.420000 9749.488281> 15:07:16:963 RESOURCES (E): Can't remap 'Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_BASE.xob' material from 'M923A1_Base1' to 'Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/Data/M923A1_Base_MERDC.emat'. Source material do not exist 15:07:16:964 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{4D6D8AF9A91F75FB}Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_suspension.pap" 15:07:16:964 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:07:17:022 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et" 15:07:17:022 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427421807" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Rifles/Rifles/RVX_M4/RVX_M4A1_Base.xob') at <4565.450195 23.480000 9748.660156> @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et" 15:07:17:022 RESOURCES (E): BaseInteractionHandlerComponent (owner=@"ENTITY:4611686018427421807" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Rifles/Rifles/RVX_M4/RVX_M4A1_Base.xob') at <4565.450195 23.480000 9748.660156> @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et") is not attached to a PlayerController, this is disallowed! 15:07:29:511 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:07:29:511 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=32, Name= 15:07:36:120 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:07:36:120 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=196, Name=BRUNNER5400, IdentityId=0b60c31f-6f05-4bbb-9abf-0d0ee6d46c40 15:07:36:323 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:07:36:323 DEFAULT : PlayerController: Request respawn lock disengaged. Reason: response received 15:07:37:932 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:07:37:932 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 15:07:37:932 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427422111" ('GenericEntity') at <5176.213867 172.339996 6957.890137> @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 15:07:37:932 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:07:37:932 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:07:37:964 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:07:37:964 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 15:07:37:964 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427422214" ('GenericEntity') at <5075.083984 176.660004 6954.936035> @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 15:07:37:964 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:07:37:964 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:07:50:232 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:07:50:232 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 15:07:50:232 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427422743" ('GenericEntity') at <5082.372070 142.580002 6750.436035> @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 15:07:50:232 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:07:50:232 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:07:50:233 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 15:07:50:233 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427422745" ('GenericEntity') at <5082.180176 142.600006 6750.543945> @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 15:07:50:233 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:07:50:233 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:07:52:567 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:07:52:567 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 15:07:52:567 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427422828" ('GenericEntity') at <5077.401855 142.339996 6749.841797> @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 15:07:52:567 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:07:52:567 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:07:52:567 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{5755BA03F10ED3B6}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M16A1/Rifle_M16A1_base.et" 15:07:52:567 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427422831" ('GenericEntity') at <5077.209961 142.360001 6749.952148> @"{5755BA03F10ED3B6}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M16A1/Rifle_M16A1_base.et" 15:07:52:567 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:07:52:567 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:07:52:571 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 15:07:52:571 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427422864" ('GenericEntity') at <5076.733887 142.399994 6750.166016> @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 15:07:52:571 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:07:52:571 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:07:54:090 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:07:54:090 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{3F2AA823B6C65E1E}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_transport_MERDC.et" 15:07:54:090 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427422874" ('Vehicle') at <4627.284180 9.300000 9249.467773> 15:07:54:090 RESOURCES (E): Can't remap 'Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_BASE.xob' material from 'M923A1_Base1' to 'Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/Data/M923A1_Base_MERDC.emat'. Source material do not exist 15:07:54:091 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{4D6D8AF9A91F75FB}Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_suspension.pap" 15:07:54:091 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:07:54:134 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et" 15:07:54:134 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427423286" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Rifles/Rifles/RVX_M4/RVX_M4A1_Base.xob') at <4627.359863 11.380000 9248.576172> @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et" 15:07:54:134 RESOURCES (E): BaseInteractionHandlerComponent (owner=@"ENTITY:4611686018427423286" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Rifles/Rifles/RVX_M4/RVX_M4A1_Base.xob') at <4627.359863 11.380000 9248.576172> @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et") is not attached to a PlayerController, this is disallowed! 15:07:56:409 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:07:56:409 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=3, Name= 15:08:01:437 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:08:01:437 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=213, Name=BobsBanana 15:08:01:437 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=213, Name=BobsBanana, IdentityId=1985978a-cd2e-422f-960e-9cbd86d55696 15:08:16:570 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:08:16:570 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et" 15:08:16:570 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427423620" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Rifles/Rifles/RVX_M4/RVX_M4A1_Base.xob') at <7441.757813 10.000000 6782.759766> @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et" 15:08:16:570 RESOURCES (E): BaseInteractionHandlerComponent (owner=@"ENTITY:4611686018427423620" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Rifles/Rifles/RVX_M4/RVX_M4A1_Base.xob') at <7441.757813 10.000000 6782.759766> @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et") is not attached to a PlayerController, this is disallowed! 15:08:16:571 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 15:08:16:571 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427423624" ('GenericEntity') at <7441.757813 10.000000 6782.759766> @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 15:08:16:571 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:08:16:571 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:08:16:571 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{5755BA03F10ED3B6}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M16A1/Rifle_M16A1_base.et" 15:08:16:571 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427423627" ('GenericEntity') at <7441.757813 10.000000 6782.759766> @"{5755BA03F10ED3B6}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M16A1/Rifle_M16A1_base.et" 15:08:16:571 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:08:16:571 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:08:16:572 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 15:08:16:572 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427423629" ('GenericEntity') at <7441.757813 10.000000 6782.759766> @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 15:08:16:572 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:08:16:572 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:08:16:572 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 15:08:16:572 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427423632" ('GenericEntity') at <7441.757813 10.000000 6782.759766> @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 15:08:16:572 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:08:16:572 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:08:21:879 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:08:21:879 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=11, Name= 15:08:25:649 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:08:25:649 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et" 15:08:25:649 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427423682" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Rifles/Rifles/RVX_M4/RVX_M4A1_Base.xob') at <4878.830078 36.239998 9250.332031> @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et" 15:08:25:649 RESOURCES (E): BaseInteractionHandlerComponent (owner=@"ENTITY:4611686018427423682" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Rifles/Rifles/RVX_M4/RVX_M4A1_Base.xob') at <4878.830078 36.239998 9250.332031> @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et") is not attached to a PlayerController, this is disallowed! 15:08:27:247 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:08:27:247 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=214, Name=POOKR 15:08:27:247 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=214, Name=POOKR, IdentityId=b185ff13-f220-494b-9523-0d7622f28d5a 15:08:30:683 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:08:30:683 NETWORK : PerformActions 15:08:30:683 DEFAULT (W): Compartment not found - rplID:8007FB7E, compartmentID:8007fb7e00000002, target:??? 15:08:33:532 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:08:33:532 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=18, Name= 15:08:40:547 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:08:40:547 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=215, Name=Monkeh Man 15:08:40:547 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=215, Name=Monkeh Man, IdentityId=a3b042d3-3dfc-4d12-9ede-cea50e7a9b55 15:08:45:836 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:08:45:836 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=4, Name= 15:08:51:352 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:08:51:352 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=216, Name=[PO] Lain Iwakura 15:08:51:352 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=216, Name=[PO] Lain Iwakura, IdentityId=7386a814-7ff1-4df9-978e-711337531a4f 15:09:03:045 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:09:03:045 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=39, Name= 15:09:10:352 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:09:10:352 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=63, Name=Holden Buts, IdentityId=827c2761-7a21-4851-b8cd-0459add0ca1d 15:09:51:782 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:55:208 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:55:225 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:56:241 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:56:257 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:56:274 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:56:290 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:56:307 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:56:324 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:56:343 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:56:357 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:56:374 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:56:390 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:56:407 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:56:423 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:56:440 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:56:457 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:56:473 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:56:490 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:56:507 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:56:523 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:56:540 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:56:557 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:56:573 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:56:590 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:56:607 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:56:623 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:56:640 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:56:657 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:56:673 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:56:690 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:56:707 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:56:724 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:56:740 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:56:757 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:56:774 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:56:790 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:56:807 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:56:824 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:56:842 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:56:857 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:56:874 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:56:890 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:56:907 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:56:924 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:56:940 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:56:957 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:56:974 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:56:991 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:57:007 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:57:024 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:57:041 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:57:057 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:57:074 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:57:090 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:57:107 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:57:124 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:57:140 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:57:156 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:57:174 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:57:190 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:57:207 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:57:224 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:57:240 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:57:257 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:57:273 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:57:290 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:57:307 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:57:324 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:57:343 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:57:357 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:57:374 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:57:390 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:57:407 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:57:424 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:57:440 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:57:457 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:57:474 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:57:490 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:57:507 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:57:524 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:57:541 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:57:557 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:57:574 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:57:590 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:57:607 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:57:624 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:57:640 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:57:657 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:57:674 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:57:690 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:57:707 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:57:723 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:57:741 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:57:757 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:57:774 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:57:790 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:57:807 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:57:824 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:57:843 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:57:857 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:57:874 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:57:891 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:57:907 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:57:924 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:57:940 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:57:957 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:57:974 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:57:990 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:58:007 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:58:024 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:58:040 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:58:057 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:58:074 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:58:090 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:58:107 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:58:124 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:58:140 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:58:157 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:58:174 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:58:190 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:58:207 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:58:224 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:58:240 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:58:257 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:58:274 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:58:290 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:58:307 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:58:324 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:58:344 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:58:357 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:58:374 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:58:390 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:58:407 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:58:424 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:58:440 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:58:457 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:58:474 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:58:491 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:58:507 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:58:524 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:58:540 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:58:557 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:58:575 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:58:592 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:58:608 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:58:625 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:58:642 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:58:658 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:58:675 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:58:692 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:58:708 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:58:725 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:58:750 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:58:760 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:58:775 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:58:792 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:58:808 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:58:825 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:58:844 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:09:58:858 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:00:493 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:00:506 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:00:515 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:00:524 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:00:536 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:00:553 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:00:570 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:00:586 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:00:603 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:00:619 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:00:636 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:00:653 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:00:670 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:00:686 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:00:705 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:00:721 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:00:738 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:00:754 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:00:771 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:00:787 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:00:804 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:00:820 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:00:837 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:00:854 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:00:871 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:00:887 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:00:904 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:00:921 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:00:937 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:00:954 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:00:956 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:10:00:956 NETWORK : PerformActions 15:10:00:956 DEFAULT (E): Error when detaching entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427422829" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Magazines/AK5C/AK5C Magazine.xob') at <5128.757813 170.820007 6899.821777> @"{F28665BF90D57BDD}Prefabs/Weapons/Magazines/Magazine_556x45_AK5C_30rnd_Tracer.et". Current parent: '@"ENTITY:4611686018427422819" ('GameEntity','Assets/Characters/Uniforms/Jacket_M88/Jacket_M88_01.xob') at <5128.757813 170.820007 6899.821777> @"{9F546CCA2582D16F}Prefabs/Characters/Uniforms/Jacket_M88.et"', expected parent: '@"ENTITY:4611686018427422790" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter','Assets/Characters/Basebody/Basebody_Male_01.xob') at <5128.757813 170.820007 6899.821777> @"{7A0CA18F54F619A2}Prefabs/Characters/Factions/OPFOR/USSR_Army/Refined_USSR_AR.et"' 15:10:00:971 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:00:987 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:01:004 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:01:021 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:01:037 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:01:054 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:01:071 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:01:087 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:01:104 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:01:121 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:01:137 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:01:154 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:01:171 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:01:187 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:01:204 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:01:220 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:01:237 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:01:254 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:01:271 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:01:287 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:01:304 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:01:321 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:01:337 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:01:354 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:01:371 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:01:388 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:01:404 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:01:421 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:01:437 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:01:454 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:01:471 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:01:487 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:01:504 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:01:521 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:01:537 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:01:554 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:01:571 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:01:587 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:01:604 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:01:621 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:01:638 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:01:654 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:01:670 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:01:687 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:01:704 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:01:721 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:01:737 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:01:754 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:01:779 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:01:789 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:01:804 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:01:821 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:01:837 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:01:854 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:01:871 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:01:887 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:01:904 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:01:921 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:01:937 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:01:954 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:01:971 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:01:987 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:02:004 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:02:021 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:02:037 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:02:054 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:02:071 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:02:087 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:02:104 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:02:121 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:02:137 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:02:154 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:02:171 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:02:187 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:02:204 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:02:221 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:02:237 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:02:254 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:02:271 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:02:287 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:02:305 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:02:322 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:02:340 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:02:356 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:02:372 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:02:388 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:02:405 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:02:422 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:02:439 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:02:455 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:02:472 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:02:489 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:02:505 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:02:522 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:02:539 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:02:555 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:02:572 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:02:589 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:02:605 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:02:622 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:02:639 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:02:655 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:02:672 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:02:689 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:02:705 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:02:722 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:02:739 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:02:755 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:02:772 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:02:789 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:02:805 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:02:822 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:02:840 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:02:855 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:02:872 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:02:889 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:02:906 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:02:922 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:02:939 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:02:955 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:02:972 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:02:989 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:03:005 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:03:022 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:03:039 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:03:055 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:03:072 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:03:089 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:03:106 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:03:122 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:03:139 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:03:156 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:03:172 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:03:189 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:03:206 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:03:222 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:03:239 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:03:256 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:03:272 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:03:289 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:03:306 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:03:323 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:03:340 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:03:356 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:03:373 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:03:389 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:03:406 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:03:423 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:03:439 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:03:456 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:03:473 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:03:489 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:03:506 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:03:523 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:03:540 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:03:557 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:03:573 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:03:590 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:03:607 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:03:623 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:03:640 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:03:657 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:03:674 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:03:690 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:03:707 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:03:723 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:03:740 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:03:757 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:03:774 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:03:790 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:03:807 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:03:824 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:10:16:219 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:10:16:219 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 15:10:16:219 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427424829" ('GenericEntity') at <5114.326172 177.000000 6992.262207> @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 15:10:16:219 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:10:16:219 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:10:16:220 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 15:10:16:220 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427424831" ('GenericEntity') at <5114.326172 177.000000 6992.262207> @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 15:10:16:220 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:10:16:220 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:10:16:220 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 15:10:16:220 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427424835" ('GenericEntity') at <5114.326172 177.000000 6992.262207> @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 15:10:16:220 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:10:16:220 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:10:16:221 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{5755BA03F10ED3B6}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M16A1/Rifle_M16A1_base.et" 15:10:16:221 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427424839" ('GenericEntity') at <5114.326172 177.000000 6992.262207> @"{5755BA03F10ED3B6}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M16A1/Rifle_M16A1_base.et" 15:10:16:221 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:10:16:221 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:10:33:491 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:10:33:491 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=46, Name= 15:10:39:074 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:10:39:074 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=217, Name=WRATHofLUCIUS 15:10:39:074 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=217, Name=WRATHofLUCIUS, IdentityId=af0aa032-d444-420c-9db9-3ec116a1b44c 15:10:49:376 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:10:49:376 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 15:10:49:376 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427425354" ('GenericEntity') at <2751.305908 46.259998 7182.651855> @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 15:10:49:376 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:10:49:376 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:10:49:376 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 15:10:49:376 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427425358" ('GenericEntity') at <2751.481934 46.259998 7182.784180> @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 15:10:49:376 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:10:49:376 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:10:49:380 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 15:10:49:380 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427425397" ('GenericEntity') at <2750.662109 46.200001 7182.094238> @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 15:10:49:380 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:10:49:380 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:10:49:381 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 15:10:49:381 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427425401" ('GenericEntity') at <2750.840088 46.200001 7182.228027> @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 15:10:49:381 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:10:49:381 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:11:37:686 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:11:37:686 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 15:11:37:686 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427426237" ('GenericEntity') at <10042.874023 3.920000 1586.495972> @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 15:11:37:686 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:11:37:686 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:11:55:690 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:11:55:690 NETWORK : PerformActions 15:11:55:690 DEFAULT (W): Compartment not found - rplID:8007990C, compartmentID:8007990c00000004, target:??? 15:11:56:003 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:11:56:003 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{F37113A988304565}Prefabs/MP/Campaign/Assets/CampaignSupplyTruckWest.et" 15:11:56:003 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427426312" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_BASE.xob') at <4513.390137 20.559999 9788.585938> @"{F37113A988304565}Prefabs/MP/Campaign/Assets/CampaignSupplyTruckWest.et" 15:11:56:003 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{4D6D8AF9A91F75FB}Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_suspension.pap" 15:11:56:003 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:11:56:008 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 15:11:56:008 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427426355" ('GenericEntity') at <4512.501953 22.279999 9787.824219> @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 15:11:56:008 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:11:56:008 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:12:15:767 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:12:15:767 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=24, Name= 15:12:22:199 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:12:22:199 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=218, Name=BeatBigDaddy 15:12:22:199 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=218, Name=BeatBigDaddy, IdentityId=8d071d60-2ae5-46ad-ace4-cd72a7d65204 15:12:32:973 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:12:32:973 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=26, Name= 15:12:38:330 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:12:38:330 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=219, Name=Canadian Real Estate 15:12:38:330 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=219, Name=Canadian Real Estate, IdentityId=ab555264-67b1-4ca0-994f-99d66f8b625f 15:13:29:017 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:13:29:017 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 15:13:29:017 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427427216" ('GenericEntity') at <5027.682129 142.000000 6750.629883> @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 15:13:29:017 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:13:29:017 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:14:50:810 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:14:50:810 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 15:14:50:810 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427427918" ('GenericEntity') at <4995.211914 46.520000 8952.263672> @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 15:14:50:810 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:14:50:810 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:14:50:811 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 15:14:50:811 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427427920" ('GenericEntity') at <4995.211914 46.520000 8952.263672> @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 15:14:50:811 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:14:50:811 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:14:50:812 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 15:14:50:812 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427427924" ('GenericEntity') at <4995.211914 46.520000 8952.263672> @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 15:14:50:812 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:14:50:812 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:14:50:812 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{5755BA03F10ED3B6}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M16A1/Rifle_M16A1_base.et" 15:14:50:812 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427427928" ('GenericEntity') at <4995.211914 46.520000 8952.263672> @"{5755BA03F10ED3B6}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M16A1/Rifle_M16A1_base.et" 15:14:50:812 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:14:50:812 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:15:19:086 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:15:19:086 NETWORK : PerformActions 15:15:19:086 DEFAULT (W): Compartment not found - rplID:8007990C, compartmentID:8007990c00000004, target:??? 15:15:19:448 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:15:19:448 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{F37113A988304565}Prefabs/MP/Campaign/Assets/CampaignSupplyTruckWest.et" 15:15:19:448 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427428050" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_BASE.xob') at <4512.545898 20.600000 9787.097656> @"{F37113A988304565}Prefabs/MP/Campaign/Assets/CampaignSupplyTruckWest.et" 15:15:19:448 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{4D6D8AF9A91F75FB}Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_suspension.pap" 15:15:19:448 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:15:19:454 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 15:15:19:454 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427428092" ('GenericEntity') at <4513.297852 22.299999 9788.032227> @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 15:15:19:454 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:15:19:454 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:15:27:870 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:15:27:870 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=5, Name= 15:15:28:909 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:15:28:909 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{3F2AA823B6C65E1E}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_transport_MERDC.et" 15:15:28:909 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427428201" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_BASE.xob') at <5249.810059 169.660004 7170.465820> @"{3F2AA823B6C65E1E}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_transport_MERDC.et" 15:15:28:909 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{4D6D8AF9A91F75FB}Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_suspension.pap" 15:15:28:909 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:15:33:965 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:15:33:965 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=220, Name=BadMojo 15:15:33:966 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=220, Name=BadMojo, IdentityId=773aa0ff-368b-4b83-928e-bb22fd6d0702 15:15:51:965 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:15:51:965 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 15:15:51:965 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427428441" ('GenericEntity') at <4995.211914 46.520000 8952.263672> @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 15:15:51:965 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:15:51:965 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:15:52:721 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:15:52:721 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=13, Name= 15:15:57:046 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:15:57:046 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=221, Name=ENCRPTED 15:15:57:046 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=221, Name=ENCRPTED, IdentityId=ff4259fe-30b6-47e7-9f68-08b2dc78f1f9 15:16:16:557 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:16:16:557 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=25, Name= 15:16:22:959 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:16:22:959 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=222, Name=RUSH0TTA 15:16:22:959 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=222, Name=RUSH0TTA, IdentityId=49689749-e47e-403a-978f-88169f93ef7e 15:16:42:490 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:42:527 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:42:546 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:42:561 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:42:577 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:42:591 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:42:606 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:42:619 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:42:632 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:42:644 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:42:658 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:42:671 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:42:685 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:42:702 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:42:719 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:42:735 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:42:752 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:42:769 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:42:786 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:42:803 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:42:819 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:42:836 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:42:853 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:42:869 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:42:886 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:42:903 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:42:919 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:42:936 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:42:953 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:42:969 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:42:986 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:43:002 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:43:019 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:43:036 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:43:052 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:43:069 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:43:073 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:16:43:073 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{8B4D49A9F324E7D5}Prefabs/Groups/PlayableGroup.et" 15:16:43:073 WORLD : InitEntities 'world' 15:16:43:073 ENTITY : Init entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427428603" ('SCR_AIGroup') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> @"{8B4D49A9F324E7D5}Prefabs/Groups/PlayableGroup.et" 15:16:43:073 SCRIPT (W): Formation of group SCR_AIGroup<0x0000027CFC5F4130> not found in SCR_AIWorld! Team members will not be spawned. 15:16:43:086 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:43:103 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:43:119 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:43:136 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:43:153 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:43:169 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:43:187 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:43:203 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:43:219 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:43:236 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:43:253 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:43:269 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:43:286 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:43:304 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:43:320 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:43:336 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:43:353 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:43:369 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:43:386 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:43:403 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:43:420 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:43:436 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:43:452 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:43:469 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:43:486 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:43:503 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:43:520 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:43:536 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:43:554 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:43:569 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:43:586 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:43:603 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:43:620 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:43:636 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:43:653 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:43:669 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:43:686 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:43:703 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:43:720 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:43:736 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:43:753 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:43:769 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:43:786 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:43:803 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:43:819 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:43:836 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:43:853 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:43:988 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:44:005 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:16:44:240 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:17:03:562 RENDER (E): Too many active items in GPU ring buffer, 216 15:17:13:643 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:17:13:643 NETWORK : PerformActions 15:17:13:643 DEFAULT (W): Compartment not found - rplID:800857DD, compartmentID:800857dd00000003, target:??? 15:17:13:978 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:17:13:978 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 15:17:13:978 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427428883" ('GenericEntity') at <4471.009766 7.000000 11195.942383> @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 15:17:13:978 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:17:13:978 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:17:31:924 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:17:31:924 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=40, Name= 15:17:39:126 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:17:39:126 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=223, Name=mybudoutyass 15:17:39:127 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=223, Name=mybudoutyass, IdentityId=e31aa638-533d-4260-b300-d55cfc9df499 15:18:12:009 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:18:12:009 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et" 15:18:12:009 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427428895" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Rifles/Rifles/RVX_M4/RVX_M4A1_Base.xob') at <4461.861816 1.900000 11110.152344> @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et" 15:18:12:009 RESOURCES (E): BaseInteractionHandlerComponent (owner=@"ENTITY:4611686018427428895" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Rifles/Rifles/RVX_M4/RVX_M4A1_Base.xob') at <4461.861816 1.900000 11110.152344> @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et") is not attached to a PlayerController, this is disallowed! 15:18:18:767 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:18:18:767 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=25, Name= 15:18:24:132 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:18:24:132 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=99, Name=UndauntdPuma, IdentityId=7a6f2a61-d492-42b8-814b-0f101070bd48 15:18:28:637 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:18:28:637 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=36, Name= 15:18:31:574 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:18:31:574 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=42, Name= 15:18:34:996 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:18:34:996 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=224, Name=W4rc1m1n4l 15:18:34:997 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=224, Name=W4rc1m1n4l, IdentityId=d4d80bd6-73ef-464c-97f3-bcf75aef238f 15:18:37:368 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:18:37:368 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=194, Name=puglife32, IdentityId=ff0ad219-0711-4626-8683-04db148af1df 15:18:38:569 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:18:38:569 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et" 15:18:38:569 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427429102" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Rifles/Rifles/RVX_M4/RVX_M4A1_Base.xob') at <4461.861816 1.900000 11110.152344> @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et" 15:18:38:569 RESOURCES (E): BaseInteractionHandlerComponent (owner=@"ENTITY:4611686018427429102" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Rifles/Rifles/RVX_M4/RVX_M4A1_Base.xob') at <4461.861816 1.900000 11110.152344> @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et") is not attached to a PlayerController, this is disallowed! 15:18:46:027 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:18:46:027 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{8B4D49A9F324E7D5}Prefabs/Groups/PlayableGroup.et" 15:18:46:027 WORLD : InitEntities 'world' 15:18:46:027 ENTITY : Init entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427429139" ('SCR_AIGroup') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> @"{8B4D49A9F324E7D5}Prefabs/Groups/PlayableGroup.et" 15:18:46:027 SCRIPT (W): Formation of group SCR_AIGroup<0x0000027CFC5F3AF0> not found in SCR_AIWorld! Team members will not be spawned. 15:19:03:355 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:19:03:355 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=28, Name= 15:19:09:362 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:19:09:362 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=134, Name=Thiagolis, IdentityId=182f8328-191f-4259-9d2b-1d677dc25668 15:19:10:637 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:19:10:637 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et" 15:19:10:637 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427429265" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Rifles/Rifles/RVX_M4/RVX_M4A1_Base.xob') at <4461.919922 1.559999 11111.454102> @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et" 15:19:10:637 RESOURCES (E): BaseInteractionHandlerComponent (owner=@"ENTITY:4611686018427429265" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Rifles/Rifles/RVX_M4/RVX_M4A1_Base.xob') at <4461.919922 1.559999 11111.454102> @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et") is not attached to a PlayerController, this is disallowed! 15:19:16:907 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:19:16:907 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 15:19:16:907 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427429384" ('GenericEntity') at <4476.625977 19.119999 9759.112305> @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 15:19:16:907 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:19:16:907 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:19:16:907 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 15:19:16:907 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427429386" ('GenericEntity') at <4476.625977 19.119999 9759.112305> @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 15:19:16:907 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:19:16:907 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:19:16:908 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 15:19:16:908 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427429390" ('GenericEntity') at <4476.625977 19.119999 9759.112305> @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 15:19:16:908 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:19:16:908 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:19:16:909 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{5755BA03F10ED3B6}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M16A1/Rifle_M16A1_base.et" 15:19:16:909 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427429394" ('GenericEntity') at <4476.625977 19.119999 9759.112305> @"{5755BA03F10ED3B6}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M16A1/Rifle_M16A1_base.et" 15:19:16:909 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:19:16:909 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:19:27:733 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:19:27:733 NETWORK : PerformActions 15:19:27:733 DEFAULT (W): Compartment not found - rplID:800835BB, compartmentID:800835bb00000002, target:??? 15:19:33:890 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:19:33:890 NETWORK : PerformActions 15:19:33:890 DEFAULT (W): Compartment not found - rplID:800835BB, compartmentID:800835bb00000003, target:??? 15:19:34:195 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:19:34:195 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et" 15:19:34:195 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427429638" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Rifles/Rifles/RVX_M4/RVX_M4A1_Base.xob') at <4464.689941 2.680000 11116.858398> @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et" 15:19:34:195 RESOURCES (E): BaseInteractionHandlerComponent (owner=@"ENTITY:4611686018427429638" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Rifles/Rifles/RVX_M4/RVX_M4A1_Base.xob') at <4464.689941 2.680000 11116.858398> @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et") is not attached to a PlayerController, this is disallowed! 15:20:00:039 DEFAULT (W): Target weapon is not set in weapon manager 15:20:26:368 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:20:26:368 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{9CB496688A3BCC3E}Prefabs/MP/Campaign/Assets/CampaignMobileAssemblyWest.et" 15:20:26:368 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427429911" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_BASE.xob') at <4471.505859 5.959999 11197.597656> @"{9CB496688A3BCC3E}Prefabs/MP/Campaign/Assets/CampaignMobileAssemblyWest.et" 15:20:26:368 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{4D6D8AF9A91F75FB}Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_suspension.pap" 15:20:26:368 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:20:27:403 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:20:27:403 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=24, Name= 15:20:32:878 UpdateEntities 15:20:32:878 WORLD : Frame 15:20:32:878 DEFAULT (W): Target weapon is not set in weapon manager 15:20:33:773 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:20:33:773 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=225, Name=My huevos7075 15:20:33:773 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=225, Name=My huevos7075, IdentityId=675eaa5c-6537-452f-a5e8-c4722ff5eb6f 15:20:42:034 DEFAULT (W): Target weapon is not set in weapon manager 15:20:44:529 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:20:44:529 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=57, Name= 15:20:50:726 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:20:50:726 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=226, Name=blueXxXstealth 15:20:50:726 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=226, Name=blueXxXstealth, IdentityId=e8dc9fa9-daa7-4d1c-a5fe-5fb04b039327 15:20:50:726 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=60, Name= 15:20:55:870 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:20:55:870 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=203, Name=cachucho92, IdentityId=9b868bdf-8627-4759-a2c5-91882c08a337 15:21:09:849 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:09:870 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:13:118 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:13:152 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:13:186 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:13:285 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:13:302 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:13:335 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:13:352 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:13:369 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:13:420 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:13:471 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:13:487 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:13:502 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:13:519 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:13:536 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:13:553 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:13:569 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:13:586 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:13:602 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:13:619 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:13:635 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:13:652 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:13:669 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:13:685 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:13:702 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:13:719 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:13:735 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:13:752 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:13:769 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:13:785 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:13:811 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:13:823 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:13:835 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:13:852 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:13:869 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:13:885 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:13:902 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:13:919 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:13:936 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:13:952 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:13:969 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:13:985 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:14:002 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:14:019 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:14:035 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:14:052 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:14:069 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:14:085 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:14:102 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:14:119 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:14:169 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:14:202 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:14:519 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:14:536 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:14:552 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:14:586 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:14:602 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:14:619 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:14:619 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:14:635 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:14:669 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:14:686 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:14:753 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:15:303 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:15:487 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:15:503 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:15:504 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:15:537 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:15:570 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:15:570 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:15:587 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:15:603 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:15:604 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:15:620 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:15:653 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:15:704 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:15:737 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:15:786 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:15:803 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:15:853 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:15:870 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:15:887 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:15:970 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:16:020 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:16:037 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:16:070 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:16:081 UpdateEntities 15:21:16:081 WORLD : Physics simulation 15:21:16:081 RESOURCES (E): Wrong&patched resource GUID in @"scripts/Game/Effects/ParticleEmitter.c,256" for property resource name @"graphics/particle/legacy/tkom/contact/debris_stone_s.ptc" 15:21:16:081 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{065B39FFF4D32DF8}graphics/particle/legacy/tkom/contact/debris_stone_s.ptc" 15:21:16:081 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:21:16:081 RESOURCES (E): Wrong&patched resource GUID in @"scripts/Game/Effects/ParticleEmitter.c,256" for property resource name @"graphics/particle/legacy/tkom/contact/debris_stone_s.ptc" 15:21:16:081 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{065B39FFF4D32DF8}graphics/particle/legacy/tkom/contact/debris_stone_s.ptc" 15:21:16:081 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:21:16:081 RESOURCES (E): Wrong&patched resource GUID in @"scripts/Game/Effects/ParticleEmitter.c,256" for property resource name @"graphics/particle/legacy/tkom/contact/debris_stone_s.ptc" 15:21:16:081 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{065B39FFF4D32DF8}graphics/particle/legacy/tkom/contact/debris_stone_s.ptc" 15:21:16:081 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:21:16:081 RESOURCES (E): Wrong&patched resource GUID in @"scripts/Game/Effects/ParticleEmitter.c,256" for property resource name @"graphics/particle/legacy/tkom/contact/debris_stone_s.ptc" 15:21:16:081 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{065B39FFF4D32DF8}graphics/particle/legacy/tkom/contact/debris_stone_s.ptc" 15:21:16:081 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:21:16:081 RESOURCES (E): Wrong&patched resource GUID in @"scripts/Game/Effects/ParticleEmitter.c,256" for property resource name @"graphics/particle/legacy/tkom/contact/debris_stone_s.ptc" 15:21:16:081 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{065B39FFF4D32DF8}graphics/particle/legacy/tkom/contact/debris_stone_s.ptc" 15:21:16:081 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:21:16:120 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:16:137 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:16:203 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:16:219 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:16:270 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:16:287 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:16:304 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:16:320 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:16:337 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:16:353 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:16:370 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:16:387 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:16:403 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:16:420 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:16:437 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:16:453 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:16:470 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:16:489 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:16:504 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:16:520 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:16:537 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:16:553 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:16:570 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:16:587 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:16:603 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:16:620 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:16:637 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:16:653 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:16:670 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:16:687 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:16:703 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:16:720 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:16:737 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:16:753 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:16:770 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:16:787 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:16:815 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:16:829 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:16:840 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:16:853 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:16:870 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:16:887 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:16:903 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:16:921 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:16:937 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:16:954 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:16:970 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:16:987 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:17:003 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:17:020 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:17:037 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:17:053 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:17:070 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:17:087 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:17:103 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:17:120 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:17:140 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:17:154 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:17:203 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:17:237 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:17:254 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:17:337 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:17:354 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:18:209 UpdateEntities 15:21:18:209 WORLD : Physics simulation 15:21:18:209 RESOURCES (E): Wrong&patched resource GUID in @"scripts/Game/Effects/ParticleEmitter.c,256" for property resource name @"graphics/particle/legacy/tkom/contact/debris_stone_s.ptc" 15:21:18:209 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{065B39FFF4D32DF8}graphics/particle/legacy/tkom/contact/debris_stone_s.ptc" 15:21:18:209 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:21:18:571 SCRIPT (E): NULL pointer to instance Class: 'SCR_MapUITask' Function: 'Action_SelectTask' Stack trace: scripts/Game/Tasks/SCR_UITaskManagerComponent.c:756 Function Action_SelectTask scripts/Game/Tasks/UI/SCR_MapUITask.c:184 Function UpdateFocusedTask scripts/Game/Tasks/UI/SCR_TaskSelectButton.c:34 Function OnMouseEnter 15:21:20:603 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:20:620 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:20:720 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:20:736 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:20:753 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:20:769 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:20:786 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:20:802 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:20:820 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:20:886 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:21:370 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:23:044 UpdateEntities 15:21:23:044 WORLD : Physics simulation 15:21:23:044 RESOURCES (E): Wrong&patched resource GUID in @"scripts/Game/Effects/ParticleEmitter.c,256" for property resource name @"graphics/particle/legacy/tkom/contact/debris_stone_s.ptc" 15:21:23:044 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{065B39FFF4D32DF8}graphics/particle/legacy/tkom/contact/debris_stone_s.ptc" 15:21:23:044 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:21:23:044 RESOURCES (E): Wrong&patched resource GUID in @"scripts/Game/Effects/ParticleEmitter.c,256" for property resource name @"graphics/particle/legacy/tkom/contact/debris_stone_s.ptc" 15:21:23:044 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{065B39FFF4D32DF8}graphics/particle/legacy/tkom/contact/debris_stone_s.ptc" 15:21:23:044 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:21:23:044 RESOURCES (E): Wrong&patched resource GUID in @"scripts/Game/Effects/ParticleEmitter.c,256" for property resource name @"graphics/particle/legacy/tkom/contact/debris_stone_s.ptc" 15:21:23:044 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{065B39FFF4D32DF8}graphics/particle/legacy/tkom/contact/debris_stone_s.ptc" 15:21:23:044 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:21:23:044 RESOURCES (E): Wrong&patched resource GUID in @"scripts/Game/Effects/ParticleEmitter.c,256" for property resource name @"graphics/particle/legacy/tkom/contact/debris_stone_s.ptc" 15:21:23:044 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{065B39FFF4D32DF8}graphics/particle/legacy/tkom/contact/debris_stone_s.ptc" 15:21:23:044 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:21:23:044 RESOURCES (E): Wrong&patched resource GUID in @"scripts/Game/Effects/ParticleEmitter.c,256" for property resource name @"graphics/particle/legacy/tkom/contact/debris_stone_s.ptc" 15:21:23:044 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{065B39FFF4D32DF8}graphics/particle/legacy/tkom/contact/debris_stone_s.ptc" 15:21:23:044 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:21:23:044 RESOURCES (E): Wrong&patched resource GUID in @"scripts/Game/Effects/ParticleEmitter.c,256" for property resource name @"graphics/particle/legacy/tkom/contact/debris_stone_s.ptc" 15:21:23:044 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{065B39FFF4D32DF8}graphics/particle/legacy/tkom/contact/debris_stone_s.ptc" 15:21:23:044 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:21:23:044 RESOURCES (E): Wrong&patched resource GUID in @"scripts/Game/Effects/ParticleEmitter.c,256" for property resource name @"graphics/particle/legacy/tkom/contact/debris_stone_s.ptc" 15:21:23:044 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{065B39FFF4D32DF8}graphics/particle/legacy/tkom/contact/debris_stone_s.ptc" 15:21:23:044 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:21:23:044 RESOURCES (E): Wrong&patched resource GUID in @"scripts/Game/Effects/ParticleEmitter.c,256" for property resource name @"graphics/particle/legacy/tkom/contact/debris_stone_s.ptc" 15:21:23:044 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{065B39FFF4D32DF8}graphics/particle/legacy/tkom/contact/debris_stone_s.ptc" 15:21:23:044 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:21:23:163 UpdateEntities 15:21:23:163 WORLD : Physics simulation 15:21:23:163 RESOURCES (E): Wrong&patched resource GUID in @"scripts/Game/Effects/ParticleEmitter.c,256" for property resource name @"graphics/particle/legacy/tkom/contact/debris_stone_s.ptc" 15:21:23:163 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{065B39FFF4D32DF8}graphics/particle/legacy/tkom/contact/debris_stone_s.ptc" 15:21:23:163 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:21:23:163 RESOURCES (E): Wrong&patched resource GUID in @"scripts/Game/Effects/ParticleEmitter.c,256" for property resource name @"graphics/particle/legacy/tkom/contact/debris_stone_s.ptc" 15:21:23:163 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{065B39FFF4D32DF8}graphics/particle/legacy/tkom/contact/debris_stone_s.ptc" 15:21:23:163 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:21:23:163 RESOURCES (E): Wrong&patched resource GUID in @"scripts/Game/Effects/ParticleEmitter.c,256" for property resource name @"graphics/particle/legacy/tkom/contact/debris_stone_s.ptc" 15:21:23:163 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{065B39FFF4D32DF8}graphics/particle/legacy/tkom/contact/debris_stone_s.ptc" 15:21:23:163 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:21:23:163 RESOURCES (E): Wrong&patched resource GUID in @"scripts/Game/Effects/ParticleEmitter.c,256" for property resource name @"graphics/particle/legacy/tkom/contact/debris_stone_s.ptc" 15:21:23:163 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{065B39FFF4D32DF8}graphics/particle/legacy/tkom/contact/debris_stone_s.ptc" 15:21:23:163 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:21:23:163 RESOURCES (E): Wrong&patched resource GUID in @"scripts/Game/Effects/ParticleEmitter.c,256" for property resource name @"graphics/particle/legacy/tkom/contact/debris_stone_s.ptc" 15:21:23:163 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{065B39FFF4D32DF8}graphics/particle/legacy/tkom/contact/debris_stone_s.ptc" 15:21:23:163 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:21:25:071 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:21:25:071 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 15:21:25:071 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427430404" ('GenericEntity') at <5113.016113 176.660004 6992.273926> @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 15:21:25:071 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:21:25:071 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:21:31:053 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:36:493 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:21:36:493 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 15:21:36:493 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427430460" ('GenericEntity') at <4448.182129 6.840000 11169.507813> @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 15:21:36:493 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:21:36:493 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:21:43:737 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:44:989 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:46:384 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:46:450 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:46:467 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:46:567 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:46:767 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:47:584 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:47:667 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:47:684 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:47:701 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:47:717 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:47:734 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:47:750 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:47:767 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:47:784 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:47:801 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:47:817 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:47:834 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:47:850 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:47:867 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:47:884 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:47:901 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:47:951 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:47:986 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:48:235 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:48:267 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:48:284 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:48:301 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:48:318 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:48:334 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:48:351 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:48:368 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:48:384 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:48:401 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:48:418 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:48:434 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:48:451 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:48:468 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:48:484 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:48:501 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:48:518 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:48:535 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:48:551 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:48:568 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:48:584 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:48:601 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:48:618 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:48:635 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:48:651 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:48:668 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:48:684 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:48:701 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:48:717 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:48:735 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:48:751 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:48:768 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:48:784 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:48:801 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:48:818 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:48:835 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:48:918 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:21:50:993 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:21:50:993 DEFAULT : PlayerController: Request respawn lock disengaged. Reason: response received 15:21:51:640 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:21:51:640 NETWORK : PerformActions 15:21:51:640 DEFAULT (W): Compartment not found - rplID:800885F3, compartmentID:800885f300000002, target:??? 15:21:51:766 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:21:51:766 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 15:21:51:766 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427430601" ('GenericEntity') at <4456.448242 21.240000 9963.639648> @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 15:21:51:766 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:21:51:766 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:21:51:770 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 15:21:51:770 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427430639" ('GenericEntity') at <4455.408203 21.639999 9962.622070> @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 15:21:51:770 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:21:51:770 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:21:51:779 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 15:21:51:779 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427430714" ('GenericEntity') at <4440.503906 22.100000 9960.196289> @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 15:21:51:779 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:21:51:779 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:21:51:781 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 15:21:51:781 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427430720" ('GenericEntity') at <4440.863770 21.879999 9960.929688> @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 15:21:51:781 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:21:51:781 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:21:51:920 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:21:51:920 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{F37113A988304565}Prefabs/MP/Campaign/Assets/CampaignSupplyTruckWest.et" 15:21:51:920 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427430758" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_BASE.xob') at <4515.341797 20.660000 9788.675781> @"{F37113A988304565}Prefabs/MP/Campaign/Assets/CampaignSupplyTruckWest.et" 15:21:51:920 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{4D6D8AF9A91F75FB}Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_suspension.pap" 15:21:51:920 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:21:51:934 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{F37113A988304565}Prefabs/MP/Campaign/Assets/CampaignSupplyTruckWest.et" 15:21:51:934 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427430856" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_BASE.xob') at <4497.014160 19.760000 9788.095703> @"{F37113A988304565}Prefabs/MP/Campaign/Assets/CampaignSupplyTruckWest.et" 15:21:51:934 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{4D6D8AF9A91F75FB}Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_suspension.pap" 15:21:51:934 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:21:52:097 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:21:52:097 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 15:21:52:097 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427431154" ('GenericEntity') at <4522.534180 21.219999 9804.778320> @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 15:21:52:097 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:21:52:097 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:21:52:235 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:21:52:235 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 15:21:52:235 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427431261" ('GenericEntity') at <4513.644043 13.179999 9943.379883> @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 15:21:52:235 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:21:52:235 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:21:52:512 RESOURCES (E): Failed to load 'Assets/Structures/BuildingsParts/Doors/Data/Doors_Village_E_stripes_GLOBAL_MASK.edds' 15:21:52:865 RESOURCES (E): Failed to load 'Assets/Structures/BuildingsParts/Doors/Data/Door_Metal_stripes_01_multi_GLOBAL_MASK.edds' 15:21:59:845 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:21:59:845 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 15:21:59:845 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427431678" ('GenericEntity') at <4483.726074 1.539999 11126.001953> @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 15:21:59:845 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:21:59:845 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:21:59:845 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 15:21:59:845 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427431684" ('GenericEntity') at <4483.726074 1.539999 11126.001953> @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 15:21:59:845 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:21:59:845 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:21:59:846 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{5755BA03F10ED3B6}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M16A1/Rifle_M16A1_base.et" 15:21:59:846 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427431687" ('GenericEntity') at <4483.726074 1.539999 11126.001953> @"{5755BA03F10ED3B6}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M16A1/Rifle_M16A1_base.et" 15:21:59:846 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:21:59:846 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:21:59:846 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 15:21:59:846 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427431690" ('GenericEntity') at <4483.726074 1.539999 11126.001953> @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 15:21:59:846 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:21:59:846 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:21:59:847 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et" 15:21:59:847 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427431697" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Rifles/Rifles/RVX_M4/RVX_M4A1_Base.xob') at <4483.726074 1.539999 11126.001953> @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et" 15:21:59:847 RESOURCES (E): BaseInteractionHandlerComponent (owner=@"ENTITY:4611686018427431697" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Rifles/Rifles/RVX_M4/RVX_M4A1_Base.xob') at <4483.726074 1.539999 11126.001953> @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et") is not attached to a PlayerController, this is disallowed! 15:21:59:896 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:21:59:896 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 15:21:59:896 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427431929" ('GenericEntity') at <4463.675781 1.580000 11112.101563> @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 15:21:59:896 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:21:59:896 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:21:59:898 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 15:21:59:898 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427431939" ('GenericEntity') at <4461.246094 1.559999 11110.702148> @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 15:21:59:898 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:21:59:898 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:22:00:689 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:22:00:689 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{F37113A988304565}Prefabs/MP/Campaign/Assets/CampaignSupplyTruckWest.et" 15:22:00:689 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427432061" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_BASE.xob') at <4549.348145 10.179999 9380.061523> @"{F37113A988304565}Prefabs/MP/Campaign/Assets/CampaignSupplyTruckWest.et" 15:22:00:689 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{4D6D8AF9A91F75FB}Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_suspension.pap" 15:22:00:689 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:22:00:728 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:22:00:728 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{F37113A988304565}Prefabs/MP/Campaign/Assets/CampaignSupplyTruckWest.et" 15:22:00:728 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427432185" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_BASE.xob') at <4552.016113 7.379999 9325.860352> @"{F37113A988304565}Prefabs/MP/Campaign/Assets/CampaignSupplyTruckWest.et" 15:22:00:728 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{4D6D8AF9A91F75FB}Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_suspension.pap" 15:22:00:728 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:22:00:747 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 15:22:00:748 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427432325" ('GenericEntity') at <4469.724121 18.059999 10978.429688> @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 15:22:00:748 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:22:00:748 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:22:01:264 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:22:01:264 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 15:22:01:264 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427432736" ('GenericEntity') at <4454.144043 1.920000 11110.736328> @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 15:22:01:264 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:22:01:264 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:22:01:276 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et" 15:22:01:276 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427432802" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Rifles/Rifles/RVX_M4/RVX_M4A1_Base.xob') at <4506.662109 16.520000 10212.435547> @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et" 15:22:01:276 RESOURCES (E): BaseInteractionHandlerComponent (owner=@"ENTITY:4611686018427432802" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Rifles/Rifles/RVX_M4/RVX_M4A1_Base.xob') at <4506.662109 16.520000 10212.435547> @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et") is not attached to a PlayerController, this is disallowed! 15:22:01:280 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et" 15:22:01:280 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427432832" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Rifles/Rifles/RVX_M4/RVX_M4A1_Base.xob') at <4505.443848 16.400000 10213.024414> @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et" 15:22:01:280 RESOURCES (E): BaseInteractionHandlerComponent (owner=@"ENTITY:4611686018427432832" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Rifles/Rifles/RVX_M4/RVX_M4A1_Base.xob') at <4505.443848 16.400000 10213.024414> @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et") is not attached to a PlayerController, this is disallowed! 15:22:22:158 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:22:32:319 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:22:32:319 NETWORK : PerformActions 15:22:32:319 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427432491" ('Vehicle') at <4451.091797 1.240000 11108.303711> @"{DD774A8FD0989A78}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M998/M1025_armed_M2HB_MERDC.et" VehicleControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action VehicleAction_UpdateFlags(00000010) which wasn't queued 15:22:49:249 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:22:49:249 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 15:22:49:249 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427433354" ('GenericEntity') at <4476.914063 18.799999 9757.440430> @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 15:22:49:249 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:22:49:249 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:22:50:481 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:22:50:481 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 15:22:50:481 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427433358" ('GenericEntity') at <4476.914063 18.799999 9757.440430> @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 15:22:50:481 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:22:50:481 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:22:55:401 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:22:55:401 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{3F2AA823B6C65E1E}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_transport_MERDC.et" 15:22:55:401 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427433442" ('Vehicle') at <4471.505859 5.959999 11197.597656> 15:22:55:401 RESOURCES (E): Can't remap 'Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_BASE.xob' material from 'M923A1_Base1' to 'Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/Data/M923A1_Base_MERDC.emat'. Source material do not exist 15:22:55:402 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{4D6D8AF9A91F75FB}Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_suspension.pap" 15:22:55:402 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:23:17:890 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:23:17:891 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=60, Name= 15:23:24:648 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:23:24:648 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=178, Name=XxIiBeastyBoyxX, IdentityId=9540068d-6d05-4bf3-b138-6acfa4ffcaca 15:23:32:567 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:23:32:567 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et" 15:23:32:567 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427434784" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Rifles/Rifles/RVX_M4/RVX_M4A1_Base.xob') at <4461.784180 1.559999 11111.837891> @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et" 15:23:32:567 RESOURCES (E): BaseInteractionHandlerComponent (owner=@"ENTITY:4611686018427434784" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Rifles/Rifles/RVX_M4/RVX_M4A1_Base.xob') at <4461.784180 1.559999 11111.837891> @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et") is not attached to a PlayerController, this is disallowed! 15:23:48:329 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:23:48:329 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et" 15:23:48:329 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427434957" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Rifles/Rifles/RVX_M4/RVX_M4A1_Base.xob') at <7477.105957 133.339996 4800.631836> @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et" 15:23:48:329 RESOURCES (E): BaseInteractionHandlerComponent (owner=@"ENTITY:4611686018427434957" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Rifles/Rifles/RVX_M4/RVX_M4A1_Base.xob') at <7477.105957 133.339996 4800.631836> @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et") is not attached to a PlayerController, this is disallowed! 15:23:48:329 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 15:23:48:329 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427434961" ('GenericEntity') at <7477.105957 133.339996 4800.631836> @"{3548A4C1FCCF01D8}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_v2.et" 15:23:48:329 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:23:48:329 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:23:48:330 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{5755BA03F10ED3B6}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M16A1/Rifle_M16A1_base.et" 15:23:48:330 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427434964" ('GenericEntity') at <7477.105957 133.339996 4800.631836> @"{5755BA03F10ED3B6}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M16A1/Rifle_M16A1_base.et" 15:23:48:330 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:23:48:330 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:23:48:330 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 15:23:48:330 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427434966" ('GenericEntity') at <7477.105957 133.339996 4800.631836> @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 15:23:48:330 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:23:48:330 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:23:48:331 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 15:23:48:331 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427434969" ('GenericEntity') at <7477.105957 133.339996 4800.631836> @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 15:23:48:331 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:23:48:331 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:23:48:680 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:23:48:680 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 15:23:48:680 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427435192" ('GenericEntity') at <4477.797852 18.879999 9757.490234> @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 15:23:48:680 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:23:48:680 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:24:00:995 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:24:00:995 NETWORK : PerformActions 15:24:00:995 DEFAULT (W): Compartment not found - rplID:80078B2A, compartmentID:80078b2a00000004, target:??? 15:24:01:321 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:24:01:321 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{3F2AA823B6C65E1E}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_transport_MERDC.et" 15:24:01:322 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427435390" ('Vehicle','Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_BASE.xob') at <4021.951904 28.820000 7725.149902> @"{3F2AA823B6C65E1E}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_transport_MERDC.et" 15:24:01:322 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{4D6D8AF9A91F75FB}Assets/Vehicles/Wheeled/M923A1/M923A1_suspension.pap" 15:24:01:322 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:24:01:337 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et" 15:24:01:337 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427435555" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Rifles/Rifles/RVX_M4/RVX_M4A1_Base.xob') at <4021.627930 30.840000 7724.162109> @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et" 15:24:01:337 RESOURCES (E): BaseInteractionHandlerComponent (owner=@"ENTITY:4611686018427435555" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Rifles/Rifles/RVX_M4/RVX_M4A1_Base.xob') at <4021.627930 30.840000 7724.162109> @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et") is not attached to a PlayerController, this is disallowed! 15:24:12:468 DEFAULT (W): Target weapon is not set in weapon manager 15:24:19:920 UpdateEntities 15:24:19:920 WORLD : Physics simulation 15:24:19:920 RESOURCES (E): Wrong&patched resource GUID in @"scripts/Game/Effects/ParticleEmitter.c,256" for property resource name @"graphics/particle/legacy/tkom/contact/debris_stone_s.ptc" 15:24:19:920 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{065B39FFF4D32DF8}graphics/particle/legacy/tkom/contact/debris_stone_s.ptc" 15:24:19:920 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:24:19:920 RESOURCES (E): Wrong&patched resource GUID in @"scripts/Game/Effects/ParticleEmitter.c,256" for property resource name @"graphics/particle/legacy/tkom/contact/debris_stone_s.ptc" 15:24:19:921 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{065B39FFF4D32DF8}graphics/particle/legacy/tkom/contact/debris_stone_s.ptc" 15:24:19:921 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:24:21:685 DEFAULT (W): Target weapon is not set in weapon manager 15:24:30:535 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:24:30:536 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 15:24:30:536 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427436062" ('GenericEntity') at <4477.532227 18.859999 9757.427734> @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 15:24:30:536 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:24:30:536 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:24:36:935 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:24:36:935 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 15:24:36:935 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427436115" ('GenericEntity') at <4461.956055 1.559999 11111.652344> @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 15:24:36:935 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:24:36:935 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:24:47:806 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:24:47:806 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=8, Name= 15:24:54:607 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:24:54:607 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=227, Name=ReVo Scuf 15:24:54:607 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=227, Name=ReVo Scuf, IdentityId=008bcd8c-858e-4d14-bc92-2b905497aef4 15:25:05:877 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:25:05:877 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=21, Name= 15:25:11:484 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:25:11:484 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=150, Name=McLOVIN2978, IdentityId=8faf975f-ba17-483a-8b59-d7dbb3714428 15:25:47:937 UpdateEntities 15:25:47:937 WORLD : Frame 15:25:47:937 DEFAULT (W): Target weapon is not set in weapon manager 15:26:17:718 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:26:17:787 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:26:17:823 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:26:17:840 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:26:17:856 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:26:17:873 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:26:17:889 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:26:17:904 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:26:17:921 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:26:17:937 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:26:18:704 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:26:18:752 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:26:20:518 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:26:22:322 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:26:22:322 DEFAULT (E): Error when detaching entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427432964" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Magazines/STANAG/Magazine_30rnd_STANAG.xob') at <4507.861328 20.447931 9796.321289> @"{D8F2CA92583B23D3}Prefabs/Weapons/Magazines/Magazine_556x45_STANAG_30rnd_Last_5Tracer.et". Current parent: '@"ENTITY:4611686018427432958" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Characters/Vests/Vest_ALICE/Vest_ALICE_buttpack.xob') at <4507.861328 20.447931 9796.321289> @"{9A21918AC35AC182}Prefabs/Characters/Vests/Vest_ALICE/Vest_ALICE_buttpack.et"', expected parent: '@"ENTITY:4611686018427432950" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter','Assets/Characters/Basebody/Basebody_Male_01.xob') at <4507.844238 19.799999 9796.383789> @"{A30FC16FEF77C251}Prefabs/Characters/Factions/BLUFOR/US_Army/Refined_US_Rifleman.et"' 15:26:23:875 DEFAULT (W): Target weapon is not set in weapon manager 15:26:37:132 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:26:38:132 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:26:38:215 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:26:39:382 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:26:39:466 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:26:39:499 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:26:39:549 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:26:39:575 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:26:41:634 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:26:41:634 DEFAULT : PlayerController: Request respawn lock disengaged. Reason: response received 15:26:50:559 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:26:50:559 NETWORK : PerformActions 15:26:50:559 DEFAULT (E): InputActionManager @"ENTITY:4611686018427440603" ('Vehicle') at <4471.507813 5.959999 11197.597656> @"{94DE32169691AC34}Prefabs/Vehicles/Wheeled/M151A2/M151A2_transport_MERDC.et" VehicleControllerComponent: Action: Trying to perform action VehicleAction_UpdateFlags(00000010) which wasn't queued 15:26:55:289 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:26:55:289 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et" 15:26:55:289 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427441439" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Rifles/Rifles/RVX_M4/RVX_M4A1_Base.xob') at <4460.970215 1.559999 11110.393555> @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et" 15:26:55:289 RESOURCES (E): BaseInteractionHandlerComponent (owner=@"ENTITY:4611686018427441439" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Rifles/Rifles/RVX_M4/RVX_M4A1_Base.xob') at <4460.970215 1.559999 11110.393555> @"{9085754D4F1AABBC}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/RVX_M4A1_Rifle.et") is not attached to a PlayerController, this is disallowed! 15:27:07:514 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:27:07:514 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=5, Name= 15:27:12:397 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:27:12:397 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=203, Name=cachucho92, IdentityId=9b868bdf-8627-4759-a2c5-91882c08a337 15:27:22:450 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:27:22:450 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 15:27:22:450 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427442224" ('GenericEntity') at <7467.850098 165.860001 4224.120117> @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 15:27:22:450 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:27:22:450 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:27:24:324 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:27:24:324 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 15:27:24:324 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427442307" ('GenericEntity') at <4460.556152 1.559999 11110.309570> @"{295361523BFBAB92}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK5C/Rifle_AK5C_base.et" 15:27:24:324 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:27:24:324 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:27:26:352 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:27:26:352 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=25, Name= 15:27:35:012 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:27:35:012 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=228, Name=TreeHe3ad420 15:27:35:012 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=228, Name=TreeHe3ad420, IdentityId=e127bc63-4730-44c6-b6c7-a565276da633 15:27:59:285 UpdateEntities 15:27:59:285 WORLD : Physics simulation 15:27:59:285 RESOURCES (E): Wrong&patched resource GUID in @"scripts/Game/Effects/ParticleEmitter.c,256" for property resource name @"graphics/particle/legacy/tkom/contact/debris_stone_s.ptc" 15:27:59:285 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{065B39FFF4D32DF8}graphics/particle/legacy/tkom/contact/debris_stone_s.ptc" 15:27:59:285 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:27:59:285 RESOURCES (E): Wrong&patched resource GUID in @"scripts/Game/Effects/ParticleEmitter.c,256" for property resource name @"graphics/particle/legacy/tkom/contact/debris_stone_s.ptc" 15:27:59:285 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{065B39FFF4D32DF8}graphics/particle/legacy/tkom/contact/debris_stone_s.ptc" 15:27:59:285 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:28:26:051 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:28:26:051 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 15:28:26:051 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427444088" ('GenericEntity') at <4476.625977 19.119999 9759.112305> @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 15:28:26:051 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:28:26:051 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:28:33:028 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:28:33:028 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{8B4D49A9F324E7D5}Prefabs/Groups/PlayableGroup.et" 15:28:33:028 WORLD : InitEntities 'world' 15:28:33:028 ENTITY : Init entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427444191" ('SCR_AIGroup') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> @"{8B4D49A9F324E7D5}Prefabs/Groups/PlayableGroup.et" 15:28:33:028 SCRIPT (W): Formation of group SCR_AIGroup<0x0000027C863A56F0> not found in SCR_AIWorld! Team members will not be spawned. 15:28:36:414 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:28:36:414 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 15:28:36:414 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427444243" ('GenericEntity') at <4476.994141 18.799999 9757.414063> @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 15:28:36:414 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:28:36:414 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open 15:29:03:127 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:29:03:128 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=5, Name= 15:29:04:469 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:29:04:469 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=40, Name= 15:29:09:801 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:29:09:801 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=120, Name=Potatoboy198428, IdentityId=fef01c02-f0a9-4f8a-ab34-6eda18f8ae2c 15:29:10:128 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:29:10:128 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=116, Name=OG_BACON_, IdentityId=3db0a981-33b6-4640-a5e2-9d388fd9fc86 15:29:13:082 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:29:13:082 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=60, Name= 15:29:15:169 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:15:196 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:15:222 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:15:250 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:15:277 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:15:303 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:15:331 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:15:357 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:15:383 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:15:411 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:15:438 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:15:465 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:15:493 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:15:603 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:15:631 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:15:659 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:16:143 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:16:276 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:16:304 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:16:329 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:16:532 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:16:561 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:16:648 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:16:752 RENDER (E): Too many active items in GPU ring buffer, 156 15:29:16:855 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:16:883 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:16:911 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:16:939 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:16:967 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:16:995 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:17:022 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:17:050 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:17:077 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:17:105 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:17:134 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:17:162 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:17:189 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:17:217 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:17:245 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:17:272 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:17:301 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:17:327 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:17:354 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:17:383 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:17:410 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:17:437 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:17:466 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:17:493 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:17:519 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:17:548 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:17:576 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:17:603 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:17:631 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:17:658 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:17:685 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:17:712 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:17:739 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:17:766 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:17:794 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:17:821 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:17:848 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:17:875 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:17:904 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:17:931 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:17:958 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:17:986 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:18:013 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:18:040 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:18:068 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:18:095 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:18:121 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:18:150 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:18:177 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:18:204 GUI (E): DrawPolygon triangulation failed, is the polygon degenerated? 15:29:18:529 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:29:18:529 NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=229, Name=B1GxM00N 15:29:18:529 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=229, Name=B1GxM00N, IdentityId=2a6e319d-d751-4ff4-b983-d5ffb9f2d607 15:29:24:849 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:29:24:849 DEFAULT (E): Error when detaching entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427440322" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Magazines/STANAG/Magazine_30rnd_STANAG.xob') at <4469.388672 2.661860 11121.312500> @"{D8F2CA92583B23D3}Prefabs/Weapons/Magazines/Magazine_556x45_STANAG_30rnd_Last_5Tracer.et". Current parent: '@"ENTITY:4611686018427440312" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Characters/Vests/Vest_ALICE/Vest_ALICE_buttpack.xob') at <4469.388672 2.661860 11121.312500> @"{9A21918AC35AC182}Prefabs/Characters/Vests/Vest_ALICE/Vest_ALICE_buttpack.et"', expected parent: '@"ENTITY:4611686018427440289" ('SCR_ChimeraCharacter','Assets/Characters/Basebody/Basebody_Male_01.xob') at <4469.416016 1.539999 11121.368164> @"{55600071E75AAEB3}Prefabs/Characters/Factions/BLUFOR/US_Army/Refined_US_GL.et"' 15:29:28:211 UpdateEntities 15:29:28:211 WORLD : FixedFrame 15:29:28:211 NETWORK : PerformActions 15:29:28:211 DEFAULT (W): Compartment not found - rplID:8008B113, compartmentID:8008b11300000006, target:??? 15:30:03:648 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:30:03:648 NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=5, Name= 15:30:09:203 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:30:09:203 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=116, Name=OG_BACON_, IdentityId=3db0a981-33b6-4640-a5e2-9d388fd9fc86 15:30:23:090 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 15:30:23:090 ENTITY : SpawnEntityInPrefab @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 15:30:23:090 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427446679" ('GenericEntity') at <4650.127930 75.839996 8750.992188> @"{ECC7EA1003112191}Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/AK47/Rifle_AK47_base.et" 15:30:23:090 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{5071D9019D052481}Sounds/Impacts/Impact_Weapons_Rifles_Impacts.acp" 15:30:23:090 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open