===================================================================== == C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZ\DayZ_x64.exe == "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZ\DayZ_x64.exe" -mission=.\Missions\dayzOffline.ChernarusPlus ===================================================================== Exe timestamp: 2018/06/06 13:26:27 Current time: 2018/06/06 13:46:52 Version 0.63.147111 13:46:52 [CE][Hive] :: Loading core data ... 13:46:52 [CE][CoreData] :: 7 root classes, 0 defaults... 13:46:52 [CE][Hive] :: Loading map data ... 13:46:52 [CE][LoadPrototype] :: loaded 223 prototypes 13:46:52 491 containers, 6992 points 13:46:52 0 dispatches, 0 proxies 13:46:52 !!! 7 groups have no points... 13:46:52 !!! 1 groups have wrong points... 13:46:52 [CE][LoadPrototype] :: last group name: PathRCurve... 13:46:53 [CE][Links] found 1854 total links between groups, of 11465 13:46:53 [CE][LoadMap] :: loaded 11465 groups, largest group range: 34.2 13:46:53 [CE][LoadClusters] :: Loading files... 13:46:53 [CE][LoadClusters] :: file: "mapgroupcluster.xml", 2 types, 15725 instances 13:46:53 !!! [CE][Init] No Memory Level found for \DZ\data\lightpoint.p3d 13:46:53 !!! [CE][Init] No Memory Level found for \DZ\data\lightpoint.p3d 13:46:53 !!! [CE][Init] No Memory Level found for \dz\structures\industrial\construction\Construction_House2.p3d 13:46:53 !!! [CE][Init] No Memory Level found for \dz\structures\industrial\power\power_pole_conc1_amp.p3d 13:46:53 !!! [CE][Init] No Memory Level found for \dz\structures\industrial\power\power_pole_wood1_amp.p3d 13:46:53 !!! [CE][Init] No Memory Level found for \dz\structures\industrial\coalplant\coalplant_main.p3d 13:46:53 !!! [CE][Init] No Memory Level found for \dz\structures\military\tisy\tisy_radarb_antenna.p3d 13:46:53 !!! [CE][Init] No Memory Level found for \dz\structures\military\airfield\airfield_radar_tall.p3d 13:46:54 !!! [CE][Init] No Memory Level found for \dz\structures\specific\deadbodies\Dead_Massgrave.p3d 13:46:54 !!! [CE][Init] No Memory Level found for \dz\structures\specific\lunapark\Lunapark_Autodrome.p3d 13:46:54 !!! [CE][Init] No Memory Level found for \DZ\characters\gloves\hands3_m.p3d 13:46:54 !!! [CE][Init] No Memory Level found for \DZ\characters\gloves\hands3_f.p3d 13:46:54 !!! [CE][Init] No Memory Level found for \dz\characters\heads\f_Frida.p3d 13:46:54 !!! [CE][Init] No Memory Level found for \dz\characters\heads\f_Irena.p3d 13:46:54 !!! [CE][Init] No Memory Level found for \dz\characters\heads\f_Linda.p3d 13:46:54 !!! [CE][Init] No Memory Level found for \dz\characters\heads\f_Maria.p3d 13:46:54 !!! [CE][Init] No Memory Level found for \dz\characters\heads\f_eva.p3d 13:46:54 !!! [CE][Init] No Memory Level found for \dz\characters\heads\m_denis.p3d 13:46:54 !!! [CE][Init] No Memory Level found for \dz\characters\heads\m_Adam_noBeard.p3d 13:46:54 !!! [CE][Init] No Memory Level found for \DZ\characters\pants\legs3_m.p3d 13:46:54 !!! [CE][Init] No Memory Level found for \DZ\characters\pants\legs3_f.p3d 13:46:54 !!! [CE][Init] No Memory Level found for \dz\characters\pants\legs3_m.p3d 13:46:54 !!! [CE][Init] No Memory Level found for \dz\characters\pants\legs3_f.p3d 13:46:54 !!! [CE][Init] No Memory Level found for \DZ\characters\shoes\feet3_m.p3d 13:46:54 !!! [CE][Init] No Memory Level found for \DZ\characters\shoes\feet3_f.p3d 13:46:54 !!! [CE][Init] No Memory Level found for \DZ\characters\tops\torso3_m.p3d 13:46:54 !!! [CE][Init] No Memory Level found for \DZ\characters\tops\torso3_f.p3d 13:46:54 !!! [CE][Init] No Memory Level found for \dz\gear\tools\DoorCheck120x220-1cm.p3d 13:46:55 [CE] :: WARNING :: Preset (cargo) with name 'toolsArmy' was not found. 13:46:55 [CE] :: WARNING :: Preset (cargo) with name 'toolsArmy' was not found. 13:46:55 [CE] :: WARNING :: Preset (cargo) with name 'food' was not found. 13:46:55 [CE] :: WARNING :: Preset (cargo) with name 'tools' was not found. 13:46:55 [CE][TypeSetup] :: 283 classes setuped... 13:46:55 [CE][RegisterBind] :: 0 classes binded... 13:46:55 [CE][RegisterConfig] :: 2465 config classes registered, 1 sub-counters... 13:46:55 [CE][offlineDB] :: Loaded 18 dynamic events 93 total types 0 total positions. 13:46:55 [CE][Hive] :: Empty storage folder, reinitializing ... 13:46:55 [CE][Hive] :: Initializing ... 13:46:55 [CE][Hive] :: Initializing spawners ... 13:46:55 [CE][AnimalRespawner] (PRIRoeDeer) :: !!! Missing AI Template "HerdRoeDeer" for DE: "AnimalRoeDeer" 13:46:55 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13922.886719, 13503.096680 from Land_Train_Wagon_Box 13:46:57 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [0] causing search overtime: "SalineBag" 13:46:58 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [1] causing search overtime: "TetracyclineAntibiotics" 13:46:58 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [2] causing search overtime: "TetracyclineAntibiotics" 13:46:58 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [3] causing search overtime: "TetracyclineAntibiotics" 13:46:58 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [0] is hard to place, performance drops: "M65Jacket_Black" 13:46:58 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 5884.420410, 1977.914673 from Land_Boat_Small3 13:46:58 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 10461.848633, 9790.305664 from Land_Shed_W3 13:46:58 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [4] causing search overtime: "BloodBagEmpty" 13:46:58 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [5] causing search overtime: "BloodBagEmpty" 13:46:58 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [6] causing search overtime: "PrisonUniformPants" 13:46:58 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [1] is hard to place, performance drops: "GorkaPants_Summer" 13:46:58 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [2] is hard to place, performance drops: "GorkaPants_Summer" 13:46:58 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [3] is hard to place, performance drops: "GorkaPants_Summer" 13:46:58 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [4] is hard to place, performance drops: "GorkaPants_Summer" 13:46:58 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [5] is hard to place, performance drops: "UKAssVest_Black" 13:46:58 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [6] is hard to place, performance drops: "UKAssVest_Black" 13:46:58 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [7] is hard to place, performance drops: "UKAssVest_Black" 13:46:58 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [8] is hard to place, performance drops: "UKAssVest_Black" 13:46:58 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [9] is hard to place, performance drops: "UKAssVest_Black" 13:46:58 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [10] is hard to place, performance drops: "UKAssVest_Black" 13:46:58 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [11] is hard to place, performance drops: "UKAssVest_Black" 13:46:58 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [12] is hard to place, performance drops: "UKAssVest_Black" 13:46:58 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [13] is hard to place, performance drops: "UKAssVest_Black" 13:46:58 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [14] is hard to place, performance drops: "UKAssVest_Black" 13:46:58 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [15] is hard to place, performance drops: "UKAssVest_Black" 13:46:58 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [16] is hard to place, performance drops: "UKAssVest_Black" 13:46:58 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [17] is hard to place, performance drops: "M65Jacket_Olive" 13:46:58 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [18] is hard to place, performance drops: "M65Jacket_Olive" 13:46:58 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [19] is hard to place, performance drops: "ParamedicJacket_Green" 13:46:58 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [7] causing search overtime: "PrisonUniformJacket" 13:46:58 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [8] causing search overtime: "PrisonUniformJacket" 13:46:58 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [9] causing search overtime: "FirefighterJacket_Black" 13:46:58 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [10] causing search overtime: "FirefightersPants_Black" 13:46:58 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 5203.001465, 2363.940918 from Land_Shed_M1 13:46:58 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 5202.522949, 2365.736816 from Land_Shed_M1 13:46:59 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 5203.826660, 2364.655518 from Land_Shed_M1 13:46:59 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [11] causing search overtime: "FirefighterAxe" 13:46:59 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [12] causing search overtime: "FirefighterAxe" 13:46:59 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [13] causing search overtime: "FirefighterAxe" 13:46:59 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [14] causing search overtime: "FirefighterAxe" 13:46:59 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [15] causing search overtime: "FirefighterAxe" 13:46:59 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [16] causing search overtime: "FirefighterAxe" 13:46:59 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [17] causing search overtime: "FirefighterAxe" 13:46:59 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13924.355469, 13502.342773 from Land_Train_Wagon_Box 13:46:59 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [18] causing search overtime: "FirefighterJacket_Beige" 13:46:59 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [19] causing search overtime: "FirefighterJacket_Beige" 13:46:59 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 10462.496094, 9792.609375 from Land_Shed_W3 13:46:59 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 10461.095703, 9789.921875 from Land_Shed_W3 13:46:59 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Initially (re)spawned:15820, Nominal:15848, Total in Map: 15855 at 4 (sec) 13:46:59 tests:16119, repeats:167 fails:132, overtime:47 13:46:59 [CE][DynEvent] :: 18 types 13:46:59 [00] AmbientHen 13:46:59 Primary Spawner: "Ambient", active: yes, repeat: 1 13:46:59 [01] AnimalCow 13:46:59 Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1 13:46:59 [02] AnimalDeer 13:46:59 Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1 13:46:59 [03] AnimalRoeDeer 13:46:59 Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1 13:46:59 [04] AnimalWolf 13:46:59 Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1 13:46:59 [05] InfectedArmy 13:46:59 Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1 13:46:59 [06] InfectedCity 13:46:59 Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1 13:46:59 [07] InfectedFirefighter 13:46:59 Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1 13:46:59 [08] InfectedMedic 13:46:59 Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1 13:46:59 [09] InfectedPolice 13:46:59 Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1 13:46:59 [10] InfectedPrisoner 13:46:59 Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1 13:46:59 [11] InfectedSolitude 13:46:59 Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1 13:46:59 [12] InfectedVillage 13:46:59 Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1 13:46:59 [13] Loot 13:46:59 Primary Spawner: "Loot", active: yes, repeat: 2 13:46:59 [14] StaticHeliCrash 13:46:59 Primary Spawner: "Vehicle", active: yes, repeat: 1 13:46:59 [15] StaticPoliceCar 13:46:59 Primary Spawner: "Vehicle", active: yes, repeat: 1 13:46:59 [16] TrajectoryApple 13:46:59 Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1 13:46:59 [17] TrajectoryStones 13:46:59 Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1 13:46:59 [CE][Hive] :: Initializing of spawners done. 13:46:59 [CE][Hive] :: Init sequence finished. 13:46:59 Player connect enabled 13:52:12 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13376.769531, 6201.462402 from AppleTree 13:52:12 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13381.575195, 6210.008301 from AppleTree 13:52:52 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13375.266602, 6200.099609 from AppleTree 13:53:31 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13376.769531, 6201.462402 from AppleTree 13:54:10 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13381.575195, 6210.008301 from AppleTree 13:54:10 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13327.426758, 6225.879395 from AppleTree 13:54:50 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13327.160156, 6223.868652 from AppleTree 13:54:50 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13381.575195, 6210.008301 from AppleTree 13:55:30 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13327.426758, 6225.879395 from AppleTree 13:55:30 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13381.575195, 6210.008301 from AppleTree 13:56:10 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13449.079102, 6271.198242 from AppleTree 13:56:10 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13327.426758, 6225.879395 from AppleTree 13:56:48 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13381.575195, 6210.008301 from AppleTree 13:56:48 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13394.960938, 6336.819336 from AppleTree 13:56:48 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13404.360352, 6346.759277 from AppleTree 13:57:30 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13327.160156, 6223.868652 from AppleTree 13:57:30 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13449.079102, 6271.198242 from AppleTree 13:58:09 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13384.340820, 6340.205078 from AppleTree 13:58:09 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13394.960938, 6336.819336 from AppleTree 13:58:51 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13327.426758, 6225.879395 from AppleTree 13:59:29 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13394.257813, 6334.916504 from AppleTree 13:59:29 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13404.360352, 6346.759277 from AppleTree 13:59:29 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13334.949219, 6312.184082 from AppleTree 14:00:09 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13375.147461, 6206.420898 from AppleTree 14:01:34 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13404.360352, 6346.759277 from AppleTree 14:02:15 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13376.769531, 6201.462402 from AppleTree 14:02:15 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13397.068359, 6336.685547 from AppleTree 14:02:54 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13397.068359, 6336.685547 from AppleTree 14:03:34 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13397.068359, 6336.685547 from AppleTree 14:03:34 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13384.340820, 6340.205078 from AppleTree 14:04:14 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13394.257813, 6334.916504 from AppleTree 14:04:14 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13384.340820, 6340.205078 from AppleTree 14:04:55 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13394.960938, 6336.819336 from AppleTree 14:04:55 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13386.315430, 6340.670410 from AppleTree 14:05:38 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13394.960938, 6336.819336 from AppleTree 14:05:38 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13384.340820, 6340.205078 from AppleTree 14:05:38 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13451.120117, 6270.653809 from AppleTree 14:06:18 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13451.404297, 6356.748047 from AppleTree 14:07:34 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13404.360352, 6346.759277 from AppleTree 14:08:14 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13333.764648, 6304.247070 from AppleTree 14:08:14 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13340.502930, 6330.519043 from AppleTree 14:08:14 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13336.875977, 6312.817871 from AppleTree 14:08:52 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13337.930664, 6328.417969 from AppleTree 14:08:52 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13404.360352, 6346.759277 from AppleTree 14:09:35 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13384.340820, 6340.205078 from AppleTree 14:09:35 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13404.360352, 6346.759277 from AppleTree 14:09:35 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13340.502930, 6330.519043 from AppleTree 14:10:12 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13338.394531, 6330.393066 from AppleTree 14:10:12 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13397.068359, 6336.685547 from AppleTree 14:10:12 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13334.420898, 6306.166992 from AppleTree 14:10:52 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13451.120117, 6270.653809 from AppleTree 14:10:52 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13340.502930, 6330.519043 from AppleTree 14:11:31 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13340.502930, 6330.519043 from AppleTree 14:12:13 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13451.120117, 6270.653809 from AppleTree 14:12:13 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13337.930664, 6328.417969 from AppleTree 14:12:13 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13377.185547, 6348.942871 from AppleTree 14:12:53 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13375.266602, 6200.099609 from AppleTree 14:13:32 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13381.575195, 6210.008301 from AppleTree 14:13:32 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13448.017578, 6269.469238 from AppleTree 14:14:11 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13376.769531, 6201.462402 from AppleTree 14:14:11 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13340.502930, 6330.519043 from AppleTree 14:14:49 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13337.930664, 6328.417969 from AppleTree 14:15:27 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13381.575195, 6210.008301 from AppleTree 14:15:27 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13376.769531, 6201.462402 from AppleTree 14:16:07 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13329.512695, 6226.212402 from AppleTree 14:16:07 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13381.575195, 6210.008301 from AppleTree 14:16:46 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13377.185547, 6348.942871 from AppleTree 14:16:46 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13397.068359, 6336.685547 from AppleTree 14:21:06 --- Termination successfully completed ---