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May 10 2016

F2kSel added a comment to T76077: Trailer & Vehicle Towing.

I'm sure there was a Towing function in the earlier releases of A3 but It vanished quickly before I'd taken a look at it, so I can't say if it was a real or fake (simple attachto) towing function.

Wasn't this also a confirmed feature of A3.

May 10 2016, 7:51 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T75912: Vehicles are twitching when turning.

I think it can be closed for some reason my PC had unclocked itself and was running at half speed.

May 10 2016, 7:47 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel edited Steps To Reproduce on T75912: Vehicles are twitching when turning.
May 10 2016, 7:47 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T75852: doFire doesn't work with shooting targets.

Confirmed only working with sniper.

May 10 2016, 7:46 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T75852: doFire doesn't work with shooting targets.

Dofire seems to have no effect in this game anymore, has it's functionality been removed?

May 10 2016, 7:46 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T75703: Ai can tell friend from enemy when they shouldn't.

This has been a pain in all versions of the game.

If you have AI in your group they will call out if they see a tank but they only do this if it's got a crew.

So you can just walk up to it without any fear, total immersion killer.

What we really need is a threat setting for vehicles.

lower levels it would be ignored as it is now
medium level approach with caution
Higher levels avoid
Highest attack

May 10 2016, 7:42 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T75575: Need Command to Enable AI to Stand Still and Rotate.

You really need to supply a mission, it's hard to fix something you can't see happening.

May 10 2016, 7:39 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T75479: AI won't stand after last update.

Sorry for the late response but PC went down.

Yes seems to be working correctly again thanks.

May 10 2016, 7:37 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel edited Steps To Reproduce on T75479: AI won't stand after last update.
May 10 2016, 7:37 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel edited Steps To Reproduce on T75460: Some AI using dotarget behaving oddly.
May 10 2016, 7:36 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T75372: No Static Gunner Death Animation / Animation Too Fast.

There is an animation but it's way too fast.

to see it place this in the mgunners init.

null=this spawn {sleep 2;_this setdamage 1;setAccTime 0.1; sleep 0.6; setAccTime 1}

May 10 2016, 7:34 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T75353: AI wont lower their weapons in relax mode after update..

I do use Dev mode and it was working fine until yesterdays update.

I have the same issue if they are in my group with the exception of the pilots they still responds to the commands.

I thought the two problems lower weapons and standing were related but this seems not to be the case as the lower weapons issue started a while back.

I will post start another thread later.

Also no mods either.

May 10 2016, 7:34 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T75353: AI wont lower their weapons in relax mode after update..

That didn't work either One unit stands the other remains on the ground.
Also units joining your group also ignore the stand command.

In fact AI groups are ignoring the stand command even when in safe mode.

This has no effect once they have gone prone.
{_x setunitpos "up"} foreach units grp

even single units won't respond to "up"

man setunitpos "Down"; works
man setunitpos "middle";
man setunitpos "up";// fails

May 10 2016, 7:34 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T75353: AI wont lower their weapons in relax mode after update..

What I'm getting is if the group goes in to Combat Mode they crawl everywhere and you can't reset them using safe or careless. It looks funny seeing all the units wriggling around like worms but it's a total game breaker.

May 10 2016, 7:34 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T75207: give us back our lamps and base lights in the editor.

They also removed nearly all the invisible targets and most have been removed totally so can't be spawned.

May 10 2016, 7:30 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T75076: AI refuses to drive backwards no matter what! [VIDEO].

We need another option for after it's supposedly marked as fixed, there should be another option to vote that it's still not right or broken.

May 10 2016, 7:27 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T75076: AI refuses to drive backwards no matter what! [VIDEO].

BIS should be honest if they ever have any intentions of fixing Vehicle AI.
I get very frustrated checking daily for patches mainly to see if anything has been done to improve the situation.

This is such a big area of the game that feels as if it's been completely written off.

Right now it doesn't even function as well as A2/OA at least there you could just be a gunner in a vehicle without being forced to issue orders to the AI driver following waypoints.

It seems like they've done that as they know AI can't drive worth a damn and make the player do it all.

May 10 2016, 7:27 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T75076: AI refuses to drive backwards no matter what! [VIDEO].

Yes it's still broken but if you read the earlier post by oukej he has promised to keep us informed and it's only been six months since then.

May 10 2016, 7:27 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T75076: AI refuses to drive backwards no matter what! [VIDEO].

7 months and it's still broken

May 10 2016, 7:27 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T74898: Choppers no longer land.

I did copy the waypoints and chopper to another mission and it still wouldn't land. I haven't tried to merge it yet.

One thing I was doing previous was messing about with attachto and enablesimulation false/true on the chopper.

None of which are currently in the mission.

I also changed vehicles and made new waypoints but still wouldn't land.

The last test was just one getout waypoint and helipad and it still wouldn't land.

May 10 2016, 7:22 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T74898: Choppers no longer land.

Nice spot about the pad, I can confirm it only lands when there is no pad present, actually not only does it fail to land but flies upwards from 50meters to 140meters then settles around to 100 meters in height.

Oddly when I create a fresh mission from scratch it works fine, I'm suspecting something gets corrupted as it isn't the first time I've seen things like this happen.

May 10 2016, 7:22 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T74898: Choppers no longer land.

I believe this mission maybe a corrupted in some way.

I do the same things on a new clean map the same commands work.

It's just in that mission that they won't land.

Even if I set up more choppers they wouldn't land on that mission.

May 10 2016, 7:22 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel edited Steps To Reproduce on T74898: Choppers no longer land.
May 10 2016, 7:22 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T74830: Destroyed buildings cause significant performance drop.

When tested in A2/OA there is very little change in FPS.

It's hard to see a reason for this unless it's an actual bug.

May 10 2016, 7:20 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel edited Steps To Reproduce on T74754: Heli getout waypoint causes problems.
May 10 2016, 7:19 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T74754: Heli getout waypoint causes problems.

This actually seems to be fixed now, probably related to patch 04-12-2013
EXE rev. 113178 where it mentions stuck crew in IFRIT and HELIS

May 10 2016, 7:19 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T74712: ai driving skills unbalanced, mostly opfor driver.

I can confirm most of the above.

Tanks are driving way too fast in corners and missing the turns.
They then try and back up when the folowing tank slams into the back or takes avoiding action and gets hung up on a fence.

The can't drive grouped.

May 10 2016, 7:18 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T74667: Attachto causes the visual form to detach from physical form.

I'd forgot about this ticket, it does seem to be fixed now in current Dev build 1.19.123962

May 10 2016, 7:17 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel edited Steps To Reproduce on T74667: Attachto causes the visual form to detach from physical form.
May 10 2016, 7:17 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T74646: Setmass,SetCenterOfMass make them work all the time.

Better than changing setmass and setcenterofmas would be including the VBS command


Description: Applies force to object. Force vector is in global coordinates and magnitude of force corresponds to Newtons. Position to which force is applied is in model coordinates. If force is applied to a point that is not equal to objects centre of gravity, torque will be invoked as well. During movement force should be applied constantly, close to once per frame. Only applicable on physix objects.

car addForce [[0,100,0],[0,0,0]]

May 10 2016, 7:16 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel edited Steps To Reproduce on T74646: Setmass,SetCenterOfMass make them work all the time.
May 10 2016, 7:16 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T74644: ignoreRoads.

I'd have to agree unless they put up a counter argument it's meaningless.

May 10 2016, 7:16 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T74406: Team switch is broken in DEV version.

Teamswitch was fixed but in the last couple of builds it was broken again.

No mods.

I did test stable version and that works but after re-enabling Dev build it fails again.

May 10 2016, 7:11 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T73985: HandleDamage is fired twice for the same bullet in two different frames..

Sorry I thought I had uploaded it, it is there now.
If you think this isn't related to the current topic I'll post a new thread.

No Pics as I can't use my A3 system for a day or two.

May 10 2016, 6:56 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T73985: HandleDamage is fired twice for the same bullet in two different frames..

Actually it's even worse on vehicles they go on being damaged after they are destroyed.

I've included a visual display of this, only one EVH is used with no loops.

It's worth watching as pictures say more than words.

Just watch the chopper AI will destroy it for you.

For full effect you may need to run it a few time as sometimes it doesn't kill the pilots and so doesn't crash.

I did a further test because I thought the spawned object could have been causing additional damage but it's not the issue.

May 10 2016, 6:56 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T73846: AI controlled vehicles with collision lights are unable to use headlights/main lights.

The work around described by mestoth does work but not for all choppers.
It does prove that both sets of lights can work together.

Just fix the damn lights.

May 10 2016, 6:52 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T73659: Objects and Units Invisible to Player (in Cargo) when Attached to the Interior of Vehicles.

In A2 objects attached can be seen some times but they're usually drawn in the wrong position or wrong scale, I assume it's part of the same issue in A3 although I haven't looked at it myself.

May 10 2016, 6:48 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T73093: Empty vehicle side is WEST supposed to be CIV!.

Also if there is an empty tank next to it that has never been used it's ignored.

If you teleport someone into it they magically know it's a threat and open fire.

May 10 2016, 6:29 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T73045: Can't attach objects to "Tent" objects.

That can work but it is still only a work around, I use an invisible helper object or game logic and attach small objects to that and then just move the helper with the main object. It's not ideal but they are actually attached.
A sort of virtual object holder.

It's strange that you can attach objects to helpers , grave items, game logics and vehicles but not desks, tables and shelves.

May 10 2016, 6:28 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T73045: Can't attach objects to "Tent" objects.

Attchto does seem to be messed up. Using small objects I get the following

file1 setpos (table1 modeltoworld [0.2,0,0.41]);file1 attachto [table1];

Will also set the files without it falling however if you move the table the object is left behind.

Also if I use the following nothing happens (small objects file)

null=[] spawn {sleep 1;file1 attachto [desk,[0,0,0.56]]};

But if you change sleep 1 to sleep 0.01 the file now moves to the desk.

If you use files from Intel then the delay doesn't matter.

There is no consistency with object in this game. Attched should attach them not position them and whats with the delay?

Probably related to

May 10 2016, 6:28 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T72863: Not enough light sources in the editor.

They need to bring back a new version of the search light.

We finally have better lighting but nothing to exploit it.

May 10 2016, 6:23 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T72429: Can't use attachTo on triggers anymore.

attaching triggers to objects is working correctly for me.

If you still have the problem you should upload a mission for testing.

The title says trigger but your description and code refers to markers.

Markers can only be moved not attached.

May 10 2016, 6:12 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T72095: Switching unit leaves previous unit almost invincible.

Yes seems to have been fixed at some point.

May 10 2016, 6:04 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel edited Steps To Reproduce on T72095: Switching unit leaves previous unit almost invincible.
May 10 2016, 6:04 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T71936: when treading water if you look down the water goes see through (no textures or coulour).

You would think it would be easy to just draw a filter up to the water level which would be removed when diving and revert to normal.

May 10 2016, 5:59 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T71853: AI knows about all units of the same side in the direction it is facing (within spotting distance).

I'll have to look at this as previously they could detect dead units through walls even when not in the same group.

I hope it fixes that also.

May 10 2016, 5:57 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T71852: AI is alerted immediately when a unit it knowsabout is killed.

I was just about to post the same, when doing a stealth mission it's really frustrating that the AI can detect a dead body they can't see.

May 10 2016, 5:57 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel edited Steps To Reproduce on T71527: Ability to set a threat level of empty vehicles or objects.
May 10 2016, 5:48 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T71480: Request for a new script command for two existing functions.

Yes I've had this issue in the past, I'd rather not use videos if you can't terminate both sound and vision.

May 10 2016, 5:46 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel edited Steps To Reproduce on T71026: AI are throwing grenades while in careless.
May 10 2016, 5:33 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel edited Steps To Reproduce on T71014: Another head shadow issue.
May 10 2016, 5:32 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel edited Steps To Reproduce on T70950: Boat commander takes control too quickly.
May 10 2016, 5:30 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T70944: createVehicleCrew creates crew members on CIV side.

They also don't know how to shoot and just fire randomly at the target.

May 10 2016, 5:30 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T70819: when treading water if you look down the water goes see through (no textures or coulour).

You would think it would be easy to just draw a filter up to the water level which would be removed when diving and revert to normal.

May 10 2016, 5:26 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T70667: hint sound is broken.

yes at normal volume I can't hear it.

May 10 2016, 5:21 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T70660: The Sea disappearing.

Yes it's bit of an immersion killer.

May 10 2016, 5:20 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T70526: Some people do NOT like the new commands put into the scripting part of ArmA 3.

_DP = floor (random 10); no it wouldn't it would be between 0-9

You don't always need to declare the variable.

setvariable has been around for a while not just for A3.

The error report is new because previously it reported nothing but the error was there preventing scripts running.

May 10 2016, 5:16 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T70443: AI spawns half underground.

This issue seems to have been fixed sometime ago, I've not had it happen in the last six months so I think it should be closed.

May 10 2016, 5:12 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T70443: AI spawns half underground.

I had this yesterday first time ever.
A reboot fixed it for me and it also affected the player.

I did get an error message the first time but nothing after that, it mentioned something to do with cfgskellington, I only had a hunter and player on the map.
No Mods or addons.

May 10 2016, 5:12 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel edited Steps To Reproduce on T70427: Improved helper objects.
May 10 2016, 5:12 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T70403: Add a search box to the in-game config viewer.

It would also be nice if you could rightclick on an object and go straight to it's config

May 10 2016, 5:11 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T70378: no jump ability or climb through.

I don't see a problem having these options in game as long as they can be disabled.

May 10 2016, 5:10 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel edited Steps To Reproduce on T70365: Units exiting vehicles are not engaging.
May 10 2016, 5:10 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel edited Steps To Reproduce on T70338: AI only use Grenades on Training Target.
May 10 2016, 5:08 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T70337: Pop-Up targets no longer work with 'nopop=true;'.

I didn't have much time yesterday but it did seem to works as in A2 so that should be fine as it should allows older A2 scripts to work.

May 10 2016, 5:08 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T70337: Pop-Up targets no longer work with 'nopop=true;'.

Yes you should be able to keep it up with the terc animation command, that's how it was done in A2/OA.

It really doesn't bother me either way.

May 10 2016, 5:08 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T70337: Pop-Up targets no longer work with 'nopop=true;'.

Oh that could be an issue with newly created scripts.

How I see nopop working now is that it disables all automatic animation.

So when you use nopop = true all you do to make a target go down when shot is to add a hit eventhandler to the target.

To me it makes more sense now but we'll have to wait and see what happens.

May 10 2016, 5:08 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T70337: Pop-Up targets no longer work with 'nopop=true;'.

Same here it becomes a fixed target.

I thought it was a special command although I've never seen it documented it always worked before.

May 10 2016, 5:08 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T70322: Small icons of some vehicles in editor.

I don't know when it started but East icon when zoomed in is now about 50x bigger than blufor.

May 10 2016, 5:08 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T70310: Make squad leaders unable to command distant units without both having radios.

Voted yes but I think it needs to be optional.

In real life you can issue a guy with multiple orders as stands now it's very limiting so I think they fudge it by allowing remote orders.

They should stop the remote unit without a radio reporting back and alerting the group. The group should also be unaware of units death unlike how it is now where they know instantly when a unit dies and go into aware mode.

May 10 2016, 5:07 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T70278: Sector Module Issues.

I think it was working fine when first released, now it's blank.

May 10 2016, 5:06 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel edited Steps To Reproduce on T70197: Site Modules causing loading screen to apear.
May 10 2016, 5:03 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T70177: Never Fire fails.

It still seems to be broken for the most part in todays build 0.75.10826

Opposing units Careless and Safe seem ok so far.

But units both in Safe mode still engage with grenades.

I posted another example mission where both side are set Safe

May 10 2016, 5:03 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T70177: Never Fire fails.

This does now seem fixed in 075.108339

never fire works in safe and careless now.

in careless both sides ignore each other.

in safe they try and avoid each other.

this looks ok to me.

May 10 2016, 5:03 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel edited Steps To Reproduce on T70177: Never Fire fails.
May 10 2016, 5:03 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T70123: setMass affects how heli control feels, only backwards.

Yes it does seem messed up, I set mass using a negative number and the chopper sank into the ground.

Also had the lock up using zero mass.

May 10 2016, 5:00 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T70117: AI tailgating.

Looks like they haven't adjusted for vehicle length.

May 10 2016, 5:00 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel edited Steps To Reproduce on T69966: Stop vehicles from self righting.
May 10 2016, 4:55 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T69911: Detected By triggers activate after timeout even if all detecting units are dead.

Yes that does seem to work although a little bit hit and miss.

I've had it work at 95 seconds and later fail at the same (Haven't checked A3 only A2/OA) but worked again when set at 100.

However it isn't much help if you only want to check it after 10 seconds.

So the question remains is it a bug or the desired effect.

May 10 2016, 4:53 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T69911: Detected By triggers activate after timeout even if all detecting units are dead.

you can but it won't work either

[bob] join grpnull

May 10 2016, 4:53 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T69911: Detected By triggers activate after timeout even if all detecting units are dead.

If you kill bob and he's the only unit on the map the trigger still fires.

The same if you delete him.

The trigger doesn't re-check the detecting unit it, it assumes that condition hasn't changed.

The only way to stop it is to remove the detected unit from the trigger area as that's the condition it checks the second time around.

May 10 2016, 4:53 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T69869: Animation viewer errors in latest dev build 0.73 107682.

Yes just noticed it today version 075.108236

May 10 2016, 4:51 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T69659: No launching sound for Mk6 mortar.

Seems to be fixed now in latest updates

May 10 2016, 4:43 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel edited Steps To Reproduce on T69659: No launching sound for Mk6 mortar.
May 10 2016, 4:43 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T69440: AI gets stuck rearming on equipment change.

A much simpler example is just place several AI units with no ammo and an ammobox.

They get stuck in a continuous loop.

Even when this is fixed (living in hope) there are still issues.

There should be a command to have them return to original position.

They shouldn't be able to take ammo from hidden boxes or vehicles.

Right now you know where they're going to be after every conflict grouped around ammo supplies.

And the animation sucks.

May 10 2016, 4:35 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel edited Steps To Reproduce on T69439: Destroyed ammo boxes sink into the ground.
May 10 2016, 4:35 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T69438: AI interact with hidden objects.

The AI also have the ability to see ammo boxes behind walls.

As well as fixing these issues it should be possible to disable rearming as it's braking missions when AI constantly run off to rearm and they all stand around ammo boxes.

Al slider or some variable to allow adjustment, ie
0 norearm
0.5 halfempty
0.9 rearm asap.

May 10 2016, 4:35 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel edited Steps To Reproduce on T69438: AI interact with hidden objects.
May 10 2016, 4:35 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T68948: Can't throw chem lights in water and drop them underwater.

It should be put back then as it was, what next a minimum safe distance when throwing a grenade on land.

May 10 2016, 4:14 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T68816: Waypoints (Get Out/Transport Unload) seem bugged.

There are issues with other wapoints

May 10 2016, 4:09 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T68785: AI fall thru the floor..

Units on waypoints walk through the floor on some buildings.

AI in your group will walk up the steps in some buildings and not others.

Control tower.
AI on waypoints will walk up the steps but will first walk through the steps and walls.

AI in your group won't walk up the steps in the control tower when given a
position to move to.

No addons no script, height is not an option with building locations.

It's all completely messed up.

May 10 2016, 4:08 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T67488: AI Won't run/flee away in groups..

It's here if you've not seen it. Only a minor issue.

May 10 2016, 3:22 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T67488: AI Won't run/flee away in groups..

I put up a simple mission.

No enemy AI to confuse the issue.

Waypoint careless fullspeed for one group and for a comparison another group using setbehaviour "Careless" and a domove command.

For grenade throwing while ordered to "never fire" I'll post another report.

May 10 2016, 3:22 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T67488: AI Won't run/flee away in groups..

They will run in carless if you don't use waypoints but use domove instead along with never fire, so it has to be a waypoint issue.

May 10 2016, 3:22 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T67488: AI Won't run/flee away in groups..

This is extremely annoying.In both Safe and Careless modes units refuse to run even when no enemy are present.

NEVER FIRE is also broken as units will still throw grenades

These problems were not seen as much in A2/OA. Tested again and it is still a problem in OA. They seem to run to cathc up then walk this looks very poor.

May 10 2016, 3:22 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T67474: [Feature request] Destroyed models of static weaponry.

Rust colour with smoke, the smoke does become detached and spawns in the air if the mortar is not in the original position when destroyed.

May 10 2016, 3:21 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T66388: can't drive or get in boat.

Isn't it the same with all vehicles?

May 10 2016, 2:39 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T66204: disableCollisionWith has no effect.

The command does work but not in the way you'd expect.

it only seems to disable soldiers and vehicles and not vehicle to vehicle / object to object collisions.

Vehicle to Vehicle would be useful when using attachto command to stop damage.

May 10 2016, 2:32 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel edited Steps To Reproduce on T66164: Low FPS at night Down By Over 50%.
May 10 2016, 2:30 AM · Arma 3
F2kSel added a comment to T66092: For Final: Put Stratis and Altis on one map (like Sahrani and Rahmadi).

Loading times could increase significantly in the editor, having to load the map a few hundred times could get really annoying if it takes any longer than it does now.

May 10 2016, 2:26 AM · Arma 3