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Exploring Animation in Procreate

Procreate has established itself as a powerful tool for digital artists, offering a wide range of features and capabilities. While it is primarily known for its illustration and painting tools, Procreate also supports animation functionality, making it a versatile choice for animators as well. In this article, we will delve into the world of animation in Procreate and explore how you can bring your artwork to life using this popular software.

Creating Animated Art in Procreate

To begin animating in Procreate, you need to create a new canvas and navigate to the Animation Assist feature. This feature allows you to add frames, adjust timing, and preview your animation. Start by sketching out your desired animation frames on separate layers, and then organize them in the Animation Assist timeline.

Keyframe Animation Techniques

Procreate provides various animation techniques, including keyframe animation. Keyframes are essential for defining the major poses or changes in your animation. By setting keyframes at specific points, you can create smooth transitions between poses, giving your animation a polished look. Procreate's intuitive interface allows you to easily set keyframes and adjust their timing.

Using Onion Skin

The Onion Skin feature in Procreate enables you to see previous and upcoming frames as translucent overlays while working on the current frame. This feature is particularly useful for maintaining consistency and ensuring smooth movements throughout your animation. By referring to the onion skin overlays, you can make necessary adjustments to maintain fluidity in your animation.

Adding Effects and Fine-tuning

Procreate offers a variety of effects, such as motion blur and color adjustments, that can enhance your animation. Experimenting with these effects can help you achieve the desired visual impact and add depth to your artwork. Additionally, you can fine-tune your animation by adjusting timing, frame duration, and playback speed to create dynamic and engaging sequences.


Animation in Procreate opens up new creative possibilities for digital artists. Whether you are a seasoned animator or just starting, Procreate provides a user-friendly platform with powerful animation features. With its intuitive interface, keyframe animation techniques, onion skin overlays, and a range of effects, Procreate allows you to bring your artistic visions to life. Embrace the world of animation in Procreate and unleash your creativity like never before.