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How to Make the Perfect Cup of Indian Chai at Home

While Indian chai is widely available at coffee shops and restaurants around the world, there's nothing quite like a freshly brewed cup of chai made at home. Here's how to make the perfect cup of chai in the comfort of your own kitchen.

Selecting the Right Ingredients

To make delicious chai at home, you'll need to start with high-quality ingredients such as loose-leaf black tea, fresh ginger, whole spices, and high-fat milk or cream.

Preparing and Brewing Chai

Once you have your ingredients, it's time to start preparing and brewing your chai. This may involve simmering the tea and spices in a pot on the stove or using an electric tea kettle or dedicated chai maker to brew your beverage.


With a bit of practice and the right ingredients and equipment, anyone can learn to make a delicious and authentic cup of Indian chai at home.