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Full Mouth Dental Implants - What They Are & Why You Need One

What are full mouth dental implants?

Full mouth dental implants are oblong metal devices that are placed into the bone of your jaw to provide support for teeth that have been lost due to tooth decay, trauma, or disease. The implants hold back the natural growth of new teeth and replace missing teeth with a single, stable implant.

This type of oral surgery is usually very safe and Recovery time is typically short - most people can go about their normal activities within a few days after surgery. There are several benefits to having full mouth dental implants over other strategies for replacing lost teeth:

  • Full mouth dental implants offer stability and security for your dentition. They cannot be easily removed or adjusted, which minimizes the risk of relapse and allows you to avoid many common postoperative complications.
  • Compared to other replacement options such as braces or bridges, full mouth dental implants require much less treatment time over the course of your lifetime - they last up to 10 years in average conditions! This reduces both financial and surgical costs in long term care planning.
  • Full mouth dental implant treatments do not require extensive preparatory work (such as losing weight), which makes them ideal candidates for patients who suffer from obesity or limited mobility.

Benefits of Full Mouth Dental Implants

  • Full Mouth Dental Implants are a great way to improve the aesthetics of your smile.
  • They are also very effective in restoring the function of your teeth.
  • The implants are placed into the jawbone and are secured with dental screws and ligatures.


When it comes to dental implants, people often get confused. This is mainly because they don’t know how they work and what they can do for them.

These dental implants are usually placed in the bone of your teeth and are known to be much more effective than traditional metal teeth replacements. This makes them a great alternative when you want dentures but not just yet. However, if you want an old-fashioned way to boost your smile today, full mouth dents can also help! Visit our website to know more!