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Site heatmap: how to see what your customers like?

Many site owners and web developers, when designing a resource, organizing its structure or adding any elements, are guided by their own opinion, believing that site visitors will see everything through their eyes and act according to their plan. But often this opinion turns out to be erroneous, and the shortcomings made interfere with the conversion, respectively, everything does not go as we would like.

For this, specially designed tools have been used for many years that allow you to look at the site through the eyes of visitors, study statistics and their behavior on the resource. One of these very important tools for website analysis is heatmaps https://creabl.com/service/heatmaps.

A heat map is a graphical representation of data where values ​​are displayed as different colors. Each of you at least once met with a heat map. They are used for visualization in many areas.

The purpose of any heatmap is to help you quickly analyze with the help of color differences. The same is true for websites: heat maps play a very significant role, allowing for a qualitative analysis of user behavior.

After studying heat maps, you will not only be able to understand which elements or areas on the site are more viewed/clickable, but also conclude what needs to be fixed, swapped, where it is better to add a button with a call to action, and where to remove an advertising banner.

A tool such as a heat map is very important when promoting a website, it helps to see many things that can improve the usability of your website, influence user behavior and increase conversions.