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Experience in developing online booking systems

Today it is obvious that all business areas related to online sales or booking are among the most rapidly growing and developing. There is also no doubt that online booking services are now becoming more and more profitable every year. Just look at the statistics, they speak for themselves.

  • 60% of tourist and 41% of business trips are organized independently by users via the Internet.
  • Over 148.3 million people use the internet to book tours, activities and equipment. This is more than 57% of all tourist reservations annually.
  • Online booking revenue has increased by 73% in the last 5 years.
  • 97% of people prefer to look for a business online.
  • More than 50% of modern travelers would rather rush to the keyboard than to the phone, if necessary, to book a tour.

DjangoStars https://djangostars.com/solutions/booking-engine-development/ has significant experience in developing online booking systems. Therefore, we would like to share our observations and thoughts, as well as tell you how it all usually happens.

First of all, it should be noted that the process of creating online booking systems can hardly be called easy. Here are a few factors that determine the complexity of such projects:

  • Usually decisions of this type are associated with huge volumes of various information and data, which creates

the need to operate with a large number of databases and aggregators;

  • the architecture of programs is usually really complex;
  • the need to connect various payment systems;
  • the question of guaranteeing the complete security of each user's data;
  • specific design requirements: it should be simple and clear in order to allow the user to perform all the necessary operations as simply and quickly as possible;
  • the importance of creating convenient conditions for the user to manage their personal account, and the like.

All of these complex and important tasks can only be effectively carried out with the coordinated and concentrated work of an experienced team of professionals.

If you like what we do, do not hesitate - contact us. We are happy to offer you a free consultation. We enjoy working on large-scale complex projects, we are not afraid of difficult tasks, we are happy to create solutions that make life better and easier!

Let's do it together!