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Custom development on Angular

Angular is a framework developed by Google based on the JavaScript programming language. It helps developers quickly build clear and complex web applications.

Custom development: advantages and pitfalls

Any custom development is beneficial to the company, if only because it does not take on the responsibility for completing the task, but delegates it to a specialist who has been doing this for more than a year. In this case, the business saves money on office rent, project manager, salaries and taxes.

And in the case of custom development of Angular in Ukraine https://devoxsoftware.com/technology/hire-angular-developer/ , you do not have to look for a developer who has sufficient experience in the field that you need: in outsourcing production, as a rule, there are specialists with extensive experience who have already dealt with similar tasks.

But there are also disadvantages: unscrupulous contractors are not immersed in the context of tasks and can interpret the requirements in a way that suits them. As a result, there is a risk of getting the wrong product at all. Therefore, it is very important to actively interact with the contractor, as well as allocate funds for analytics and the preparation of high-quality terms of reference.