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I've discovered why caused the official SA 5140 server down
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I was trying to dismount a stair of a watchtower of my base and always when I tried to do it the server crashed, so after finally the server come back again I joined with a friend and we started to work at the base, I put some tripwires with grenades and when we finally thought about finishing of destroying the watchtower I realized that that's really weird that the server crashes everytime I tried to remove the stairs, then my friend said that if it happens again the game don't want us to improve our base... as a joke but when he tried to destroy the stairs the server freezes again so I'm reporting this to finally have peace playing when u fix this bug official server 5140 South America, we think that the server come back after the restart


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Steps To Reproduce

I don't know exactly why it happens but it's always when I try to dismount the stairs of the watchtower of my base, if you want more information send me a private message so I can share my base location and you guys try to find out why it happens and maybe by it fix similar bugs I'd be glad to be part of game improvement

Additional Information

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