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HUGE BUG LIST!: I'm rounding up the bugs and feedback all in 1 post, I've posted all of these on the official Vigor Feedback Forums in the Official Vigor Discord but no one's seen them...
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BUG!: When dying while proned you can't rotate camera in spectator mode all the way around.
— 09/28/2024 3:17 PM
I noticed that when I've died proned that once in spectator mode I can no longer rotate the camera 360 degrees, it's always locked to a cone facing the direction I was facing when killed while prone.

BUG!: Pre-game Lobby TAB Bug for showing players guns and info.
— 09/28/2024 3:56 PM
I had someone I was playing with say their tab button has never worked in the pre-game lobby which really sucks because they can't collect all the useful information out of looking at other players info in Extraction mode (memory loss can't remember the name of the basic mode). I found out twice the hard way there's something you can do to accidentally cause this bug! I've figured out 1 possible reason this is happening (at least to me). I noticed this occurs when:
While searching for a match, if you go into your tab menu, if you access any of the other menus within this menu (more specifically any menu that can be switched to by hitting the tab key, you know how you can switch between, house and build and the store etc by hitting q/e well some of those menus like if you're looking at leaderboards and you want to switch between the leaderboards by hitting "tab" <---- This is what I'm talking about) If you hit tab and open up a menu (in my case it was I tried to look at either the leaderboard or switched from the maps to the "tickets" menu) if you are currently hitting tab after your game is found but before you load in, or possibly if you've already hit the tab key (in my case it happened when I was hitting tab a bunch switching between the menus AFTER my game was found but BEFORE loading in to the game) then Voila! When you hit the TAB key to see people's stats, that little pop-up does not show, you can hear the sound, it registers that you're hitting tab, it's just something with the UI overlay and the tab key is preventing that window from opening!
The other time I noticed this I was doing something in the shooting range where a pop-up menu was also on my screen, so it definitely has something to do with your pop-up UI's being on screen AFTER finding a match but before the pre-game lobby screen, which is telling me it has something to do with the UI in your hide-out area over-riding the pregame lobby menu as once you've found a game ur there u just cant see it.

BUG!/Possible Cheat?: Can't use items, Can't Holster/Unholster.
— 09/28/2024 4:03 PM
There is a rare bug I've come across 2 or 3 times where sometimes you can't pull your weapon up from being holstered or sometimes you can't put it away. I've also noticed during this bug that you can't use ANY items at all, you can pull up the item wheel, you can mouse over the item but when you go to click the item (if your gun is out) your gun will just shoot and you can't use any items. This happened to me before where I was sprinting with my weapon holstered and I couldn't actually select my weapon and bring it back up. I frantically mashed x and all my 1, 2, 3, 4 keys, I tried tapping the e-key and even holding the e-key, eventually the bug ceased and I was able to bring my weapon back. This was the first experience, the former statement of not being able to use items appears to be the same bug except I'd had my gun out already but I was unable to pop my adrenaline or use my nades and caffeine and a player was able to catch up to me and kill me which is frustrating and sad to say the least. This player also appeared to be using wallhacks which tells me this might not be a bug and may be a hack/private cheat some players are using to gain and advantage then I realized if the first time this happened and it was in-fact a player cheating maybe the reason it fixed itself is because someone else killed the player using this cheat and they left the lobby. Not sure what else it could be.

BUG/Suggestion: Align first and 3rd Person Crosshairs...
— Today at 10:06 AM
Some guns first person modes are NOT aligned with the 3rd person perspectives, this should be fixed. When aiming your crosshair someone and zooming in with first person, your scope or iron sights are currently NOT centered for where your crosshair was aimed on some guns at the moment.

BUG/Suggestion: Maschinegehwer's First Person Mode Needs to be fixed.
— Today at 10:12 AM
I noticed while laying prone using the Machine Gun named "MaschineGehwer" that if proned and zooming into ironsights/first person mode, it appears as though you're WAY lower than your player model actually is. This needs to be fixed, ASAP. In 3rd person you can be laying up on top of a rock, completely visible to everyone in front of you but in 3rd person your gun will look like you're behind the rock and you will have no line of sight or ability to see/shoot your target. Thanks Bohemia, or whoever really made this game. Seems like NAughty Dogs to me 😉

Bug/Feedback/Suggestion: Seasonal Quest: "MVP" Is ridiculous and impossible.
— Today at 10:42 AM
So obviously seasonal quests are made to obtain throughout the season and shouldn't be easy we get that but most of them you can build up to. Expecting any player to get 3,750 points in Elimination is absolutely absurd, I calculated that you'd have to have a boosted lobby, your whole team not die every round and you'd personally have to kill the entire enemy squad every single round through-out the entire match while possibly killing at least 4 of them and letting them win 4 rounds (that's 4 kills for 4 rounds of THEM winning and 5 kills every round your team wins) That is impossible, I don't care what the odds are. Also while we're on this topic you need to allow players to queue into matches that are already going and had players drop out, as well as code a function to jump directly back into your match that was ongoing if you were kicked. Players will get rewarded for choosing to join "fill" games and some players who just crash will have a chance to get their loot, also if you crash on the last round and you were about to win or even lose it's unfair that you lose out on that entire crate, thanks.

BUG: Crafting then immediately trying to put into your inventory

After crafting any item you can't click it to add it to your inventory, you have to click on a different item, then re-click the item you'd like to add to your inventory.


Feedback/Suggestions: M4A1 First Person Model Rework
— 09/28/2024 3:26 PM
The first person model of the M4A1 is absolutely horrendous and blocks a solid 20% of your field of view when aiming down the sights causing you to lose track of your target if you over compensate your aim or if they run left or right, it's frustrating and not fun. I noticed the M16 is WAY better, still not good, but better. If you could please Make the M4's Iron Sights completely different or if that's too much or not fitting with the balance/style of the M4 then if you could at least make the iron sights more like the m16 which isn't anywhere near as view blocking as the M4A1's current Iron sights, would be great. The Bugle's Iron sights are fantastic and by all accounts I feel like the M4A1 was poorly handled as you're pretty much forced to use third person making it way less appealing. You could also think about adding a blurred effect making the surroundings of all iron sights slightly blurred and almost see through via the effect your eyes have when they're both open and you're looking down iron sights? Thanks Bohemia, love all of you!

Feedback/Suggestions: Crosshairs for Rifles that aren't single shot scoped rifles?
— 09/28/2024 3:40 PM
I've been frustrated a few times trying to third person kill someone with some of the rifles. I think the rifles that you should add 3rd person crosshairs back to are.
Mosin Nagant - It just seems silly that you can't third person this thing, maybe because it's so powerful though forcing first person iron sights is the way to go.
GSG1 - This is a semi auto-firing sniper rifle with a scope, it does VERY little damage compared to other semi auto scoped rifles of this class, I don't even use it because it's Time to Kill is literally less than every other gun in the game, Increase it's damage to 50/55/60 or give this badboy a third person mode to balance out how terrible it is.
Aur A1 HBAR - This has a fully automatic firing mode and would be a STELLAR gun if the recoil wasn't so high that when scoped you aren't even able to shoot more than 1 shot at a time. Suggestions: Lower the recoil immensely while using the first person scope, Allow us to change the sensitivity of scoped/iron sighted weapons (weapon specific or scope specific would be awesome!), Give this badboy a nice third person crosshair so it's at least usable in full auto mode third person. No one would mind if you made this a gold gun by giving it a third person crosshair as it could be used to snipe and as a typical AUR as well as it having the ability to prone and really tare things up. As it stands I love the idea of a weapon that has the best of multiple worlds but it seems the team failed to take into account that it can't be used for those purposes. It's not as good as any MG because it has horrendous recoil that can't be controlled in the only mode available to shoot it, it's a horrendous MG because it only has 30 rounds. It's a horrendous semi-auto sniper because it's damage is so low. I don't like that we're forced to use it prone.
M2 Carbine - Gun is amazing, 3rd person crosshair would really add to it's appeal and fun factor. (you can increase recoil for rifles in 3P using 3P xhair 😉 )

Feedback/Suggestion: Player pings for pinging locations and hostile targets should...
— 09/28/2024 4:13 PM
You should definitely add an option to make the player placed pings see through or allow us to completely turn them off. I can't tell you how frustrating it is that when I ping something, I literally can't see the enemy behind that ping, it's distracting and frustrating.

Suggestion 1: Allow an option to turn them off or make them see through even to the point of being practically invisible.
Suggestion 2: Allow the ping to flash on screen for a second then disappear.
Suggestion 3: Have the ping icon show up top on yours and your teams compass (this is also great for if you over ping or ping an object closer than your target because at least your teammates will get the general direction of where that enemy is at and where to look.
Suggestion 4: Pings should leave an exact map marker of where you pinged that fade after however many seconds.
Suggestion 5: You should be able to open your map and shift-click to leave temporary enemy pings for more precise pinging. That also show up on your squads Compass and on their screens! (please make their visibility adjustable!)
Suggestion 6: You should add the option to adjust the visibility of pings...
Suggestion 7: You should put an option in the option menu to adjust the visibility and longevity of player pings...
Suggestion 8: .... 😉

Feedback/Suggestion: Add option to unbind Mouse Wheel for weapon swapping!
— 09/28/2024 4:19 PM
Can't say it enough, when Mouse wheel click is your first person/third person swapping button there's nothing more frustrating than trying to scope in a rifle that has no crosshair because you forgot to pre-scope it only to find out you just accidentally scrolled your very sensitive mouse-wheel and are now dead because you just switched to another weapon... (especially when you really kitted yourself up with tons of gold grenades and mortars and adrenalines and smoke grenades because this is the last of "Mine, Mine, Mine..." the third of 2 previous successful runs where you've obtained the airdrop. It's the little things that will really make this game stand out! We love you Bohemia for making such an amazingly awesome fun game that's a total mashup of SOCOM: US Navy SEALs and The Last of US combined and you made it free!! AND WHATS EVEN BETTER IS YOU ALLOWED US TO GET CROWNS FOR FREE AS REWARDS FOR KEEPING THE GAME POPULATED!! With that last statement being said I hope everyone who plays this game ends up spending any amount of money to support your awesome company! Cheers!


Feedback/Suggestion: Bi-pods should deploy while crouched or standing in front of an object.
— 09/28/2024 4:26 PM
The game can be fast paced and if you've played a lot of Vigor you know the META gameplay style is to corner peek behind walls looking for targets and then peek while pre-firing! If you know this then you'll also know, the worst thing you can do is be prone because anyone behind a wall/rock/tree/etc that sees you, WILL KILL YOU 100%. This makes bi-pod weapons less balanced as they're only viable when proned. There are a few good instances where these badboys really outshine other guns but the fact is going prone mid firefight or with someone corner peeking, you're going to lose!

Feedback/Suggestion: NEW WEAPON STAT: Suppression! Machine Guns and adding fun balancing to them!
— 09/28/2024 4:42 PM
I'm not sure how the rest of the Vigor community will feel about this topic as machine guns are already pretty solid but here's a couple suggestions I think would make them more fun and viable as they're less used than most other guns.

Suggestion 1: Suppression Effect #1 When being shot at by a machine gun each bullet that passes near you should slowly add a percentage of the stun effect (maybe not the super slow movement as I feel that's already really over powered) so like each bullet ads more and more blur effect to your screen making it harder and harder to see until you're basically not going to be able to snipe that person or use a shotgun or any of that stuff.

Suggestion 2: Suppression Effect #2 instead of slowing your movement like the stun of a powerful gun to go along with the blur effect that a machine gun should have it should drain a players stamina slowly as well!

Suggestion 3: Suppression Effect #3 Players that are under suppression will be freaking out! The player will instantly start heavily breathing which will also make it harder for them to hear anyone flanking them. (maybe other noises that aren't annoying? A panicked cry?) I think it would be a great addition to have an audible cue that other players can hear when a player hits a certain level of suppression because strategies like laying down suppressive fire into a house or barn will alert teammates that are near to that suppressed player to their presence allowing them to know of someone actually being in there or not, balancing out the advantage a player that is camping has.

Players under the effects of Caffeine will not have their stamina drained, players under the effects of adrenaline will not have their screens blurred!

Pain killers will rapidly restore a suppressed players vision back to normal.

Suggestion 5: Mortars should have this effect if implemented!

(NOTE: Although I didn't put this in my original discord comment, Supression should dissipate EXTREMELY quickly)

Feedback/Suggestion: Team based shared map Tactical Editing?
— 09/28/2024 4:51 PM
Simple, a button you can press while in the map that you can draw lines on and use icon stamps to plot out strategies for you and your squad. There should be your teammates names on the side that you can check a box to show their tactical map edits, so lets say I don't want to see franks ideas, I can uncheck franks name and all his doodles and stamps are removed from my map.

You can have a ton of fun with the icons you allow players to use, obviously the idea is to make them multi-purpose stamps but they can also have a universal meaning amongst players who aren't using a voice chat to speak with each other while playing.

Suggestion: You should be able to draw lines obviously but you should have an option to draw dotted lines and dashed lines as well, dashed and dotted lines would be useful for quickly drawing paths. There should be selectable colors the players can use to designate who they want to take what route and watch what path as well as possibly using the drawings on the map to convey certain times to do a specific tactic! Good luck, love you Bohemia!

Feedback/Suggestion: Mortars additions/balancing rework.
— 09/28/2024 5:03 PM
They're gold, they're fun.... they're useless and a danger to use as the time it take to place a mortar strike and the warnings a player gets to run away and they need... 3... hits... to kill someone?! Eww...

Suggestion 1: Mortars should be able to be instantly placed. 1 Click, Done. I've literally died 90% of the time I've tried to place a mortar on someone corner camping because I had to stand out in the open for WAY too long and they just peeked me and killed me or I was pinned down by a sniper and there's not one player who can't snipe you in the time it takes for you to place a mortar on them.

Suggestion 2: The green circle that pops up in your screen showing where you're placing a mortar needs to be less intrusive, you either need to make it WAY more see through or add the ability for a player to dim down the setting because everyone will agree when you go to place a mortar and hits an invisible wall in front of you and you can't see anything at all, not even where to re-aim to adjust placing it further from yourself...

Suggestion 3: Allow a mortar strike to be placed VIA the MAP. I'd absolutely love to use the the signal tower and see someone camping the extraction just to set a Mortar on them and watch in joy and anticipation as I ruined their cheap way to basically do nothing and be rewarded for it.

Suggestion 4: Seriously Ladies and Gentlemen, you honestly need to make mortars WAY stronger, I'm talking like 80+ damage if not 180 damage. Obviously you can scale the damage down as they get further from the blast but seriously I hit a guy dead on with a mortar and he was prone and it hit him 3 times before he died, I was so saddened, underwhelmed and lost out on the fun of this game when that happened. Mortars are GOLD, I don't see why you can have 1 shot sniper rifles that can hit someone anywhere on the body and kill them but you don't have an extremely good way to counter that. The whistling on the mortars gives anyone plenty of time to move.


Feedback/Suggestion: Crafting Table Upgrades that allow you to queue multiple weapons at once?
— Today at 10:35 AM
Feedback/Suggestion: Upgrades to the crafting table that allow you to craft multiple weapons at once, like a max of 3/4/5 guns at once, would be nice considering we pay real money to get these items and seeing how easy it is to just farm them from elimination/shootout crates not to mention just grabbing the loot in Encounters you're rewarded pretty heavily with these gold and purples so it would make sense to either lower the time it takes to craft these weapons or at least let us queue up multiple guns at once as a reward for working so hard (and possibly spending money) to obtain these weapon plans. It made sense before when weapon plans were so easy to obtain to make a limit on how long it takes to craft certain guns due to their power but not anymore. Let us craft more/multiple different guns at once please, thank you. Waiting 12 hours every day just to get something I spent hard earned money on or Months in game is quite ridiculous.

-Kind regards, A


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Prone death bug. Just lay prone while someone kills you and you'll notice you'll no longer be able to rotate your camera full 360 degrees in spectator mode. it'll be a cone centered in the direction you were facing while prone when dying.

FirstP/ThirdP bug: This is obvious, just through all the guns and find out which ones when scoped in or iron sighted do not line up with where your crosshair is placed.

MaschineGehwer Bug: Lay on a rock with rocks in front of you that you can visible shoot over and then use the iron sights, you'll notice your camera is WAY lower than the third person, it's sinking you down INTO the ground.

Additional Information

These are just some things I've noticed while playing. Love the game, I'm poor or I'd put a lot more money into this bad boy but I loved the ARMA series and I'm a huge supporter!

Event Timeline

Lucky777 created this task.Wed, Oct 2, 8:12 PM

UPDATE: On the TAB KEY not working in pre-game lobbies to show detailed information. I feel this is some kind of overload of key-presses or some jumbling of the menu items causing it to tweak out, maybe a lack of a high enough number to open the window it's bugging out and the window then refuses to open. It almost ALWAYS Happens when hitting a bunch of window options and spamming key presses (like if you're in the shooting range and you're spamming the retry keys to re-do the challenge and your game has popped and you're pressing those buttons after your queue has been found but before loading in, if you're pressing any of that stuff while it's about to load it tweaks it out) <------ possible reason not sure, I'm not a game dev, at least not in this current life i'm not, thanks.

BUG: There's some rocks in the mountains by the houses in Fiske Fabrikk near where the signal tower sometimes spawns in the top right corner of the map that you can third person and force your camera into the rocks to see through the rocks.

Bug: Weapons and Body parts clipping through houses (mainly legs while proned and backed against a house wall. (This is a huge concern considering there's an amazing "wallbang" mechanic in this game that allows bullets to penetrate certain objects, you guys are amazing for this!) My suggestion is, if you want people to be able to be pron in the corner of a build backed up as far as possible, make someone cross their legs? Make clipped bodyparts/weapons become partially invisible while clipping through an object, Disable clipping entirely by having gun models/animations press against objects and be moved closer to the player model, the list goes on of possible fixes.

Prone* not "proned" my apologies.

BUG: GHOST BAG: Random Floating bag/pouch/backpack that moves so fast it becomes transparent and it floats above you and gives away your position if you're prone. Not sure how to replicate it but I do know I've seen this happen to me a couple times and I know it's visible to other players as I've seen it on other players quite a few times. It's the default pouch we all start with from what I know (the tan satchel that lays on your back right hip), never seen it happen to any other bags/backpacks.

BUG: "For Charity" Challenge:

So it doesn't matter how much food you donate, this bug does not progress what so ever, it DOES however progress from collecting food in Encounters ONLY. So the wording should be changed or your should flip the flop on this and re-code it so it in fact advances/progresses from food donated NOT food obtained via encounters. Thanks for your time.

BUG: Crafting Table Upgrade Only affecting Consumables and NOT weapons:

As stated, I'm realizing this isn't a balance choice or a way to help the dev's support their hard work by making it take longer for players who play the game to craft weapons, I'm starting to think this is a bug no one's reported and would absolutely love to point it out. The Crafting table upgrades that make the crafting time for items shorter and lowers their instant craft cost by 100% (the intended effect is to make it so at max level you can instantly craft things, correct?) Well I think it's gone un-reported as most people probably just assume it's that way on purpose but I'm going to state the facts.

The crafting table upgrades (Water distillation??) to reduce crafting time for things is bugged, The consumables crafting time and instant craft cost are being lowered but WEAPONS are NOT. Weapons are not currently being affected what so ever by the Water Distillation upgrades and I'm realizing this is a bug and was not intended to be this way. It's especially frustrating considering we're all forced to buy weapon blueprints now and we still have to wait hours or even days to craft the weapons we'd like to use (that's AFTER paying to be able to craft those weapons in the first place...) I don't think I'm the only one that is saddened by this but I am confident in hoping that it's a bug the dev's just may have missed, although I do understand the huge risk your team is making in making this game free to play so I fully support if this was in-fact intended for balance or to help coerce players into paying to buy weapon packs/spend crowns (I'd LOVE to add we absolutely love that you allow non paying players to gain crowns that can be purchased with real money and you allow us to obtain these crowns in multiple ways for FREE and I am in NO WAY implying you're bullying people into spending money. WE LOVE YOU BOHEMIA).

Feedback/Suggestions: AMMO CRAFTING PLANS!

I would absolutely love to see your company make a seperate set of blueprints for ammo only and you should make them extremely affordable (50 crowns an ammunition type?)

I say this because people only buy plans for the ammo and obviously the work-a-round everyone has been using is buying the cheapest crafting plans for guns with the most popular ammo types, now coming from someone who has 2.5k 7.62 rounds in his inventory just from gameplay alone it seems silly but the fact remains, I've got a PSS seasonal challenge that I'm doing well in, I've got 8 PSS's but... 72 bullets.... I honestly do not want to spend $10 or wait a possible 3 months from Crowns accruing to purchase the PSS crafting plan just for some bullets.

Feedback/Suggestion: Super Rare Crafting Plan Crates of different rarity? Possible award for 10,000 food donated?

This would in-fact limit the speed players were able to obtain free crafting plans as the donation has a time limit to obtain that (most players will most likely have to wait through multiple donations before they've saved up 10,000 food) but boy it sure would be nice to be able to get that crate, I've got a lot of hours in and play all day and all night for a week and a half and I still wouldn't have been able to get one this way but boy would I be excited when I'd finally saved up 10,000 food to donate to obtain a Crafting Plans Crate.... Anyways, just food for though Bohemia! Love you all.