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Plxyable servers fail to start due to mod download issues
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Xbox Series X in Australia using Fibre optic connection (Telstra).

When I try to join the Plxyable [US] 3pp server I receive the following messages;

Wolfsbuildingpack 0.1.23 > 0.1.26
Game master fx 1.0.79 > 1.0.82
M4a1 block 2 and rug-1 1.0.68 > 1.0.73
Gatoma pickup truck 0.0.19 > 0.0.22
Rhib 1.0.14 > 1.0.15
Tactical flava 0.1.17 > 0.1.20
Night vision system 1.1.15 > 1.1.21
M110 dmr 1.0.14 > 1.0.19
Amodestboat 1.0.3 > 1.0.63
Ris laser attachments 1.0.61 > 1.0.63
Server admin tools 1.0.53 > 1.0.54
Modestsharedvehicleassets 1.1.3 > 1.1.5

Failed to download on join. Download manager used to download, by the time this completed server full. Tried EU server (below)

EU server
Failed to download mods (below)
RIS laser attachments 1.0.63 > 1.0.61
M4a1 1.0.73 > 1.0.68
Modestsharedvehicleassets 1.1.3
Tactical flava 0.1.17
M110 DMR 1.0.14
Server Admin Tools 1.0.53
Amodestboat 1.0.3
Game Master FX 1.0.79
Night Vision System 1.1.15
WolfsBuildingPack 0.1.23
Gatoma Pickup Truck 0.0.19
RHIB 1.0.14

M4A1 failed
Unable to join

Updates available
Wolfsbuildingpack 0.1.23 > 0.1.26
Game Master FX 1.0.79 > 1.0.82
Gatoma pickup truck 0.0.19 > 0.0.22
RHIB 1.0.14 > 1.0.15
Tactical Flava 0.1.17 > 0.1.20
Night Vision System 1.1.15 > 1.1.21
M110 DMR 1.0.14 > 1.0.19
Amodestboat 1.0.3 > 2.0.1
RIS Laser Attachments 1.0.61 > 1.0.63
Server Admin Tools 1.0.53 > 1.0.54
Modestsharedvehicleassets 1.1.3 > 1.1.5

Gatoma failed
Unable to join

Mods could not be downloaded
Gatoma pickup truck
Game Master FX
M110 DMR
Tactical Flava
Night Vision System
RIS Laser attachment

Go to workshop to delete mods
Pick through 16 pages remembering which to delete.

Go to EU server to join
Ris laser attachments 1.0.61
M4a1 1.0.68
M110 1.0.14
Night vision 1.0.15
Server admin 1.0.53
Tactical flava 1.0.17
Game master fx 1.0.79
Wolfsbuildingpack 0.1.23
Modestsharedvehicleassets 1.1.3
Amodestboat 1.0.3
Gatoma pickup truck 0.0.19
Rhib 1.0.14

Downloading 2gb takes at least half an hour each time.

I have communicated this to Plxyable via their DIscord forum and received the reply below;

Not our issue...
It’s how the workshop loads. Clear cache . Remove mods and try again.
moslty just clearing cache works fine
We dont own the workshop so any issues with it should be forwarded to bohemia.
Sadly we have no power over how the downloads work
clear your saved cache that works for most
saved cache is your mods for reforger in this case

Every time I start ARMA Reforger and wish to play Plxyable servers I need to first go to workshop, delete the mods above, then join the server which downloads the exact same mods I just deleted. This takes approximately half an hour and 2Gb every session.

Is there anything different I should do or is it something you can resolve or patch?
Thank you.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
Xbox Series X
Steps To Reproduce

Download mods
Wolfsbuildingpack 0.1.23 > 0.1.26
Game master fx 1.0.79 > 1.0.82
M4a1 block 2 and rug-1 1.0.68 > 1.0.73
Gatoma pickup truck 0.0.19 > 0.0.22
Rhib 1.0.14 > 1.0.15
Tactical flava 0.1.17 > 0.1.20
Night vision system 1.1.15 > 1.1.21
M110 dmr 1.0.14 > 1.0.19
Amodestboat 1.0.3 > 1.0.63
Ris laser attachments 1.0.61 > 1.0.63
Server admin tools 1.0.53 > 1.0.54
Modestsharedvehicleassets 1.1.3 > 1.1.5

Try to join Plxyable [US] or [EU] 3pp server with mods downloaded from workshop.

Event Timeline