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This is not necessarily a bug, but certainly a concern. Note I love this game, have around 12,000 hours of playtime, this supports my claim that my senses are very keen to any in-game abnormalities.
Backstory for context: in the midst of a raid last night on Xbox Exp 2178, I die along with some defenders, and during attempts of returning, I come across one of the members of the group we were raiding. He was noticeably angry, and when I made an attempt at friendly banter regarding the raid, he claimed to have had my IP as well as my “player Identification number” and told me to enjoy the stutter.

Now I’m familiar with the way DdOS attacks work, as well as player logs within the game given I manage a server of my own (!++), and based off of my understanding, he was just making baseless claims, knowing I had not likely been in a party chat with him in the past, therefor he couldn’t have my IP, and I assumed he does not have access to the Log files for an Experimental server, therefor could not have acquired my Player ID, so I shrugged it off. Lo and behold, I log on this morning with slight trouble getting into the server (abnormal) to find a red lacking connection symbol on the screen accompanied with a slight delay of my player/input. Considering the population was low, this was abnormal, so I invite players within the server to a chat to see if this is server side as usual, each random person confirms they do not have the symbol and are not experiencing any sort of stutter/delay. So I do some testing, restarting the game, using different accounts, nothing changes, wait for a server restart, nothing changes, and weirdly enough, this connection phenomenon spans across to the stable version, across multiple servers I tried, empty, full, community, official. I of course reset my router, changing my ip, and tested my connection as well as played other games to see if my connection is equally affected elsewhere, which it is not. So conclusion being this is between my players, or unique player ID, and Dayz database itself, any info helps, as for if we can change my unique player ID, or any other ideas, thank you for your time and consideration.


Operating System
Windows 7

Event Timeline

RealTfb created this task.Oct 24 2023, 7:58 PM