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I am livid. For the third time in as many weeks i have lost a developed character for no reason. Most recently, I was looking at other servers and accidentally clicked on one... When it loaded in my current character with all of my loot displayed. One i exited and restarted in the correct desired server that i play in I was a freshie again. There is no possible way that my character died in the exit time, i was alone in a house, and as i mentioned, this is not the first time this has happened in the last couple of weeks. As you know it takes hours and hours to loot to the point oh having an easy to sustain character. If there is no guarantee that I will get to play through the character until death it makes my desire to play more less and less. So what do i do? Just cross my fingers and hope when i log out or log in that everything is correct? I can deal with my character looking like he has progressed through a doorway only to realize seconds later that i am indeed outside of the door, even when zombies are hitting me and i think i have evaded them. I can deal with occasionally falling into an endless abyss beneath the map where i can see everything from underground while my character continues to fall forever. I cannot deal with all progress being lost without any way of knowing why or how it has happened.


Operating System
Windows 7

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