I have created a bunker for my Chernarus server and i am trying to get zombies to spawn inside the bunker. My bunker is above vanilla ground and it spawns in completely fine.
My issue is i am trying to get zombies to spawn inside the bunker pieces and i am failing miserably. I have tried for over 4 hours using different y co ordinates. The zombies spawn but under the bunker on the vanilla surface. Do you have any pointers or a solution?
For example this is a snippet of my bunker piece and what i am trying to achieve.
This is my bunker entrance
"name": "Land_Underground_Entrance", "pos": [ 141.651199, 307.180145, 8535.790039 ], "ypr": [ -179.999893, 0, 0 ], "scale": 1, "enableCEPersistency": false },
This is the zombie territory
<zone name="InfectedPolice" smin="0" smax="0" dmin="2" dmax="2" x="140.853" y="307.170" z="8547.58" r="1"/> <!--Bunker Enterance-->
I have also tried with:-
Each time the zombie spawns under the bunker piece instead of inside it.
I then tried with an event. The event piece spawned but the secondary infected didn't spawn inside, they spawned underneath.