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Illness needs to be fixed
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You spawn and have about 4 minutes worth of time to build a fire eat and drink before you get a “cold” idk what y’all planned w making illness easier to retract and harder to cure but it’s completely ruined the game. Can’t do anything without getting sick then you cure it and your back to being sick 3 minutes later so we need lessons on human anatomy and the way our body works with illness???? TRASH UPDATE


Operating System
Windows 7

Event Timeline

DayZAZZ created this task.May 27 2023, 11:21 PM

You can have white temp white food white water white health white blood and still get sick and not even being wet. That’s not realism or fun it’s petty and ignorant

Its random, Ive had times no matter how many pills I took the sneezing cold would not cure. I could log out and come back and it would be cured for about 1 minute then come back. Tried removing clothing etc nothing worked. This game could be great but it's like Eldon rings, make it harder instead of making it good. you just have to survive the glitches and DEV changes not the game itself.

This last update made clothes not dry for like 10 minutes, and sometimes they wont dry at all, guess so people have a better chance to kill you while you sit even longer out of the rain that seems constant.

The zombies are more aggressive and can hit you when you're when they don't even face you. They see you farther away and through walls etc. Heath and blood seem to regenerate slower than ever.

But its about the realism, like spawning you at half heath and basically underwear. Then you have no chance to recover your stuff as you spawn as far east and on the coast as you can or even just survive. Meanwhile solid steel crowbars and, pipe wrenches etc deteriorate like they don't in real life. If you can even find them anymore, headlamps headlamps headlamps or nothing.

Lots of reported things never get fixed. Everything just got erased for the awesome medieval items that don't fit modern times, and I have yet to see anything but 1 crossbow and a few bolts and Ive been all over multiple time except castles.. And 4 tumbler locks, sledge hammers etc seem to be real hard to find now.

Just make the game purely PVP already.....Bout ready to try mod servers and stay off official.