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Several Bugs to address
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Infected can get immune to vehicle attacks. (Desync is probable cause).

Having a tent in your hands and another tent of the same kind and color and placing that tent will get rid of the other tent in your inventory.

Sliding down a ladder and passing through another player will cause the sliding player to be launched into the sky, and fall to the ground, but took no fall damage. The other player that was climbing the ladder, sees that the sliding player was dismantled and fallen to the ground. (Visual Bug or Desync?)

Flagpole not protecting tents, barrels, wooden crates, and improvised shelters when there are more than 15 items were being protected.

Vehicle crashes at high speeds can make the player not take any damage.


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

Vehicle vs Infected: Try gathering infected with vehicle and run them over. Mostly happens with a large number of zombies.

Tent Disappearing: Have a tent in your hands and another tent in your inventory {Must be the same kind and color}. Place the tent in that is in your Hands. The one in your inventory will disappear.

Ladder: Have one player climb a ladder, and have another player slide down the same ladder. Results may vary, sometimes slide through the other player, gets dismantled or stops entirely.

Flagpole: Have more than 15 objects that can be protected by a flagpole, flagpole will stop protecting new items.

Vehicle: Go approximately 150+ and slide and rash into an object. Most of the time its death, but a rare chance of no damage taken.

Event Timeline