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Cars still cant drive near anything that spawns
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While driving to Tri Kresta tents I was going round the last bend before descending down the hill to the crashed lineup of cars. Lag kicked in hard as usual except this time it pulled my car off the road. With right stick input and being far on the right side of the road the game still somehow dragged my vehicle 1 and ½ lanes to the left into a road sign. I have lost dozens of cars to this exact glitch.


Operating System
Windows 7
Game Freezes
Steps To Reproduce

Drive at a pace faster than 30-35km/h towards any town that spawns enough items and while the lag spike hits, left or right stick input will be either ignored, exaggerated, or opposed, creating either an oversteer effect or an unnatural pull to the left or right. This can easily be replicated on older generation consoles like the xbox one and PS4. Driving vehicles for any longer than 20 mins for my console results in a game crash 100% of the time.

Additional Information

Any vehicle can replicate this glitch or bug. The worst town on the map for lag while driving is zelenogorsk. Driving through this down any faster than 10km/h with PS4 or XBOX ONE console results in game lag worse than 1 FPS.

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