I tried to adjust component data for certain instances, but it wouldn't work.
Is there a way to edit component values for an object?
let's say, I have a playable character.
I can change the stamina regain per second.
I want to change this value while the game is running.
SCR_PlayerController t_PC = SCR_PlayerController.Cast(GetGame().GetPlayerController()); SCR_ChimeraCharacter t_Player = SCR_ChimeraCharacter.Cast(t_PC.GetControlledEntity()); Print(t_Player); SCR_CharacterStaminaComponent t_Comp_CA = SCR_CharacterStaminaComponent.Cast(t_Player.FindComponent(SCR_CharacterStaminaComponent));
How do I change the character stamina regain per second now?
IS there something I can do to change values and maybe reset the component?