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Unique lag issues
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I’ve accrued 700+ hours on ps4 and ps5 and I’ve never played a game with more lag issues than this. It’s my favourite game by a mile but I will wait until my friends switch to pc next year till I play it again because the console lag issues are just unreal.

Players often freeze up for 10 seconds or so whilst we can still hear their voice perfectly well. Had I not like the game so much I wouldn’t play it because it’s a heap of dogshit. To list every glitch that is irritating and common:


  • sound drops completely about 2 mins before the whole game crashes
  • can’t pick items up, or interact with inventory
  • can’t aim gun or melee weapon, takes a second take to pull it up
  • have to go into inventory and select the mag to reload because it won’t reload normally
  • gun sometimes doesn’t shoot
  • zombies often hit through melee block
  • grass often comes in and out of render
  • sunlight and a shadows flash intermittently usually during sunrise or sunset
  • can’t open inventory or pull out any item
  • krona castle has always been a stop motion film
  • players glitching into walls and baiting you to them for an easy kill
  • players still dupe
  • when driving cars, you often will suddenly pause for about a whole second, then crash even on ps5

However they have fixed the constant shadow lighting glitch, Balota spawn glitch and a few other highly irritating glitches which were great. Nothing worse than being spawn killed after switching servers

My short time on pc was great, none of these issues at all, not even close


Operating System
Windows 7

Event Timeline