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Static Car Bug
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so i have found a new bug after the 1.19 release for DAYZ Xbox when my internet went out and back on. When i joined back the game was running fine. I drove from Novy Sobor to Radio Zennit where the server has a modded ramp with car parts where a car repair shop is at. Then i stripped my ADA4X4 completely of parts and i re attached it. Afterwards i tried to drive the car but it wouldnt move, No matter what i did the car wouldnt move. Then i figured out it will slide like its on ice if another car taps it. Eventualy the car started jittering after it ran somebody over trying to get out of it. However it didnt last longer that id say 30 seconds and it went back to a solid ice cube.

The bug: it causes the car to become solid and eventualy uninteracable.

The fix: Not yet to be found ( ben at it for 4 hours trying to fix it )


Operating System
Linux x64
Operating System Version
Its Xbox so im unsure what it runs on
Steps To Reproduce

just quit the game and rejoin and it causes a server wide bug.

Additional Information

So far the bug seems to be caused by a played either force quitting the game or internet dying ( it affects the whole server )

ive so far seen 2 reports on the server of this even after 2 restarts and a couple re logs

( another bug )
occasionaly if your in a vehicle it will blackscreen you and you will hear nothing but INSAINLY loud pigs,cows, a zombie, and occasionaly you will see the outline of a lighthouse or smokestack

Event Timeline

midpython715142 changed Severity from None to Minor.Oct 20 2022, 4:00 AM
midpython715142 changed Reproducibility from N/A to Sometimes.
midpython715142 edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)
midpython715142 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
midpython715142 changed Operating System from Windows 7 to Linux x64.
midpython715142 set Operating System Version to Its Xbox so im unsure what it runs on.
midpython715142 changed Category from General to Server.