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Dead player clipped through wall, cannot loot (EXP 1.19)
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I shot a player at the top of the radio tower in Novodmitrovsk, and the survivor icon is showing and available. There is no indication I wouldn't be able to loot the body, other than the clipping.


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

Kill a player with their back to a wall on the top stairwell of the radio tower in Novodmitrovsk (likely able to reproduce in other locations

Additional Information

Vicinity range is too short, increase vicinity radius

Event Timeline

A simple way to deal with the issue is typically cutting up the dead body, might not get all of it but its better than losing it all

Soapierbeat renamed this task from Dead player clipped through wall, cannot loot to Dead player clipped through wall, cannot loot (EXP 1.19).Sep 29 2022, 6:57 PM

Yes, but while there are several other reasons why the body clipping through the wall is an issue, (ex. other players might have heard the shot but not exactly which floor, especially in a tower such as this one, or in front side stairwell in apartment buildings etx.) this simply shouldn't happen. I did end up retrieving the loot, but extra steps shouldn't be necessary. This also leaves open exploits for wall clipping to potentially let players/weapons clip through and glitch kill others creating a disadvantage for those playing within the boundaries of the games supposed limitations.