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Cars Within Proximity
New, UrgentPublic


Driving cars within proximity of other driving cars (a convoy) causes players to desync and flip cars and glitch under the map. It’s like driving cars in this game 3 years ago, awful, nauseating, and leading in death. As if nothing has been fixed since release. It cannot be that hard to fix a game that’s been out for 3 years now on this platform and ALMOST 10 on the original platform. Every “update”, if that’s what you call it sure, that rolls out causes more bugs and glitches than before. It’s frustrating as the game is a classic but the dev team is miles behind in any attempt to save this game, it is broken. Other bugs to note, pouches cannot be accessed in inventory if a holster is attached to the plate carrier, multiple animations are severely bugged by displaying other objects than what’s actually being used (showing a mountain backpack whilst hammering a wall?), most game crashes than ever before in the history of this game with variety of consoles (XSX, XSS, XBO, XBOS). And the removal of fan favorite features such as the old sensitivity slider and now not being able to hold items in hand while in a car, not even a backpack. As many community members said already, this newest 1.17 patch is awful and took the game 8 steps backwards from a game that is known and poked at being buggy and incomplete. The community has heard too many promises that “big changes are coming” just to be delivered sub par added content and twice as many bugs as before being mislead by Bohemia for years.


Operating System
Windows 7
Additional Information

Fix the game or lose player base, too many promises made with little to nothing to show for.

Event Timeline

Lootkey created this task.May 9 2022, 7:19 AM