A player on my server mentioned to me that while he was on another server they turned off the Mushroom/Fruit spawns in the Event.xml file and the game has very little lag, I did some testing and it appears the Mushrooms and Fruit spawns in the Events.xml " player location based " will cause the FPS of players on any server to lag constantly regardless of their location, you will need to reduce those items in the Event.xml file or change the way they spawn in order for the game to run at a constant 30 FPS which no one has seen in a long time, it greatly reduces lag issues with vehicles as well which is amazing on a PlayStation 4.
I changed the following on the items in the Events.xml and achieved almost 30 FPS while on my server:
Shrooms: " Nominal 100 " down from 140 and they have a " min 0 " with a " max 1" down from 2 -4
Fruit: " Nominal 100 " down from 140 and they have a " min 0 " with a " max 2 " down form 2-4