My NVGs have only run out of battery once since the last update so I'm not sure how wide spread it is. When they ran out of batteries (the battery always shows as full when equipped to the NVGs which is annoying), I took them out and replaced them. When I did this, the option to toggle lights after holding RB wasn't showing. I let my friend hold the helmet they were attached to and he couldn't see the NVGs on them nor could he see them on my character's head. I logged out and logged back into the server. My friend could then use the NVGs and could see them however I still couldn't turn them on. I found out that the only way to get the option is also to attach a universal flashlight to the helmet so now when "toggle lights" shows up when holding RB.
The issue happened yesterday and is still ongoing. Stable server MI8650. I can turn my NVGs on, take the flashlight off the helmet, and my NVGs will stay on yet I will not have an option to toggle lights. My friend can wear my helmet and toggle them no problem so it seems to be an issue with my character.