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Car Bug again !!
New, UrgentPublic


The New 1.10 update is now live on PS4. But if make the cars bug way more than before! I've been waiting since Day one till they fix the bug but it is still werck. Car Are trash can. Texture Are way to long to load, that make big screen freeze when your driving. Its worst every Time you Driven Near citys. Could the Devs. fix these magor car Bugs beafor adding New stuff to the game please. I really love this game but im getting tirés of waiting for car fix. Mabe ill just quit playing this game ans never trush or buy boemia interactive Games ever!


Operating System
Windows 7
Operating System Version
Game Freezes

Event Timeline

The New 1.10 update is now live on PS4. But if make the cars bug way more than before! I've been waiting since Day one till they fix the bug but it is still werck. Car Are trash can. Texture Are way to long to load, that make big screen freeze when your driving. Its worst every Time you Driven Near citys. Could the Devs. fix these magor car Bugs beafor adding New stuff to the game please. I really love this game but im getting tirés of waiting for car fix. Mabe ill just quit playing this game ans never trush or buy boemia interactive Games ever

PatethiqueQC changed Severity from None to Major.Nov 20 2020, 6:43 AM
PatethiqueQC changed Reproducibility from N/A to Always.
PatethiqueQC set Operating System Version to 1.10.