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Food and Water Meter stuck after Update 1.23
New, UrgentPublic


After update 1.23 I played for about 2.5 hours and my food and water were stuck at 3/4 full. No matter how much I ate or did not eat. Norrmally the meter fluctuates regularly and often. I also enjoy keeping them both in check. Now, I have no idea if it is actually draining or truly stuck.


Operating System
Windows 7

Event Timeline

It actually takes over twice as much energy to get a max apple icon, so this is likely not a glitch.

Do you mean it takes twice as much energy to get a full apple icon as of this update? Before the update, I would watch the food and water meter rise and fall every 5 minutes or so without fail. I just played for another hour and haven't ate or drank a bit, still at 3/4 on both food and water. I've been sprinting all around too. This has to be a bug. I really liked keeping both icons full. I'm just afraid it may be draining in the background but not showing. I guess I'll find out, but it would honestly be worse if it's actually stuck.

Well it's resolved. Finally. After 3+ hours, my water has reached yellow value. That is crazy. I can't believe they loosened the strictness of eating and drinking that much. I'm honestly disappointed. I can't say it isn't realistic but still.. I used to have to keep a close eye on drinking and eating. Made survival that much more tense, now seems like I won't even notice either. That's a shame.

AreYouChasingMe added a comment.EditedNov 20 2020, 6:32 AM

So actually, they didn't change the max food and water you can have in your body. It's just that before 1.10, it took a smaller portion of food and water to get a max icon. You actually could keep eating and drinking past that and it'd still store it in your body. For example, before 1.10, even if your apple icon was max white, you could eat like 2 pieces of fat afterwards and store all of that food in your body, and it would lengthen the time you can go before needing to eat again.

Thank you for clarifying this for me.