I own a shovel in real life, and this shovel has lasted me quite literally 10 years. I have dug many holes with this shovel, stomped on it, hit it against objects, no zombies, but you get the point. A shovel is a versatile, and sturdy tool. It should not break when digging holes, My shovel is rusty, but that is simply the outside layer. As you dig, it peels the rust off and shows off the inner steel. The only time my shovel broke was when the wooden handle snapped near where it was attached to the shovel part. I wrapped it thoroughly with duct tape and created a splint for my fallen friend, and it worked just like it was brand new. In DayZ my shovel cannot be repaired.
A similar story, my hammer, also lasting the past 10 years of my life, I remember when I was a little boy and I hit every piece of scrap we had in the backyard with the hammer. Hammer on nail, hammer on wood, hammer on metal side of bard. Hammer beats everything, hammer design to be strong. Hammer rust but like shovel, through use it was fine. Only time hammer broke was when wood snapped, and easily repaired with splint and duct tape. In DayZ hammer cannot be repaired.